Friday, July 15, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #64 Friday 7/15/11 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (and a Tree Carving is Worth a Thousand More)

Old wounds start to rip open for Jero as he watches the exhumation of his brother's body.

Renata sits down with Padre to ask if a marriage made out of revenge is valid. Padre says a marriage without love, respect, and a sense of family can hardly be called a marriage. It's possible for such a marriage to be annulled.

Agustin is mighty proud of himself for naming his new wine "Renacer En Ti" (Reborn in You). "That's what you are going to be, Renata. Reborn in me." Ohhh so creepy. Arely comes looking for him. She wants to make weekend plans with him but Augie laughs in her face. "If you're bored, you can go back to Mexico. In fact, it would be better if you did. Separating would for the best." Damn that's cold.

Blanca steps into Gonzo's office. He already knows about the situation and says Honorio's decision is final. Blanca whines about personal feelings getting in the way of business (wouldn't she be the utmost authority on that front). Gonzo supports Hon; there's no way they can trust Blanca with their business anymore. Her Battiness claims that Hon fired her because of he can't control his feelings for her. Blanca tries to butter Gonzo up by playing the victim and declaring what an honor it was to work for the Empresa.

Honorio writhes over the Blanca Battle in his office. "Constanza, how can you ever forgive me?"

Chema has returned to work at the Centro. Coni is surprised he's back so soon but she is happy to see him. Coni tells Chema she is off to the hospital to donate blood; Andrecito isn't doing well and they need donors. Chema rushes to finish work so he can join her.

Roberta's bachelorette party kicks off without much fanfare. Only Fina, Selene, and two unnamed amigas of Fina show up. (How much do you wanna bet Fina had to blackmail these ladies into attending. There's no way Fina has any friends besides the voices in her head.)

Selene slips into Berta's bedroom to pick up some stuff they forgot for the party. She comes across the CD that has the "incriminating" pictures of Coni and Chema on it. Upset with Berta, Sele takes measures into her own hands by putting the disc into the computer, pushing a few buttons, and hitting send. Uh-oh.

Hon gives Coni a call; he wants to have a serious talk with her. She's on her way to the hospital, so it will have to wait. Hon hears Chema in the background of the call and hangs up with a curious look. Suddenly a notice pops up on Hon's computer. Can you guess what he finds? Gold stars for the day if you guessed the pictures of Coni and Chema! Hon is impactado at what he sees and even more impactado that the pictures came from Berta's email address.

Blanca boo-hoos all over Adriana about the injustice of it all. Honorio told Blanca he loved her and now he chucked her out on her backside. He said he was going to leave Coni because there had been so much trouble between them after finding out Adri was his daughter. Adri falls right into the batty trap.

Berta refuses to take a call from Honorio. Selene knows Hon must be calling about the pictures. Sele pats herself on the back for setting Roberta up.

Honorio stares at the pictures, growing ever more depressed as he does.

Adri had no idea about Honorio's involvement with Blanca. She cries that Honorio is a selfish guy who would rather run away than face up to his responsibilities. After all, that is what happened between him and Adri's mother. She is sure Honorio must have cheated on Coni more than once. Blanca might be crazy but she is mighty good at this game. Adri starts to doubt just how honorable Honorio really is.

Arely follows Augie into the field. There's no reason for them to break up since Nata and Jero are back together. Arely knows that Augie has a thing for Nata; she wants to stay with him. Augie says Arely needs a man who can commit and that man isn't him. Adios.

Carlos and Jero make a slow walk back into the casa. Matilde bounds in with endless energy and Carlos pulls her aside to talk about what happened between them. They could have a future together. Mati doesn't want to hurt Carlos and says her future can't include him. Just when you thought she couldn't get any sillier, she turns the hunk down!

Nata thinks about the good times between her and Jero: the wedding, the Enrique concert, their "honeymoon", and the grape-stomping. She openly sobs.

Ines gets a note from a nurse that Isidro gave her. Regina reads the letter aloud. Isidro doesn't want Ines to risk her health by joining him in Andrecito's room. Ines understands and they touch hands through the glass.

Humberto, the young bullfighter, apologizes again for what happened to Antonio. Tony says to forget it. Besides, he has worked out how to keep Regi by his side (now that he's had all this time to think, I would imagine). He muses about his rival for Regi's affections and how everything is out of control now.

Coni and Chema arrive at the hospital. Ines is moved to tears that they came to donate blood. Chema comforts Ines, clearly endearing himself to Coni even more.

Matilde runs into Nata in the hallway and tells her about Rafa's body having been exhumed. Nata takes the tray from Mati so she can give it to Jero herself. Nata is ready for a fight but cools it once she sees Jero zonked on the bed with a bunch of pictures of Rafa nearby.

