Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teresa Mon 8/22/11 #121 High Stakes Poker Play: Teresa Sees Arturo’s Bet And Raises

Two minute replay: Arturo shocks the shinola out of Teresa by telling her their new love shack really is a shack—in the ol’ vecindad.  They’re taking over Chona’s mini-suite for as long as it takes for him to repay the remainder of his debts. Tere tells him she’d rather die than be drug back there to live after trying so hard to escape it all. 

She races out with Art close behind.  Why? How could you do this to her–of all places and Chona’s place to boot—the littlest and most run-down of all the apartments in the complex??!!  She worked so hard to finally escape the ghetto and he’s brought her right back there again.  Well, says Art, mom, dad, Juana and all the rest of the old familiar faces will be near, and what’s so bad about that since he thought she’d appreciate having loved ones surrounding her during their time of need.  Right?  Or—doesn’t she love him and was theirs only a marriage of convenience?  (He may be handsome and hung, but right now I’d like to kick him in the shin, big time—the smart ass!) Teresa quiets down a bit and admits that she does love him.  If she loves him truly then she must prove it and support him throughout.  Tere says that it’s a lie that she married him for his money, and then agrees to stay with him as promised and responds to his request with a passionate kiss to prove it.

At the hospital later that morning, Mariano runs into Martin who is determined to give him and earful before heading back to France.  He’s angry thinking that he believed Mar’s little song and dance about seeing Aurora as only Teresa’s best friend and not “como mujer” [sexually].  Mar essentially says Aurora started it.  He apologizes for getting carried away and acting foolishly by kissing her, but Aurora did get mad at him after kissing him, and she’s sworn never to see him again.  “—Puh-leese!”  Marty reminds him it takes two to lip-tango.  The least Mar could have done was to admit his feelings for her!  Mariano says he couldn’t deal with his own feelings until he knew whether she and Marty were going to patch things up.  Heck no!  Of course they weren’t going to patch things up, says Marty.  Not because he didn’t love her, but because he’d lost her to Mariano.  “--Just let her down easy and don’t take advantage of her feelings, all right?”  Mar defends himself saying he’d never take advantage of her and despite what everyone thinks, he’s no longer interested in Teresa.  Marty snickers and rolls his eyes.  Aurora could no more stop loving Mariano anymore than Mariano could stop loving Teresa!  She’ll never stop loving Mar nor he Teresa!

At the same time, Aurora’s come for a little motherly advice from Juana.  Well, she’s free now, says Juana, and even though she shouldn’t have kissed Mariano, she did and so she might as well finish what she started with him.  Aurora’s too confused and she wants to be alooooone for a while.  Marty was right that she was always so eager to please others that she never really knew what she wanted for herself.  Now it’s time she find out.

Marty continues with the gripe session.  Mar admits it.  He realized after kissing Aurora that he feels differently about her now.  He has no interest in Teresa, though.  Marty asks if he’s prepared not to run to Teresa’s aid continually and only have time and eyes for Aurora?  Absolutely, promises Mar.  Marty says he hopes that’s the case, and that he learns how to properly appreciate her because he won’t be around to pick up the pieces once he’s gone.  Have no fear, promises Mariano.

Back in the vecindad, Aurora tells Juana she needs time to know herself and figure out her life.  She has no time for either Mariano or Martin right now.  She needs to get her personal life and priorities in order first and foremost.

Art takes Tere to their new little studio apartment in the ‘hood.  (Viewerville has to admit it’s been repainted and the door’s reinforced.  There are bright curtains on the windows and some of their furniture from home has been brought in to make it more than livable.)  She whines and sniffs as she looks it over.  The most run down apartment of them all!  OMG!  “--What’s the matter?”  Art acts sympathetically and asks if it brings back memories.  (He knows damn well that it does!)  He has no idea what it’s like living here, warns Teresa.  It won’t be anything that he’s used to.  He’ll manage, he’s sure of it.  Anyway, he thought she’d enjoy having all her loved ones around, especially her Mom and Pop and Esperanza who comes by daily to drop off little Rod with Pati and Johnny.  The fewer expenses while they’re paying off their debts, the better, he assures her.  (Art definitely earns a premio for this act!)

