Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Corazon Salvaje #3 Wed. 2/24 - Don't Throw the Baby Out With the Rainwater

Here is a quick posting spot, maties. I have an unexpected guest arriving at the Villa de Willa any minute so will record and recap late tonight.
Part I -
Maria Rosario and Juan de Dios are forced apart in her bedroom by the vengeful Rodrigo and the more than vengeful Leonarda. Juan who leapt out of the jail window, next leaps off MR’s balcony on to a waiting horse (who put that horse there?) flees the inept troop of horsemen with long rifles who are ordered by the screams of Rodrigo to kill him but who don’t seem able to hit the side of a barn. Juan takes his third leap into the sea to avoid the incompetents. HIs fisherman skills include staying under water for Olympics medal worthy long periods leading to the rumor that he must have drowned in the sea.
Back at Rodrigo’s hacienda the baby is born, Leonarda hands off the swaddled baby to Clemencia who makes a second pass to Celestino who holds his bottle of fire water with more tenderness than the beautiful ill-fated infant. So Celestino drives the doomed baby away in the wagon with more rain and more lightening while Leonarda administers a sisterly ether and pillow smothering as an unusual postpartum treatment for the new mother.
The hapless doctor has had his wagon wheels doctored and is fatally spilled out on the mountainside to assure that he cannot deliver his threat to report the shameless treatment of mother and infant.
Tonight: Crocodile teared Leonarda tells Rodrigo that Maria de Rosario has died. Leonarda is anxious to show off her handiwork leading Rodrigo toward the body but he cannot bear to go see saying she has been dead to him since he found her at the altar with Juan, we sweep back in black and white to his hateful memory of seeing her happy at the altar. He strides down the impressive stairway to take care of a few things just ahead of the whining Leonarda who worries how Dr. Miranda will keep his promise to report to the authorities. Rodrigo assures her not to worry since Dr. Miranda won’t return to tell anything, dead men don’t tell tales (admiten = confess, tell, allow).
Clemencia thanks Celestino for saving the baby, saying God will repay you, this makes him look really worried but a celestial over voice tells us that the storm was an omen (presagio = omen) and the baby did not perish but would survive and be strong like his father, marked by providence. And sure enough the lightening and storm are all around but the baby in the grass is dry in his still clean white blanket.
Back with the loving sister Leonarda who re-administers the ether like liquid while Fulgencio, the man servant looks on. She is already dressed in a thousand yards of black lace and veiled as she pulls a sheet over Maria de Rosario while practicing her mournful sniffles.
Next morning, Rodrigo prepares to leave in his elegant carriage while Clemencia begs to go along, but Rodrigo orders her to help Leonarda prepare things. What things, she asks in innocence. Why, the wake (velatorio = wake for dead person), Maria de Rosario died last night.
Back by the sea, the baby cries in the glen while a small boy carrying a rabbit grabs the note place by the baby but now down the slope a bit, hides it in his waistband and picks up the softly crying infant. . Rodrigo asks Celestino what he did with the infant, but Celestino says he followed Leonarda’s orders...
Back at the tiny village, the boy shows up with the baby and hands him off to a friendly woman who is already surrounded by children so seems to know just what to do. The boy reads the note which merely says this child is named Juan de Dios. She notices the telltale mark on the babies neck (cuello - neck and also collar). We switch to a quick sight of Celestino cryng in remorse and shame. Then to Noel giving sincere regrets to Rodrigo for the tragic loss of M de R. Rodrigo does not miss a chance to vent more hatred and blame the whole thing on Juan de Dios. He tells Noel the “truth” of her dying in chlidbirth but asks for absolute discretion and secrecy. The condolences and promises are interrupted by a servant woman announcing the death of Dr. Miranda.
We see the villagers commenting on the funeral coach in front of the hacienda then up in the bedroom, Leonarda looks woefully at the empty casket and the Fulgencio loads a burlap bag of something, books and clothes into the casket to approximate the weight of a dead woman. Back to the beach, the woman begs her husband to let her keep the foundling and without telling him everything says they will baptize him Juan de Dios as if she had thought up the name herself.
