Friday, June 17, 2011

Teresa Thu 6/16/11 #80 Beans are spilled and bombs are dropped

Capitulo 80

Wow, no overlap from ayer. They are really moving this along.

So we join Tibroncita burying her face in Fernando’s manly chest. She is super bummed that Art slept with Paloma. She can’t go to her parents (the shame—que verguenza) and Aurora’s MIA, so Fernie was the only amigo she could think of to go to. Fernie tries to comfort her, but she is inconsolable. She only puts up a brave front for the outside.

Espe and Mari at the hospital. Espe starts right in with a great dicho: “Conmigo no te andes con rodeos” (‘don’t beat around the bush with me’; rodeos=evasions, so slightly more hidey than hemming and hawing it would seem). It’s in reference to his being bothered by Aurora’s relationship with Martin. He likes her, but he was too late, and now she’s got a great guy. So he will just go forth with is own dicho (tengo que portarme a la altura; I’ve got to take the high road/behave myself). He’s not sure if he could love Aeeeeeeeda (lovin this nickname, props to whomever started it), but he sure misses her. Espe encourages him to go for it.

Fernie gives Tiburoncita a peptalk, but she explains that she actually a delicate flower on the inside….right. She asks him not to tell Art or Luisa about her being there because she needs to collect herself a bit….right. As soon as he goes to get her some agua, the Tiburoncara comes out.

Art and Luisa talk about Ter’s p.o.ed-ness. He doesn’t like that she is bothered by his firing Mari; Luisa chastises Art for sleeping with PatPal. He pleads extenuating circumstances.

Maira tells Aeeeeeeeeeda that as much as she dislikes Mariano, she prefers him to Aeeeeeda’s depression. Aeeeeeeeeda admits that is bummed because she misses Mariano, he really grew on her. Or maybe just his abs. Maira thinks she should divert herself with some fun—like a family vacation, now that Rubes and Maira are all reconciled. Aeeeeeeda brings up that Espe is knocked up, but can’t bring herself to burst her mom’s bubble about how far along she is; i.e. who the babydaddy could be.

Luisa is busy chastising Art some more on Teresa behalf (a tiburoncita’s best asset is a gullible and indignant friend!) when the shark herself calls to set up an alibi. She advises Luisa that she won’t be home, and she doesn’t want to talk to Art. She is going to go to Aurora’s, and would Luisa please make sure that Art doesn’t drink tonight (awww, how thoughtful). Ter also verifies that Luisa is leaving Fernie unprotected esta noche. Score.

Art can’t believe that Paloma spilled the beans. Luisa thinks that Art should just tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to Ter, even though it won’t be easy for her to forgive him. Luisa drops a foreshadowing bomb “do you think that I could forgive Fernando if he were unfaithful?”

Back at Fern’s, Ter douses herself with her glass of water, and apparently her sharkskin isn’t as waterproof as you would think (“me empape!” I soaked myself). Fernie grabs a napkin and starts drying her, boob-first. Seriously. The dude takes the napkin straight to the boob. T and F have some serious close face action. We need a commercial to cool off here.

Ter excuses herself and says she should change clothes. I am not sure what Fer says here, but I am sure that he gets himself another good eyeful of Ter’s chest.

Martin and Mariano have a meeting of caballeros. Mari appreciates Marti taking his side re: foundation and firing thereof.

Hector tells Aurora about Juana finding out about her mom. He is bummed. Aurora tells him ‘chin up, you can clear it all up’.

Juana is crying to Refusio, who tells her about Cutie breaking it off with Gris. Juana perks up. Refu advises a heart to heart w/Cutie.

Cutie laments his situation to Johnny—his Juanita is going to marry. Johnny demonstrates his superior intelligence by using Mariano’s interruption of Teresa’s wedding as an example of how there is always hope. Oy, was he dropped on his head a lot as a kid?

Ter has changed into one of Fern’s shirts so he can dry her clothes. She lets him know that she called Luisa, but didn’t say that she was there, she wouldn’t want there to be any misunderstandings, what with her half nakedness and all (apparently, Fern doesn’t have any spare pants). Fern agrees that is the wise course, and Tiburoncita leans in and says it will just be their little secret. Dun dunnnnn!

