Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #84 Monday 8/15/11 Tell Me True, Just Who Was, or Who Is or Who Will Be Your Baby-Daddy?

Good Evening, we begin with a replay (look I’m writing this and I want to see it again, write about it and think about our psychopath extraordinaire. This is a matter of studying technique.) Just look at the skill with which she handles the gun, speaks in dulcet tones. How clever is the Fina scheme to have Gustavo take Cantu’s money then shoot him for her. I observed again that she talks a kind of baby talk when she says HE”S DEAD of Cantu and then again promises to meet Gustavo later but only in HELL. Her smile of pleasure is the most sincere ever to cross her face. She collects documents, daintily lifts the money bag and Cantu’s check in Gustavo’s pocket while she turns a slender ankle for us to admire as she steps over the dead bodies and finally gives a last adios to the two fools.

Regina and Gonzo make eyes at each other and sweet talk at the hospital. He assures her that the lawyers will take care of the divorcing Fina problem. Roberta pitches a fit when she finds Gonzo romantically kissing Regina’s hand. She loses no time hitting the shrill notes: all this time THIS has been ruining our family. Gonzo walks off to talk with his foul-mouthed daughter telling her to stop her insults of Regina. Then Dona Cata comes up to express her own irritation. Regina shouldn’t act shamefully like this and doesn’t deserve this life she is creating. Does she forget that she was the wife who was betrayed and now she is the betrayer? Gonzo tries to quiet Roberta who screams that this “old thing” is taking the place of her mother who is so terribly ill. He tells her as if she hasn’t heard it that Fina’s illness was all a trick. Roberta who often thinks only of money manages to blame him for ruining the business and risking losing all the money, all for fault of Regina Soberon. Mama Cata comes along the hallway to give Gonzo the next ugly earful about his bad behavior Some days you jus’ can’t get no respect no how.

Matilde, now permanently in giddy mode, assures Jero that she has the perfect way to get Renata back to the hacienda. She will make her keep her promise to be her madrina at the wedding if he will give her Renata ‘s phone number. He doesn’t think Renata will be coming back and she needs to find another madrina but Matilde won’t be defeated no hacer por vencida. (Shades of Andrecito and just as sweet.) I am really preferring the new Matilde.

Matt and Renata discuss that she is through forever with Jero and will not return. Matt thinks this is a good decision. He will take care of the investigation at the empressa while she can go be with Adriana. She discovered the base plot and he can take care of the follow up investigation. He realized how much he cares for Adriana when there was the possibility that she would die. He wonders if he gets his messy life cleared up if romance is possible. He wants Renata to promise that if he and she are to remain only friends that she at least won’t rush out and take up with another lover without first giving him a turn. She promises and rolls her eyes just a little.

Inez and Isidro are friendly toward the Gonzo and Regina who take the congratulations on their relationship but Regina adds they have so many pending issues to solve. Regina again prods Gonzo to talk with Renata whose unfriendliness really bothers her and she doesn’t want a repeat of her recent scene with Roberta.

Dona Cata comes in and finds Antonio inside her house, WARNING LIGHTS and sirens should be starting now, She tells him the bad news that Regina has said she doesn‘t want him or the house, kids and horse, (well she didn’t throw in the horse, I did) Dona Cata is the most disappointed but Antonio waxes toward popped veins in the head.

Selene walking with Roberta says she wants to ask a favor of Renata about Augustin whom she met the day of Renata’s wedding. My sister? She tells Roberta how hot in bed was this Augustin Duran. Roberta ironically says you slept with a man you just barely met?? Selene says yes, it’s what you always do. HA. Selene wants Roberta to help her find his address and contact data. Roberta says I can’t mess with Renata’s client. CLIENT? lights up Selene who just figured out how to contact him.

Renata is masked leaning over Adriana telling her she can’t wait until the day or moment she gets the news that Adriana has opened her eyes. She begs her to hang in. She mumbles a bit through the mask and then kisses Adriana through it.

Augie is conveniently waiting/lurking outside the ICU and receives Renata’s sincere hug. She is glad he is there and is still worried about Adriana who at least is going to live. He says after the jail and this accident I thought I would come right away when I heard your sad voice on the phone. She hugs him with great emotion and a few stifled sobs. He grins at his good luck. She thinks they could go talk at her auntie’s house and he asks about her uncle. No he won’t be there because he has moved out with Adriana. She starts to tell this

Jero is pitching a fit that Augie is free and will take advantage of the situation to get Renata to reject Jero. Carlos listens while Jero steams that Augie will do anything under the sun to prejudice Renata against him to promote his own quest of her.

