Thursday, February 03, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #197-198 2/3/11 Confrontations.

Capitulo 197.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi and Lopez join the meeting, and Humberto tells them that Lety is the president. Luigi threatens to quit, etc. To Ariel’s question, Humberto answers that Lety can hire whom she wants for the executive board.

2. Fernando stayed after his resignation to fix what he could, but for the sake of Lety’s comfort, it’s time for him to leave and he won’t be coming back. What a man! Be careful what you ask for, Lety! Teresita says he’s still a shareholder and so is on the board. Ariel sarcastically applauds her motherly nurturing. Lety acknowledges that she will treat Señor (not “Don”) Fernando M. and Sr. Omar as shareholders.

3. Humberto states that Lety will receive the same salary as past presidents. Marcia objects that the company is in crisis. Lety says FI set money aside for salaries, etc. Fern puts all his assets at Lety’s disposal if it will help the company, and he refuses his monthly draw.

4. Erasmo arrives and Fern jumps up to greet him. Humberto further honors Erasmo by seating him at Humb’s right hand. He announces that Erasmo will be the accountant for both companies, and he will work not for Lety but for him, Humberto, to make sure the finances are managed ethically.

5. The meeting scenes are interspersed with scenes of Aldo working at his rental. I figured out what the patch on his sleeve is. See the comments.




6. Lety isn’t happy that Pop will work at the office. He’s eager to get started. Luigi tells the remaining board that he won’t work for Lety; he quits. Marcia tells him to zip it! He’ll report directly to her. Lopez asks if he should assign Lety the presidencia. Marcia says of course, since she’s the president. Teresita throws a tantrum.

7. Ali insults Lety in the vortex. Erasmo demands her respect. Alicia gets worse. Lopez enters and tells Ali not to talk to her boss that way. She’s the new president. Alicia runs from the room in horror. She whines to Marcia, “No puede ser!” Fern gets a good laugh at Alicia’s distress.

Capitulo 198.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Omar thinks Fernando should win Lety back. Fern says she detests him and she fired them (no, he quit quite honorably).

2. Lety tries to establish a professional relationship with Marcia. Lety gives a lot of ground – she doesn’t hate Marcia, she doesn’t want revenge, and she was wrong to take up with Fern, but she lost too. Marcia sneers because she knows where Fern’s heart is. Then Marcia drops the bomb: She’s back with Fern. Marcia tells Lety to not brag to the cuartel about her relationship with Fern. Lety says it’s nothing to brag about (presumir).

3. MamaT asks Marcia what’s wrong. Alicia loudly speculates that Marcia is in a panic that Fern will go see Lety tonight. Saimon is likewise worried what will happen when Paula goes out tonight to celebrate Lety’s presidency.

4. Aldo says he doesn’t want to upset Lety. He has to wait for just the right time to tell her he loves her.

5. La Reina de Chismes (Marta) asks why Marcia and Fern canceled the wedding at the same time as Lety left. “Was it your fault?”

6. Jaz tells Luigi Lety will solve her problem (her severance pay). Luigi, looking to provoke a power struggle with President Lety, tells Jaz he is rehiring her. Lola says he needs Prez Lety’s authorization, and Lui says he does what he wants or he quits. Lety tells Lola she has bigger problems right now, and the Jaz question will have to wait.

7. Marcia chases Fern and asks what he’s doing tonight. He says, “I don’t know.” Lety and the cuartel walk past. Fern stares at Lety, so Marcia grabs him and kisses him. Lety needs a moment to recompose herself.

8. Fernando steps off the elevator in Reception and they’re face to face. They pour themselves into an electrified duet of I Only Have Eyes for You - “You are here, so am I. Maybe millions of people walk by. But they all disappear from view.” Now Fernando DOES know where he’s going tonight. Saimon mopes because Paula’s out with the girls, and Saimon knows where. Fernando invites him out for drinks.

9. Luigi joins Caro and Aldo and flirts shamelessly with Aldo. He tells Caro his day was horrible – the platypus was named president. He explains to Aldo, “She’s really ugly.”


Thank you, Pat, for the screen shots. You're a trooper!

A great episode is coming up tomorrow. Veterans, one word: Santuario. 'Nuff said.

In the old recap for #197, Julie was phenomenal! One funny zinger after another! I cracked up at the Etch-a-Sketch line. At one point she said, "Aldo, Don Johnson called. He wants his jacket back." Well, look at the photo of Aldo. Look at the patch on the sleeve. It's "DJ" for "Don Johnson." Proof! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. If you don't think it looks like "DJ," tough!

Caro & Aldo meet at La Candelaria, which is the same structure as Le Noir, with some decorative snow fence stuck in the middle.

We have something else to add to Camil’s long list of talents. When Saimon gave him a shot of breath spray, have you ever seen anyone cough up a cat quite so well??

