Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #87 Thursday 8/18/11 Jeronimo visits Kinkos and channels Banksy; Renata refuses to join the I Love Jero fan club.

Last night’s development: Jero is completely sure that he wants to anonymously grant financial aid the Monterrubio nation.

Tonight: Over at Empresas MR Honorio never recalls hearing of such a person or name as Dominique de la Rivera. He mentions that last night Blanca called to spread ill will for Adri and to advise she (Banca) would return in another skin. They are QTH is that supposed to mean? Dudes, have you never heard of a snake shedding its skin? Lawyer Soto talks about settling out of court with Monique.

Gonzo asks Hons why does Hons feel like he’s giving in? Hons says it’s not that exactly, he just blames himself for his stupidities. Maybe it would be better for him to accept the punishment as his due, to go to jail to pay for Adri being in hospital and Coni being in the arms of another.

Speaking of his ladies, Adri asks Cons about Chema. I like the fact that Adri’s thinking like Mata Hari even though she’s in traction with scrapes and bruises on her face. The doc shows up, he adores Adri and says he’s going to release her tomorrow.

Gonzo gives Hons a pep talk, stay strong, he’s too smart to give up. Soto comes back in with some documents and Gonzo asks him about his divorce papers. “You’d divorce Fina while she’s ill?” Soto asks. Gonzo asks how did he know? Then he adds that Fina is perfectly well and he wants a divorce ASAP. Gonzo and Hons look quizzical, how did Soto know?

Nata, daydreaming at a sunny outdoor cafe, recalls her sincere joy at her specious marriage. Beth the receptionist arrives and stares upward, slack-jawed. She tells Nata to look up. Gasp! It’s a tag by Jero the urban artist! One of their wedding pictures, greatly enlarged, hangs from the side of a building.

Soto calls Fina and starts pressuring. She lied to him and his patience has limits! She grumbles to herself that now she’s going to have to sleep with him. Ah well, maybe there’ll be a little sweet with the sour.

Berta shows up and they natter at each other. Fina thinks Berta should act more like a woman suffering because of her husband. Berta guffaws and saunters out.

Isidro and Inez kvetch about Andresito. Isidro is bummed that Pepa and Fina didn’t turn out to be the same person. He says Tony’s men have searched everywhere and maybe they should all just accept that Regina’s daughter will never appear.

Jero scampers into the middle of Nata’s irritation and plants a big wet one on her that lasts through the entire commercial break.

Nata tries to slap Jero but he grabs and kisses her arm, “Don’t call me love!!!” she insists, “Tonto!”
He: Mi amor!
She: Tonto!
He: Mi amor!
She: Tonto!
You get the picture. She pouts and insults, he blows her a kiss and happily waves as she stalks off. “See you soon my love,” he laughs.

Alf cries to the doctora, she doesn’t know how to handle what’s happening. Things are worse than ever and the tension is dense. Doc defines the problems which are related, 1. Ponchito wants them to live together, 2. Yet there is the problem of her infidelity and pregnancy. Doctora tells her little by little they will help solve the problems. Something they can do right away is determine who the father is. Alf is all over that idea, the not knowing is horrible.

Slackers Berta and Sele are hanging out as usual drinking, texting and sniping at each other. Sele says she’s waiting for a call from Augie and she refuses to call him because he's old-fashioned that way. (Hah!!). “And if he doesn’t call?” queries Berta. Sele says of course he’ll call, his love nest was an inferno the other night. Chema is a child compared to a man like Augie.

What a surprise, Augie walks in and kisses Sele, such a surprise! She re-introduces him to Berta. How could he forget such a beautiful woman? he says, prompting Berta to smirk and Sele to sneer.

Back inside EM Beth gushes at the romanticism of Jero. Nata insists they are far from being in love and she wants him out of her life. Beth swoons over the dreamboat Jero and Nata snaps at her to get back to work.

Sele invites Augie to join them but he says he’s busy. Maybe he’ll see her later, it depends on business. He’s up for a threesome later on but Berta declines. Augie teases surely it’s not because of her husband? Berta leaves and Sele jealously bitches at him. He tells her to cool her jets, there is no commitment between them. “Between you and I there is nothing more than sexual encounters. I’ll call you later, eh?” A smug Berta eavesdrops and grins widely.