Alfonsina and her beautiful son discuss that she has to leave when his Dad comes home. Smart little boy reasons that now that Dr. Nasty is in prison, why can’t she stay home with him and help him with his homework. What ever you don’t get your papa will explain to you. Ezek walks in expecting her to leave but the boy begs her to stay. The smart kid begs them he wants his parents together; Exek says they can’t live under the same roof. When the boy begs again, Exek pulls just a little emotional blackmail saying don’t insist because if you do I will ask your mother not to come at all. The kid is appropriately cowed, Alfonsina also asks him not to insist, kisses him as she leaves. The boy looks defeated but disgusted and walks out of the room leaving Exek looking just a little guilty for his words. He isn’t feeling bad enough to take back his mean spirited words.

Manuela advises Kari that her eyes are going to give out if she embroiders at night. Kari says the embroidery business isn’t making her a millionaire (my observation) yet but she also counsels her that regarding Lazaro, if she pardons who has offended her perhaps the ones she has offended will forgive her.

Fina comes in with her bag of money, even talks civilly to the maid for a change, goes into the office and opens the small safe putting in all the money from her gym bag. Is this Gonzo’s office that might hold evidence now? Fina seems to be cooking with gas now. Looks at the evidence report from plucked from Cantu’s dead fingers: Roberta Alverez, daughter of Josefina Alvaresz, she reads aloud. She rips it apart. then sees the picture of little Regina and says you should be glad I changed your name Regina is a disgusting name (asquerosa.) Iccckkkl. She looks at a picture of her younger self and goes how lovely.

Roberta walks in that carp about where has her mother been, then that Matias and Gonzo have gone both left the house and her dad was at the hospital oh yeah Adriana is hurt, and most awful pappy was kissing the hand of Regina all romantic in front of everyone. Fina assures her that her papa is going to pay for his decision. Fina has plans.

Gonzo tells Regina over dinner that he is glad she chose him and Fina had no illness. It was all a trick between Fina and her doctor to try to keep him from leaving her. She says she isn’t the first woman to play tricks to keep her man. He does not feel bad or guilty to be leaving Fina. Regina is sorry for Antonio . Gonzo says Antonio is a man of his word and honor. She asks Gonzo again to fix things so she can talk to Renata.

Roberta tries to flirt with Matias on the stairs near the eggs. (Speaking of dinosaur eggs, did I thank the telenovela gods that I didn’t have to report on Blanca tonight?) She wants to give him a massage to make him feel better She says he feels lonely and so does she so they could console each other. He is tired of her tricks and lies about the pregnancy and everything. He is ready to proceed with a divorce, with no child coming there is no reason to continue pretending to be together. Undaunted by truth, she says now you don’t know me and you could get to better. I want to change the horrible impression you have of me. She offers that they could go somewhere else away from this place and start over. He doesn’t want to know any more about her.

Constanza and Honorio are in the Adri/ Hon apartment and for some reason he is in his jammies. She is there to help him and cares and offers to be the one to be at the hospital for so many days to care for Adri. She would love to take care of her. He has missed her so but is still sad that his actions drove her to have an affair with Chema. She decides to leave instead of straightening out this misinformation. They both looks sorry, she crises outside the door that its too bad that he thinks she could actually betray him with Chema or anyone.

Matt remembers Roberta saying what a shame you have a bad impression of me and he decides he has gone far enough with this face and takes off his wedding ring.

Speaking of dreamy blue-eyed devils, Chema comes into the club kissing his way through a line of gorgeous women even bussing Selene who slings more insults about his old hag. He is appropriately insulted saying he just came in to relax with a drink. She tells him what a hot handsome number she has conquered and he leaves to drink in peace wishing her luck with her conquest.