Once Art leaves to let Tere’s parents know they’re all moved in, Tere looks around and screams.  She wants to pinch herself awake!  “--This is just the worst nightmare!  I’ve got to get my house back!  What to do?  What do I do?”  Pacing and thinking, pacing and thinking.  (Team Tere anxiously awaits to see how she gets out of this one!)

Across the way, Refugio and Armando pray that Tere can put up with the bleak changes and living in the ‘hood again till things get better for hubby and her.  They light a candle to the virgencita and pray.

As Art starts up the stairs to the Chavez’s place, Chona comes running out asking if he’s done using her apartment and can she move back in now.  He’d told her he wouldn’t need it for long.  Art seems a little lost and embarrassed.  He tells Chona that he thought he’d be able to give it right back over to her, and that his wife wouldn’t want to stay but now she’s decided that she does.  (Viewerville does a major “Ahahhhhh!”)  He says he’ll need it a while longer and offers to pay her double the rent so she can find a nicer place to live for a while, and he’ll also continue helping Chona out.  (How about giving her a job while you’re at it?  Maybe let her cook and clean for you two, smarty pants!  Give her something permanent and meaningful that she feels she earns instead of begging charity from you, fool!  GRRRRR!!!!)  However, the only condition is that she’s not to tell a living soul about their agreement.

Back at the Heavenly Hights Pent-House Apartments complex, odious Oriana, Luisa and Fernando are discussing why Art wouldn’t accept a loan from La Odiosa.  Obviously, opines Lu, with Teresa involved, he’d rather do things on his own than to bring Odiana into the mix.  Odiana chuckles aloud.  She gets a kick at how the gal who came from the projects and has now returned to them.  Lu changes the subject to their decision about moving up the wedding date.

At the same time, Tere listens to some familiar tunes and gathers her composure.  Nobody and nothing will humble her [doblegar].  She will have to get control of her feelings.  Just then Art and her parents come in.  Tere wipes the tears off her face and stiffens her spine.    Refusio marvels at the improvements.  What a paint job!  Art admits to having the plumbing fixed, too.  (Whoo-hoo!)  Ref asks if the furniture is new.  No, says Art.  He brought it from the house, but all the rest he purchased with the money he got from selling the antique clock Nando gave them for a wedding present.  Teresa nearly has a cow when she hears, but she doesn’t say a thing.  Art tells Army that he sees this as a new beginning for him and Teresa. 

A bit later, Ref and Tere are in the kitchen.  Ref says she knows Tere got married without love, but she and her daddy have prayed she’d come to love Arturoand it seems she’s changed since she’s decided to stay here with him.  Tere sits at the kitchen table and swears to her that if it’s the last thing she does, she’s getting out of this place ASAPP!!

Back at the hospital, Dr. Magpie Magda begs Aurora not to leave the project she shared with Mariano.  Too bad, already done, she says.   Mariano comes over and says that he has to speak with her about Marty and their situation.  Aurora says there is no “us” and the only thing that might interest her is what Martin has to tell her and he can see her whenever he cares to and vice versa, but as for Mariano, she wants nothing more to do with him.  He can’t understand her harsh attitude.   At any rate, he says, at least let me thank you for my stethoscope.  Hernan told me about that and you know how important it was for me to have when I started medicine.

Refu is worried now that Tere might leave Art.  Of course not, hisses Tere, but since the last time she left the vecindad she has a degree, she knows how to work and she and her hubby both have contacts.  That’s how and why she plans to leave there with him in only a few months.  Well, says Ref, she can see now that Tere really does love Arturo.  What a relief!  Tere is like yeah, big whoop!  In the living room, at the same time, Art tells Army what a great legal assistant [gestor= one who goes for legal documents on a client’s behalf] he’s turned into.  He looks forward to working with him in the new little legal office.  Just then who should barge in uninvited with cash in hand to pay Chonita’s overdue rent but Cutbertho!  Art explains he and Tere are living there now instead.  Buttberto races into the kitchen and greets her back into the vecindad with the brightest and widest of smiles.  Tere gives him the stink-eye and pouts.

