Tuesday, February 15, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #213-214 2/15/11 El corazón manda.

Capitulo 213.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

Note, I always try to keep these summaries under 20 lines. Today, forget it! I won’t even try!

1. Aldo tells Ariel he chose Conceptos for his project because of Lety and her capabilities.

2. Fernando steps into the vortex and Ariel tells him he stinks, so Fern wipes his stink on Ariel. When Sara recoils at the smell, Fern says it’s Ariel. Fern’s in a great mood now that he found the bag. In the boys’ room, Fern vaults the desk beautifully and nabs the chair. He tells Omar he plans to return the cards to Lety. Marcia’s in Lety’s office so he hides the bag and leaves. In the vortex he cradles it like a baby.

3. Omar tells Fern that if he wants to get Lety out of his system, first he has to get rid of the bag. Omar asks if Fern thinks he has any chance with Lety. Fern says she’s changed. From here on, he’ll work to get her out of his head.

4. Marcia tells Lety, “You broke your word. The cuartel knows all about your relationship with Fern.” Lety doesn’t know how they found out, but it’s a story she’s left in the past. Marcia asks if that means Lety’s forgotten. Lety repeats that she left it in the past. With this, Marcia knows Lety still loves Fern.

5. Marcia: They know specifics. They’re saying I broke the engagement because of you. L: Did you really cancel it because of me? M: What did you expect, after you showed me all Fernando’s cards? L: I didn’t want to show you anything. Remember, you wanted me to open that bag in front of the cuartel. I asked that we deal with it in private because you accused me of stealing. Did you forget that? M: Whatever! (IOW, yes, Marcia conveniently forgot that part of the story, and how dare Lety force truth to invade Marcia’s worldview?)

6. In the project meeting, Lety asks Fern if he’s met with Tom as she instructed. (IOW he begged for an office so he could help rescue Conceptos, but he’s not working a bit.) She hands out further assignments.

7. Ariel reports to Marcia that his office closed and he’s out of work. He was driving a company car, and he lost all his disposable cash in the failed venture. He needs an advance on his draw (it’s not really a draw, but I don’t know a better word other than the Spanish mensual). Marcia enjoys telling him he’ll have to ask for a favor from the woman he ridiculed and tormented since Day 1. She warns him not to look down on Lety. They’re in her hands, and she’s changed. Ariel’s sure she hasn’t, but Ariel hasn’t seen her in action.

8. On the phone, Luigi tells Ruli his faults.

9. Caro tells Aldo to be careful of his heart because Lety’s heart still belongs to Fernando. No Chicklets today. He says that if Lety is still stuck on Fernando, he’ll fight for her. He loves her, he wants her at his side, and he wants to dedicate his life to making her happy (whether she likes it or not).

10. Ariel invites Lety to dinner. He insists that they go out, and she insists that they meet at the office. See the original recap. There is an intense psychological between the two. (It reminds me of when my interrogator friends used to verbally spar. Boy, they were good!)

Capitulo 214.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom watches Ariel harass Alicia. He reminds her of his rich friends who could pay her well. She tells him to stop but he keeps going, so Tom steps in and yells at Ariel to shut up. Tom’s knees are knocking, but he won’t let anyone offend her. Tom asks Ariel if bullying women makes him feel like a man.

2. Ariel turns his abuse toward Tom, and Aldo steps in to defend Tom (not Ali). Ali gushes to Aldo for defending her and leaves poor Tom in the dust. Aldo tells Lety, “I want to talk about US.” Later Marica tells Ali that Aldo defended her because he’s a gentleman, not because he likes her.

3. Lety tells her diary that Aldo has become very special to her, while Aldo gazes at her picture and says, “Don’t you realize that I’m in love with you?” Lety says Aldo enables her to resist Fernando. She’ll keep trying until she can forget him.

4. Luigi complains to Caro about Ruli, but Caro suggests that his discontent is because of Aldo. Luigi says he thinks Aldo is the man of his dreams. Caro asks if Lui thinks Aldo feels the same. Lui says, “I’ll make him feel the same.” Gee, sounds like Aldo. Caro tells Lui that Aldo is in love with another woman, and she tries to tell him Aldo’s not gay, but Lui plugs his ears and hums.

