Friday, June 25, 2010

Corazon Salvaje June 24, 2010 Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Awwww :(

Regina tells Juan she is feeling what must be the closest to happiness. Just wait till you make him yours honey, can we say whoot whoot I’m jealous? Juan smiles sweetly and I swoon in front of my laptop, oh God, I need Aimee’s fan.

Aimee and Renato are arguing, how strange. Renato didn’t finish reading the diary or skipped over the part in which Aimee is a skanky ho. In any case, she is now blaming everything on him and trying to make him feeling sorry for her. Tying it all in a pretty little bow. What Renato doesn’t understand is why did Juan accept this marriage? He says he cannot believe she threw her sister over and is angry as hell. Imagine when he finds out how far her treason goes. She continues laying all blame on him. “You are the one to blame for Regina’s disgrace.” Well, I don’t see her feeling that disgraced, but they don't know that, do they? They expect to see poor Regina all starved or miserable or something. Aimee is quite the little actress, feeling so bad about her sister.

Renato storms off, declaring he must save Regina if all this is his fault. He seems to be taking the fact she loved him a bit too seriously.

Juan is shocked at Regina mentioned happiness. Happiness? Yes, happiness. Juan gets a bit too close to her. Come on we want to see a kiss already! He calls her a good, honest, nice woman. The tension is a bit dissipated as Juan tells her to pay attention to the wheel again.

Clemencia is attacked by Renato. “Did you know Regina loved me?” She explains the obvious reasons why she didn’t tell him. “There is no worst blindness than the one who blinds himself.” She also blames it all on him. Poor boy.

Aimee awaits a yelling from her dear mother in law. She claims she told Renato “the truth”, and even I’m confused about what that is at this point. Leo is none too pleased with Aimee and it’s about time. “I am sick and tired of being blamed! I confessed my only sin. Letting Regina get married.” “You speak as if I didn’t know the truth.” Aimee acts like she didn’t do anything. “I am a Montes de Oca and I don’t need this crap.” Haha.

Leo claims she is sure she lied again and calls her a monster of hypocrisy and a big ho. “I got to know you so late!” Whoa this is getting intense, some cat fight here about to explode. Just on cue, Aimee gets bitch slapped. “Renato forgave me for what I did and now that’s it.” Leo lets her know that he ran off to try and get Juan locked up again. “See how far how you have confused him with your lies?” No she doesn’t see.

El alguacil looked fed up with all this. “Are you sure you want to get involved in this?” -sighs- I agree. Renato tells him he must find something to accuse him of. He talks of the stolen ship. The man he hurt. Everything has been taken care of. It was Noel. Renato tries to void all his father did to help Juan and smiles evilly. “I will pay for ALL costs.” The alguacil’s eyes brighten and dance.”You

“You look so beautiful under the moonlight,” Juan says as Regina is “helping him steer”, and she pretty much giggles. She does look so pretty. They took off that god awful curly wig that kept getting longer every day, no joke, and her hair finally looks so pretty. She does look much better than Aimee now that is giving off a matronly vibe to me. I think she is taking fashion advice from Leo. Juan is totally complimenting Regina and he’s tripped over her several times in hopes of coping a feel. Regina doesn’t seem to mind.

“You look like a star that seems like it’s so close by but it’s really too far.” “No, I’m not that far away.” Awww. He thinks it’s just pity when she said she understands him but she denies it. She says its her opinion the ones that have suffered the most should be loved. -wink wink, nudge nudge-, here’s someone who’s suffered a lot.

Renato calls Noel into his office, he needs to speak to him and Noel requests he stops drinking. “I’m fine, almost happy. The alguacil finally promised he would get Luzbel and lock Juan up. You’ve always known Regina loved ME. I know all the truth.” Oh dear. They argue back and forth and obviously Noel disagrees with Renato 100%. Renato doesn’t want to change his mind. Noel chooses that moment to let him know that half the finca is now Juan’s.

Juan and Regina, he asks to escort her to the room. “I had a very pleasant time.” It has the feeling of a first date and it couldn’t be more adorable. He leans in and slowly, slowly his lips get closer and closer to hers. She closes her eyes, expecting the smooch at any second. Commercials! Damn it! Ahem… Sorry about that. Will they, won’t they? I bet no, too soon. And… I won the bet. She pulls away and refuses his invitation to take her to her room. He starts cursing himself. “Stupid, stupid, stupid, why didn’t I kiss her?”

Regina enters the room and closes the door behind her, a dreamy look in her face. Juan irrupts in the room, asking if there is nothing she needs. Are you sure, what if you need something? She closes the door on his face and he sticks it in again. Hahahahahahahahaha, omg this is so sweet. He clutches his heart and asks, why didn’t I kiss her? She asks the same thing on her side of the door. “Why didn’t he kiss me?” He knocks on her door by mistake and she giggles, asking him what he wants and he blusters, pretending he had just been "passing by". "Juan", she says and sounded a bit like Aimee, just sweeter.