Back at the hospital, Aurora suggests that if Mariano really needs to speak to somebody, he should speak to Aida.  Mar says what for because he knows she’s not the gal for him.  No, that’s right, Aurora quips. That’s Teresa!   Aurora turns on her heel and leaves while Mar puts on his lonesome lowly hound dog face. 

Buttberto barges in on Juana now to tell her the latest on Tere and hubby moving into the vecindad.  He gets a large charge from Teresa’s circumstances and gloats.  She thought she was better than us but she’s no better than us now!

Art meets Nando for coffee and confesses he’s begun his plan to get even with Tera and expose her.  He thought she wouldn’t stay but she did.  Nando says she does love you then!  Art’s not so sure; she’s extremely intelligent and very astute.  She probably suspects he’s putting her to the test and therefore he has decided to live there for the next three months.  Nando forcibly objects when Art tells him the place he rented is back where Teresa grew up.  You can’t do that to her! Art is WTF? Impactado by his BFF’s reaction.

Juana comes over to chat with Teresa and to tell her she couldn’t believe it when Buttberto told her the news.  Teresa tells her she couldn’t either.  Well obviously [de plano], says Juana, he’s got to be hurting for money to live here! Tere says she know Art still doubts she really loves him, but the moment she knows he believes her, she swears, they’ll be outta there so fast it’ll make your head swim!  All of a sudden the door bangs open. (Damn!  You’d think Teresa, at least, would have learned to lock her door by now!)  It’s Buttberto fiddling a jig.  Johnny, Pati and Refu trailing close behind with flowers and cake ready to celebrate Teresa’s return to the ‘hood.   Tere yells at her mother.  What was she thinking?  What’s to celebrate about moving into a place like this?  Juana voices her agreement.  Buttberto plays the fool and pretends they had only the best of intentions.   Tere is ready to take that violin and bust it over the lying, sneaking jerk wad’s head or, better yet, across his big fat gossipy mouth. (Viewerville seconds that emotion!)  She races into her bedroom for a big cry.  She doesn’t know how she’s going to stand it!

As for Art, he is reveling in the fact that she’s right back in the pigsty she came from.  He’s not leaving until he gets to the truth, either!  Nando struggles to keep it in while Art describes their lovemaking last night and then spouts his doubts again.  Nando isn’t up with the vengeance thing, ‘specially where Tere’s concerned.  She loves Art, plainly, so what’s the need to continue this deception instead of just moving to a much simpler house and to be done with it?  No, says Art.  It burns him thinking of the way she and Mariano mocked him and slept together!  No, it’s one thing to say you’d live with a person but very different to actually do it!  Besides, she’ll have to prove herself and her love whenever Mariano comes back to the vecindad to visit or to work at the free clinic there.

Nando continues to plead Teresa’s case.  The woman obviously loves Art; he’s keeping up the ruse just to unjustly torment [mortificar] her.  What if she finds out Arts set this all up and plotted?  Oh, says Art, she won’t.  (Famous last words, Art fans!)  Nobody knows but Nando—unless he’s told Luisa?  Not a chance, says Nando, he gave his word; but he hates like heck hiding things from her and he feels terrible for Teresa!  Art looks steely-eyed and repeats he’s going through with this till he’s certain she loves him or until it’s obvious she only married him for his money! 

