Friday, May 13, 2011

Teresa Wed 5/11/11 #53-54 Things go from bad to worse in the Rubigote House.

Teresa Ep 53 & 54—May 12, 2011 Things go from bad to worse in the Rubigote House.

I'm doing another BIG "Lo Siento" with this recap. I've been swamped and behind and now my head is swimming with all the Teresa episodes I've crammed into my brain in the last 48 hours. (I'm totally hooked, though!) Also, no HD screencaps. The HD channels have TOTALLY cr@pped out on me. Must call Dish Network to fix this. I must see all the beads of sweat on Fernando Colunga's . . . errr, on Sebastian Rulli's chest in HD! This will not do! At least the regular definition channels show up so I saw the episode in non-HD and it had closed captions. Whew.

I'm going to try to give a rough outline of what I remember happening in this episode. It's going to be really rough because while I was watching there were distractions so I missed bits. I wish it were better, but at least there will be something up for those who missed the episode or have no clue about what went on. And PLEASE, as usual, please fill in any blanks and please correct any errors I make! Thank you!


Paulo does die of an OD. Before he shuffles off to the great beyond, he whispers "Teresa" to a distraught Aida who later, in a rage, throws some sort of cleaning fluid (from Armando's cleaning supplies) in Teresa's face.

Teresa has to get her eyes flushed by Mariano and of course Professor Hottie sees this, misunderstands, and has a jealous fit. It's all smoothed out and Hector the Director finishes up with Teresa's care. She spends much of Episode 53 and 54 with large sunglasses and red blotches on her forehead, from the chemical burns. Her eyes are watery and uncomfortable but she can see.

Hector the Director has to break his date with Juana because of the drama going on with Paulo's death. Juana is understanding. Of course Cutberto overhears and knows the date was broken. Later they have this conversation which I missed part of. Juana is saying that if he wants kids to look elsewhere because she is not having any. But she doesn't explain why. Cutberto says some pretty things about how if they don't have kids, that's okay too, which I think makes Juana perk up a bit but then Cutberto goes on to say more things which I think breaks the spell and Juana realizes that he would still hope for kids. (I missed part of this so am not sure of the details.)

Much of the rest of the episode is also spent seeing Aida freak out while wearing her wedding dress. Poor girl, I do feel sorry for her. She ends up trying to crawl over the edge of a freeway bridge (overpass). She wants to be with Paulo. Fortunately Aurora and Mariano get there in time to drag her away. She then ends up in the hospital in a wretched state.

Paulo's mom is also distraught and collapses. Everyone blames Teresa, it seems, and gives her the stinkeye. Teresa is totally freaked and is trying to remind herself that she is not to blame for this.

The drug dealer guy visits Teresa and shows her some documentation (??) that he's cooked up that ties her in with Paulo's drug transactions. Now I missed some of this but it looks like drug dealer guy has faked some of this. We know Teresa is a bruja who pointed drug dealer guy in Paulo's direction, but she wasn't that hands-on in orchestrating his downfall and OD on drugs, right?

Anyway, drug dealer guy is very sly and sneaky and blackmails Teresa. She finds that necklace that Esperanza gave her a while ago (a gift from Rubigote that Esperanza didn't want anymore). She gives it to drug dealer guy and expects to get his "proof" (some sort of paper with a schedule on it) but he says nothing doing.

At Paulo's funeral Paloma is trying to comfort Paulo's mom and she lets it out that she had a son with Professor Hottie. OF COURSE Professor Hottie overhears and is impactado. This is the cliffhanger scene for Episode 53.

In Episode 54, we get an explanation from Paloma. She discovered she was pregnant after the breakup with Professor Hottie. I guess she was cut off from him and couldn't reach him, or perhaps didn't want to. Anyway, the baby was born dead. She cries over the loss and poor Professor Hottie is in tears as well. He embraces her in comfort.

He later tells Teresa about this and she seems impactada and says the proper sympathetic things. As she hugs him, her face takes on a mercenary gleam and she's thinking (I think) something about how she's glad there's no hijo because she doesn't want to share any inheritance with a kid! (I think this is what she was thoughtbubbling.) THE BRUJA!!!

At the funeral, Raul, Paulo's best friend, is very broken up about Paulo's death. But we see the writing on the wall (well, I do anyway). He secretly loves Aida and I'll bet he ends up with her.

I think along the way somewhere (I think in Ep 53) nice cute doctor guy is counseling Esperanza about her pregnancy. But to be honest these episodes are all blurring together for me. Also Esperanza sees how distraught Aida is and how Aida's mom (Rubigote's wife) is comforting the girl and how sad everyone is. I think this strengthens Esperanza's resolve to not interfere with this family by announcing that she's got Rubigote's bun in her oven. (But I could be confused about this part.)

