Saturday, January 22, 2011

La Verdad Oculta 89: Mission Possible (?)

David and Abelardo stare in wonder at the unexpected present Satan’s Spawn (aka Carlos) has just left them. They know that the ring now in their possession must be one of the cufflinks. But if Adolfo has the other in his possession, he could easily get rid of it, and this one doesn’t prove a thing. When Fausto joins the two of them in the office, the theories continue to fly. It’s a trick! It’s a trap! It’s the ring Carlos has always had! It’s a fake! They finally decide to have an expert look at it and call Leo to get his assistance in making it happen, interrupting the class he is teaching at the police academy (where does this guy find time?). The three finally consider that Carlos has decided to help them (gasp)-- not a surprise given how badly he and his father get on and the fact that said father (aka Satan) treats him like a dog (I say that’s an insult to dogs). David’s still not so willing to let go all the bad things Carlos has done and trust him.

Fausto gets them back to the business at hand—the plan to fake Adolfo out with Gabi’s mad business management skills, while a supposedly paralyzed David recuperates at home. They can use the same tunnel Fausto uses for David to leave the house unnoticed in disguise. Who would have known Mario’s plan and tunnel would serve so many purposes. David remembers what a wonderful man his father was. (Let us also take a moment to remember the kind, generous, big hearted Mario. Que en paz descanse.)

Upstairs, a worried Ale decides to check in on her little sis by calling Adolfo’s. She finds out her sis has gone to the beach, but not with Adolfo. She also finds out that Carlos no longer lives in Casa Ávila. Once downstairs, she finds David and Gabi talking about Carlos and the ring. She tells them what she just learned about the not so prodigal son being cast out into the wilderness. David wonders again if Carlos and his father have had a disagreement, and for that reason he gave them the ring. “Because this is the proof that Adolfo killed Marta Sandivar!” Gabi is shocked to hear this news about her mother’s murder and the cufflink. David quickly explains about the cufflink Roberto stole from her apartment. Gabi is very confused. She wants to talk to the two mysterious old men, right now. She tells David to round up his dad, while she goes upstairs to call and demand the presence of hers. Uh oh looks on Ale's and David’s faces. David tells Ale he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. They change subject to the mysterious boxes from the States that Abelardo brought back. David doesn’t want the servants (servidumbre) or Gabi to hear, so they head to the office.

At Leo’s flat, he’s arrived just in time to say goodbye to Paula who is headed back to Durango. He’s too pressed for time to be able to go all the way to the airport with her, but Juli and Ramon will. Leo and Juli promise that she will be able to come back and spend her vacation with them. Paulita is sad, Leo is sad, Juli is sad, and so is Viewerville. Farewell Nancy Drew!

Carlos continues to make the rounds. This time he’s showed up at Ale’s office (Mina-take a good look at another hot man who is NOT into you). Mina shows him in to see Ale, who doesn’t bother with the pleasantries. “Where’s my sister?” He tells Ale that Bertha is getting herself into deep trouble by becoming more involved with Adolfo. Even though he’s lived his whole life with his father, he’s only just realized all the dangerous, shady business his father is involved in. That’s why he doesn’t live there anymore. He explains the “favors” Bertha has been doing for his dad. Ale is incredulous about the nature of these favors. Carlos isn’t sure if any of the type of favors Ale is imagining have happened, but he does know Bertha’s given false sworn statements for Adolfo. And she’s getting herself in deeper each day. Ale can’t listen to any more. Although Bertha is her sister and she loves her, she's an idiot (tonta), and ambitious. If she’s digging herself in deep with Adolfo, it’s because that’s where she wants to be. She loves luxury, but she doesn’t want to work for it. She was never good at school; she was super lazy (flojisima). And now she uses her good looks to get ahead. But now her life is her responsibility, she’s an adult, and Ale is tired of telling her this. Carlos agrees; he’s also tired of telling her the same thing. But, he’s in love with her, and he’s going to do all he can to get her out of this. Ale looks at him in disbelief. What does he mean he loves her? He simply does. He loves her, he likes her, they’ve had great times together. She may not be as brilliant as Ale, but she’s not as bad as his father either. Ale thinks it’s nice and all that he cares about her sister, but he hasn’t exactly been a saint. He admits to doing stupid things in his rivalry with David, including the Gabi mess…Ale stops him short. Oh no! The first unforgivable thing he did was sending an innocent man to jail for eleven years!! (Yes Carlos. Your little secret is out.) The only thing he can say is that he DIDN’T kill that woman! He then walks out without explaining further, leaving a very confused Ale.

Back in Mario’s home office, Leo is examining the ring and listening to the theories about it being a trap. Leo doesn’t think so. He told Carlos just the other day that the ring could be proof of a crime. He will have it examined by the jeweler who made Roberto’s ring. He’ll be able to tell them if it’s authentic.

