Friday, August 05, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #77 Thursday 8/4/11 The Mother of the Sneer

Ahoy all, sorry for the late post, I ended up entertaining unexpected guests today. Does the world not know that Thursday is my recap night?

The lead-in for tonight tells us the same thing the magic voice promised last night, that everyone, everyone believes Roberta’s lie...except Jeronimo!

Let’s review the critical scene from last night’s conclusion. To quote Marta:
"Fina to Renata: ‘You are the only one to blame for your sister Rob who will NEVER... hear it well, ... NEVER have a baby.. you destroyed her life... and I hope you are happy now.' Nata is frozen,Jero is shocked... Gonzo has a warzone face.. Matt has a questioning glance for Fina.”

Fina continues to blame Renata for pushing her sister down the stairs. Renata denies this as Gonzo tries to calm her down. Matias keeps a low profile until Jero pops in with his two pesos. He still wants a test to prove he’s not the father of Berta’s bebe. Fina says the baby is gone and it doesn’t matter any more. It matters to Jero (as well it should) but now Gonzo and Matias jump on the Fina bandwagon and want Jero to get lost. Nata sees it’s pointless to argue with these ninnies and convinces Jero to leave with her. “See what a shameless hussy (descarada) she is for coming with that lout?” snarls Fina, pointing her finger accusingly at them from under her witches cape.

Fina storms into Roberta’s room to report that everything is arranged and Nata is blamed for Roberta’s accident. Berta points out that without a kid there’s no reason for Matias to stay by her side. Fina insists they’ll figure out a way. Berta points out that mom has been very preoccupied recently; what could be more important than helping Roberta out with the problem that Fina put Berta in the middle of? Fina thought bubbles Gustavo’s warning that an investigator is checking up on her and her darling daughters. She hisses to Berta that she (Fina) has problems that are just as important as Berta’s. It cost a lot to give them the life they are accustomed to and it is still costing her. “Not one reproach more,” she threatens, “is that clear?”

Gonzo and Matias scratch their heads and continue their angst in the hospital waiting room. Matias mentions that yesterday Roberta seemed unsure if the baby was Jeronimo’s, and if it isn’t Jero’s then it must be his own. (Really? What about Rafael?) Matias cries that he still thinks of Renata and he wishes she looked at him the way she looks at Jero. “But she hates Jero,” says Gonzo. Matias points out if that’s hate he would love for Renata to hate him as much.

Jero and Renata stand in front of the hospital and Jero complains that he couldn’t be the baby daddy because he and Roberta never slept together. Sucks to be accused of something you haven’t done, doesn’t it Jero? Renata says the baby’s gone so it doesn’t matter, there’s no point (no tiene caso). But he wants to PROVE it to her! She keeps saying there’s no point, give it a rest. He wouldn’t let her prove she was innocent and she’s not interested in his proof.

Jero says he is innocent, and you know what else? Roberta’s accident was very convenient. It was about the only way for her to avoid a DNA test. Nata doesn’t believe it. Roberta staged the accident that would cause her to lose her baby? “Those are strong words Jeronimo.” (Son palabras mayores).

Padre is advising Ezequiel to forgive Alfonsina. “She loves you but she lost her way, and let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” (Quien esté libre de culpas, que arroje la primera piedra.) Alfonsina arrives on cue and Zeke starts to get mad but she shuts him up by telling him she’s leaving town and leaving the kid behind with dad. “You’re a much better father than I am a mother,” she weeps sincerely, “he’d be better off with you.” Zeke gets a trembly bottom lip.

Jero begs Renata not to close the doors of her life to him. “Dude, you totally slammed that door shut yourself,” she clarifies. “We’re finished here.” (You go girl!!)

Jero calls Coni to tell her something is up with Renata. It’s something more important than his own life. (Well that narrows it down...NOT.)

Honorio reviews the books and sees there is something wrong with the financial statements. He calls Adri to show her things just don’t tally (cuadrar). The income vs expenses don’t correspond. They summon Daniel and demand all the reports for the past three months. Daniel’s shifty eyes dart back and forth suspiciously. He looks scared.

Gonzo, Matias and Fina stand around Berta’s bedside. She weeps crocodile tears (maybe) over her lost baby and lost chance for motherhood. Matias and Gonzo advise her not to give up hope, there are other ways to be a parent. Fina snips at them not to minimize Berta’s grief. Witch. Gonzo calmly tells her that sometimes one’s only hope is to have a positive attitude. This is advice that I’m pretty sure is completely lost on Fina. Berta tells them she’s so sad because Matias only married her for the baby; what will they do now? He says they’ll talk later. She weeps that whatever she felt for him is even stronger now and she’ll never stop thanking him for what he’s done for her. Fina sneers her approval as Matias is crushed by the weight of misplaced guilt.

Nata cries on her bed and asks a comforting Coni why couldn’t SHE (Coni) have been her mother? Why doesn’t her mother love her and why did the man she love betray her? She doesn’t deserve it!