Luisa visits Tere and she shows her the grand place her brother’s decided to bring her to live.  Lu is open-mouthed because she didn’t believe that her brother was going to be this badly off financially, she says.  Right, says Tere.  Can you imagine what Odiana’s friends will say when they get wind of it????  She tells Teresa that she will definitely talk to him about this because this place is no where even close to the way Art described their financial situation or how they’d be living! Now this is a horse of a different color for Teresa.  “--Really?”  Her S-I-L is really taking the place in and says of course Art told her they wouldn’t exactly be millionaires any longer, but they could live rather nicely in a simpler house and would have all the normal amenities. 

Teresa says well, Art prefers getting out of debt and so she’ll be here to support him.  She makes a point of asking to leave their things at “Luisa’s” house because they can scarcely fit an armoire in there and nothing of theirs will be able to fit.  Sure, agrees Lu.  Tere tells her not to bother discussing it with her brother after all.  She wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings and as for Oriana, well let her pretend to her friends that they’re still living at the mansion.  Luisa tells her how grateful she is to see how much she loves and cares for her brother no matter what has happened to him.  Tere gives Lu a seemingly heartfelt hug good bye and tells her she’s just grateful for the visit.  However, the minute Lu’s out the door it seems Teresa’s back to her old self and her old games—but this time with a twist.  “Ahahhhh!  Since you’re thinking to put me to the test, Arturo, be advised you have no idea just who you’re playing with!” 

~~End first half~~


Marty runs into Aurora on his way out of the hospital.  Aurora wants to apologize, but he sees no reason to.  They’ll be friends.  He was there to explain to her daddy why it didn’t work out in the end.  Ok.  A final hug and kiss good-bye.  (Yawn. Finally. Marty is not my cuppa cuppa and I’m glad to see him go.) FF>>

That night Tere turns the charm and sensuality knob all the way to “HIGH” when welcoming home Arturo from a not so hard day at the mill.  They may have very little now, Snookums, but all she really wants is you!  He is putty in Teresa’s very capable hands…..

The next day, Big-mouth Buttberto polishing his limo in front of the vecindad and chattering away while Mariano listens.  Mariano finally asks the $64000 question: What’s the name of the woman you work for, anyway?  Buttberto tells him: Oriana Guijerro!  Mariano is quick to realize then that it really was Buttberto who spilled the beans to her and she was the one who told Arturo about him and Tere doing the deed the night before her wedding and their plans to elope the next day!!  Buttberto looks muy guilty as charged. 

Refu comes over to Tere’s as Art had sent word for her.  He asks her to help Teresa put a phone line for the apartment.  Suddenly Tere thinks to herself that this is for reals.  It’s not just a simple test of her love.  She nearly doubles over from the shock. 

Outside on the street again, Buttberto tries to explain that he didn’t mean any harm by it; that it started because he was trying to explain how Tere had scared his Juanita off him and how he couldn’t stomach Teresa.   Mariano gets him to swear not to say another word about Teresa to him.  Well, he was going to tell her about Teresa being back in the vecindad now.  Mar is whadyamean? impactado.  She’s living back here at her parents’ again?  No, says BB, her husband and she are living here together.  

Inside, Art, Tere and Refu are putting together a budget.  (What fun.  Budgets are for the little people.)  They quibble over what they need versus what her mother might consider necessary. 

Outside, Buttberto tells Mariano that since he’s the one on top and is the rich one, there's no time like the present to make his play for Teresa!  Mariano refuses point blank. Teresa made her choice.  It’s obvious she loves her husband—and much more than she loves me if she agreed to move back in here!!

Back in Tere and Art’s bedroom we see the two of them making up the bed.  (Sweet.)  She tries to persuade him to sell their Luna Turquesa shares to Martin which would allow them to at least buy a modest and comfortable home.  Art says nothing doin’.  He’s going to wait for the condos to be finished and sold off.  She offers to go to Cancun and sell them herself.  There won’t be a one left!  He reminds her they have too much work at the office and then they have Luisa’s wedding to prepare for.  Arturo asks her to remember that he told her she’d know how to wait and have patience.  Suddenly she has a flashback to Mariano begging her to remain with him and getting upset that she would give up their happiness and The Dream to go off with Arturo all because she was too impatient to wait for things to take their course. 