Renato is angry, mad, upset, pissed off. He can’t believe Juan is going to have half the finca. He bit the hand that fed it. Noel is sad and worried. Why are you so different, it’s like you are someone else. We all agree. “What did Juan do to you?” “Juan left with the woman I loved the most.” Oh my, he is jealous. But he is now married, so jeez. “The worst part is he didn’t loved her and married her for revenge. Now I feel so awful.” Darn, if you see it that way, yeah, it sucks. “I will chase Juan until I catch him.” “Dios mio, Dios mio, Dios mio.”

Aimee is crying and begging Leo. She claims to be a white little lamb and that forgiveness should cover them all. She calls him a sinner and Aimee threatens to tell him absolutely everything. Aimee clutches her belly. “My innocent and poor child.” Oh jeez -big eye roll-. Leo commands she stop him to chase Renato. They argue and scream at each other. Aimee cries. “Renato will not listen to me! I begged him so many times to not bring Juan here!” Leo says Regina got married willingly and no one cares of her future. Wow.

Juan is on the deck reminiscing of the almost kiss with his wife. He sits with Remigio to chat. Remigio says he is worried about him and Regina. “Regina has always been so nice and you are going to make her unhappy.” They speak about the stealing of the boat and their situation. He’s cute when he tries to deny things haha. Juan confesses to Remigio that they might be happy, that he’s noticed Regina is different and they might be a match. Remigio keeps puffing on his cigar, looking confused.

Aimee runs in to beg and cry to Renato so he won’t chase Juan down. He grabs her face hard. Leo also pleads. Renato goes to Aimee again to grab her a bit more for having blackened her name. “What interest did you have to do that to your sister. What is the real truth! I don’t kill you because of the child you carry.” Oh yes, the “child”, pft.

Leo is getting an eyeful of how Renato has been treating Aimee lately and how he doesn’t listen to a word she is saying. “No one will stop me! I will make him confess face to face why he got married to Regina.” He runs off and Leo looks at Aimee with a bit of pity in her eyes. Yikes.

Now we see Jimena’s plight in that awful pub. I do like the way she is dressing now though, much cuter. When is she going to realize her “aunt” isn’t coming back for her? Poor girl. Her “boss” gives her a blanket so she could go and sleep on the corner. Great accommodations. Dejectedly she kneels down and wait for it… Gabriel flashbacks. Gabriel screaming at her and telling her he never wanted to see her again. Ouch.

Back in Luzbel, its daytime. They look all happy and are drawing straws. Catalote has the smallest one. I guess they were drawing straws to tell Juan something. Santos stutters.

Noel hands over the papers for half the finca to Gabriel. He also tells him to never return, to be careful because sadly, his soon now wants Juan to be captured.

Juan and Regina face off, he is in a bad mood form last night’s non-kiss, haha. He tells Remigio to take care of her as they go shopping and to not let her escape. She calls him majadero and pelado. She goes off in a huff and Juan winks at Remigio. The rest of the crew and Juan hang up decorations, really corny ones, all over the ship. Apparently they are planning a party for Regina. They throw Juan over and I wish he would strip again like yesterday. He claims he is not in love and would never love a monja, lol.

They are so cute all getting the ship ready, with a fruit bufeet and everything. Juan is wearing a leather apron. That makes it more manly, right? Haha.

Regina complains to Remigio that Juan is a majadero and that she can’t understand why they all pay such attention to them. Remigio reveals he is like a father for him because he was the one who rescued him when he wast left in the jungle. Regina looks impactada.

The “future” scenes have all happened and that pisses me off, ugh. Get some new ones, please.


Thank you, Sarah! I have to watch the episode this morning, and I will be back.

I posted your recap to the sidebar.

Thank you, Sarah!

My favourite parts are:
- Estúpido, estúpido, estúpido... estúpido!
- When Teen del Diablo tries to get into the room.
- When he accidentally knocks the door.

What I didn't like: the 25 flashbacks of the almost kiss.

And Remigio for president. He's the voice of reason on the Ship of Lovesick Teenagers.

I love the circus at the Finca. I bet the actors enjoyed making those crazy, loud scenes.

Tell me about it... That was the moment when the fans around the world were like: "Yesss, after 9999999 episodes it finally happens, now, now, now, only one more inch, yes, yes, yes... NOOOOOOOO! Frak you, Mejía!!!" :)))

She calls him majadero and pelado.
Just as usual. :)

Thanks Sarah for the recap! I can hardly wait for tonight when I actually get to watch the show. Maybe Juan and Regina will be on most of the night, as I can't stand watching pathetic Renato acting like he's the one everyone should feel sorry for. Terrylee from Ashtabula

Thanks, Sarah. Now that Fernando Colunga has made his entrance on Soy tu Duena , I get to see my two favorite telenovios every night. I am enjoying watching Reggie and I-Juan-a-Kiss getting to know each other. Renato is really in a meltdown. He seemed to be grabbing the actress's face for real. I hope that she didn't get bruised. Christian seemed to really be ''in the moment.'' However, I'd be careful what I wished for if I were him. He's no match for Mighty Juan, so Rennie would be better off letting sleeping, sailing juans lie. If Juan and Reggie return [and we know that they will] , all you-know-what is going to break out. I can't wait for Rennie to find out that wifey was bunnyhopping on the ship and in the Love Cave with Juan loooong before she married him . Good stuff. This novela just keeps getting better and better. Bring on THE KISS.

