Friday, July 15, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #63 Thursday 7/14/11 Exhumations, Evaluations, Exhortations, Tribulations, Realizations, but still waiting for the Termination

Viva La Bastille! Happy Bastille Day everyone. Pour yourself a glass of French wine and hunker down with a nice cheese plate, hunk of French bread, cassoulet (or all of the above) and join me in tonight’s fireworks show. And remember, if you’re out of bread then just eat cake! By the way, when I was at the wine bar tonight I asked if they had any wine from the famous Valle de Guadalupe and I got a blank stare. I fear Augie and Jero still have a way to go before their wine hits the mainstream.

Last night we left our star-crossed lovers sighing at each other through a closed door. So near and yet so far. I think Nata’s jammies are totally cool.

Moments later Nata applies more product on the bags under her eyes and recalls Jero sticking up for her in front of Matilde. I love my cover stick but I don’t think I’ve ever applied it at bedtime. More recollections of a kinder, gentler Jero, one who hugs instead of accuses.

Andrecito’s doctor tells Ines y Isidro that Andres' little body is fighting but not succeeding. Ines swears he will overcome. Doc says it depends on transfusions and medications. He recommends they find as many donors as they can as soon as possible.

The private investigator meets with Gonzo to discuss the mysterious person who is tormenting Regina. PI says there are no new clues, but they are operating under the theory that this Pepa has changed her identity. Gonzo gets a call about a family gathering that evening and shows the PI a photo of his family, his wife FINA, daughter RENATA, and all the rest. Once again we near and yet so far.

Fina’s stoolie (the lawyer guy at the company) calls to tell her he has news about Regina that he cannot reveal over the phone. They plan to meet in an hour.

Cata gripes to Regina yet again about Gonzo being involved in her life. Regina just wants to forget about Pepa and go to Andrecito’s school to drum up potential donors. She thanks Cata for saving her life, she would have died from the antifreeze mochacchino had Cata not found her. Cata shuts it (for once) and gives hugs and blessings to her daughter.

Oh goodie, we're back in the wine country. Jero tells Carlos he was blown away by the fervor of Nata’s sadness at Rafa’s tomb. Jero actually suggests that with Nata’s rotten relationship with her mom perhaps Fina was lying to him about her relationship with Rafa in order to destroy Nata. Dude, listen to yourself! But no, this dolt wouldn’t know the truth if it spit in his face. He asks Carlos, what reason would Fina have to lie to him? Oh oh oh! Pick me, I know the answer. Because you're an incredible dumbass, right?

Matilde goes to Nata’s room to thank her for preventing Jero from tossing her out on her shapely but sorry behind. However she says she’ll always dislike Nata for being La Bonita. Nata denies it. Oh yes you are, sez Mati, YOU’RE the one who betrayed my boss Rafael, YOU’RE the one responsible for his death, and YOU’RE the one causing all of Jeronimo’s distress!

Selene ambushes Constanza to tell Cons that compared to her own supple youthfulness Cons is just an old witch and can never compete with her. Cons tells the offensive little turd to beat it. Sele commands Cons to stay away from Chema because she doubts her husband would be happy to hear Cons is interested in a guy young enough to be her son.

Nata tells Mati that yes, she knew Rafa but they were never novios. Mati, arms akimbo, smirks that she saw with her own eyes the letter that Nata wrote telling Rafa he would never be at her level, and after everything he did for her. Nata insists she is totally confused. Mati says she saw the photo. What photo, asks Nata? Nata demands to see that letter and the photo. Mati reveals that Jero or Carlos has them and Jero knows that Nata is her brother’s murderer. Nata doesn’t understand anything the little twerp is talking about so she stalks out saying she’ll clear this up right now. Mati smiles like the Cheshire Cat, another successful morning on the job, thus clearing up the mystery of what she actually does at the hacienda.

Nata runs out the door, unfortunately just missing Jero and Carlos who are on their way to coordinate Rafa’s exhumation.

Over at Empresas Monterrubio Adri asks Daniel if their old employee Rafael Gutierrez ever went out with anyone. Matias butts in and pipes up “Renata.” Daniel agrees that’s what the chisme was. Matias wants to know why she asks. “Because he’s dead and it turns out he’s Jero’s half brother.” Cara impactada de Matias.

Back in the bedroom Matilde’s chronic logorrhea has taken control of the pudding between her ears. She harps to Nata that she should return to the DF because she is making everyone at La Bonita so unhappy. Apparently Matilde = everyone. She claps her hands and offers to help Nata pack. Nata thinks for a moment and says yes she’ll leave, but not before she clears up a few things. And guess what, she needs Mati’s help. Mati scoffs why should she do that when she (Mati) hates Renata even more than Jero? Nata suggests because it will give Mati a clear path to Jeronimo. She’ll prove her innocence then leave La Bonita forever. Mati can’t resist. Nata’s first instructions are that Mati can’t say a word about this to anyone. Uh oh, I see a problem with this plan already. Nata insists she will show all of them that they have been wrong about her.

Matias tells Adri and Daniel he knew that Jero was coming to Mexico for his brother’s wedding but he never knew that Rafa was his brother. Adri tells them that Nata and Rafa were good friends but that’s it. Matias thinks there is something fishy about this whole thing, especially Jero’s behavior, and he wants to call Jero to demand an explanation. Adri begs him not to and Daniel agrees he shouldn’t get involved in another couple’s business.

Nata pets the beautiful Gitana and thought-bubbles that Jero didn’t marry her for love, but because he thought she killed his brother, to get vengeance and make her pay. How could Jero be so cruel to her when she married him for love? She’s innocent of everything! Laz sees her crying and says something about Gitana losing weight because of the trip? Eh? Nata thought it was just her imagination. Gitana needs to get her strength back before the trip back to the DF. Oh no, have horses ever had leukemia on these shows? Now I’m worried about Gitana. Or maybe the horse is preggers? But I digress. Laz wonders what Nata means about going back. Isn’t Nata happy that Jero brought Gitana to Ensenada?

Nata asks Laz whether Rafael ever mentioned that name of his La Bonita. Laz mutters he doesn’t like to discuss that subject. Nata sadly watches him walk away.

Doctor Dingleberry (thanks Carlos) is at Cruz de Amor telling Augie that Matilde told Kari at first she thought Rafa’s novia was named Roberta, but then she found out she was wrong because there was no Roberta, it was someone else, not sure who. Augie remembers when he and Arely discovered the Roberta Y Rafael heart and he told her any man who loses his heart over a woman is stupid. Augie licks his lips in pleasure as the pieces start falling into place.

HR or company lawyer guy brings Blanca’s termination letter to Honorio. Hons optimistically tells the air that momentarily she will be out of his office and life forever, never to return. Silly boy, even real life is never that simple.

