Wednesday, February 03, 2010

ENDA Tuesday February 2. Rufi finally cracks, in her roundabout way.

Repeat from yesterday: Paloma doesn’t find it all suspicious that her evil auntie orders her to stay away from her ex-beloved ex-priest, who has been acquitted of murder and whose only crime was to not announce his engagement to her mother when he was still in the process of leaving the ministry. After all, his relationship with Natalia shows how vile he is.

Rufi tells Carlota she thinks they should just get all the secrets out in the open. Carloca says it is the will of god that Paloma and Cris be separated. I put “god” in lower case on purpose because I’m pretty sure La Loca is referring to herself, not any officially recognized deity.

Today: Paloma packs her suitcase and reminisces about hugging Emiliano at the jubilant moment when Cris and Nat were declared innocent. She thinks she’s got to get out of this place and away from him.

At the same moment, Emiliano is also packing and reminiscing about the same moment.

Cris pays an unfriendly visit to Misery Manor and asks Cruel if she was behind the whole murder accusation. She, of course, coolly declares that she loves him and would never hurt him. “Do you think I’m an idiot?” he asks. Cruel says she did this to help him; now that he isn’t a priest they are totally free to get it on. Isn’t that why he’s here? Cris looks stonefacedly sick as Carlota slimes herself into his personal space. Just then Paloma walks up behind Crueloca and is way impactada. Cruel smirks.

Eugenio tells Gabriel that the birthday gift Gabe is giving Paloma is perfect; it will let them keep in touch. Fatalistic Gabriel says he’s saying goodbye to her para siempre after the party. That would be for the best. Eugenio says that he will be with him until the very last moment. They hug and cry. I might possibly sniffle a little myself.

Carlota stages a big scene, claiming that Cris was trying to force his way into the house to talk to Paloma. She’s all simpery sweet in her protective auntie character. Paloma says she isn’t going to listen to him anyway; she’s tired of all the lies. Then he really does push his way into the house and says he hasn’t deceived her. He loved her mother and he loves her, too. Paloma yells that Mac didn’t tell her what was going on and she’ll never forgive them. I am not sure what makes her think she was entitled to know everything. If she ever spent 30 seconds on analytical thought, she would realize that a) the engagement happened very suddenly, and Mac died immediately afterward, and b) it was a very delicate situation, as Cris had not yet told the world at large that he was leaving the priesthood. But Paloma throws a snitfit at Cris and stomps away…heh, that’s how you can tell they really are father and teenage daughter. Carloca grins smarmily at Cris and he shoots death glares at her.

Orlando and Camila are happily honeymooning (the only kind of mooning Emo doesn’t know how to do) when Emo finally reaches them with the news that Cris and Nat are free. They are delighted. Well, now that Orly has spent three seconds thinking about his best friend, it’s back to the recreation. He puts his cell phone in Camila’s beach bag, which they abandon while they trek off to check out marine life.

Ol’ Crazy Cow tells Cris that now there is nothing stopping them from getting together. He says it’s amazing that she’s so stuck up that she can’t see that he is not in love with her. What’s even better, Carloca continues, she has saved herself for him! Never been with another man! He is neither surprised nor impressed. Virginity doesn’t make a woman more valuable, he says, good character and morals do. She says if he loves her (or just fakes like he does), she can guarantee that Paloma will love him and consider him a father again. “Estás loca. Absolutamente loca, de verdad!” he says, as he barely pulls back his fingers to avoid strangling her and walks out. Le sigh, says the purple one, I don’t want to get rid of anyone, but they leave me no choice!

Over breakfast, Romememena demands that Paloma convince Emiliano to return home and not divorce her. Paloma declines to get involved. Your husband, your problem, she says. Romi can’t believe she won’t help her dear friend. “You knew he didn’t love you when you married,” says Paloma.

Rafael is doing research about adoption and tells Luz it would be much easier for them to adopt Xochi together. She doesn’t want to; she wants to adopt all by herself. He asks why she’s so afraid to commit to him. After all, she is the one who is always telling him to take risks and go after what he wants. Luz is not shining brightly today, she’s just kind of whiny and stubborn, so Rafa leaves. She tells him not to be mad, which is always a surefire way to keep someone from being mad.

