Wednesday, February 03, 2010

ENDA, Feb. 3, 2010

Cristobal asks Eugenio to help him find a man.

Dr. Bermudez is packing up his office and comes across the ring he was going to give Macarena. He decides to give it to Paloma.

Rufi is looking at a picture of Macarena and confessing to her that she sort of hinted that Paloma was Cristobal's. I thought it would be okay once I found out at the trial that you were going to marry him. I think he should take care of his child.

Gabriel brings Paloma a birthday gift. It's a laptop. She doesn't want to accept it, but he insists. She wants him in her life forever. She has so much to learn from him. He says me too. They gaze at each other and he kisses her on her cheek.

Anamar tells Emiliano that the baby is his also and that they can't take that away from him. Emiliano asks her when she plans to leave. She was only supposed to be here for a couple of days, but doesn't look like she's rushing off. She says she's staying until things are better from him. He needs a friend right now. Emiliano doesn't want to keep her from things that she has to do. She agrees, but says he's more important. She leans in to kiss him, but a nurse interrupts them. The doctor wants to see him.

Rafa and the lawyer are waiting for Diana who is an hour late. She finally comes in and says sorry I'm late, but I wanted to look good. So you know what you’re missing. Although now it is I who wants to divorce you.

Carloca comes home and no one notices her. Paloma shows her the computer that Gabriel bought her. Carloca takes it away and tells Gabriel that Paloma cannot accept such a gift. He tells her that it's more then a gift, it's for Paloma to use for further learning in his class. She doesn't have the money for it until she gets her inheritance. It's a loan which she will pay back to me. Paloma and Rufi laugh and Carloca gets onto Paloma for laughing. She points out that some men will do things for you, but want something in return. Gabriel says that's not the case. Rufi agrees and says that she would be with Paloma along with Dr. Bermudez and who knows who else. We will take better care of Paloma then you did. Paloma takes back the computer.

Diana signs the divorce papers and Rafa thinks to himself that if only all this happened before Camila married Orlando. Diana thinks to herself that Rafa will be sorry he divorced her once he realizes how wonderful she is. Then out loud tells him that Camila married another. And that the woman he's with will also leave him. Rafa says so that's why you finally gave me the divorce. Because Camila married another. Well yes replies Diana. At this time I don't care to lose you, but I swore to myself that you were not going to be with her. And it happened.

Orlando asks Camila if she's feeling better now. Camila says she overreacted. With Samuel there was so much lies, that a part of me doesn't trust. Orlando says that he didn't feel right talking to her about Emiliano's feelings. It is a problem between him and Romina. We should not get involved. Camila agrees. She knew they wouldn't last but didn't imagine it would happen so fast. Orlando says let's not let this spoil our honeymoon.

Emiliano informs Anamar that the doctor tells him that the baby can go home Friday. Anamar gets excited and kisses him.

Carloca walks into her study pissed and looks for Dr. Bermudez address. She says out loud that first it's Dr. Bermudez then Cristobal.

Emiliano tells Anamar that he doesn't want her to confuse things. He tells her that they had great times together in the past, but he considers her a friend now. I love another woman and she's in my heart. There is no room for anyone else. Not even I asks Anamar. No not even you replies Emiliano.

Carloca is lurking outside Dr. Bermudez house. Tries the door, but finds it locked. Dr. Bermudez drives up. She runs off without him seeing her. Comes back after he gets in his house and figures out a way for her to get in.

Eugenio and Cristobal keep talking about the mystery man and Carloca. Eugenio says that Carloca's very observant and obsessive. He's going to help him. Eugenio makes a call for a man to come quickly to Real de Monte.

Romina gets a call from Camila asking her how she's doing. Romina thinks she's on her way to her, but Camila says I'm still on my honeymoon. Camila reminds Romina that she knew this was going to happen, but insisted on marrying Emiliano anyway. Romina doesn't want to be lectured and can't believe that she's abandoning her. Camila says she's not. She's talking to her on the phone. If it was an emergency she would be there, but it's not. And she's not suspending her honeymoon for this. Romina says fine. Then don't call me while your there and don't tell me how wonderful of a time your having with your husband. While I am here alone and just abandoned by my husband. Then hangs up on her.