In Michoacán, Don Jorge has decided he needs to give Dora a salary (sueldo), as well as a roof over her head and food. She doesn’t think it necessary but he insists. He’s also thinking about taking his savings and going travelling—to Vegas! (Looks like Dora will be minding the store in Michoacán for a while.)

At the tunnel house, Fausto tries out the makeup and silicone skin on David to create his disguise. David won’t have to speak to anyone or be forced to act. He’ll just have to enter and exit the office building. David thanks Fausto again for all he has done and is doing for them. Fausto is happy to do it. (Note the change from cranky, reluctant Fausto in the beginning.)

Ulises enters Zaida’s apartment, very obviously looking around for her bodyguard (guarda espaldas) Edgar. He’s gone to market, but Zaida does have some good news for him. She’s found work for Elsa with a very important man. He thanks her profusely, and she gives him Dante’s contact info to pass on to Elsa. Elsa should get there within the hour. In the hallway, Ulises runs into Edgar. Wow! Edgar is really dedicated to his job! Either that, or he swings both ways, because he is flirting up a storm with Ulises and making a date for them to chat over dinner at Ulises’ place soon. Ulises is having the best day ever! He gives Elsa Dante’s info, tells her to fix herself up and get going, and then runs off to write a poem, since he’s feeling so inspired!

The Guillen sisters catch up via phone. Gabi tells Juli about David’s miraculous recovery, but urges her to keep it secret. She’ll explain the crazy plans and schemes to Juli in person tomorrow. Tomorrow she also plans on speaking to their father (who is not currently home) and Don Mario, together! So pass the message on to their dad.

The best big brothers, ever, have decided to skip the delicious (I’m sure) dinner Lucha has prepared for them at home, and instead take the kiddies to the movies and arcade for fun, popcorn, sodas, fries, hamburgers, shuffleboard, Dance Dance Revolution, and video games. They even get to start a mini brawl, when Chicles wolf whistles at some mamacita wearing a mini. This is much to the displeasure of her boyfriend, who thinks JJ or Limon are the culprits. Even Caramelo gets into the mix- causing a distraction for the group to escape by tugging down the mini skirt that started the whole scandal! Chicles wolfs down his junk food, while stealing from Caramelo’s and JJ’s plates, and earns a queasy stomach for his efforts.

At the jeweler's, Leo finds out that the stones in the ring are indeed authentic and antique, but the setting (montadura) was not done there.

At Dante’s, Elsa gets her assignment. She will be selling fine jewelry to a list of clients preselected by Dante. Elsa is pleased and amazed that she doesn’t even have to find the clients to buy the jewelry she will be selling. It’s an offer too good to pass up. The Silver Tongued One pulls out the contract, encouraging Elsa to sell her soul…ah, agree to be contracted for a year. Despite her reservations, Dante assures her this will be such a great job, with wonderful earnings, where she will feel so comfortable (agusto), that a year will be no problem. In fact, today he’s getting a delivery of some fine jewelry he’s eager for her to get busy selling. She signs and gives a wide innocent smile. He returns a sinister one.

At MI6 headquarters (aka Casa Genoves), Q (aka David) is showing Agent 007 (aka Gabi) their newest toys. A tiny earpiece, and a transmitter attached to a garter that David helpfully slides up Gabi's shapely leg (earning him a few hand slaps). Abelardo tests to see that it’s all working. There is also a tiny camera and microphone in a silver brooch (prendedor) Gabi will have to wear. It will allow them to see what she’s seeing in real time, but she has to make sure it doesn’t get covered. Gabi is worried about what she’ll do if the equipment fails. David continues to build up her confidence. Just act normal like everyone else. It’s attitude that counts! Plus, “Mario” is going to give her a few acting tips, since he has some acting experience from college.

JJ and Limon bring the kids and their chalk/white erase board (pisaron) to Elsa’s. Everyone is in a good mood, even though they are late and Chicles had some stomach issues. (The word is estómago, but Caramelo keeps saying estógamo.) Chicles is ready to eat again, and asks Elsa what’s for dinner. Elsa is sure they’ve eaten plenty of junk (porquerias) already, and it’s time for Caramelo to get ready for bed. None of the four (yes four) kids like this, but mama Elsa puts her foot down. Time for the boys to go home. JJ shows his displeasure by mocking Elsa’s blown kiss behind her back, and mocking the very word “mama”. The boys leave. Big kisses from JJ. Sad kiss from Limon.

Across the hall, Zaida is eager for Edgar to leave, but he insists his job is to protect 24 hours of the day. She doesn’t like this, and she doesn’t like him helping himself to her liquor either. She resigns herself and has him serve her a drink as well, but she rues the day she got involved with the whole lot of them. Edgar’s advice- You’re in it now, so you better figure out the best way to survive. She told Adolfo, and she’s going to tell him, she can take care of herself. Edgar reminds her she wasn’t so good at that when he first met her, and Garnica had a gun pointed at her head. Fine. She’ll let him stay—on the couch. Edgar wonders if he doesn’t get a sheet, a pillow, etc. Sorry Edgar. He’s her bodyguard, not her boyfriend. She goes into her office, with Edgar’s words about survival echoing in her ears, and begins to write a confession/testimony(!?) letter to the relevant authorities (autoridades correspondientes).

