Friday, June 24, 2011

Teresa Thu 6/23/11 #84 Lots of tears.

As usual, I am sorry for being so late with the recap! I just can't seem to get my butt in gear and I've been running behind on all my telenovelas.  Blame it on the Summer! Discuss amongst yourselves while I try to energize myself. Lo siento!

UPDATE, it's FINALLY UP!!! Forgive any errors, I zipped through this pretty efficiently.

FANGIRL ALERT: Big news in the video geek world (I am a video geek). Am playing around with some new software that just came out (all of us geeks are talking about it) and made this simple fan video with some clips from favorite shows, including telenovela stars. Thought some of you might get a kick out of it. Spot the novela stars in this YouTube fan video! LOL!

In the meanwhile, here's a screencap:

Teresa plays the victim card and Luisa, unfortunately, is fooled.

Teresa Ep 83, June 23, 2011

Skipping past the stuff that was from yesterday (well, Tuesday). I can't even remember all the stuff from Tuesday! I am in a bad way!

Aurora and Mariano have a heart to heart and Mariano tells her that Martin's a lucky guy. When she leaves he looks crestfallen a bit.

Professor Hottie is having dinner with Luisa and Fernando, and they're lamenting about his bad luck with Teresa. She's the love of his life, blah blah blah. He's sorry that Luisa and Fer are postponing their trip to Cancun. Or something.

Hector the Director is appealing to Juana. She's chowing down on his chocolates as he begs her to wait for him as he tries to get the divorce.

Cutberto is wandering down the street and Griselda attacks him with her umbrella, kvetching that at first she was going to be the mother of his hijos, and now she's out of a job! She tells him that he's being blamed for helping kidnap Jailbait. Uh oh.

Mom and Pop are at Professor Hottie and Refugio is crying her eyes out about Teresa getting a divorce. Luisa asks if Teresa has made up her mind yet? Then Luisa drops the bombshell—the person who made the mistake in this marriage was not Teresa, but Professor Hottie! Refugio looks impactada.

Cutberto wants to help out Griselda. He can't offer love, but he gives her the contents of his wallet. She doesn't seem persuaded by this.

Johnny and Jailbait. He's going to look for work. He gives her a kiss. I think she's got something a little more intimate on her mind. FF>>

Luisa talks with Mom and Pop some more and leaves saying she hopes things work out because Professor Hottie really does love Teresa. Refugio says she wants to talk with Teresa some more but Armando isn't too eager to do this.

Aurora is unburdening with dad Hector the Director about her love life troubles. To get back together with Martin or hold out for Mariano? What if Mariano continues to be a dope who keeps chasing after Teresa? Does Aurora want to be the dope who foolishly hopes he'll come around? And does she feel the loss of Martin or Mariano? Dad looks sympathetic.

I'm going to combine some scenes here:

Refugio catches Teresa and is very contrite and trying to be understanding. Of course Teresa has to make a dig about how she's not the gold digger that Refugio thought she was (COUGH COUGH!). Then she drops the bombshell. Professor Hottie was unfaithful and she's going to dump him and go back to Mariano.

Refugio is all motherly, clasping Teresa to her loving, motherly breast as Teresa cries and soaks up the attention and sympathy. She tells so many bald-faced lies. Professor Hottie wasn't the man she thought he was. He never stopped loving Paloma. Oh boo hoo, poor victimized, tragic Teresa! LOL! Mom embraces our poor shattered Teresa some more.

Johnny and Jailbait are walking down the street and see Grumps. Johnny bravely approaches Grumps with Jailbait close behind. He tells Grumps that he has respected Jailbait and things aren't as Grumps thinks. He wants to marry Jailbait. Grumps pops a cork and says that Johnny just wants to get Grumps' money. "Get outta here!" he yells as they both scuttle off. Grumps looks pretty upset and heartbroken as he watches them go.

Teresa thinks she's got it all made. Mom is totally buying into her story and is all mom-like and loving and supportive for a change. Teresa wants to do things the "proper" way in dumping Professor Hottie, but she's gonna get back with Mariano and mom thinks that she should have stuck with Mariano anyway, so they give each other a loving mom-daughter embrace as Teresa looks sharky and triumphant.

I'm too lazy to go back and double-check this, but I think what happens is that Rubigote goes to see Mariano and wants his help in some way. Rubigote wants to help out Esperanza and her hijo, but he doesn't have the big boy pants to be open with his wife about this—she thinks that Esperanza is pregnant by Hernan the Galán. But Mariano wants no part of this and won't be Rubigote's front. Or something. I think that Rubigote wants Mariano to treat Esperanza and that somehow this will allow Rubigote access to Espe and the hijo. Mariano is totally disgusted and tells Rubigote off.