Nata picks up one of the photos and wonders why Jero never told her about Rafa sooner. It would have solved so many of their problems. She wishes she knew who the real woman was who hurt Rafa so badly. Nata climbs onto the bed with Jero and strokes his face. "You know I love you, Jero. I love you more than I will ever love anyone else. It hurts." Nata whispers to a sleeping Jero. She cuddles up to Jero without his ever waking.

Gonzo and Matias show up at Berta's pathetic party. Why do her decorations look more suited to a five-year-old girl's birthday party than anything else? Fina's amigas suck up to Gonzo; they're really a couple of duds. Coni puts in an appearance as well but only for a minute. She relates Andrecito's condition to Gonzo and Mat. They're bummed about it and tell Coni to have a good night. Berta shows Matias off to her guests.

Constanza's day goes from bad to worse when she arrives home to find Blanca sitting on the couch. (Do these people not have locks?!?!) Coni isn't one for playing games and asks Blanca what she wants. "I want to talk about your husband. He fired me today because he couldn't handle the fact that he and I are lovers."

Meanwhile, someone slides a drink down the bar for Honorio. He pounds it down in one swig. If he only knew how much worse it's going to get.

It's time for a showdown! Coni questions Blanca's motives in showing up at her house. Blanca wants Coni to know what an unfaithful wretch Honorio is but Coni doesn't want to hear a word of it. Blanca tries to play the same trick she pulled on Adri but Coni sees right through it. "Stop playing the victim, Blanca! You messed with a married man. The repercussions are your responsibility." Atta girl!

Blanca inches dangerously close to Coni and reaches her hand toward Coni's throat. "You are *just* the type of wife who would ignore the signs that your husband is cheating. You ignore it so you can keep your social status!" We're reaching new heights of crazy b!tchdom.

Right when you think Blanca might try to choke Constanza, she (Batty) shoves her aside instead. Coni yells for Blanca to get out. Nonplussed, Blanca fluffs her phony curls and struts out. Coni crumbles into a heap of tears. Poor thing better check the kitchen for boiling bunnies.

Jero awakes surprised to find himself wrapped in Nata's arms. He hops out of bed. Nata stirs and asks why Jero had Rafa's body exhumed. Jero wanted to have an autopsy done to be sure about the cause of death. Nata swears Rafa was her good friend and wonders why Jero doubts her. "Because you've never been honest with me!" Jero says. "And you've been honest with me?!" Nata counters. Nata swears she will have proof within the next few days that he has been wrong about her all along.

Alone in her room, Nata gets a text from someone. "Could it be?" She wonders. Meanwhile, Augie holds his own phone and says that the time has come.

Constanza pounces as soon as Honorio gets home. She asks why he never came home the night before and he cuts across her to ask how long she's been fooling around behind his back. (Gaaah. This is gonna get ugly.) Coni is incensed Hon would accuse her of such a thing. Hon tosses the proof on the table and Coni gapes as she flips through the pictures. She has no idea where the photos came from but whoever sent them had bad intentions. Honorio doesn't care where the pictures came from - he only cares about their implications. "A picture is worth a thousand words!"

Coni recalls seeing Hon and Blanca locking tongues in supposed passion. "You're right! An image can break your heart forever!" Hon asks Coni if she can honestly deny having fooled around with a boy who could be her son. "No!" Coni says. "I won't deny it. Chema and I really *are* lovers." Now that both parties are efficiently hurt, confused, and disillusioned, I think we can officially say the last ax has fallen on our once-ideal couple. Qué pena.

Nata rides over to meet Agustin, who has something to show her. It's the Tree of Love! With the Roberta & Rafael heart! Augie asks if she knows anyone named Roberta. Of course Nata does, but there's no way her sister ever knew Rafa. Augie isn't so sure. He thinks Jero might have confused things and believed Nata was Rafa's novia instead of Berta.

Fina has breakfast in bed while Berta sings the praises of their master plan. Berta is on the verge of getting married and Nata isn't invited to the wedding. Fina is still worried about Gonzo and Regina. Berta is getting tired of Fina's preoccupation with Regi but agrees to do a little digging to try to find a way to get Regina out of their lives forever.

Nata thinks Augie must be mistaken. Rafa only visited their house once and Berta and Rafa never saw each other. "Maybe that's what they wanted you to think." Augie says. Nata doesn't understand why Rafa and Berta would hide a relationship, if they had one. She needs time to digest the idea.

