Saturday, August 13, 2011

Teresa Fri 8/12/11 #115 Teresa jumps the shark while Oriana lies in wait.

REPRISE: Cutberto, as usual, is shooting off his fat, chismoso, alcahuete (chismoso), mouth about Teresa sleeping with Mariano the day before she marries Arturo. Oh, ho, ho! The problem for our beloved Sharkita is that Sharkota Oriana is right outside her door and has heard every word! Ay Caray!


TAP DANCING FOOL: Teresa tries to tap dance around this little problem, which is pretty hard to do given her present condition, and asks where he heard such (semejante) a stupendous lie! Cutberto tells her Mariano himself told him. Cutberto hasn’t told anyone else but she best not think it’s as a favor to her. He stayed mum because of Mariano. She’s glad to hear that because she’s sure Mariano trusted he wouldn’t be his chismosito old self. Cutberto could have told Arturo and that would have cancelled the wedding then and there. Teresa tries to get him to understand. He refuses to hear her out and tells her not to try to convince him she’s in love with her husband cuz he’s not buying it (esa no me lo compro!) Odiosa Oriana is still listening intently at the door.

Meanwhile Aeeeeeeeeeeeda continues screeching at dear old dad,
“Didn’t you say you weren’t interested in Esperanza’s baby?”
“What did you expect me to say, knowing how this all affects you?”
“I would have wanted the TRUTH! That’s all I’ve wanted from you, but it seems the lies come automatically and you don’t even think about what you say.

Hector the Director who’s been standing by all this time suddenly realizes he is the Director and hushes them, reminding them they’re in a hospital and need to respect the patients. He asks them to please calm down (tranquilicen). So Ruben and Aida bring it down to a very loud stage whisper. He tells her not to get excited and of course she can’t, knowing that he’s lied to her once again. For one moment she thought his imprisonment would have changed him. He had considered talking to her about wanting to be around for…….starts to say her ‘hermano’ but quickly changes it to ‘baby’. She claims that would have made sense and she would have understood… time. What irks her are his constant lies. She’s glad her mother’s away so she doesn’t have to hear of this.

TERESA/CUTBERTO: She realizes the error of her ways but it does no one any good to find out what happened that day. Cutberto quickly says that’s true, especially for her. TibOriana still listens intently --- man, she is glued to that door! Teresa says it wouldn’t be good for Mariano especially now that Arturo is more in love with her than ever. He’s not likely to accept any man coming near her. If he were to hear she was unfaithful, he would surely divorce her. However, that’s nothing compared to what he’d do to Mariano. Arturo is a very powerful man and can destroy him. It’s up to Cutberto if he chooses to share what he knows.

CACERES CLAN CRACKUP: Hector looks on, and Juana joins him, as Aeeeeeeeeda asks Ruben how he found out Esperanza was in the hospital. He claims he went looking for her at the vecindad and was told she was in labor. He lies (again) that he didn’t speak with her. He claims he’s not interested in her and is only interested in offering financial support to ensure the baby’s well-being. She asks if he already feels something for the baby. He claims no because he didn’t even have the experience of being around during the pregnancy. In contrast, he was always by her mother’s side. The least he can do for this baby is meet his moral obligation. She hopes he doesn’t fail this baby as he’s failed her. Hector and Juana approach Ruben as Aida walks away.

TIBORIANA’s ear will soon become part of that wall. She hears Teresa ask Cutberto not to take this wrong, but how can he even think to compare himself to the good Doctor Hector. Besides, Juana is very grateful to Hector for saving her life. Thanks to him, she will not remain paralyzed. Oh, and one more thing Cutberto, Juana left just before he came in to go find Hector. So there, mariachi de quinta - NYAH! He begs her to stop already! She makes him feel like a chinche (bedbug, eeww). He leaves to go check on Esperancita. Tiboriana manages to duck out of sight in the nick of time. Cue the modified Jaws theme…..She enters the room and circles our Sharkita, smiling. Teresa wonders why she’s visiting again. Oriana toys with her, mentioning she’ll be well soon and it’s only a matter of time before she’ll return to “her place”. Teresa’s understandably suspicious. Oriana says she’s just there to apologize. She mistakenly thought Fernando had already told Arturo he had bought the house. She admits she was indiscreet and she apologizes. Hmmm, what is TibOriana up to? She’s circling her prey.