Augie and Renata talk over dinner and he tells her that Jero came for Gitana. Surprised she questions, he came for my mare. They talk about Augie’s favorite theme these days, is she about to file the divorce papers .Augie plays a subtler game than usual while Jero in split screen repeats his lament about Renata and love. Consta comes in to greet Aug and Renata. Consta is dead tired and goes to her room. Augie takes a hint and rises to leave. Renata asks if he will be in town for a few days or needs to get back, he is there exactly the moment she needs him and for as long, he assures her. He is looking at the only thing he is interested in. Renata is quick to tell him one more time that she can’t reciprocate. He leaves and Renata asks the Jero in her head how can she stop her feelings for him. He splits the screen, saying please Renata, don’t forget about me. She has him in her hands and hopes he is in her sentiments. Triad split with the scantily topped Marina who is enchanted that she has had the luck to find Jero here when she never thought to see him again.

Gonzo tells Regina not to worry about him. He is not going to his house but a hotel for now. She explains that she can’t invite him to stay with her for respect for her mother. He wants to buy her a house that they can be in but with all the problems in the business he isn’t sure when. She asks if it is really awful. We’ll get through it, he assures her. He is being so romantic about just spending the evening with her when Antonio becomes the lurker jumping out of the bushes saying what kind of betrayal is this. She says I never said I loved you. He accuses both of them of not keeping the promises to guard Regina but there wasn’t supposed to be a choice that wasn’t him. But you accepted my ring he whines. He keeps talking about the promise she has broken but won’t answer her continued question, what promise?

Selene becomes the lurker in Augie’s hotel room with a drink in hand and immediately says she is sorry he was in the jail, as she undresses him to make him feel better while she blows off his questions about how she found him. My question is how does this little minx get into hotel rooms like this.

Gonzo says you have no right to tell Regina and I what to do. Antonio continues his no fair, no fair speech (whine) They are going behind his back. Regina tries to remind him that before she accepted Gonzo she returned his ring and told him she didn’t love him and didn’t plan to marry hlm ever. He goes off mad, and Regina is sorry and worried that he went off with so much anger. She is sorry that she has to say good night to Gonzo. He likes it even less but pretty soon they won’t have to be separated. He looks happy and handsome long after she goes inside.

Regina walks in to her living room where Cata is lurking, ready to carp at Regina who resents being treated like an adolescent Well if you act like one I will treat lyou like one. (Let’s see Regina must be 40 something?) Antonio was here and I told him about Gonzo and your betrayal. Now I understand why Antonio was lurking outside, says Regina. Regina says I feel sorry about Antonio’s pain but I don’t feel shame.

Back at the hospital we hear the doctor tell Hon, Con and Renata that Adriana is ready to come out of ICU into her own room. Renata gives him a kiss. She needs a lot of therapy and needs to be kept immobile He tells them she is a lucky girl, that the consequences could have been fatal they all go off to see Adriana’s new hospital room.

Mattias has to explain to Roberta again that his packed bags mean he is leaving. He thinks she can stay here with her mother but he can’t and especially since his father is gone. She can’t believe he is leaving her in this house of horrors when she is so depressed. He says if you are depressed you should start thinking of what you did to get your self here.

Mom Fina sees Mat leave and Roberta sniffs he abandoned me. Now what brilliant idea are you going to come up with next to fix this, whaaaaa

Selene stays the night wakes up (so prepared she has her own little negligee set) ready to jump Augie again who is clean and not wanting to smell differently. He clearly doesn’t like her clingy plans. He says if this is going to last , no one can know about us. Well maybe Roberta she says, we talk about everything, well almost everything. He picks up the Roberta theme and asks if she knew about Roberta and Rafa and did she think Roberta would have killed Rafa? Then she slips that Roberta would never kill the man whose child she was going to have. Augie jumps quick to work out the facts and Selene realizes the gaff but Augie is much faster and covers her with kisses on her neck which prompts her to spill not only was the baby Rafa’s but Roberta and Jero never even had sex. That story was only to f**k with Renata. Augie is suave and continues kissing so she will tell all. Then he realizes that he has the high cards in this hand and will beat Jero who thinks he will get Renata back. Ha, I think we can assume the he is not giving these post coital revelations to share with Renata any time soon. He now knows how to proceed to torture Jero with the upper hand.

Next Capitulo: Augie moves ahead with influencing Renata, we can assume he will boink Selene to keep himself calm and plot his next moves. Jero is not looking too satisfied and asks Renata if she still loves him, she assures him she does but note that she is on a phone in DF saying it.


Cheryl, great title! It didn't become clear until the last scene so great job keeping us wondering until the end. I think this was one of your best recaps ever; your description of Fina's diabolical murder was brilliant.