After the break, we return to the drawing room where Rodrigo discusses the fatal accident of Dr. Miranda. The police chief (I presume) mentions that something about it seemed premeditated, but bites his tongue when Rodrigo gives him that look. Noel opines that Dr. Miranda had no enemies, how could this be. When asked about the services for Maria de Roasrio, Rodrigo says her sister just cant’ let go of the body yet, YEAH, we flash to Leonarda and Fulgencio carrying the sheet covered body into the a miserly room (at the Finca del Mar?) As the sheet is taken off, M de Rosario stirs, then Leonarda throws a black veil over her sister's face and cannot bear to look at her again. At the wake, the closed elegant casket causes much confusion and weeping, Later alone, Leonarda assures Rodrigo that she has already donated all of Maria’s clothes to charity as she cannot bear to have sad remembrances lying around. She strokes Rodrigo’s grief torn face but he shirks her caress. Clemencia and Celestino argue more about the disappearance of the baby. Celestino is too drunk to come up with a good story but sober enough to keep from telling the truth.
In the night Rodrigo is awakened with Leonarda in his bed with kisses and caresses. As soon as he figures out what is happening her orders her out of his bed. Leonarda curses him and says the best punishment for his spurning is the loss of Rosario. She swears he will never be happy with anyone else.
The camera pans a grave stone for Maria de Rosario engraved with 1820 - 1851. (and didn’t look a day over 47...) Clemencia says the only thing she has of Rosario's is her rosary which she vows to wear forever. The young woman and man who were at the ill-fated wedding are with her and find out that Juan de Dios is presumed dead and wasn’t there a baby? Yes, but Leonarda demanded that he be hauled off in a wagon and he probably died out on the road. The young woman swears that the baby and Juan can’t be dead,
Maria de Rosario (I’ll just call her Rosario from here) now wearing her black veil is screaming out for Juan de Dios while the Nabor servant looks disturbed and concerned.
Part II -
So sorry this is ever so late and a bit disjointed in the posting. But where were we - Oh yes,
Life proceeds happily for the baby. The bloodied dirty hand of Juan watches as the villagers discuss the disappearance of Juan and his supposed death. Fulgencio tries to strangle Rosario but is stopped by Leonarda and paid off. The soldiers show up at the shore and make grabs at the women and questions the fishermen. A land deal was discussed during the first episode that will drive the fisherman from the valuable beach front property that Rodrigo has designs on. The soldiers taunt the fishermen that Juan de Dios, their savior is dead and what are they going to do. Behind the hut, Juan hears the story of Rosario’s death as they cross themselves.
Noel, swears to be at Leonarda’s side come what may. (pase lo que pase - note the use of subjuncitve). Leonarda announces that they should marry immediately. After the break she is dressed in her lovely bridal gown when Clemencia chastises her for marrying Noel out of spite (por despecho) while she has always loved Rodrigo. The lovely wedding and clouds lead to the bedroom while she thinks about other things and other love while Noel undresses her for their wedding night frolic. We see Rosario crying in the finca prison thinking of her lost love for Juan de Dios.
A young couple are arguing about the need but lack of money, that he says she knew about when she married him. A universal theme but sorry I don’t know who they are yet.
A young couple are arguing about the need but lack of money, that he says she knew about when she married him. A universal theme but sorry I don’t know who they are yet.
Oh this must be the jug swigging Celestino and his pregnant wife who wants him to extract more money from Leonarda to continue the keeping of her secrets.
The precious young boy and his adorable baby “brother” sell food to delighted people in the market place. No one can keep their hands off the magical baby.
Leonarda is as disgustingly self-righteous as a pregnant rich lady as she was a pining old maid. She and Clemencia argue over the memory of the sainted Rosario. Meanwhile Rosario spends her miserable days with a mentally challenged woman who can’t really talk to her, hoping for better days.
Noel hears the first cries of his new baby and hears from Clemencia that it is a son. Leonarda rocks the baby like it were a jug of orange juice to shake up with little tenderness. She is sullen as Noel thanks her for giving him this greatest of gifts. She demands that the baby be named Renato in honor of her father. Already she has established a pattern of talking down to Noel.