Aur and Mari discuss their dolor. She is just worried about her pop, but Mari is for realsies sad, because he is realizing that, by continuing to pursue Teresa, he has lost an awful lot (hint, hint, Aurora). Aur says maybe this is the kick in the pants he needs to get over her. Wistful looks all around as he leaves. Aurora then calls Aeeeeeeeeda to advise her that Mari is superbummed and maybe she could do something about it.

Ter calls Aurora and is happy to get voicemail so she can further set up her alibi by leaving a fake sad message. She then gets all sexy fake asleep on the couch for Fernie to ogle, which he does.

Cutie and Juana—will they finally have their heart to heart? No, Hector interrupts. Cutie hedges a bit about being there to see Espe before he leaves. Hector explains about his wife situation—Vanessa abandoned him and Aurora ages ago and they’ve never seen her again, so it’s easier and less sad to pretend he was a widow.

Fern puts a blankie on sleeping Ter. What’s that phrase? ‘Let sleeping sharks lie’….

Luisa advises Art to give Ter some space and time, when Fern calls to let him know that she’s over there. He tells Art not to come over because she is too mad to talk. Both Art and Luisa are total suckers and think it is awesome possum that she is ‘safely’ with Art’s best friend. Luisa confesses that Ter asked her to watch over Art’s tonight—proof that she still loves him.

Juana and Hector. She agrees he has a sad sad story, but doesn’t forgive his dishonesty. She even starts with her “si me toques…”, but doesn’t have the heart to even finish the threat. She sends him on his way, but he manages to declare his intentions to marry her, and tries to sell himself as a great catch before he goes. He starts off pretty weak, but seems to have a strong finish. Juana still gives him the no me toques, though. After all, he is still a married man, and she is a respectable widow.

Art struts into Mariano’s office and says they need to talk.

Ter wakes up, and I swear her shirt is falling off. She tells Fernie that she needs to think about her future in case, ya know, things don’t work out with ol’ Artie. He’s happy to be there for her, and I think he doesn’t just mean to listen ;-). But she has the strategerie to act like she thinks it’s inappropriate for her to spend the night, so she is gonna go to Aurora’s. Not before she gets in another snuggle with her superbueno amigo, though. Shark theme all around.

Art asks Mari back in to the kiddie foundation fold as pissily as possible. Art promises not mix his personal and business feelings (mezclar lo personal con el trabajo), but warns Mari to keep his hot paws off his mujer.

Fern alone in his apartment flashes back to Ter’s sexy sleep action on the couch, looks at a photo of him and Luisa for strength, but decides to take the blanket Ter used and clutch to his bosom. Seriously? Clutching the blanket to his bosom? What kind of mujeriego is he? He is sooooooooo lost.

Art calls Fernie and gets the 411 that Ter went to Aurora’s, who happens to walk right in front of Arturo mid-call.

Espe talks to Mari about how she misses Hernan (he’s been gone for, what, half a day?). But the lady doth protest that she doesn’t like like him, she just likes him.

Aurora tells Art that Ter is super upset about their fight and stayed at her house. Point of fact here—she refers to Tiburoncita as ‘la pobre’ (the poor thing). That just cracks me up. Anyway, Art tells Aurora that he re-hired Mari and apologizes for being lame earlier. She approves. Mutual admiration all around. They finish with a little Ter chat; Aurora’s never seen her so bad off; Art loves her and will go see her chez Aurora to make up.

Aurora goes to talk to Mari re: foundation re-hiring. Mari thanks Aur for her and Marti’s help, and Aur spills that Ter intervened for him.

Next AM Aurora and Ter chat over breakfast. Ter has refused to see Art. Ter spills to Aurora the real reason they fought: Art slept with Paloma!

Fito’s place—Johnny calls, but he is not answering bcz of fear of the police. Johnny sits in cab frustrated by his phone failure.

Tiburoncita plays the aggrieved victim to Aurora, who laps it up. Aurora brings up what happened between Juana and Hector, and in the process spills the beans about her mom. Ter seems genuinely concerned about her friend here, but viewerville is forced to assume that said concern is surely false.

Fern shows up chez Barrera. Luisa’s got the girls out today; she must know she has competition. They talk about Ter and Art, their usual main topic of conversation. Luisa actually thanks Fern for all his help in this situation. Sucka! Fern hugs Luisa and seems desperate to convince himself that he still loves her and that he won’t stray. Good luck with that, sharkbait boy.