Lazaro, playing the role of Simon Legree, madly hoes and yells at the workers to leave no stone unturned in their frantic hoeing. He yells at Carlos there is no time to eat! He stops and admits his anger is due to Karina. She made things very clear to him, she’s married and will stay married until death. Carlos advises him to give her time. Laz bellows it’s not a question of time but of decision! He’s lost all desire to study, go on with life, everything! Carlos says he needs to live for himself. Laz goes back to fulminating and hoeing.

Kari and Mati are in Kari’s house discussing redecorating and Kari’s future. Kari says she’s going to work for the church and bury her womanhood inside herself. Mati advises Kari to start living life again. Kari says something about not being free until she dies, or Alvaro dies first. See? Hope springs eternal.

Jero gives Regina the 411 regarding his art project. She says he’s very brave. He says he has to pay for his mistakes. Then win her love once again, she advises.

Soto faces Fina and whines that she used him. She tells him to spare her the melodrama and if he blabs to Gonzo he’ll be fired that very second. Soto thinks Gonzo would never fire him for telling the truth. Fina cackles that ultimately she’s the wife, ex-wife whatever, she’s going to receive a substantial pension while Gonzo will fire Soto immediately. He calls her perverse. She corrects him, she’s intelligent. He’d better shut his mouth so nobody knows his infidelity to the company. He departs, a beaten man.

The bank manager Luciana arrives and happily announces to the EM principals that the bank has decided to front EM the loan. Nata jumps up, kisses dad and they both exclaim “Guau” in unison. Very cute. Happy faces all around the table. Hons wonders about their change of attitude. Luciana says it must have been a change of mind, they’ve worked many years together.

Jero calls Carlos to tell him he’ll eventually get Renata back and to tell him to manage La Bonita and make himself at home at the hacienda.

Alf tells Padre about her upcoming amnio. He says whatever Marina recommends is OK by him because Marina would NEVER do anything to put Alf in any danger. (Anvil alert!) But what if Doc Alvaro is the dad? Alf thinks it’s better to know. Padre offers to help with the cost so she doesn’t have to wait. “Let’s get it over with!”

Marina, in white jacket and with black bag, visits La Bonita to inquire about Jero’s return. Mati loudly announces he’s very busy Trying To Convince His Wife To Return Home. Carlos tries to nudge her aside but she shakes him off. “God willing he’ll return home with her very soon. You understand, right?”

Nata’s over at Adri’s room describing Jero’s stunt. Adri and Coni think it’s romantic. Nata accuses them of having bad memories. She will never forgive him, never! Coni and Adri have a loving goodbye as Adri thanks Cons for her care in spite of her dad.

Gonzo, Hons and Matias think the bank’s change of position is odd but they are happy nevertheless. They start making plans to recuperate the business.

Berta knocks on Augie’s door. She’s come to satisfy her part of the bargain. He’s pleased when she pushes him onto the bed.

There is a knock on Adri’s door, “Room Service, dinner!” The orderlies, sporting black bow ties, wheel in a cart with wine and strawberries. Jero strikes again. He wants them all to celebrate Adri’s quick recovery. Nata glares as he mouths a quick kiss.

It’s dark, clothing is strewn about the floor, and the mating serpents are in a cold-blooded but somewhat passionate tangle. “Nuff said.

Nata protesteth too much. Jero informs her the Hospital Director himself approved this meal. She threatens to call security and locks herself in the bathroom. Adri laughs and Jero tries to enlist her as an accomplice. In the bathroom Nata scolds herself for her inability to resist Jero.

Oh for pete’s sake. Friggin’ Cata strides into Gonzo’s office with fire in her eyes. Gonzo gulps.

The slimy sex serpents are sprawled in satisfied disarray. Berta brags that she’s very discrete. Augie’s glad because it’s part of their bargain. She says Nata must never know that Rafa was the father of her baby. Augie moves in for round two. Ack.

Fina’s in a fit because Berta is missing. The maid says’ she’s not with Sele because Sele called looking for her.