Don’t we deserve a break from all this grief? You bet we do! Carlos leads Matilde to her romantic surprise. Next to a lovely waterfall sits a beautifully set table with flowers and balloons. It’s all for her. Mati can’t speak, a first for her, she can only weep and smile. “Between you and I words aren’t needed,” he says. (Entre tu y yo no hacen falta las palabras.) Dang, this scene was way too short.

Jero returns to the hospital to talk to Roberta’s doctor, Marina Sepulveda. They shake hands, make eye contact, and we just figured out why the beautiful doctor might spill the beans to the handsome, earnest guy in the suit.

Nata and Coni talk about their insane morning and Jero’s suggestion that Berta caused her own accident. Nata can’t believe such a thing unless...unless maybe Berta wasn’t actually pregnant? And she faked it to trap Matias? No, Coni assures her that when Gonzo was in Cuernevaca Berta had fainted, gone to the hospital and they all heard about her condition. Nata sighs and says Fina and Berta will never stop blaming her, Renata, for the accident. “Come and live with me then!” suggests Coni.

Back at the romantic water lunch Carlos and Matilde share stories about when they first loved the other. He was enchanted at first sight. She loved the way he was able to stomach her spicy food. They both want children, but before they discuss that Carlos has a question. He gets on his knees, pulls out a plastic bubble-gum ring and asks Mati to marry him. The girl’s really got the weepies today, she’s dreamed about this moment for so long but never thought it would arrive, boo hoo. She nods yes and a lingering kiss seals the deal. (A plastic ring? Dare I repeat childish, how silly, how HOT! I thank the telenovela gods for this character. Which reminds me, where’s Lazaro today?) Rewind.

Doc Marina tells Jero she’s sorry but without authorization from Berta or her husband she can’t give him DNA proof on the baby. Jero admits he doesn’t want Berta or her husband to know but he REALLY NEEDS the proof. Sorry, she says, besides, it’s too late to do a DNA test anyway. (Not according to our Doc Carlos!) Jero looks momentarily confused as Doc Marina assures him she’d luuuurve to help him with something else someday but for this particular case...nope.

Carlos and Mati are back at the hacienda basking in their new love when an envelope arrives. It contains the results of Rafa’s necropsy. Carlos calls Jero and 1) excitedly tells him that he and Mati are engaged, then 2) glumly informs him the envelope arrived. “Open it,” instructs Jero. After the obligatory cara impactada Carlos tells Jero he won’t tell him over the phone. What is in this envelope could change Jero’s life. It’s urgent that Jero come home immediately!

Nata is leaving Misery Manor when Augie pops in for a surprise visit. Gosh he looks chipper this morning, whatever could have caused his good mood? Nata looks not quite as pleased as Augie is with himself. He sees her suitcases and wonders is she going to La Bonita? Nope, off to Aunt Coni’s. Augie grabs her suitcases and gives her the card of an excellent lawyer so she can start divorce proceedings immediately. He’s made an appointment for tomorrow and he’d like to go with her. Whoa, Mr. Inappropriate much?

As Matias and Gonzo leave the hospital they run into Regina. Gonzo explains briefly about Berta and Regina says they need to talk. He wants to talk too, Renata told him something that disconcerted him. “Can we meet tonight at my house?” she asks. Gonzo doesn't even bother to hide his joy and happily agrees to meet up later.

Cantu checks in with Antonio via phone booth and mentions something about his cell phone not working. He reports that Regina has already returned to the DF and he will too because the person who has the proof he needs wants to see him in Mexico City. He asks should he take charge for Regina’s security or should he call Gonzo? Tony pitches a fit and says he is the ONLY one who is in charge of Regina’s safety and finding her daughter. Go through him, the little bullfighting Napoleon. These people never learn.

Fina complains to her smitten stoolie that someone is investigating her past and she wants to know who. She needs him now more than ever. He points out that he “needs” her too. If she wants his continued help she'll have to put out what she promised. If she doesn’t want to be his mujer then he can’t help her. He’ll wait for her call. Fina throws dagger eyes at his back. As our esteemed Blusamurai so aptly noted: "So many murders to plan and so little time...whatever is a bumbling would be serial murderer to do?"

Regina and Ines talk about seizing the day and not wasting time. Ines says Andresito gets out of the hospital tomorrow. Cut to the little conehead and papa conehead playing a computer game. Back to the ladies and Ines says with the support of all his friends Andresito is determined to have a positive attitude about recuperating. Ines gossips that she saw Gonzo’s viper of a wife there a few days ago with her daughter who apparently had a miscarriage, but they were only there one day. Regina says that’s odd, Gonzo told her today that Berta just lost her baby. Hmmmmm...

Carlos is stressing about Rafa’s results. He gets serious and asks Matilde on the day of Rafa’s death who was at the hacienda? She recounts what happened: Rafa was alone because she and Laz went into town. When they got home they found him lying in his room. Soon Dr. Nesme and Augustin arrived, and then Padre, and they found a bullet in his stomach. Carlos asks if she remembers anything else? She remembers finding a note from Augustin. “So Augustin was here,” says Carlos. Mati says yes but he said he hadn’t gone to Rafa’s room.

Carlos hands the results to Matilde and it’s her turn for a cara impactada. “This can’t be!” she sobs.

