Tuesday, September 21, 2010
La Fea Más Bella #13-14 9/21/10 The Adventure Begins.
Capitulo 13
1. The executive meeting considers how to produce more commercials.
2. Marcia says she didn’t defend Olarte because she’s not willing to risk her marriage over it. Alicia worries about who’s next and advises that Marcia should worry too. Alicia begs Marcia to set her up with Ariel, to make Omar jealous.
3. Lety daydreams about Fernando. She finds out from Sara that Juana’s predictions are very reliable.
4. Paula encourages Saimon’s advances until she gets a call from a richer prospect. She tries to find an amiga for double date, and she settles for Lety.
5. Marcia sets Alicia up with Ariel. Alicia tries to make Omar jealous with it. At the date, Ariel tells Alicia that the only thing they could have in common is sex.
6. Paula and Lety go to an antro with their dates. Rafael ignores Lety. Fernando shows up and dances with Lety.
Capitulo 14
Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 14 and 15. If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Fernando tells Lety that the next morning..” That begins Cap 15. I know this scene list has more detail than most; but some parts were so fun, I just couldn’t bear to leave them out!
1. Paula interrupts Lety’s fantasy. Lety tells her that Rafael can’t stand her. Fernando shares a hot bath with Marcia.
2. RoboPop is angry because Lety went out without his permission. Lety paints the date much prettier than it really was.
3. Lety tells her diary that she has given up on love because men notice beautiful women. But Don Fernando needs her and doesn’t pay attention to her ugliness.

4. Alicia tells Marcia that since Ariel treated her badly, he must be gay. Marcia advises her to forget about both Omar and Ariel.
5. Fernando wants to buy two studios for three million, USD, so they can produce more commercials. Both Lety and Marcia counsel against it, but Fernando decides buy them with a loan.
6. Fernando convinces the clients to film with blue screen instead of at Iztaccíhuatl. Marcia gets mad about the picture Luigi Photoshopped, as revenge. But hey! He’s only surrounded by three hot babes, not, like, FIVE or something! (see link)
7. Fernando tells his banker that Lety is his assistant (an executive position). Olarte refuses to give Lety the bank forms, but she invokes the name of Don Fernando. Fernando says that Olarte is dangerous because he’s Ariel’s ally. See transcript.
8. Fernando signs the loan request, and he realizes that he’s taking a huge step with the company. He tells Lety he trusts her, she’ll practically manage the company’s finances, and he needs her at his side permanently.
9. Weeks pass. Fernando tells Lety to not interrupt him at the riding competition. Conceptos is behind on loan payments and the banker needs papers signed by 2:00 or he cannot extend their credit.
Spanish Lesson
Fernando asks Lety about the bank forms.
L: I’m late because I checked through the copies and, well, Lic. Olarte didn’t want to give them to me.
F: And why not?
L: He told me it’s his job. But don’t get angry. In the end, I got them. I’ll bring them to you right away (enseguida).
F: No, Lety, wait a minute. Olarte isn’t just disobeying my orders. He is undermining my authority.
L: No, I don’t think it’s anything against you. No, I think it’s against me. He resents it because he thinks I’m displacing him.
F: No. He is Ariel’s ally.
L: Ooh. Then we need to be much more careful with him. He threatened me. He told me that if I make just one error, that my reign is finished.
F: No. Not only yours, Lety, mine too. L: No. F: Yes. L: No. F: Yes! Bring me the filled in forms, for me to sign, once and for all!
Lety goes to her office.
F: I detest having people like Olarte in the office. One enemy in the house is terrible! But he’s making it easier for me to fire him.
O: For exactly the same reason, I wanted to keep Alicia under control. It would be risky if she became another spy for Ariel.
Labels: fea-2010
Okay, I’m going to take a stab at last week’s question about why Betty la Fea and its offspring have had such universal appeal.