Early the next morning, Gabi has arrived at the Guillen apartment to catch Fausto. She has Juli wake the sleeping Fausto, who comes shuffling out. Gabi wants him to get dressed, chop chop, and return with her to Genoves Manor to speak with Mario. Not possible, says Fausto—with the excuse that they can’t just disturb Mario in that way. Seeing that her sis is about to put the screws on their dad, Juli decides to leave the room. Gabi just wants him and Mario to explain a few things. Fausto thinks it’s too early. Ask him first, and then later they can talk to Mario. (He’s good.) Gabi wants to know how the two men know each other; also her mother and Adolfo. Fausto stalls uncomfortably, so Gabi lays out all the facts she knows. Fausto was an actor. Adolfo was the owner of the theater where he worked. Her mother was a dancer. And Don Mario???

Fausto skirts around the truth. Her mother was a beautiful woman who had lots of suitors (pretendientes). He (Fausto/Santiago) fell in love with her the moment he first saw her. But one of her suitors was Mario. Gabi wonders about this, since Mario was already married. Yes, but Mario still went to the theater every night to see her. Was she already married to Fausto? No, but he got really jealous of all her suitors, like Mario. (Truth bending alert! Find the untruths in the rest of Fausto’s statements.) According to Fausto, when Marta realized Mario was married, she cut ties with him, realized she loved Fausto and married him. Then came along Gabi and Juli. All was good until that fateful night when Marta was murdered, he was blamed by Adolfo, and he had to flee with his girls. Then he started this sad life, full of fear, hoping no one would recognize him. Gabi obviously feels her father’s pain and doesn't push any further.

In Michoacán, Don Jorge stands in for Viewerville and asks Dora all the things we want to ask her. Doesn’t she miss her son? Oh, yes. Then why doesn’t she at least call him? It will just cause more trouble. But, she can’t hide all her life. She should think about that poor boy who spent 11 years of his life in prison. What if he were her son? Wouldn’t she do something for him? Dora begs him not to remind her of it. She’s already been living with the guilt all these years. Don Jorge promises not to push, but he wants her to do some soul searching to find the answer within herself.

At Dante’s, Elsa is given the newly arrived from abroad jewelry that she is to sell. She’s blown away by how fine they are, and checks to make sure they have a bill of sale (factura). Dante assures her they do. He NEVER takes risks. He has a long and prestigious career to protect. Viewerville says a collective uh oh! Elsa breathes a sigh of relief. But she is still worried about carrying around such expensive items and possibly being robbed/assaulted. Since no one will know what she’s carrying around, Dante doesn’t think the robbery risk is great. And his chauffer will take her to see the clients she makes appointments with. Elsa thought she would be selling less expensive things. Dante assures her she will, but right now, these are the pieces he has. He gives her the list of clients and contacts, and informs her she already has an appointment that day at 4pm. Her mission: to sell him a particular necklace or bracelet. If she’s persuasive enough, she may be able to sell him both, and if she does, she gets a bonus. Elsa asks about those pesky bills of sale again, but Dante waves her concern away, saying he’ll send them to the client later.

At Ale’s office, Mina is in the mood for coffee and gossip. What did Carlos say? That he didn’t kill that girl. Ale figures it must have been Roberto, but she’s not sure if she should believe Carlos didn’t do it. He is Adolfo Avila’s son, capable of anything. Super intelligent Mina thinks he may not be as bad as they think. Ale should speak to him and get the whole truth. It might even mean Ale can help her galan. Ale’s eyes light up at the thought of helping JJ escape his 11 year nightmare.

Said galan has just arrived at his office, in time for a visit from our friendly neighborhood Streetwalker Barbie. He bobs and weaves away from Zaida’s hello kiss. (Good boy.) He then asks her not to be so, so…she finishes for him. Flirty (coqueta). (That’s the nice way of saying skanky.) It doesn’t bug him per se, but that last kiss in his office got him in hot water with his novia. He doesn’t mind being kissed by a beautiful woman, but he loves his girlfriend a lot and doesn’t want problems with her. “She doesn’t have to know.” JJ gets serious and finally decides to drop the flirtiness from his response. He is not interested in games and between them there is nothing! Got it! It’s loud and clear to Zaida. In fact, she’ll go see his girlfriend personally and tell her there isn't/wasn't/will never be anything between them. JJ writes Ale’s office info down. If Zaida doesn’t do what she promised, JJ will break the partnership with her. She is sufficiently motivated.