Romina whines that she just wants her baby to have a father. I’m surprised she still remembers she has a baby. Paloma finally blows her top. She is sick of Romi’s lies and manipulations! She didn’t have to force Emo to marry her for him to be a father to the baby, and she told all those lies just to hurt Paloma! Romina weakly volleys that Paloma deceived her, too. Paloma says it’s not the same. All she did was fall in love with Emo, and he wasn’t dating Romina at the time.

Emiliano breakfasts at the hotel with Anamar. He may not be having an affair, but he’s certainly feeding the gossip mill. She thinks he should move to Houston to run the new deal or whatever there. And, bonus, that way they could spend more time together! Eh? Oh, total coincidence; she’s planning to go to Houston to study! And he could get away from Romina! Emo doesn’t want to leave the baby, but he looks thoughtful.

Romina cranks up the waterworks. Please, please, I desperately need your help, Paloma! What can I do for my marriage? Give up, says Paloma. Let Emiliano go. Toodle-oo. She leaves and Romina flings dishes all over the floor.

Cris calls Rufi and asks her to come see him ASAP. Carlota is in the room, so Rufi goes on and on pretending she’s talking to Padre Benito and he wants her tamale recipe. Cris rolls his eyes a bit. I love that he is not hiding his snarky thoughts so much now that he isn’t a priest. Rufi finally hangs up and tells Carlota she’s going to the church to give PB a recipe. “Yes, I heard you a thousand times,” says Carlota. She doesn’t want Rufi getting any uppity ideas that she can just leave her work whenever she wants. “I know you already think very little of me, buh-bye,” says Rufi, and they have a snippy exchange over whether she is calling Carlota “señora” or “señorita” as she leaves.

Padre Benito is talking to someone who might be the bishop and they agree that Cris should be reinstated as a priest. The bishop (?) says it’s like the parable of the prodigal son. {Except completely not; did this bishop even read the Bible?}

Romina tries to call Camila, gets voice mail, and flings the phone. Not quite Sendel style, but she’s working on it.

Eric makes a ten-second appearance to mock Germán until Carloca and the other lawyer arrive. Thanks for trekking all the way down to the studio for that, Eric.

Romina leaves an urgent message on Orlando’s voicemail for them to call her immediately.

Carlota very formally tells Germy he is no longer her lawyer, nor a trustworthy man. Germán protests his dismissal and maintains that he did everything Carlota asked. Cris and Nat were declared innocent like she wanted, weren’t they? (The other lawyer is still in the room, and should be wondering what Carlota has to do with that case). Anyway, he’s still fired. She says she’s sorry, with a big grin.

Cris rushes Rufi inside and begs her to help him with Paloma. “I don’t know; she’s really stubborn,” says Rufi. Cris says he knows that Mac is Paloma’s mother, and he knows who the father is. In fact, he has met him, and it’s painful to think that Mac was intimate with that nasty dude. “Ehhh…sit down,” says Rufi. She tells him that Crueloca lied to them. That man is not Paloma’s father.

Cris asks Rufi if she’s saying that Paloma is his daughter. No, no, she clarifies, she is not saying that directly, because she promised she wouldn’t say. She is only VERY STRONGLY SUGGESTING that he investigate the matter himself and find out for sure.

Orlando finally checks his messages. They call Romina, and she cries that Emo has abandoned her and begs them to come home. Cami tries telling her to calm down, but she just gets more red and hysterical, then hangs up after demanding that they come immediately. Camila tells Orly that Emo left Romina. “Oh, yeah, he said he was going to divorce her,” Orlando remarks casually. “WHAT?! YOU KNEW?! AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?!” There is trouble in paradise.

Cris tries to figure out how he can get a DNA test. Eugenio arrives.

Rafa and his lawyer wait at the family court building for Diana to arrive to sign the divorce papers. Diana is still at home, frantically trying to call Samuel. He finally answers, and says he’s about to be able to give her the life of a queen, like she deserves. She squeals with glee and rushes out for her divorce.

Samuel and some other guy wear suits and talk shady business deals.

