Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ENDA Tuesday February 16. A lot of yelling, but a few good slaps make it all worthwhile.

Yes, it is the beginning of the end for our villains, no matter how much they lie, deny, and cry. The good guys are going to hang them out to dry.

From yesterday: Romina blows some metaphorical snot all over Cristóbal.

Camila, Meche, and Mónica powwow regarding the falsified results of the first paternity test. Could Romina have finagled it alone? Must have been the baby’s real father who helped her, right? Well, what about someone else, someone who wanted Romina to marry Emiliano? Who could that be? Meche tells them about Carlota’s cloak-and-dagger routine to hand an envelope to the clinic person the day of the test. “Could Carloca have bribed them to change the results?” asks Mónica. “Yes,” says Camila. “Yes, she could.”

Back in the waiting room, Emiliano drags Germán in with excessive force and yells at Romina that he’s brought her amante to take a paternity test and help the baby. Deny, deny, deny, says Romina’s one-track mind. Germy readily admits that the baby has to be his, and his mother died of cystic fibrosis. Romina continues denying, loudly.

New: “It’s all a lie! I love you, Emiliano!” Romina shrieks, dropping to her knees and clinging to him like a barnacle. “You don’t love anyone, not even yourself! I never want to see you again!” he retorts, and rages out. Rabid Romi turns her rancor on Germán, who just looks sad (well, what you can see of him through the blood looks sad). She snarls that he should have lied. {I hope some of the hospital staff are recording all this.} He says she never loved him or the baby, she just used them to trap Emiliano. Romememena admits it and says that’s all Germs was good for, to be used and thrown out like the trash he is. Auch. A nurse finally tells them to stop making a scene. Germs calmly asks for some help getting his wounds patched up and goes away with the nurse. Romi collapses in a chair, in absolute disbelief that her stupid lies and manipulations have backfired.

Orlando is back in his office, lamenting to long-suffering Angélica that Camila won’t go with him to Houston now, with the baby so sick. “Yes, that is really unfortunate about the BABY,” says Ange. What with everything going on, muses Orlando, probably Emiliano won’t want to go either. “Um, duh,” says Ange, but more politely. “But you could go! You know the business!” Angélica smiles, pleased that her few months of sitting at the reception desk has taught her so much.

Padre Benito is pleased to hear from Obispo Calixto that they are willing to make Cris a priest again, but he thinks Cris should be given as much time as he wants to mosey back to the church. No, says the bishop. Just enough time to arrange his personal affairs.

Ange asks Orlando for permission for a little time off before they go to Houston. She and Miriam want to go to Mexico City to deal with their accusation against Darío. Orly grudgingly consents.

Natalia tells Eugenio via phone that Efraín, the investigator, thinks Alonso went after Carlota for killing Iñaki, and that’s what did him in. Efraín is willing to continue helping them.

Paloma and Gabriel arrive back at Misery Manor by chauffeured fancy car, all holding hands and lovey-dovey. They agree they are novios. Well, now that that’s settled, smoochy-smoochy. Dang, where’s Emiliano when we need him to appear? He’s falling down in his stalker duties. {I must say, as much as I like Gabriel and think he’s way better for Paloma than Emo, these two actors do not look at all comfortable kissing each other.}

Out on the street, Emiliano tells Camila that Germán is the baby’s father. Cami is all apologies, but he says he doesn’t blame her; this is all Romina’s fault. Emo says he still cares about the baby, so he asks Cami to let him know how he’s doing.

Paloma has foolishly ventured into the gothically gloomy confines of Misery Manor, where Cruel reams her out for having dared to leave the house without permission. “I don’t need permission!” says Paloma. “My house, my rules!” bellows Cruel. “Fine! I’ll move out!” Crueloca says she can’t leave because she has no place to go. Doc B is gone, and Gabriel left and is dying besides. “Gabriel’s back, and I’m going to go live with him!” says Paloma, still not having learned that she should never tell Carloca anything.

{Hilarious previews of Camila as an olde-tymey dame in CS, wailing about getting married to Juan de Dios, and wailing some more when she’s told her baby is dead. I’m not sure it’s supposed to be a comedy, but…}

Miriam and Angélica consult with a lady we may have seen before, but I don’t remember. She might be the editor. Or maybe she’s a lawyer. I don’t know. Anyway, they want progress on the legal front, and soon. It took them awhile to decide because they were afraid of Darío´s threats, but no more. The lady says there’s hope even though the dirtbag has already registered their work. They’ll get some peritos (experts) to certify that it’s their work, then start a lawsuit. Miriam and Ange just need to get together any drafts and files they have to support their claims.