Also Esperanza is the nurse on duty for Aida (I think)? She's in the room when Rubigote and wife come to visit. Impactado looks from Rubigote.

Also Esperanza sees that Paulo's mom and Mrs. Rubigote's "friend" (Geno) is also the "other woman" (the one she saw at the Rubigote Love Nest).

More stuff with Johnny and underage novia. There's some Romeo and Juliet scene where she's on a balcony and throwing stuff down to him, including a note. Whatever.

Teresa has also told Professor Hottie that she doesn't like her dad working as a cleaning man and she's going to try to pressure him to quit. (Now I missed some of this here. I know, I know, I'm saying that a lot with this recap!)

Aida is in the hospital and is still freaking out. Her mom tries to comfort her. Aida claims that Paulo said that Teresa did this (or whatever) before he died. Aida is swearing that it's Teresa's fault, while Mariano comes in the room and of course overhears. It looks like mom is not really buying Aida's claim but looks scared for her daughter and tries to comfort her.

Teresa saunters in the hospital hallway and Mariano confronts her with Aida's claim. She smoothly denies it, explaining that Paulo probably uttered her name before dying because she's so unforgettable! LOL she is too much! Anyway Mariano is not amused and says something insulting to her and walks off in disgust. She looks shaken by this.

An envelope is delivered to Aida's mom. We know it's probably those fakey divorce papers that Teresa sent. The mom starts to open the envelope but in comes Rubigote and they have a conversation about poor Aida. Then the conversation moves to the devotion they feel for each other and how they will love each other 4EVAR. Rubigote hugs his wife and has a hard look on his face.

I think Armando has told Refugio that he's quit his job at the hospital, or he's going to quit. She's shocked.

Aida wants to get out of the hospital. Mariano wants her to stay another day but she pleads with him and he relents. But she's got to rest at home and take it easy.

Teresa walks in as her parents are arguing about Armando's leaving the hospital job. Teresa says she knows that Professor Hottie will help with money. I think Armando is saying that he should take more time to look for a job as a mechanic. Refugio, of course, is all against this and doesn't want to get any money from Professor Hottie.

Then Teresa tells her parents that a lot of high class people are going to be at her wedding and she wants her parents to learn some high class manners. Refugio says that they may be poor but they're not without "educada" (in this context it means with good manners). But Teresa smoothly pulls out a book on etiquette and at first Refugio kind of has an attitude about hey, it couldn't hurt, but then Teresa makes a point to correct Refugio's slang—It's not "pa" it's "PARA." Refugio rushes out in tears.

Aida has been brought home. She's clutching her wedding dress in her arms and is still freaked out. The maid points out that mysterious envelope that's not been opened yet. Yep, sure enough, mom opens it and is immediately horrified and puts her hand over her mouth. She tries to cram the paper back in the envelope but of course Aida wants to see what it is. They both look impactada and shocked at the divorce papers.

Then they see that the mom's signature is there. It doesn't make sense. Then Aida's feverish brain snaps to attention and she knows it's Teresa! Then she starts an incoherent rant about how it's ALL Teresa's fault. She says something about the "photo" (meaning the one with Rubigote kissing Esperanza I think?) but the mom misses that. Then Aida goes on to rant about how Teresa caused Paulo's death. The mom says no, it was drugs but Aida's rant continues. Aida is spiraling out of control so the poor mom calls the doctor Mariano frantically for help. Wow, things are going downhill really fast for this family!

Refugio goes to cry on Juana's shoulder about Teresa's great insult about her manners. She shows the etiquette book. Juana comforts her for a while and finally says, "What harm will it do to learn a few of these manners?" But I don't think Refugio is feeling all that receptive.

Professor Hottie is talking to Fernando about how shaken up he is to learn that his first son was with Paloma.

Esperanza's family (except Johnny) are on their way out and to the new pueblo. Tearful goodbyes. Stepdad forgives Esperanza and calls her "daughter" and they have a nice hug.

There's some scene with Cutberto and Juana. I think he starts out asking her to help him get Johnny and underage novia together, and then they start talking about what (social) levels they are on. I kind of missed it here. I think he wants to raise himself to her level. There was a lot of hand-kissing and professions of devotion from Cutberto.

Mariano has come to see Aida. Mom is really worried about her. Aida is still in freakout mode. She rants some more about how Teresa is responsible for Paulo's death. Mariano knows it was the drugs and tries to tell her that but she screams that it was Teresa. Then Aida spills it all. The photo of her dad kissing that "tipa" (Esperanza). The divorce papers sent to their home. Poor Mariano is like "Que?" Aida shows him the divorce papers and he recalls how Esperanza talked about some divorce papers she was given and how Teresa looked them over and said they were legit. Mariano is starting to connect the dots. Aida rants that everything that has happened all leads back to Teresa. Mariano looks thoughtful and then calms a struggling Aida with a hug.