Germy and Carloca take their bickering into the street. His chasing her and whining does not help his case. So he threatens her with exposing her dirty deeds regarding Paloma’s inheritance. “Do I have to explain things to you with apples and sticks?” she asks. He’s just as guilty as she is, and would be judged more harshly for his unprofessional dealings. “So don’t try to blackmail me. Stay out of it, or you will suffer VERY serious consequences.”

Cris thanks Eugenio profusely for freeing him and Nat. Eugenio says it was Madeleine who got him to take the case. He asks Cris to try to make amends with her. Cris is reluctant, but he agrees to at least talk with her after Eugenio says it’s not just for her sake, but for his own peace of mind. He’ll just have regrets later if he doesn’t at least try while he still can. Then Cris asks Eugenio to help him find a certain man, although he doesn’t even know whether the name is his real one.

Doctor B packs up his office. He finds the engagement ring he gave Mac and decides to re-gift it to Paloma (not as an engagement ring).

Rufi tells Mac’s picture that she didn’t break her promise. She didn’t actually tell Cris that Paloma is his daughter, even though that would have been so much easier (yeah, Rufi, tell us about it).

Gabriel goes to Paloma’s house and gives her a birthday gift. It is a laptop computer. She tries to protest that it is too expensive, but he insists that she needs it for her studies. She says he’s the best teacher and she hopes to be close to him for the rest of her life, to keep learning from him. He says he also wants to be with her…for whatever time they spend together. He snuggles up close to show her how to use the computer, and they look into each other’s eyes, hovering inches apart, and…end credits.

Avances: Cris and Eugenio plot to unmask Carlota. Gabriel maybe kisses Paloma. Anamar definitely kisses Emiliano, and because he is an idiot galán, he has no powers of resistance.


Julia thanks for the funny recap.

Boy did i enjoy Mr. full of himself German being dumped by Carloca that was so satisfying.Then he's going to try to blackmail her crazyness? Goodluck with that German.

Paloma who kneww you had a backbone like that, we have seen flashes but bravo for calling RoMEna on her B.S. and manipulations. Loved RoMEna expression like you're not allowing yourself to be manipulated by me?

ITA Rufi just tell Cris already this makes no sense that he has to investigate the actor that Carloca bought or needs to get a DNA test.

Love that he's teaming up with Eugenio who will probably discover more of what La Loca been up to.

Orlando somehow i think not only is your honeymoon over but so is your marriage.

By telling Camila that you knew Emoon was going to ask for a divorce but still selfishly went ahead with the wedding and honeymoon. That kind of confirms everything Rafael told Camila about you before your wedding.

How long though before Camila realizes she made a big mistake.

Hi Julia...always enjoy your take on things. "Toodleoo" and "trouble in Paradise" were so apt. And yes, that certainly is an odd use of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, since in this case Cristobal was completely innocent, not like our wild party boy of the Bible.

Not looking forward to an agonizing end for our Gabriel. As far as I'm concerned, Emiliano can end up with Anamar, Paloma with Gabriel, Romina with German and Dr. B with some nice lady who appreciates him.

Hmm...if Camilla ditches Orlando for Rafa, should Luz and Xochi be Dr. B's new family? Now there's a thought...weird...but a thought.

Thanks much for the recap Julia. I've had some off and on signal problems all week and last night the signal was constantly garbling, but at least it didn't go out like last Friday. It's only Univision, which makes me think it's the HD. Your recap was so helpful!!!

Our little girl is letting everyone have it this week, oh, except for the one person she should give a major snit to (dear auntie). I think I enjoyed the look on Romeme's face more than Pal's actual rant. She seemed dumbstruck that her best bud wasn't buying into her games anymore.

The lunancy that is La Loca is beyond comprehension. I agree with Cris, she needs a good strangling to cut off whatever warped signals are going to that brain.

But that said, I was about to reach through my TV and strangle Rufi last night. Enough already, just tell the poor man he's Pal's father. I know they are dragging that out for some unknown major moment, but it is just so stupid. I was surprised she didn't play the old game of "guess the initials and I'll tell you if you're right" just so she can say "you didn't hear it from me". What's Mac going to do, reach out from the grave?