Ter tells Aurora she wishes she had known about the mom situation so that she could have helped her more. She is going to help bring Juana back to Hector’s side.

And as soon as we come back from commercials, Ter is putting her promise into action. Ish. She speaks well of the good doctor and disses Cutberto, but supports her madrina’s decision not to involve herself with a married man, even if he is the father of her best friend.

Cutie and Johnny yap on the street, when Gris sees them and puts 2 and 2 together. She later confronts Pati with the 4; i.e. she was being used as part of the Pati escape plan. Pati tries to calm her with exaggerated tales of Cutie’s love, but Gris doesn’t buy it and vows to watch her extra to prevent escape. Oh, apparently the big cumpleanos is manana. Good, we need to have something new going on with these folks if they are going to keep them around.

Refu comes by Juana’s to nag Ter for not coming by her own place, and also to tell her to keep her distance from Mari. Especially now that he has broken up with Aeeeeeeeda. A wee tiburonsonrisa at that news.

Ter assures Refu that she wants nothing to do with Mari. Anyways, she wants to celebrate the debtfree-edness of the Chavez household. Of course, instead of being happy like she was with Armando about this, Refu goes all sourpuss on Teresa, and says that really, it’s all thanks to Arturo. Ter thinks she should get some credit, since she ordered the raise. Refu refuses to believe that Armando deserves the money or the society in which he now finds himself. Ter thinks otherwise. Refu ends it by saying they will never understand each other (entendernos), but thanks just the same. As usual, Ter is left feeling crappy after a chat with her mom. Luckily Juana is there to cheer her up and tell her that she done right by her dad. Ter asks to stay at Juana’s because she and Art are fighting again.

Rubes corners Espe at the hospital to give her (what I think is) a health insurance policy to cover medical costs for her and the baby. Genoveva, of course, is crouching around a corner listening.

Ter finally comes home and Art starts to defend himself about firing Mari. She doesn’t even want to hear it and drops the bomb- ‘te acosaste con paloma’ (you slept with Paloma).

Pati is packing her getaway bag, then she and grumps have a bit of a heart to heart. Turns out that they were close when she was young. Cue sappy music. He still claims to be acting in her best interests, but she will never forgive him. NUNCA.

Geno and Rubes discuss his hijo to be—claro he can’t be raised in a vecindad. Rubes is considering moving Espe somewhere better when Geno proposes that she raise the child. QUE? Even Rubes is shocked.

Art begs Ter’s forgiveness, and explains his extenuating circumstances; mad, crazy, drunk, etc. Ter gives him no slack, and says she has nothing but ruined dreams. Art thinks they have time to start over, but Ter asks for a divorce. Oh snap; another bomb! Surely, even the Tiburoncita must be pleasantly surprised at how quickly her plan is coming along. Watch out DF, there’s gonna be a shark loose in the city soon!


Fantastic recap, thanks so much for getting it up so quickly!

This story is moving along, isn't it? I can't believe that Teresa has already asked Professor Hottie for a divorce.

Boy, you had a fun episode to recap last night Kristoise and had me laughing at your great recap. How many different terms can one use for the 'girls", becuase they were sure their own character last night. That ridiculous shirt and fugly jacket have been bothering me for two episodes, but Tere should wound up using that shirt to good use.

Poor Fer, he's been toast since he first met her, but got to give him chops, he's trying to fight the old urges. I was actually surprised he called Art and admitted Tere was there. But it's just a matter of time. Do like the writers didn't just immediately jump to them making out like I've seen in other TN's.

So, I guess we see if Tere actually wants a divorce (sing it Tammy!) or is this a ploy. She has the grounds, but really hasn't been in the realtionship long enough I would think to walk away with that much. Knowing Mari and Aeeeddda (love that too) broke up may be playing into this - but if she sees them back together, will that change her mind.

Refuse-to-support-her-husband was disgusting last night. I didn't get everything she said, but from your recap that was ust down-right cruel to say her husband isn't worthy? Wow-I would have been madder than Tere listening to that.

I like Hector, but I think Juana has a point in her reaction. So right about now we should have the ex-wifey show up. Hate to see her sad though...sniff.