Rufi tells Paloma that the baby is very sick. Paloma wonders whether she should go to the hospital to visit. Rufi thinks that would just be throwing fuel on the fire. Paloma tells Rufi that she and Gabriel are novios. Rufi is thrilled and asks whether they’re way in love. Eh…no, not so much, says Paloma, but she really cares about him, and there are different kinds of love. Good enough.

Also thrilled is Eugenio. “That’s more like it!” he says. “You could live a long time yet!” Gabriel doesn’t want to talk about the future. He says he and Paloma have decided to just live and be happy one day at a time. He’s still a little mad that Eugenio told Paloma his big secret, but Don E says he really had no choice after she found out anyway. Well, now Gabriel doesn’t have to pretend or run away from Paloma, so he’s glad Don E and Tia Loca played Cupid. Big hug.

Darío assaults Miriam and Angélica in the parking garage as they leave their meeting. Some guy driving in, who looks familiar but I’m tired, is mysteriously unseen by them as he whips out his camera and records the action. “With this, I’m going to the primera plana (first level?),” he says with satisfaction. I’m not sure what he means by that, but he plans to do something with the recording.

Camila is back at the hospital, reaming out Romina, who has somehow not yet wandered off for a manicure or some shopping. Lots and lots of furious yelling, containing: a. you nasty two-timer, b. coerced marriage, c. didn’t I teach you any values?, d. lies lies lies, e. selfish, f. faked paternity test, g. was it Carlota or Germán who helped you? After Cami shoves Romi onto the sofa, Romi finally cracks and says it was Carlota, who didn’t want Emiliano with Paloma. Even though she already pretty much knew this, Camila is still shocked. Romina tries to pretend that Carlota made her do it, but Cami’s garden doesn’t need fertilizing, so she ain’t buying it.

Carloca paces her study, muttering that Paloma keeps making her do things. Unfortunately, she can’t do anything to Gabriel until she figures out what happened to Doc B. But who could be sending her those anonymous messages?

Emiliano takes up his well-practiced pose, mooning under Paloma’s balcony. He gives up after only a few seconds.

Darío storms into Lucila’s office and demands her help denouncing those horrid women who accused him of plagiarism. Nothing doing. She throws him out.

Germán calls Liliana from the emergency room and asks her to come to the hospital, saying it’s urgent.

The police detectives pay a visit to Misery Manor to ask a few questions regarding Doctor Bermúdez. Carlota puts a little too much smiling and wide-eyed innocence into her insistence that all this can have nothing to do with them.

A nurse tells Natalia that “he” hasn’t improved, he’s still the same. Natalia sits on the bed and tells the patient he has to get better, and I guess the actor was finally available because we get to see that it is, indeed, Doc B lying there.

Rufi tells the detectives what time Doc B dropped her off at home after the party. Carloca says she was home earlier, as Cris can verify. Then she pretends to have a moment of shocked realization. “Cristóbal was out wandering the streets late at night! Gosh, could he be a serial killer?” “Oh, shut up,” says Paloma. “He’s probably got the doctorcito’s corpse stashed somewhere!” says Loca. “Or maybe he’s got the doctor stashed somewhere, alive and kicking,” says Rufi, with a disgusted glare at Cruel. (She says vivo y coleando, alive and wagging).

Eugenio recounts the story for Madeleine and Cris, as we see in flashback that Doc B called him and he rushed over, and the doc only managed to say “Carlota” before he passed out. Eugenio called a doctor friend and they had Doc B taken to the city in an ambulance and kept it quiet to protect him. “Isn’t it a crime to hide this?” asks Cris. Eugenius says it’s all under control. He’s sure that Carlota tried to kill Doc B, though, and probably killed others. Madeleine wonders why she hasn’t been arrested, then. Eugenius says they don’t have enough evidence, and the doc can’t denounce her until he wakes up. {Oh, come on! All you need is an anonymous note!} So, he is trying to gain her confidence so he can push her to the limit. “Carlota has won a lot of battles, but she is not going to win the war,” says Cris. Uh, Cris, maybe you might want to get your daughter and her long-suffering pseudoabuela and her new novio out of the line of fire. Just a thought.