A scene between Aeeeeeda and Mayra, where I think Mayra has decided she's going to take care of her own finances/business. Aeeeeda is suspicious and thinks that papa Rubigote is behind this, but Mayra insists it was her own idea. You can tell that Aeeeda thinks this is total B.S.

Professor Hottie, hat figuratively in hand, gives Teresa the itinerary and tickets to their honeymoon. Her sharky eyes widen in glee and greed as she looks at what he has to offer. Then she plays it cool and asks him how come he's showing her this? He wants to still take her on the honeymoon to Europe and hopefully win her back, little by little. Our little shark isn't going for that, but says she'll take the trip alone and try to "recover" from all that's happened. Oh please!

Johnny and Jailbait. They can wait to get married if she wants. He's not after her money. She knows this. He wants the family to accept him. Kiss kiss. FF >>>

At dinner, Refugio tells Armando that Professor Hottie was unfaithful. "QUE?!?!" Armando says, completely impactado. After some conversation, he exclaims that he's gotta go talk to Professor Hottie. Armando's really upset.

Teresa's sniffing some flowers sent by Professor Hottie and reading a note which again pleads her to go with him and give him a chance. The maid announces that Mariano has come to visit. He comes straight to the point—is it true that she told him she was leaving Professor Hottie to return to him, when in fact she is leaving because Professor Hottie cheated?

I apologize because I'm probably not going to get all of this right (please anyone, give more details!). Mariano is so outraged because she's gonna dump Professor Hottie for cheating and here she cheated with him (Mariano) the day before the wedding? She says well, that was BEFORE the wedding. Mariano doesn't think there's much difference, since it was just one day before and she'd already proclaimed her devotion for Prof. Hottie. Teresa tries to manipulate and persuade. She says she made a mistake and the infidelity thing with Prof. Hottie is just a pretext and she wants to return to Mariano. Mariano looks disgusted.

He basically tells her he's done with this and thankfully his eyes were opened and he sees that there are other nice girls out there, girls with good qualities. Yeah, she knows he means Aurora. He leaves her telling her that his doubts about her are real and then warns her: Martin saw you leave my house last night. Impactada look from Teresa. They talk about this for a while. Mariano doesn't know what Martin thinks. Teresa says she can say she was looking for Johnny and Jailbait (I think). Whatever. She keeps on harping about how they'll get back together. But Mariano firmly says that she should get a divorce if she wants, but not on his behalf. Teresa looks shocked by this.

Professor Hottie is at Fernando's place and Fernando is encouraging him not to drink. They talk about Professor Hottie's problems more. Prof. Hottie says that even though he's had years of experience and is supposedly mature, he still feels like an adolescent.

Professor Hottie is reclining on some sort of recliner thing and looking like Fernando's psychiatry patient as Fer advises him. Prof. Hottie is jealous, jealous, jealous of Mariano and he can't think of Teresa being with another guy. Fernando advises patience and to fight for what he wants with a clear head.

Refugio has come to see Juana and is crying about Teresa's broken marriage. She also is talking about how angry Armando is and how she's never seen him like that. She doesn't know why Prof. Hottie cheated. Juana doesn't know anything, but says that Paloma was trying to split Teresa and Prof. Hottie up.

Luisa comes home and is told that Mariano is talking with Teresa. She barges into the other room where they are and demands to know what's going on. Teresa quickly makes up some story about him being there for the hospital charity whatever thing. Blah blah blah. He's going now. Luisa says she doesn't ever want to see him in that house again. Don't worry, he doesn't intend to ever come back, he says. Teresa looks less than pleased about this.

Some cute little scene with Johnny and Jailbait. She's fixed dinner. Whatever. FF>>

Luisa is outraged that Mariano show up there. Teresa plays up her distress/outrage at his daring to be there too. Luisa, as expected, is all sympathy. Luisa tries again to persuade Teresa to get back with Professor Hottie. Teresa does more crying and fake distress over all that she's suffered, but in the end she declares that she will be divorcing Prof. Hottie. Luisa looks upset.

Papa Armando has come over to Professor Hottie's and is reading Prof. Hottie the riot act for cheating. Professor Hottie tries to calm him down, but to no avail. Teresa and Luisa hear the argument in the other room and come to investigate. Armando is in high dudgeon and says take your money and job and shove it, and by the way, Teresa come back home! He starts to take her by the arm as Professor Hottie looks very distressed. Teresa looks triumphant.