And Judy B, I could not agree with you more on Emi. He's been getting on my nerves for awhile, but honestly man? That preview, not exactly pulling away from the kiss. Why oh why can't Pal wind up with Gabriel? But I just know that Emi is supposed to be the galan and Pal's true love. Bummer!

Luz is drinking the RMD water and becoming a mope and Camilla is getting some light bulb moments. All at the time that Rafa's divorce is final. Hmmmmm.

Happy Wednesday everyone.

My major nail-biter moment of the evening was Diana tryng to reach Samuel, otherwise she wasn't going to the court house to give Rafa his divorce. I have never been so happy to see Sam slime onto the screen. Yes, yes. Tell her anything! Tell her you love her, she's a queen, blah, blah, blah. Just get her to that court house!

Thanks Julia. You were on fire and funny as all!!!

Table for four...Romina, her ego, Paloma, and her spine. YIPPEE!

Ha...Vivi...I was overjoyed too that old Slimy lived up to his name.

Anon...I think that look on Cami's face confirmed everything, although we will be witness to her "Ah Ha" moment soon.

Such a touching seen with Gabe and Eugenio. Gabe looked every bit the little boy needing comfort from big, strong daddy. I think all of the evil La Loca has cast upon this little town deserves a nice miracle to save our Gabe...sniff sniff.

My DVR cut off before the avances, but from the recap...Anamar plants one on Emiliano! Why do the leading men do this? They pin their hopes and dreams on someone who isn't giving them the time of day and then when the evil vixen flirts and makes her own advances they are clueless. H E L L O !

Thanks for the recap Julia. "Do you think I'm an idiot", well, sort of pJC. He stands there and lets Carloca get close to him. Keep her away from you for pete's and our sake. ITA.. “Estás loca. Absolutamente loca, de verdad!”

Glad to see Pal finally tell RoMEME off.

It is so nice to see Emoon have a friend to talk to in this trying time. Yeah, you bet.

I hope German tries to blackmail Carloca. Find a magazine and start cutting out an anonymous note. :)

I think RoMEME just might be taking some Sendel lessons. She starting to toss quite a few things. Right now she wants to toss Pal, Anamar, Emoon around.

Looks like German's boss is Rafa's lawyer. At least good news there, looks like Rafa will get the divorce. Yahoo!

Actually, to me, seems like Camila went a little overboard on the divorce news. I don't think it would have stopped the wedding. She knows that Emoon can't stand RoMEME. Wouldn't be a surprise, but Orly probably should have told her earlier. Hey, Emoon is wishy washy, maybe he wouldn't go through with it so no reason to worry Camila. :)

Now if this was a U.S. show, Gabe is going to die from something. In a show over here, what would happen at the end is that Gabe will give his life saving Paloma. I don't know if that will happen here or not. Will Gabe die before Carloca does him in?

Carlita.. Love it: "Table for four...Romina, her ego, Paloma, and her spine. "

daisynjay.. "Luz is drinking the RDM water and becoming a mope and Camilla is getting some light bulb moments." Yes, Luz going all RDM on us and Camila seeing the light now that she is away. Maybe she should move to Houston and really get a clue.

Daisynjay ITA i loved RoMEMena look when Paloma told her off, her shock that her own personal doormat of a friend finally got a spine was priceless.

Then dear old Rufi i also wanted to reach in the screen and shake her just tell him already.

I see Luz and Xochi winding up with Eugenio, one because Eugenio knows and understands Luz and she won't be a rebound relationship for him like it is for Rafael.

Two whatever is going to happen to Gabriel, i think having a chance to be a father again to little Xochi will help him deal with losing Gabriel.

I just want to find out already what the heck he has.

JeffMN...Luz is slowly losing her luz and it is starting to bum me out too. She won us over with her zest for life and personality. She has got to make a stage left and get outta Dodge before she is aptly renamed NoLuz.

Wow are we all in agreement today. Kudos for Paloma growing a spine and telling off Romina. The look on her face was as if her pet dog had turned on her and bit her on the butt. Priceless.