Rubigote comes home, expecting a devoted wife thrilled to see him. Instead he has a very unhappy wife who confronts him with the divorce papers and asks how the signatures are there (or something like that). Impactado look from Rubigote.



Did you have trouble getting onto Blogger this morning? I was wondering what happened to yesterday's posts.

After everything that went down in the last few episodes, is anyone going to attend Teresa's wedding?

Ruben is really in the soup now. If Teresa is a skilled forger he's going to have a hard time explaining this.

Teresa's comment about how she was the last thought of a dying man was about as sociopathic as it gets. That must have felt like a pool of ice water to Mariano.

Giving her mother an unrequested etiquette book is also as rude as it gets. On my etiquette forum we call that a "Pygmalion Gift" and this is strongly discouraged except in truly egregious situations.

We also know that Fito will come back with more demands. That will be interesting.

At least Esperanza made up with her father.

The Johnny and Pati situation has to go. It's creepy.

Finally, if Teresa makes it to the altar with Arturo she's going to end up taking birth control pills behind his back. I did think, though, that Paloma's revelation was self-serving.

I was looking for yesterday's posts as well...

Thanks, Elvira, for finding the time to do this recap! I forget - wasn't Arturo somehow involved with the fake divorce papers? For some reason, I thought he knew about them.

I'm waiting to see what purpose Paloma's revelation will really serve. If there currently exists no child, then why bring it up in the plot at all? This TN doesn't seem to be one for random plotlines.

Blogger was down all of yesterday and I'm glad that it was finally fixed. Thanks for the double recap Elvira. I know this is a strain for all the recappers so it is much appreciated the efforts you all have done to give us these recaps.

I had said some time ago that I thought that Paloma may have had a child because of how she reacted when Teresa taunted her with her fake pregnancy. This will make her much more sympathetic in Arturo's eyes since he still has lingering feelings for her. That may have been what Paloma wanted deep down inside to get Arturo away from Teresa.

Aída's obsession over Teresa is gaining new heights with Paulo's death. She already assaulted her with throwing the chemicals in her face. This game between them has definitely taken a dangerous turn.

I also think Teresa sending the forged divorce papers was a bad move that will probably backfire in her face. Ruben doesn't strike me as the type of person she wants to toy with. He's shady as they come and with Fito blackmailing her too. Teresa's house of cards are already starting to tumble.

Blogger looks like it was having the same kid of day I'm having. Thankfully, it's back up and great recaps are waiting to sneak a break with.

You did a great job Elvira! remembering all this, my utmost admiration. I had to think hard a bit ago what day this was!

I sometimes give Teresa a little benefit of the doubt, or get a little excited to see her show some feelings, but last night - NADA, NOTHING,ZERO, forget it.
Smug at the funeral, her mutterings about wanting the inheritance (what -planning to off the hubby?) - the etiquette book to the parents ( tacky) and her whole Paolo muttering her name becuase she was so unforgetable. Too bad marciano isn't studying psycology - he'd have the perfect specimen for over-inflated ego.

On the other hand, Aida just was wrenching to watch. Could have come off as unbelievable, but I could buy into the fact that was totally unhinged about her fiance and trying in frustration to get people to believe her belief that it was all connected to Tere. I think that incadescent bulb over Marciano's head was really hitting the 100 watt level. That could be a confrontation of epic proportions with Teresa - and let's hope he really dumps her sorry a** this time. (Sorry I so want him with Aurora).

O well, back to the grind, but thanks for a great recap break.

Wow, Elvira - you got most of the essentials in spite of not being about to go back and review. Well done!

UA - Teresa did not fake those papers. Ruben himself created the fake papers to show Esperanza he was getting a divorce. And Esperanza showed Teresa the papers to see if they were legit which Teresa thought they looked legit. Later, after everything blew up, Teresa got her hands on those papers again. The is really a case of Ruben being hoisted by his own petard (which is a small medieval era bomb by the way. It was used to blow holes in castle walls. The engineer placing the bomb had to be careful to get out of the way before it blew).

Wow - Ruben faked his wife's signature. Just wow!

And Arturo might have known something about them - but at some point wouldn't he have refused to be involved in such a fraudulent thing?

Paloma did not reveal her lost baby to Arturo. She was responding to Geno's claim that she couldn't understand what it was like to lose a child, and that make Paloma cry. When she told Geno that she had lost Arturo's child he, in typical TN style, just happened to have come up behind her.

Was that like a class schedule that Fito was holding? Did Teresa give him that so he would know when to find Paulo? I know that Teresa suggested Paulo as a potential customer after Paulo had been harassing her, but I didn't remember it going beyond that. Paulo was quick to jump into any trap.

Wow - just loved how right off the top with no additional info Teresa demands DNA tests for any claim about Arturo's child. "No Puede Ser" No way an ex-fiancee could possibly have a child from the relationship. Impossible! Give me a break.