Rubigote has visited Esperanza in the hospital. I swear, all these medical professionals have so much free time at work! Anyway, it was a long conversation but I think Rubigote is saying he can't leave his wife, can't tell her what's going on, can't live with Espe and hijo, but wants to be part of their lives. Espe wants to know, will it to be as a daddy or a provider? She loves him but she would prefer he forget her if he's not going to be there for real. (Or something? I think she basically doesn't want him jerking her around anymore.)

Professor Hottie explains to Armando that he's not living in the house anymore. Luisa gets Prof. Hottie to leave the room so Teresa can talk to dad alone. Teresa spins some story about how she can't go back to the vecinidad because Prof Hottie could accuse her then of leaving the home. Or something. She says it's a legal thing. Dad buys this but he's still upset about the infidelity and stuff.

Meanwhile, Luisa is talking with Professor Hottie in the other room and tells him that Teresa is going to file the demand for divorce tomorrow. This is not what Prof. Hottie wants to hear.

Rubigote visiting Geno. Creepy scene where he tells her the "good news" that Espe's kid is his. Oh, she thinks this is great, because finally she (Geno) can "give" him a kid and it'll be THEIR kid. Creepy and weird.

Teresa sees Professor Hottie in his office. He says he's tried and tried to make it up to her. He even renounced Paloma's inheritance (QUE? You can see the disappointment in Teresa's face at that news). But if she really wants to get a divorce, okay. He'll start proceedings tomorrow himself. She gives this resolved, stern look and that is the end of our episode!


All the years of watching marginal to bad novelas with Spanish/English  dictionary in hand were rewarded last night, it was FANTASTIC to see Mariano calmly walk into Casa Barrera and launch his romance with Teresa into a DUMPSTER!  The lie she told wasn't one of her biggest, but it was big enough to do the job for Mariano he is SICK of Teresa. Finally! What a exhilarating scene! Arturo agreed to give her a divorce as well, she is free to fight for his money and lay it on thick for Fernando. I just pray Arturo gets his mind back in his legal game, he needs to polish up his divorce skills to fight a strong adversary, Teresa. 

How long has Teresa been married to Arturo, anyway? I doubt that any judge worth his or her robe would award her much if it's been two years or less, there are no children, and she is perfectly capable of making her own living. She should be laughed out of the courtroom.

I'm glad to see Mariano come to his senses. We'll see how long that lasts.

Has Mariano finally bought a clue???

I loved it when he threw Ruben out of his office, saying Rubes didn't have the "pantalones" to take responsibility for his life. Guess they can't use that other word on TV. ;}

Teresa's eyes lit up at the sight of the travel plans. I think after Mariano disses her again, she'll take Arturo up on it. Why be broke and dumped?

Anon207, you're right, Arturo might look better with Mariano gone.

I am SO proud of Mariano. That was AWESOME. Of course now I'll just be even more disappointed when he inevitably caves again sometime.

Teresa sure did perk up at the thought of that 2-month trip to Europe.

I don't think Teresa has any intention of actually battling Arturo in court. She's got to have enough lawyer skills to know that if it came to that, there's dirt to be dug up on her and she doesn't have a case for much of a settlement. I suspect she's just going to try to manipulate him into willingly giving her a ton of money. So far, so good...he thinks he's the only one at fault and feels terrible about it. Without Mariano waiting in the wings, though, she'll probably "reluctantly" agree to stay married awhile longer, so as to extract more. At least until she's got Fernando ready to go.

I am so bummed that I am missing some really great scenes. I loved sandy's comment about the years of watching marginal to bad novelas with dictionary in hand .
I am still on vacation. Thanks elvira for the pic. Looking forward to the recap.

I thought I heard the collective cheer of viewerville as Mariano saw the light of day and just gave his Scarlett her "I don't give a damn" speech. Loved his confident attitude too despite all doe-eyed looks and pouts, he just stood firm. It was priceless!

And then when Arturo came in and said he was caving for the divorce, our little Terror was really getting it from all sides.

I agree - the whole reason to leave Arturo may not be so worthwile now, but knowing Terror she will manipulate this as if she's making some HUGE concession to give the marriage a chance again.

And what will mama say then?? That was some laying on thick and getting mama on her side going on last night - now she may go back to him. She keeps it lively, and never a dull moment with our girl.

This show never ceases to keep us on our it!!

And what will mama say then?? That was some laying on thick and getting mama on her side going on last night - now she may go back to him. She keeps it lively, and never a dull moment with our girl.

