Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, June 8: Ep 78--They're getting married in the morning….

I decided in the time between the end of Dueña and the start of tonight's ep, under the influence of too much cocoa powder and decaf coffee, that if I were serious, I mean really serious about my sacred duty as a recapper, I would set myself some goals for improvement of my craft. Don't worry, I'm sure it will wear off soon enough, but I realized it's been such a long time since I've waxed rhapsodic about some point of grammar or an idiomatic phrase or even included a single vocabulary word. So I'm going to work on that. Baby steps, mind you, like maybe I'll shoot for five vocabulary words this episode. We'll see how it goes.

I will dispense with the extensive rehashing of Aimee's paltry excuses to Renato, which we know are complete BS. Am I a terrible person for being gleeful at Renato's smacking her around? Yeah, I suck. Come on, though, it's fictional. And it's not that I condone spousal violence, just that sometimes I'd really like to smack her around, and this way I can do it vicariously. Yeah, I'm going straight to hell.

Juan is ready to tell the verdad*, the whole verdad, and nothing but the verdad. But Renato thinks he already knows it. Reggie freaks out. Juan says he's taking "her" over Renato's objections. Renato demands that he marry "her" first. Say what? Aimee chimes in, moaning and groaning about how Juan needs to just fess up already, that he's got her sister acorralada*, blah, blah, blah. Juan's two brain cells are having trouble communicating with each other. He finally gets out a "hold on, let's clear this up right now," but Renato wants to hear from Reggie if what her sister says is true. He gives her a choice between "either you are in love with Juan, or Aimee lied to me." Yikes. Juan sees all the looks between Aimee and Regina and keeps his big, Cro-Magnon mouth shut. Damnit!

Leonarda, as Mr. 5ft puts it, is being haunted by the not-dead. She's remembering Arcadio's words about killing Maria del Rosario and Mirta and disfiguring their faces by bashing them in with rocks. She dreams about being in MdR's cell and going loca*. In her dream, MdR confronts her about having her killed. MdR says she'll go, but Leo needs to look on her one last time. She puts the veil over Leo's face and proclaims her crazy. "Maldita loca!"* Leo wakes up with a start, screaming that she's not crazy. She tries to go back to sleep.

Maria del Rosario, sans veil, goes to her grave. She sees Constanza's first, though. She remembers that Leo envenenó a* Constanza, according to the letter. Then she sees her own tomb. Say what!?

Reggie fesses up to her love for Juan. Renato insists Juan marry her, but Reggie doesn't want him interfering. Noel pulls up in his ride. Juan dramatically grabs Reggie and asks if she's willing to accept Juan del Diablo as her legitimo esposo*. Noel is not having it with the young people and their shenanigans! Reggie says Juan has proposed and she accepts. "Say what?"-s all around. Renato tells Noel to butt out. While Ren and Noel are yelling at each other, Juan catches Aimee's eye and gives her the most precious look. Just priceless. Feel free to caption it yourself, but my idea of what's in Juan's thought bubble is "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, ya spoiled, whoring, heartbreaking bitch!" Renato insists the marriage take place ASAP. Aimee seethes. Renato's idea of ASAP is tomorrow. Naw, come on, man, wake up the priest now and lets get this over with!

Mariela contemplates Angela/Jimena's baby clothes. Her mom comes in to see why she's still awake. Mom tries her best not to look at the clothes. She wants Mariela to quit tormenting herself and suffering. They're going to have the same argument as always. Mom doesn't know how to console Mariela anymore and Mariela won't give up. She feels cerca* to her hija*.

Who is currently on the beach nursing Gabe's wound as Gabe claims it's nothing. Pfft! Jimena says all the gypsies will now gang up on her to force her to keep her word. Gabe wants to run off now and he won't arriesgar* her going back. He wants her to leave everything and go with him. Smoochies.

Maria del Rosario thinks her tombstone means she's actually dead. She sits down on it, then lies down and cries. She says she's going to stay there and descansar* forever, until Juan DD comes for her.

Arcadio drinks and laughs. By himself. He's sure Renato must be thrilled with that letter, jajaja. Then he realizes that Leonarda might be angry. But then again, with Constanza's letter, he's protected. Then he remembers the joyas* that belonged to MdR…if he finds them that's more ammo for him. He goes off to search.