Cut to an evil-looking letter opener jamming itself into a locked desk. Nope, not Blanca, but rather Matilde who apparently is enthusiastically responding to work direction by searching out the photo and letter. Jero and Carlos interrupt her “work” and she jumps up and pretends to dust the desk. They don’t seem to notice that this is highly suspicious behavior for our little hellcat. Mati mentions that Nata is out riding all morning and Jero says good because he and Carlos have to go out. “Where?” asks Mati. Jero brushes her off and she gushes her work is done and rushes out of the room. Carlos comments on her odd behavior and Jero suggests it’s because Carlos tried to kiss her. (Not because she actually seemed to be working as I suggested.) Carlos admits he loves her which we already know because the Gerardo Urquiza banda music is playing loud and clear. Jero thinks it’s great, just don’t break your heart over it. Funny comment coming from him.

Augie (cue frenetic violin music) just happens to (figuratively) run into Nata while riding. (She’s not on Gitana, what’s up with that? Things are not looking good for the white horse.) Augie asks how she’s doing at La Bonita, she can confide in him. She firmly tells him she doesn’t want to confuse things, they are only friends. He insists. She gives him the 411 about Jero believing she’s the woman who drove his brother to suicide. Augie tells her to let him help her, he’s got many contacts in the area, trust him, hissssss.

OK folks, here it comes, calling Blanca Alvarado to the chopping block. She enters Honorio’s office, bodacious tatas first, and seductively takes a seat. He hands her the termination letter, saying it includes a generous payout. She reads, smirks, slams it down on the desk and says, “You know what this is? Prepotencia! “ (I think she means arrogance withing the context of power or domination.) “Typical for a boss who has lost personal interest in an employee!” He clarifies that he has never had a personal interest in her. Sign please and leave. More smirking as she insists she knows the rules. She’ll take the letter, review it at her leisure and then contact him for the negotiations. “I’ll see you later my love,” she coos, hefting her bosom victoriously , kissing her finger and brushing it across his lips. Poor Hons looks like he’s gonna hurl but the guy maintains.

Alfonsina is at the chemists gloomily purchasing her pregnancy test. Doctor Dingbat sees her and gleefully approaches until he catches sight of the box. Ruh Roh, his already white face turns a lighter shade of pale.

Roberta recalls an earnest Rafa on his knees and asking for her hand in marriage. She holds the ring and calls him stupid, hacienda La Bonita should have been hers. “You were all mine but it didn’t matter to you.”

Augie rides to The Tree and recalls Rafael up in the branches. He climbs up to the branch, is convinced that Rafa made the carving and chuckles that La Bonita isn’t Renata, but rather Roberta Monterrubio, the sister of Renata.

Matilde reports to Renata that she couldn’t find the goods in Jero’s office. He showed up but said he would be out all morning, didn’t say where. Nata asks if there is a spare car available to go into town.

Augie continues verbally working out the puzzle. Perhaps Jero fell in love with Renata but his thirst for vengeance is greater. This is his opportunity to bring Renata into his life and he’s not going to waste it! I know Augie’s supposed to be a bad guy but hunky, a vintner, one of the smarter characters? And he wants to rescue Renata from Jerko? The writers are making it tough for us.

Fina meets her pet stoolie at a restaurant and he comments on her beauty. Oh poor guy, I hadn’t realized he was blind. We see the PI stroll in after her and casually look around. Stoolie tells Fina that Gonzo has joined forces with Tony on Regina’s behalf. PI takes a camera from his pocket and starts snapping pictures. Stoolie caresses Fina’s shoulder while she gripes about her crappy, neglectful husband. He tells her he loves her, ewwwww! She thought bubbles that she needs allies so instead of going harpy she coyly tells him she’s a married woman who would never cheat on her husband. He tells her he’s loved her since the first moment he saw her. Their kiss is captured on film.

Regina goes to Andrecito’s school and talks to the very attractive principle Miss Christy about pumping everyone for transfusions. (Heh, sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Miss Christy says she will be the first donor.

Cut to the hospital where there is much weeping and consternation over Andrecito’s waning health. I feel bad for Ines but if Andres wakes up to see mommy kneeling, wailing and praying outside his window it’s not going to be good for his frame of mind.

Adri, now sporting the odious pink eye shadow, calls Nata to report that a lot of people in the company believe she (Nata) was Rafa’s girlfriend, including Gonzo and Matias. Nata tells her that Jero also believes it plus he believes she is the infamous La Bonita who caused Rafael’s death. That’s why she’s got to find the real La Bonita so she can clear up this mess.

Cut to La Bonita who is at her más bonita appointment. Her hairdresser exclaims at her luck. Most of his clients complain that there aren’t any good men and here she is preparing for one of society’s biggest parties, her wedding. He calls her Bonita and she recalls Rafa’s words again, that he wanted to shout to the world that he loves her. “How could you say that when you wouldn’t stay with me?”

Matias tells Gonzo the juicy gossip the Rafael Guttierez is Jero’s half brother. Gonzo always thought Rafa was a bit unstable (really?) but to kill himself? Poor boy. Matias insists the weirdest thing is that Jero didn’t say anything at all about his brother. His silence isn’t normal (I’ll say) and he’s worried for Renata.

Stoolie continues to woo Fina and she continues to politely rebuff him. His name is Ramiro and he wants to know when he can see her again. “After the wedding and thanks for the info on my husband” she smiles before escaping.

Why is Blanca still at work? She hasn’t been escorted out? She’s griping to Daniel that Hons fired her butt. She wonders how Adri took it and Daniel confirms that she was very affected by the news. Blanca smiles.

Adri’s in dad’s office giving it to him. When will guys get it in their heads that they can’t take any woman to bed without considering the consequences?!? She only hopes that he doesn’t pay too dearly for his night of pleasure and that Constanza will forgive his infidelity.

Sele stalks Chema and creepily gives her condolences on his mother’s death. She’d love to console him personally. Now. He politely brushes past her and says he has something to do. “With whom? That old bag Constanza?” He grabs her arms and tells her he’s had enough of her insults and her company. He doesn’t care about her at all! She calls him a “cook” as if it’s a big insult. In return he calls her a cualquiera. “Vas a pagar, te juro,” she says, falling back on an old favorite. (I promise you’ll pay!)

Alfonsina sits in the vineyard and cries to God, “No, I can’t be pregnant!”

Kari runs into Nata in town and excitedly reports she and Doc Ding Dong are going to adopt. Renata advises that she hopes Kari’s marital happiness isn’t depending on this baby. Kari asks and Renata reports that things at La Bonita are going very badly. She’s thinking that there is no hope for her marriage or her relationship with Jero.

The very sad song “When a Friend Leaves” accompanies Rafa’s exhumation. Jero and Carlos stand by and we get to see numerous, as in way too many, shots of Jero in various stages of intense grief. The End.