The baby Juan is walking and playing on the beach with his beloved big brother, Remedio, while the privileged Renatto is dressed in baby tuxes learning to play piano and write. Juan is learning to trap rabbits. Renatto looks board while Juan learns the joy of spearing fish and tell stories by the fireside but Remedio’s father warns them they better teach Juan to know he is an orphaned outsider, not one of them. Mom protests while the wise young Remedio swears that Juan will be his true brother forever. Renatto looks out the window with boredom and Clemencia expresses her sorrow to Noel that the little boy is so sequestered and isolated.
Back at the bad Finca del Mar, Leonarda is disgusted by the filthy smells and terrified at the black cat the Fulgencio brings to her. She threatens to never come again but Fulgencio threatens even stronger that he will be forced to divulge her secrets and the truth about Rosario and all that is hidden there. Leonarda flees as Fulgencio grins.
Meanwhile Celestino’s wife is teaching their daughter to take things from Leonarda’s drawingroom. Leonarda orders them to get back to the kitchen and the brat (mucosa = snotnose) to her vivienda. Rene asks how things went at Finca del Mar. Oh fine, fine she dismisses him. Then a letter comes from Rodrigo which Leonarda acts so selfish. Rodrigo’s letter promises to return forever with the biggest surprise. Leonarda thinks he is returning to her and prepares her loveliest clothes and the ship bringing Rodrigo and his surprise plys the waters. And here is Rodrigo telling Leonarda how young and lovely she looks but he has something to tell her. Leonarda begins to tell Rodrigo about her unfortunate but not necessarily permanent mistake (marrying Noel) meantime her eyes go wide as the lovely Constanza (same name, same pretty actress as Gancho but looking ever so sweet) is introduced as the love of his life whom he kisses fervently while she reveals her silk and satin clad pregnant belly. Oh there will be more surprises and we can be sure, Leonarda isn’t pleased.
Labels: salvaje
An interesting note here is that Nabor from FELS was the stepfather of Juan de Dios. He was also the care taker of the House that Alejandro and Paula stayed used while spying on Maria Jose' in Sortilegio.
We saw Noel marry Leonarda. Maria del Rosario was drugged and presumed to be dead. I think they hid her in some dungeon in the house or something. I'm not so clear on that yet.
Lots of cute babies and kids in this episode. I recognized the kid who played the youngest version of Mini Juan's "brother", but can't place him. And little kid Juan was played by Chava from Tontas. He doesn't look like he's grown at all since that show- but he does have his front teeth back. And Constanza was played by Constanza from Gancho (Laisha Watkins). Lol! And from the previews, looks like Leonarda wants to bump her off too.
By the end of this thing Leonarda's really going to rack up the crimes. She's doing pretty well so far.
This is your laugh for the day. That is Padre Tadeo, René Casados, who is Noel Vidal in this epic. I give you ½ second to guess who the producer is
more laughs
Not sure when we will see EY, but looking through cast listings and there are quite a few young Juan's listed. One looks like it may be Ivan from Gancho. If that's true, could be next week before EY shows up.
Variopinta.. with CS at 2 horas, what show was not going to be on? I was wondering if perhaps there is no ENDA as they might try to get the final later in the week. Right now, assuming number of Caps is correct, it looks like ENDA might end on a Tuesday?
Rene Casados looks creepy with that hairstyle, eyeliner and mustache. His hair now looks *normal* on him.
Ibarramedia, I think the girl you're talking about is Sabine Moussier. And Noel's "Sweeney Todd" look here is a definite step up.
Hopefully an extra hour on Friday will kick this thing into over-drive. All this backstory seems really dragged out.
Leonarda is a piece of work - she is one angry woman. Leonarda and Maria del Rosario both look too old for these parts. What are they going to look like in FF>> 20 or so years.
Can anyone explain why the two single, youngish women were living with the old guy? What is their relationship other than Leonarda is hawt for him?
Thanks for those clips. I didn't realize that Bruno was Padre Tadeo. I really enjoyed Bruno in La Madrastra. That couple provided lots of fireworks on la Madrastra.
What a treat to see to see Constaza as herself on CS last night. Unfortunately, it's looking as though Leonarda has already added her to her to do list, so I doubt that she'll be around for very long.
Cute kids abound.
Does Johnny Cash have more than just a business arrangement with Leonarda?