Liliana arrives at the hospital and Germy tells her he is an idiot. She does not argue with that. Germs says he wants to be with her; she says too late. He says his baby could die the same way his mother did, and gets genuinely teary at the idea. Lili says she really hopes not, and it’s a shame that Germán has ruined his entire life when he had everything. Is this rock bottom? Might he be redeemed? He begs Lili not to leave him alone, but she does.

On her way out, Lili sees Romina in the waiting room. “Since Paloma won’t do this, I will,” Lili says, and she slaps Romi so hard she knocks her back onto the sofa. Then she calls her a zorra.

After the detectives leave, Paloma yells at Tia Loca for accusing Cris. Carloca says even though Cris was found innocent, she’s more and more convinced that he’s a farsante (fraud). “Why all the hate and bitterness?” asks Paloma. “Look, you daring little brat, you are nobody to judge me! Don’t provoke me! You’ll follow my rules and do what I say!” bellows Auntie Maim. After Cruel storms away, Rufi says tia gives her gooseflesh (se me enchina la piel).

Luz tells Rafael about the abusive boozer’s threats. He’s worried and doesn’t want her to go out alone. Luz says she’s fine; they say guys like that just want to intimidate (anvils? Let’s hope not). The silver lining is, since he’s got his sights on Xochitl, they want to expedite the adoption so the little tyke will have parents to protect her. So, they’re getting married! Rafa looks thoughtful and swallows hard.

Liliana bounces into the house and squeals to Paloma that she has good news. “Me too!” giggles Paloma, unable to wait. “I’m Gabriel’s novia!” This happy momento is followed by something even more satisfying: Camila has followed Lili in, and she slaps Carlota across the face. There is a whole lot of fury fueling that hit. “How DARE you connive to change the paternity test results so Emiliano would marry Romina, when you knew perfectly well that the father was Germán?!” Behind her, Paloma is impactada. Carlota spews her usual lines: “How DARE you accuse fine upstanding pure me of such things?! Get out of my house!”

“Tia? Is this true?” asks Paloma, who has not yet figured out that the louder Carlota gets, the more she’s lying. “Your daughter is a slut, and you’re a bad mother! Don’t try to blame me for your filth!” Cruel yells at Camila. Cami says she will get proof, and Crueloca is going down hard. On her way out, Cami warns Paloma and Rufi to be very careful, because they are living with the enemy. Lili hastily departs. Cruel continues yelling. Rufi and Paloma both look very concerned, and I don’t know why they don’t both just run like hell.

Confab at the platería. Anamar is there, of course. Emo says something about Romina and Germán only having been together one time. Ummmm, I don’t think it was only once, says Ange. She restates her previous assertion, that it’s unbelievable Emo could possibly have spawned a child on the supposed night, of which he remembers nothing. Well, regardless, Emo is having a really hard time giving up the child he had come to love.

Paloma tells Rufi that she doesn’t want to believe the accusations against Crueloca, but part of her does. Rufi says it’s not hard for her to believe since she knows for sure that Cruel is a vicious liar. They agree that they don’t want to stay in that house any longer. They will find a room to rent or something. Rufi says they can use her savings, and Paloma says she will work, and she will have her engagement ring re-appraised and sell the necklace Tia Loca gave her for her birthday if she has to.

Natalia tells Eugenio via phone that Doc B still has not improved. He asks her to keep him posted the minute something changes. Nat confesses to him that she sent a little anonymous note to Carlota.

The doctora tells Camila, Romina, and Germán that Germs is definitely the father of the baby. Romina, surprisingly, has stopped denying it. The doc tells them that cystic fibrosis is incurable, but Bernardito is already recovering well from the current crisis, and with treatment he can live a mostly normal life. She recommends that they all get some rest now, before they come back to learn how to care for the baby’s special needs. Germy looks relieved that the baby is doing better. Romi stares stoically the other direction. After the doc leaves, Romina snottily tells Germán to take good care of the baby he wanted, but don’t count on her. Camila is livid.

Avances: Paloma thinks Cris may be her father. Romina still won’t give up on trapping Emiliano.

Theme dicho (said by Liliana to Germán): Cada quien recoge lo que siembra. Everyone reaps what they sow.


Julia thanks so much for another humorous recap.