I wish Cata would BUTT OUT! Also, does Roberta really believe that Regina Soberon is the cause of the downfall of the Monterrubio fortune? I'm beginning to think she's a bit of an airhead.

"Fina seems to be cooking with gas now", indeed, and at very high BTUs. Her gleeful murder scene was a very good one. Kudos to the actress.

Tony has no right to be such a whiner. When he and Gonzo last spoke of the subject they concurred that it was Regina's decision to make between Gonzo and Tony. Tony's just a sore loser and now wants to change the rules of the game.

Wow, I can't believe Selene spilled the beans about the baby daddy. The writer sure like giving us our regular doses of headline news.

Thanks again Cheryl. I SO enjoyed the recap and the episode.

Cheryl love the title and the recap thank you.

Fina really did enjoy those murders didn't she? This does not bode well for those who are still on her hit list.

Regina you don't want a repeat of Roberta's behavior uhhhhhhhh honey look a here if you're going to be involve with Gonzo you better be prepared for more of the same type of behavior and then some from her. She doesn't fall far from the ugly Malafina tree.

Sylvia ita i've had enough of Cata and her meddling i really wish Regina would tell her mother she is moving out. I have to ask now you're beginning to think Roberta is a airhead????????

Gonzo maybe in need of some of that security he is using for Regina's safety.

Jerko it's not what Auggie is saying that is making Renata reject you but your own actions. How many times did your BFF Carlos warned about what would happen if you find out Renata is innocent. How many times did he warn you to stop your stupid revenge and just tell Renata what you suspected? Look in the mirror before you pass blame.

Consta what in the world is wrong with you?

Matias finally you can just see how he is simmering and seething with barely controlled anger towards Roberta.

Stalking Selene is really sad and pathetic she's stalking Auggie but still can't get over the fact that Chema is choosing to want to be with someone as old as Consta over her.But thank goodness she served her usefulness in letting Auggie know about Roberta being pregnant by Rafael and that Jerko never had sex with Roberta.

Dumb Auggie doesn't realize how psychotic Selene is when he dumps her for good. How much do you want to bet she runs and tells Renata she has been Auggie's lover as he was trying to woo her. Also that he knew for a long time that Roberta was pregnant from Rafael not Jerko and he also knows Roberta never had sex with Jerko.

Dr. Marina you do realize that Jerko is married right even if he is separated from his wife. He doesn't want to lose her.

Roberta you do deserve to be abandon you haven't learned at all from your mistakes and evil and rotten behavior still.

Antonio boy is he a sore loser along with being a lurking control freak stalker. Not such appealing attributes there buddy to entice the opposite sex.

LOL CHeryl at your retelling of Fina's finest hour.She actually had one of her plans work. Bless her little corrupted heart.

Theme of the night: LOSERS!! Gees, people. Just wanted to yell at some of these characters, Get a Grip!! But then, we wouldn't have a TN, and this one is too good to stop.

Glad Matias is out of that house, but seriously, Berta, you honestly thought he would look at you twice after what you pulled? Sad.

Toni and Cata both should sail off together. Anyone else think Cata was looking especially witchy last night? She even walked like some sort of queen after telling off her daughter. So glad Gina is holding her ground. Now she should get Mama a place of her own.

And TOni - he of the face which nevers changes even when angry( it just freaks me out) - you're not getting betrayed behind your back when someone has talked to you to your face and broken things off. Though we could never tell with him, I think he has officially turned to the dark side now. Next step: go find Fina???

Selene - Noone wonder her and Berta are friends - they nboth think no man can resist them even when they are bitchy. If she only knew she was scum bag's toy he can play with while "wooing" his Nata trophy. I hope you guys are right, and she turns it against him when she finds out. But we can thank her, and as Sylvia said the writers, for spilling on Berta and the baby.

So glad that Nata keeps telling Augie she's not ready to jump into anything. And what was that with Matias - I feel something for Adri, but hey, if you want to try again give me a call? The men in this TN need a collective head slap ( except for Gonzo - he's getting there all by himself.My hero.).

So confused why Coni walked out - Why not admit the truth about Chema?Where's my beanie?

Warning note: Augie tells Nata about Gitano - still want to bet he pulls something with that lovely animal to make Jero look bad? Special place in hell for him if he does....