Jero tells Carlos that Nata is going to "prove her innocence" to him about her being La Bonita. Carlos asks what it would mean if Nata could prove it but Jero knows she can't. According to Jero, Nata is La Bonita. Fina told him. End of discussion. Carlos is skeptical. "Are you sure you're not just trying to find out if Nata still loves you?"

Augie gives Nata some time alone to mull things over. She remembers Rafa asking her if Gonzo would accept a man like him as a son-in-law. Things start falling into place for Nata. She realizes now that Rafa was afraid her padre wouldn't except Rafa as a member of the family. Nata remembers Rafa making a desperate call to her in which he asked for her support. Then Nata recalls Roberta asking her about having gone out for dinner with Rafa but Nata had to tell Berta that Rafa never showed.

Nata is conflicted. "I have to be sure that Roberta and the Roberta from the tree are the same person. I cannot accuse my sister of something she didn't do!"

Avances: Selene threatens to tell Matias that Roberta's baby is actually Rafa's. Nata finds the picture of Roberta and herself in Jero's things and calls Berta to question her about it.

Una imagen dice más que mil palabras - A picture says more than a thousand words. (Hon to Coni)
La decisión está tomada - The decision is made. (Blanca to Gonzo)
negar - to deny (Coni to Hon)
efectivamente - really/in fact (Coni to Hon)


Happy Friday, everyone! I'm supremely short on sleep today because I went to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter last night. It was fantastic and completely worth it, but my lack of sleep might mean some typos in my recap. Let me know if you catch any!

Also, many thanks to Marta and Sylvia for their recaps this week. I didn't get to comment in time but they were splendid as usual.


Amy, great recap, I didn't notice typos if there were any I read through them ☺.

I would be shocked if the ME doing the autopsia came to the conclusion that the trajectory of the bullet would indicate another shooter and not a self inflicted wound.

I loved that Coni didn't cow down to Batty Blanca, I've only seen her in one other TN (Mi Pecado)I must give her kuddos for her range, she played such a loving and doting character and here she is totally on point as a bunny boiler.

I'm not figuring out Augie's intent with showing Nata the Love tree, but I do like how they are keeping the storyline moving and not waiting until the last two episodes to spill all.

Have a great weekend and get some rest Amy.

Hmmm, I did see an "except" that should have been "accept" but ni modo, it was a great read and I'm amazed you could do that with such sleep deprivation.

I especially liked your snark about Roberta's "party." What a snoozefest. I agree, they don't have any friends and QTH was that "decor"? Although I admit I'm disappointed we never found out what those broomsmen were for. Is that some common bridal shower thing?

Amazing that Renata still manages to be so loving toward Jero the Zero. She really does have a heart of gold. He's such an ass.

Do NOT understand how Mati can turn Carlos down...

Mil gracias, Amy. Your words are worth a thousand pictures :).

Good morning Amy. You did terrific work on such little sleep. A great recap to an intriguing episode. It'll keep me going for the next week and a half. I'm off to China for 9 days on Monday -- My VCR doesn't hold seven episodes so I guess I'll be missing some action. I'll have to rely on reading recaps when I get back. --- And this show is moving along so fast that I'm likely to miss some good stuff.

Boy that Blanca certainly IS batty. She is a wonderfully horrible villainess. That scene with Adriana was so hard to watch. She dropped those poisoned innuendos and each one burned its way through poor Adriana's bruised heart. Oh that hurt to see her fall into that trap.

Of course her poison will also work its way into Coni's thoughts and heart as well -- but it was nice to see Coni stand her ground at least for as long as Blanca was in the room.

So Renata now has some of the pieces. Will she figure out what happened? Will she find the letter? Will she recognize the handwriting?

Oh you silly goose Mathilde! How could you turn your back on lovable loyal Carlos? Do you relly think that IF Renata really leaves the Patron will turn to you???

I think that Antonio said that now that he has allied with Gonzo & pretended to release Regina so that she can freely choose between them he has things under control. Oh poor delusional torero!

Amy- What multi-tasking. I can't believe you managed to give us such a complete recap, and so quickly, after your Harry Potter midnight madness. Thank you. Now get some sleep.

Well, we just saw Hon and Con's marriage implode before our eyes. And neither one of them really did anything wrong! Probably the most surprising thing is that Fina had nothing to do with it. It seems like it will be a long time before this mess is sorted out, and Blanca is also working on ruining Hon's relationship with Adri. Guera, you are so right about how Blanca perfectly dropped those innuendos about Adri's mom at the right times for maximum effect. Safe travels by the way Guera!