Gonzo asks Cata to give him the opportunity to prove his intentions toward Regina are good. Cata says no, he’s married. Gonzo informs her he’s getting a divorce so Regina can take her rightful place by his side. Cata points out it could be years before he’s got the divorce papers in his hand. How would he feel if one of his daughters was going out with a married man? “What would you say? ‘Oh I’m so happy for you honey, he’s such a great guy, he’s still married but of course he has the best intentions for you.’” Gonzo insists if the guy was honest and up front he’d be OK with it. Cata says clearly Gonzo is the kind of guy who can justify anything. How sad that Regina dumped an upstanding unmarried freakazoid like Tony. Oh yeah, if he’s such a catch then why is he still single, huh? Huh? Sheesh.

Regina and Inez discuss perpetually angry Cata. Regina adds she hasn’t heard a thing from Tony. Regina is distressed when Inez tells her Cantu is dead. Regina says she can’t let Tony continue looking for her daughter. She wants Gonzo to take over the search; she will never stop looking for her daughter.

Tony sits in La Mentira drinking and obsessing about Regina in the arms of Gonzo. He wants to see Regina pay for despising him.

Jero regales Adri with tales of past ailments while she pretends to stuff her face with unripe berries. Nata finally emerges from the baño and Jero unveils the menu: filet mignon, Alaskan salmon, and Nata’s favorite...mushrooms. He tries to rub noses, says he loves her freckles, and slips out the door. Nata can’t stand it and finally tucks into the grub.

Oh yawn, Matias is dining with Hit-N-Run’s sister. There is an extremely cool mural on the wall behind them. She wonders about his relationship with Adri. Is she girlfriend or family? He says she’s like family and takes way to long to spit the words out. He says they have a special relationship but unfortunately he’s married. She never would have guessed. He says he wants a divorce but she, no. HNR’s Sis says she can understand why wifey wants to stay by his side. I repeat, Yawn.

It’s dark and a pair of shapely feet enter a house, slip out of their heels and tiptoe toward the stairs. “Where have you been?” snarls Malafina to her spawn. Berta lies she was out with Sele. Oops, busted in the lie. Berta shrugs and says she’s not going to live like a nun. Fina demands to know the details of Berta’s date. Berta pauses and smiles, nope, better that mom doesn’t know and better that mom should butt out of her life. She was with a man who took her too the stars. Berta informs Fina she’s not going to be all bitter because Fina’s plans for her didn’t turn out. She’s going to move on with her life and her bed.

Next morning Soto goes to Matias’s office to tell him there is a problem with his marriage contract. First, it doesn’t specify that the marriage is hijo-dependent, second and more worrisome, the date for divorce was not set at one year but at ten. “QUE?????”

Avances: Renata gripes to Coni and Adri that Jero is everywhere. Augie makes his move then becomes angry when Jero interrupts a private moment with the prized Renata.

antiquo/a = old-fashioned
compromiso = commitment
las ganas = the desire
pecas = freckles
rindiendo = giving up

Useful phrase of the day:
Entre tú y yo no hay nada más que encuentros sexuales. = Between you and I there is nothing more than sexual encounters.

Dicho of the day:
Al mal paso darle prisa = Let’s get it over and done with (lit. Take bad steps in a hurry)


Wow Sylvia! I am in awe of how quickly you got that up. You gave us so many wonderful images with your words, but this was my favorite: "The slimy sex serpents are sprawled in satisfied disarray." Just a perfect sentence.

Dr. Carlos- I was totally on team Mati tonight. The way she looked Dr. Tatas up and down, and noted the too short dress under the lab coat, was hilarious. And then she had Nata's back, and staked Nata's claim on Jero for her. She was basically saying, "Back off b*tch! This man's taken." I think the good doctora got the message, but I don't think it will stop her from mooning over and flirting with Jero.

Speaking of our hero, he's making some pretty good strides in his plan to woo Nata back to him. Don't think he knows that just that day she was finalizing their divorce.

Vivi, I'm glad you enjoyed the alliterative "S" sentence. I had fun working it out.

Oops, when Jero hears about his divorce I imagine that will take the wind out of his sails.

Wasn't Matilde at her finest? Funny how the same behavior can both infuriate and cheer us depending upon whom it is directed.

Susanita, I put a link to tonight's episode, Cap 87, on Wednesday's comments.

My dear Cap'n Sylvia! I just saw the link you posted for me on Capitulo 86!! Gracias, Amiga!!!

Your recap was super and, like Vivi, loved the line about the serpents. PERFECTO!!!