Avances: Whoa, Augie shows Renata the infamous tree branch heart? I can’t believe it.

Dicho of the Day, dedicated to Renata:
Ahora es cuando, chile verde, le has de dar sabor al caldo
= Now is the time, green chili, to give your flavor to the broth. The moment has come to pull yourself together, act with resolution and show who you are and what you can do.


Sylvia, what a grand title. thanks for the recap, I will be back to coment later. What has happened to titles, they have taken on a life of their own. This one really rocks.

By the way isn't this capitulo 63? not 62?

Sylvia Sharkbait! Fantastic title and FANTASTIC re-cap!!! Mah-veh-lous, dah-ling!!!

My, my...this little TN of ours does not disappoint, does it?!Where oh where do we begin?!

Matilde: Sorry...I am just laughing at this little twit. Good for you, Renata!

Nata: When she was talking to Gitana, I am almost sure I heard her tell Gitana that she was going to send her back to D.F. Then, when Laz walked up, she told him that as well. Do I assume correctly that Gitana will go back with Nata once Nata clears up this mess or is Nata planning to send Gitana back now?

Even though the twit with the headband tried to infect Lazaro's brain with her Nata comments, Laz seemed genuinely interested in Nata's feelings. Good on Laz!

Stalker Selene: I'm not sure which one is worse, Selene or Batty Blanca. I am sure that Batty Blanca is not going to go way easily. Hon has no idea what is in store for him.

I'm liking Gonzo's PI! I think he is going to put two and two together very quickly.

As we've all been saying, this team of Nata and the new Adri is great! Adri brings good energy to the situation. I like this pairing very much.

Augie Doggie: first time I have even been cheering on the villain, but he will bring even more infos to the forefront.

Wowsers! So much happening!

Thank you again dear Sylvia for a fantastic recap!


Gracias Cheryl, you are correct, this is #63. I fixed it.

Susanita, I figured Nata and Mati would team up somewhere down the line but the manner in which Renata enlisted Matilde was pure brilliance. Mati is one of those people that just needs clearly-defined tasks. Obviously our heroine has excellent people skills and her management style must be sorely missed at the biz. Especially by uncle Honorio, poor guy.

I was thinking about the Gitana thing. If poor horsie gets sick then that will be another thing to keep Renata in Ensenada. No way will she go back home if her best friend cannot come too.

What a morning pick-me-up, starting with the amazing title (reminds me of the U2 song "Bad") and then the brilliant recap.

Last night seemed like one big set up for a lot of fireworks to come. I hate that Nata is so deflated after thinking things were going well for her and Jeers. He is going to have some massive 'splaining to do, and I'm hoping he's flat out honest about her mother, the set up, etc. Maybe then THEY can join forces to bring Fina down. And I don't want that beautiful animal to get sick!

I am surprised at the preview of Augie showing her the tree. Wouldn't it benefit him to let her keep thinking Jeers thinks she's Bonita? Can't wait to see if that blows up in his face.

Selene - at least Blanca, who is also despicable, has some conniving smarts under that massive hair, but Selene is just beyond ridiculous. He's going to pay??? What for, he just isn't into you? I mean being a shrew and harpy has been so appealing to this point...

From an HR standpoint, having Blanca still sitting around in the office was a hoot, unless things are done a little different in Mexico. Whether you fight the firing or not, you are given the old box, fill it, and you're escorted out. That was a beanie moment for me.

Still wondering how the little guy's illness ties to this whole story. Could this transfusion thing come into play?? There has to be a reason why there is so much time invested into his illness. Anyone else can think of anything?

The PI is my new hero! Brilliant getting those photos. Now show them quick to Gonzo!

TGIF!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Cap'n Sylvia! Awe-soooooome!! Too many great zingers and keen perceptions to note, but here's some I lurv:

"He asks Carlos, what reason would Fina have to lie to him? Oh oh oh!
Pick me, I know the answer. Because you're an incredible dumbass, right?"

"Back in the bedroom Matilde’s chronic logorrhea has taken control of the pudding between her ears."

"She enters Honorio’s office, bodacious tatas first,"

This one, Sylvia, hits the nail on the head: "I know Augie’s supposed to be a bad guy but hunky, a vintner, one of the
smarter characters? And he wants to rescue Renata from Jerko? The writers are making it tough for us."

I know the display of grief at the exhumation did rend a few hearts, not mine: Jerko has been too much of a jerk and I felt no-thing! Auggie is going to have to trample a small animal under his horse's hooves or something, I really don't dislike him, nope! not even when he kissed a sleeping Renata.

Anywho, speaking of horses, I think Laz advised that she not ride Gitano for a while, let him rest up more from his transport.

Mati, Selene, Roberta and Fina (whom I hope the PI got a good look at in his "casual" request to see the family photo): line them up and slap them all the way Moe used to do to Larry and Curly, only much harder!

Stellar. Totally stellar cap. Thanks, Cap'n!


Daisy good point about so much time on Andresito. Could maybe Regina and Renata end up getting tested for - is it bone marrow? and somehow lead closer to the discovery of their being Mom and Daughter?

Agree Sylvia, I thought Mati would become Renata's ally by realizing the truth of her innocence, this WAS brilliant on Renata's part! AND I was also surprised at Auggie showing Renata the heart, obviously he thinks that will drive the nail further in the coffin of her lurv for Jerko.

Since the mystery of La Bonita is pretty much solved (for everyone but Jerko and Puddin' Head) maybe the focus will turn to unmasking Fina. . .oh, dern, I don't know! Do you guys think Renata will continue to stay at LaBonita because if she presents the tree carving as evidence and demands to see the picture and letter, to her that will be proof but Dumbass won't believe it and then maybe she'll leave. . .but she can't go back to hell hacienda. Ok, I needs to do some work, later!


Sylvia- I love the title and the recap. Another day, more revelations.

I like that Nata is totally taking this cool, level-headed approach to proving her innocence and then dumping Jero and taking off. I'm sure she will prove her innocence, but given that this is a love story that centers around her and Jero, I'm sure the writers will find some way of making sure she can't just walk away. Great comment about her management skills. She found the perfect way of turning Mati's obsession with Jero and nosiness into an asset for her own investigation.

Laz said that Gitana looked sad and looked like she had lost weight, which was normal for a horse that had just been transported a long distance, and urged Nata to take another horse to let Gitana rest and get her strength back. Nata agreed. She had noticed too, but thought it was her imagination that Gitana was looking sad. That's when Laz said that Nata was looking pretty sad too. I love Lazaro. He's so different from his little sis. I hope he's right about the reason Gitana is not looking her best and that it's not something more serious. That might be the straw that breaks the camel's back if both of Nata's great loves are in distress.

We have to remember that Augie is a controlling creep. But I am loving that he's helping reveal the real story behind La Bonita to Nata. Tonight he shows her the tree! Yay!