Doc is reading while he keeps watch over Rosenda. Marlene comes to visit to stay with Rosie for the evening. Doc agrees to let her. He lets her know Rosie's fine, but there's no indication she'll wake. It could happen any time though, so they'll esperar*. Marlene is convinced this is a punishment for her, but Doc denies it. Sometimes life just kicks you around so you can toughen up. Marlene says she'd trade her life for Rosenda's. So of course, eventually she will, according to the laws of TN utterances.

Gabe and Jimena, those crazy kids, came to get Mariela's help. She says Jimena will stay the night there and Gabe will come by in the morning and they'll talk. She's not letting them just go running off. Mariela tries to look stern, but she fails miserably.

Salma gives Branko a little leg. He's caught up on the breaking of the vow and on Jimena wanting to marry a White guy. He swears she'll marry him and learn to love him. Now Salma gives Branko a little smoldering action, but he's not up for it. Salma swears he won't marry Jimena.

Marlene wants to be the first person Rosenda sees when she wakes up, but she's afraid, as usual, that Rosenda will reject her. Marlene cries. She tells Rosenda she never stopped thinking about her the whole time they were apart.

Renato isn't much appeased. He drags Aimee home and shoves her into the bedroom. He tells her to rest, tomorrow will be a long day. He grabs a drink and then goes off to prepare for the quickie wedding. He locks Aimee in their room…and then explains to his mom that yes, he did just lock his wife in their bedroom. Leo is concerned about what Rod will think. Renato says he's doing this to save the family name so, shut it! Leo blames his angry attitude on Juan. "What are you thinking mom? If I suspected Aimee, she wouldn't be alive right now. Juan and Reggie are getting married tomorrow and NO ONE will stop it!"

The soon-to-be-happy couple sit downstairs, not talking. He doesn't want to talk or argue. He understands her reasons, but she still wants to whine about it. He wanted to see how far it would go. He's sick of the hypocrisy of her sister. Reggie begs him to run away tonight. It's a big world and a wide sea. Lots of room to get lost in. Juan calls himself stupid and says the two girls must have planned it between them. Reggie denies it. Juan doesn't want to think she's like Aimee, but now he thinks she's just like her. "I won't be deceived again, so get yer ass ready, girl, we's gettin' married tomorrow!"

The menfolk sit around a fire and ponder luuuuuuurve. Only Pedro is unmoved and looks at them the way the designated driver looks at the drunken fools he'll have to take home later. Santos says he's cranky because he doesn't have anyone to throw a lazo* on him. Pedro's response is "I'm not a freekin' cow, dude." Eusebio comes up and Pedro jokes not to get infected by the other guys. But where's Juan? It's after midnight. Pedro tells them to look lively, cause as soon as Juan gets there, they're taking off. Colibri signals to Juan, but Juan has to break it to him that they're not running off. Some really grave* stuff has gone down and they need to talk to the fishermen. Celia comes running up and tells Juan that Aimee needs to talk to him. She's still all dizzy from being hit over the head. She can't remember what Aimee said. "She's desperate, sick from so much crying." She can't remember the rest of what she said, but she wants Juan to go to the balcony. Juan sends Colibri to report this to the fishermen and goes off to see Aimee.

Juan goes to Aimee's room and she throws herself at him, literally. She begs him to understand, she needs him, she had to lie to Ren, because he found the letter and he was going to kill her! Whatever. What do you want? She just needed to see him and be sure he won't go away hating her. "What else can you do?" Juan says he would have done anything for her, even betray his own blood to have her. He no longer even thinks Reggie is honorable. He says he's going to marry Reggie and Aimee will be the madrina*. Aimee refuses. AND…hoo boy, this is a big one…he's going to ask his cuz for half the finca as a wedding present! Cause he's a Montes de Oca too, damnit! "But you never wanted…" "Well, I changed my mind, just like you!" He leaves and she screams at him not to leave her. Reggie hears the screams and comes running. Aimee's desperate for Reggie to open the door and sends her to find the key. That was quite enjoyable.

Renato breaks the news to Rod that Reggie has to marry Juan and, apparently, that she shagged him. Leo tells him to calm down. Rod says he now understands her leaving Fed at the altar. Renato says to add insult to injury, Aimee was also lying to cover up the relationship. Rod wants nothing more to do with Reggie and refuses to go to the wedding. Cool, then it will be a real party. Leo tells him not to be carreid away by his anger or he won't get Reggie's money. She says this right in front of Renato, who doesn't even object. Rod is talked around. Ren says if they're all in agreement, the wedding will be tomorrow. Dollar signs light up in Rod's eyes.