Kari hurries to church and she is stopped by none other than her staggering husband. He slobbers that she is all his. Trying to step around him she tells him he stole her happiness and innocence. He says he’ll never divorce her and she’ll never be free. He grabs her and the padre runs out and calls him a coward, "pick on someone your own size!" Doc slurs to Kari “you’ll alwaysh be tied to me” before he stumbles off.

The Padre apologizes to Kari for not believing her all those numerous times she begged him for help and he refused to believe the obvious truth that was staring him in the face. She says no problem but I say it’s about time.

Carlos tells Mati not a word to anyone until they tell Jero. Manuela, Laz and Herminia rush in to congratulate the pair on their happy news. Laz is happy but also a little worried because Mati is a simple country girl and Carlos is a society guy. What will his parents think? Carlos and Manuela say something about his parents coming to ask for Mati’s hand in marriage? (Ruh roh?) Not sure what that was about. Whatever, the lovebirds want to get married as quickly as possible. Ready the anvils.

Nata, with Augi’s intrusive and unneeded help, has moved into Coni’s place. Jero calls to say he needs to leave but he doesn’t want to go until he clears things up between them. She repeats that they are over but Augie butts in and loudly comments "You want more coffee?!!" so Jero can hear him. Nata hangs up and stalks to her room. Augie thought bubbles, “When will Jeronimo Linares learn to leave her in peace!?”

Split screen of Jero: "Renata te amo, I can’t live without you Renata" and Renata: “What do I do with this love? I don’t want to love you, get out of my life already!"

The end.

Avances: Gustavo annoys Fina. Carlos yells to Jero that someone shot Rafa and Dr. Nesme covered it up.

cuadrar = to tally, to square up
descarado/a = shameless
Entre tu y yo no hacen falta las palabras. = Between you and I words are not needed.
no tiene caso = there’s no point
son palabras mayores = those are strong words
Quien esté libre de culpas, que arroje la primera piedra. = Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


"Sucks to be accused of something you haven’t done, doesn’t it Jero?"

I think I'm starting to see a unifying theme here. Next innocent (well, at least of the crime he's accused) in the dock:


Once again you are blazin', Sylvia. Excellent.

"(A plastic ring? Dare I repeat childish, how silly, how HOT! I thank the telenovela gods for this character."

And I for Matilde.

Thanks for getting my day off to such a great start.


Hope you had a great time with your guests, and you certainly didn't disappoint on the recap. It was awesome!

Love your imagery - Fina's witches cape, Daniel's shifty eyes,the engagement scene.
Speaking of which, may I lend my agreement on the "hotness" of the blue bubble gum ring. Brought a smile to my face too - life will never be dull with this guy. But please, no snobby parents who disapprove - please!!!

Now I'm worried for Kari - nice that the Padre finally realized what a worthless spiritual leader he had been for Kari before - but it doesn't look like Dr. Demented Drunk (DDD) is going to leave her alone.

"Augie thought bubbles, “When will Jeronimo Linares learn to leave her in peace!?”
OK - seriously - could we practice what we preach? I'm hoping Nata is starting to get sick of his "stalking" too. (Maybe he and Selene are perfect for each other).Going with her to the lawyer? Really? He makes my skin crawl now when he just walks into a room.

If Gina doesn't tell Gonzo what she heard from Inez I'll scream. Oh, and screaming, wait till Toni finds out she invited Gonzo over. He's about ready to pop a blood vessel anyway - looks like we're back to the overly-possessive Toni. Difference is Gina is going for it anymore. Yeah, this won't be pretty.

Love the realism of Hon looking at the financials. You always retain former charts and monthly results for audit and verification purposes. Wonder how good BCS was in messing up the reports.

As for our main couple - Ok, I'm loving the blue tie look on Jeers - he may still be slightly clueless, but he looks good. And good for Nata showing strength around him and giving back to him the same that she got. So there dude!!!
But what could we be looking at with the sharp lady doc? We get her full name, a close up of the handshake and she looks like she just saw a tall vanilla milkshake with sprinkles, whip cream and a cherry on the top.TN Law- there will be a long span where our lovers separate - possible different partners - could we be looking at one? (And lord help us for Nata if Augie is hers - BLECH!)

TGIF - hope everyone has a great day.

Good work, Sylvia.

Swap vanilla for chocolate or coffee and you've sold me on it.

The actor playing Augustin -- along with Guillermo Garcia Cantu -- had better watch out if he doesn't want to be seriously typecast. He will be a controlling creep while GGC will end up always playing a perv.

I'm sure the report will say that the angle of the bullet rules out suicide and we will now have a murder investigation.

The mists are just starting to clear on this Adirondack lake but they are a- swirling in our little pot boiler of a story.

What a great way to start my day, Sylvia. You never disappoint.

A couple of my favorite scenes & lines have already been quoted but let me add " the little bullfighting Napoleon" "She says no problem but I say it’s about time."(kari/padre) "we just figured out why the beautiful doctor might spill the beans to the handsome, earnest guy in the suit."

I agree with Carlos -- We haven't seen the last of characters who are wrongly accused and have no way to prove their innocence except their own say so
-- and right now Auggie is looking like our next fall guy


"Going with her to the lawyer? Really?"