5. Fern surrounds himself with Lety photos, Lety cards, and Lety peluches. He says he can’t possibly get rid of them because they are the memories of a beautiful love. It’s sad now, but it was beautiful.

6. Tom complains to Lety about Aldo stealing his victory. Lety says Tom’s only defect is that he wants Ali. Tom says, “El corazon manda – the heart rules.” i.e. you can’t order your heart around, telling it who to love.

7. Ali railroads Aldo into taking her to dinner, and everyone is stunned. Aldo insists on choosing the place. Lety tells Mama that it’s strange that Aldo would take out Ali.


Note, Luigi has found a lot more wrong with Ruli since he met Aldo.

Aldo says he’ll dedicate his life to making Lety happy. In the old recap, Julie asks the $64K question, “What if she tells him that the only thing that will make her happy is Fern's love?”

When Ariel talks to Lety, she sits down while he’s standing, to show that she’s the superior in this pair. Then Ariel sits on her desk to show that he considers her position meaningless. Would you sit on your boss’s desk?

No I would not sit on my boss's desk, because it's too small! In fact, I've been thinking of this for a while - my boss's office and the other two VPs' offices are all comparable in size to (or possibly smaller than) Lety's old cuchitril. (And they don't have windows, either!)

Thanks Paula, Enjoyed the first hour, but the second hour seemed to drag on. Too funny when Fern was wiping his hands all over Ariel. Also that jump over the desk was amazing.

I haven't had the chance to read the full re-caps yet, but today's eps were great. I especially loved 213. Fern was hysterical and the running gag of the stench kept me laughing the entire show.

Today was the first time I've been disappointed in Aldo's behavior. When he leaned in to Alicia, flirting with her to get her to spill the confidential info it just made me throw my hands up in disgust. I see his manipulative side now. That said...I don't think Aldo is quite as bad as Luigi although it seems that way now. The difference in my mind is that Lety has shown some interest in him. She even admits it to her diary today...Luigi has allowed himself to be led along, but I still don't think Aldo has been anything but simply polite towards him.

Alicia's reaction to Aldo's defense of her to Ariel was exactly how I thought she'd prob react when Ariel was attacking yesterday.

Really enjoyed the scenes with Lety and Ariel. It was riveting...he's quite good at being bad isn't he? Ugh that character makes my skin crawl, but he always makes an impression (albeit a bad one).

I wouldn't ever sit on my bosses desk either unless we were really good friends. Have you guys noticed that there seems to be a lot of sitting on top of that desk lately...I first noticed with Lety and Tomas a couple of days ago, then Lety yesterday during her fantasy with Fern, then today with Ariel...that desk top sure is getting a lot of action lately!

Now, now. Alicia offered to tell a secret, didn't she? I haven't seen this yet today, but as I recall, she sort of scammed her way into this dinner with Aldo. I bet he doesn't even believe that she knows anything, and is just humoring her for the very remote possibility that she would reveal something. (Other than those things she always has on display.)

But, I could be wrong. When it comes to dinner scenes, I seldom remember much afterwards except the food.

You're right Julie - Alicia offers the secret, but Aldo was definitely playing along. He leans in and sort of talks to her in her ear...Very flirtatious and if they hadn't been interrupted it would have gone on I'm sure.

I agree Alicia hustled her way into this dinner. That woman is a steamroller!

Julie - are you the same Julie who wrote the original re-caps? If so - HYSTERICAL! I'm laughing at all of the descriptions right now.

Thanks, GP. Yes, that was me. And I'm still laughing about Ariel losing his job!

As you may have noticed, I'm just as confused about Aldo now as I was then. I won't spoil anything by saying whether I like him better or worse this time around, but I will tell you that I find him a lot more interesting (despite his fluffy drivel). I spend more time analyzing his facial expressions and mannerisms than any other character's, trying to figure out whether I'm supposed to love him or hate him. I may not have given the writers and/or director and/or Juan Soler enough credit before: I'm not sure you can be that ambiguous by happenstance.

Regarding the monthly payment, I believe that's what we call a "dividend" in English. Dividends are usually paid to shareholders only when a company is making money, but Lety had put some money aside to make sure people would get their "dividends" regardless, back when she and Fern and Omar were trying to conceal the company's bad situation.