Mariano comes to his father’s house for breakfast and Ramon gives him the 411 on Tere and Art. Are you here really to see me or to see Teresa?  Mar tells him he just found out himself and he knows he always comes by to spend time with him.  Anyway, Teresa is out of the picture from now on.  Ramon says he’s heard that so many times he doesn’t believe him.  Mar says he thinks that it’s better for Ramon to move in with him now that Tere’s back so he wouldn’t have to run into her. 

Since there’s no gas to heat more hot water, Tere and Art are off to her mama’s for breakfast and her bath.  Aurora’s come by Refu’s to take her blood pressure and finds out Tere’s back in the vecindad.

Ramon refuses to leave on Teresa’s account or for any other reason.  Be a man and simply avoid her.  Anyway, when he reconciles with Aeeeeda he’ll need his space.  Mar informs his Pop that he’s done with her also.  Neither one is important to him any longer.  Ramon says bull-hockey!  One way or another he and Teresa are going to find a way to see each other.  It’s just destined to be.  What he doesn’t get is why her husband, knowing what there was between her and Mariano, would bring her precisely to live here again.  He suspects there’s something else at play here but doesn’t know what. 

Speaking of which, while they’re all waiting on breakfast, Art tells Aurora that their living arrangements are only temporary.  Aurora also learns that Luisa and Fernando will be living in the mansion once they’re married.  Teresa finds out from Art that although the auto insurance paid off for the theft, he’s going to be using the money to help pay off his debts rather than buying her another car.  They’ll have to share his.  (Ehhh.  It’s a BMW.  I feel her pain—not!)  Tere is not a happy…er…campasino, shall we say.

Outside, Juana runs into Buttberto and they do a little more verbal sparring till he plays his bluff and tells her if she doesn’t marry him like she should then he’ll marry the rich woman he’s working for.  (If Juana actually believes that cock-n-bull and breaks it off with Hector the Director, then she deserves what she gets!  I’ll wash my hands of her just like Tere will!)

Back at the Chavez’s, Army tells Art that he’s worried Tere will undoubtedly run into Mariano while they’re living here.  Art says he trusts she and Mariano will know their place.  They’ll just have to wait and see. 

Meanwhile, Luisa tells Nando that it really irked her seeing Tere back in that horrible neighborhood and tiny hovel again.  He asks her to try convincing Art to take over their apartment and get the heck out of that roach motel!  Odiana comes in and says she can’t find Art.  Where’s he gone to live?  Lu tells her that he’s decided to move to Teresa’s old neighborhood.

Speaking of Art, he’s on his way to work when Johnny runs into him outside the building.  He mentions that he never got word from the owner that he was moving in.

Oriana gets into her limo.  She’s shocked that Buttberto’s finally being more formal and speaking properly. 

Art tries explaining his deal to help Chona out with her debts by renting the apartment from her for three months since he thought Teresa would appreciate being close to her family and friends.  No, he didn’t think to speak to the owner, but what counts is that the rent’s getting paid on time, right? Art asks him not to tell anybody about what he’s just told him, especially Teresa cuz he wouldn’t want to upset her any more.  Without waiting for an answer he takes off and leaves Johnny literally scratching in the dust…..

Orca-iana arrives at Aeeeeda’s and gives her to 411 on Teresa and Art’s new living arrangements.  Aeeeda and she share a major b!tching laugh together.

Tere gets dressed in her old room, like old times with Aurora there to chat about whatever.  Aurora tells her it shouldn’t matter that she’s back there for a while.  It never bothered her that Tere lived in the ‘hood.  She’s come to doubt Teresa’s friendship for her, though.  Tere objects and says she’s tried to reach her numerous times to give her emotional support now that she knows Marty and she broke up for good.  How’d it happen, anyway?  Why?  Aurora says Marty broke up with her because, as he told her, she’d only dated him to forget Mariano.  True enough.  Tere can’t believe it.  “—Get serious!  He’s never been attracted to you and he never will be!”  “—Don’t be so sure, Teresa!”  Aurora proceeds to give her BFF the highlights of The Big Kiss she and Mariano shared and how Marty saw it live and in person.   Will the bad news ever stop?????