Note, Lety goes to Marcia’s office, even though she has the right to summon Marcia to her office.

There were several One Step Forward incidents today. Which ones did you like?

One smart guy, that Humberto. By installing Erasmo, not only does he get honest books. He honors Lety’s father which will score him big points with Lety. And he puts Lety’s strongest ally in the company so she feels safer in that den of vipers.

Great recap. I loved the lingering looks with Lety & Fern. Also did you notice that when Marcia was kissing Fern in the lobby Lety was positioned right there in the middle of it (again). Awkward, but a huge gigantic sign that Lety is still there in the middle of their relationship.

One step forward- Fern resigning his post.

Another step forward - Fern not listening to Omar's idiotic advice about trying to rekindle a relationship with Lety.

I'm ready for them to move the plot along to some juicier stuff now...Get on with it already.

Was sort of bored by the Aldo scenes today although the Aldo/Luigi ending was funny.

Everyone complained about Aldo's drivel in Acapulco, and GP, you were bored with his scenes in DF. Why would such a great show fall flat when it gets to Aldo? Yesterday I figured it out. None of this is coming from Gaitán's pen! All his pop philosophy in Aca was an invention of Televisa. The original Michel didn't have too much to say. And Michel didn't come back to the city until much later. So everything we'll see of Aldo between now and a significant scene well in the future, is subplot put in there by Televisa. Of course it won't shine like the original writing! It all makes sense now.

I noticed that in some of the comments on the old recaps. I hope his scenes will get better. Personally I think he's best used to make Fern jealous...Aldo treating Lety like a queen, wining and dining her, falling in love. That's what makes for great drama and that is really the only point I see for the Aldo character.

Good point about Humb installing Erasmo as a sort of protector for Lety in that viper pit...the way that people disrespect her to her face is truly horrible. I understand why the poor girl needs to talk to Caro or Aldo before she faces that crowd. I'd have a hard time feeling any loyalty to Conceptos if I faced that kind of vitriol on a daily basis. (guilt trip from Humb or not!) Think about it Marcia, Teresita, Luigi, Alicia, Ariel, Omar- all of them want her to fail!

It didn't seem to me that Erasmo was there as a protector. I thought he was there as an enforcer. It seems to me that the only one Humbeto really trusts is Erasmo & he figures that her father can keep her in line. Lety sure didn't look too happy at the announcement and she looked worried at the prospect that he would be around every day.

Omar was a doofus again as he tried to convince Fernando to romance Lety and win her back. But he has come around in one way. He seems to accept that Fernando really does love Lety.

Watching Alicia and Luigi react to the news of Lety's presidency was very amusing. They are both excellent & camp actors. I love the way Lety just sits there, not surprised by the attacks which get no rise out of her. Then with simple grace she treats them with perfect respect. She's playing this very well. These were fun episodes.


I think they are all right. I think Hunberto killed many birds with one shot.. Erasmo's presence there will enforce not only Lety but Tomas and Fernando himself to do things right this time, but also he gets a shield for Lety to protect her from any more gimmicks from Fernando, Omar and Ariel and even Marcia and Alicia. Also as mentioned before, getting Erasmo there and giving him a job and something to do is also going to gain several points with Lety and also keep him in between Lety and Fernando (not sure about this last one since Humberto does not know about Lety/Fernando story although he might guess, as hard as it would be for him to conceive it, something was going on there too...

Thanks Paula. I just finished reading all the great comments from yesterday's post. I did find out who the singer was. Her name is Ariana and she is a popular singer Latino singer. I found one of her songs she sang on yesterday's show on you-tube. It is from the 1980's here's the link.

I do remember Fern calling her Ariania, when she came up to see him and PG.

Once again, I bow to the subtle genius of Jaime Camil. He can make the slightest gestures or looks mean so much. The scene where Fernando and Lety meet at the elevator was a perfect example. Neither spoke a word but said everything with their eyes. Also, kudos to Fernando for resigning and refusing to take money from Conceptos. I've seen some growth in him especially when he effectively told Omar to buzz off. But, and it's a big but, where will he lay his head tonight? When that is answered then I'll know if he has really taken a few steps forward instead of backwards.

Yes, BarbaraM, I think we're all waiting to see where Fernando spends the night. And Yes that meeting of the eyes in front of the elevator was so expressive without a word being said. I loved him also when he was cracking up at Alicia during the junta. He can do so much with an eyebrow or a gesture or a smile. Oh that smile (sigh)


I posted a picture of the "I Only Have Eyes for You" moment.