Now that the company's shareholders know about the debt, it doesn't make any sense to pay "dividends" to anyone. In fact, it strikes me as very bad business, and Ariel shouldn't have a thing to say about it. Every nickel paid in "dividends" is yet an additional nickel that Conceptos has to come up with to cover its debt.

But, maybe I'm wrong and this strange little company actually guarantees some kind of rain-or-shine, non-salary income to its shareholders.

I love the screen shot of Tomas and Alicia. I think she's looking at him in shock for standing up to Ariel. I think Tomas might be my new hero.

Julie, I'll second it that your original recap is a hoot. Now that I have a little more time on my hands I'm enjoying the original recaps too. (But still not reading the comments, there are so many!) Thanks for the explanation about the dividends. It sounds like Ariel is not getting them, hence his crankiness.

By the way, I'm not sure if I found this on my own or if someone shared the link, but I recall seeing some silly Name That Tune type game show that the actor who plays Ariel hosted. He was so goofy and enthusiastic and friendly it was hard to believe it's the same man.

Thank you for the wonderful recaps and screen shots! I hope Aldo takes Alicia to a taco stand, a dive, or the same place where the Cuartel is having dinner. I see from the previews that Tomas is stalking her again, sigh.

Those monthly payments don't really sound like our dividends. This seems to be a privately held company with only the family holding shares. They seem to get their monthly allotment no matter how the company is doing. It doesn't sound as if there are any other shareholders that they have to report to.

I guess it was obvious that Alicia would melt when Aldo stood up to Ariel. I liked what he said to Tomás when he praised him for coming to Alicia's defense. Of course she never heard a word he said.

I too hope he takes Alicia to some low class place she'd never go to but which has good food. Didn't you love Alicia's face when Aldo told her that the best isn't always the most expensive?

Y'all know that I'm an Aldo supporter but he did act too flirtatiously with Alicia today even if she was offering up info which he wanted to verify.


Allotment! That word works! I knew "draw" wasn't right - I think (not sure) those are typically annual, based on year end balance. And "dividends" are a function of profits. Whereas this mensual seems to be a set monthly payment the owners draw, independent of profits. "Allotment" is a good vague word to apply to this financially unsound function. I could also call it a "stipend" but that seems to imply a small amount.

GP, you're right, they like to sit on the desk in this show. In fact, one of my favorite scenes of all of Fea, very late in the show, is on the president's desk. I could probably quote the dialog from memory, I've worn out my disk rewatching it. Aaahhh. Thank you for reminding me of that scene. I think the sun is shining brighter today, because of it.

I finally finished the recaps. Julie your definition of dividends is indeed correct, but I missed the specific dialogue here - so Guera is probably right that what Ariel is hoping for is not dividends. Normally you can't just give dividends to one board member a) earlier than the others b) when no one else is receiving them. Julie - some board members (esp. independent ones) do receive a payment for their position on the board. Perhaps that's what Ariel is requesting. As Julie pointed out - most companies tend to withhold dividends when they hit rough patches (financially) although things could be done differently in Mexico than in the US or Europe.

I really truly hope that we can get through the dinner with Alicia/Aldo in the first cap tomorrow. they should dedicate only a half hour to that and be done with that freaking day! This certainly feels like the longest day in my memory besides that day they did the commercial for Fern when Luigi was away.

I just saw the actor who portrays Ariel on a Univision show the other day. I didn't watch it for too long, but it looked like a show where contestants compete in some sort of tests of strength (a la El Gran Show). They were all dressed up in colorful jumpsuits (even Ariel). Next time I see it - I'll make a note.

On another note - Angelica Vale tweeted out some fun pics of her with Jaime Camil from behind the scenes of the show they are doing on Thursday on Univision. I won't post links here, but they were fun!

The older board pointed out something that I missed today - the fact that Fern didn't talk to the US Embassy. What the hell is his deal? Why is he totally blowing off work when he promised he wanted to be around so he could help his Lety? Again I shake my head at how they are even still in business. Nothing ever seems to happen at that place...

The first word that came to my mind was "allowance," but that didn't sound quite right either! However, the payment they're talking about does sound more like an allowance than a dividend.

Poor Alicia - she is probably asking herself now, "if the most expensive isn't always best, then how can I tell which one IS the best?"