Were there scenes with John-boy and the teeny-bopper queen? I must just block those from my brain...I so do not care about those characters.


Great recap! "Sharkskin isn’t as waterproof as you would think" -- too funny.

If there is a Fito-Johnny-Pati drug bust, maybe Ruben could use that as a pretext that Espe is an unfit parent-to-be -- and give the baby to Geno! I know; too much. That Geno is over the top...

Time for some new characters. Maybe we'll get one tonight.

Kris, your recap is laugh out loud funny! I especially enjoyed,  (Johnny) "Oy, was he dropped on his head a lot as a kid?" That's what happened!! Also, I loved your comment on Fernando, our "mujeriego", clutching that blanket, what's with that? 

Fernando is putting up the good fight but he's toast, Teresa's little sexy, cuddly, playmate pose on his sofa will be the death of his will power! 

Teresa has decisions to make. How far does she take Fer to assure the success of Plan B? Can she land him like she did Arturo by being the good girl? Or does she need to slide down the slippery slope of an affair herself to land him with his gazillions? Fernando is a bigger, tougher target than Arturo was! Decisions, decisions, decisions. 

Kristoise, very clear recap. Thanks as usual for the frasiology, i.e., don't go around the rodeo with me.
Did I see in the previews Aurora telling Mari her long kept secret about him?
Last episode, did Tere get Art to agree to let Mar back in if she didn't come to the meetings? Or is she still fully involved?
I thought it might be a wee too soon to divorce Art-our delicate flower hasn't appropriated Pal's fortune away from the little children yet.
Tere is wasting no time, and she takes no prisoners.

Thanks so much Kristoise. I loved your vocab and sayings.

I was not expecting Ter to bring up the big D with Art so soon, but our Ter always lays her groundwork in advance. So she may still wait till Pal's fortune is secured and may play with Art's emotions some more, before she actually dumps him. But now he will do ANYTHING to keep her. Maybe even sign over a few pricey assets...

That seduction scene in Fer's apt was SO funny and so good. Ter really knows how to work it. I still can't imagine her going all the way with Fer, but no way he would accept less if they cross that line. While her early seduction scenes of Art used her physical asset too, it wasn't so blatant and sexual. They actually used a lot of clever word play in their flirting. But her seduction of Fer has been way more sexually charged and physical.

I wonder if Teresa is just bluffing for now with the D.I.V.O.R.C.E. While she is separated, she can work on Fer and see how that goes. Yes, Emarie, she hasn't had time to wrangle the money from the impoverished children yet.... and she has those foundation meeting to go to and strut her stuff around Mariano. (Did she say she wouldn't go? I didn't hear that!) Mexican meetings are so much fun. The ones I go to are horribly BORING!

Yes! I'll ditto that Sandy. Boring and none of the men, lord love them, look anything like our galans here.

Daisy, and none of the women wear what those sexy Mexican women wear, although you can see a 1980s hairdo from time to time!

Kris, just loved your recaP and all the vocabulary and phrases.

You recappers and commenters are so clever and much more than I. So I will comment on Tere's appearance. Like what was that awful jacket she was wearing??? Sooooo ugly!!! And lately her hair has been looking so me any way. She gets away with it because she's pretty.

By the way, just how long have Tere and Art been married in TN time??? Boy, she sure does work fast. She plays Art like a fiddle!!!


daisynjay--about Refu and Armando; i was in a rush last night, so i wouldn't put too much stock in my exact word choice. if i recall, i don't think Refu was so much not supporting her husband as chastising Ter for 'forcing' too big of a salary on him--that it was giving him delusions of grandeur or something to that effect. grandeur, in this case, being something like middle class living, i believe. as much as Refu bothers me (and, oh yes, she does) i would hate for her to be unfairly judged because of my recap.

Thanks for the clarification Kristoise - I mean, I'm no fan of Refuse-to-be-whatever as all know, but I had hoped she wouldn't stoop that low in front of her daughter.

Sandy, I would love to see the faces of some of the poor consultants I work with if any women ever showed up to work dressing like these women. Our single heart resuscitator would not be enough.

Kristoise outstanding recap and too funny.Thank you.