I don't know which slap i enjoyed more both were so satisfying and so was Paloma standing up to her Auntie maim.

I thought maybe Eugenio had sent the letter i can't believe i didn't think of Natalia.

Yes Paloma it's time move out of the house of abuse,good for Rufi saying what a vicious liar La Loca is too.

It's about time Camila you tell your hell spawn about herself,you should have gotten her that therapist when she tried to commit suicide.

I just love how Eugenio also believes that Carloca has killed other people too,but since thay all believe she is capable of murder wouldn't it be wise to remove Paloma and Rufi from that dreaded house?

Hi Julia. Loved your little rhyme at the beginning and you got a lot of funnies in there. Romina clinging to Emiliano like a "barnacle" was a great image. "Camila's garden doesn't need fertilizer". Hah! Love the way you write. And thanks for highlighting that dicho. I imagine, because of the Bible, that most countries in w
Western Europe and here have that saying.

About the guy in the car snapping photos and "premier plan". I think it may have been a newspaper guy who now thinks he'll get headlines and front page on the plagiarism story. That's my guess anyway. I was appalled he didn't step in though to defend the ladies. It was getting quite violent there.

In fact, quite a violent night. Yelling, screaming, huge slaps. This wimpy Anglo-Saxon was horrified. Oh well...telenovela action. Big and over the top.

I love this novela, but that Anamar character is a waste of script. There is enough drama in this novela without having to add her useless character to the scheme of things. She really has no purpose. Really, Emilibobo and Romeme are disfunctional marriage that wont last? DUHH Really!! We didn't need her half naked character to prove that. Univision could have saved the money on her character and spent it on more realistic special effects for Carlocas brutal killings. Or better yet, used it for an upgrade on a better looking, less annoying, leading male character.

PLEASE UNIVISION, IF YOU ARE READING THIS BLOG, WE WANT INAKI!! WE WANT INAKI!! Is there anyway you can change the ending? You can bring Inaki back to life, thats what American soap opras do all of the time. If you can't do that, just let Paloma stay with Gabriel. Even if they do kiss like brother and sister, its better than seeing her with Emilibobo. I would go the Univision website to plead my case but I don't want an virus. :)

Thanks for another great recap Julia. A lot of swinging action tonight. It didn't seem like Lili hit RoMEE that hard, but she went down. Good job by Camila just hauling off and hitting La Loca without talking about it. Do you believe Tia Loca Rufi? Do you believe Tia Loca Paloma? Just tell it like it is Rufi and get back the Virgen you gave La Loca to watch over.

Surprised as well that Natalia sent the note. Thinking about it, it does perhaps seem a little too much over the top for Eugenio. He does seem a little more measured than that. Also, he probably reallizes how dangerous La Loca really is and doesn't want to 'poke' her too much. Doing something like that may make here off the next person. Or... it could stop her and make her think.

Germy, still isn't quite there yet. Getting better, but calling Lili, not the right thing to do.

Less than 3 weeks left and villains are diving faster than the Dow. Almost seems to early. :)

That was a great recap of a very satisfing episode. One question- What did Orlando say he knew about to Emiliano? Jolie

"Romina blows some metaphorical snot all over Cristobal". Excellent! You were in top form (as always).

Julia, you're right - the slaps were the highlight of the night. Although Lili's hit (she seemed to barely touch her) was satisfying, Camila's right to the cheek was even better! Having Pal, Rufi and Lili there was simply the icing on the cake.

I also thought Emiliano would appear when Gabe and Paloma had their chaste kiss. I imagine we will have to cut him some slack as he really seemed to be grief stricken...

Cesar Evora stole the night in his emotional scenes with Gabe. He is amazing.

Germs has been sleezy, unethical, etc. Still, I felt badly for him, especially as Romina was so cruel as she made it crystal clear she used him only to ensnare Emiliano. Romina leaving without a thought to her ill child does not bode well for any redemption...

Judy, thank you for explaining who the lurker in the car was. I was also miffed he didn't step in to help...

Vicki, I think most of us would agree Inaki was the best match for Paloma but don't think he'll be resurrected (unfortunately).

Jeff, "Less than 3 weeks left and villains are diving faster than the Dow." Great line!


Thanks for the recap Julia. The slaps were indeed especially worthwhile. Like Anon 4:31, I don't know which one I enjoyed more.

I do wish someone would listen to you and get Pal and Rufi out of that house muy pronto!!