What a cruel mouth! With those huge dark glasses, all you could see was her mean mouth and nasty smirks. Every episode Teresa just gets more mean, greedy and disgusting.

So Arturo's all hot to have kids ASAP now that he knows he lost one. Nope - not in Teresa's agenda, not by a long shot!

FWIW - Paloma's father had kept her in some isolated Spanish town to hide her pregnancy. And she was TOLD the child was born dead. She never saw it. So we all know that in TN World this means the child survived but was given to someone else. At some point we should have a child reveal.


Cool, Audrey. hadn't caught all the details on Paloma's confession about the bambino. Yep, I'd say we are in for a what, 13 year old teenager? Was that how long ago they split? (My brain is fried today). Holy smokes. Teresa with a teenage adversary?

Right, Audrey. I was going to say that Paloma told Arturo she never got to see or hold her child. So, perhaps there's an 11 year old out there waiting to be discovered. Also, I think Ruben got his wife to sign the divorce papers when she signed a bunch of other papers relinquishing control of her finances (que ingenua). So, no forgery would be involved. Teresa in these episodes is cruising for the label "narcissistic personality disorder." Still hoping for redemption.

Elvira, thanks for a super recap!!
It must have been difficult trying to blog with all the problems going on with Blogger.

I thought Aida did a great acting job with Paolo's death. You could just see her grief and frustration.

As for Teresa she was getting scared sh!t!ess with Aida's accusations.

One thing I'm curious about is the engagement ring. Why did she claim Art would be furious about the ring and then he showed up with a bigger diamond ring. And she showed viewers she still had the first ring. Did she claim she lost it?

I totally missed the fact that Paloma's father had her hidden when she was pregnant and was told the baby was dead. Maybe there is a child around???

Thanks again for a great job Elvira.


I went back and read some of your other recaps, Elvira, since I just starting watching this novela, and I can't believe Teresa's been playing these stupid games for ELEVEN YEARS. I thought she was supposed to be 20 years old or something. Freakin' unbelievable. In the real world, she'd have five kids by now and a 40 inch waist.

Thanks so much for the recap, despite all the issues. You got most of it!

Ruben DID forge Maira's signature. The reason why some of you are remembering Arturo being involved (which he is not) is because Tere was comparing the signature side by side with Maira's real signature on some docs Arturo had. Tere commented out loud on what a nice signature Maira has. Arturo off handedly agreed without even knowing why she was so interested in the signature. The papers Ruben got Maira to sign without her looking were in regards to the condo investment.

Teresa really did reach new levels of self-centeredness. But that was all bluster because she knew exactly why Paulo mentioned her name on his death bed. She's trying to convince herself of that whole I'm so unforgetable bs. She gave Fito a schedule of Paulo's whereabouts, including the places he hangs out outside of school. Mala! I did admire her demanding a DNA test immediately after hearing of the child. LOL! She and Bernie in TDA are the only tn characters I have seen immediately jump to do that. And they're both mala. What does that say?

I really felt Aida's grief and frustration this episode. Glad that she has made Mariano think about Teresa and her motives and methods.It might be too late (for now) with Aurora because she was very frustrated with his back and forth with Teresa. She's had enough.

Thanks for the recap Elvira. I've heard these double episodes will stop soon!

On those divorce papers, I believe Ruben forged them b/c I remember a recapper quoting Teresa saying to herself how well Ruben forges his wife's signature. At the time she was looking over other documents and I think she saw Maira's real signature.

Mariano putting the clues together could be the straw that really breaks him and has him running to Aurora. He knows that Ter is capable of some stunts and of her hatred of Aida.

Auglaize- The 11 year (now more like 13) history thing only goes back between Arturo, his sister Luisa (who was 11 at the time), Paloma and Fernando. I'm sure at that time Teresa was a smart little girl, being spoiled by her madrina, and already showing signs of delusions of granduer, but she wasn't involved in any tn worthy storylines at that point.

Teresa's main storyline start when she was high school, particularly when she was 16 or so, and attending a rich kids' school on scholarship. She was dating Paulo for the last two years of high school and lying to everyone that she was rich. It all blows up in her face after graduation and right before the start of college, when she gets outed as being poor by Aida. That's where our story began. That was only about 3-4 years ago.

I'm confused, Vivi. Didn't Teresa come between Arturo and Paloma a long time ago?

Audrey, yes, I thought that looked like a class schedule, although for the life of me I don't remember Teresa giving it to him. Seems like pretty weak blackmail to me - I must have missed something.

Auglaize- No. Teresa only got in Paloma's and Arturo's business three years ago when Teresa was Arturo's student and assistant. Paloma appeared in Arturo's life after being missing 11 years. She dumped him 11 years prior to that because of pressure from her parents. They didn't want to be associated with the scandal caused by the recent shady murders of Arturo's parents. Both she and Arturo were about 24 years old at the time. They had been college sweethearts. She dumped him right before they were to be married, using the main excuse of not wanting to take responsibility for an 11 year old child (Luisa), and then she took off for Europe.

