Tuesday, March 08, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #243-244 3/8/11 Throw off everything that hinders, and run with perseverance.

Capitulo 243.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fernando takes his suitcase, says “Adios,” and walks out of the door for good, for great, for fantastic.

2. Luigi talks to Aldo. Aldo says Lui’s utter failure was punishment enough. Lui is horribly ashamed for how he behaved, and Aldo forgives him.

3. Irma suggests that the cuartel turns over a new leaf and abandons gossip. Irma, Sara and Juana join the no-gossip branch, leaving Marta, Paula and Lola in the gossip branch.

4. Aldo leaves Lety’s door open so the gossips observe, and he gives Lety a heart necklace. The card reads, “Keeping hope alive is part of success in life and love.” Lety says some battles are lost. Aldo says battles, yes, but he’s sure he’ll win the war. She says that’s what she wants most. He turns up the heat as he puts the necklace on her.

5. Fernando tells Aldo that the expo is finished so he can go back to Aca; he’s not needed here. Aldo says Gui wants him in charge, so “I’m your boss.”

6. Marcia arrives in widow’s weeds. Marta hears Marcia say that Fern broke up with her and doesn’t love her. She’s sure it’s final. Out of Marta’s hearing, Marcia says it’s because he still loves Lety.



7. Paula tells Lety that Fern dumped Marcia. Paula asks rhetorically, “What could move him (llevar) to make such a drastic decision? It’s never happened before.” Lety rationalizes that he did it for Carla, but Paula answers sarcastically, “Yeah, and Carla moved him like nobody else.”

8. Paula leaves and Lety weeps, “Carla achieved what I never could. She changed his heart.” Marcia tells Ali, “The only one who could change Fernando is Leticia.” Ali hollers and Marcia tells her to shut up. She doesn’t want anyone to find out that Fern loves Lety. She admits that she bore some of the blame because she was possessive, jealous, and suffocating.

9. Ali tells Marcia to face the facts; it’s a lost cause. Delusional Marcia answers with the dicho, “Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan,” where there was a fire, there are still hot coals (and a chance to reignite a fire). Ali counters that, “Este es el presente de un futuro muy pasado.” I think it means, “The far past’s future already passed, long ago,” but I’m not sure. Marcia says Fern knows he can’t get Lety back, and her last delusion is, “I know Fernando can only be happy with me.”

10. Carla arrives and tries to kiss Fern. He tells her he broke up with Marcia last night, and he’s relieved.

Capitulo 244.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia torments Lety because Fern was with Carla. She suggests that Lety and Carla duke it out for the prize. Fern halts this torture saying “If you really want to talk about this in front of everyone, I’ll be happy to. Lety, I’ve told you many times, but now I’ll say it with witnesses. Yo la a…” Fernando stops because Aldo walks in.

2. Tom asks Ali for his cell phone, but she declines. Then she mourns her lack of a car, and Tom offers to drive her. She asks him for a ride home tonight. Both leave happy: Tom has his girl and Ali has her car.

3. Carla says she’ returning to NY. Fern escorts her to keep Omar at bay. Carla again asks him to live with her. He says, “In another time, I would’ve given anything to be with a woman like you. Thank you. For the first time in my life I was completely honest with a woman.” He tries to give her a besito but she grabs a kiss, a very long kiss.

4. Omar pumps Fern for the locker room details of last night with Carla while Marta listens. Fern says nothing happened; he dropped off Carla then broke up with Marcia. Omar thinks Carla must’ve turned him down since Omar can’t comprehend that Fern turned her down.

5. Marcia says that Lety believes Fernando loves Carla, and that helps Marcia’s cause. Ali says Lety will find out he doesn’t. Marcia swears that Lety will leave Conceptos empty handed, and we know Marcia’s never wrong (cough, cough).

6. Lety tells Tom that Fern started to say something that seemed important, and she’s trying to sort it out. Aldo arrives. Tom says they didn’t make enough profit because Luigi spent too much. Lety feels like a failure.

7. Fern tells Omar that he turned down Carla because he’s in love with another. Marta gets pulled away before Omar says Fern hasn’t slept with anyone since Lety. Omar says Fern should tell Lety he loves her.

8. Irma worries that if Lety finds out Fern didn’t fall for Carla, Lety will get her hopes up. Marta adds, if Lety finds out he’s in love, she’ll think it’s with her. They join forces to get Lety to fall for Aldo.


Thank you, Pat, for the screenshots. They always add so much to the summary.