Branko and Servando. Oh, who cares, really. Branko needs to kill Whitey or he's a coward. Blah, blah, blah.

Colibri really can't explain QTH is going on.

Juan talks to Clemencia. He realizes Aimee was lying about loving him and wanting to run off with him. He tells her about Reggie coming to see him and Aimee lying to Ren. He's sure Reggie and Aimee were in cahoots, so he's going to marry Reggie and take her far away. He doesn't care that he doesn't love her, but he'll take her. Clem understands his pain, but she doesn't agree to let Reggie share his suffering. Juan says he won't listen to her this time. It's one more way to get revenge on the Montes de Ocas. Well, when he knows Daddy wants her gone, I suppose he'll want to stick around instead?

Reggie gets the door unlocked. Aimee wants to go find Juan, but Reggie won't let her. She's upset that Juan is marrying Reggie out of spite. She can't bear the thought of Juan and Reggie…. She figures Reggie is thrilled about this. Chick fight. Renato comes in and Aimee claims Reggie is mad at her for ratting her out and that Reggie likes Juan, but doesn't want to marry him. Renato once again turns to Reggie to ask if this is true. While Reggie and Aimee stare daggers at each other, Reggie declares she'll marry Juan and go wherever he wants her to and that's the last word she'll say on the subject! Stick that in your fan and chew it! Aw, rats, that's all for tonight.

Tomorrow: "crucial moments." Oh, bite me. I better get some wedding action already!

Loca=crazy [woman]
Maldita loca=damned crazy [woman], freekin' nutjob, etc.
Envenenó a=poisoned (envenenar is "to poison" and it's one of those verbs where you specify who exactly; you need the "a" with it to specify the who)
Legitimo esposo=lawfully married [male] spouse
Arriesgar=to risk
Descansar=to rest
Joyas=jewels, jewelry
Esperar=to wait

Okay, class, pop quiz:
1. Explain why it's "loca" for MdR, "hija" for Angela/Jimena, and "legitimo esposo" for Juan (as opposed to "loco", "hijo", and "legitima esposa").
2. Explain why the "lazo" bit is funnier than I made it sound. Hint: it's something to do with weddings.
3. Explain the concept of "madrina" in the context of a wedding, and include what you call the men in the same role.

I'm verklempt! Discuss amongst yourselves!


Good times, good times. There had better be a wedding tomorrow, cause there has been quite enough teasing already!

Thank you, Kat! I love the vocabulary.

While Ren and Noel are yelling at each other, Juan catches Aimee's eye and gives her the most precious look. Just priceless.

I agree, look was awesome. I couldn't resist to make an animation from that scene.

3. Explain the concept of "madrina" in the context of a wedding, and include what you call the men in the same role.

As far as I know madrina de boda means maid of honor. (Though our Aimee is already married, so she couldn't be a maid...) I guess the male equivalent of madrina is padrino in this context, too.

One of your best, Kat. The "ah, who cares?" and the quip about "Only Pedro is unmoved and looks at them the way the designated driver looks at the drunken fools he'll have to take home later" just cracked me up. It's raining here, all the news is bad, I have two adult children still looking for work and three friends going through divorces....but you made me laugh. I'm beholden to ya.

Thanks Kat, I don't watch it - far too late for me - but I enjoy reading the recaps. You managed to capture the cat fight perfectly. I could "see" it even though I haven't seen it.


Kat, like Snapple, the best stuff just got better. This was absolutely one of your best ever. The recap was sensational and your vocabulary was great.

I couldn't answer your questions but thank Aribeth for her answer on madrina.

Judy, you aand I are once again on the same wavelength. One of my favorite lines was also: "Only Pedro is unmoved and looks at them the way the designated driver looks at the drunken fools he'll have to take home later". Also, "Juan sees all the looks between Aimee and Regina and keeps his big, Cro-Magnon mouth shut. Damnit!" was perfect and spot on. Soooo frustrating!

I keep thinking MdR's sad situation has hit rock bottom but was proven wrong again last night. Her lying on her own grave was tragic and sad. Are she and Juan going to find each other? I hope it's not on her deathbed, that would be terrible.

As much as I like Mariela and the Gabe/Jimena storyline, I only "Juanted" Juan...The storyline really imploded and now the only question really is, will he get to the church on time??


Oh Kat! That was the best. I watched it early this morning and it seems like I must have slept through a couple of parts.