Natalia sending the letter is logical but I was surprised it was her.

Thanks Judy for explaining the doofus in the car just taking pictures and not assisting two women in obvious distress.

Julia, great recap. After fighting snow to get to work, I'm taking a few minutes with coffee to catch up. You warmed me up by making me laugh!

Ok, before any comment on last night's slap fest, I beg the powers that be to put Cesar and Erick into a TN together again, somehow, someway and as good guys. I am so loving Cesar in this good guy role. They both are absolutely amazing together and individually. Great screen presence.

Back to the action - The Slap-a-thon was in high gear last night and it was fun to watch. Those ladies really know how to pack a punch. Too bad it was Lilli that had to slap some sense into Romeme. Camilla should have done that a long time ago. But it doesn't seem like she got the message. Walking away from that child was the height of her selfishness and whatever the TN gods decide to dish out to her will be more than deserved.

I too see Germy heading to the light more and more. He seemed genuinely affected by the plight of his child and I think this may move him to more responsible. So will the writers reunite him with Lilli or pair him off with someone new (Anamar perhaps?).

Little spunk in our usual Emoon, but that scene under the window was just weird. I was so worried that Pal would immediately go running to him the minute she heard the news the baby, but hopefully we still get more Pal/Gabe action for awhile.

Our Wylie-Carloca has the ACME anvil falling every more quickly over her head. Even the cops weren't buying her stupid antics. And we have a new member of Team Get Purple, the new investigator who she doesn't even know about. Cool.

So we need to get Pal and Rufi out of that house (why Chris isn't thinking that was concerning). Our queen sees too many walls closing in and they shouldn't be around.

Oh, and can we just wrap up the stupid Angelica, Damian book plot and ship her and Orly off to Houston? Lord they are both getting on my last nerve now.

Julia, thanks very very much for this terrific recap! I love your humor. Probably the line I liked best has already been mentioned--"Cami’s garden doesn’t need fertilizing, so she ain’t buying it." But there were so many more. Emiliano "falling down on his stalker duties," and, of course, "Oh, come on! All you need is an anonymous note!"

I also appreciated the Spanish vocabulary. I went nuts trying to figure a couple of those words out when I heard them--you've restored my sanity. (Well, no, not really, but you helped! :-) )

Like almost everyone else here, I'd much rather see Paloma with Gabriel than with Emo, but I think such an ending is highly unlikely. Sigh. Since we are already in últimas semanas, that means Gabriel is likely to die or be killed pretty soon. Gee, wouldn't it be great if the TN writers surprised us!

I can't blame Natalia for the letter because she got locked up because of Carloca and accused of murdering her own husband too. It's possible she may think Carloca now may have killed Alonso.

The det. what's his name may find out that La Loca was in Pachucha hospital because of belladonna poisoning.

I can't wait for Eugenio to start to unravel all of her murders, if he talks to Rufi about Arcadia that may get the ball rolling.

Paloma is starting to get some brain power it looks like she may suspect that Cris is her real father after all. Since La Loca is being exposed for a major liar.

La Loca must have miss class the day they were teaching how to influence people with good social skills. She wants Paloma to stay in the house with her it's a necessity but she kept stop her ranting and flying off into a rage.

Another clear sign that the person you are dealing with is not wrapped too tight.Let's hope Cris tells Paloma the truth tonight and get her out of that damn house.

Vivi it's a little too late to change Emoon but ITA with you, he just so bland when did he ever have fun with Paloma likeshe had with Inaki or Gabriel. I always see him mooning,stalking, being jealous and just staring up at her balcony.

He acts like a old fuddy duddy just dull, but then again Paloma not exactly the life of the party either.

Thank you the recap Julia.

It sure was a very satisfying episode. Now I know, why people are addicted to telenovelas. I'm sure catching the bug.

I thought Luz said that she can speed up the adoption process without (sin) getting married. That made Rafa sad, but I'm not sure.

I think Romina needs a few more good slaps to start thinking about the wealth of her baby.

Julia...wonderful recap. The snot visual was well...gross but brilliant!

ITA, Romi should have been slapped by mama a long time ago. There were so many perfect opportunities, yet Cami watched them wiz by while we shouted at our tv's...thanks Liliana. Now that is a good amiga.