Fina is a serial killer in the making, like Bernarda. She enjoys it too much and I'd bet my next paycheck (when I finally have a job) she'd kill Roberta if her own freedom were at stake.

Antonio, Augustine, Fina, Cata, Dr Death... all these control freaks. Is there something in the water there that makes them that way?

Cheryl- That was wonderful. I particularly love how you detailed Fina's gleeful murder. It's the small pleasures you know.

Last night was all about the guilt trips and Gina was on the wrong end of all of them-- Roberta, Cata, Toni. Thank goodness she stayed firm. I agree that Toni seems to be going into crazy stalker behavior. He and Selene should get together and exchange tips. His final whine to Gina was that he has fulfilled the promise he made her (to find her daughter), but now he's not going to tell her. She had no idea what he was talking about, of course. Jerk!

Actually, Matias didn't come on to Nata again. He said something about destiny NOT letting him end up with her, but instead with her best friend. Meaning, someone like her. I think he totally gets that Renata is not for him now.

Augie on the other hand, is getting more amunition to woo her and frustrate Jero. Selene is a very valuable little stalker. She knows all of Berta's dirty little secrets and isn't loyal to her at all.

Cheryl, witty recap!
Cap'n- ITA , Cata needs to butt out! Gina needs to move out. Tony will use Cata to hurt Gina eventually. Does Cata remind anyone of TDA's Eva? but with a fuller face and figure?

Daisy- You have a point there about Tony&Fina against Gina&Gonzo.

Augie- I am betting on Sele making his life hell. Him knowing about the pregnancy and the sex that never happened will be what opens Nata's eyes.


Cheryl, great recap. I too, loved the replay of Fina's perfectly executed exacta. She has definitely crossed over.

I think my favorite scene last night was watching Fina talk to and tear up the documents and photos.

Renata either needs some rest or perhaps a bit of Fina has rubbed off on her. I saw no reason for her to snap at that little nurse who announced that visiting hours were over.

How hard would it be for Coni to say:

I did not have sexual relations with that boy... Chema."?

Why doesn't Manuela consider that Zeke just might be the daddy of Alfie's baby?

How are we going to get Zeke and Alfie back together?

I'm wondering, now that Matilde is on team Renata, how she will react to the pretty Dr. moving in on her new BFF's turf?


Good morning all, thanks for the early comments. We had a lot of blaming and a lot of shifting last night. Let's just hope some of the bad apples don't jump into the same pie. Antonio could cause a lot of heart ache to Regina if he works iwth anyone, including Cata seems like she will aid and abet Antonio.

Roberta is going to be desperate as she realizes that Fina isn't all that interested in her except as a tool to extort money from Gonzo and Regina. In fact Roberta seems to have the money sickness. God forbid she should DO anything like use her brain to form a life.

My guess is that Chema has more of a pesky role to play out so there will be more encounters with Honorio, Constanza and Chema. That is the only reason I could think of for Conasta not to tell Honorio the truth of her non-affair with Chema.

We can also look forward to the bodies being discovered. I had small hopes that one of them would somehow survive to gasp out Fina's name but I guess she really did her very best work of taking them down.

Blusam, I guess I always thought Berta was a lazy waste product who just didn't bother trying to use her gray cells, well she tried to do some thinking on her own last night and what a failure she was. But you are right, "beginning to think???", LOL.

Daisy, I've been fearful for a while that Tony will somehow hook up with Fina, sigh. After last night it feels inevitable. What a creep and another one for Fina's hit list.

Carlos, all your questions are good. In answer to the one about Mati, I expect her new loyalty to Renata will transfer directly to giving Doctora a hard time.

Carlos- Renata was already being snippy with Adri, giving her only one more day of on unconsciousness, and then it's wake-up time missy (señorita)! That just transferred to the nurse who was trying to hustle her out of the room.

What everyone think of Renata’s two outfits last night? I liked her polished black and white work ensemble—up-do, the ruffle collar black shirt, white vest, black pencil skirt, white jacket and black pumps. Cata and Gina were also wearing black and white outfits this episode. Then they had Nata back in a funky, bohemian/English private school outfit for the next hospital visit. Perhaps Nata’s clothing choices are as conflicted as her feelings for Jero right now?

Cheryl, another great recap.