Tony's detective is fabulous. It can only mean that Fina will kill him before he can share with Tony and Gonzo all he's found out about her. Not a spoiler, just a prediction. There's no way that she can go down so soon. And with Isidro and Inez busy trying to save their child, and Con and Hon busy trying to save their marriage, all the players who would be close to unmasking Pepa/Fina are too occupied to think about her.

Ditto to all the great lines that Lila mentioned Sylvia and LOVE LOVE LOVE that dicho! Have never heard it. Where did you find it amiga? It's a gem.

Still charmed by the scene of Renata and Jeronimo on opposite sides of the door. That was a sweet moment. And they are few and far between, alas.

Agree that our handsome, albeit unprincipled Augustin, is gaining ground with his "loyal friend" stance. And I won't mind seeing Jero twist in the wind with jealousy. He's certainly earned it.

The little boy with leukemia story is soooo disturbing. There had better be a darned good reason for this dreadful side plot. I like Daisynjay's idea.

And Blanca! scary!

Finally...WHY WHY WHY THE PINK EYESHADOW? Noticed they had it on Andresito's mother as well. Plus an unhealthy blend of violet and pink on Roberta's lids. Fire the makeup crew.

Must be Garnier products, Judy!


(word verification: lapsott, sounds like a derrogatory name for somebody in our story. . .)

I found this about the pink shadow on a fashion site about runway looks that have become popular off the runway.

"Pink eye shadow isn't just lighting up lips—it's appearing on eye lids, as well. Although pink eye shadow can appear intimidating in its packaging, it looks gorgeous on the skin, especially if you have a fair complexion. The popularity of bold pink eye shadow is evident in our makeover gallery, but it’s also a great look for real life. Hollywood makeup artists use pink eye shadow on starlets who need to look wide-awake after a long, sleep-deprived night. Applying pink eye shadow around the eyes makes the whites of the eyes appear brighter. It can make your eyes look bright and beautiful when applied with precision. Caution: too much on your lower lashline and you could wind up looking like you have seasonal allergies."

@Vivi and Lila...further confirmation that the Fashion Industry is seriously deluded.

That pink eyeshadow up top does NOT makes whites look brighter or eyes more awake. These poor ladies look like they've been weeping all night (well, some have no doubt), or that they have that rheumy red-lidded look of the very aged...not a good choice!

LOL Judy! Given that I am nowhere near fair skinned, and I don't wear makeup, I would never even consider trying this runway "look."

I agree, it IS weird-looking JudyB. Question for you, Vivi, and anyone else with management/HR skills: Is this a pattern in real life or novelas that someone would do what Blaaaanca seems to be doing: Getting herself hired, putting the exec in a compromising position and then blackmailing a big severance and reference
out of him? Seems like a lot of work and a pretty risky, dumb way to make a living. And thinking about "bodacious" Blaaaaaanca when I should be working is a new personal low for me. What she's doing is just so stooopid. . .

plot device, beanie time, get to work Khalilah!


Cap'n Sylvia, I want to say gracis, for the title and recap.
I haven't been on since Eva Luna but your title caught my eye.

Since when does the boss's wife argue with the hired HELP (Matilde). Nata is good with keeping the pee brian Mati busy for now, with helping her (nata) prove she's not La Bonita.

Bodacious tatas LOL, I had that same thought when watching the show last nite. Like Blanca should have been fired for not dressing professional, for heavens sake even Adri dresses professional now that she taken her place in the company.
WTH was wrong the Jero face last nite, was he supposed to be having stressful problems with them exhuming of Rafa body. Why didn't he move back or NOT GO. I thought that was just bad acting.
Why didn't Hon have Blanca taken out by security last nite? and what the heck was that document Aggi, had by the tree comparing the hand writing to a craving? Huh???

Lila- Seems to me that Blanca is up to something else. We saw her on Hon's computer and we still don't know what that's about.

I do know that it can be very difficult to just fire someone if they haven't committed some huge error, while making sure they don't have grounds to sue you. Hon is firing Blanca for something personal, not work related. From what everyone has said, she's wonderful at her work. No one has any comlaints about her work. I think they have to get her to sign that termination letter and take the deal if they don't want legal trouble. Unless Hon can prove that she's been sexually harrassing him.

Sylvia: yes, our dear Nata was truly at her best last night with the Laughable Matilde. PERFECTO! The Juvenile Delinquent didn't even realise what Nata was telling her when she said she would clear the way for her to Jero. This brat with the goofy headband needs to get a grip.

As someone who has been an almost lifelong equestrian, I so understand Nata's relationship with Gitana. I feel the same about my own crew of horses. There are the days my four legged people give me much more comfort than the two legged kind. I was so glad that Jero did the right thing by shipping Gitana (such a beautiful mare)to La Bonita. Amazing that he even understood how much the mare means to Nata.

While the writers might be creating a 'sickness' for Gitana, truthfully, in this day and age of sophisticated horse transport, the mare should have done really well in the trip from the D.F. to Baja. I've moved my crew 1800 miles one way and more. With attention to detail and excellent care, they do fine. Just trying to explain the IRL take on things. How the writers chose to exploit the story line is something we will have to wait and see.

Have to say it again, Sylvia...fantastic recap!!!


Judy B: Almost forgot to say ITA with your take on the pink eye shadow and the delusional Fashion Industry. The pink stuff did nothing for Roberta last night...not one little thing!



I've only recently started watching but couldn't resist telling you how much I loved your recap of last night's episode. So witty, and so smooth with so many fabulous lines (Lila has already quoted my favs). Thank you! I've always admired your writing but this will be the first time I'm following a show you're recapping. Yay!

About what Blanca's HR situation:
-- Lying on your curriculum vitae (presumably submitted when she was hired) is usually grounds for immediate dismissal -- or at least it is in the US.
-- She was in Honorio's office with a thumb drive the night before. Then last night she was shown again holding the thumb drive and smiling wickedly. I bet she has downloaded a bunch of confidential files that would hurt the company if made public.

Susanita- I hope the writers leave Gitana alone. Perhaps she was just picking up on Nata's sadness? Jero really didn't bring the mare to Nata for selfless reasons. He only did it when Nata refused to come back to La Bonita after her accident. It was just a way of trying to hang on to her/pressure her.

Lila -Being in management, and having in the past served as an HR manager, the first bone-head practice that was NOT followed at this place of business was doing a thorough background check BEFORE having the person start. The fact they just took her resume hook, line and sinker was ridiculous.

But in cases where it is discovered there was a little hanky-panky going on, interestingly enough, it's usually the Senior level person who winds up getting the worst of it - usually fired, or allowing them to resign very quickly.) I've worked at three major Fortune 500 companies where that is the way it was handled.