At the tunnel house, David gets his new, middle aged face, paunch and name- Franco Valencia, Campo Real employee. Even David can’t recognize himself! At the main house, Gabi’s getting help from Ale with putting on her “costume”- sensible black business suit, complete with cool spy brooch. She’s nervous as heck. Ale keeps her focused on the mission- thwart Adolfo; save the family business and fortune. Gabi makes one last ditched effort to pass the baton on to someone else. “Mario” has been looking really healthy to her. Surely he can take the reins of the company. Ale assures her he is very, very sick. No can do. She gives her a hug for good luck and a final reminder to not let her hair block the camera and microphone.

At the Campo Real offices, FrancoDavid, Aberlardo and the technician ready the tv monitor and equipment, while FaustiMario and Gabi prepare to enter the board room on another floor. A final sign of the cross from Gabi, and a deep breath from FasutiMario- game on!


Thank you so much, Vivi!! Haven't seen the episode yet, but I'll be back.

Here are the You Tube links for Episode 89:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Hi Miss Vivi. I have failed in my intent to watch this. Just never get around to it. But appreciate the recap anyway, starting with the title. Also loved "Farewell Nancy Drew" and "The Silver-Tongued One" as well as the wonderful embedded vocabulary (super lazy= flijisima and erase board = pisaron). Good to know! Hope it's not as cold in DC as it is here. I made an early morning grocery run and now, sadly, am on my way to a funeral. Happy Saturday everyone and may you all be snug and cozy this weekend.

Vivi, muchísimas gracias; ¡sinopsis fabulosa! Love the title; that's all I could think of when watching - Mission Impossible - "Your mission, should you choose to accept it..." Elsa is drawn into the web of deceit. It could go either way....very rude and immature of JJ to mock Elsa. He should be showing her great respect. Have an excellent weekend.

****My thanks and comment for yesterday*****

Aribeth, thanks for the wonderful recap.  Psycho Eddie is a great moniker. I loved all your viewerville asides, and especially, "  *Viewerville: Zaida, we beg you for a favor. Please buy a bra.* I think that we should all chip on and buy the poor thing a wonder bra! 
I also enjoyed your explanation of the reasons for our round about custody situation and character personality traits,  hope it all comes together in the end despite the mixing of the novelas.  

Floridia, David was really cute in yesterday's episode, plus he has really grown as a novio. I can see why you like him. You are going to have to work hard to get him away from Gabi though!   Ha!  

Vivi, can't wait to read and absorb your recap!

Awesome recap Vivi, you captured every detail perfectly. Thank you.
Don Jorja is a wise old man. I have often wondered why Dora doesn't empathize with JJ. He could very well have been David,how would she have felt then. She is a good woman so I hope she heeds Don Jorja's advice.
Kill joy Elsa is indeed heading in the wrong direction.When did she quit working for Mau?. I must have missed some episodes.
Thanks Jeri for the Tube links. Happy Saturday Everyone.


Vivi, I laughed through the whole recap. Some of my favorites: "Mina-take a good look at another hot man who is NOT into you." "Edgar is really dedicated to his job! Either that, or he swings both ways..." "Encouraging Elsa to sell her soul..." Thanks for filling in some key stuff I missed, like exactly what the jewelry told Leo about the ring and what JJ asked Zaida to do.

I feel Elsa's gotten her groove back since ending it with Mauricio. I wanted Elsa and Mauricio to work - I like him and think he's hot - but now that she's ended it, she seems happier and freer. Yeah, she's selling hot jewelry but anything's better than the sad-sackdom she's been in.

Can't believe I'm feeling for skanky Zaida, but could the confession letter she's writing portend that she won't be around?

Floridia, on JJ mocking Elsa's blown kiss, I do think the overriding feeling he has for Elsa is brotherly and brothers are just plain goofy and graceless with their sisters like this, even when the sisters go out of their way to do stuff for them (but maybe I'm taking too much from my own experience).

Excellent recap Vivi. Elsa has unwittingly become an accomplice in Sevilla's jewelry smuggling. In her assertion to not be a kept woman, earn money on her own merits, and have her own identity outside of being JJ's once upon a time friend, she has gone out of the frying pan straight into the fire.

I thought of Jeri's assessment that JJ and Limon are both grown up kids while watching the scene of them goofing around with Chicles and Caramelo.

So will Zaida really tell Alex that there is nothing between her and JJ or will she imply that they are having a thing.

Loved the high tech gadgets and the disguise David is wearing. Let's hope Gabi's nerves doesn't get the best of her while she and Mario/Fausto face off with Adolfo. This show rocks.

Thank you very much, Vivi! I haven't seen the episode yet, but I'm looking forward it. David's photo is very intriguing.