Romina gets another call and thinks it's her mother. I said don't call shouts Romina. But it's Emiliano. She gets all soft spoken and asks him if he misses her as much as she misses him. He ignores her and asks if she's been to the hospital today. Yes lies Romina. For a little while. Then you already know says Emiliano. What asks Romina? The doctor tells me the baby can come home Friday. Romina pretends she knew this and says I was going to call you. I want for both of us to go and get him. Emiliano agrees. Then Romina says I want us to all be together here for the first night.

Eugenio introduces Cristobal to an artist so that he can describe how Paloma's fake daddy looks like.

German is at a bar drinking and reminiscences about his conversation with his boss about Carloca. His boss gets onto him. German tries to defend himself, but his boss fires him. He keeps on drinking. Liliana and Eric are at the same place. She runs off to go to the ladies room and sees him. She says I heard you got fired. Your little boyfriend must have told you replies German. It was an injustice. Injustice asks Liliana. Things can change.

Luz and Gabriel are having coffee and tell each other they think things are going bad in their respective relationships.

Madeleine is excited that Cristobal wants to talk to her. Eugenio tells her that Cristobal's hurting though. He doesn't know when Cristobal plans to see her, because right now he's having problems. Madeleine wants to know, but Eugenio says you'll find out soon. He gets a call from Carloca. She wants to talk to him about business. They agree to meet in a few days. He says he'll pick her up.

Gabriel tells Inez that Rafa is a good man. He's offering to share his life with you. Luz agrees, but doesn't want to get married. Marriage destroys relationships. Gabriel disagrees. His parents were very happy together. Rafa is not just offering marriage for you to be together, but also to help you get Xiochi. I think that this is the first time you really feel something for someone and it scares you. Luz agrees. She's scared. Gabriel says give it a chance. Luz says she'll think about it. She changes the subject to Paloma. He says not much can happen. I don't have a lot of time. Never have I wanted to live like I do now. But don't tell anything to my dad about this.

Juanita serves Diana dinner. Diana wonders if Samuel has called her today. Juanita says no one. Diana runs to the phone and calls Samuel. No answer. She leaves a message for him to call her. Turns out Samuel's in bed with another.

Luz comes home and Rafa tells her he's finally divorced. They talk about his marriage proposal to her. He tells her to forget it. He knows how uncomfortable it makes her. She asks if he has changed his mind. Of course not replies Rafa. Luz proposes to him. He accepts.

The artist is done with the drawing and Cristobal shows Eugenio and Gabriel the picture. Gabriel claims to know him. But where? Eugenio tells the artist guy to give the picture to the police.

Paloma is at church reading from the bible. Carloca notices Madeleine behind her and asks Rufi if that is Crisotbal's mother. Yes replies Rufi. Carloca glares at her. After church Madeleine stops Paloma from leaving. She tells Paloma that at the trial she noticed that she looked like someone she knew. Who's that asks Paloma. My mother replies Madeleine. She pulls out a locket from her purse and shows Paloma a picture of her mom and dad. (Looks like Paloma and Emiliano to me) Paloma says we look alike to Rufi. Isn't that weird?

Gabriel tells Eugenio that he was up all night thinking about who the mystery man was. Eugenio says don't stress yourself out. He gets a call from someone who I think has found the guy.

Cristobal gets a visit from his Excellency who informs him that the church wants him back. Cristobal is overcome with emotion and cries. The phone rings and its Eugenio.

Camila and Orlando are swimming in the sea, petting lizards, going scuba diving, jet skiing and just having a grand time.

Rafa and Luz pick up Xiochi. She's theirs.

Cristobal calls Carloca and wants to talk. He wants to meet at a hotel. Carloca is excited. Cristobal hangs up and Eugenio tells him perfect.

Carloca pulls up to the hotel all excited. She's dressed in her favorite color. She knocks on the door and Cristobal opens the door. Carloca is wearing a very low top with her bosoms hanging all out. She walks in and is all nervous. Cristobal looks at her and says there not alone. It's Paloma's fake daddy. Cristobal asks her why she lied. Because I am Paloma's real father. Carloca muy impactada.

Manana: Cristobal confronts Carloca about her lies.


Thanks fo the recap, Gloria.

I was puzzled by Liliana'a remark, "injustice? Things can change."

What do you think she meant by that remark??? Is she still interested in him??? Or was she telling him, he can change for his own good.


Good recap. My reaction to the action last night was to do a
Touchdown--Gol--Whatever. It's the first crack in the Purple Rain Cloud we've all been waiting for. Cris is sure now that he's Paloma's daddy. I can't wait to see how Carloca tries to wiggle out of this one.