I was surprised that Nata went to the Padre about how to annul the marriage. Wow! She means business and doesn't waste time. Next week should be good as she finds more pieces of the puzzle. But if Jerko is convinced that 1) She's a manipulative liar, and 2) Her mother MUST have told him the truth, I don't know how she can completely convince him. It's not like Fina is going to admit she lied. And it's not like Berta would admit to Jero that she's the one- unless Nata can record her admitting it to her.

Two key things about batty Blanca: 1) She "offers" to finish out the month until her replacement can be found, and Gonzo seems to agree; and 2) She asks for a letter of recommendation. (Wonder if this is how she got them last time.) We don't see if Gonzo agrees to this but he does look impactado at the request.

Amy, wonderful! wonderful! getting up to a great recap! Thank You!

Ah. . .let's see: "There's no way Fina has any friends besides the voices in her head." Hee Hee! That WAS a sorry party!

UUuuuuuf! This batty Blanca! This woman is crazy and she's an e-vil bitch, I still say this whole story
line is just unnecessary, totally unneccesary! I don't think she has any underlying dirty business or financial machinations going on, her dirt is your basic, low, booty-level! How I hate her: Adri, don't believe her, you know Hon, even before you knew he was your Dad! Hon, so quick to believe what look like, to me, innocent pictures of the besos
people are always giving each other, you can see tons of people in the back ground! Sheesh! Adri, go talk to your Dad, Hon, go talk to Con. I guess they've been a happy couple so long, they don't know how to deal with skank attacks!

"Just when you thought she couldn't get any sillier, she turns the hunk down!" Idiota! Carlos is no slouch physically, socially or financially, Mati's going for the Big Kahuna!

"Do these people not have locks?!?!) Coni questions Blanca's motives in showing up at her house." I like the way Con stood up to BB but she shoulda started with a "BITCH! WTF are you doing in my house!"

Okay, Jero fans, I know you love him and I know he WILL get Nata in the end. I'm really trying to like him: the scene with him curled up on the bed asleep (I coached myself) was endearing. But then he goes and says maddening sh!t like: "Because you've never been honest with me!" WHAT!!! Telling a strange man a made up name and that you're meeting your boyfriend is normal, justifiable self-protection not even in a league with the life-altering whoppers you wove into an unbelieveable vengeance plot! Then his assurance with Carlos! As you said "According to Jero, Nata is La Bonita. Fina told him. End of discussion." I'm used to liking, even loving the galans. . .now wouldn't it be creative if they redeemed Auggie and let Renata choose him!!? The way Auggie kicked SG to the curb is less cruel to me than the way Jerko drumped his girlfriend while she was still in the hospital! His having Carlos beaten doesn't approach his cruelty to Renata in only the first 3 days of their marriage!

Rant over. Connie. I know you wanted to hurt Hon like you were hurt but I can't believe you said that! Please don't go out and now really give Hon somethin' to hurt about!

Oh. Almost forgot the Tree of Luuuurv! Almost anticlimatic. Smart girl, she'll put it together. Hey what show number is Monday? I'll be outta town. Thanks!


Fab recap Amy - I was trying to get a few things done last night, but I had to drop everything and watch this craziness last night. Jees!

Coni, dear sweet Coni, why didn't you tell Hon that you know about the BSC Blanca? I guess that wouldn't serve the plot, and she wanted to hurt Hon, but I'm hoping she throws at him she knows about Blanca too so it all at least gets out. I know, too much to hope for. I have to say, I thought Hon was a little overdoing his righteous indignation. Those photos were taken with a bunch of people around..yeah real intimate. Wait till his photos surface...He should have been honest with her all along.

I don't see Berta admitting to her Rafa relationship unless Nata tells her flat out about the carving. How is she going to "prove" anything. I'm not feeling the warm and fuzzies here. I don't want Nata going back to the Evil Mansion.Maybe for once that brat Selene was use that big mouth of hers and spill the truth?

And I do think poor delusional Mati turned down Carlos becuase she thinks Nata is somehow going to turn over a roasted Jeers on a platter to her.

Amy, Wonderful Recap. Very very funny.

There's no way Fina has any friends besides the voices in her head.)"


the only glitch I see is what Güera noticed:

"I think that Antonio said ... he has things under control."

I even rewound that scene since I thought that I couldn't possibly have heard that right.

"Oh poor delusional torero!"

is right.

OK... a timeout is in order for Matilde. I realize that she now thinks that she is holding 4 aces, but treating Carlos that way (especially seeing how he feels about her) bordered on being cruel.

Sit in that corner, you naughty girl.

Izzy looks ridiculous with his head shaved (I don't even like this sick boy story) but he could give man lesssons to all the other guys in this show.

Will he be Blanca's next project?

I was so proud of Coni letting Blanca have it like she did, and then she had to go and blow it.