Sandy, thanks for your comment! :)

Here's the trailer of the upcoming telenovela called Rafaela, produced by Nathalie Lartilleux, the creator of CCEA and Mar de amor.
2:32 -> Our Arturo Carmona is officially Lartilleux's favourite mascot. :))

Thank you so much Vivi! I love the way you include the details of the conversations. Many, many things are said that go by so fast I'm not able to pick up on them. This was wonderful.

"very rude and immature of JJ to mock Elsa.

Floridia, I so agree. JJ really has changed for the worse since he became wealthy. He shows no respect to Elsa and Mauricio who have gone above and beyond to help him get where he is. Notice he isn't that way with anyone whose help he needs. Elsa would never do it, but if she walked away from the adoption Caramelo would be wisked off to a foster home, not coming home with JJ and Asuncion and I don't think they quite grasp that. They are playing games with a child's life and are too juvenile to realize it.

I so wish Carlos would find a better woman than Bertha.

"Wow! Edgar is really dedicated to his job! Either that, or he swings both ways..."

Yes, I think Edgar plays on both teams ;P I hope Ulises doesn't fall for him...

Now we have 3 people almost ready to talk: Carlos, Yolanda and Zaida.

And when will Susana come back into this? Her storyline seems to have been forgotten.

if she walked away from the adoption Caramelo would be wisked off to a foster home

Or he would've asked the members of the Genovés/Guillén families to help him. Elsa wasn't the only person on Earth who could've solved that situation.

Hello everyone! Glad you enjoyed the recap.

I also loved all the gadget/disguise stuff. Fingers crossed for Gabi. It's not going to be easy facing an entire board, that includes Adolfo, when you feel totally ignorant. You know they'll be looking down their nose at her wondering how a waitress thinks she's going to lead them. I just loved that little scene when David shows Gabi the gadgets for the first time and takes an opprotunity to get fresh with her with the transmitter garter. I'm surprised those two haven't cooked up a baby already. :)

I was trying to figure out what Zaida plans to do with the letter that would have to do with survival. The only scenario I can think of is that she gives the letter to someone innocent like Ulises, and tells him to send it to the police if she disappears or anything happens to her. That way, if she's in a jam, like another gun stuck to her head by Dante or Adolfo, she can say if she ends up dead or missing a letter will be sent to the police telling all about them. That way, they would have to keep her alive. That's the only scenario I can picture that makes sense.

Jeri- We're having some pretty cold weather here too (teens to 20s), but nothing near as cold as you are experiencing. I hope you are managing to stay warm, and all others in frigid climates.

Judy- Thanks for dropping in. I totally understand not being able to find time to add another novela. I am watching too many right now! I hope you had a good day, despite the funeral, and that you are well.

Vivi, I love the detail and there are always good laughs to be found in the recap. Thanks.

Who knew Edgar would be around in the story so long. I am curious how his relationship with Zaida and Ulises will develop, especially with Ulises.

Out of all the kids, big and little, at the movies and arcade, Caramelo was the most mature in behavior. At least they know how to have fun. Of course, Chicles was a little scamp again.

Vivi, I wish Dora would write something similar to what Zaida is writing in case something happens to her. Not only could Adolfo harm her if he finds out she wrote the letter but she could be hit by a truck crossing the street in the little pueblo. And then poor J J will somehow have to prove his innocence in another way.

Looking forward to the high tech should be very tense.


Thanks for the recap Vivi! I also loved the pictures. Especially the one of Gabi who's back into our main story.


Thanks GinCA. I'm actually pulling for Carlos to be the one to clear JJ. I hope both Dora and Carlos come forward to the police at the same time.

About Edgar-- I've noticed that this show does not introduce extraneous characters for no reason. Every person fits into the plot and propels it forward somehow. So I am not surprised that Edgar has gotten so much more story. Now we have Ulises, and already he's been key to putting a few chess pieces in place. Even background maid Ramona has helped move the story forward.

In her short time with us, Paulita got Juli and Leo together, helped reveal Leo's motivations for becoming a cop, and caused the Guillen girls to questions their dad's whereabouts and truth telling.

Jarocha- I agree. It's nice to see that with (some) of the truth revealed, Gabi can join in the action and not be stuck asking questions on the sidelines.

I just watched the ep; thanks again, Vivi!

I was chuckling at Édgar's interest delighting Ulises, when I suddenly remembered that Édgar is a sociopath; and he could be going to get close to Ulises -- as someone who is protective of Zaida -- to bump the poor guy off.

Zaida's confessional letter could also be another step on the road to rehabilitation if she turns out to be Caramelo's mother -- the first being she was horrified at Garnica's cold blooded murder.

It was kind of odd that they had Zaida wait until Ulises showed up to give him Dante's address to give to Elsa -- instead of just walking across the hall herself.

It could mean they have a bigger conversation planned between the two women that they don't want to happen now.

Hanna, Elsa broke up with Mauricio and quit her job in Wednesday's ep.

Or it could just mean they needed a reason to get Ulises in the hallway so Édgar could flirt with him...