Why does she need to off Dr. Bermudez? Is it just to keep Paloma and Rufi from going to MDF? If she does, won't the finger point right to her? Oh, of course, the police detectives in RDM are all drinking the same water.

Gloria, your details are always so descriptive and complete as was this. Wonderful - thank you.

The writers are cleverly continuing to throw us curveballs. Expect the unexpected. Orlando and Camila going through with their ceremony was a surprise, but did anyone think Luz would actually agree to marry Rafa? I didn't. If Rafa and Camila are fated to be together, the complications are multiplying daily.

I loved the little smirk Paloma gave Carlota when she took her laptop back. I'm hoping she will keep up her "can't touch me" attitude if she isn't able to leave as planned. Unfortunately, with so many episodes left, it's just too early for her to evade Carlota's grasp.

Was Dr. B spared only so he could find Alonzo's letter? Carlota usually has her victims delivered to her. Making a house call will be a new experience for her. Hoping the unexpected call from Cris derailed her plans. The good doctor is supposed to leave with Rufi and Paloma tomorrow, right? Of course i night can turn into an eternity here.

Anon, Carlota does want to kill Dr. B to keep Paloma with her (and miserable).

Ann, you posed a good question. I think Lili was telling German he can still change his destiny. I agree and think it's now or never. He should bring the copy of the real will forward. He can rectify the lies about Paloma's inheritance and reveal Carlota's motives for her lies. He will have to serve time but this is his chance for redemption. While I don't think he's been smart enough to connect the dots between the will and the murders, Eugenio certainly is.


Super recap, Gloria. Thanks for filling in some of the details I didn't get.

I was confused about why Germy was fired. Does the other lawyer know what he did, and if so, why wouldn't he be denouncing Carlota as well? I am so hoping Germs will redeem himself.

Love, love, love watching Eugenio and Cris reel in Carloca, and Paloma asserting a little independence. She and Rufi need to get out of that house ASAP.

I agree that Lili was telling German he had a chance to change his life. I had to laugh however when he got fired because he was so shocked. He also knows now that TPV wanted him gone so perhaps he will step up and spill the beans about the inheritance. He might show up at Paloma's birthday and do it there, that is if there ever is a party.

Big surprise at Luz and the proposal and Camila telling Romina not to bother her unless it was an emergency. It's way passed time that she cut the apron strings and let Ro learn the error of her ways.

Absolutely loved Emoon telling the pushy skank from Monterrey that she was nothing but a friend to him and would never be anything else. The look on her face was priceless. One more over confident chick getting taken down a peg.

Paloma still has a spine. Loved the way she snatched the computer back from Carlotta and her snippy comments about her inheritance. The Purple One definitely didn't like that reminder.

Rhetorical question here - is Carlotta completely insane. She goes walking out at night to Doc B's house without a purse (small detail but I never leave my house without one) and boldly scopes out the place. I just love the mental picture of her, after testing out the trellis and vines climbing up in the middle of the night to off the good doc. Obviously no one in RdM goes out at night and would even notice a women climbing up the ivy.

Loved, loved, loved how fast DonE and Cris figured out who the mystery father was and set up the trap for TPV. Her confrontation tonight should be magic. If I were writing it I would have her tell Cris she only lied so that Paloma would never know that her real father was a drug addict or married or some fanciful lie. Then I'd have Cris go to Rufi for a lock of Paloma's hair so that he could go to Doc B for paternity testing and put the question to rest once and for all.

Loved the scene when Madeleine showed Paloma the locket but wished the scene had gone on a bit longer and that Paloma found out that the woman was Cris' mother.

I can't help but wonder if in the end Cris will go back into the Church.


German got fired because Carlotta pretty much demanded it. The boss didn't want to lose his best client. And if I recall he knows a thing or two about Miss Purple as well and has his own dirty dealings with her.

If Paloma wasn't so rude, she would know who Madeleine is. She totally ignored her when she interrupted the conversation with Rufi in the courtroom, which would have been the perfect time for introductions, and she missed a second chance to show a tiny bit of interest in the nice old lady last night.

I did think Paloma had a nice conversation with Madeleine in church. Paloma appeared to be nonplussed that Madeline's mother bore such an uncanny resemblance to her. She looked thoughtful but don't think she made the connection.

Rufi seemed to be encouraging their conversation while Carlota threw daggers in their direction.

Decie girl, from the happiness on Cris' face, I think he will go back to the church. I had hoped he might end up with Nat with Sangrario and Paloma as a family.