Don't forget, not only that... he chose the lawyer and made the appointment.

I'm going to enjoy watching this worm squirm when Jerry, Carlos, and Matilde accuse him of Rafael's murder.


Thanks Sylvia for the great recap, despite entertaining guests.

Carlos- Agreed. It does look like Augie is up next on the falsely accused dock. Couldn't happen to a better guy. I knew the bullet trajectory would prove to be important. Let the murder investigation begin! Fina will have yet another reason to worry.

I the preview, her old lover says he knows one of her daughters is not her. Duhn, duhn, duhn! How will she be able to juggle all these balls?

Berta really has picked up a lot for mommy. That was so masterful guilting skills she was using on Matias in the hospital. Once again Goonzo disappointed me in the way he (didn't) support Nata in the hospital.

Jero has a long way to go before he wins Nata's forgiveness and trust, and for all the reasons she herself pointed out last night. But he did a few good things last night when he first made the correct conclusion that Berta purposely flung herself down the stairs, and then when he called Connie to come over to support Nata because she was in a bad way. I like that he thought about her emotional needs and who would be best to help her. Yes, a bit too late, as Nata pointed out, but still the right thing to do.

It's funny that both he and Nata totally hit on the right theories last night, with just a few facts wrong. Jero is right in assuming Berta threw herself down the stairs to avoid the DNA test. But Nata is correct that Berta would not kill her baby that way. Nata was right when she then concluded that Berta was NOT pregnant when she flung herself down the stairs, and made up the pregnancy to trap Matias and separate her from Jero. Of course Connie confirmed the pregnancy. We just need someone to come up with theory three, that she WAS pregnant, used it for trapping Matias and making Nata miserable, but was not pregnant anymore when she flung herself down the stairs in order to avoid the DNA test. Theory three almost sounds too ridiculous to believe, so I forgive Nata and Jero for not thinking of this third option. Hopefully Gina will tell the right person about the baby loss days before, and they can come to the right conclusion.

I am worried that Carlos' parents will not be pleased with his choice of bride when they come to formally ask for Mati's hand. You know there has to be obstacles for this sweet pair. I thought it was a good step that Carlos trusted big mouth Mati enough to show her the results on Rafa. And she looked like she took that seriously and put on a happy face with the rest of the household.

that hand holding with Jero and Doctora... and i proved my hunch this morning in another preview commercial i saw (won't give details, seems to cover much of the rest of the novela) but remember that name... Dra Marina Sepulveda...

Matias keeps a low profile until Jero pops in with his two pesos. ROFLOL good one!
and about this...
Jero calls Coni to tell her something is up with Renata. It’s something more important than his own life. (Well that narrows it down...NOT.)
well, he told Connie that Nata was upset and could use Connie by her side right about now. Connie asks 'you care about her THAT much?' to which he responds 'more than my own life'
loved the way you worded...
Fina sneers her approval as Matias is crushed by the weight of misplaced guilt.

Dang, this scene was way too short.

(A plastic ring? Dare I repeat childish, how silly, how HOT! I thank the telenovela gods for this character. Which reminds me, where’s Lazaro today?)
PRICELESS!!! love your sense of humor there. and ITA
more to come... have a mtg.

Poor Dr. Sepulveda. I hope she paid attention during her psychiatry rotation in med school... she going to need it if she gets involved with Jerry.


"Sorry, she says, besides, it’s too late to do a DNA test anyway. (Not according to our Doc Carlos!) Jero looks momentarily confused "
this and the fact that Ines just told Gina that she saw Fina at the hosp a few days ago and it was about a daughter losing a baby...
the bubble will pop soon enough...

Augie grabs her suitcases and gives her the card of an excellent lawyer so she can start divorce proceedings immediately. He’s made an appointment for tomorrow and he’d like to go with her. Whoa, Mr. Inappropriate much?
ITA, pixulated sister... Mr I indeed!

Tony pitches a fit and says he is the ONLY one who is in charge of Regina’s safety and finding her daughter. Go through him, the little bullfighting Napoleon. These people never learn.
ITA and not only that, he nagged that he was the ONLY one he wanted Gina to have a reason to be thankful for... this is a spoiled bratt immature man fur sure!

about Fina and her stoodie Licenciado Soto... I called this before and yesterday again... i said he is getting desperate, will become her next item on her kill-off list if he demands she be intimate with him... there you go...

about the padre appologizing to Kari for not having believed her earlier... you said... She says no problem but I say it’s about time.
but I say... he should have at least given her the benefit of the doubt from the get go...

about Carlos parents coming... actually, Lazaro and manuela had their concerns about Carlos parents not approving his marrying a 'lower rank' girl like Mati. Carlos said it is his life and he calls his own shots...(it was not clear if he meant that he expects his parents to approve or to be against it... so he himself suggested how about if i have my parents come over and ask you (Manuela and Lazaro, i guess) for her hand in marriage? to which both M and L were like 'oh-oh'.

in the previews carlos also tells Jero that the main suspects are Augie and Roberta... and Dr Nesme might be covering up for them.

daisy... ITA with
But what could we be looking at with the sharp lady doc? We get her full name, a close up of the handshake and she looks like she just saw a tall vanilla milkshake with sprinkles, whip cream and a cherry on the top.TN Law- there will be a long span where our lovers separate - possible different partners - could we be looking at one? (And lord help us for Nata if Augie is hers - BLECH!)
the tn gods did not really give us a hard lead to figure out... it was basically right there in our faces.
Vivi, I agree, the pressure is building on Fina and all her lies and ghosts from the past...
a juggling act indeed...
Poor Dr. Sepulveda. I hope she paid attention during her psychiatry rotation in med school... she going to need it if she gets involved with Jerry.
ROFLOL!!! talking from having taken 15 credit hrs in psychology on my way to get 2 engr degrees... Love it!