In this case, where Hon claims he doesn't remember and may have been drugged, there might be an internal investigation by in-house security first, and then if needed bring in outside police. still never bodes well for the senior person as it's felt they should not have been in that position to allow that anyway. As for the Blanca's, they sometimes still can be retained,exodused to some part unknown or again, allowed to resign quietly. If they are suspected of doing something untoward, they will be fired and then outside criminal proceedings take over.

Being Hon is a member of the family, makes it a little more to his favor for retaining his job. Unless it's leaked and then for the sake of the company, he may step aside.

The problem with Blanca is that she refuses to "resign quietly."

Oh, and totally agree with NM, lie on the resume as she had done, and you're shown the door in any company. Even if a contract was signed, you get non of the compensation from the contract since you lied. So her "I know my rights" wouldn't fly in the real world if she was only basing that on the resume bit.
But with background checks now being the standard in most companies before the person can start, that isn't as big an issue in most big companies.

Have to say buying her off may not have been a smart move. It almost looks like an admission of guilt on Hon's part...

Vivi: Agree that Gitana was just another manipulative 'tool' in Jero's tool box. I hope the writers leave Gitana alone. Right now, she is the only consistent friend she has at La Bonita in whom she can confide.

NovelaMaven: So glad to see you joining us on this wonderful TN!! Look forward to your always excellent comments. :))

Daisynjay: ITA with your comments wrt how Hon has handled this whole affair. The proverbial buck ultimately stops with him, but as a family member, he might get off easily. Interesting to see how this will be handled.


Thank you another awesome recap Sylvia. I’m really grateful since I have a house guest and have been unable to watch or read the recaps daily. So many things to get off my chest. First, I haaaaaate the way Nata continues to suffer at the hands of her sister and pseudo mother. I know they’ll get theirs in the end, but they need to suffer some discomfort now. I can’t see any good coming from Antonio finding Regina’s daughter. Finding Regina’s daughter means finding Pepa/Fina=jail=free Gonzo=Regina and Gonzo. I hope for Regina sake that Antonio’s love is more like Matias and less like Auggie’s. So over Brathilde. That headband needs to snap every time she says something inappropriate. Love how Nata is using her to solve the La Bonita mystery. Still on Jeers side; he will suffer tremendously because he really loves Nata and I can’t see him convincing her anytime soon of his “sincere” love.

Gracias, Susanita! It looks as if I've joined this novela just in time to see the story move into a new phase -- it's like a dark-tinged drawingroom farce where Renato and Jero are about to switch roles. The balance of information/disinformation is shifting. Renata will draw Jero in and when he is good and caught, and their truth emerges, she plans to reject him as cruelly as he has rejected her.

Of course we all know the flaw in the plan: these two are hopelessly in love and after inflicting the requisite number of injuries to self and each other, we all know they will end up together. Or we hope we know. Or we know we hope... Meh. You know what I mean.

Cap'n Sylvia excellent and enjoyable recap thank you so much.

It's just so interesting how so many secrets are being revealed this early in the novela.

But what makes it even more enjoyable is the way the writers are creatively taking this story with our characters.

I thought for sure the brat was going to get fired for the revealing why Jerko really did marry Renata but like others have said Renata turned the tables on said brat and now has enlisted her help to get the letter and picture that Jerko has.

The detective catching Fina with the company lawyer. Ita it's too soon to reveal this something will prevent him from exposing her this soon?

Stalking Selene wow pull back girl and have some self control and dignity. This little mini Batty Blanca is definitely not working with a full deck. She might do some physical harm to both Chema and Coni.

Batty Blanca just might be trying to sue not only Hon but the company for keeping a boss in employed who harasses his female co-workers sexually. I don't know what she was doing on Hon's computer that night but it can't be good.

I also think Andresito's sickness and blood transfusion might eventually reveal the true paternity of who Renata's real mother is.

Jerko you had a good train of thought but then you can't believe it when you actually know Fina treats Renata terrible. Huh? And Duh!

I knew Auggie was putting it altogether.

Dr. Death knows that Alfosina is pregnant now he has something to hold over her to keep quiet if she goes to the cops about his botched surgery.

Wonderful recap of a great episode. And I think I enjoyed the recap even better! Hilarious!

Yeah, the twit thought she had it all figured out, sitting up there on her high horse. LOVED how Renata handled the situation. The writers are doing such a great job with this character - maybe it's in honor of having such great actress.

I think Laz first said the horse looked sad, then that it was probably from losing weight from the journey (transport to Baja).

I think that PI guy is kinda hot.

This novela is really hopping along. Fun!


Sylvia, I laughed out loud when I read your rsponse to Jero wondering why Fina would lie to him. He really is a dumbass, I realize that there needs to be a certain amount of ignorance for the story line to progress, but Jero is pushing the limit.

I think we are a ways off from everyone putting together that Pepa and Fina are the same! I can't wait for that episode. I think they are going to drag this one out and keep us on our toes.

I can't decide whether Nata will leave or stay I really think it depends on Jerko and his reaction to the truth, which he seems to have an aversion to. I think she will leave he will eventually dislodge his head and go after her.

I think I have voted for Adri for Carlos, Mati gets no one!! She is a spoiled brat. If Carlos does want Mati then he needs to take her over his knee and maybe she will shape up.

Oh and AMAZING re-cap Sylvia, very inspiring!!

Good analysis, novelamaven. Great recap, Sylvia, You are always so witty (antifreeze mochacchino / Mahilde = everybody / I didn't know he was blind)

I'm sorry -- Jero was desperate when he sent for la Gitana but it was still a sweet thing.

As for Auggie -- not only is he manipulative as hell, not oly does he treat Arely like scum but he plays more than hardball -- don't forget poor Carlos' bruises when Auggie had him beat up. You just shouldn't mess with super cutie Carlos.

Hey Dr. Carlos! Is any of this Andrecito leukemia treatment making sense? Is it good medicine that they are practicing?

As for Roberta-- she is more & more suffering over Rafael. Maybe that is the route to her redemption. She did love him & she is carrying his baby. Once everything comes out in the end she & Rafa's heir may find happiness at La Bonita.

So now we have some of the secrets out already and who knows what.

Auggie and spare girl know about the tree carving done by Rafael but only Auggie has put and two and two together to come to the conclusion why Jerko is not being a good husband to Renata because he thinks she is La Bonita. Renata finds this out tonight from Auggie now how she plays it and goes from there anyone's guess.

La Bonita at first Matilde and Lazaro thought and mentioned to Jerko they thought she was Roberta. Carlos also learned this from them and Jerko but Jerko learns from evil Fina it's really Renata whom is La Bonita.Renata learns that she is La Bonita from the nasty Brat Matilde and enlist her help to prove whether she is or not.

Matias and even Gonzo thought Renata was dating Rafael at one time.

The Necklace Roberta loses it at Rafael's hacienda then goes and steals her sister Renata's if it turns up.