Decie girl the lawyer with questionable dealings concerning Carloca was Rojas who she paid off. Ernesto is the ony good lawyer besides Eugenio who hasn't done any shady underhanded stuff.

He's also the lawyer who helped Paloma press charges against Aron when he attacked her. His pregnant wife used to work for Orlando.

Now where's gossip guy and his wife when you need them, no one saw a suspicious women trying to enter a house not so late at night?

Yeah i would love to see the purple one scaling the side of Dr.B house and does the side she scale up to i guess she assuming the window will be open for her to enter.

Just like she would think he would leave the front door of his house unlocked for her to enter.

Surprised at the Luz turn around on marriage but she is still Rafael's rebound relationship.

Rufi when are you going to stop baiting La Loca?

Now we all know La Loca is insane but first Dr.B and then she is going to bump off Cris? When Cris called her to meet him at the hotel she was off to hot to trot get down and dirty with him wasn't she.

Thanks, Gloria, great recap!

German was booted from the law firm because Carlota didn't want him handling her business. I don't think anyone at the firm suspects he was bought, just that he's not that great a lawyer. The other lawyer (managing partner?) also said he hadn't brought in one new client while subbing for Rojas. And that he was hiring a "rainmaker" who had a bunch of clients to bring along.

Yes, how great was it to see La Loca think she's finally going to get her claws on Cris, only to discover fake dad also in the hotel room!

Boy they sure are making us worry and wonder if Carloca is going to succeed with Bermudez. He dodged the bullet once, but it's too early for Paloma to go to DF. So things don't look good for the good doctor.

They sure are making it look like Camila and Orly will stay together and Rafa and Luz. That was kind of quick the way they got the child. They didn't show a wedding. Or was it enough to say they'd set a date? Hard to imagine it taking two divorces for Cam and Rafa to end up together.

I knew Cris would end up "back in the habit again". Once a priest, always a priest, in TNs. The bishop even said he was reinstated right then, but he didn't wear the collar to meet with the Purple One. She'll come unglued when she finds out about the reinstatement. Maybe that will be the push to bring out the fake photos to show the bishop.

We know Carloca wants to make Paloma suffer because she's Mac's daughter with Cris and she reminded by it by Paloma's existence but the inheritance stipulates that in order for her guardian to have access to the money Paloma must reside with her. So while Carloca driving force is to make Paloma miserable everyday of her life because she herself is a miserable person because the man she wants does not desire or want her ever. She needs the money from Paloma's inheritance to have the power that she can wield.

German got what he deserved it was way too long overdue for him as far as i'm concerned.

As for Orlando i don't believe him that's why he didn't share with Camila how Emiliano felt about getting a divorce.

It is a plausible explanation for her, i just felt her reaction was delayed because she should have acted like that with him on their wedding day.

I did like hearing tell RoMEMEna that she not catering to her every little whim and unless it's not a emergency don't call. RoMEMEna certainly did not like hearing that;

Oh too bad this is where miss brattiness needs to face the consequences of her devious manipulations.

Sorry that picture still did not look like the actor Carloca hired to play Paloma's dad. Can anyone on this novela draw?

What a tag team Eugenio and Cris to fight the Purple beast. I wonder what Carloca wants to speak to Eugenio about.

I don't think the adoption happened that fast. Maybe they just got approval as foster parents while they process the adoption stuff.

Qué in the heck is wrong with Paloma, is what I want to know. When a nice, hot young gentleman wants to kiss you, just go for it. You don't have to fall madly in love with him or get married or anything.

great recap Gloria. Thank you again for such detail.

Lots of good moments tonight and a few new twists. Could have done without the vacation reel with Camilla and Orlando, but maybe this is a way to convince viewerville that they are the real deal despite Orly's lack of honesty on the Houston deal? Maybe somehow the writers plan to have them weather that and stay together. To be honest, I like Luz and Rafa together better than Camilla and Rafa.

So Anamar gets put in her place. I guess she mainly showed up to tick Romeme off and make Emi realize he doesn't need to stay in his marriage. So for that, I guess she had some worth.

I think Cris will go back to the church. Mac was the love of his life, so I don't think he would decide to go off with anyone else even when he finds out Pal is his. She's over 18, so it's a little late to be a "family" with anyone. She'll just be in his life.