Now I am off to see the capitulo!!!


Sylvia, Thank you for a wonderful recap, it is so witty but I need to read it again over the weekend. Many thanks for the vocabulary and dichos, great choices all. You are the best!

I am off to deliver 3 prints to the state fair photography contest early tomorrow then going with friends to Indian Market in Santa Fe. Always so inspiring. I will enjoy this all again on Sunday and catch up with Friday's episode too. Happy summer weekend all, there aren't too many left.

Thank you Sylvia for the quick awesome recap. In agreement with Vivi that "The slimy sex serpents are sprawled in satisfied disarray." is a perfect sentence.
I still can't appreciate Mathi's bratness even when I share her sentiment. You can be direct without being rude. About Blanca, why would she blame Renata specifically at the company? Still think she's working with Fina somehow. Being a narcissitic jerk must be the price of admission in the triple awful "A" club(Augstin, Alvaro, and Antonio). It is amazing how Augustin can claim to love Renata then sleeps with her sister and not be slightly disturbed by that. I don't agree with her methods, but I completely understand Cata's concerns about Regina and Gonzo. Interested to see how Jero will recover from the divorce discovery. My bet is that Augustin will be the first to share the "good" news.

So love this recap Sylvia - just love your observations and quips ( and I noticed those stawberries too). Nice to have an episode too where there was more lightness. A little colective breather for viewerville.

I have to admit, love watching this Jero/Juan. I was smiling through his antics last night and the reactions of those around Nata which drove her even more nuts.(Like that receptionist - she would have made an interesting character). Of course, we know they won't get him anywhere right now, and he has more redeeming to do for sure, but hey, step in the right direction.

Legal questions: Why would you "settle out of court" with someone you don't even know or have a record of. If they had made the connection with BSC I'd say something...
And while we're dealing with our stellar corporate lawyer - how does he explain to Matias the agreement flaw. He drew up the agreement- this should prove interesting. Will he confess?

Spoiled and Slimy sure didn't waste time, and hopefully we won't have to suffer through more of their amours, but did rather like Berta's attitude towards her mother. The more the merrier in sticking it to Fina.

Lord,MOB(meddlesome old bitty) Cata needs to just give it a rest. Her purpose in this TN is now one of sheer annoyance.Whether she disagrees with her daughter or not, she is a grown woman and mumsy needs to butt out.

As for Mati,since noone else wants to bother to fill the lady Doc in on Jero's marital status, at least she obliged. She smiled at least and dialed down the snottiness, so I say she's learning. She earned one "atta girl" last night.

Cheryl - sounds like such a fun weekend for you. Myself, getting my other son to college tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!

What a perfect way to start the day!

Sylvia, I loved every word of your amazing recap. I was either laughing "The slimy sex serpents are sprawled in satisfied disarray", laughing and rolling my eyes: "Sele says of course he’ll call, his love nest was an inferno the other night" or nodding in vigorous agreement, "sincere joy at her specious marriage".

Of all the many gems in this, my favorite was your Useful phrase of the day:"Entre tú y yo no hay nada más que encuentros sexuales" Truer words were never spoken.

No one can say Mati isn't passionate (although inconsistent). No one wears their heart on their sleeve as she does -and I admire that she says what she feels (although I wish at times she'd try to filter a bit)."Mati loudly announces he’s very busy Trying To Convince His Wife To Return Home" was a great line.

Your vocab and dicho were also excellent. Gracias!

Happy Friday all.


Morning all! Cheryl, have a wonderful time with your friends in Santa Fe. Daisynjay, have a wonderful time taking your second son to college.

I know Mati is bratty. Still oved her last night. I have a feeling that during this engagement dinner with Carlos' family, her bratty directness will cause problems and she will learn the hard way that she has to control her mouth and attitude. Last night Carlos was worried that Jero won't return in time for the big dinner. Jero wasn't sure if he would or not, but wanted Carlos to feel comfortable hosting the dinner at the hacienda, as if it were his home. I am sure Jero and Nata being missing is just the first of many things that will go wrong at this dinner. We know some anvils are coming for our happy young couple.