Super job Jardinera- thank you!

Wow- just taking a bullet for Art and very nearly becoming paralyzed in saving his skin wasn't good enough for Art for T to "prove" her love for him... now he has to punish her, using the worst possibility possible in her view- relocating back to the ghetto she grew up in.

So, if T-shark lives here (and does not dump him in the meantime) this action PROVES to him she didn't marry him for his money? Sorry Art- this concept seems flawed...

Lady Lisa de Saint Helena

Word verification:

Lady Lisa de Saint Helena

Great job, Jardinera. I am going to miss this show when it's over.

Novelas are full of Famous Last Words, but I'm not going to sweat this one. I am waiting for Arturo to catch Tiburoncita coming on to Fernando. If he would then just have enough patience to see enough that would finish her but good.

I have the feeling that [i]Una Familia con Suerte[/i] will be the replacement, but I hope they move CME to 8PM EST and do the new show at 7.

Hahahahaha. This is so juicy. I love it. Thanks for the great recap; you definitely cleared up a few details that I missed.

I realize I'm a simple person with few and lowly needs, but what's so awful about that apartment? It looks fine to me now that Arturo's had it fixed up. I sort of wish he hadn't; that he had taken Teresa to it while it was still in its grungy state and suggested that they work together to clean it up and paint. The not having hot water is a nuisance, but that's easily solved by re-upping the gas supply, right?

How did Arturo get such a great reputation as a lawyer? We've seen him make bad decisions constantly. He signs things without reading them, he trusts the wrong people, for some completely incomprehensible reason he signed on as Saenz's aval knowing the guy was in trouble. Why would he do that?

Tere had such a fit about having to share Arturo's car...he would be sort of funny if he decided to sell it and told her they'd have to take the bus.

Loved your recap, Jardinera.

Most believe Tere took the bullet for Art because she loves him. I'm wondering if it was really to protect her meal ticket. lol


Great first half Jardinera.

Julia, it isn't so much the apartment, which seems like most novela poor neighborhoods, charmed living among regular people, it is seeing what we thought was a superior person stoop to such a silly "test" of his wife. If he thinks that she married him for money, and she doesn't love her....just leave and troll the university again for another knock-out sexy babe and hope she is less of a user than Teresa is! Maybe he can devise a "test" before he marries the next one. Arturo is hitting below the belt with his super silly move. I'm not sure how Arturo got his "one of the best lawyers in Mexico" reputation. He really should read papers the Armando puts in front of him! Also, Teresa has been the problem solver lately!

Well we are left with Rodrigo, Martin, Hernan and Hector as good guys, the rest of the characters in this novela are just plain goofy.

Oh, I agree that this is a ridiculous game of chicken Art and Tere are playing, and Arturo has kind of lost his mind and should just move on if he doesn't trust her. I guess what surprised me was that Luisa seemed so horrified by the place. She could hardly get out of there fast enough. I know she's used to nice things, but she didn't seem snobby.

Julia, you're right about Luisa, she couldn't get out of the apartment fast enough....

The funny thing about the whole move to the vecindad for a "test" stunt is that Arturo has backed himself onto the Roots, Boots and Odiosa team; he has made their day, maybe their lives....

2nd half is done. Tks for reading and waiting y'all.

To paraphrase an old song,

♪♫♪♫How you gonna keep 'em
Down in the 'hood
After they've seen Par-eeee?♪♫♪♫

Teresa is going to lose her mind if they're there 3 months, but I believe Arturo will catch her with Fernando before that's up.

As much as I believe people should have the opportunity to improve their lot in life it really burns me up when women like Teresa do it by marrying por interès. It cheapens her education, demonstrates a lack of confidence in her previous accomplishments, and makes all women look bad.