I think a lost more respect for our poor misguided German when he tried to get sympathy from Lili. If he would have stood up to the whole situation on his own and had shown some pride maybe a nice girl would come around..hmm...Anamar (she is his type)and take pity on him. Inside he summons Lili to take pity on him after all the damage he has caused her and how completely selfish he has been.

What a night. Hurricane Camila sails into the House of Doom and delivers a right that would have done Mike Tyson proud after having torn into the selfish snot she raised.

Alas poor Paloma has virtually signed Gabe's death warrant by blabbing that they were novio's, although a boring pair, and then that she will be living with him. Fat chance. Now the only question is how The Purple One will do it. As someone pointed out the two of them do not look comfortable in those kissing scenes and I attribute it to the fact that he is a grown man and she is still a very young teenaged girl with not much kissing experience. She looked slightly more comfortable with Inaki and more so with Emon.

German is in many ways a male version of Romena. When things go south he calls Lily just as Ro does him. However on the plus side he seems genuinely concerned about the baby something that is obviously way passed anything the queen of mean in training is capable of.

I'm surprised in all our speculating we never thought that Nat might have sent the note. She of course knows the impact such a thing can have. She has always been such a blah character I never knew she had that kind of spirit.

It would seem that Lily is a town crier in training breaking all speed records to get to Paloma to tell her about the baby and who the real father is. She tickled me when she told Romena, Paloma won't do this so I will and clocked her because of course Paloma would never consider it. I have to give the girl props for smarts when she saw the nasty scene going down and made tracks to get out something most people seem incapable of doing when faced with Senorita Purple.

It does look like Carloca's house of cards is beginning to collapse. Too bad some of these people didn't get together and talk before - a few lives might have been saved. Cant not help but wonder how Paloma who thinks she is some giant jinx and people around her just die will feel feel when she learns that no they don't just die - because of her they are murdered. She has a tendency to be a martyr and this could send her over the edge at least for an episode or two.

The plagiarism story is way over done. I'm a writer and I can tell you nothing bad ever really happens with plagerizers. I know a well known N Y Times Best Seller who has been plagiarized at least twice by other best sellers, not once by the other two but multiple time. She has sued, gotten books pulled back, gotten admissions of guilt but the other two continue to be published so there, unfortunately, is little if anything done to the thieves.

Thank you, Julia, for your fun recap. A few slaps for some other people would be nice...Orly, Dario and annoying Anamar.

As Vivi says, Bring Back Inaki. If not, let these less satisfying scenarios take place. When Orly and Angie go to Houston without Camila, let them get a little tipsy and have a thing and Orly finds adoring Angie more comforting than Camila. Then Camila has a change of heart regarding Orly when she learns somehow that Orly has for ages been lying to her regarding Houston. Rafa may be free since Luz wants to go solo parenting Xochitl so Rafa and Cami can finally be together. German deserves no one until he grows a spine and some ethics. And finally, Gabe and Pal ride off into the sunset with Emo watching.

I was just joking about Dr. B being in a coma but I guess there's a reason those comas are a cliche in novelaland. And lastly, Dr. B and Natalia bond during his recuperation with her at his side.

Paloma, why didn't you stay in D F with Gabe and send for Rufi.

I believe the term "primera plana" means "front page" so the guy taking the picture must be a reporter , possibly for a tabloid.
I enjoy the recaps so much. Everybody does a great job!!

Did Luz say she wanted to go solo? Guess I misheard her. I pay about as much attention to her chatter, with the constant flip-flopping of whether to marry Rafa, as I do to Ange's boring professional problems.

Primera plana...front page. That makes sense. I couldn't figure out who that guy was; I was wondering if he was some sort of investigator but didn't know who would have hired him. So Dastardly Dario must be pretty well known if this is fiery fodder for the papers.

Anyone think Paloma and Rufi will actually get out of the house immediately and leave no forwarding address? Or will they dither for days and tell Tia Loca everything they're doing?

Interesting how Cruel is trying to make everyone respect her by being a screeching slandering rabid harpy to all and sundry. She's really lost any grip she once had on reason.

Excellent recap, Julia. So many good one-liners.

Yes, yes, I backed up and replayed the two slaps a couple of times. I wasn't surprised by Liliana; she's always despised Ro. But Camila was amazing last night. First, she finally tells it like it is to her rotten daughter. Then she gives a glorious smack to Carloca.

I concur that the guy taking pictures was a newspaper reporter. Since Ange's revelations have been big news, Dario's violence toward the women would definitely get him some major ink.

