Friday, August 19, 2011

Alborada, 8/19/2011. Cap. 58.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #22, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 56 start at this link.

Carlos shows his artistic bent in today's screen shot. Thank you, Carlos.

Susanlynn's caption: Where did I park the coach?


Doña Nube posted a wonderful transcription of the meeting dialog at the end of Wednesday's recap. Go check it out - you don't want to miss it! She also posted a very interesting character analysis at the end of Thursday's recap.

As I was looking for today's photo, I initially thought this shot was a throwaway but I liked the composition and the geometry and the more I looked at it, the more I was drawn in. The thing that ultimately struck me was the loneliness and the isolation that it seems to represent. A martini will help your appreciation of this photo.

Today as I was looking at Caray Caray I looked at the feedjit live traffic feed and saw that someone was looking at an old Querida Enemiga recap titled The Legend of Fafy Cuenca so I clicked on it and was treated to a fantastic blast from the past... a recap by Julie that was a masterpiece. We discussed Fafy Cuenca here recently so I thought that those Fafy fans here might enjoy reading his obituary again. I hoist my glass and propose a toast to Fafy Cuenca. Thanks Julie.


Well whaddya know, this must have been my first recap ever. Gosh, I was just learning Spanish; I wonder how I pulled it off? Must have been good subtitles back then plus I had a terrific dictionary.

A great word from today's episode - cucamonas = baby talk, sweet talk.

Carlos, today's screen shot is definitely thoughtful. Thank you for the tip on the martini. Tonight's is a lemon verbena flavor with leaves from my garden.

Fafy Cuenca Fafy Cuenca Fafy Cuenca...I'm off to re-read Julie's recap. Should be a hoot.

Paula and Carlos, thank you both for the post and pic.

Sylvia, I just read your recap... your first? No puede ser. Excellent. Very well done and some funny lines even though it sounds like you were trying to be very straight.

"We'll find out, Modesta mutters while playing with some little silver charms that look like cowboy body parts.

A preview of today's Sylvia.



Thanks, Paula and Carlos. Carlos~~Another ''thank you'' for that trip down memory lane with Fafy Cuenca. Good times. This episode could be entitled ''Visits.'' . We got Modesta's [Tata's] visit to the hovel and Rafael's energetic reaction to her followed by Hip confronting Juana. Then, we had Luis stopping by Tony's dusty digs. Poor Espy. She finally decides to sit up and let Mirtha feed her. Then, estupida Mirtha tells her about Diego's plan to find a wife, and that makes Espy lose her appetite. Love. This. Show.

p.s. Sylvia~~~I thought of you this week. I read Bossypants by Tina Fey. I know that you are a SNL fan, so I think you would enjoy this book. I couldn't put it down. It was so Funny. Tina would make a great recapper. She can really bring the snark and the irreverance.

Caption : ''Where did I park the coach ?''

susanlynn, that was exactly what I thought of when I saw the pic! I'm glad I wasn't the only one. ^^;

I am actually almost caught up this week! I just have Friday's to finish. I keep ending up a day behind. This must have been about the period I came in when it ran originally, though, because I very definitely remembered the duel and now a few other things that are cropping up. My memory's still fuzzy on a lot of it, though, so it's almost as good as having a new novela to watch. ^.^

Carlos, I was probably nervous about getting the translations right. I didn't get everything perfect (still don't) but I'm surprised I basically got the right ideas across.

Susanlynn, I've been thinking about getting "Bossypants". I'll definitely pick up a copy. Thanks for the recommendation.

Mad Marley, glad to see you back! I know how easy it is to fall behind as the days slip by.

Great caption.

Hey y'all,

I'm still 5 episodes behind, thanks to some really obnoxious mishaps, but I say I'll catch up this weekend or NEVER!! (My money's on this weekend!)

Thanks for the kudos, Carlos. I was just thinking about QE this morning and how much I wish there were more solid TNs like Alborada and QE. They're shorter, but only because they aren't padded out with irrelevant side-plots and other junk.

(Pobre Millonaria was only two or three months, but it doesn't make my list because as brief as it was, it still had several pointless and boring side-plots.)

Don't know if anyone is around, but now on Uni
is Grandes Finales de Telenovelas

some of our faves & not so fav

it's on for 2 hours


Julie, I agree with Carlos, your Legend of Fafy Cuenca recap is one for the Hall of Fame, the Pantheon of Stars, and everything else.

My money is on this weekend too!

Variopinta, thanks for the heads up. As soon as my Tivo stops its occasional random reboot I'll record the show.

Mad Marley~~So it must be true what they say about great minds and the same thought ! Sylvia~~We seem to have similar senses of humor, so I think that Bossypants will give you some giggles. I love David Sedaris's books, but I laughed at every page of Bossypants. Variopinta~~~Darn. at 3.00 I was hanging out laundry and watching the old [60s] Parent Trap, so I missed the telenovela finales show. Was it good ? Maybe they will show it again sometime.

Susanlynn--I caught the end of it. Lucero was announcing that if you liked this show, tune in next sabado for the next in the series. I think they are doing 3.