First off, it’s an outsider story, and those are always popular. But so many of the other telenovelas feature a poor girl who is noble, etc., but who is also unfailingly beautiful. Since women are judged first by their looks, those outsiders are on track to do well among the rich. In addition, being poor doesn’t put you in a minority, and very poor people can have full lives with romance and marriage and happy families. It’s just satisfying to know that a lovely poor girl who is pure of heart can be rewarded with love and money. Still, this success isn’t completely a victory, as we know there are other, happy options for poor people other than just getting to live in the big mansion with servants. So it’s nice, but not earthshaking.
Next, the longing of a homely person for a beautiful unattainable person of the opposite sex is heart-wrenchingly poignant tale-telling gold. Think of Quasimodo (sp?) and of Cyrano. In addition, being a homely female (not male) is fatal to romance, and I gather Betty La Fea shocked the telenovela world by having a homely protagonista. What’s worse, she’s geeky. However, there is one thing – she has a superpower and superpower stories are always popular. Not only is she pure and noble, she’s brilliant in finance
And then there’s the delicious premise of the homely girl in the rarefied and superficial world of fashion, which was so powerful that it was enough to carry Ugly Betty, which dispensed with the story line and didn’t make its protagonista as super brilliant.
Last, not to give away any story, what is done to Betty/Letty is unimaginably cruel, and to my mind much more horrifying than all the burning buildings, hospital scenes and murders, etc., that the other shows offer.
In Fea, Sergio Mayer (Luigi) dedicated himself to making Camil crack up on camera, because it’s not an easy feat. Serg often made him laugh, but Camil covered it so well, you barely notice. But today, in the scene with Ana Leticia’s falsies, you see him practically quaking, trying not to laugh. And Serg just goads him all the more! Also notice, the camera angle is on Camil's bad side. With his face tense, trying not to laugh, he almost looks like a stranger.
In the antro, Paula and her date first dance to a song by Niurka (the actress who plays Paula). Then Fernando and Lety dance to "Tu belleza es un misterio" sung by Jaime Camil and Angelica Vale. Finally, the last song is "La dueña de mi vida." I'll put the lyrics in the post a little later.
Marta’s husband, the taxi driver (Lobo?), with his funny speech style. Is that an exaggeration of something regional? It’s not Chilango (is it?), which is what you’d expect from a DF taxista, right?
At the equestrian event, Marcia is sitting with Jaime Camil’s father, Jaime Camil Garza. The location is Camil Garza's ranch outside DF. You may recognize the house as Las Animas from MEPS.
1. Would anyone like to get a phone call from Jaime Camil? I'm serious! He's participating in a charity auction for Haiti relief. If you are the highest bidder, he will phone you and sing one of his songs to your personally. See details here.
2. For a more low-rent option, Jaime is doing a TwitChat tomorrow (Wed.) at 5 PM DF time which is the same as US Central time. I'll tell you what he usually does; I can't guarantee it won't change. He posts the link to the chat on his Twitter page the moment chat opens. He starts the chat with questions that were e-mailed to him, so if you want to ask him anything, here's your chance. If the question is in English he answers in English. fans@jaimecamil.com
3. Reminder. Any veterans who want to point out foreshadows they spot, post them at http://twitter.com/FeaFores .
4. Anyone with a TV schedule crystal ball - will Fea still be 2 hours next week? The following week?
* A. All these problems! What am I going to do??
* B. And then this thing with Marcia (as he looks at her).
* C. I guess I’m stuck with her. It’s hopeless. I might as well make the best of it.
* D. But then (see the photo above, just as Lety says, “How could that happen?”) it’s as if he sees just a glimpse of something on the distant horizon, something that causes him a faint glimmer of hope.
Thank you, Pata, for taking the screen shot for me, so I could post it.
My world verification is roful: roll on floor uber laughing
I am with you Maggie "Jamie Camil has a bad side?" I sure couldn't see it and went back to check. He did look like he was cracking up though.
La Paloma
Look at this picture. The magazine reversed the first photo (notice his part is on the wrong side), so it's easier to see the difference.
In Fea, the very best kisses are ALWAYS from his good side. And when he's being a jerk or an idiot, it's often shot from his bad side.
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