Yes, Sylvia, Fina is diabolical, I wonder who her next victim will be, Matias or Gonzo? The poor girl doesn't like anyone messing with her plans.

Roberta needs to get a clue that everything is not about "her". She should have taken lessons from her sister and not her mother.

Carlos, it is not going to be pretty when Dr. TaTa starts seducing Jero. (As Zorba the Greek said - men are such weak creatures when it comes to women!) When Matilde finds out there will be hell to pay. Dr. TaTa is just a female version of Agustine. Hopefully, it is just an obsession and she can move on before causing any damage.

I wonder how long it will take for Selene to see the light and spill the frijoles? The girl has a short fuse and really likes her revenge.


Great recap, Cheryl. I loved your play by play of Fina at the murder scene and the gusto with which your followed the "psychopath extraordinaire"

How creepy can Cata & Antonio get? "WARNING LIGHTS and sirens should be starting now, " LOL ... a And daisynjay Loved your "daisynjay:And Toni - he of the face which never changes even when angry( it just freaks me out) " I'm with you. Thanks for clarifying what Antonio said on the way out about him fulfilling his part of the promise but Regina not keeping her end of the bargain. WHAT A CREEP!

Can't wait to see ow Aggie uses this new info about Berta's baby. Eventually Renata will find out & it will help her reconcile with Jeronimo -- but what mayhem wll go on in the meantime?

Speaking of Renata -- after a day i a lovely black & white work outfit today we have her backin shorts & tights UGLY!

I adored Renata's black and white work outfit. I breathed a sigh of relief that she didn't show up in red hot pants and green tights.

Cheryl, great recap. Your description of Fina's muderdering ways was classic.

Wow, what a frustrating episode for me. This could have been called "Attack of the Whining Stalkers"

As everyone here predicted, Tony showed his true colors (or at least a more vengeful shade of beige) last night with his juvenile pouncing on Regina and Gonzo followed by his vicious declaration not to tell Regina the wonderful news he has for her. Niener, niener, niener! What a blow hard. Does he really think no one else in the world can discover the same info he did? And once she doesfinds out from someone else, he is going to look even smaller and more petty.

Of course, with moms like Cata, who needs enemies. I swear, Cata looked like she got some perverse joy out of telling Tony about Regina and Gonzo. Telling him how wonderful he is and how ashamed she is of her own daughter was uncalled for. Get your loyalties straight, woman.

I'm betting Auggie uses Selene to get closer to Roberta in his plan to end up with Renata, something that is sure to bring out the shrewiest best in both those lovely ladies.

Sorry, Jero, but whining about Auggie moving in on your lady is so lame. Do something about it! >We know Auggie is slime, but Renata doesn't and at least he is THERE for her. Screaming "No fair!" from the hacienda is not helping.

Constanza, Constanza...you ask why Honorio believes you have a relationship with Chema? Umm, maybe because you've TOLD him you do, multiple times now.

Wake up Adri! The rest of the cast needs your clear logic and common sense!

Juan Miguel

Juan Miguel:

"...(or at least a more vengeful shade of beige)..."



Excellent recap, como siempre, Cheryl! "Boink Selene to keep himself calm"! SUPER and Spot ON!!!

Renata's red shorts/red stockings outfit was interesting,to say the least.


Coni, Get over it! How can you cry that Hon would believe you capable of cheating on him? You must have a pretty high opinion of yourself, mujer.

Juan Miguel "Tony showed his true colors (or at least a more vengeful shade of beige)" LOL

And the nickname for Dr. Tatas -- Live it


I don't get a creepy stalker vibe from Dr. Tatas (yet), so I won't put her in the same category as Augie. But I would think that she would be put off upon learning that Jero is: 1)married; 2)tried to mistakenly get some sick revenge on his wife; 3)pining for said wife; and 4)asking for a dna test to prove he didn't knock up his sister-in-law. I mean, just how desperate is she for a man that Jero would look like a good choice?

Vivi, you are the voice of reason. With apologies to Jero's fans, he really does not seem like that great of a catch. Except for his awesome winery.


When you put it that way, Jerry really doesn't seem like such a great catch... but then there's that smile...


Vivi exactly when one hears about all of that concerning Jerko he doesn't seem like a prize prospect at all. Award winning smile or not if i learned this about a man i might be interested in i would run for the hills.