My mention of Marcia’s widow’s weeds is only halfway in jest. The Victorian criteria for a widow’s dress in full mourning were: All black – ck. Dress of a simple design – ck. No jewelry – almost (notice her small, plain earrings). Often a veil – Marcia’s hat.

I thought it was cute, in the vortex, when Omar asked Fern a question, Fern answered with inflected whistles, and Omar translated from whistle into speech.

Paula, thanks for the recap. So glad that Carla is gone. Now if we could send most of the cuartel to NYC as well.

I think my fave screenshot today has to be Martha! LOL Classic.

Who needs enemies when you have friends like Lety's?

My fave moment of today was hands down the scene with Aldo and Fern in Aldo's office. I especially loved Aldo's little cat noises! These guys are really funny together. I want more of them! Forget all of the other scenes with the cuartel.

Paula - today's caps are exactly why I hated the whole jealousy plan that Carla and Fern hatched. Although Fern loves Lety dearly - she automatically jumps to the conclusion that he broke up with Marcia as a result of Carla. Why wouldn't she think that? He never broke up with Marcia before even though he lied a few times and said he would...ahh the crossed wires of TN land.

I wonder why Fern chose not to say he loved Lety in the meeting? So what Aldo walked in - if he'd done it, then it would finally be a fair fight! Although I sort of think it wasn't really the appropriate place for any of that type of discussion.

Omar continues to be one of the only characters on this show to make sense and clearly have a grasp on what needs to be done.

Is anyone surprised that they didn't make enough to pay off their debts? I somehow knew that all expenses paid vacation for Luigi probably wasn't the best idea - the fact that they didn't approve every single thing he'd done before he spent the money makes me leery that this business should even continue operations. I guess Tomas was too busy daydreaming about Alicia to pay attention...In the other board someone (maybe Julie) mentioned that they thought Luigi fudged the numbers in his budgets - if that's the case I'll give a little slack, but I sort of think it's because everyone is too busy gossiping and focusing on who loves whom that this business is struggling financially!

It looks like from today's previews that there will be some interesting reading in tomorrow's caps.

To me, the whistle=words with Omar/Fern was to show how close the two of them are. Fern couldn't have been whistling so no one could hear, because Omar was deciphering into words. Omar can decipher Fern's whistles.

Funny, funny, funny pushing Omar into the plant. It had to have been on accident, did you see everyone's reactions? But the way Jaime held the scene together was magic. I could just imagine the stage managers using the hand movement "keep rolling" "roll with it". It was hilariously funny.

Drat that Sara and her timing. Just dragging this out longer. The cuartel getting into the middle with "we have to protect Lety from that pervert Fernando" "we need her to love Aldo" Yuck.

Speaking of Aldo, him walking in at the most inopportune time made me think he was lurking outside eschucado a la puerta!

Loved the widow's weed reference Jajaja.

Is it just me, or is Alicia finally lucid? She flatly was telling Marcia to forget about Fern. "He doesn't love you".


Eschucando a la puerta. Forgot the n

Holy Moley, I can't type today.
Escuchando a la puerta.
Holy Moley (Mole, 12 different kinds)Jajaj

When I did that recap, I was so HAPPY about Fernando breaking up with Marcia that the significance of her wearing black the next day completely eluded me! Also, I loved that outfit on her. MOURNING never crossed my mind!

I think I understand why Fernando stopped saying "I love Lety" when Aldo walked in. Ever notice how rattled Fern always is by Aldo's presence? Fern was really excited when he started saying it, but the sight of Aldo stopped him cold.

So, that's another milestone that Fernando needs to reach: stop seeing Aldo as a big scary monster who blocks Fernandito's every step. Aldo's just a man. If Fernando stops feeling/behaving like a frightened and resentful little boy, maybe his interactions with Aldo will be more productive.

Diann - you're right that scene with Fern whistling and Omar interpreting was brilliant! :) I enjoy those two together.

Julie - I never thought about Fern seeing Aldo as a big, bad monster, but you're right all of their interactions seem to put Fern in the position of being a petulant, little boy. I can't wait until he passes that milestone - I'll be cheering when it happens & I happen to still like Aldo. In fact I like him more when he's being openly naughty. His character is a lot more fun that way! :)

Marcia Marcia Marcia - she's still a nasty little pill. :( I bet she's mourning the loss of face, not really her relationship with Fern. I knew she wouldn't go down without a fight. I have no sympathy for her anymore. Go away you harpy!! Although without her throwing her hand grenades ever so often, things wouldn't be nearly as much fun as they are in LFMB land...