I look for Super-Renata to swoop in and solve this mess... who better to understand false impressions?

Lila, I had to scroll down to your signature to see if I had already posted my comment for the day, your views on Jerry mirror my own right down to:

". . .now wouldn't it be creative if they redeemed Auggie and let Renata choose him!!?"

I've been thinking exactly the same thing for some time.

I think it was Vivi who suggested that perhaps Jerry clings to this delusion as much for vanity as for any other reason. How could anyone as smart as he is possibly have gotten it wrong?

I'm not able to figure out why Andresito needs all of Mexico to donate blood. I must have missed something.


Hola Carlos...we were wanting your physician opinion on that one...he's not reacting well to the bone marrow transplant...but why all the blood? And doesn't the blood need to match? Don't know much about bone marrow transplants but I thought in transfusions, blood matches were key. Maybe the hospital just want to plump up their blood bank. had such great lines. Like everybody else I loved the one about Fina's friends being only the voices in her head, but also loved the snark on Blanca whining about personal feelings getting in the way "wouldn't she be the utmost authority on that front?". Very funny.

Liked that Renata went immediately to the Padre to check out grounds for annulment. Pro-active take charge attitude. Muy bien, Renata.

And Lila, I'm loving your rants. I look forward to them almost as much as the recaps. Such passion! such energy! Bring it on lady!

Back to recap: Tree of Love...another fave, Amy. For some reason it makes me think of the song Book of Love and now that's going through my head. Thanks. Love it when music plays in my brain all day long.

Great job and of course you could bang out a stellar recap after midnight madness. You're young, child! Enjoy. And thanks.

If you missed it Carlos how about the rest of us. I was hoping you could fill us in on this medulla rejection scenario.

I'm still in Jero's corner. Auggie is incredibly handsome but he manipulates just for the sake of manipulating. He doesn't even have the decency to be torn up about it -- or a vengeance driven motivation (however misguided) to explain it. (Gotta admit, though, that Jero's kicking his Spanish lady to the curb so abruptly was shocking. It did set the scene for us though. She had lied to him about something very dear to his heart -- pretending that she was trying to start a family with him when she in fact was using birth control.) So it seems that family is the most important motivation for him and he is really hung up on honesty. (I now, I know he has been most DIShonest with everybody) So from his tortured perspective a lying woman hurt his family. His waffling between love and hate is cruel - but it doesn't come from a simple feeling of superiority which means "I get to do what I want to whomever I want because I'm ME, the all powerful Auggie." end of Jero supporting rant.

Amy, I can't believe you managed to churn out your recap after a midnight premiere! It was hilarous and clearly you were firing on all cylindars. I'm in awe.

Wow, those bachelorette party decorations were horrendous. I'm sure they were just recycled decorations from some other telenovela; must have been a kid's party. The broomsmen, were they supposed to be the substitute groomsmen? Hee, that party was a real dud, just like the bride. I liked the part where Fina told Berta to go up and get the decorations and Berta was insulted, "Moi?". Yep, toi, because now Sele knows you are a lying sack of you-know-what. For someone who keeps calling everyone else Stupid she sure is an estupida.

Lila, I always look forward to your rants too. Don't stop.

I had one moment of confusion, I thought Adri already knew about Honorio banging Blanca, hence her tirade at him in Thursday's episode. Maybe she was just acting surprised for Blanca's sake. Still, Blanca did a great job of turning the knife in Adri's fresh wound of doubt.

This is way early in the show for Jero and Nata to reach a resolution. What with Nata researching annulments and promising Matilde to leave, I'm wondering if she really will find out the truth, enough to satisfy herself, and then dump Jero? Typically the protagonists have to go through a long journey of self-discovery before they achieve happiness. Nata is already perfect so maybe our stubborn Jero is the one in store for a long, hard road. Mati too, for obvious reasons.

Güera, I'm glad you are sticking up for Jero. He needs a friend on this board. Hey, have a great trip to China, how exciting! We'll try not to be to hard on your galan in your absence*.

Carlos, I was hoping you would weigh in on the transfusion issue. Just doesn't make sense to me but what do I know?

Connie and comment, just too depressing for words. But I was thrilled at how Connie stood up to Batty. If Gonzo lets Batts stay the month then he is a dunderhead. Sign the check, have HR write a standard reference, and boot her batty butt outta there.

Thanks again Amy. You rock!!