Loved it, Sylvia, as always.

Mike and I kinda thought the ring was origami, like all the flowers Carlos had been giving Mati. Guess plastic makes more sense. I knew somebody who got engaged with a pop-top, so plastic is way up the ladder...

and, yes, Augie for Mr. I

Cap'n Sylvia!!! Absolutely FANTASTIC recap! FANTASTIC!!! What a capitulo! Oh my...I am just in heaven with this TN.

Won't reiterate all of the points that have already been made as mine would be similar, but where have we seen the actriz playing the Doctora before? Has she only been in supporting roles or has she had lead roles?

I could not get my eyes off Soler last night. Navy blue is his colour and he looked Absolutely Fabulous in that suit. Plus...I like that touch of grey on his sideburns. Wowsers. He was hot.

...and our beloved Carlos was hotter than hot! Send him my way!

I wanted to slap Gonzo so badly last night...I cannot tell you.

I can't wait to see Agustin wiggle his way out of what is headed his way. Talk about Mr. Inappropriate. Renata was still reeling from the emotional drain of dealing with her mother and sister, but the look on her face said it all when Augie Doggie presented her with the appointment card to the attorney and then telling her he was going with. OY!

...and that wimp of a Toreador Tony. PUH-LEEZE! I only hope that Regina remains strong and continues to see his manipulating ways.

The best part of all: Malafina having now to juggle so many balls (literally). Ha!

Such happiness for me with this wonderful TN!!!

Gracias again, Cap'n! That was just super!!


Carlos, yes you are correct amigo, we should thank the telenovela god for both partners in our current-most-favorite-couple, Carlos AND Matilde!

Daisy, I fear there are snobby parents in the future. As the bard said, the course of true love never did run smooth.

Urban, I'm with you on the milkshake flavors.

I hope Augie gets accused of the crime so that he will be distracted away from Renata for a while. Yes, the little creep actually made the divorce lawyer appointment for Renata then announced he would go with. The nerve!

Güera, I'm jealous that you are starting your day watching the swirling mists on a lake.

Vivi, do you remember Pepa/Fina actually telling Gustavo that Renata wasn't hers? I'm pretty sure she passed both girls off as hers originally. Maybe he figured it out or something. Or she let it slip.

I can't recall seeing any man look so handsome in a suit as Juan Soler. Whoever is dressing him for this show is doing a wonderful job.

Marta, there is so much telenovela left in this one that Jero and Nata will have to have another love obstacle. I think Dr. Marina Sepulveda will fit the bill nicely. Actually I like her so far. As Carlos The Original notes, she'd better have kept her psych notes.

Marta, thanks for the translation help on what Jero said to Coni. Makes sense. And WHAT?!? Tony said he wanted to be the only thanked man? Oooh, Gina's not going to like that attitude. I get the feeling he's going to convert from friend to foe.

Emilia, I like the origami ring better. Way better. Maybe it was paper and not plastic. That would make it...even hotter!

Susanita, "Malafina having now to juggle so many balls (literally)", LOL!! Good one.

Somebody pointed out a day or so ago that Doc Marina is played by Martha Julia. The only other thing I've seen her in was Destilando Amor where she played blonde bad girl Isadora. She was also in Niña de mi Corazón which I didn't watch.

When I think this can't get any better, it does. Thank you Cap'n for the reportage.

It's fun to speculate on the number of victims on Fina's murder list, but I'm glad we haven't had any since Rafa. In real life we wouldn't have the body count we had in TdA, so CME is keeping it realistic. However, Fina is clever, so we may see a few folks heading for the morgue yet.

So, Jero didn't get the answer he wanted. It was a teaser, though, when the doctora said it wouldn't be possible now anyway.

She obviously didn't go to the same med school our Dr. Carlos went to. She was probably referring to the fact that she had lost the baby a couple of days ago and the fetus was probably gone.

CarlosII' magical moment was at the LaBonita waterfall. Several of our characters have visited it in various stages of saddness. (P.S. CarlosII is Carlos de la Mota in real life, not David.) I'm surprised they didn't have an umbrella over the table. It was still pretty sunny out. Ok, I concede the whole scene was supposed to be sunny, as compared to the darker colors back in MCDF.

Auggie is top dog in the Mr. I department today. But Dr. Killsthem is a close second, acosting Karin in the street--infront of the church, in public.

Did any one notice he's still wearing the same shirt Kari spit on? Maybe he has a whole wardbrobe full of them and he bought them off the back of a truck.