That look Juan gave Aimee was indeed priceless. He was kind of thumbing his nose at her in a way.

Lock me in my room? Am I 5? Pull the pin on the hinges dumbass (if they are on the inside that is).

1. Explain why it's "loca" for MdR, "hija" for Angela/Jimena, and "legitimo esposo" for Juan (as opposed to "loco", "hijo", and "legitima esposa"). 1- refers to gender specifics
2. Explain why the "lazo" bit is funnier than I made it sound. Hint: it's something to do with weddings. 2- in Mexico when people get married the madrina puts a lazo to bind the newlyweds
3. Explain the concept of "madrina" in the context of a wedding, and include what you call the men in the same role. yes, for men is padrino
A lot of slapping and throwing around in this episode. It has been a very long night. this is still the night when Aimee had hot passionate sex with men seconds apart, the same night she gave Renie the sleeping potion, the same night poor Mirtha was killed, the same night�
Arca is a very busy dude, I don�t know how he manages to be everywhere at the right moment.
You go Reggie! two attempted weddings in the same amount to days. Probably she�ll get a discount. Two for the price of one. Only few hours before she vowed she�ll never marry without love. I guess she changed her mind
Does colibri ever sleep? Juan is out on bail I think leaving to el pennon is going to aggravate his situation, but he has never thought rationally, why start now?
I think Renie soon is going to become Arca�s pal. He�s drinking more than him now. Could anyone explain what really tick him off to become such an ass?
When MDR was looking at her grave it said that she died at age 31 so how old is she now? 60? How old would that make Leona, Clem, Rod, etc. in their 70s? Also, the fishermen would be around that age.

"Could anyone explain what really tick him off to become such an ass?"

1. His wife is an irritating, spoiled hag.
2. He suspects she's lying about Juan.
3. He found out that his poor pal Juan is actually very rich. Now he's the alpha male in Veracruz.
4. Btw, this Juan is his cousin, but he said he was a simple penniless guy. He accepted a fake job at the Finca, but his goal is to destroy the family, including Ren's beloved Mommy.
5. And now this jerk takes his BFF Reggie away. No more puppy eyes, no more "tu felicidad es muy importante para mi".
6. Btw, the sweet, pure Regina has been sleeping with this man for months, and she's been lying to HIM, Renato, the Centre of the World.

2, 3, 4, 6: he's surrounded by liars, he feels betrayed, and his pink world collapsed. My only problem is that it happened too quickly.

Kat, both the episode and recap were hilarious. I stayed up to watch this one on the big screen.
LOL at the Pedro/designated driver comment. I also thought the madrina/padrino at a wedding were sort of sponsors of the couple as well as honor attendants? Or am I getting mixed up with a quincea~era?
I can hardly wait for tonight. Yes, there had better be a wedding! a good ol' shotgun wedding. With slimeball HotRod holding a gun in one hand and the other hand out to take Regi's money. And Leo cheering him on in the background. And Arcadio skulking in the shadows, with Clemencia shedding buckets'o'tears.
I think I'll wear lacy gloves and bring a hanky and a cold beverage.
La Paloma
PS I really, really want MdR to rise from her tumba and sail off with Juan and the gang.

Way to go Kat!!! Awesome as usual. Is this getting good or what! Renato I believe, has always been in love with Regina but like the dope that he is,realized it too late. His attitude towards Jaun seems to be one of jealousy. what did Aime expect? She couldn't keep lying to all and not be found out.What arrogance! the beating from Renato was well deserved.
JudyB, two unemployments and three divorces. Sorry sister, hang in there. My sister is at the court house this morning getting hers.Like my mother always says, when it rains it pours.
Thanks Kat we all needed your humor today.

thanks for the great recap. I needed a good laugh.

I loved the na na na look that Juan gave Aimee. It was priceless.

Renato seemed to have figured out that Aimee isnt the woman he thought she was and the other night he seemed into Reggie with all the face rubbing so,
was he more upset that Reggie was dishonored by Juan or that he wasn't the one to do the dishonoring?

I noticed the one time that Aimee did tell the truth (about the carta) juan didnt believe her I guess she cried wolf one too many times.
Juan and Reggie marrying would be the best punishment for Aimee.

Diane, Juan was reunited with his mother on her death bed, in the last Novela he played in "gaviota", which was sad. I too hope this doesn't happen again.


Thanks for the recap and vocabulary Kat! I, too, cracked up at the comments about Pedro and Juan's big Cro-Magnon mouth.