Loved the very natural moment when Nata and Gonzo did their cute kiss, kiss, wow! And also all the moments with Nata and Adri. Adri is so sweet that everyone loves her and is affectionate with her. Even her doctor was calling her nina in an affectionate way, and Coni has become really motherly to her. I'm sure her mom is looking down on her and happy that she has so many people in her life taking care of her. It's just what she was hoping for when she told Hon the truth before she died.

I know that many of you are not on team Jero yet -- but I am and I loved the wooing scenes. The "Don't call me mi amor, tonto. Ok mi amor" sccene. They were really cute. I also loved the hospital scene with Adriana laughing & Jero smiling and Mi amor-ing and Renata in the bathroom saying I hate that he is irresistible. I hate that I love him" Wonderful romantic comedy bits.

I haven't even read the recap yet -- I'm sure it's terrific. I just wanted to share my pleasure at the sweet bickering.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Ooooh..."slimy sex serpents..." Yes, that sentence is a masterpiece Sylvia. And I certainly found Augustin very UNattractive last night. Something about that pale hairless chest is very off-putting.

Jero, on the other hand, very endearing in this new playful style. Plus the man is perfect in suit, tie and matching handkerchief.

But as usual, Silvia Navarro was the absolute best in her bathroom why-do-I-find-him-so irresistable!? scene. Would love to see her do more such comic moments.

Loved Matilde's scene, and though Lazaro's rock-beating was kind of funny, he's definitely a looker without that hat. Great craggy face, wonderful hair. What a galan! Surprised someone else hasn't snagged him , Kari has all the charm of a wet piece of kleenex right now.

Vocab and dichos were great Sylvia, but hope none of us will be saying "Entre tú y yo no hay nada más que encuentros sexuales" anytime real soon. A bit cold, that.

Thanks for another snappy, well-crafted recap amiga.

Yet another wonderful recap, Sylvia. Thanks for making me smile and even laugh out loud this morning.

OK, say what you will, think what you will about Augie, he seems to have gotten this sex thing down fairly well. Arely was obsessed with him and both Selene and Roberta seem to be satisfied customers. We haven't seen Roberta this happy since Rafa vanished.

I suspect, however, that he may run into difficulties juggling the 2 BFFs. He seems confident, though, suggesting a 3 way. I'm impressed.

My favorite lines last night:

"You've been with a man, right?"

"You're very good at detecting odors, mamá."



"still can't appreciate Mathi's bratness even when I share her sentiment."

No tee shirt, no headband for you... Next!


Sylvia! What a doozy of a recap! It was a fast-paced and fun-filled as the episode itself, only snarkier.

And when I got the the line: "Oh for pete’s sake. Friggin’ Cata strides into Gonzo’s office..." I busted out laughing. That's exactly the way I felt while I was watching; the woman barged in to ruin my enjoyment of a fun episode.

Roberta is setting herself up for some major humiliation here. As Carlos points out, think what you will about him, Auggie knows how to satisfy. And when Roberta inevitably starts to fall for him, she'll once again become enraged that he is only using her because he wants Renata. It's a chicken and egg thing with Roberta: Did she becom a bitter and egotistical snake because everyone always preferred Renata, or did everyone always prefer Renata because Roberta is a bitter and egotistical snake? Irrelevant at this point, I guess?

*sigh* Okay, okay, I give in. Carlos, may I please be put on the list for a Matilde tee shirt? And while I was never moved by the tears Matilde shed before, I have a feeling that she is going to be doing a lot more crying very soon, poor thing. She better take out some anvil insurance before her dinner with the in-laws-to-be.

Daisynjay, Soto the lawyer tried to gloss over the change in the pre-nup by saying that either Roberta or Fina must have changed it without telling anyone, which I think is a pretty weak argument. Let's see if Matias buys it.

And what's this? I find myself smiling and actually approving of Jero for the first time in this TN (although his forced kisses still seem ugly and violent). And Sylvia Navarro is really such a fine actress; I love how she can display true anger, and then, like last night, display comical anger that no one, not Adri nor Jero nor ecen Beth, are fooled by. They understand she is resisting, but they also sense that deep down, she is softening.

Okay, Sylvia, I loved your recap so much, I'm going to go back and read it again! Thanks!

Juan Miguel

Sylvia, I finally had a chance to read your wonderful recap. It is so witty. I too liked the slimy sex serpents but i also loved the "mating serpents are in a cold-blooded but somewhat passionate tangle. “Nuff said."