I'm glad Carayers are admiring Jero in his sharp attire. He looks so good in business suits, better than in his casual ranch clothing.

I was thinking that Jeronimo has to receive the vilest treatment Nata can dish out so he has to walk a mile in her shoes before they can each be able to forgive the other. I'm sorry to see that La Doctora is going to be the fallen log over the path to reconciliation.

Oh, and Regina had better tell Gonzo what Ines told her, TONIGHT. Why did she agree to meet Gonzo at her house--she should have picked a more neutral territory, like the Casa. Far be it for me to guess that Cata will be hovering around and Antonio will make a surprise visit. Will the guys get into a fist-fight? Business Man vs. Retired Torero. Hmmm.

Sylvia--I don't think it was Gustavo (is he the Mayor/Governor) or Cantu (the officer investigating) that originated the "one of the girls is not yours." It was Gustavo who mentioned it on the phone to Fina, though.

Remember, Pepa/Fina had to have re-registered "Regina" as Renata with Fina's surname. There had to be some money changing hands to perpetrate that falsification. Maybe Cantu found the person who did it and shared that info with Gustavo.

Cap'n Syl: was 'Destilando Amor' where we saw the Doctora. Than you for the infos. :))

NOK: Dr. Killsthem. I am 'dying' laughing at that one!!!

Susanita Word verify: 'hydra' as in Malafina the Hydra! Ha!

how about a ring pop candy ring? but I like the origami if that is what it was..
sorry the confusion with David de la Mota instead of Carlos dlM was me... and i did like Martha Julia in Desti Amor even though her acting was over the top... here she is playing a much more likeable although 'came to the hero's life too late' type of character... She has played other supporting roles but DA was the only novela I watched with her in it.

Hello everyone,

Delurking here after a couple of years of reading Caray, Caray. I must say, the recaps and the comments are even more addictive than the TNs themselves. And after thinking that I would not enjoy this TN based on its premise, I admit I am loving CME (especially the lovely Sylvia Navarro)!

Sylvia,that was a fantastic recap. While ITA with everyone else about your funny observations, my favorite line was: "Fina sneers her approval as Matias is crushed by the weight of misplaced guilt." Wow, what an elegant and poignant summary of the whole scene. Your words really captured the emotions.

Y'know, even though I kind of like Augie (I think it's the accent; I'm originally from Spain so listening to him reminds me of home), I do agree it would be fun to see him squirm under the accusations of foul play wrt Rafa. However, I worry that he'll play the victim card to Renata about being falsely accused by Jero (and we know how sensitive Renata would be to THAT) and in the short term it will draw Renata closer to him in solidarity.

Oh, and one last thing: Next time Fina starts snarling and barking at Renata in front of the rest of her family, would someone, anyone, please walk up to her and punch her in the face? Please?

Thanks everyone, for such a fun and entertaining forum!

Juan Miguel

Juan Miguel, Welcome! Thank you for commenting and delurking (great word!). We love it when readers decide to jump it with their unique viewpoints.

I can totally see Augie playing the victim card with Renata. That said, even though she accepts his tokens of friendship she consistently draws back from him. It's like she can sense his creepiness so I wonder how far their relationship will go. I can see her jumping back into her work with a vengeance and using the family business to help heal her wounds. But I guess we'll need some way to keep her traveling back to the wine country and Augie would be good for that.

Selene is going to be a thorn in his side. I can't wait to see how he will deal with her.

Thank you Sylvia for an absolutely fantabulous recap! Oh, I luuurve this show! We all knew Renata would be blamed for the miscarriage but somehow I didn't think about the sterility, but it is a package deal. Ooooh Flatulent Fina, you're going to get yours but good! And Berta, I thought you had seen the light, or rather darkness of yo Mama's ways and I felt a tiny bit for you for a minute. No more! Ruin seize you and your miserable madre!

So Blaaaanca IS all about the booty, the pysical and the financial! Oh, that wretch, what is an appropriate end for her and her dumb lap dog Daniel?

Agree, Sylvia, the scene with Carlos and Mati was too short but I always enjoy Gonzo's bright eyes and tail wagging when Regina makes and appearance! I luuurve this couple and I hope along with Gonzo he's gonna get a profession of love and maybe a little more tonight at Regina's house. Remember, she has declared her independence and I think she's going to give voice (and lips) to her feelings for the Gonzmeister! Yaaah Bab-bay!

Thanks again, Cap'n!

Lila (word verification is butedge, Oh My Gosh! That is hilarious!!)

"Next time Fina starts snarling and barking at Renata in front of the rest of her family, would someone, anyone, please walk up to her and punch her in the face? Please?"

Amen Juan Miguel! And welcome!

Sylvia- It's true that the writers will have to find ways to keep bringing Nata (and us) back to the wine country. I'm sure they'll think of some clever ways.

I'm fine with the leads being distracted by someone else for a while, and Jero has lucked out if his is the pretty doctor. But please, anyone else but Augie for Nata! He is soooooo creepy. And once he’s in your life, you can’t shake him off. He and Stalking Selene are perfect for each other.