As for Arturo's reputation as a lawyer, I think marrying Teresa made him lose his focus.

We just felt and earthquake here; just paused to restack some books that fell down.

Loved this recap Jardinera. Arturo is playing with fire and he's going to get burned. On top of that, Teresa is more experienced in manipulation. He truly doesn't know who he's dealing with.

Actually, all he's done is given Teresa more incentive to go after Fernando as payback. Arturo is truly underestimating what Teresa is capable of doing.

He wants to see what will happen if or when Teresa and Mariano run into each other. What does he expect? There will be fireworks and he will get jealous.

In a sense Arturo isn't torturing Teresa. He's torturing himself with this halfcocked plan.

Of course Cutberto, Aida, and Oriana all gloated when they heard the news. Ugh.

Arturo's plan is going to blow up in his face me thinks. He isn't cold or calculating enough to pull this off.

Jardinera: This was an excellent, all encompassing recap. I can't imagine how much time it must have taken you. I loved all of your details and of course, your comments made me laugh out loud: "Tere gives him the stink-eye and pouts" and "Mar puts on his lonesome lowly hound dog face" were a few of my favorites.

I know I'm in the minority but I like Teresa. In fact, right now, I like her just about more than anyone else. The indecisive Mariano, cruel Arturo and pouting Aurora are leaving me cold. I don't think anyone can convince me that Teresa deserves a more unhappy ending than the bullying, vicious Aida.

Aside from Espe and Hernan, I don't see any happily ever afters here. Aurora's pined too long for Mariano and she is now third, not even second choice. Art should have left Tere insead of hurting her where she lives (so to speak) just as you noted Lady Lisa.

I'm not optimistic but will hang in in hopes I'm wrong.


Great re-cap. I personally don't feel sorry for Teresa and can't wait to see how this turns out, hoping that this doesn't back fire on Art.

Diana: You and Blusa and I are all in the same minority. LOL! You get my ITSA for today. I'm rooting for her to overcome and triumph gracefully in the end, but not without or before stepping all over those who done her wrong!

If this were only about who had done her wrong, I'd be on her side. It's the collateral damage I can't deal with, not to mention her using Arturo -- and potentially Fernando -- for their money and position.

Ann, NYC: I've always thought it was both, and it was only later when faced with the possibility of Art throwing her out that she realized he wasn't just a meal ticket any longer.
Lady Lisa: Art probably is skeptical of her taking that bullet for him; he doesn't care now because his jealousy of Mariano overshadows everything else IMHO. What a frickin' waste of energy!
Julia: telling her she'd have to take the bus --I half-way expected Art to do exactly that, myself!
UrbanA: Dunno if this Fernando thing will ever come to anything. I doubt she'd go to bed with him before eloping first--just to insure he's stuck giving her half of all his wealth, and then she'd have had to get a quicky and messy divorce. If Fernando falls, he'll cover for Tere I believe and she'll come out smelling like a rose again. Just my silly mental meandering is all....

UrbanA: Sorry, I meant to tell you I also feel it debases her strong intellect and natural abilities to have taken the easy way out of the barrio by selling herself to the highest bidder and, of course, having left so many "dead bodies" along the way. But, I believe she's begun the redemption phase here and I'm sort of glad to see it.

Thanks, Jardinera. Your recap was fun and you helped clear up the matter of the Art and Chona deal regarding the apt. And I missed that Art had fixed up the plumbing, moved some furniture from the house and sold the antique clock from Fer as wedding present to finance things.

I wonder how long Buttberto can keep his mouth shut when Oriana asks for more details about Tere and Fer. He must realize he's been used by her though. I am so disgusted with Juana at this point. She should just choose Buttberto since she can't make an obvious choice between a mean gossipy manchild and an kind sweet responsible accomplished man like Hector.

The funniest sight of the episode was watching Art carry Tere's tiny little lavender top around on the hanger. My first thought was why is Art carrying around a child's outfit.