Vivi last night's episode had me hollering with laughter to Teresa playboy pose on Fernando's couch. To her spilling the wine intentionally onto her well Exposed open blouse displaying her upper assets to Fernando's appreciative view.Too funny the girl was working it from all angles last night and boy was i surprised also by her asking for a divorce already.I don't know how she is going to do this and still get access to Paloma's funds unless it's a ploy to make Arturo even more of a sucker who would do anything to keep her including letting her control Paloma's funds?

The Mayra and Aeeeeeeeeeeeda scene had me laughing out loud at the end when Mayra talks about Espe being only one month pregnant and knowing that the father is not Ruben. Aeeeeeeeeeda knows differently from her flashback and recalling Teresa mentioning Espe being three months pregnant. She gave her mother a classic Refusio look "Oh you poor pathetic sucker you". Haha that was too funny.

My goodness is Geno for real i'm very afraid for Espe there's no telling what she is capable of and she didn't like finding out Ruben having a child now with Espe.One thing Geno is not realizing that Ruben still wants Espe for himself and he doesn't want her with anyone else. So even if you try to talk him into taking the baby away from Espe he'll still want Espe.I have a feeling this little plan will backfire on Ruben if he agrees and makes Espe realize what a true jerk he is and what a great guy Hernan is.

I can see Geno bringing up Espe's background and social status as their reason to try this. But i think that little old embezzling that Ruben is doing is going to comeback and bite him in the behind since we all know Teresa knows what he is doing.She can help Espe by bringing up what a unfit father he is and how many affairs he has had on his wife.

One other thing i thought as i watched Arturo talking to Aurora about his resolving the Mariano situation. Wouldn't it be even more fun if the writers had Arturo discovering all of Teresa lies and then falling for Aurora himself. Now that would really turn this novela upside down if that were to happen.

Yes, I am hoping all of Ruben and Geno's machinations bring Hernan back into the picture as SUPER-GALAN, and then Espe will finally wake up!

I don't think Arturo would go for someone like Aurora. She would bore Arturo to death.

And quite frankly, if Teresa and Mariano were ever together out in the open, Mariano would bore her to tears.

Aida/Mariano are a better match than Mariano/Teresa IMO b/c with Aida, what you see is pretty much what you get. I think Mariano needs someone who just puts it all on the table instead of hiding and sneaking and lying. And Mariano's good for Aida, too b/c he doesn't take her BS and stands up to her. She needs that, especially after having been with weak a%% Paolo.

You note, there hasn't been one single BEBE coming out of Aida's mouth since she got with Mariano.

For a rebound situation, I think it's a good pairing. For long term, no, because both Aida and Mariano are hot heads. I'm hoping Curlz comes back on the scene for Aida.

Aurora/Mariano would be a better pairing than Teresa/Mariano as well, because Aurora is the calm to Mariano's storm, and she stands up to Mariano without sneaking and lying as well.

Maybe Martin can hook up with Luisa at the end, b/c we know Fernando will break her heart.

Thanks for the recap. You recappers are so witty. I keep watching the show mainly for your recap and also the insightful commentary. I maybe naive, but I hope Fernando does not cheat on Luisa with that hussy. I started watching this TN late so I missed why Aurora and Teresa are friends; they seem so different.

I'm not sure why or how Aurora & Teresa became friends. Aurora was the first one at the school to know that Teresa was poor; the rest of the kids didn't find out until right before graduation. So if Teresa didn't have any friends at the high school, it wasn't because of her poverty.

I think Teresa needed Aurora as a friend a lot more than Aurora needed Teresa; Aurora was also friends with Raul, Paolo and Aida and the others.

But now that Teresa is moving with a different set of people (and Aurora has eyes for Mariano), Teresa doesn't need Aurora as much anymore.

Teresa was much better at hiding her mean, manipulative, conniving side when they were in high school, and pretending to be sweetness and light. When it became obvious that Aurora liked Mariano, and Teresa felt threatened, she started being catty towards Aurora and Aurora called her on it. That's when they began to be distant. In the last episodes, when Teresa has pretended to be sweet and forgiving, Aurora has commented that that is the Teresa she knew and loved. She hooked Luisa in much the same way. After first showing the real Teresa and ticking Luisa off, she then started the sweetness and light campaign to win Art and Luisa over. She seduced both brother and sister at the same time.