Could that ending have been any better? I am loving our Eugenio. The man is magic!! Now if Germy decides to turn to the light and teams up with Eugenio with what they both know on La Loca...oh, what fun that could be! Though I would like to see her climb that trellis. maybe she'll wear a deep purple ninja outfit?

I think the photos of Cris and Carloca are a non-issue now. When they were showed to viewerville, it was Cris splayed out on the floor with his eyes closed and Carloca was hovering over him administering mouth-to-mouth. I don't think it would be hard to discredit them. And Padre M can verify the night that PJC was drugged.

After the way the church treated him, I'd love to see PJC in some other profession, maybe social work.


Love the image of the Purple Ninja scaling the good Doc's house. Would so love to see that. The purple hits just keep coming. I wonder if she will end up in prison and throw a hissy fit since the jump suits would be orange not purple.

Gloria, thank you for your very helpful recap and the comments help to clarify things for me as well.

All I can add is that it was LOL when Madeleine pulled out from her purse the photo of her mother (Paloma's grandmother, of course) and lo and behold, she is a spitting image of Paloma. But it is much better than Grandpa's photo from MEPS which was obviously Anibal with a huge fake moustache. And the best artist is... the sketch artist not Gabe or Pal as I thought the drawing resembled fake dad a little bit. I was amazed at how quickly Eugenio gets things accomplished. He can do things in one day or night, that usually takes weeks, months or never by the other characters. I like the idea of Chris getting a sample of Pal's hair so that Chris can counter any argument that Loca might come up with in the future. If he had done that DNA match eons ago when he had a suspicion that he was Pal's dad, he would have saved himself a lot of misery and doubt.

It will be interesting to see how Carloca plans to enter poor Dr. B's house. Removing a large trellis in front of a house doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Or is she going ninja as mentioned? Is Dr. B's house the only one in RdM without iron bars on the front windows?


Thanks for the recap Gloria.

So the baby is coming home to live with RoMEANa? Yikes! Poor Bernardo. With any luck, he'll have a good nanny and will never see the blonde B#%&@.

Dona Gringuita

Thanks for the recap Gloria.

We thought Carloca was unhinged before, I can't imagine how nasty she is going to be they get done with this intervention. Look out everyone. Maybe this time she'll figure out pJC does not want anything to her.. again, watch out everyone.

It sure didn't take long to get the sketch guy out to RDM and for them to find the fake dad, less than a day?

Need to get Dr. B out of RDM real darn soon. So Carloca is planning to climb up the ivy covered trellis to get into the house? Que?

Glad to see Camila settled down a little bit. As she told RoMEE, you know it was going to happen. RoMEE is going to be all by herself.. except perhaps Germ if she lets him in.

Why can't Pal have the computer? It's her birthday besides. But.. I suppose Carloca is right about a lot of men, we might want something in return.

Saw the pictures that Madeleine had, que, Emoon and Paloma? Would have expected Pal, but Emoon, too?

I would think pJC will again become PJC (more P). I think for him it is either Mac or God (big G, not to be mistaken with the little g someone commented about the other day) and no one else.

Anon 01:51, yes I didn't think he looked like the fake dad either. However, I think it was a good drawing.. just someone else. :)

daisynjay.. ITA, the vacation reel of Cam and Orly. Yawn.. are we done with this yet? And the purple ninja, can't wait to see that.

decie girl: Maybe that is her ultimate punishment, no eye makeup and no purple. Oh how she'll suffer.

jeff: You know, I forgot about that as well and I remember thinking...what the h---? myself seeing a pic that was supposed to look like Emotetoomuch. wouldn't that be a little creepy and maybe sort of wrong...wouldn't that make the guy her great-grandfather if it's someone older. Or could it be Emi now and somehow Madeleine is connected to him? My head hurts...

Actually i didn't think the locket looked too much like Emoon but something has been bugging me this afternoon. Does Don Sexy Voice know that Cris thinks he is Paloma's father or is he just helping cause he is a good guy. He did tell Madeline that Cris was worried about something.

As for Cris going back into the Church it makes sense but only if he goes to another parish. Either that or have a mass confession session for all the haters who considered him to be a low class, skirt chasing murderer. I could see him presiding over Paloma's wedding which would be a nice and different touch.

Now thanks to all the Purple ninja talk I can't get that stupid song, They were kung foo fighting out of my head. LOL

Purple ninjas and the song everyone was kung fu fighting LOL boy i love this site priceless.

Debbie if you're doing tonight's recap please put up a comment section for Friday thank you.

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