We got a megadose of that favorit telenovela ploy, the interrupted reveal. How many times did Lety ALMOST find out that Fernando loves her?
1. Marta hears Marcia say Fern broke up with her, but Marta is pulled away just before Marcia says it’s because he still loves Lety.
2. Marta's gone again when Marcia tells Ali, “The only one who could change Fernando is Leticia."
3. Then Ali hollers and Marcia tells her to shut up because she doesn’t want anyone to hear that Fern loves Lety.
4. In the meeting Fernando gets as far as "Yo la a.." and stops.
5. Outside Omar's office, Marta hears that Fernando turned down Carla because he's in love with another, but Marta is pulled away before Omar says Fern hasn't touched a woman since Lety.

Here's what I want to know! Plenty of people know Fern loves Lety, but it's all the wrong people. How is it that all the selfish ones know? Marcia, Carla, Aldo, Alicia, Teresita, even Luigi, sorta’. But none of the compassionate or even moderate ones – Carolina, Mama Julieta, Saimon, Tomás, the cuartel?

I am caring for my parents' elderly cockatiel this month.

He used to speak, but over the years, most of his words have devolved into inflected whistles. (Maybe it's easier to whistle than to speak.) If you know what he USED to say, then you know what the whistles mean. "I'm a baaaaaaaaaaad boy" or "I'm a pretty pretty bird" or "whatcha doin'."

But I had no idea that this could happen to humans. Poor Fernando. I hope he doesn't start losing his feathers...

Paula - you bring up an interesting point. I noticed you left Omar off your list. Where would you say Omar lands? selfish or moderate? So far he's helped his boy Fern at every turn, although you could say initially he was the one that caused all of the pain, so his help could be him repenting for his sins...

Any steps forward today?

GP, you said that based on the previews, tomorrow should be interesting. You videntes and prognosticators out there, any speculations on how tomorrow will pan out?

Diann, you asked, "Is Alicia finally lucid?" Alicia is always the most stupid about her own situation. She's a little more clear thinking when it comes to Marcia's situation. And when Marcia is at her most delusional, Ali often becomes a total genius. Maybe the two share one brain, and Marcia gets to use it most of the time.

Here's what I want to know: where did Lety (and any other witnesses) think Fernando was going with "Yo la a-"?

I realize that a lot of verbs begin with "a," but given the topic of conversation, "amo" should be high on the list of suspects.

I suspect that Marcia and Alicia share their brain with a third, unidentified person. Sometimes it seems as though neither of them are thinking clearly. Remember the night they rented a car to spy on Lety's birthday party?

Julie, you asked about the other witnesses to Fernando's almost-declaration. Actually Lety is the only person in that room who doesn't know it. The other people there are Marcia and Carla who've been told a zillion times, and Aldo who's said so a zillion times (but never around Lety). Omar walks in moments later, and he's been told a bunch of times as well. For that matter, Fernando has told Lety several times!

GP, you're right. I forgot. Why didn't I include Omar in the people who know? Do I have a mental block? Do I not consider him because he acts as if that fact just hasn't registered with him yet? Not sure.

BIG QUESTION: What will it take for Lety to believe that Fernando loves her? He's tried to tell her several times, and she refuses to believe him. What will get through to her? Speculations?

GP, I also loved the scene between Fernando & Aldo in Aldo's office. They are so fun when they get into these p****ing contests. The bit with the cat sculpture and the miaou was hilarious.

So Marcia is certain that Fernando can only be happy with her -- just as Aldo believes that Lety will be happier with him. More parallelism.

Those misunderstandings in TN communication are so frustrating. But without them we would have no telenovelas to watch. If people overheard the whole conversation and communicated in an adult fashion no show would last longer than a few weeks.

Funny reference to Marcia's outfit -- but widow's weeds or not she looked great.

Tomás on the other hand looked awful in those colors. I loved the scene where Tomás went off dancing and saying "Tengo una chica" as Alicia dancies around exstatically saying "Tengo una coche" Wonderful contrast.