Arturo is sinking lower and lower, taking a great doctor, Mariano, off of the foundation  then reinstating him the next day and of course his noche de blind, drunk amor with Paloma that is going to come back and bite him.  I think Teresa will handle her own divorce case, Lordy, lordy, what will she were to court?  I pity that judge! Luisa is No help, she just enables Teresa's lies. 

Make that "wear" to court!

Hey everyone, tomorrow I'm spending the day with our favorite Mexican guest commenter, Jarocha! I'm giving her the grand tour of DC's neighborhoods, monuments, and nightlife. She sends her love to you all. She's wrapping up the first week of her two week DC grad school program with an exam today.

You know Fernando is a goner not only was he clutching the blanket he put on a sleeping Teresa but he was sniffing it as well.trying to remember he was supposed to be in love with Luisa major red flag. This is so not going to end well.

sandy--you had me cracking up with the 'what will she wear to court'. What, indeed. Now i am picturing Teresa in a sexy lawyer outfit and then the judge turns out to be judge judy! wouldn't that be a riot?

vivi and jarocha--have fun in DC! try not to be too mala ;-)

Teresa is totally going to dress like Ally McBeal in court, except probably more revealing. I wonder how many takes of that "waking up" on the sofa scene were required to get the shirt just baaaaarely this side of a total wardrobe malfunction. Did you notice when Fernando put the blanket on her, he neglected to cover her bare legs?

I'll be surprised if Teresa hits the sack with Fernando before he marries her. She's advised Luisa against that, and she seems smart enough to know that a mujeriego like Fernando might get tired of her before making it legal and giving her access to his money if she gave in too soon.

Kristoise, thanks for another excellent recap! I, too, laughed at "Oy, was he dropped on his head a lot as a kid?" I'm pretty sure he was. Also, he needs to stop scratching himself; it makes him look like a monkey. If they ever have him attempt to think (i.e. just scratch his head and look puzzled) while eating a banana, I might die laughing.

Head scratching is the TN sign of stupidity.

Chuy and his dad from STuD scratcheed their heads a lot, too.

Kristoise, thanks for the fab recap. Sounds like a missed a very fun episode.

ITA Teresa doesn't intend to divorce Arturo just yet. She just wants to give him time to plead and make her a counter offer or two while she gets Fer ready. A true multitasker. Ruben is pond scum, be he does have feelings for Espe. I sure hope he doesn't go for Geno's plan for the baby.

Blusa and Vivi: I was laughing out loud at those scenes, also. Tere’s playboy scene was so overplayed. There is nothing subtle about these TN’s. Gee, I wonder if she was trying to seduce him? Forget it, Fer, she rarely gives it up, she just teases.

I also worry about Espe, her life and well being is in danger, if she had a brain in her head she’d go live with a distant relative until after the baby is born. Maybe longer. What is Geno thinking? Get rid of Mayra, marry Rube the cube, and steal Espe’s baby legally, and raise him? Seems exhausting to me.

Aurora and Tere were friends at the beginning of the TN.

ITA, Johnny, and his IQ. Please. Lets get that part of the TN over with.

Kristoise: Great recap and gave me quite a few grins! Especially the quip about Johnny! Tere, IMHO, will keep baiting and casting for Fernando until he comes in with a wedding proposal and walks her down to City Hall.

Who is stronger, our playboy or our playmate....,stay tuned!

Thanks, Kristoise, I laughed at all your shark references and through most of the recap anyway.

Julia, LOL, at the picture of Johnny scratching and eating a banana. He might need a good dose of flea powder or a collar. I am so tired of Johnny and Paty's storyline.

Was Tere wearing a bra because if she were, it wasn't doing it's job? Wait, it was doing it's job... with Fer.


Awesome recap Kristoise. Fernando is hooked alright. All Teresa has to do is flaunt her milkshakes and the boys go weak LOL. Now she has asked Arturo for a divorce using his cheating as the excuse and now she thinks she can reel Fernando in, get his money, and then get back together with Mariano for the happy reunion. I think Aurora is about to give Teresa a run for her money by admitting to Mariano that she's in love with him. However, I don't think he's anywhere near ready to be with her with Teresa and Aeeda on his brain.

Kristoise, absolutely fabulous recap, thanks!! "Sharkbait boy" was my favorite line.

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