We're still on a roller coaster, although not as action packed as the night before. I loved the way Regi and Juan were cornered into agreeing to marry each other, that was pretty funny in itself. It does seem that Ren suspects Aimee is lying but can't quite bring himself to believe it. When he said the important thing is that they are getting married, I thought that was his way of fixing the problem. He was still awfully angry at Aimee which doesn't make sense otherwise.

Loved Loved Loved that Regi said too bad, I'm marrying Juan and that's that! Take that bitch! I didn't like that Juan started suspecting her of being in cahoots with Aimee, hopefully that won't last long.

I guess the reason Aimee can't go out her window but Juan can come in is that she can't climb down from a balcony in those dresses.

MdR, that was interesting. I was hoping Juan and/or Clemencia would find her!

Just checking the CS schedule this week. It looks CS gets preempted Friday night. Do we want to have a general discussion?

Love the recap, Kat, and I'm lovin' this overwrought looney novela. I didn't have a notion that a Juan/Regi wedding would be coming up. Que sorpresa! Have to watch to see if Regi will keep her word and marry our resident Cro-Magnon.


Looks like I slept through a good one, quizás, the only good one. Recaps much better than the TN.

Wish I could remember the one with Palomo, but this seems very different except for JDD ending up with Regina. I don't remember what happened with the Aimee o Renato characters.

Did Arcadio kill Mirta?

MdR would be 58, it's supposed to be about 27 yrs later. Leonarda is the older sister probably she would be about 60 now. Juan is 27, buy that one.

I hope this damned word cup won't affect the TN schedules more. *not a football fan*

"quizás, the only good one"

No, the good part of the telenovela started two days ago. :-)

Btw, from this point the story (the "Bodas de odio" scenario) will follow the book relatively closely until episode 109-110. Except the Yo compro esa mujer elements, of course. :-)

"Did Arcadio kill Mirta?"

Yes, he did.

I'm with you on the football thing, Aribeth! Not a sports fan in general myself.

As macabre as it is to think about, we didn't see what Orca did with her body. Yuck, I don't want to think about it.

One thing I keep wondering is if Jimena will ever reveal that she was Estrella, or if that part of the story has just gone away.

Ivy, if and when Jimena wears nongitana clothes, a dress with a hat and a veil would be the best, maybe then, our visually and cognitively impaired galan will recognize Jimena as Estrella.

Is the soccer game going to last that long on Friday?The World Cup is going to last a month too.On Telemundo they preempt the novelas for soccer games all of the time.

Connie, thanks. I didn't think the schedule would be disrupted as I thought the games were on during the day.

Aribeth: I'm with you on preempting CS for football. I'm not a fan either. Of course, it's not airing Friday night which is the one night I could stay up late and watch as I don't have to get up at 4 on Saturday. Grrrr...


It's listed as the concert for the world cup of something like that. It looks like it is actually a replay of the concert earlier. Do we really need to see it twice?

I bet we'll have to check the schedule every day just to be sure. I can't imagine not seeing CS or STuD for a whole month.

Was someone filling in for Jeri tonight? I don't remember. If not, I'll just put up a discussion spot.

Thank you for the wonderful, wacky, witty recap, Kat.

"oo doggy, get out the shotguns, we's in for a rip-roaring fancy dancy redneck wedding!" Wonder if Juan and Reggie will honeymoon in his favorite cave, too?

a month of possible futbol preemptions? oh, geez. what's next?

Jody :)

Kat, thanks for the recap. I really appreciate your "new" approach to recaps and thanks for the vocab.

Aribeth - ITA with you regarding Ren's transformation to an idiot happened too quickly. Yes, we know he's jealous but now he's jealous in a psychotic way.

We should not be pre-empted for a month b/c of the World Cup. The first few weeks may be painful but after the first round, we should have regularly scheduled programming with only minor interruptions.

Oh good. That would be the pitts having all our shows preempted.

"Wonder if Juan and Reggie will honeymoon in his favorite cave, too?"

Tarzan and Jane together forever in the Cave of Lust. Yikes! :-) *throw up a bit* No, it will be better.

I hope CS won't be scheduled often. At least from now you'll have the original weekend cliffhangers (every 5th and 10th episode, instead of 6th and 11th). After episode 80th the weekends became unbearably long for me. :-)

"Yes, we know he's jealous but now he's jealous in a psychotic way."