Mati brings the necklace to Jerko and Carlos attention when Jerko meets Roberta he sees the necklaced on hers not knowing she stole that one from Renata. Renata recovers her stolen necklace from lying Roberta with a big slap.

Jerko sees the necklace on Renata on their wedding day but the clasp breaks again and he hasn't seen it since.

This necklace was also given to Renata from her true birth mother Regina who has the same exact one.

Adriana on her visit returned the repaired necklace.

Roberta and Fina discover that Jerko is actually Rafael's brother which gives Fina another reason to make Renata miserable with her lie that Renata is La Bonita.

Renata and Adriana learn Jerko is Rafael's half brother when Auggie intentionally mentions Rafael's full name in front of her.

Matias learns from Adriana that Jerko and Rafael are half brother's. He then tells Gonzo this news and says something is not right with him keeping this a secret.

The prank.

Roberta pulls that nasty prank making it look like Renata is a slut and Jerko is at the party to witness this.

It is soon discovered that Roberta was behind it by Hon and Coni who defend Renata. Gonzo tells Hon to the family together as Diego reveals all to them. Stalking Selene was in on the prank. Another inside look into how nasty and mean Roberta can be.

The One night stand.

Batty blanca set it all up now Hon is paying for it and then some. Hon has come clean to Gonzo about what happened. Gonzo told Matias who had a man discussion about it and finally Hon told his newly discovered daughter the low down. Adriana let dear old new daddy have it and told him the first person he should have told is his wife Coni. Little does Hon know but Coni saw the probably set up kiss by Batty Blanca and now believes Hon is having a affair with her.

Fina or is Pepa or is it Josefina? Fina has set a lot of balls i motion. She had Roberta telling Matias that the father of her child is Jerko. Renata's new husband, Matias agreed to marry her in order to keep Renata happy.

Matias has only told aunt Coni about who the real baby daddy is of Roberta's baby.

Matias has found out that Renata's marriage isn't really happy from bratty Matilde.

Matias had Roberta sign a prenup good advice from auntie Coni to protect him in a loveless marriage. But conniving Fina has the paid off company lawyer make changes to the prenup. Roberta gets Matias to sign the new changed entries in the prenup without looking what he is signing by distracting him.

I think those pictures from Tony's detective will come into play with exposing the corrupt company lawyer as Fina's legal partner in crime.

Isdro talked to Fina or is Pepa he gets a flashback of Pepa's voice. He then ask Tony's detective to check the background of Fina MR.Only Ines knows that Pepa and Fina might be the same person from Isdro she tells him not to tell Regina or her mother until they are sure.

Fina's attempted murder attempt while trying to kill off Regina again she is seen by Regina and a little by Cata. Tony's detective checks surveillance but it doesn't seem like he got a good look at Fina's full face. he does take a long look at the family pictures of the MR clan in Gonzo's office.

Wow, so many comments this morning! Thanks everyone for chiming in. It looks like our crazy little telenovela has finally grabbed us and taken off.

Michele in PA, how delightful to hear from you. I also wondered what in the heck the document was that Augie compared to the carving.

Novela Maven, thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your support. I agree with you and Daisy about firing Blanca. Not sure how it is in Mexico but here in California (aside from the fact that we have "at will" employment) Blanca could be fired for lying on her resume. Honorio discovered she lied about having worked in China and there were other lies as well. She could be terminated immediately without any kind of severance or payout as most applications, which are considered a signed contract, have a statement to that effect. The "severance" is obviously to keep her mouth shut and is pretty standard for anyone over age 40 (or some certain age). However she should have been escorted out immediately. Her termination contract should have given her two weeks to sign with a statement that she would not pursue legal action, otherwise her severance would be null and void. Also, there should have been someone from HR or legal, preferably a woman, in the office with Hons when he handed over the letter.

Vivi's point about Blanca fooling around with the computers is key I think. Like she and others have noted, we still don't know what her game plan is. Novela Maven, excellent point about the thumb drive. Which reminds me, didn't the company have her sign some kind of employment agreement when she got hired about protecting the company's assets and info? Clearly I am thinking too much this Friday morning.

Daisy, love your take on this as well. Interesting point about Hons being part of the family. It definitely adds a wrinkle.

Susanita, thank you for your equestrian input. I was wishing I knew a little something about the subject last night. Thank goodness we have you here as a consultant.

Judy, amen sistah on the pink eyeshadow. Blech.

Brathilde, I love it.

I'm blown away that from all your witty and gracious comments and that everyone is enjoying the show. It took me a long while to really get into it but now I am well and truly hooked. Silvia Navarro has a lot to do with it but the ensemble cast is really good. They have great chemistry. The fact the Brathilde elicits such passion from us is proof that the actress if wonderful and the character is very important to the plot. As usual Carlos will be right, as much as she annoys us now she will delight us later.

After last night I am burning with curiosity about so many things.

Blu, wow you have a mind like a steel trap. Have you been taking notes or did you remember all those facts? Anyway, brilliant that you listed everything. We are so early in this show and so many truths have come to light I'm wondering if Renata will discover the partial truth and then dump Jero, as Jules as already suggested. They're going to need to add some more plot twists as it seems to be wrapping up too nicely. WAY too nicely.

We mentioned last week that the PI could be a candidate for Fina's murderous tendencies. Now he is more dangerous to her than ever. I wonder if she will get her lap dog Ramiro to do some of the dirty work?

Judy, here is a link to a great site that has some dicho gems. This page is about food:
Yummy Mexican Sayings

Whoa! Blu! Mah head's spinning! This is a tangled web, isn't it? I see you agree with my wondering if they're concentrating on Andresito needing a transplant as a device to bring out Gina and Nata's TRUE relationship! I want to see them under the same roof then we would have a call of the blood, literally and figuratively!

Thanks Vivi, Daisy, others for the HR info. . .beanie time for how Blaaaanca's being handled (not like she likes, that's for sure). Novelamaven and really so many others of y'all got this analysis down to a science but still manage to keep it fun! Can. Not. Wait. For. Tonight!!


Cap'n Sylvia no notes taking i just remembered what i've seen so far. When you have a good show i think it makes it better to remember important plots points. When you have a show like TDA it's like who cares when is this ending already please?

Lila well if Regina goes down to stay with Jerko and Renata is still down there. It will drive Fina bonkers but that maybe what brings Renata back to Mexico and near her family and helping out with a good cause for Andresito's sake.You know Fina will think of something if she finds out about them both staying under the same roof.

Renata is so sad and upset so tonight we'll see whether Jerko comes clean and tells her yes that's why he really married or will he lie.

It's been said before on here but i don't see how he gets off acting the way he does towards Renata with all of the lies and half truth or just totally not talking about his brother is not being honest himself. For someone who wants others to be totally truthful with him he needs to see the hypocrisy of his own actions.