Everyone at Conceptos is shocked that Lety is president. They shouldn't be! Almost all of them except Humberto and Luigi predicted it at some point. The foreshadows go all the way back to Episode 1. (Note episode #s.)
1. Ariel to Marcia, discussing who would be president. “What if Conceptos ended up in the hands of a woman? Bankrupt for sure.”
17. Marcea to MamaT. “Where will it end? Next he'll give her the presidency!”
26. Ariel to Marcia regarding Fern. “You're only his novia. All the space he gave la fea should be yours. Neither you nor I will be next president. La fea will be.”
27. MamaT: “Nobody but our families will ever be president of Conceptos. Unless she buys the company without us realizing it! Ha!”
28. Sara, when execs going to LA. “You'll be like the president at the head of the company.”
37. Ali to Marc. “While you were away, Lety felt like the owner and president of the company.”
119. Tomas: “Maybe they made her president?” MamaJ: “Then what would Don Fernando do?”
144. Omar: “If Lety found the letter, we'd be without the company and toasting her as president.”

Very interesting list of quotes that foreshadowed Lety getting the presidency. I haven't had a chance to watch today's episodes (just a couple of snippets of scenes I HAD to see) so I'll have to catch up on Saturday.

I'm not surprised to hear that Aldo's pontifications were written by someone else. I like the character insofar as his role is to make Fernando jealous and he gave Lety an awesome day in Acapulco, but I did find myself fast-forwarding through his speeches.

Thanks for the recaps and great screens shots. I'll catch up with y'all in a couple of days.

There is a very loud silent conversation between Fernando and Marcia. O sea, for each line there is what is spoken and what is unspoken.
* Marcia asks Fern where he’s going BECAUSE she’s terrified that he’ll seek out Lety tonight.
* He says, “I don’t know” BECAUSE he doesn’t want to invent his old lies for Marcia. I choose to believe that he hasn’t formed a plan for tonight yet.
* Marcia offers to call him when she leaves the restaurant BECAUSE she’s reserving the right so he can’t complain when she calls to check up on him. She’s also alerting him that she’s going to keep him under surveillance tonight, so he’d better toe the line.
* She asks again where he’s going BECAUSE it’s part of that surveillance.
* Again he says he doesn’t know.
It’s a draw – Marcia has no luck cornering her prey, so she shifts to sabotage. She blatantly kisses Fern BECAUSE she is trying to drive Lety away from him.

Ustedes found three more steps forward today:
1. Fern quit for Lety's comfort. He faced it like a man an put her needs first.
2. Fern refused his mensual. He doesn't just regret destroying Conceptos, he puts legs on it.
3. Fern rejects Omar's idiotic advice.

Maybe Lety’s decent treatment of Marcia had a little bit of impact. Marcia told Lopez that yes, Lety gets the president's office. She told Luigi he'd report he her to avoid friction with Lety. Marcia's not ready for sainthood, but at least she's not throwing tantrums today.

Oh my, that screen shot of the "I only have eyes for you" ---Wholly Cow, if I had that man looking at me that way, it would be a toss up between me melting right into a puddle on the floor or pushing through those women to hug him so tightly and never let him go again. Aaaaah, the look in his eyes, the stuff dreams are made of, and so rarely seen in real life...BooHoo...


Jaime Camil es TAN divino!!! Sin duda!!!

I'm glad we're getting more snow on Ssturday, because I'll have 10 hours of Fea to catch up on. (No, I'm not really glad about the snow, and it will probably be rain here anyway, but I'm staying in, regardless!)

Even if I FF through all the scenes I don't care about, it's going to take a long time to catch up. Reading the recaps is one thing, but there are some things I'd like to see again for myself. :)

I had forgotten all about the HaHas being involved in Lola's divorce.

I had also forgotten that Fernando gave up his monthly payment. No one else did - not even Marcia, who made such a point of objecting to Lety's salary. (Not that Marcia is OBLIGATED... especially since it's not her fault what happened. But if she's going to be keep working there, she'll be getting a salary too and doesn't NEED her monthly payment...)

Fernando had to swallow a lot more pride than anyone else in the room, even if some of the people in that room didn't know all the details of why. I mean, they ALL lost the company to Lety, and Marcia lost Fern to Lety too, but Fern lost Lety, so they're even there... plus he had the additional guilt of being at fault and his whole extended family hating him.

But he still managed to swallow his pride, and he did it with far more grace than any of them.

AHHHHHH! Due to our horrific weather here Fea froze from the point where the coven were hovering over Erasmo after Lety was named President so I missed the good stuff (although i remember it from before).

Very clever of Humberto to install Erasmo as his eyes and ears. I'm not so sure that he did it so that Lety would have a built in ally as for his own protection and making sure she doesn't try and pull a fast one. After all Humberto has no reason to trust her based on her previous actions.

Any scene with Aldo just sucks all the air out of the program. If for plot purposes he has to show up then just use him in scenes with Lety and spare us his endless naval gazing.

You know that the cuartel will feel like they died and went to heaven. With Lety as Preident they won't have to do a lick of work (not that they eve did). I'm waiting to see them decide that the bathroom is no longer suitable as theor salon de juntas and they want to move into the board room.

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