Before Ren and Aimee got married, Ren friendly strangled her and said he would kill her if she betrayed him. That was a bad omen. But since then he acted like he was the nicest guy on the Earth so I still have a strange feeling about his sudden personality change.

Thanks, Kat, for another fantastic recap. I appreciated the vocabulary and the quiz...I passed !!! Judyb~~So sorry that so many of those near and dear to you are going through some bad times. I know how empathetic you are. I am sending you and yours good vibrations. La Paloma~~lace gloves, hanky, cold beverage...cute...I'll join you. I hope to watch this episode a little sounds like things are starting to bubble and boil. I hope Juan takes Reffie to his mansion so that Aimee can stew about Reg getting the savaje and a lux lifestyle.

Thanks for the wonderful recap Kat! I thought the scene at the church was really quite humorous, almost like a "Who's on first" moment.

Geez, I hope Arcadio doesn't find MdR again. This time he probably would kill her since he has no reason to keep her alive.

I think Renato does realize he made a terrible mistake marrying Aimless. Now he's stuck with her and further, I think he knows she's lying. So if Ren can't be happy, ain't *nobody* gonna be happy. He's got the same kind of marriage his parents have - that's gotta hurt.

Does Regina have to give her fortune to Daddy Dearest? Did she promise it to him? I'm also confused as to whether this is all happening in the same day as Reggie's derailed wedding to Fed. Isn't Aimee wearing the same dress?

"I'm also confused as to whether this is all happening in the same day as Reggie's derailed wedding to Fed. Isn't Aimee wearing the same dress?"

We had better not monitor the dresses and try to put up a timeline, because they're misleading. Sometimes I think that certain important events happen in a very short time, but when I look at other characters, it seems that at least a month passed by.

Reffie????...I meant Reggie...always proofread.

We used to be able to do that witih MEPS but not so much this one. We kind of have the moon but not like in FELS. We just have to guess I think.

I did it too Mad Careless Beth!

Ooh, vocabulary! Thanks for another good one, Kat!

Cannot. Stop. Laughing. Oh, Aimee Aimee Aimee. All that grand scheming of yours, and look where it's gotten you! I bet you never saw that coming! (Neither did I.) That look Juan gave her... Priceless? Oh, yea. We need a MasterCard commercial for that one. I almost don't want to delete the episode just so I can watch that over and over and over.

It does make me kind of sad that his opinion of Reggie's changed, but at least we know he'll get over it eventually. I'd feel sorrier for her if I didn't suspect he'll treat her well regardless - probably better than Renato would, in fact.

By the way, Kat - As far as I'm concerned, that wasn't spousal abuse. Spousal abuse is when a man hits his woman for no reason or a made-up reason. Aimee's given him plenty of reasons, so that was just a bitch getting what she had coming to her and I support it completely. (More people should smack her around, in fact. I move we start up a queue and just send her down the line.)

Were there terms in the bequeathment that protected the twins' inheritance from their husbands? Because from what I understand of Victorian property law, once you were married, if you were a woman, that was it. You didn't have anything or get anything - it all fell straight to your husband (so it seems a little weird that's when it would come to them to begin with - it's almost more like a dowry). So if Rod thinks Juan is going to agree to Regina handing over her share of it, well... That's going to be a cold day in hell and another snirk-worthy scene.

Speaking of those: Think Branko's opinion on Jimena's going to change when he finds out she's a white girl?

Aribeth, over here, when your maid of honour is a married woman, you just call her the matron of honour instead. ^.^ Oh, that will/would be hilarious - making her stand there while her sister marries the man she lusts so terribly for. Best. Revenge. Ever, and I'm taking notes in case I ever need to serve up a nice cold dish.

Ohboyohboy! Kat this one was great and full of laughs!
"Juan sees all the looks between Aimee and Regina and keeps his big, Cro-Magnon mouth shut. Damnit!
" I was screamin' at the screen myself! LOL!

"Feel free to caption it yourself, but my idea of what's in Juan's thought bubble is "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, ya spoiled, whoring, heartbreaking bitch!" YES!!! And I've been wanting Aimee to get some choice slaps 'n whaps myself for a long time now.


Another WOW! I don't know how you did it but I'm impressed. You are indeed a marvel. I echo the accolades that so many others have already bestowed on you today. Just allow me to say thanks for many much enjoyed laughs today.

Juan's knowing look and half-smile was wonderful. I thought he handled that very well... unlike much of the rest of his life.



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