When she returned after 11 years, Teresa intervened, without Arturo's knowledge. She pretended to Paloma that she was Arturo's mujer who was expecting his child. After some back and forth, they truth eventually came out that Teresa was only Art's student/assistant, Art made peace with Paloma, but told her to keep her distance from him. Jump forward 3 years or so, and we're in the present. Paloma is now back in Art's life, but he and Teresa are now involved and engaged for realzies.

Ohhhh, I get it. Thanks, Vivi. I suppose I should be more sympathetic with poor deluded Paloma, who is supposed to be in her late 30's. In spite of her Hollywood wind-tunnel facelift she still looks way older than Arturo. Looking forward to more excellent recaps. Thanks all!

Where was my brain? :(

Reuben is still in deep merde.

The circumstances of the birth of Paloma's child do sound suspicious. There will probably be a 12-year-old turning up in a few months while Teresa tries to avoid pregnancy.

Who thinks that Teresa will try to avoid sex with Arturo (another thing she would need her head examined for)?

Thanks Vivi - that answers some questions I had too. Like why did Paloma's parents interfere so late - like right before the wedding! I didn't realize the murder of Arturo's parents had something to do with it. In which case wouldn't the wedding have been put off for a mourning period anyway?


No. Teresa had nothing to do with the breakup btw Art and Pal. Pal left Art at the altar (plantado). Because his parents were murdered and a scandal was brewing. Her dad talked her into fleeing. That was about 13 years ago. Teresa and Art have worked together the last 3 years. He pais for her Law school because she couldnt afford it and she is highly intelligent (mejor alumna) & Art wanted her to be successful. In return for the tuition she worked as an aide to him at his law firm. During those 3 years Teresa worked her Teresaness to get Art to fall in love with her. She succeeded. But, if Mariano would have followed through on his talk of climbing the social ladder after receiving his MD degree, Ter would have married Mar. Mar deceived her and continued with his pobre ways. Since she had Hottie hot for her she went with him, accepting his proposal of marraige.

Okay I am a Teresa lover and proud to say it!
She is one crafty woman. She knows what works to her advantage and goes straight ahead. Wheee Heeee what FUN! I am forever rooting for Teresa! Go Teresa Go!!
Todo mi apoyo! Jajajaja


@ UA: "Who thinks that Teresa will try to avoid sex with Arturo (another thing she would need her head examined for)?"


It's inevitable! Given his past moves, I don't think Arturo will be interested in going slow either LOL! You can tell he has been really looking forward to that wedding night. And Teresa has to fake being a virgin too. And she has to get her hands on some birth control pills - I wonder who she'll have help her with that!

This should all be very entertaining.


Elvira and to all of the other recappers who have worked so hard giving us the recaps for Teresa thank you so much for your time and efforts and i know all of you are glad after tonight it's going back to one hour episodes.

Vivi you're right that was Paulo's class schedule but even if they discover that and find Fito who tells him that Teresa suggested that he approach Paulo the one responsible for what happened to Paulo was himself all he had to do was just no and throw the drugs given to him for the first time away.

Now for Aida sorry i don't cut her any slack she has wanted Paulo for a long time and always thought she was the best partner suited for him.What she did to Teresa at that party was demeaning,humiliating and degrading what right did she have to do that? Simply because Teresa was a liar or because deep down she knew and felt that Paulo would never love her or want her like he did Teresa?

After getting with Paulo ine woukd think she would be satisfied but no she kept being consumed with her obsession of Teresa and what she was doing. Teresa kept warning her and Paulo's mother stop bothering her stop worrying about her go and live her life and be happy. So the only one responsible for what has happened in Aida's life is Aida she should have stopped.Actually if you think about it she had two obsession Paulo and Teresa and both haven't been good for her.

I think it's possible that after learning how involved Teresa is in with what happened to Paulo and her sending the picture about Espe to Aida that Mariano maybe finally ready to walk away from her for good.

It seems from the previews Aida and Geno make a pact to get back at Teresa saying she was the cause of Paulo's death i'm surprised because i thought these two had already made that their mission in life trying to cause problems for Teresa. Both better be prepared for the fallout of their actions because it's only a matter of time before Teresa realizes or is told by Espe that Ruben is involved with his wife's best friend. Boy that's a ticking time bomb that will blow up that unholy alliance between Aida and Geno.

I loved how Aurora is trying to move on and how her father laid into Mariano for being so obsessed about Teresa and not realizing that there are other great girls out there for him to be with other than Teresa like his daughter.