And the woman they were talking to about plagiarism is an official in what I would call the Mexican Copyright office. This is the place where Dario registered Ange's book and, presumably, the other woman's (forgot her name) as well. They are trying to get his registration annulled and their books registered as their own. She asked them for original manuscripts, etc., to prove their case.

Vivito y coleando means alive and kicking.

Hello? Paloma? At last she has an inkling that Carlota may lie from time to time? Sheesh! Took her long enough!

I don't want to be a downer, but I think the Doctor was being too optimistic about Bernardo's condition. Cystic Fibrosis is a heart breaking disease with a life expectancy of about 35 years,although there are new treatments, but not a cure.


Julia: Thank you for a fine and funny recap.

Someone mentioned that Anamar was just taking up space. I feel the same way about Luz. I leave the room when she appears. I really liked her when she was a fun-loving foil for Diana, but now, it's just FF.

I am the sole minority here in thinking that Liliana slapping Romina was kicking her when she was down already.

However, How many of you viewers in the peanut gallery cheered when Camila Marched right in and belted Carlota one good strong slap in the face without missing a beat?
I'm surprised Carlota did not hit her back and have a little catfight with Camila. Camila was right though, She has endured a lot and all those years of frustration were coming out. The straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.

Many of you may see Emiliano as a good guy. Sure he is not evil and he has been decieved by Romina and Herman among other things, but to me, he has some serious issues. Inaki was the only one who seemed right for her and he is now dead. I'm not feeling it with Gabriel. Maybe Paloma will come out of this just a single person. She is after all young. No need to rush her off to marriage. Just my humble opinion on the matter.


I'm curious to see what German will do now. Romena essentially told him well actually shrieked at him you wanted the brat he's all yours. I hope we see how he handles it and that the baby's illness wasn't just a cheap plot device to get the big reveal out of the way. A lot of any redemption for German will come from how he handles this. There is no redemption in sight for Romena who is probably off to the spa for a massage and then some shoe shopping.

As for Luz I still like her and i think she is trying to distance herself from Rafa because she knows that he still loves Camilia (although why is a mystery to me) and she doesn't want to just settle for second best.

Jeff i LOL at Paloma asking Rufi if she believe Tia loca and Rufi turning around the question right back her. I think the answer is a resounding no.

Julia has la Loca really had any good reasoning skills whatsoever?

No, I don't think Crueloca has ever had many reasoning skills (or she wouldn't have spent her whole life bitter about one dude who didn't love her back), but she used to be better at putting on a civil façade.

Somehow, she's managed to have a reputation as a respectable person all these years, and if she had always acted the way she does now, she'd be know as the crazy bat and Javier would never have given her custody of Paloma.

She used to save her snarling for people she felt she had power over, like Mac and Paloma and Rufi, but now she starts off nearly every conversation with a shrieking attack, no matter who she's talking to.

Wonderful stuff, as always, Julia! And vocab too!

You mentioned you were tired – I hope you didn’t do what I foolishly did Monday night, which is take long breaks to look at the Olympics!

Deciegirl – thank you for the very interesting information about the plagiarized authors.

It seems to me that if a person is in a coma, they shouldn’t be in someone’s house with just a nurse. It seems so medieval.

I’m surprised that Romina isn’t being redeemed, or at least not yet. At the beginning of the show, she had some glimmers of humanity, plus she was shown in the credits as being tearful, and usually villains look triumphant. I’m curious to see what happens next.

Actually I don't think Javier did leave Paloma in Crazy Purple's custody so much as he did Macarena. Then again I always thought that Carloca had some weird fixation on Javier and Sagraria knew that the other woman was nuts. Weren't they arguing about Carloca when they had the accident? I seem to remember her telling Macrena to take car of Paloma.

Love your recaps Julia! From the snark pit as always.

A whole lotta bitch slappin' goin' on here, and of course, my favorite was Camila whacking La Loca.

I don't think Paloma or Rufi are in danger of being killed. Loca herself says that she can't take out Gabriel until she knows where Dr. B. is and who is sending her all those anonymous communications. The last thing she would do at this point is try to kill a Victim # 6 or #7

Hey can someone help with the Spanish? Romina says she wishes she had aborted the "escuincle" (I think that's the spelling.) I can't find that one in the dictionary. Is that something like "brat"?