Thanks for letting us knows what Antonio said as he parted from Regina and Gonzo so this controlling creep is not going to tell her he found her long lost daughter? Why am i not surprised?

I'm guessing once someone finds the bodies of Gustavo and Cantu. That Cantu's partner will be on a mission to find his killer and unravel the mystery of the job he was working on that got him killed.

Yeah Stalking Selene does have a very short fuse and is extremely volatile.

It could be since she already told Roberta about being with Auggie that Roberta in one of her usual nasty and envious moments towards Renata will spill that news to her sister about those two hooking up.

Agree with everyone about the great recap Cheryl, especially the killing scenes. Cat a is really a meddling old biddy and I finally realized why I've never liked Antonio - it' that passionless look of his. You can't trust people that look like that.
There must be a reason why they dress Renata in shorts and ugly tights periodically. We will have to figure out what it is. Yesterday it looked like a devil Halloween costume.
I love the name Dr. Tatas, very suitable.
The Selene/ Augie relationship is very interesting. I think he will meet Berta through her and gravitate towards her, for many reasons, then Selene will get jealous and spill the beans to Renata about all of Berta's secrets. That should be fun.

Wow, you are all on fire today. I am preparing photos for three competitions due at the end of the week so sorry I can't hang out a lot today but will drop by on breaks to enjoy the lively comments and dissections.

Thanks for clarifying the Matias thing Vivi.

On the outfits, I'm with everyone else. I was ridiculously overjoyed to see her dressed at work ( why should we get excited about heir clothing???) and thought we turned the corner. Then she shows up in her cub scout hiking outfit, complete with boots. Seriously? Want her to look "down to earth", throw her in a sexy pair of jeans and casual top not in something that makes her look like she's ready to Dig in the earth. She ever shows up in pig-tails, my beanie will explode. (Appropriately, my verification word came up "sucks" - yep that sums up poor Nata's wardrobe"

Cheryl great recap and awesomely funny play by play on Fina's murderous glee.

I'm so hoping Gustavo may be playing dead and somehow makes it away and hides out until he recovers from his bullet hole. (Hey it can happen, I'm even prepared to strap on a beanie for this)

More of meddling Cata, sheesh woman be happy for your daughter.

Love Renata but hate some of the wardrobe choices heaped on her, or at least I'm hoping she doesn't have a say in her costume choices, not liking the red shorts and red tights, so 80's, there's retro chic and then there's retro don't go there.

Looking forward to the users getting used and the stalkers getting their comeuppance.

Cheryl--A masterful delivery of words to recreate a terrific episode.

We have guilt trips, whiners and freaking-out control freaks and a glimpse into the "Making of a Serial Killer."

UrbanA--We can't leave out the biggest control freak of all--Jerko el Hermoso. At least he's doing a little introspective thinking, but I don't think he's ready to admit the amount of pain he caused Renata.

Juan Miguel--you got it right. All he's done since their semi-reconciliation is to sit there and try to figure out how to keep Augie away from Renata and scheming on how to get her back--he wants her that much. How much of that, I wonder, is pride.

On the other hand, the poor guy is caught between his rock and Augie's hard place. Nata did ask him to give her some time and space. If he doesn't he's annoying, further driving her away; if he does, Augie steps in to claim the prize.

Even though she wasn't in this episode (congratulations, Cheryl), we mustn't forget how controlling and manipulative BSCBlaaanca is. If her intent was to destroy the EM, she had to do her homework ahead of time. The only little things that went wrong was that she hadn't figured on Hon fighting back and Dopey Dan caving in.

Did I miss something about Matias' knowledge of the pregnancy? I thought so far, Berta hasn't told any lies about the pregnancy that Matias knows is false.

Yes, she got pregnant; yes, it's Jero's but Mati took responsibility; and yes, she lost it falling down the stairs--now she can never have children. I'm not defending her, she's a nasty piece of work and I think Mati is going on the "everything" part of the lies when he says he wants nothing more to do with her.

I felt a lot of sympathy, but proud of Matias when he took off the wedding ring. The sham is over.

I hope Mattie of the I heart headbands stays true to Renata (it's hard to have all those Rr names and then two sound-alike Mati's).

I don't think Dr. Tatas is above a good romp with Jero since she only intends a short vacation with Tio. But didn't she look dreamy when she was musing about meeting him again when she thought she'd never see him again--so she HAD abeen thinking of him.