Vivi thanks for your recap. Your title and pic were so appropriate and captured how Gabi feels.

I'm with Jeri regarding Edgar. He's a sociopath and his flirting with Ulises is only to advance Edgar's agenda.

I'm really concerned for Elsa. She has no idea who she's dealing with and needs to run anywhere but there.

Aribeth, thanks so much for your recap yesterday. I missed "Tangled" but based on your enthusiasm I will check it out.

Elsa is terminally naive -- and I mean that literally, I fear. I am not yet convinced that she's not doomed. :-( She seems to be a loose end without her connection to Mauricio.

Would they do that to Caramelo? Bumping off Elsa I mean. The poor kid would be destroyed.

Edgar is for sure using Ulises. I just admire how far he is willing to go for his job. He is such a macho macho guy, yet he is willing to fake interest and flirt with a guy. He's using the same approach as he did with Ramona. I half expect him to grab Ulises' tush. :)

Oh, yeah; I think they would kill her off. Elsa is a tragic character; and I figure Alejandra will come around in the end, and she and Juan José will adopt Caramelo, after he's exonerated -- with Asunción living in the pool house.

I don't have a lot of TN experience, but in my wished-for scenario Elsa's involvement in Dante's business leads Mauricio and JJ to put aside their differences to get Elsa out of trouble.

That would certainly be nice for Elsa and Mauricio.

Enjoyed everyone's comments..

Sandy, since I am "slightly" older than David, I thought I might not stand a chance with him, but then I remembered that he married his best friend's mother in Sortilegio.
My hopes soared anew.

Niece, looking at JJ's mocking of Elsa from your "brotherly" point of view makes it seem kind of ok, but then again, at this time, it's difficult to characterize his relationship with Elsa; it's all so weird. Like you, I don't have much novela experience as do the
experts we are surrounded by, but I am hoping that innocent Elsa with her honest inquiries (she asked for the receipt twice) may discover Dante's dastardly deeds. There again, she will be in grave danger.

Ginca & Viva, I would think that
the clearance of JJ would need the testimony of both Carlos & Dora.
It would be very easy to say,"My
friend did it," even if he were the
actual perpetrator. With regard to
punishment for Carlos, I would think there would be at least some
obstruction of justice consequences, but perhaps he could provide more info about Adolfo and also say that he had lived in fear of Adolfo for years. The thing
that I hold against Carlos is his
major role in trying to put JJ behind bars for the second time.
Perhaps that will be glossed over in the rehabilitation process.

To all the experts, I cannot help but wonder if the corpse of Felix is still on ice at the morgue.
There was the question of Gabi possibly identifying him, but of course Carlos knew him well. His identification would offer a strong
connection to the attempted assassinations and a direct link
to the Evil One. Heads up, Comandate. If they believe that Carlos wants to help, get him further involved in the process.

I am worried about depressed Yolanda; I keep thinking there will soon be bad news of her.

And once again,I will put in a plug
for a romance betwen Fausto & Dora
living happily ever after with their children.

Enjoyed everyone's comments..

Sandy, since I am "slightly" older than David, I thought I might not stand a chance with him, but then I remembered that he married his best friend's mother in Sortilegio.
My hopes soared anew.

Niece, looking at JJ's mocking of Elsa from your "brotherly" point of view makes it seem kind of ok, but then again, at this time, it's difficult to characterize his relationship with Elsa; it's all so weird. Like you, I don't have much novela experience as do the
experts we are surrounded by, but I am hoping that innocent Elsa with her honest inquiries (she asked for the receipt twice) may discover Dante's dastardly deeds. There again, she will be in grave danger.

Ginca & Viva, I would think that
the clearance of JJ would need the testimony of both Carlos & Dora.
It would be very easy to say,"My
friend did it," even if he were the
actual perpetrator. With regard to
punishment for Carlos, I would think there would be at least some
obstruction of justice consequences, but perhaps he could provide more info about Adolfo and also say that he had lived in fear of Adolfo for years. The thing
that I hold against Carlos is his
major role in trying to put JJ behind bars for the second time.
Perhaps that will be glossed over in the rehabilitation process.

To all the experts, I cannot help but wonder if the corpse of Felix is still on ice at the morgue.
There was the question of Gabi possibly identifying him, but of course Carlos knew him well. His identification would offer a strong
connection to the attempted assassinations and a direct link
to the Evil One. Heads up, Comandate. If they believe that Carlos wants to help, get him further involved in the process.

I am worried about depressed Yolanda; I keep thinking there will soon be bad news of her.

And once again,I will put in a plug
for a romance betwen Fausto & Dora
living happily ever after with their children.

Vivi, l loved your "Mission Possible" recap, further, almost everyone in our novela has an important part in the mission,  even our ninos. The "Silver Tongued One, our Father Matias has gone from saving souls  in Mi Pecado to "selling" souls, the actor does justice to both parts.  I wish Elsa could have heard the *danger* background music for that scene, she would left the building running.  Vivi, thanks for a great recap, especially the vocabulary.    