After finally seeing Carolina's outfit last night (I've been skipping around a LOT lately), I too am eager for "today" to end. (I might change my tune after I see everybody's next outfit, but I'm hopeful for now...)

Wardrobe gripes aside, I have been enjoying the pictures a lot lately. Still pictures can't always capture a moment, but when they do, they're priceless.

This was a day when I liked Aldo for stepping up and denouncing Ariel and disliked him for being so aggressive with Lety. He invades her space and, no matter what words he uses, he is trying to manipulate Lety, situations, and other people to get what he wants. Aldo will flirt with Alicia, with Luigi, with the cuartel, with anybody who will help advance his plan to win Lety away from Fernando. I, too, wonder if he would step away if he knew for sure that Lety and Fernando are deeply in love. Methinks not!!! Aldo is a man who is used to doing what he wants as he wants despite what anyone else (his padre) thinks. Don't think he'll take a gentler approach to win Lety. But the dude has got to give her some space. If I were Lety, I probably would have physically pushed him away several times by now. For all you Aldo lovers, I apologize, but Aldo reminds me of those boys who had the smooth lines and octopus arms. You had to be on your guard all the time to keep them at bay.

Lety and Alicia: equal and opposite. I used to think that Alicia's car was repossessed, but that's not it. I think she got it, free and clear, after the divorce, but she put it up as collateral for her credit cards. So when she didn't pay her cards, they didn't repo the car, they EMBARGOED it! Alicia lost what she loved most, to an embargo. Lety gained, by embargo, what Fernando loved most (Conceptos).

I haven't completely given up on Aldo yet, but he did disappoint me today. The one thing I find redeeming about him is what he says to himself when he's alone. To me a person doesn't typically lie to themselves unless they are a sociopath so I think he does "love" Lety or at least he really thinks he does now. He also admitted today to Caro that he's willing to fight for her - we've seen that his fighting includes charming, listening and even a little bit of manipulation to get what he wants. He's still no worse than Fern or any of the other characters in the show imho. In fact this just makes him even more human to me.

I like this Alicia/Lety equal and opposite theory Paula. I guess it makes sense that it might converge with Aldo at the center of it all, although I really hope that isn't the direction this story takes! :( I'd be even more disappointed in him if he got involved with Alicia in some way. :( :(

I'd posted a comment earlier, but glitchy blogger must not have actually let it go through (I've been having tons of issues the past couple of days when I try to comment). The gist of what I was saying earlier is that a few people have made comments about Aldo's invading people's personal body space. The one thing I thought of is - I'm not sure if he's supposed to be playing Argentinean in this show (prob not since his big project is to highlight Mexican cuisine), but I know in Argentinean culture and other S. American countries personal body space isn't perceived the same as it is in say the US or some other European countries. That could be a factor in how Aldo's character behaves.

Paula, excellent point about Alicia's car getting embargoed! It really supports your theory about Alicia and Lety being opposites. Good thinkin' there.

Interesting points about Aldo's sense (or lack thereof) of space. This is just one more thing I'd like to pay attention to. I think I need to start a list.

GP, you posted your personal space comments to yesterday's summary. But I could tell that you thought you were on today's. I'll accept that perhaps to Aldo it seems normal. But definitely not to Lety. He crowds her and she pulls away. I'm not sure whether the scene has broadcast yet (I watch ahead to write the summaries), but Aldo is leaving the room and he moves toward her to kiss her. She puts her hand between them to shake hands and defend against the kiss. And she definitely uses the desk as a shield when Aldo crowds her.

Interesting because way back, the president's desk was a barrier between Fern and Lety. He prohibited her from his safety zone behind the desk. But after Omar's apartment her normal position shifted to behind the desk with Fernando.

Sylvia, if you start a list of things you want to watch for, adalante! But beware. Fea has so much to analyze, your list may expand exponentially! Don't ask how I know this.

Long ago I posted my theory about Alicia and Lety as equals and opposites, but I think many of you weren't on the board back then, and several points have been added since then. Here are sevearal significant points. Many of these are from much earlier in the series.