Bloody Jimmy F
Lol! rsk- I think Rodrigo, although older than the "young ladies", is not supposed to be old. Just like the actresses playing the sisters, he's way too old to be playing the part. But once things fast forward 20 years, he will be the correct age. I think all of these folks will just look exactly the same, except for maybe different hair, 20 years from now. Since Rodrigo has the same last name as the sisters, and he was their gaurdian, I'm assuming he's a relative from their dad's side, like a cousin or something.
Since Mabel seems to be the only young actor playing a role that will carry over 20 anos despues, how will they age that actress? Or will she just look strangely the same and young? Doesn't it seem odd that in this small fishing village, where all the fishermen seem to know each other, word didn't spread to Mabel and the Amigos de Juan de Dios club that a baby was found abandoned with a note telling them to christen him Juan de Dios? Does this happen everyday? Looks like little Juan stumbled into a loving family though (not counting the father). All his brothers and sisters and his adopted mom gathered around him to give him a big hug after the old bitter man reminded him he's no relation to them. And what a great big brother! He's really more like Juan's father the way he's taken charge of raising him. Not many little boys would have been as happy about trading what looked to be the delicious prospect of a rabbit dinner, for a crying baby. :)
I wondered the same thing about the baby. Unless this village has a steady stream of abandoned babies wouldn't someone put two and two together?
Leonardo looks old enough to be Maria del Rosario's mother.
I think I have gaps of information here. Do all the fisherfolk know that Maria del Rosario was pregnant with Juan De Dios' child? I know Mabel and the other guy knew he was getting married to her. Remember Juan was locked up then he escaped and the flash forward in time showed Maria with the baby bump. I don't think it was public knowledge. Certainly not at the time period because they would be socially ostracized. If I remember correctly, They sneaked out and eloped before getting caught by the soldiers.
The point here is that not a lot knew about the wedding until after Leonarda spilled the beans to an angry Rodrigo. Certainly not too many would even know about the pregnancy.
No one in the fisherman's village even knew the baby was born the night before, so how would they know there is an abandoned child from them. They probably think the name is a coincidence since they think Juan de Dios sr. died. the soldiers told them so.
I don't think Leonarda has actually killed anyone. She told Maria del Rosario the baby was stillborn, and maybe told Rodrigo the baby was dead, but actually sent him away with Celestino. And of course, the baby's still alive.
As is Juan de Dios, the father, right? Wasn't that his grimy hand observing the proceedings on the beach?
Anyway, Leonarda also didn't kill Maria, she just knocked her out, filled the coffin with books, clothes, etc., and Maria is imprisoned, I think in Finca del Mar, with Fulgencia as her paid jailer. Maria has to wear that veil, because Leonarda can't stand to look at her. But she's not dead.
The only person who's dead is the doctor.
So, Leonarda, although despicable, probably tells herself she's not so bad, since she hasn't actually killed anyone.
BTW, I thought it was cute that they showed Renato playing the piano, not interested in going outside, doing the "normal" wild young boy things.
Vivi, maybe the kids sleep in Tupperware.
I don't get Leo. You have Rene, who sure is kind of drippy nice, but cute, and you want one foot in the grave old dude? Really?
Molly, Noel is just too upstanding and boring for Leonarda. She likes the old, evil, ruthless type. :)
Pirate Babe, I was thinking the same thing about the hand we kept seeing, but then when they started the rapid aging we never saw him. But then that would be logical so what the heck was I thinking?
Be patient, I think Colunga will be back after CS, in La dueña de tu amor. Can't wait!!!
bellowing, probably the first sounds out of his mouth when he shows up. I wonder why they think that is acting?
After seeing parts of La Madrastra, I think I see Mejia in a new way, these aren't supposed to be serious, it's just hard to understand comedy in a foreign language. Ya think?????
I know that Leonarda hasn't actually killed anyone (yet), but toward the end of last night's episode, she reminded me of Carloca from ENDA. Her obsession with Rodrigo was reminiscent of Carloca's for Cristóbal. In spite of repeated rejections by Rodrigo, Leonarda is sure that Rodrigo has returned for her. I loved it when instead he introduces her to his new, pregnant wife.