On JJ, our ungallant galan, if he doesn't realize that his childish mocking of Elsa won't be noticed by the children, he is even thicker than I thought he was. I'm not sure why he calls Ale his girlfriend, they aren't really seeing each other in the traditional sense.  What a great guy!  

Floridia,   "I am worried about depressed Yolanda; I keep thinking there will soon be bad news of her.". I'm worried too, she is in a deep depression. Although she has made some serious mistakes, I still like her. 

Did anyone else think that David, with his new face, looked a little like Chicles' Groucho mask?  Ha 

Karen, thanks! Today we watched Tangled for the second time, it's very entertaining.

GinCA, Jarocha:
Kronk is our hero, isn't he. :)

leads Mauricio and JJ to put aside their differences to get Elsa out of trouble

That's the scenario I imagine will happen, too.

Mauricio also called Elsa his fiancée a few hours after she had broken the engagement.

Since JJ and Mau are both good guys, something has to reconcile them by the end. The only thing these two guys care about in common is Elsa, so it's pefectly logical that the thing that will finally bring them together is working together to help/save Elsa. We know that by getting involved with Dante, she will eventually need that help!

I worry about Yolanda too. She needs some new purpose or mission to get her through this depression and to the next stage of her life. Carlos needs to give her some grandbabies. She will be such a loving grandma to her muneco's children.

Aribeth, yes, Mau, in a tight situation in which he was confronting JJ, "accidently" referred to Elsa  as his fiancé, but I give him a "heat of the moment" pass on that one! 

Vivi on Yolanda,   "Carlos needs to give her some grandbabies. She will be such a loving grandma to her muneco's children.". You are so right, she has time and love to give. I am very interested in hearing Yolanda's back story, it must be very compelling. 

I forgot for a moment that Yolanda has an even more devasting part of her life to reveal that Jeri aluded to earlier. (In my mind, I think I know what it is.) For now then, I can breathe a sigh of relief that she will not take her own life. I do especially like the character of Yolanda and the actress, Maria Sorte. Does anyone
know of her novela Abandonada for which she played the lead and also sang the theme song? I just read about it.

In connection with mobsters' sons
treating with psychiatrists, Carlos is not alone. Soprano fans will remember that Tony's son, A.J. did the same.

Vivi, it was great!

Satan’s Spawn (aka Carlos), Mina-take a good look at another hot man who is NOT into you, The Silver Tongued One, at MI6 headquarters (aka Casa Genoves), Q (aka David) is showing Agent 007 (aka Gabi) their newest toys; Truth bending alert! Find the untruths in the rest of Fausto’s statements.

Raise your hands if you'd love to attend Leonardo's classes! :))

Let us also take a moment to remember the kind, generous, big hearted Mario. Que en paz descanse.

RIP, Mario. And Don Goyo. And Piedad. How many short-lived yet important characters has this show.

Caramelo keeps saying estógamo

If I was Elsa, Asunción and JJ, I would want to adopt that kid, too. She is 12-13 years old nowadays. I wonder if she will return to telenovelas or will she choose another profession? And if she returns, will her natural, charming acting abilites disappear? This often happens to child actors.

then runs off to write a poem, since he’s feeling so inspired

Oh, Ulises, I love you more and more.
Of course Édgar is using him but their scenes are very entertaining. When Roberto died I was devastated because he was such a great villain and I found this Eddie boy very insignificant and boring. But fortunately since then he proved he's a cunning little fox. Like Vivi, I also admire his survival and deceiving skills.

So when perfect Mau does the same (imho innocent) thing it's suddenly forgivable? Is JJ's reputation that low? :) It wasn't an accident, Mau and Elsa have just broken up, yet he said he's his woman because he wanted to defend her or whatever, and JJ refers to Ale as his girlfriend because they didn't even break up technically and there's still hope for them.
If I wanted to, I could say Mau was the arrogant one because he didn't respect Elsa's whish and acted like as if she wasn't able to protect herself. :) No, I'm not serious, I had no problem with them. The boys just expressed that they hadn't given up their relationships. Good for them and for the girlz.

Aribeth, "The boys just expressed that they hadn't given up their relationships. Good for them and for the girlz." l actually think that you make a good point, not giving up is better than giving up too soon. On JJ's reputation, he's definately NOT my favorite galan!  We more than make up for that with our other LVO guys.  

Somehow LVO reminds me of Entre el amor y el odio, the Mejía circus I mentioned before (in which Fabián Robles and María Sorté played son and mother). The protagonist, César Évora was a huuuuuuuuuuuuge ass, that great man played a jealous, insecure idiot. However, when he became a father and lost his onetruelove, he transformed into a very likeable, balanced, wiser man.
Something similar happened to complete idiot David, too, when he realized he loved Gaby deeply, when he became the leader of the family, when he atoned for the fake wedding and when he got shot. I like that storyline much. I'm sorry that JJ's character hasn't evolved that much yet.