Jardienra wonderful recap as always thank you.

I'm team Teresa and i do see her changing but this latest scheme of hers i just want her to stop. Get down to work with Arturo and stop resorting to using her feminine wiles to get her way. Be patient Teresa just be patient.

So finally Mariano is wanting Aurora? Can he please tell his father to stop bringing up that harpy geez that man is so obsessed about her maybe he should date her himself and experience her in full nasty snobbish mode.

I was LOL at Luisa's reaction to where Arturo moved to. What she doesn't know is gave Teresa important info that Arturo does have the means to move into a house that is better than where they are living presently.

Fernando your reactions keep getting more noticeable as you continue defending Teresa.

Glad someone learned it was Buttberto who told Odious Oriana about Teresa and Mariano. I so agree about Juana i can't take you seriously if you end up with this fat mouth buffoon.

Aurora is still whining? Please grow up.

Arturo clearly you don't know who you're dealing with and you'll find out soon enough. I see this plan backfiring big time on you.

So the Odious one flies over to taunt Teresa tonight on moving back to her old neighborhood. Boy i can't wait for her to get her divine justice of Fernando going after Teresa. Unfortunately it's going to cause major heartache and pain to Arturo and Luisa. All because this meddling uppity know it all felt it was her duty to unmask Teresa's true intentions.

I get the feeling that Johnny is going to let slip his talk with Arturo we all know the boy isn't too bright.

The little nugget of baby Rodrigo being watched over by Pati and Johnny i think this is where Fito MDB is going to try to kidnap the baby.

Jardinera- Fantastic recap. It has taken me so long to comment because I am still trying to decide how I feel about Art's scheme. I like some aspects of it. Since Teresa's always playing games with people, I want her to get a taste. But I also agree that it would be much healthier for him to just say that's it's over between them and move on. Not that I believe that Teresa would ever let him dump her. She always wants to be the dumper, never the dumpee. She would continue to manipulate his feelings to keep him tied to her like she's done to Mariano all these years. I'm just not seeing a winning situation here. But it was fun to see Teresa in freak out mode. LOL!

Cutberto got off way too easily after Mar found out it was C-Bert's mouth that started this whole mess.

Jardinera - great job; thanks for including so much detail; you filled in spots I had missed

Thank you very much for the fantastic detail, Jardinera. It was greatly appreciated.

UA: I second your comments re the choices Teresa has made wrt her education, etc. She worked to hard to get there, but continues to look for the easy way out.

I was stunned...literally stunned that Mariano did not punch Buttberto right in the face. The fact that he didn't tells me that, perhaps, he is really not that interested in Teresa anymore.

I am finding Aurora to be more and more boring as time goes by and Juana...well, she can just end up with that buffoon of a mariachi. I am still waiting to see what she will do when she finds out it was his big mouth that started the ball rolling.

As for Art...this game can only be played so long, dear Arturo...only so long. Agree with everyone comments that if he continues to mistrust Teresa...he should just move onward and upward.


UA: Also wanted to add that I agree with your comments wrt collateral damage...absolutely agree.

I had to laugh at Teresa's vecindad 'outfit'. She could barely walk in those heels with the platform soles and the dress itself, while lovely, just didn't seem appropriate to the situation or time of day (really, more time of day).

Poor Teresa...poor little Teresa.


I can't believe some are supporting Teresa,a scheming gold digging bitch.She is the worst kind of woman a man can end up with.Revenge is sweet.Since we all know Teresa doesn't love Arturo but only loves money,the best way Arturo can hurt her is by returning her to the miserable life she tried hard to escape from.

Chren- I hear ya. I don't like women like Tersa either. Less for the gold-digging thing (the men are partly too), but more for how bad of a girlfriend she is. I hold my friendships with my girlfriends dear, and would never scheme against them or betray them the way Teresa does all the time. None of Teresa's friends deserve that.

*partly to blame too...

Didn't finish my thought above.

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