Excellent reference to Sergio. We've always said Televisa has to up the phone budget in his novelas since phones will fly.

Camila and her over reaction- Yawn. I actually thought that when Orly put the phone in her bag that he would get a call from Houston, she would answer and the game would be up. Who knew it would be whiny Romina. And speaking about the baby where is Mighty Mite? Shouldn't he be coming home any day now.

Emo - from here on I'm going to call him Emoron for being so clueless about yet another scheming skank hot on his trail. Typical galan.

As for The Purple Virgin - yuck that whole subtle approach of hers gagged me. I almost hoped Cris would throttle her. It would be justifiable homicide.

TPV threatening German yet another clueless idiot who actually thinks he can take her on. He better think about covering his behind and telling Don E what he knows or else he'll move up on Carloca's food chain. So much for his precious career.

Rufi enough already. Just spill the beans and skip the heavy handed hints. However good thought on JC's part to try and find the actor. Don E will wring the truth out of him.

As for Gabe it's obvious his days are numbered and I really dislike him for not telling Paloma his secret and who does not need another loss in her life. In any event I don't like the two of them together. The actor is 30 she was 16 when this filmed. He looks too old for her and it gives me the same creepy vibe some of us got in Guapos.

Decie girl it's been disturbing how German was messing around with underage RoMEna although i don't know those two actors true ages in real life.

Then Emoon panting after underage Paloma.

I guess even though Erick Elias is thirty in real life and Alison Lozz is 16 thank god they didn't cast 50 year old Eduardo Yanez for the part.

Julia: Another sensational recap. Thought "ex-beloved ex-priest" and La Loca referring to herself as "god" lower case were great.

Finally, Eugenio and Cris are teaming up. Perhaps things will get moving.

In several recent episodes, I noticed the actress playing Rufi called Carlota "senor". Last night, I believe she again said "senor" rather than "senora". I'm probably wrong but I thought Leticia improvised her reply, including slipping in that she was a "senorita".

German made copies of the original will. Will he have the guts to come forward thus implicating himself or will he keep silent? If he chooses the latter, he may have to leave town as the only other lawyer in the vicinity seems to be Eugenio who will probably not be offering him a position anytime soon.

Paloma was so mature in her standing up to Romina but so immature in her reaction to Chris' visit. Of course, she's been constantly lied to and right now, probably doesn't know who to trust.

Anon, in addition to Erick, Luis Hacha (our beloved Inaki) was also older, being in his mid-30s.



It's interesting that they keep casting Alison older than she is and with galans who in real life are WAY older than she is. Looking at clips from Lucero's novelas when she was a teen (she and Alsion seem to be on a similar career track- young singer/actors), it seems like they teamed her with really young galans. Maybe it's because Alison is so tall? It will be interesting to see how her career progresses and what roles she takes as she gets older. I'm sure it will be a shock to everyone when she finally has a real lovemaking scene!

Anon- the other actresses playing teens like Romena and Lilana are in their early 20s, so no ick factor when they are teamed with galans/actors in their twenties and early 30s.

Muchas gracias, Julia.

I'm still curious to know what Carloca is going to do with those "compromising" photos of herself with Cris. The trial is over, but not her devious plotting.

In the shady dealings, the other guy was telling Samuel that if the business deal goes bad, the house (Diana's) will be lost. Diana is in for a big comeuppance. Like Viv, I was stressing out thinking Diana would find out that Samuel is playing her and would cancel the divorce.

I get the feeling Luz always had that melancholy side, but hides it from everyone with her seemingly sunny, carefree personality. Her theme song suggests that she only allows these feelings to show when she is alone. I like the scenario where she winds up with Eugenio and Xochi. It would be go for all of them and I'd like to see Luz face down her fear of commitment and not run away from it again.

I don't know how he's going to do it, but somehow Eugenio is going to dig up fake dad from the clues Cris gave him. I like that he's calm and self confident with that twinkle of humor in his eyes. What a guy!