Yesterday's post has vanished, and this posting was hard to find, I got a message that they were working on it.
Thank you Elvira for the recap, you covered all the high points. So the book was an etiquette book. How ironic of Tere to do that. She is becoming a bigger snob than those she is seeking revenge against.
I would like to know what that paper that Fito had-it looked like a football pool score sheet. Does anyone know what it was? I think this guy is going to be very big trouble for her.
Hector is advising Espe to tell Ruben about the baby.
Mariano tells Tere after he confronts her with Aida's accusation, and she dismisses it as Paolo being so in love with her, "don't be so arrogant" because he is "beginning to remember other things" that make him think he should never "have gone with someone that cruel". I think I may have gotten this wrong, but I think that is what that meant.

SS, I think I remember seeing Teresa hand Paolo's class schedule to Fito because it was neatly organized into a grid since Teresa was always a good student. Paolo's death was very unexpected for me. Aida doesn't realize her bebe had to be doped up to contemplate a marriage to her for the rest of his life. If Teresa is indirectly responsible for Paolo's death so is Aida. This novela is very compelling and I'm hooked for what I think are many more angst filled episodes.

Now Aurora thinks Teresa was never her best friend due to Teresa's actions and Mariano is discovering evidence of Teresa's shenanigans. If Espe finds out she's been used with the photo sent to Aida and the divorce papers to Maira, she'll join the growing list of those wise to the Tiburoncita. I wonder if she'll discover what happened to her Rubigote jewels as well? Teresa may end up alone with or without money. Will she be happy?

Ooo, a stolen baby scenario. Where have I seen that before? Didn't expect it here but we will see.

Had to do a bit of home repairs so I have been negligent in properly thanking Frances and Samantha for their fantastic recaps. And Elvira, thanks for the great recap of these crazy doubleheaders.


Thanks for the great recap.

Diann im right with you "go Teresa go!!!"
Blusamari your right Teresa has repeatly asked Aida to leave her alone she has even gone to Aida's parents but Aida refused to stop. I think she and Paolo's mother knew he was in love with Teresa and thats why Aida was still celosa of Teresa and continued to attack her.

and noone forced Poalo to take drugs so his death is his own fault.
I think Teresa was feeling guilty b/c she had just told him to basically get smart or die.

Teresa may be conceited but I think she was right that Paolo was thinking about her in his last moments b/c he still loved her and was only with Aida b/c thats what his mother wanted.

If he had finished his last sentence
he would have said "it was Terasa that i love"

Audrey, that is interesting about the petard! and thank you, that was that class schedule that Tere gave Fito.
I notice that many of you feel Tere isn't culpable for Paolo's drug use or the overdose because Paolo made his own choices. Yes, between you, me and God, yes. True. BUT FOR TERESA THIS DOESN'T MATTER. This is no little thing, because even if Tere didn't put a gun to Paolo's head and make him buy drugs, this is enough to make Arturo and others realize WHO SHE REALLY IS, a cruel sadistic bruja, and then not marry her. There is no way to explain this away, because the malice is there if nothing else. She cannot afford to have this "petard" blow up in her face!!
Oh, Auglaise, you have it right with narcissistic PD, if you add ASPD to it with sadistic tendencies. Bad combo!

I'm with you Diann. I like that although Teresa does mala things, she doesn't have a victim complex. I especially love when she takes her foes on. They are no match for her and she knows it. I'll take this any day over a weepy, whiney, protagonist who doesn't do anything about her situation and waits for her knight in shining armour to ride to her rescue. That's not Teresa.

ITA Paulo's last words were about his love for Teresa, or he was ASKING for Teresa on his deathbed. She was the one he loved. He even kissed her (or tried) the day he died. (He was "going to prove yo te quiero") it was after that where Teresa told him she will pray to God for Him to Illuminate ( see the light) or eliminate (get rid of). I love how Spanish makes words sound much better than English. This is why Teresa was having the guilts over his death.

Thank You Ebony for joining my side....
Teresa Lovers Unite!!


Okay back up y'all. The class schedule was given to Fito because he wanted Paulo to get him some rich friends as buyers. He gave Paulo a "taste" of the goods. He told Paulo he could pass the "taste" around. It was all Paulo who fell to the dark side. Teresa in no way caused Paulo's death.


How good did Hot Prof look when he came and snuggled up with Teresa on her bed? Ay yay yay! How does she resist?!

I agree that at the end of the day it is Paulo who is responsible for his own actions, and therefor his death. On that same note, it's not the drug dealer's fault either, but he would still get in some serious trouble for not only selling illegal product, but for selling an illegal product that caused a death. Is that not so? So, even the law attributes some blame to putting the "gun" in someone's hand, even if you didn't pull the trigger.