Sylvia- Nata really is a normal, smart, well-balanced heroine. Shocker! But she does have a few hang ups that she will need to work out over the course of the tn. She still desires/needs the love and approval of her "mother" and sister. And although she has seen/felt first hand how horrible they can be, she is the first to jump to defend them. Remember the reason why she's currently mad at Gina is because Gina coming between her mother and father is causing Fina so much "distress." And she wants real proof that Berta is La Bonita before she can go accuse her sister. She has a long way to go, I'm afraid, until she can just cut her loses with those two and accept that they will never love her and she shouldn't waste her time worrying about them.

Sylvia, I loved your comment about trying not to be to hard on Jero -- and the asterisk which told us that you had your fingers crossed. Cant wait to read all your comments when I get back.

And yes, Nata has her head together in oh so many ways & she is taking charge right now with the inquiry about the annulment process but you are right that she needs to work out her mother / sister issues and this last betrayal (Jero) may make her bitter & vindictive. So we may need 90 or so episodes to get our Renata back -- cause she's pretty much perfect now.

OK, I stand corrected, Renata is TOO perfect, LOL.

Vivi, that's a nice discussion of the things that Nata will have to learn in order to have a happy ending. The more I think about her possibly dumping Jero the more I like it. She has almost been too giving and supportive of him, to her own detriment in fact. It feels like she is on the verge of being able to put herself first for a change. Start with Jero and then move onto horrid mommy and sister.

Well, I'd be fine with Renata dumping Jero para siempre but I don't think Auggie could be adequately redeemed either. He's just too cold and calculating and mean. Nope, the only one who is good enough for her is Carlos. Nata and Carlos should just ride off into the sunset to an even more splendid hacienda over the hill, leaving Mati and Jero behind to wallow in jealousy and idiocy.

Amy, Thanks for a perfectly wonderful recap with so many memorable phrases already quoted here. So here's my take thus far. Augie is trying to pull Renata into realization that Jero has mislead her again and again. Isn't he even implying that Jero must know about the tree of love? He will continue to slowly pile up jabs at Jero's character. Renata indeed has much to learn but we gotta love her fine spirit and enormous intelligence and sense of failr play. I think she is telling the truth to Matilde whom she cleverly uses to get the picture and letter so she can crack this mystery but after she gets it I think she will split too. She already said Gitana is going back to Mexico and I doubt she would send her best friend back alone.

Antonio is smart but not quite telling the young torero that the way to manipulate a smart woman is to pretend to stand back and let her make up her own mind to choose him or not but I don't believe for a minute that he will leave it to fate. He'll come up with something.

Loved Fina's only friends being the voices in her head. Amen! She also has never taught Roberta to be a worthy friend to anyone, I feel more sorry for Roberta all the time. Just think she still doesn't now how she was robbed of the only guy who ever loved her by her own devious mother.

I think that the Hon/Con debackle is a diversion to keep these two sympathetic family members from supporting Renata when she has always been albe to count on them. Hon even has some insights that would unmask plots against Renata but they are now sooooo preoccupied.

Guera, have a great trip to China. Remember that you can see all the missed episodes on Daily Motion that Vivi taught us about. Then the recaps will be more fun.

Last night I entertained 40-50 people on my hilltop house with Oaxacan weavers and a few hundred splendid rugs, music by my favorite Chihuahuan and Chileno guitarist/singers. Many hispanic friends mixing nicely with my more gringo friends, great food and the frosting on the cake: another night of full moon coming up over the Sandias to light the patios on a perfect night. Lastima, but we could see the huge plumes of smoke in the Jemez mountains to the north. See you all Monday.

Your party sounds heavenly Cheryl. I was working in New Mexico in the summer of '63, back when the opera was still completely open-air, and the description of your evening brought back wonderful memories of watching (and hearing!) Don Giovanni by Mozart, while sitting under the blazing stars and midnight black sky. Thankfully there were no smoke plumes in the background on that evening. New Mexico still remains one of my favorite states. (And I wouldn't mind being 23 again either!)

Cheryl, I always enjoy hearing about your fun cultural activities. The big moon rising over the Sandias sounds divine. I hope you are enjoying a relaxing day with wonderful memories of a successful gathering. Hopefully you have a few leftover tidbits as well. I always enjoy the day after entertaining...satisfied exhaustion and lots of yummy leftovers.

Judy, your memory sounds wonderful too. Open air opera, I would love that.

Today was supposed to be a work-on-the-boat day but I am being lazy and watching futbol on Univision. Maybe tomorrow...

Amy thank you for a great recap excellent job.

I love that Renata is asking how she can get her marriage annuled and what Jerko has done was dishonest and grounds for her getting that annulment.

Really i can't believe that Hon jumped to that conclusion after seeing those pictures. Even though he heard Chema's voice in the background doesn't mean anything was going on. The fact that the pictures came from Roberta's email address should have told him not to believe what they were trying to imply.