I think part of the problem for Allison is that she is so young and there aren't a lot of late teens galans around. When she made Guapos she was only 15 and had never even been kissed and Eugieno was too old for her. Sebastian is 23 so it's pushing the envelope for her at 16 but not as off beat as the 30 year olds who look their age. Otherwise the casting on this has been excellent with everyone playing age approrpate parts. The parents are all in their 40's with two at 50, so their children could really be. The exception is the actress playing Cris's mom who is 85 and looks great but would hardly have been in her 40's when she was a dancer and had Cris. Yes the characters of the young men like German and Emoran are supposedly in their early or mid twenties and the girls were all supposed to be 17 or 18. It pushes the envelope a little but then again my mother was a 17 year old college freshman when she met my dad who was a 25 year old lawyer. With good casting it can make an improbable story seem realistic.

An as someone mercifully said we don't have the 50 year old Yanez chasing after Paloma. LMAO

Rufi and Chris need to play a good game of charades so she doesn't have to say a word, just touch her nose when he gets close to the truth. Either that, or you're getting hot, hotter, cold. Pictionary might work too. Then, maybe, her conscience will be clear.

Julia, thanks for the funny recap. You and the commenters are so insightful with your analysis of the characters.


Vivi, I never got the idea in Guapos that Allison was tall. She is much taller now and has grown quite a bit.

Diana.. Yes, that is what did surprise me at the beginning, that Luis Hacha was already in his 30's.

Decie girl that would be me as for the Eduardo Yanez's fans don't get me wrong i had a major crush on big Ed growing up.

Now it's time for him to start taking parts like Cesar Evora, i know he was probably the first choice for Mejia to do CS.

Who was it that mentioned his role on FELS was supposed to be like in the twenties or thirties role.

They need to start giving these roles to age appropriate actors.But after saying this i still like Luis Hacha as Inaki and Erick Elias as Gabriel.

I guess for the storyline they needed a young actress to portray the role.

Excellent recap, Julia. This was a good episode.

Another slap-the-witch-already moment was when Carloca told Rufi not to count on her liquidación. The on-line dictionary called this redundancy pay when I looked it up. It comes up often on Mexican TNs. I think it means something like severance pay that may be required by the Mexican government when you let someone go from their job. And I've seen instances when people get it also when they voluntarily quit. Rufi told her she didn't care, but I was furious. Decades of service in the House of Horrors and she isn't even going to get her legal rights when she leaves!

I think the seño thing is supposed to represent peasant speech patterns. It could mean señor, señorita, or señora. I took La Loca's correction to be critical of this "lower-class" speech pattern.

Yes, Paloma was great in the scene with Romina. She didn't screech - just told Ro the truth about what had gone down in that particular triangle.

She's not so great in the scenes where she screeches at Cris, just like she screeched at Macarena when she first found out she was her mother. Or maybe it is good acting, but just annoys me.

I know La Loca IS loca, but her mood swings are kind of hard to believe. She was COMPLETELY furious that Cris wasn't going to rot in jail, but now he's out, she's not so mad at him anymore and is working up a delusional idea that he has always loved her and that they are meant for each other. Sheesh!

Even though I can barely look at Carlota without going postal, I love her scenes with Cris. They have such a visceral effect. Those two just have such an intensity together, I'm surprised Paloma could be in the same room and not be blown away by the waves of hatred coming off Cris.

And Just wow. Her powers of self-delusion are truly something to behold. Cris needs to find a way to videotape their interactions; any judge would find them sufficient evidence to throw La Loca into the nuthouse. But, we're waiting for a more spectacular downfall. I'm glad Cris and Eugenio are starting to methodically gather evidence about the stuff she's done.

Oh God, for the sake of everybody at RealWeird del Monte, I hope Eugenio doesn't drink any of their water.


Julia – wonderful, funny & breezy! So many good lines – like honeymooning is the only kind of mooning Emiliano doesn’t do, and thanking Erik for showing up at the set for a one-minute scene.

I think Carlota has miscalculated in her plans with German. Now she’s ruined his career anyway, he has almost nothing to lose. And he’s got all the goods on her.

Thanks for a great recap, Julia.

People complained about the girls' uniforms, but Paloma is still wearing awful duds!!! Now Lilliana, she and Paloma looked liked they lived in different decades...


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