When Teresa gave Fito that schedule, her INTENT was to get Paulo hooked on drugs. The incentive for Fito was a road to a whole group of rich kids as customers. Therefor it was seen as a win-win situation for him and Teresa. They would both get what they wanted. Teresa obviously did not think through what true addiction to drugs could mean for Paulo. She seemed to think it would be amusing seeing him fall into dependency, with the worst consequence being loss of respect from his mother, girlfriend, and in-laws, loss of his job perhaps, and shame for his family. She was in no way thinking death. But she did want him to become an addict. That alone is pretty mala. She should be feeling guilty.

Ebony you're right if you just looked at how Aida conducts herself there really isn't anything nice about her. She looks down on people who aren't from the same social status as herself and she's nasty and was jealous and envious of Teresa because she was with the boy she was obsessed about all her life. even when she finally had Paulo she still was consumed and focused on what Teresa was doing.

Aurora on the other hand has acted maturely not looking down on others who have less than her not being a bully and harassing because you're not from the same social circle. Being in love with Mariano she went away to try to forget him but didn't but she stood and waited patiently and go about tearing down Teresa while trying to get the object of her affections. Now after all of these years of waiting she is trying to move on finally thinking that Mariano is a lost cause.

Aida on the other hand everything was centered around either Paulo or Teresa even on the day she getting ready to get married Teresa this and Teresa that. My goodness she this girl didn't have a life and now she is going to be even worse than before because one of her obsessions has died.

OK, Diann, good, point, you are right, ( I can't remember, though if Tere gave it to Fito or Paolo did), but then why is Fito using it as blackmail, and why is Tere so afraid of this? If it was irrelevant she would not be vulnerable. I think it is because although she can't be prosecuted for this, it can greatly ruin her image/reputation.
Did anyone understand what Fito was saying? And how about the little flashback she had where Fito was saying something about Paolo and how he wouldn't bother her anymore? The captions were going very fast and frequently they would drop off the screen before I could read them.

Altho Teresa didn't give Paulo drugs, by her giving info as to where she could find Paulo, she was hoping he would get hooked on drugs. In my book that makes her a guilty party, too. It was morally wrong.


Emarie- You've got it. Teresa wouldn't get in trouble with the law (although they may look closely at her if a drug dealer said to the cops that she was bringing him new customers). What Fito is threatening is to out her to the people who know her (or think they do). Since almost everyone she knows is a good person, they would all be shocked she would do something like that and most would turn against her. All of the bad people around her cared about Paulo and would be ticked off to find out she had a drug dealer target him.

Fito, on the other hand, WOULD get in trouble with the law if he's found to be a drug dealer with a client that died of an overdose. Since he's laying low and probably won't be dealing for a while, blackmailing Teresa is a perfect means for getting cash.

After yesterdays show I now hate Teresa. The comment she made about Paulo's dying words were gross she's the one who needs that manners book more than her mom.I really really want Aida to smarten up get a plan togeter recruit Aurora and take her down.

How I see it Teresa has some part in Paulo's death. She went Fito with the purpose of ruining Paulo's life because after all she was after revenge. She gave him a list and times of all his classes and were he hangs out.Granted she didn't force the drugs down his throat and tell to become a addict. But she knew that no good would come of that.So I didn't feel sorry for her when Aida threw that bleach in her face. I might sound crazy but she deserved it.It was sad to see Paulo at the the end only then start to care about Aida.

Teresa is not a victim, yes Aida has given her hell but let's be honset Aida knows she's nothing more than a golddigger. I think that Teresa is the one who started this whole war. Aida is a brat but she still is a good person. I think even if Aida would have left her alone Ter would have still messed with her out of spite.

Aida is really blowing me away with her scences... great.

I'm glad that Esperanza made up with her family before they leave.

OOOOOO Ruban is in the dog house!!!! I wanted Maria to slap the taste out of his mouth as soon as he walked thru the door. Ruban forging his wife name is just.... wow I have no words for it.

Paloma telling Art that she was preggers and the baby passed away is a game changer. He still has very strong feelings for her. Now he's found out that they shared a child. It will bring them closer. Ter feels like Paloma is a threat because she knows that Art deep down still loves her. Ladies you have brought up a point I didn't think about. I didn't catch the part about how P didn't get a chance to see or hold their child. So that leaves it open for a pre teen to to the picture later on. WOW.... if that happens I want it to be a girl. Lmao that would be awesome and really shake things up.


ITA, the child of Art and Paloma, by TN rules, has to show up sometime. Like in Eva Luna, where there were so many lost children showing up that it was confusing who belonged to who.
ITA, Aida's acting has been great.

Diann include me too i love Teresa even though she is mala my only problem with her is as Urban so greatly put it the other day is the collateral damage of her so-called loved ones who are effected by her revenge and plots.

I don't think any of us are saying that Teresa isn't bad but Paulo was the main one at fault for not walking away from using drugs and he just had a weak character to turn that type of drug down.