She'll probably tell Refusio that she thought long and hard and cuz she got married in the church, she's going to try to work it out or some such excuse.

Looking forward to the recap Elvira. Teresa is playing the victim card to the hilt. I was glad that Arturo called her bluff and said that he would divorce her. She probably won't get much in a settlement since they were on married for a month or so. In addition, he left the bulk of the money to his unborn children. Is Mariano really done with Teresa now or will he fall her her sweet talk and kisses again?

Elvira: I'm sure it's well worth waiting for!

I am tired of Art going from icy cold to hot enough to melt steel. If he'd loosen up a bit and land somewhere in the middle Tere might just see him in a new and more interesting light.....Jes sayin'

O/T: Samantha's back now for Wed. night's recapping, in case you missed her post on Tues. night's recap. Thanks to Julia and everyone else who helped pitch in while she was gone and/or without a computer.

It's funny how Art really didn't feel that guilty about cheating on Teresa until Teresa found out about it! He seemed to think it didn't matter that much (I guess 'cause it didn't matter to him). Yet at the same time, he can't handle any hint that Teresa be with someone else.

Then all of a sudden he suffers from huge remorse when he realizes that his actions could make Teresa leave him now that she knows.

I always figured it would be a piece of cake for Teresa to get whatever she wanted out of Art because she's able to make herself the injured party. He's not going to look at how long they were married, etc. All she has to do is emphasized how much he hurt her, and he can't really do anything about that since he was so STUPID!

So - Teresa just has to decide which will benefit her the most - staying married or getting a juicy divorce settlement. The brain wheels they are aturning!


Is Mariano finally over his Teresa obsession let's hope so!!!! i guess he finally got tired of all of her lies.

Ok now we see where Teresa gets her delusions from. Is Refugio for real? She now thinks it's best that Teresa divorce Arturo and go back to Mariano that's the only way she will be happy! Someone needs to tell her that if that was the case she would have never left Mariano in the first place. Her ambition outweighed her love for Mariano. I don't think she can ever be happy with Mariano no matter how many times she says she loves him. Poor Mariano no matter how good they are physically he would get tired of all the games and lies she pulls to try to climb up the social ladder.

I have to change my opinion about Aurora so disappointed in her she really was expecting Mariano to tell her he's willing to give them a shot. She had such a hopeful and expectant expression on her face when Mariano told her she found a good man in Martin.

Teresa is too Juanita-come-lately in Arturo's social circle to survive on her own in it. Divorcing him now will not help her climb up the ladder.

Mariano dumped her, and then Art mentions he has handed over all the Paloma foundation money over to Ruben to handle (I think maybe making it harder for Tere since it's not mixed in with Art's money.) She had a stricken look when that was mentioned. And now Art wants a divorce before Tere can extract that European vacation from him. Hee hee. Her plans aren't going her way.


I love Don Porfi! When he gets outraged, he can make the white show ALL THE WAY AROUND his eyes. (I tried it in the mirror and it's really hard.)

Actually, I think Johnny took Jailbait to see him on purpose. He asked Don P to be a witness at their wedding. (Nothing doing.) But Jailbait still hopes her parents will come.

GinnCA- She already knew that Ruben is taking charge of the foundation. What Art announced last night is that he's renouncing Paloma's inheritance--the money. Terror was NOT happy about that. Less money in Art's pocket, means less money in her hot little hands.

I am thinking that Ruben also asked Mariano to stop hanging with Espe if they're going to be working together at the Foundation because he doesn't want gossiping between her and Mar and because Aeeeda's opposed to it. Did I understand that right?

Thanks for that recap! I was so thrilled by Mariano's "I've had it up to here and I'm not going to take it anymore" speech to Teresa that I'd forgotten he also let Rubigote have it!

Yeah, that was funny. Ruben was seriously trying to tell Mariano how to spin his lies and stay away from Espe, and Mariano was all, AS IF. Why does Ruben think Mariano would want to cover for him?

I think Mariano's new "courage" will be short-lived. Anytime Teresa wants him, all she has to do is turn on her charm and Mariano will melt into submission. I think the profile that the writers are modeling Mariano's and Teresa's behavior after is a co-dependent relationship. In other words, they have mental problems!

Thanks, Elvira, computer wonder and expert recapper for the great summary. LOL, Vivi, that is why I need the recaps because I really do miss somethings. Thanks. I was wondering about renouncing the inheritance but I guess Art can do that legally since he's a lawyer. So I guess the estate won't be Ruben's to play with.


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