Aribeth, JJ brings a lot to the table, a certain kindness toward the less fortunate, a love of children, a work ethic and the big guy is NOT a womanizer, he could be with his good looks. Instead of criticizing the poor thing, I'll try to think about his good qualities. (I need to work on that in real life too!)

We saw "The King's Speech" yesterday, it is worth the effort, I didn't think it would be.

Aribeth, I posted a comment on your Thursday recap.

Vivi: I so enjoyed the emotional overtones of this wonderful recap, i.e. "It’s a trick! It’s a trap!", "It’s a fake!" and "(gasp)". My favorite line was "said father (aka Satan) treats him like a dog (I say that’s an insult to dogs)." Exactly! Grrr.

Loved David's disguise and the intrigue. Mission Possible indeed!

Finally, Carlos steps away from the dark side! But, will he be able to pull Bertha with him or is she too firmly entrenched in Adolfo's muck?

I'm still at a loss as to why Gabi is still being kept in the dark about Fausto/Mario. She's so intelligent - why don't they think she can't keep the secret? She's proven her love for her father over and over. She doesn't judge.

God bless Chicles. That little scamp is so much fun to watch. I always smile at his little tricks and schemes. A true mastermind in the making.

Thanks again Vivi. Another outstanding job.


I'm back. A very painful stiff neck and painful tendonitis of the wrist have kept me away from this forum. Pain not as bad now, and I didn't want to be away too much longer. What can I say, I am addicted, lol.

Anyway thank you Vivi for the fantastic recap.

Thank you Jeri for the links.

So Carlos is on the road to being a decent guy - and he loves Bertha, wow, even after Ale told him she was lazy, etc. etc. Don't know whether to be happy for him or sad for him.

Carlos gave the ring to David, maybe his next good deed should be to finally confess to Leo what really happened the day the maid was killed. A good cartharsis of the soul.

Oh no, Elsa is back to square one again, that is, working for another scumbag.

What fun JJ, Asuncion, Caramelo and Chicles had. Was laughing at the mini skirt escapade. Chicles shoving food down his throat without chewing much and Caramelo shaking her head at his gluttony. Just love these two kids. Chicles has the real makings of a real spy/secret agent.


Margaret- Nice to see you back! So sorry you're in so much pain. I'm sure the cold weather we seem to be having all over doesn't help at all. I'm sending good healing vibes your way.

Diana- Leaving Gabi in the dark about some of the important pieces of the puzzle is not about trusting her with a secret. It's entirely a Faustiago thing (David desperately wants to tell her). Fausto has two fears: 1) losing Gabi's love because he is not her bio dad (totally irrational fear); and 2) Gabi (and Juli) becoming disillusioned with their mother once they find out she was a gold digging, loose woman. There is also that one other secret that only Fausto and Yolanda know (as well as Adolfo, but he doesn’t care)—Carlos is the brother of Gabi and Juli. I think it will mean a lot to those three to know they are siblings of the same mother. Since Gabi doesn’t know the real relationship between Faustiago-Mario-Adolfo-Marta-Yolanda, she doesn’t know the whole story behind the murder and the events leading up to it and after it. This includes Fausto playing Mario and the power Adolfo holds over them all. It's time for Fausto to come clean, but like Dora, he is letting fear keep him prisoner.

Thanks Vivi. I'm still frustrated 'cause Gabi can handle it. All of it! She's been amazing throughout. I wish everyone would give her the credit she deserves.

I'm kind of glad though that Carlos has crossed over before it comes out that Gabi and Juli are his femsibs. That's going to be one of the biggest reveals of the show.


Thank you Vivi.

I think the biggest shock will be finding out that Carlos is a sibling. Carlos who tried to have his way with her at the beach house.


thanks for the recap! you guys are the nicest philanthropists i know, donating your time to us!

remember when edgar carried the VCR for juli? i can't stop thinking of him as a nice guy. it'd be just one more totally unpredictable turn if he and ulises become a loving couple! this novela has surprised me so much already, i almost wouldn't be surprised at that.

someone posted the youtube link for raphaela. i'd love to see more of mau, can you tell from the trailer if he's a main character? i'm not sure i'd like the doctor plot, but the imagery of the small backwoods town does. will the scenery often be that awesome, i wonder. will they ride horses? that's my fave! omg ponies!!!!

mai tai

Thanks for dropping in mai tai and for the words of encouragement! Please comment more often.

Welcome, mai tai! :) Thanks for the kind words!
I'm afraid Mau/Arturo Carmona won't play a main character in Rafaela. Here's the "folleto" of the show - his name isn't on the list, so I guess he'll have a special appearance.

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