Now since we are on the subject of criminal behavior why hasn't Aida been reported for throwing Ammonia in Teresa face i believe that was bought up last night too and Teresa considered it for a moment at getting back at Aida and being in shock over your Fiancee's death is no excuse for what she did and i would press charges against her too.

Now, now, if you love Teresa, you'll want her to turn from this destructive path she's on, right? Not that she will, it isn't time yet.
I don't think she'd want to bring charges against Aida and risk having her questionable (if not illegal) behavior come to light.

Everyone here is defending Teresas EVIL ways because Paulo is not you son if he was in your family trust me you would want to slap the S out of T.

Granted she is 100% not responsible for his out right death if it were not for her he wouldn't be dead right now the way he died FACT.

There are all types of addictions a person can fall under from alcohol, drugs and gambling but it's up to the individual whether they succumbed to this or not.Sure as a parent no one wants their child to die from their addictions.Paulo was just a weak character even his fiancee Aida when he offered her drugs told him no that's not her deal and to don't use or mess with that stuff.

But as for the blame let's be fair the main one is Paulo if you want to include Teresa and Fito ok but let's also but the blame on Geno his mother and his fiancee Aida and why they should be blamed too for his death. Think about their actions towards Teresa she maybe a gold digger, social climber, liar , and manipulator but she was not involved with Paulo anymore so they should have just left her alone and got on with their own lives which neither couldn't do.

Elvira, thanks for the superb recap in spite of the many obstacles.

I very much enjoyed the comments associated with this post. Teresa sure brings out strong feelings in everyone, whether positive, negative, or both. Personally I am rooting for Teresa, however that doesn't mean I like everything she does. (I also rooted for Doña Bárbara in the eponymous telenovela and she was worse than Teresa. Guess I like the strong women.) Mostly Tere makes me cringe but I hope that she will figure things out. I fear she still has a long way to fall before that happens.

It may make an interesting novela, but I don't admire Teresa's narcissistic drive to get what she thinks she 'deserves' at everyone else's expense.

After she loses everything, she may start looking for a way to redemption and grow a heart. Not much to going for her at this point...

This has been a great conversation!

I have to admit that I side with Teresa more than I probably should. I do sometimes hate her, though. She's so mala sometimes! But I believe in her redemption and I basically see her as being similar to Scarlett O'Hara. Scarlett always made me laugh because she was so shameless!

As for Paulo and the drugs. Teresa should feel bad and scared and I'm glad she does. If Professor Hottie found out what she'd done, he'd definitely be re-thinking marrying her. It was mala.

On the other hand, she could say (and I think this is fair) that she did it to get Paulo off her back. Though that is a bizarre and malicious way to get someone off your back. Also, it was a very long shot when you think about it. Someone could direct a drug dealer to me all day and they wouldn't get anywhere. I'm sure the same could be said for all of us here. Basically introducing someone to a drug dealer is a pretty far cry from being responsible for them OD-ing. And we all agree that Teresa never anticipated that he'd do that.

Also if Paulo was so weak and vulnerable he probably would have gotten hooked on drugs eventually anyway. Teresa just happened to make it a teensy bit more convenient for him to do it.

But again, that Teresa even thought to do it is very mala and the grieving mother and fiance have every right to be furious for her part in it. But most of all they should be furious because Paulo was so gutless that he couldn't resist. And they should look at themselves because they saw the warning signs and I think were partially in denial. But yet even if they'd moved heaven and earth to get him to quit, if he wanted to be a druggie, he's gonna be a druggie.

Interesting comments. about this episode & plenty of them but we all know Paulo was a weak link and got hooked on drugs fast what seems to have been a couple of weeks possibly a few years he OD'd.

Paulos fault 100% and very sad plenty of people have NO!!! sympathy for druggies my self included in the past, using this guy as an example he was just a dumb rich kid 22-23 year old guy who made a personal choice and he obviously paid the consequences being so addicted to those "dulces" with his life his fault.

That being said when people say Teresa is just "mala" I feel she is getting a free pass she's a hateful wretched thoughtless bitch an evil vicious woman beautiful and sexy yes but a MONSTER!!!

Do I think Teresa in any way shape or form wanted this outcome for Paulos life of course not or I should say I really doubt it but if I find out someone told a known drug dealer that a possibly weak family member of mine was/is an easy target and someone very susceptible for drug use and hand them over a paper with his/her wear abouts class schedules,notes on where he/she likes to hang out to that dealer and request for that dealer to "get them" I'm going to be eternally enraged with that person.

Yes I would be absolutely saddened and ANGRY pretty much solely on my dead loved one (God forbid hypothetical) but once again I would also be furious with that hypothetical Teresa like person and be well aware that person was a thoughtless souless hateful person.

I completely admire Teresa because as bitchy and fun as she is she is absolutely brilliant quick witt but also a phycopathe.

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