I also thought that the Nata/Gonzo joint "Guau" was adorable. When this show first started Renata's over exuberance sometimes put me off but now I love that spontaneity & childlike joy. I also see how her effusive nature is important to the plot because it leads to misunderstandings which advance story lines.

I liked Mathilde's boldly poiinting out that Jero has a wife & her knowing looks at la doctora. I also loved the look on Carlos' face when he tried to get her to back off & realized that it was no use. It was a sweet kind of "she's a handful but she's my handful" smile.

I think that you are probably right, Vivi, that Mathilde's bluntness & attitude are likely to cause trouble when Carlos' family arrives.

One thing -- didn't Selene say that she wasn't calling Auggie because HE'S a bit old fashioned that way. He did let her know last time that he'd call if he wanted her.

Roberta was sure on cloud nine when she got back from her time with Augustin. I didn't catch what she said at the end but it sounded as though she too wants more than a few rolls in the hay with the silver stud. He must be SOME lover. Jero just better hope that things never advance to that point between him & Renata.


ATEEEEEN-TION! Cap'n. Silvia in the HOUSE! You go Girl, you are far from sharkbait! Love, Love, Lovin' the cap, Girl!

A few gems:

"Monterrubio nation"

"Dudes, have you never heard of a snake shedding its skin?"

"Adri’s thinking like Mata Hari even though she’s in traction with scrapes and bruises on her face."

Gee, I hate to say it but Jero's kinda cute in this new role. Love how the scene with Renata and the receptionist too and how she refused to be chastened by Renata's anger but just kept on swooning over Jero's antics!

"He’s up for a threesome later on. . " Whoa! Hey! Is that a figure of speech or did I miss something!

Maybe Lazaro needs to do a different type of 'hoeing, hunh?

Guys, you're getting your wish about Mati defending Nata against Dr. Ta Ta!

LMAO yesterday at Doc Carlos mating serpent reference and Sylvia, you took it to the next level: "sex serpents are sprawled in satisfied disarray." That is like the most perfect metaphor ever, unfortunately complete with visuals!

"How sad that Regina dumped an upstanding unmarried freakazoid like Tony." HEE HHEH HEHE HEE HAA HA!! LOVE IT!!!! Like others have said, go for it Cata!!

So much for Tony's secret plot to expose Fina and win Gina's love with the presentation of her daughter. (See freakazoid reference above)

Renata was grubbin' wasn't she?

And yes, they've given us another kind of spare girl, love your name, Sylvia. How's this: Sister of hit-n-split?

Muchisimas Gracias Amiga, stellar as usual!


Good morning fellow students in the Telenovela Learning Circle, thanks everyone for your fun and insightful comments. I appreciate it when you guys add key sentences that I missed during the recap. For example:
"You've been with a man, right?"
You're very good at detecting odors, mamá."

Thanks for that Carlos. Can't believe I missed that doozy! Also Güera, I just re-listened to the Sele/Berta scene and you are correct. Sele said she didn't want to call Augie because HE is old-fashioned that way. Even more laughable! Gracias amiga, I just deleted the "s" in my recap. I count on you guys to help out with these little details.

Güera and Daisy, I hate to admit it but I found myself softening a bit toward Jero last night. He's just so damned handsome in those suits and his attempts to woo Nata, though childishly superficial, still tugged at me. If Juan Soler turns me around then I might just forgive his dreadful Jero of the first half and Soler's laughable portrayal of grief. If that happens I will have to admit I am completely fickle and a puppet at the hands of the telenovela writers.

Diann, Happy Friday indeed! It promises to be a beautiful day in my neck of the woods. I hope the rest of you are able to enjoy some pleasant weather.

Cheryl, your weekend sounds jam-packed with fun as usual. Good luck with your entries and let us know how it goes.

Tasha, Triple "A" club, I like it.

Daisy, I also wondered why Soto would be so quick to settle out of court. Likely it is a lot less money for EM to do that than actually go to court. Still, there seem to be good reasons to fight.

Judy, isn't the "Entre tu y yo" sentence just horrible? Perhaps not the most grammatically adept either, but that literal translation somehow sounded the best. I couldn't resist. Also, you have such a way with words: "Kari has all the charm of a wet piece of kleenex right now." How true.