1. Fern won Lety, despite disgust, for money and to keep her from Tomas. Ali won Tom, despite disgust, for money and to keep him from Lety.
2. Ali was seeing Lety’s good friend. Lety was seeing Ali’s good friend’s man.
3. For both Lety and Ali, everyone is strongly impacted by her appearance. Her appearance defines her identity, how she views herself. She believes it controls how everyone regards her. She is so determined maintain that belief, that she deliberately ignores all evidence to the contrary, no matter how strong the evidence.
4. Lety is ugly on the outside and beautiful on the inside. A mess outside and perfectly in order inside. Alicia vice versa.
5. Names: Leticia and Alicia. Beatrice and Patricia, Betty and Patty.
6. They were hired for the same position. Not just same occupation (like Lola and Marta), but one position: they were both scty to the president.
7. Both have prominent roles, beginning with the first episode. In the first episode, Ali had a bigger role than Fernando. Ali & Lety are together in almost the first scene. Fernando doesn’t appear until a few scenes later.
8. Both attended college for finance.
9. (before Aca) Ali seems rich but is extremely poor. Lety seems poor but is extremely rich.
10. Cap 63, The lovenote in the pizza describes Ali, but Fern & Omar interpret description as Lety
11. Early in the series. When people met her they reacted strongly to her appearance, but quickly their opinion changed to the opposite.
12. Cap 134, Ali’s car is taken. Next day, Lety buys a car. There are many, MANY couplets like this, within one Conceptos day and often within one episode. e.g.
* 138, Ali buys bonbons for herself and Lety throws away the bonbons Fern gives her.
* 146, Fern & Lety’s last date (Mesón) is at same time as Ali & Tom’s first date.
* 201, Lety's first day as presidenta is Ali's first day on the bus.
* 210 & 212, On the same day, Aldo gives Lety the painting and Tom gives Ali stockings. Both are from the suitor undesired, and both gifts are considerate of her needs.
* #57, Bella Life Event. Ali is loudly rejected by her two lovers, Omar and Ariel. While both Tomás and Fernando talk about being Lety's novio.
* #67, Ali tries to stowaway in Omar’s car, and she's booted out. Fern insists on taking Lety home.

And one of my favorites:
Cap 26. Both did wrong (Ali sabotaged the computer and Lety agreed to the bribe). Both got in over their heads. Ali turned farther from Fernando (spied on him) and Lety put herself at Fernando’s mercy. The result? Ali becomes Ariel’s slave, while Fern gave Lety Filmo Imagen and fell in love.

I can buy that Aldo might have different "personal space requirements" than other people, but regardless - if someone backs away every time you get close, isn't it considerate (at the least) to back off?

I don't think we can write this off as cluelessness. Aldo seems very much aware of other people's cues. He has continued to pick up on everyone else's mannerisms and speech. When he mimicked Tomas the l'eavesdropper the other day, the mimicry came dangerously close to mockery. (I don't think it was intended that way, but even gentle teasing is unkind when the person being teased is as agitated and embarrassed as Tomas was.)

Okay, so I'll backpedal a bit and say he's good at picking up on mannerisms and speech, but he is NOT good at figuring out what behind them! So, he probably does notice that Lety backs away from him when he gets too close. But even if he doesn't understand why she does it (duh), that should be his signal to give her more space.

As for me, yesterday I was horrified to catch myself moving my hands exactly the same way Aldo does when he talks! (I've noticed Omar and/or Fernando doing this lately, too.)

Aldo irked me again when he stepped in to rescue Tomas from mean old Ariel. I was honestly hoping that meek little Tommy Boy would clock the snake just to see the shock on his and Ali's faces. No such luck with Aldo rushing in.

Sit on my bosses desk - good God no it would be an appalling breech of business etiquette, not that anyone involved with Conceptos has the faintest clue of how to act at work. Oh right they don't work, just eat, torment each other and gossip.

I am amused that the cuartel and everyone else constantly calls Ali a leech and yet the cuartel think nothing of cadging a free meal out of a stranger they find outside of Conceptos (Aldo) and now they are hustling the HaHa's for dinner and drinks. Talk about people with no sense of boundaries.

That leap over the desk to the chair was spectacular. I suspect that both Omar and Fern must have been very good at musical chairs when they were kids and which they demonstrate constantly in their little office.

Loved all the subtle reactions when Ali and Aldo went off in the Cab. Tommy and Lety were not pleased, Fern on the other hand was happy. Just more mixed signals all the way around.

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