Sylvia a spectacular and hilarious recap and thank you also for the shout out.

So Jerko is speculating that Roberta threw herself down the stairs intentionally. Bingo. Renata thinks that Roberta wasn't pregnant at the time also Bingo. Now what they have to do is piece together the info.

I too hope Regina tells Gonzo tonight what she learned from Ines that Roberta already had the miscarriage several days ago. Someone is sure to show up and may interrupt telling him that news either nosy mother or controlling novio Antonio.

Good that Hon caught the discrepancies so fast with the finances but i think BSC Blanca is going to put the blame on him.

So glad Renata is out of that house of misery.She needs the loving support of Consta who has always been a loving mother figure for her anyway.

Yeah i definitely picked up the Dr. was interested in Jerko. Somehow i believe this relationship might lead to him discovering about Roberta's miscarriage but then again he can learn that from Regina.

Dr.Scuzzbucket accosting Kari in front of a church can't see this character lasting too long in the story now.

Fina's lapdog wants to get lucky oh my he just wrote his death ticket.

Previews Gustavo taunts Malafina about one of her daughters not being hers.Jerko finds out Rafael was murdered he has several suspects on his list. Roberta,Auggie,Dr. Vodka and Fina.

Welcome Juan Miguel and i love your name.

Susanita i'm just loving this novela so much too.

Gonzo's bright eyes and tail wagging when Regina makes and appearance!
ROFLOL great line Lila!!

Welcome, Juan Miguel...
and yes, Augie will play victim role (Jerko is lost and now he wants to blame/muddle me to get back somehow)
Dr Vodka... GREAT nickname ...

If eHarmony is available in Mexico, I'd look for Agustin and Blanca to get together. Compatibly aligned in terms of parasitism and general creepiness. Not to mention outsize egos.

Funny how Matilde has matured about ten years worth in the last month.

What Vivi said. Get back out to the wine country. The DF settings are all depressing - casa Monterrubio is cold colored and dimly lit.

As always, THANKS, Sylvia!

I have a hard time picturing Augie playing the victim. I see him more as righteously indignant. How dare anyone accuse someone of such stature of such a thing? The very idea is ludicrous, after all, he is Agustin Dunant Cuevas.


So after this exciting episode from last night several things made me think about some of these characters and how much they have in common.

Ruben married a woman he never loved for her money at the time he was dating Geno but either she wasn't rich enough or probably wasn't as successful as she is now. So Ruben took the sure and instant ready millions thing Mayra.Teresa did the same thing but difference between these two is Teresa was in love with Mariano but Ruben only loves himself.

Geno carried a torch all of these years for a man he threw her over for someone who had a bigger and better bank account. She has connived and lied behind her BFF back and is now carrying on a affair with her husband. Mariano was thrown over by Teresa because he wasn't ambitious enough and didn't dream big at the time when he Was with Teresa. Arturo had the ready made lifestyle that Teresa wanted and at that time Mariano wasn't on the same page as Teresa. They would have had affair but were interrupted several times.

Mariano decided to move on from Teresa but as we all saw last night deep inside a part of him will always love her.

Aurora she has had plenty of chances to go after the man she wanted but she doesn't think the timing was ever right. or she was manipulated by Teresa in not going after Mariano. She has been a good friend to both but i don't want her to settle with a man she doesn't love enough to be happy with.

Aeeeeeeeeeeeda she will never get it she is a cross between her father selfish and mean and gets physical if she has too. She has a cruel streak a mile long and is obsessive.

What she has is common with her dear old dad is she believes she deserved Paulo because she love him for the longest and they came from the same social circle. Just like Ruben believed he deserved to take and use Mayra's money for himself. But start a relationship with a gullible girl and keep her tied to him as he stay married to Mayra.

Not willing to let go of her even though she told him repeatedly it's over. She also is obsessed like Geno and nasty about gloating over her enemies misfortune. These two can dish it out but once on the receiving end of being embarrassed neither can handle it.Self centered and selfish to the core it's all about their wants and needs and they don't care who they step on to achieve it.

Carlos, you got a point there... but that will make Augie look just like Dr Vodka at the bar... LOL!!

Carlos, I see your reaction by Augustin the same. He'll be furious and out for revenge, and he will rant at Nata that once again Jero and co. are falsely accusing someone to suit their needs. My hope is that the fact that The report does show Rafa had been shot by SOMEONE, will still make Nata upset and question since Rafa was her friend too.

I just think that hooking Nata up with Augie is almost a cruelty at this point that I can't bear to see happen to our girl. Especially after that little hook up he had with Selene. I don't think what Augie feels is anything akin to love- it's the desire to own something - not unlike, but a little less disgusting, than Dr. Demented. He'd probably toss her aside for a new model as soon as he had won her.

And Juan Miquel, I add my welcome as well. Oh, may I say, if I could, I would be more than happy to oblige with your request on Fina!

blu, did you post that under the right blog? LOL

Thanks Sylvia, for the great recap.

I think Tony is desperate. He waited years to have a serious relationship with Regina and the moment his dream comes true, in walks Gonzo.