I'm going to have to wait and see what happens or if the put 2 and 2 together about the kid. I think the older Juan will show up a little bit but end up dying. Maybe he will tell the family that found the baby to take care of it. Then again, I don't think he knows that baby is his son unless they tell him, they found him and that the baby had a note that states his name.
Wait a minute, Years have passed. So I guess Juan is dead already.
I wonder if Mabel will be along the ride till the end. I'm questioning how Leonarda could not know that Rodrigo was leaving the next day. there would be a lot of packing and other activity. One does not leave for a few years just like that unless hey are forced from the palace and have to live on exile asap. I guess beanie time for me.
I'm eager to see what Noel will be up to tonight. Mut be interesting being a gatekeeper of sorts.
Then one night i was going through the channels because nothing wasn't really on that night and i saw part of the Gran Final with the villain dressed as a woman. I said to myself is this a comedy or a drama.
Can you refresh my memory of what Chafa means again i know i've seen it here before but i forgot.
As for actors letting themselves aged gracefully, has anyone seen Robert Redford i remember seeing The Way We Were and that was made in what around in the 60's right so Redford is like what nowadays.
He's had so much work on his face it's really tragic how these actors ego's are tied into how they look.
Commercials today are talking about a nueva etapa starting on Friday. So.. we may have our first EY sighting on Friday? How old will he be, 20? 25? :)
In some ways, almost surprised they just didn't show baby Juan as EY in a big baby carriage dressed in a diaper. :)
So Maria del Rosario is 31 years old when she *died*. I suppose Leonarda is 35-41? Hmmm. Rodrigo ahs to be 60 until proven otherwise.
I agree that the catacombs are underground caves near the sea but not really used to house bodies and bones in this case.
Okay now where are those spy glasses to look for our grown up Juan (al hail EY) We are ready.
Weren't the sisters Rodrigo's wards? I think something happened to their parents so they grew up in his house which he eventually the head of household by the time the girls were grown.
Cheryl.. They are hinting (outright saying?) we will get the EY sighting Friday night.
Anon.. What idea, EY in diapers?
I'm so glad that you are back and recapping again. I love your picture of Willa and chum. Your photos are the best. your recap is of course, wonderful, but I keep coming back to that photo. Awesome.
I hope you get chances to rejoin us at least from time to time at Club Gancho. As you already know, it's knee-slappin' funny with some of the best ensemble acting, ever, in a TN.
This show is also shaping up to be a knee-slapper as well. I think that the director, Mejia, is it? knows exactly what he is doing. If he directed la Madrastra,the man is a comic genius.
Constanza (Coni) is definitely a fashionable clothes horse. In this show where bad hair is the order of the day, she had a 'do that was gorgeous. I'm surprised the other actresses let her get away with it.
On a personal note, as you may recall I was reading 2666 at the time you embarked on your Magical Mystery Tour. We are almost done. Passed page 1000 of a little over 1100 pages. If you get a chance, read this remarkable novel. It's exhilarating, depressing and at times exasperating. I will be sorry when it's over.
Thanks for all the welcome notes. My trip into photoland continues apace, the trip to Oaxaca was so divine, I plan to return for 3 months next winter. The trip called cancer scare made January disappear in one gulp but gracias a Dios, no lo tengo nada de nada. I am so glad to be back among you as a recapper again.
Carlos, I really want to read 2666, although I kind of wish it was called 1333. It is intimidatingly long. I have been watching Gancho and agree it is a great laugh. Nothing has been so funny since Yo Amo a Juan Carendon.
And last but not least, a confession: I did not take the wonderful picture of Willa. She is at Cisco's house in this picture, where he is more interested in what is outside. Willa is obviously the daughter of a photographer don't you think? She has known how to pose cunningly since she was a pup. She is 5 and a half now. Cisco is almost 9. They are the dearest of friends and were just romping together on the banks of the Rio Grande.
For telenovela time, they mostly ignore them but will get up to look at dogs and sometimes horses in the stories. Willa admires anything that can run fast but is bored by burros who are just too slow for her taste.
Needless to say that picture and image took awhile for me to forget because ever timing i thought of it i would start laughing.
Lots of familiar faces in this one. Mad BB, I think baby Juan's adoptive mama played Carmela in Alborada and something else in Querida Enemiga.
Maggarita on the fly
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