Also, does anyone know if screaming bitch fights and knock-down-drag-outs are typical in Mexican hospital hallways? Gringo hospital staff would code blue with such emotion in the U.S.--way more than the Mexican doctora in the episode last night did. Every Mexican hospital I've been in has been very quiet, but I've noticed this in other novelas. Maybe it's just Novelalandia.

Yes Anon 05:03, escuincle can probably be translated as brat or some similar word. It is quite common in TNs when the bad guys refer to kids of most any age. Others probably referred to RoMEE is that when she was younger. That escuincle of Camila's. :)

Ibarramedia.. That's what I said when Lili slapped RoMEE, "and while you're down. Slap." Definitely piling on. Not sure if worth a 15 yard penalty or not. :)

Not sure how many people really like Emiliano. He seems to have more negative opinion here than most any other galan I have seen at Caray Caray.

Javier did leave Paloma in Carloca's custody because Macarena was always so sick probably because her sick twisted sister was messing with her insulin solution.

Sagario did not like Carloca at all thought she was too controlling and had a sick type of love for her own brother. She most definitely did not want Carloca taking care of Paloma that's why on her deathbed she told Macarena to take care and look after Paloma for her.

Also they were arguing about Carloca and what should could have done to upset Paloma that she was crying hysterically asking them to come back to get her. When little Paloma called them Carloca caught her and hung the phone up during their conversation.

There's not one hospital that i know of that would let all that screaming and carrying on go on without calling security. It's only in novelas where this happens.

I'm sure that considering that Eugenio is involved they have more than a nurse taking care and checking up on Dr.B.

I just think Eugenio did not believe it was safe to keep Dr.B in any hospital for long because as we see Carloca is desperate and looking for him and she will spend any of amount of money to to find him.

Carloca would never suspect Natalia sent her the note nor will she suspect her of keeping Dr.B with her as he tries to recover from being shot.

We see how clever and Carloca is and her lying especially with people who don't really know her.

Jeff, I know Emiliano is the anointed 'good guy' but from what I see of his behavior, he clearly has issues.

I can't count the times that he makes an awkward situaiton worse. Rightly, or wrongly, he was Married to Romina and yet he still pines and obsesses about Paloma even though she did not want to get in the way of her 'friend' Romina. She also had began to distance herself from Emiliano because it was hurting her, it was hurting both of them. Such tragic love in the Romeo and Juliet mode. Then she actually moved on and found Gabriel who is sick and could die.

At the end of the day, Emiliano did not help the situation. The appropriate thing to do, and this is very difficult is to Divorce Romina, wait and see if Paloma's relationship with Gabriel would fail, then see if they can reconnect. He has to do all this with great self restraint. A lot of self control. He is a grown man. Sure he was manupulated into marrying Romina, but he agreed to it. And by doing so, forfeits his right to be with Paloma. Especially if she is unwilling.


Anon 05:36.. Thanks for review. You have good memory. I've forgotten what all happened way at the beginning, but you pegged it good. Thanks! :)

Hmm, missed my name, anon 5:19 was me.

Ibarramedia.. You're in agreement with most of us here. Our precious Emoon has a lot of issues to work out. At least last night he didn't go charging up and knocking on Paloma's window or getting her to come out. Perhaps the start of some changes for him.

Was I the only one who thought Camila's slapping Cruelota was the best thing on the show so far? It's like all the months I set screaming at the TV, "Just SLAP her!" were finally heard! And they picked the perfect person to do it too. If not Camilia, I would have loved to see Pal do it, but we know how that would go...

And Vicki, I'm glad I'm not the only one who agrees that Anamar is a waste of script/screen time. I don't know who decided to put her on the show (though the actress is good.), but unless she's having an affair w/ Emil or can predict the future, we don't need her. I was so pleased that Gabe and Pal finally kissed too. This time, I actually believed Paloma's love for Gabe, just like with Inaki. For some reason, I don't 100% buy the actors playing Pal & Emil's chemistry. Something just doesn't read right w/ them. I think the actor playing Emil is pretty awful. There isn't anything likable about his character and he's not even that good-looking either.

Great recap! PS: If the baby has CF, he only has about 25-30 yrs to live, since ppl w/ CF typically don't live that long. Which is really sad b/c that poor kid needs love and caring people around him and doesn't need to be caught up in a Maury-style paternity fight.

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