Dr. Sepulveda: Since they’re really making a point of her--Tony’s daughter that didn’t die after all? I didn’t pay much attention to her so I don’t know how old she is. Couldn’t be the wife, right?

Auggie is beyond inappropriate. His arrogance is astonishing. He comes on to Renata the moment she breaks with Jero and then gets her a lawyer, etc.?!!! She’s been separated, for what, two seconds?!! Creep.

Fina’s increasing desperation is going to turn her from a manipulator to a full-blown murderer (Rafa was an accident, right?)

Juan Miguel: Welcome and I totally agree with: “Oh, and one last thing: Next time Fina starts snarling and barking at Renata in front of the rest of her family, would someone, anyone, please walk up to her and punch her in the face? Please?”

Carlos: “I have a hard time picturing Auggie playing the victim. I see him more as righteously indignant. How dare anyone accuse someone of such stature of such a thing? The very idea is ludicrous, after all, he is Agustin Dunant Cuevas.” Good point. Our Renata would still be in his corner as someone who was, also, falsely accused by Jero.

Side note: Now I don’t like the nickname Auggie for Agustin since I started watching COVERT AFFAIRS which has a very cool Auggie (short for August).


Marta i thought i was on the Teresa page sorry guys.

Blu, thanks for the Teresa update. I haven't been able to watch in a few days.

Sylvia, May I add my appreciation and thanks for your fine work. You present so clearly and humorously this continually encapturing story. All the funny and charming things have been quoted before I got here so I appreciate all our silver keyed (tongued) community and their words too.

I could not recognize the formerly blond temptress wife on Destilando. I am glad she gets to play somoone super smart instead of super deceptive this tme around. The look and hand shake really transmitted electricity between them. Should be a fun element to mix in, especially since so much of thei TN has flowed in and out of hospitals and she is the first doctor to seem noble and high principled except for Andrecito's docs seem like good folk who we probably won't get to know. I think we will get to know her, she did invite him to something in the future by her "not this time" suggestion.

Augie and Antonio are showing their control freakiness full blown now. Let's hope mother and daughter are both resistant. And please let them reconcile soon. Renata needs support from all the Good women in the story.

Carlos ring did seem like shiny plastic to me but I loved the playful and HOT move. Besides it is in enjoyable ocmparison to Antonio's presumptive presentation of a diamond to reluctant Regina.

Muchas gracias, Sylvia! I'm glad you helped us find the humor in such a gloomy episode.

The writers keep impressing me more and more. Dr. Marina seemed like nothing but an extra but now it looks like La Doctora is going to play a bigger role in the story. I love how subtly they introduced her.

Augie is the king of coming on too strong. I can't believe Nata hasn't swatted him off with a stick yet. For how much Nata hates to be controlled, she seems to let Augie take the reins far too often.

Gonzo and Regina are a lovely couple. Here's hoping Gonzo gets an honest chance. Tony isn't a bad guy but he just isn't right for Santa Regina.


Welcome, Juan Miguel to our friendly corner, the Cuando posts and to CarayCaray as a wonderful blog too. I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I and many of us do. There are fine people to meet who will be enthused to read your observations, quips and jeers. Bring it on and play with us.

Hey Mike, I like your eHarmonia observaton. Yes, check those creepy boxes all the way down the list of characteristics for Blanca and Augustin. Poor old Antonio isn't a demon, I agree, but just a bit off the mark, perhaps too much head butting with the bulls instead of using his cape.

I have hopes for sparks between Gonzo and Regina tonight. This story needs some more love and kisses! We are going to need it as the sad investigation is rolled out about Rafael.

Gotta run they just shot their best doctor on Alborada. TGIF indeed!

Yaaay! Blu! I'm glad to see someone else occasionally posts on the wrong board! I've done it twice. I admire you. I can't do two heavy novelas at once: I usually do a silly afternoon one, like I'm watching Zacatillo -- got some clear diction, great for language learning but a goofy/frustrating story.

And Robey, ITA about Auggie with his instant divorce lawyer for Renata two seconds after her split -- he's just an older, better heeled and more arrogant Chema who thought he was going to be rocked in Connie's bosom a half second after her breakup with Hon! Auggie, Tony and Chema are all pushy. I know a lot of y'all don't care for Gonzo's moves on Regina but at least Regina is subtly digging Gonzie's game: Auggie, Tony and Chema ain't got no game.


Sylvia! "the little bullfighting Napoleon" pegged Antonio perfectly. I think there was a simultaneous LOL throughout Caray Caray land when we all read that line. I wonder if his wife and daughter survived that plane crash, but used the opportunity to get away from him?

Not a fan of Renata's latest fashion trend... tights with shorts. But, I do like that better than those brown fingertipless gloves she wore with that short red dress. I think I had a similar dress in jr. high.

Are there no policia in Ensenada? Surely Carina and Alfonsina and Padre can make a case for getting the doc locked up?

Rosemary la Otra

I did not see that coming... a kiss, yes, but intimacy...

Augie figuring out himself that since he has so much in common with Roberta according to Sele, he better get to know her... ROFLOL
previews with the arrests made me feel like hip hip hooray, for once teh good guys have something to celebrate even if these folks can get themselves out of jail in a minute...

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