Auggie dumping spare girl what did i say about her and getting ahead of herself with Renata my house. Looks like she got kicked out of her so called house by the real owner and boy was he cold.

Coni i know your pride is hurt but did you have to lie about that to Hon?

On the question of how Batty Blanca got into their house i imagine she probably made a copy of Hon's keys when she had him drugged up. Now i think she is angling to sue the company for covering up for Hon because he is like has been mention past of MR family.Letting her work there for a month works in her favor to say she is competent. If she gets that recommendation it will give her more ammunition that she fired unfairly.

That party is the best they can do for a bachlorette party>

Looks like Stalking Selene has made a enemy of Roberta she might might be next on Mommy Dearest hit list.

So Auggie shows Renata the Tree of Love and now she is putting the strange conversations she had in the past with Rafael and Roberta together.

Her only mistake is not going to confront Roberta in person and not over the phone. We all know Roberta is going to lie. As Renata seeks to unravel this mystery two of her biggest sources of help Hon and Coni will be dealing with the blow up of their marriage.

Hon did tell Adriana about what happened with Batty Blanca but Batty Blanca went to her to throw a wedge into her supporting her father.

Looks like it's going to be a race to see if Renata can discover the truth about Roberta before she marries Matias. Coni knows that the baby is not Matias but she is a little too preoccupied.

Jerko better start getting prepared to losing Renata while she may still be in love with him she is going ahead to find the evidence to prove her innocence and leave him for good. She now believes he did marry under false pretenses and never loved her.

Vivi it's not Erick Rubin it's a female singer who sings a sad love song when Matias told Adriana he was going to marry Roberta when she was packing up to move in with Coni and Hon. They played that song and have played it several times with Matias and Adriana.

Thank you so much, Amy! Super! Hope you enjoyed your Harry Potter outing. :))

Cheryl: Just love hearing about all of your adventures in beautiful New Mexico. It sounded like you had a wonderful evening! The moon was, indeed, beautiful last night, wasn't it?

I can't say enough good things about our Nata! What a smart woman. She's exploring all of the avenues and we know she is going to prevail!!

What really amazes me is how Jero could hear the conversation that Nata had with her wretched mother and sister and STILL believe she is lying. How can Fina's words be so believable to him? At least we have satisfaction in knowing that he will pay dearly for his stupidity.

Vivi has already alluded to this and I will second it; Nata's biggest job is overcoming the continued attachment she feels for Fina/Pepa and Roberta. I think she is slowly breaking from them (very slowly), but there are too many years of emotional abuse to overcome before she can truly break free. Nata is strong, but she might need some professional help along the way to break these ties once and for all.

Batty Blanca is looking uglier by the minute. I was proud of Con when she stood up to Blanca, but why oh why did she have to admit to something she was not doing when speaking with Hon?!

Batty Blanca's ugly game is far from over. Gonzo and Hon aren't reading her actions clearly enough. They don't see the red flags and probably won't see them until it is too late.

The Adri/Batty conversation was probably the first beanie moment I've had with this TN. Adri has shown herself to be a smart woman. She's able to read situations and help Nata, but she was one Dumb Bunny when listening to the garbage that Blanca was spewing. Not believable at all, I'm afraid.

Spare she really going to ride off quietly into the sunset never to be seen again?

Augie Doggie bears watching. Agree that he is cruel and cold. I have no doubt that if he were to 'win' Nata (before a potential redemption) he would eventually treat her the same way he treated Spare Girl.

I have to say I was laughing when Brathilde (I forget who coined this yesterday, but this is quite good!)was jumping for joy in telling Carlos she had no doubt Jero would be 'hers'. It was just too funny!

Super TN...just super.


Whoa! I actually got a lot of work done today! Half way through the comments: Thanks Judy B and Cap'n, perhaps this a comment on my life that I can get so passionate over a tv show! not a complaint, I could have real problems! Guerra, you go Girl, stand by your man, maybe you can help me like him before the wedding, but for now. . . Oh, and have a safe and great trip to China!!

Well, I hope Dr. Carlos answers the blood transfusion question in the comments I haven't gotten to yet. AND, would there be any way if Regina and Renata both gave blood that they could (even accidentally) learn anything about their relationship? Thanks!


Dr. Carlos: wrt the blood transfusion business. I've so blocked out this Andresito Conehead story line that I've missed the boat on his actual 'surgery'. I assumed that he had a bone marrow transplant. If that is the case, what in the world is the role for blood transfusion especially from unmatched donors?

We await your erudite clarification!

Word verification: 'abler' as in 'enabler' and how these TN enable me to keep from doing the pile of work on my desk!!