Darn. I was cleaning out the trunk of my car to get ready to pack it for a trip. Next Saturday is my son's mid-century birthday party, so I don't think I'll be watching any gran finales.

[I've been told I don't look like I have 20 years on him. I certainly don't feel it, either (fingers-crossed for the future).]

Dona Nube~~Thanks for the info. I hope I remember to watch. I start teaching 3 classes on Monday , so I'll be busy . Happy Birthday to your son. People probably think you're his sister. The teenage checkout guy at Kohl's told me that I looked about 30. I think he is very young and 30 seems very old . As a 16 year-old student told me when I was 26 and told him I was ''getting older''....''Consider the alternative.'' I think of him every year on my birthday.

Carlos and Julie- Thanks for the walk down Memory Lane with Fafy Cuenca. QE was my first CarayCaray tn, but I was just a lurker then. I was so impressed by you recappers, and that recap was indeed one of the all time best.

As for this tn, poor Hip. She just can't catch a break. No job, no prospects, and a crazy powerful lady vowing to take her child away from her. She really should have held her tongue until she could speak to Luis or Cristobal. In fact, she should have just gone to Cris instead of to the palacio where her son's suspected kidnapper lives.

Vivi--We thank you for delurking so long ago. We've been the beneficiaries of your great recapping and all your insightful comments.

I watched 2/3 of QE without knowing anything about CarayCaray and the last half of ENDA. CarayCaray didn't come into my life until Sortilegio. What a fun ride it has been ever since.

Remember, Hip did go to the palace to speak to Luis. The servant at the entrance (I don't think it was Vicente) said he would go announce her. For some reason we see him going to Juana instead and Juana told him to bring Hip to her suites. I think Luis WAS there, he just wasn't in his own rooms.

Hip probably couldn't contain herself she was so mad and let loose on Juana. These two are just about even now in give and take verbally, but not yet on equal footing. Juana will do anything to get Rafael back in the palace with or without Hip.

Hip won't come back as long as Espy's and Antonio's status doesn't change; so Rafael doesn't come back either. Juana is frustrated. Something major has to happen to both Esp and Tony. Divorce or departure from this earth are the only options open to Luis. Hipo's death is the only option open to Juana. I don't think she's going to make another attempt on Hipo's life.

I think we know who is going to make her departure from this earth soon. This should give Luis some hope. Right now he is truly desesperado.

The finals show was good, but I missed the 1st hour, it started at 2:00 & so I missed Amor Real & TDA. Lucero was the host.


I had missed Thursday's show (but watched Friday's), so I watched Thursday's today. A thread of fire ran through the episode.

* Luis tried to burn his hand and was tormented by visions of fire.
* Espy burned her hair off.
* Perla is on her way to a crash and burn.
* Hipo was in a burning rage (what else is new?)
* Isabel put the MAJOR burn on Juana when she repo'd the palace, said she'd put it in Luis's name, and established the new world order. BURN!!!

Susanlynn, I love the old version of the Parent Trap. My friend Becky and I watch it about once every year or so. We pull out her kid's old ukulele and sing "Let's Get Together" which tickles us to no end.

Paula, may I add Diego to your burn list? He is doing a slow burn since losing the palace and his importance in business matters.

Sylvia~~I love the old movies and TV shows. My daughter bought me all 3 Gidget movies for my birthday a few years ago [Best birthday gift ever with the possible exception of the magnetic Michelangelo's David cardboard paper doll frig magnet my other daughter gave me...complete with wardrobe ...sweater, jeans, workboots, jockey sgorts, shirt, tee shirt, motorcycle jacket, etc.]Hub bought me all the old Doris Day movies. I recently bought Hart to Hart dvds , and I've been watching Mary Tyler Moore , Dick Van Dyke, and The Waltons on the ''old classics '' channel. I am hopelessly lost in the tech lite 60s.

Sylvia, was that really your first recap? What really made me laugh was:
Typical Esperanza logic, she must be feeling better.

I'm all caught up now. Here's hoping I can stay caught up.

Last week, when Hip lost her memory when Rafael was taken away, and got her memory back when Rafael was returned to her, Paula mused that the timing of the memory loss/return seemed significant, but wasn't sure what it meant.

I think it might have something to do with the quality of her life before Rafael showed up. She was married to a guy who wouldn't touch her, living with a woman who carped at her all day long. She could hardly even envision a future.

Luis came along, but then he was gone and Hip didn't even know who he was. But her life changed completely, and for the next few (three?) years, even though still didn't know who Luis was, Raf was her link to him - the living embodiment of their love, keeping the MEMORY of their love alive.

No Rafael, no memory. Without Rafael, Luis is just another guy making confusing claims about her foggy past.

Carlos, I really like that picture. It reminds me of the full-page photos from LIFE.

Julie--That was the best summary, reduced to essentials. You even caused a lump in my throat as I read it. Kudos.

Well, I'll be officially silent for the next two weeks and out of wifi range this week. I'll enjoy catching up when I get back.

Paula--don't forget to put susanlynn's caption on the photo. It has to be preserved.
Dona Nube

You're right, DN. Great caption. Thank you for the reminder. I had forgotten to add it, but I added it now.

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