Carlos, I thought the same thing about Augie. So far all the ladies leave with smiles on their faces and wanting more.

Juan Miguel, you raise an interesting question about Berta and the chicken and egg theory. It seems whenever a choice is placed before her she usually opts to be spoiled, jealous and nasty. Do I recall a time when I used to root for her transformation to good? It seems so long ago.

Lila, "Sister of hit-n-split", LOL!! I love it! I think it's a keeper. Poor drab lil thing, I don't even remember her name. Re the "threesome", I know Augie was just talking about a date BUT...knowing him I'm sure he wouldn't mind the threesome turning into a three-way. If he knew what we know about those two spoiled ladies he would run from that scenario.

Daisy, "Spoiled and Slimy", another LOL moment. Love the nicknames.

Thanks for the great comments everyone. What a fun way to enjoy my morning tea!

Sylvia what a stellar recap of a fun and rollicking episode.Thank you.

OMG i even liked Jero last night and i enjoyed Renata's trying to resist and maintain her position but weakening at the same time. How hilarious it was from the secretary to Adriana and Consta enjoying her rants on Jero but laughing at her anyway.

Sylvia i feel that same way about sister of hit and run a big YAWN! Do we really need a extra spare girl.

Finally some usefulness to Mati's brattiness. I did enjoy the look on Dr. Ta ta's face as she stressed Jero had a wife.

Lazaro please move on and get a woman you can ho' around with.

Roberta better enjoy Auggie as much as she can once Stalking Selene finds out the you know what is going to hit the fan big time.

So Soto suggest settling out of court with BSC but they don't know it's her because the name is different.

Finally Matias finds out about the changed prenup, if he is smart he will most definitely ask Sots what part he played in all of this.

Soto better be careful i can see him gaining ground to be Malafina's next victim.

Cata get over yourself you meddling old bitty.

I can't remember who said that Antonio reminded them of a lizard but last night when the camera was giving him a close up he looked just like a lizard. His eyes looking liked a reptiles gave me the creeps.

Judy - " Kari has all the charm of a wet piece of kleenex right now". Lord, I love this. I know we're supposed to feel sorry for Kari,and I do, but honestly, she's such a Debbie-downer right now.I was so hoping she would pull herself out of that well she's thrown herself in and get stronger.But I guess we wait some more.

Once Mati probably gets blasted by Carlos' family (isn't it sad we are assuming this - we've watched way too many of these shows)they are going to need a full time psychiatrist or open up a good number of those wine casks to get that winery gang smiling again.Actually wishing Spare Girl #1 (and Lila I LOVE the Hit-n-Split nickname for #2)were still around and making Laz smile again.

Carlos, I think thanks for that "Gack" remark translation from Berta/Fina's conversation. I'll just hold on my lunch for awhile.

Wasn't able to watch the cap last night, but from the awesome recap and comments, I can't wait to see it.


Sylvia--the tn gods were out in force. You got a great episode to recap.

Who could have known that Juan Soler could do "cute," but he got me at the first Mi amor. Then he got me with his smile. Then he got me with his air-kiss. No wonder Nata is having a hard time getting him out of her corazon.

On with the show (and you, Marina, stay out of the reconquest).

Sylvia, great recap of really fun episode. Loved the dicho.

Is Soto in cahoots with BSCBlanca? There is no reason to settle this early in the legal game. Do they even know what she has on them?

Carlos, I am almost sorry you translated the conversation between Fina and Berta.

Boy, the creep factor really went up with Augie last night. He is like a helicopter hovering over Renata most of the time and then needs to the spend some time with an available spare girl to calm down. I guess we need to thank the spare girls for their public service or he would be a real wack job.

I have always been on team Jero and really enjoyed him last night, but who could resist?


Maybe Nata and Jero should just start dating again. Instead of her going back to being his wife and living with him, they should start over and take their time dating and getting to know each other. This time he can be honest about his life, past and feelings. They can rebuild the trust. This time they can also date each other out in the open, instead of the sneaking around they had to initially do because of Matias. I think Jero is expecting too much thinking he's going to bring Nata back to the hacienda after a few (very) cute romantic stunts. And Nata is being too rash completely throwing away the chance to be with a man whom she loves, is extremely attracted to, and who she knows is a good person (despite his huge flaws).