@Sylvia...awesome site for proverbs. Thank you.

Interesting comments everybody. You really add to the enjoyment of this story.

Novela Maven, thanks for explaining the thumb drive. I had no idea what she was doing, nor with what. Haven't worked in an office since 1972, and that was for a crusty old gent who expected us to type out our news stories on antique Underwood manual typewriters. Boy did I develop strong fingers!

Terrific recap. Many of my favorite bits have already been mentioned, but I really laughed at "Mati can’t say a word about this to anyone. Uh oh, I see a problem with this plan already" and "he comments on her beauty. Oh poor guy, I hadn’t realized he was blind" and your comments that what was suspicious about Mati's behavior is that she seemed to be working.

Great dicho of the day, too.

I don't necessarily think it's too soon for people to find out Fina is Pepa. This writing team has a good track record for pacing. Also, in the better-written telenovelas I've enjoyed previously, all the secrets weren't kept until the end. In Llena de Amor, a lot of people had Fedra's number way before the end, but it still took them a long time to bring her down. Mauricio, too...kept buying off judges and whatnot. In Mi Pecado, it was no secret that Rosario was demented and Carmelo was evil, but the baddies do have a slippery way of getting away with stuff for a long time.

There are lots of ways good writers can keep the action going without resorting to over-the-top stupidity or dragging out the same plot point forever.

I still can't quite figure out why Roberta is such a willing accomplice in Fina's plan. Is it just that she thinks this is the only way she'll be kept in the luxe lifestyle to which she is accustomed? She doesn't really like Matias; had to squinch her eyes and think of England or whatever to get through the snoozling, still tried to back out after that. She doesn't like Renata but her hatred doesn't seem strong enough to motivate her to derail her own life. It's confusing to me.

"She doesn't really like Matias; had to squinch her eyes and think of England or whatever to get through the snoozling,"

Oh Julia, remind me never to read your comments when I'm holding a cup of coffee. Hilarious image.

JudyB, you're not the only one who remembers Underwood manual typewriters -- and not fondly, let me add. (But seriously. Antique? Ay.)

Julia, Roberta is an enigma to me too. I go back and forth between wanting her to fall down the stairs of death and wanting her to be redeemed. Ultimately I would like for her to be redeemed. She has a weak heart in more ways than one. She's not strong-willed like Renata and I think over the years Fina has just warped her thinking. The childhood scenes showed her somewhat unwillingly participating in Renata's abuse and then becoming tearful afterward. As adults she is mostly jealous of her sis and with Fina's relentless prodding this jealousy is becoming obsessive. In recent episodes whenever she does a bad thing she gleefully and pathetically looks to Fina for approval. However through all this she continually dreams about Rafa being her one true love. Something that she has inherited from Fina (socially as opposed to genetically) is that she has this compulsive feeling that she deserves better. She deserved La Bonita and now she deserves the Monterrubio fortune. She deserves all Renata's boyfriends and she deserves to be daddy's #1. She's a pretty complex character.

One more thing about Roberta, it's almost impossible for me to imagine her being a mother. I can see her being absolutely frightened by a baby but that's about it, so I'm very interested in how this motherhood thing is going to play out.

NovelaMaven: You are absolutely spot on with your analysis. Always love your comments, amiga!

Blusam: My word!!! You have a mind like a steel trap!! Bravo!

Sylvia: Glad to provide some helpful input. :)) As much as I love the fact that so many of the TN have such wonderful horses, it is hard for me sometimes as it is so clear to see how they have been trained. The hardest is to see the very severe bits used in the hands of some of the actors who clearly do not know how to ride. There is still a huge machismo approach to training horses in Mexico (and yes, I have seen it first hand)even with some of their international calibre horses.

Just hard to see Augie Doggie unable to really sit the trot and just slapping on the horse's back! Those are VERY forgiving horses. :))

Julia: re why Roberta is such a willing accomplice...for starters, she is so self centered. Secondly, she doesn't think, she just reacts. I find myself wondering now what Rafa saw in this woman!! I don't think Roberta really has a clue about her mother.

The last time we saw Roberta have a glimmer of feeling for Nata was the horrible and sickening scene when Nata's braids were cut. It was just a TINY glimmer of feeling for Nata, but it passed very quickly. Roberta is weak...weak in every sense of the word. Fina/Pepa knows this and has become expert at manipulating Roberta.


This just keeps getting better and better!

I thought maybe the papers that Augie was comparing at the tree carving was the agreement he had drawn up and signed by Rafa when he caved to selling the whole crop to him. I think he actually had them drawn up and with him when they were having that conversation at the tree.

As much as Augie is a villain; I have trouble hating him too; I'm just ecstatic that even though he is doing it for his own personal gain, he is going to help Renata discover the truth. I know he is delusional that she will fall into his arms, but she has made it clear so many times that she is only his "friend".

Bad that even Matias, Daniel, and Gonzo thought that Rafa and Renata were a "hot item". It's true that looks are deceiving.

Oh please don't let Alfonsina be pregnant by Nasty Doctor Death; that would be cruel and unusual punishment for her one mistake. He will really be threatening her, and will probably try and take the baby.

Awesome recap...can't wait for tonight.


Oh oh oh! Pick me, I know the answer. Because you're an incredible dumbass, right?

too funny!! now i will go back to reading the rest.

That's a interesting point concerning Dr. Death and Alfosina's baby we would have to have a time jump.But it will probably haopoen anyway because Roberta will probably give birth to her baby.

Here's a thought Dr. Death takes Alfosina's baby he made with her to give to Kari to cover why they can't get approval for adoption.Now does Alfosina go along when Dr. Death's plot i say she will because she regrets her affair with Dr. Death and she doesn't want Ezekiel to find out she was unfaithful and even got pregnant by her nasty lover from the affair. It would give him grounds to divorce her and maybe get sole custody of their son.

Now this is pure speculation on my part not sure if the story goes this way with this plot.

Avances: Whoa, Augie shows Renata the infamous tree branch heart? I can’t believe it.

oh wow! AND I CAN'T WATCH IT!!
I will be driving to FL by then! sigh! i found about 18 hrs of space in my DVDR, hopefully it won't hiccup on it. now i wish Cuando was shown earlier today, but no such luck. I promised my kids we would be on the road by 6pm.

About Gitana, sending her back and the weight loss...
Nata is planning to take Gitana back with her... When she said Gitana would leave soon Lazaro thought Nata meant to send her back to MC with her family.
Lazaro also said Gitana looked sad, sometimes horses, when they get moved from one place to another, get depressed and loose appetite/weight while they adjust (I don't know much, just translating what he said). Not that Gitana was sick but she was losing weight while adjusting to her new home.