Thanks for the recap Sarah. I too have to watch this episode. And ITA that Uni needs to give us new previews.

Excellent recap Sarah. I agree with you. I'm tired of seeing the "future" scenes that have already played. It thinks it's stupid that Uni won't show any previews. It's maddening. On the the story. I think Juan is protesting a bit much about his feelings for Regina. It reminds me of the 10cc song, "I'm Not In Love." Poor Jimena having to sleep in the corner on the hard floor. I hope she can get out of there soon. So Renato is now hellbent on bringing Juan in and rescuing Regina. Thing is, she won't want to be rescued since she's falling for her husbnad. Too little too late. A part of me felt bad for Aimee when Renato manhandled her. Even Leo looked at her pitifully.

Oh. I forgot to mention that I loved the almost kiss and how Juan acted at the door when he was asking him why he didn't kiss Regina.

I made typos galore typing too fast. I meant asking himself why he(Juan) didn't kiss Regina in my last post.

Thank you Sarah! Wow! Renato has gone off the deep end. I thought he went too far and you know it's bad when even evil Leo is sympathetic. Geeze Ren, dial it back a few notches.

I wonder if Renato has ever had a thought about "the big picture"? Like, if you marry a self-absorbed, superficial skank what will your marriage be like in say, 5 years? If you lock Juan up and haul Regina back to the finca do you really think she's still going to love you? If you get Regina back, what are you going to do with Aimee? What about your BSC mother, Ren? Do you think she's going to love Regina after she's been with Juan? Noel was right, Dios mio, Dios mio.

Thanks for the great recap. Like the rest of you I was waiting for the kiss. Maybe it will come tonight. Wow, is Noel interested in LuLu? Maybe she will wind up with Noel instead of Remiglio. I would like for Noel to find someone. He reminds me of Rodolfo in MP. Can't wait for Juan and Regina to return and when they do all h will break loose. Should be a fun ride.

I thought about Noel with Lulu too but I think he's going to end up with Mariella, she need someone too. They'll be a nice family with Jimena and Gabriel.

Notice how both Juan and Regina wanted that kiss. But now, when he needs to be confident, Juan turns into a spineless jellyfish. He was so close to getting what both he and Regina want and he didn't complete the move. Gee whiz! What are the writers thinking of? These two people obviously care deeply about each other and that attraction grows stronger every time they're together. They need to solidify their relationship before Renato comes bursting on the scene. He's only going to make trouble and Regina and Juan need to know that they can thoroughly trust each other. Bring on the show tonight!

Sarah, thanks for the recap of Juan and Regina's "first date." This was another fun episode.
Poor Jimena, having to cuddle up on a hard floor with a broken heart.
La Paloma

Sarah, thank you, thank you. These recaps just keep getting better and better. My PC hates me,all my comments for the past few days have not been posting.Ah!!! the poem from yesterday was so beautiful.Where can I get a copy in English? There are a few people I know who could use it.
Are the writers trying to drive us insane? What's with this near kiss? I can understand Jaun and Regina's frustration. I am frustrated and it's not my love story.If they are keeping us up late, they better make it worth our while.Oh and another thing, less commercials. We have earned it.All in favor, raise your hand.
I am a bit confused about Renato.What exactly is he going to do with Regina when he finds her.It's not like he can form a harem by keeping both sisters.psycho!!!Does he think for a second that Jaun is just going to hand his wife over to him? Poor lost soul. Till tonight,my friends.


"But now, when he needs to be confident, Juan turns into a spineless jellyfish."

LOL! That's so true.

Sarah, thanks. This was an excellent episode, but even so, your recap was even better. There are so many clever lines. It's abundantly evident how much you are enjoying this show. Thanks for sharing that enthusiasm with us. I think my favorite of your many great lines is:

"She claims she told Renato “the truth”, and even I’m confused about what that is at this point."

Poor Renato. He finally realizes that almost every decision he's made has been the wrong one, yet the irony is that this realization is spurring him to compound his misery with even worse choices. He desperately needs a timeout.

I loved the way this episode juxtaposed Renato's revelation of just how deep Regina's love was for him with her looking up at Juan and thinking, "Hey, this big lug looks pretty good, doesn't smell too bad, and actually might be pretty tasty." You could see her feelings for Renato take wing and fly off into that starlit sky... "Renato who?"


Sarah, thank you so much for your recap! I had to laugh about that curly wig comment. And I agree with Carlos; it's so great you share with us your great affection for Juan and Regina! :D

Wow, it was so awful to hear Leonarda just flatly say nobody cares about Regina's future there, wasn't it.

P.S. Hanna, I just saw your question. If you click on the link in the text of my recap Wednesday, it will take you to a page with the whole poem in English. The link is in the paragraph immediately preceding the first lines of the poem in the recap.

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