@Vivi...great suggestion for Renata and Jero. You've got the chops to be a great relationship counselor. For all I know, your job may involve that on an informal basis. Anyway, just know I'd take your advice anytime!

Vivi: I agree with JudyB.


Sylvia, thanks so much! Fun recap, and thorough. I, too, was noticing the mural in the restaurant...thanks for filling in what Matias and HitNRun said; I missed it because I was checking out the cool artwork.

Well, I am totally fickle. Jero is winning me over. He can be so charming when he wants to be. The "mi amor"/"tonto" scenes were so funny. They should incorporate more little comedic bits like that to lighten things up.

I hope Carlos's family surprises us and loves Mati. I can hardly wait to meet them.

TGIF! Friday means I can catch up on this week's episodes and savor your re-caps and comments over wine and ice cream.

As I've only skimmed the episodes with my 16% comprehension (doubled from my 8% before watching CME), I can't really comment, except for two on Jeronimo:
1) I felt heartsick last week when you all just knew that he'd end up having a romance/fling/roll in the hay with Dr. I Heart Yellow Clothes, but after seeing him try so hard with Renata, I think I can handle his indiscretion better. It will give her a chance to get over the hurt and the anger and hopefully they can have a fresh start down the road.
2) I bought my first People espanol magazine, Septiembre 2011 issue, and on pagina 176 is a nice articulo about Juan Soler entitled Hace 15 Anos, if anyone wants to look it up.
I am ready to commence my CME telethon, and look forward to reading everyone's opinions. I wish we were all in a huge IMAX theater watching it together!
Rosemary la Otra

Enjoy your CME marathon Rosemary. Hmm CME with wine & ice cream --

Sylvia Navarro & Juan Soler had a wonderful chemistry in that Tonto / mi amor scene. Made me start thinking about other sparring romantic couples. Remember Moonlighting with Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis?

Hey-- my word verification is fully -- how appropriate since I am so fully enjoying this show and all of you;


Thanks Judy and Robey. I think all of us here are fairly rational (most of the time) people. But tn characters tend to be "all or nothing" kind of people.

I totally understand why Renata doesn't want to go back to Jero, because they have lost the trust between them. So why not try to build back that trust if she can't get him out of her heart? Unlike Doc Drunk, she knows he's not a bad person. Just very, very misguided and quick to judge. It may still not work out. But since all their cards/truths are now on the table, why not try to see if it could work between them? Of course, she is also still uncertain about whether he slept with and impregnated her sister, but I think not so deep down she knows it's not true. Just like not so deep down she knows Gina is a good person and Fina is a witch, and it's Gina, not Fina, who deserves her loyalty.

Going back to what I said above, when I remember back to how hurtful and emotionally abusive Jero was, I can totally understand how Nata wouldn't be able to let that go. No matter how much she loves him. I am as conflicted as Nata is. LOL!

Well, as someone who flat out didn't care for Jerry, I found myself wanting to see him get a second chance last night. Not long ago, Renata admitted to Adriana that she is troubled by the fact that he might have gotten Roberta pregnant. I think if he would clear that up he would really have a good shot at winning her back. I really do like Vivi's approach.

As for Alfie's pregnancy, there's not much risk to an amniocentesis, but as I mentioned here recently, testing is possible on maternal blood and is apparently readily available.


Glad to know testing on maternal blood is possible now, Carlos. When I was pregnant at 40, the doc told me all about the risks of amniocentesis and I sure wanted no part of that! But I didn't have the same issues as Alfie.

Carlos, we always appreciate your expertise and voice of reason on the medical issues.

Vivi, you are extremely sensible. I like your dating plan for Jero and Nata. But like you say, our characters are usually all or nothing and if things don't go their way then fffft! They are off.

Rosemary La O, wine and ice cream? Amiga, I like your style!

Julia, I can't wait to meet Carlos's family either. I wonder who the actors are?

Blue, "Lazaro please move on and get a woman you can ho' around with." Hee hee. Agreed.

Rosemary, all of you Jero faithfuls must be feeling pretty good right now. His romance stunts are pretty imaginative.

Robey and NOK, not only was last night a stellar episode this whole week as been 100% fun. Not a dull episode in the bunch. I'm looking forward to tonight's cap. Just one more hour...

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