Didn't she get the whole Jero-Renata story from the Padre? She didn't run for the hills just yet. I think she's going to go for it.

My last word is on Nata's wardrobe. I also liked the workplace-appropriate outfit Nata had on and not the teen-age layered get-up with tights and shorts. Sorry, she's just too elegant to carry it off funkily (even if here she's supposed to have an over-enthusiastic bubbly personality).

Vivi--I like your analysis, but I just can't give the writers or wardrobe dept. that much credit for thinking about it!

BTW, as an aside, I've been watching MEPS and it was funny to see Sylvia in the same do-rag she had on in CME in green almost the same days and the same types of comments showed up on the blog postings. Nobody liked her pasted down hair look.

Vivi: “His final whine to Gina was that he has fulfilled the promise he made her (to find her daughter), but now he's not going to tell her. “ Are you serious?!!! What a . . . well, I won’t use that word in case it offends anyone.

Carlos: “I'm wondering, now that Matilde is on team Renata, how she will react to the pretty Dr. moving in on her new BFF's turf?” One thing we know about Mati, she’s fiercely loyal.

I’m agreeing with everyone about Nata’s casual clothes choices recently.

NOK: MEPS was my first TN. I loved it.


Thanks, Cheryl, smooth, enjoyable recap. I continue to enjoy Renata and Gonzo: I hope their love is strong, they've got ferocious Fina, bitchin' Berta and that meowling Cata to contend with. The Doctora is getting her game in gear and poor long-suffering Renata is in the crosshairs of Auggie Doggie's scheme to conquer her in every sense of the word.

Glad Matt has escaped hell hacienda and I can't wait for Cantu's partner to get back and restart the fire under Fina's arse. ITA with everyone who marveled at your brilliant description of Fina at the murder scene! Wow!


I think that a huge problem for Jerry is that accusation that he is the father of Roberta's child. I can't believe that he went back to his grapes leaving that little detail dangling in the breeze. Renata may say that it makes no difference... but it does.

I really don't see a lot of emotional growth in this guy. He seems to insist on making the same mistakes over and over.


Hi Cheryl. The blog ate my comment. Sorry. Loved your poetic re-telling of the double murder scene and Fina's graceful turn of ankle as she left the carnage.

Also got a big kick our of your "dinosaur egg" decor comment and the tie-in with Blanca. Wicked!

Silvia Navarro has been ambushed by the wardrobe people again. The view of her backside exiting the hospital in those shorts, tights and most unfortunate boots was unflattering to say the least. Our lovely gal deserves better and is clearly too intelligent to choose that outfit herself.

Constanza...there are no words. If you really loved the guy you'd never choose to make him believe something so hurtful. THINK! woman.

I've never been a Tony fan but people do do vengeful, ugly things when they've been hurt by someone they love. At the very least they fantasize about doing them. I find his petty nasty reaction very....well, human. Ugly. But human.

One would hope that he would "recapacitar" after a while, and do the right thing. But, for plot purposes, I figure he won't. Gotta keep the pot boiling for many more months, I fear.

Antonio is doing something similar to what Matias did when he first learned the Renata was moving on with Jero as her romantic interest. On some level he got it intellectually but he insisted on building fantasy stories about beind one wrong by the woman who owed him love and devotion. In both cases Renata and Regina were gentle but very clear that there was no case here. With Mat it was easy enough to assign blame to his youthful inexperience and he never did anything really ugly (except to himself in slipping between the sheeds with Roberta to salve his wounded heart). Antonio on the other hand should definitely know better and man up to the firm way Regina informed him, returned the ring and apologized. As she said she felt sorry but not guilty.

I have to agree with Carlos that our handsome hero Jero is not showing much emotional growth nor mature development. He's more like Roberta who continues to blame everyone else for her misfortunes.

NOK: "On the other hand, the poor guy is caught between his rock and Augie's hard place".


Love it. :))


Susanita, you took the words right out of my mouth re: "the poor guy is caught between his rock and Augie's hard place". NOK, great play on words. I nearly blew my lemonade out my nose!

Cap'n Sylvia: :)))))))


Thanks for all the kind words today. This TN remains one of the really fun ones to recap. NOK I howled at your rock and a hard place quip today. It certainly gave many of us a big laugh.

Can't wait to see tonight's episode posted. All so many predictions coming home to roost.

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