Blu- I'll have to keep listening to find out which sad song it is. Each person and couple in this tn has a sad and a happy song. It's great music, but a lot of it! Was it not in the sond compilation video?

I had a totally different take on the Carlos Mati scene. I thought she said she didn't want him to get hurt. Also in the church when she prayed to the virgencita I thought she was trying to convince the virgencita there was nothing between them so Carlos would not suffer the fate of her 2 novios

Aso, remember that Jero broke up with his girlfriend because she aborted his baby without telling him she was pregnant. Big stuff in Latin America and novela land

Hi I Can't Believe, you are correct about Matilde. After Carlos tried to kiss her she immediately ran off to pray for his safety. I thought that was very sweet.

Jero's girlfriend did not have an abortion. She started bleeding due to her method of birth control. He dumped her because she was secretly using birth control. My editorial comment on this is if he was so keen to have children then why weren't they married? I think she was doing the responsible thing using protection while still single. Apparently Jero did not agree.

I agree about Mati. I think she does like Carlos, but is afraid to get involved with him because she thinks her novios are cursed. It sort of seems as though she's developed this infatuation with Jero specifically because he's unavailable, and she's nasty to Renata and trying to split them up more as a way of acting out and expressing her frustration over her own derailed love life than because she really thinks she can live happily ever after with Jero if Renata's out of the way. Also I really believe she mainly wants to be the main lady of the hacienda.

Of course, now she's getting so carried away that she's at risk of being thrown off the hacienda, but to me she seems like a scared child more than a villain.

Hi Cap'n
Thanks for clearing up Jero and his girlfriend. Now is I were the writer . . . I will say I really like this novela. The recaps are a hoot and our heroine is admirable.

Wow Cheryl! That sounds like a great party! That's a LOT of people to entertain. I wish we could have seen it. I'm glad you had so much fun hosting the weavers.


I've been thinking more about Jero's blind insisting on believing what Fina came to reveal to him about Renata's character and her romance with Rafa. He has said over time that he had a terrific relationship with his mother and so did Rafa with the same mother so perhaps he just cannot fathom a monster with the deadly trickster qualities of someone like Fina. It will take something earthshaking I think to make him believe that any mother could be so bad. I even have trouble believing it.

Hi all and thanks, Cap'n Sylvia, for yet another sterling effort!

- Cheryl, suspend your disbelief: it's a Telenovela!

- Loved the way they set up the shot of The Shrine of Santa Garnier. The loving rite of removing the well-placed product from the box and application and putting the relic back in the box, all while lit from above...

- Got curious about ages and w/ a little help from Tha Google found out the actress who plays Mathilde is 35!! Maybe she's just channeling herself from 20 years ago, who knows? Adolescence, gotta love it.

- Agustin - a good clinical psych type could have a field day w/ him. Seems to me his interest in Renata is only as a possession, and his treatment of Areli (and everyone else, really) kinda suggests detachment from human relationships.

Let's see how far we get tonight. Praying for the horse and Andresito to be healed.

...and FdA, thanks for your recap, too! I get confused...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it will take something earthshaking to make him believe that a mother could lie and treat her daughter so bad.

How about finding out from his good friend Regina that her long lost daughter is actually Renata and she was stolen by who she thinks is her mother now Fina aka Pepa.

Now put together with his knowledge e knows that she doesn't treat Renata well i would say that would or should make him finally believe that Renata is not La Bonita.

Could Antonio fake being paralyzed to keep Regina with him? That’s out there in crazyland, I know.

I know that Mati is a good person at heart, but I do not like bratty characters. I didn’t like Gardenia in MEPS and I don’t like Mati—at least for now. I wondered why she was so gung ho after Jero, if she is cursed, but Julia had a great explanation.

Re: the giving of blood (not the reasons for it)--don’t people sometimes give blood as a show of support? Donating, not necessarily for the particular patient, but to help build up the blood bank at the hospital? At least I've seen that done in movies!


Blu- After tonight's episode and through some internet searching I found out that the song you are looking for is "Invisible para Ti" by Alejandra Rojas Sanchez de Cima. She seems to be a music and acting student at Televisa's school CEA so there isn't much on her and I can't actually find a recording of the song on YouTube or other video sites. You might have better luck on a music download site.


"Escuchar tu voz hace que todo en mi deje de funcionar, un gesto una mirada y esto amor imposible para mí, pero tu amor no lo olvide
Y porque tus ojos no ven, no te puedo tener y esto amor imposible para mi amor
si el tiempo no va a ceder como quisiera aprender a no ser invisible para ti creo en lo que se y en lo que en mi vida no encontras jamas y que alguien mas sera la dueña de tu corazon".

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