Based on the previews, I think Fernando finds Lety's diary and reads it. If this is what happens, I think 2 things will happen. One, Fernando will realize even more so how much he damaged Lety with his lies and trickery. Two, Fernando will feel even stronger that he can't win Lety back because of what he's done even though the diary will clearly tell him that she still loves him. Remember, she pours out her heart in the diary including her anger and frustrations. Also she writes about her feelings for Aldo. I think Fernando will be in a quandry because of what he reads and I think his next step will to give Lety room to sort out her feelings. At the same time, Aldo will continue to push Lety into a commitment to him. He will continue to invade her personal space and make her think that he's the only one who can make her happy. Lety will buy this only because, in her mind, Aldo has not lied to her, tricked her, or deceived her in any way. He has always been straightforward about his feelings. In Lety's mind, Aldo represents integrity and Fernando represents dishonesty. I think Lety will continue to try to freeeze Fernando out and because he knows the depths of the hurt he caused Lety, he'll be the gentleman and step to the side, loving Lety from a distance. So what we have is a full circle. Fernando now loving Lety from a distance like she loved him from a distance in the beginning. She'll have to come to her senses just like Fernando came to his. And Aldo will continue to push, push, and push some more.

To answer your earlier question in regards to what it'll take for Fern to convince Lety he loves her - I think to be honest it'll take time. She still needs to get over the heartbreak he caused. She also needs to have more moments like the one where he showed her he truly was in her corner - quiet pep talks and supportive, unselfish love.

I also think that a grand gesture or pronouncement of love from Fern wouldn't be all that bad for Lety's ego. He's never really done that very well - although Aldo (the guy she adores, but doesn't love does it often). I think that's why Lety has kept Aldo around - he's not afraid to show that he loves her in 1000 ways - whether it's gifts, or new experiences or public pronouncements. I think that the only reason she's hasn't been swept away by it all so far is because she still feels this deep love for Aldo.

Barbara - I think that's your prediction is pretty solid and I was referring to the diary being read by Fern in tomorrow's caps per the previews we saw. I knew in my gut someone would read it. You can't just keep something like that around the office - especially with the way people snoop in that office. I guess Fern reading it is as good as anyone. I'm just glad it's not the cuartel - that would have been painful and maybe more than I could deal with - they already meddle way more than they should.

It's interesting to me that Fern has taken a passive approach to winning Lety's love by giving her space vs. Aldo who always says he wants to fight for Lety's love. If what Barbara predicts is true - what if anything will prompt Fern to begin to fight for Lety's love? Maybe the diary will help him to fight in a different way...

OK based on that telling preview this is where I feel that Fern hits rock bottom. And for two reasons which will have to wait until tomorrow.

As for what it would take for Fern to convince Lety he loves her - nothing he can do will convince her. She is hell bent on believing the worst of him so nothing he can do gets through to her. On the other hand as far as she is concerned Also can do no wrong and she ignores it when he gets into his little one upmanship games with Fern. Clearly Fern has made strides to becoming a better person while Lety has not. In many ways she has exchanged one set of keepers (J & E) for another in Aldo. I also find her baby talky conversations and mugging Tomas annoying in the extreme.

God help us all as the coven tries to push Lety towards Aldo. Poor Irmita the voice of reason is certain to be ignored.

Odd Marcia keeping her hat on inside her office and the poor thing got that bilious green paint job on top f it all. More good Conceptos money spent on the wrong thing.

Forgot to mention it but Lety's pencils flipped only once today. LOL

I too thought the Omar fall into the plants was not scripted and I had to replay it to determine if the scream was his girlish one. It wasn't. For a novela that is basically a comedy there certainly seem to be an unusual number of falls, trips and accidents.

Speaking of falls, trips and accidents. I have noticed lately there have been a lot of goofs on dialogue. Characters are lost on the script, are ad-libbing, can't keep up when someone else is ad-libbing, or flat out screwing up the lines. It must be because these poor actors are TIRED. You can tell how worn out they look now compared to the beginning of LFMB. I'm hoping everyone on set got some kind of vacation or days off before we get into the ultima semanas. I want to see the fresh energy that the actors brought to the characters like they did in the beginning of the novela.
Sorry, just my observation. Does anyone else notice?
But, I will take Fernando, Lety, Omar, Alicia tired or not. Fernando especially. Jajaja

deciegirl, you walked the fine line well. Bien hecho!

GP, you said, "what if anything will prompt Fern to begin to fight for Lety's love?" Actually, the answer to that was hidden in a foreshadow snuck in today. Not the previews, mind you, but within the shows.

Barbara, thank you for taking the plunge with a prediction. Those are always so fun.

Guera, you said, "If people overheard the whole conversation and communicated in an adult fashion no show would last longer than a few weeks." I totally agree. In fact, if people did that, you wouldn't have a TN, you'd have real life, and who wants to watch that??