@Sylvia...Very sensitive analysis of Roberta. Presently she's a thoroughly unlikeable character, but as Dr. Carlos was fond of saying about his Bad Girls in previous novelas, "She hasn't killed anyone yet." So there's hope.

I assume if someone she likes ABSOLUTELY ADORES her, as Rafa seemed to do, she could be quite pleasant. And clearly she was deeply hurt by his supposed rejection (which turned her even nastier and more jealous).

Also, she's Renata's half-sister. Since she shares the same father, one would wish that the two siblings could eventually be re-united in true affection. Call of the Blood and all that.

Soooo...Novela've labored over an old Underwood also. Now tell me you learned to drive on a stick shift (up on the steering wheel) and we'll be friends for life!

Yo tambien, learned how to type on manual Underwoods and Royals (which my Dad had). The Teacher had little squares of electrical tape over the letters so we had to learn touch typing - 10th grade but I was a mere pup of 15!


Thanks Sylvia. I always love your recaps but this is another one of your exceptional gems. I really enjoyed this episode, but your retelling even more.

I really reveled in the exchange between Renata and Matilde (Brathilde... excellent). Like it or not guys... these two have chemistry together... much better than Renata/Roberta or Renata/Fina. I do fear that Renata will rue the day that she gave Jerry to Matilde...

You guys did hear that... didn't you? Matilde even had her swear to it...

This is a nice shift in TN tactics. It's usually the men who think they can barter with women as though they are property.

Now I'm worried about Gitana.


Folks, I am going on vac next wk. I will try to do the recap for wed nite by taking notes while watching. Don't be surprised if I don't get to post much then, not sure how busy I will be while at my mom's and brother's visiting. already taking work stuff with me to do there.

Syliva, great recap, along with great comments, thanks to all.

I learned to type on a manual. The nuns wouldn't let us use the electric typewriters until our 2nd year. And yes, I too can drive a stick shift, on the steering column or floor (both 3 and 4 gears). I had a very generous brother that taught me so I could drive his car. I impress my nieces one day when I moved someone's truck in the driveway at my parents home. They couldn't believe a girl could do that.

Does any one know the singer and the Spanish name of the song that they used last night at the cemetery? They were playing it in the Mexican restaurant this afternoon and no one there knew the name.

Just wait until Brathilde meets the real La Bonita! She will thank her lucky stars that Jero married Renata.


@Rosemary...Cuando Un Amigo Se Va is a song by Alberto Cruz, singer and songwriter. But the person singing in in the telenovela may be Maria Marta Serra Linea? (not sure if I have that right). Ricardo Montaner has also recorded it. If you have iTunes you can look for it there and listen to the various version. It IS terribly moving as it's used in this telenovela.

I really like a lot of the songs in this tn. I would actually buy this soundtrack.

Rosemary, the song is beautiful isn't it? The style reminds me of Portuguese fado. The singer is Elan and I think the group is Sevillanas del Adios. Another title of this song is Algo se Muere en el Alma.

Oops, a correction. Another name for the song is Sevillanas Del Adios. Elan's band is also called Elan.

Here is the song on youtube: Sevillanas del Adios

And her info on Wikipedia:Elán

JudyB & Sylvia, thank you both so much. I am with you Vivi, all of the music has been noteworthy in this TN.


No kidding. I've been introduced to several artists thanks to this show.

Judy, I listened to a few other versions of this song and IMO they don't even come close to the emotion in the CME version. Some don't even sound like the same song.

Thanks for running that down Sylvia. Much better than the versions I found on iTunes. Don't you think the singer sounds French in the way she handles the song. Really haunting.

Yes definitely. I thought she was European at first. I was surprised to read that the first few albums she recorded are in English.

I've downloaded the song now. It's soooo much better than the other versions. Again, I'm beholden to ya' amiga.

I looked it up on my first recap I think because I had recorded it on my recap template. I have a bunch of the songs listed because I think they are quite good.

You're very welcome!

I hadn't heard Elán's version until CME, only the version in Sevillana. Elán has always sounded to me like a smoother Ana Gabriel.


I like Ana Gabriel very much. A woman I worked with many years used to play her CDs at work. I got hooked.

I had never heard of Elan until this show. See how much we learn here?

The only song choice I don't like is Señora by Francisco Céspedes for Constanza. I love the song but it was used for a novela from TV Azteca called "Señora" and it fit it perfectly. And I don't really think it fits Coni, actually, since events of her youth didn't made her "vestirse de amargura, del corazón sin llanto" nor it changed her soul our made her lose her faith.

It would be like someone using Esa Hembra es Mala for a character in another novela.


I'd like Gilberto Santa Rosa's Mentira for Honorio and Coni. Although it was used in another novela too but I didn't watch that one, hee.


JudyB, If TRYING to learn to drive on a stick shift counts... (Oh my, this conversation is bringing to mind embarrassing memories of a certain driving test in Guilford, CT that I thought I had banished from my mind years ago.) :)

@Novela Maven...I feel your pain. I was the worst driver ever (not that much better now) but trying to learn on a '49 Hudson (looked like a brown overturned bathtub) with the shift on the steering wheel was torture...for me and for my dad. When we finally got a nice convertible in '56 (a Buick boat) with automatic shift, we were both a whole lot happier.

However I DO drive a stick shift today, because the first car I owned was an old Morris Minor, (naturally with a stick shift) and I decided I didn't want to lose those skills. I'm currently abusing a '94 Honda.

What is the name of the song and artist that is played for Adriana and Matias i loved that song and would like to download it?

Blu- Is it Erick Ruben "No para llover" that you're asking about? Here is a Youtube video compilation of some of the CME songs. That one starts at min 4:50.

Or maybe Silikon "Juego"

Jarocha, that song Mentira would be perfect for Cons and Honorio. I admit I've never listened to the lyrics of Senora but I like the song.

Vivi, what a great find! I have the Erick Rubi song and another one "Antes de Ti" by Manuel Carrasco for Matias.

Wow, I can put all those songs down on my list! Thanks Vivi. I like the one by Silikon.

Vivi: Thanks for the link. I have to say I'm glad that CME is using so much from Manuel Carrasco, he is such a cutie!

And weird. I clicked on the "related video" of Erick Rubín's Tu Voz because I love the song and it said it wasn't available in my country, what?!?


Sylvia, Señora is one of my favorites of Céspedes and the only one of his I know the lyrics by heart. It is a great song.


Jarocha, not available in your country? That's too funny! I wouldn't have imagined.

I'm having a great time watching the music from CME thanks to Vivi's links. There are some great songs associated with this show! Manuel Carrasco's songs are very romantic and moody. The Erick Rubin song is quite masculine. Whoever chose the music did a great job.

I am so grateful to all of you for sharing your knowledge of the music used in these TN. There have been some TN that I have liked the music better than the story. Because of your sharing I have accumulated quite a Spanish language music library. Thank you all so much.


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