Thanks for pointing out Omar's fall. I had missed that. Notice Camil trying not to laugh. He's biting his lip so hard, I'm surprised he doesn't draw blood!

Diann, I hadn't noticed that the spark was gone, but I did notice a lot of blown lines. It's no wonder. At this point the principal characters had been working 14-15 hour days, seven days per week, for about a year. I cannot even imagine! (Except Camil who had Sundays off by contract.) I'm sure they're paid well, but what good is it if you never see the light of day?

I'm curious. What does everyone think of the addition of Aldo now? Not what you think of the character, but rather, what do you think of the way Mexico changed the show concept by adding him? One thing is sure - he certainly has given us a lot to talk about!!!

I enjoyed so many scenes in the 2 episodes today, but what really touched me was when Julieta was sitting in front of Lety, in her bedroom. Mama Solís is happy that Aldo loves Lety, but upon seeing Lety's expression, comes to learn that Lety cannot be in love with Aldo. They hug/comfort each other and then Moty joins in the hug! it is so cute.
Martha normally gets on my last nerve, her voice mainly, but today I actually liked her!
Omey let out his girly squeal when he went into the plant and I lost it, as it definitely looked like it was unplanned!

For the heck of it, I looked up some of the actors of LFMB to see their other talents. Thought I'd share some;
Tomás (Luis Manuel Avila) has a gorgeous voice--there are videos on You Tube.
Robopop (José José) has the loveliest voice--I had to watch several videos as I couldn't believe it was really him singing.
I love Lety (Angelica Vale)'s voice and have watched several of her videos and may order a cd or two.
Julieta (Mama Solís) Angelica María has a lovely voice also!
Here is a video of her singing, with a montage of photos of herself and Angelica Vale over the years--really cool!

I cant figure out todays foreshadow and its driving me crazy. Please illuminate. :)

Diann, I e-mailed you about the foreshadow.

Marie, yes, José José's voice was once spectacular. He was HUGE in his time. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he was #1 in Mexico for YEARS, and popular all over Latin America. A phenomenon, like Sinatra in his time. His vocal range was amazing, and the clarity of his voice was spectacular. And then hard living caught up with him, and now he can hardly talk. I believe his signature song was El Triste which shows off his range. I personally like Me Basta for the beauty of his voice.

I missed the foreshadow as well, but I'll try paying attention moving forward Paula.

Now on to more important things like pics of Jaime - he tweeted a picture of him in character on his current movie project and it's another good one. Enjoy http://twitpic.com/47o4v9

I rewatched the "Yo la a-" scene and the "a-" kinda gets lost when he says "Aldo." So I'll give Lety a pass on that one.

Maybe Marcia left her hat on because she overslept (after crying all night) and didn't have time to wash her hair.

GP, yes I did comment on the old recap that I thought they said Luigi had fudged his numbers, but I checked this morning and they never said that. Rather, it appears that there was no oversight of his expenses.

You know what's interesting about that? Back when they were hashing out the details of Lety's presidency, Luigi said he wouldn't answer to Lety. They solved the problem by putting Marcia in charge of Luigi.

So it was really Marcia's job to oversee his expenses.

Did she screw up out of spite? I doubt it - she wouldn't do that to her "patrimonio" - her parents' legacy. I think the problem was that she couldn't keep an eye on Luigi when she was out of the country for three weeks!

it was very nice to watch Fernando ALMOST give in when he saw Marcia cry openly once he kissed her hand and began to leave. He turned around, she was staring at him crying, begging with her eyes... he walked back inside a couple steps and then stopped himself, like the new Fernando was finally stepping his foot down and not letting the old Fernando (the one who would have given in to Marcia's pleas) hae his say. Then he just said 'goodbye' and left for good. very nicely done by Jaime and Elizabeth
Also LOVED when Fernando was kidding with Omar saying he had taken Carla to Sanson's house (the dog house) and Omar just yelled 'YOU PIG!!'. I think this was ad-lib because you could tell Jaime was caught off guard with that response. he giggled a bit.

Fern & Omar. A few caps ago, I said Fern outgrew Omar. Now Fern is still spending time around him, but their interaction reminds me of a mom driving five 7th-graders home from a swim party. The mom is there but she’s totally removed from their gossip and dramatics.

and I too loved the tree fall incident too... definitely an unplanned accident.

today's ep is MUST WATCH LFMB for sure

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