HECTOR tells Ruben he can’t give him any information regarding Esperanza & baby whether or not he’s the babydaddy (whaa?). He warns him to stay away from Hernan and Espe. Hernan has told him his side of the story and Ruben doesn’t come out smelling like a rose. Ruben says he’s only interested in finding out about his son. Juana butts in now. Oh, so now he’s interested in calling him his son? He never seemed interested in him, or Espe before. She doesn’t let him talk and says “el padre no es el que engendra si no el que cría” (a father isn’t the one who fathered a child, it’s the one who raises him/her). And that’s why Espe’s so happy with Hernan. Hector jumps in and says Hernan’s intentions are honorable and he plans to marry Espe. Juana points out that each time Ruben comes near Esperanza, she ends up getting hurt. He should just let them be and allow them to be feliz, caramba! Ruben can only wince at her remarks.

MY WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE!!!! Teresa wonders why Oriana has such a big smile on her face. Oriana reminds her she has other reasons for being so happy. Her son’s wedding, for example. Arturo walks in before Oriana can continue. He’s a little surprised to see her there and she tells him she came to apologize to Teresa as promised. She tells Teresa she looks forward to the day when she’s on her feet once again and then leaves. Arturo knows Teresa didn’t believe anything Oriana said. Teresa tells him Oriana only comes by to harass her and remind her that Fer bought their house. She’s worried about what’s to come. Where will he take her when she leaves the hospital? She’s really worried.

BABYDADDY BLUES: Ruben tells Juana and Hector that for better or for worse, he’s the babydaddy, not Hernan. That baby has the right to know his father and live with him (convivir). He wants his son! Juana tells him, “el amor se demuestra con hechos.” (love is expressed by one’s actions) Ruben agrees and he’s very interested in his son, and Espe, whether they believe him or not. Aurora walks up just then and tells them she’s just learned that Esperanza’s labor was brought on because of her argument with Ruben. Hernan feels Ruben should not be near Esperanza. Hector tells Ruben he has no choice but to ask him to leave. Ruben protests, saying this is unjust and he at least has the right to know if the baby’s been born. Aurora tells him the baby’s here and mother and baby are fine. However, because he was born prematurely, he will need to remain incubated.

TERE’S ROOM: Arturo tells Teresa he doesn’t know where they’ll live but there’s no need to worry for now. Fer and Luisa aren’t asking for the house just yet and they needn’t worry about the furniture because they can leave it with Luisa for now. He agrees with Teresa that their situation is far worse than they had originally thought. Fernando thought he’d be able to renegotiate with the debtors to wait but it seems that in order to get out of debt they’ll have no choice but to sell the law firm outright! WOW! No Puede Ser! Teresa is distraught.

LOBBY: Cutberto is overjoyed at the news about the baby. So much so that he hugs Juana while Aurora looks on. He quickly releases her and thoughtbubbles what Teresa told him earlier about not being able to compare himself to Dr. Hector. Since he can’t see Espe or the baby, he’ll come back tomorrow. Aurora invites him to join them for coffee in the cafeteria with Johnny and Pati. He declines and says it’s best for him to leave and wishes them the best, as he looks at Juana. “Adios, Juana.” He leaves but I’m sure it’s not the end of the Mariachi Quinto. Aurora and Juana share uncomfortable glances.

CORRIDOR: Hector congratulates Hernan. Hernan gushes about baby Rodrigo and how wonderful he is. Hector tells him Ruben was there earlier and even threatened to sue the hospital. He wants custody of the baby (en cargo=responsible) and wants to fight for his paternal rights. Hernan is predictably upset.

DEVIL WITH THE RED FRINGE ON – Ruben arrives at Chez Roots to tell her of the birth of his son. She’s already heard this from Fito. He explains about the need for the incubator because of the premature birth (never mind that he caused this) but the doctor assures him he’ll be fine. They toast to “nuestro” hijo. Ruben almost chokes on his wine when Roots refers to the baby as Pequeño Paulo. Ja ja!!

HOSPITAL CORRIDOR: Hernan is vehemently against allowing Ruben anywhere near the baby. Espe feels the same because he’s such a bad example for the bebé. Hector suggests Hernan prepare himself because Ruben has every legal right to see his son while he meets his support obligations (manutención). Neither Esperanza nor the baby need money from that infeliz, says Hernan. Hector understands he wants to be in charge of everything but he can’t wipe the slate clean and start again (hacer barrón y cuenta nueva). He apologizes for being so frank but it’s best Hernan be prepared. The biological father will always be Ruben Caceres.

CHEZ ROOTS: “Whaddya mean, Paulito?” demands Ruben. He realizes he can’t be named “Ruben” as it would raise suspicions but he refuses to name him after her dead son. He strongly believes a child’s personality is influenced by his name and he prefers a name that has no connection with the past. She has plenty of time to think on it while the baby is still in the incubator. He will not change his mind. She gives him her best fake smile, reminding him how much she’s helped him and she asks so little in return.

HOSPITAL: RUH-ROH! Hector and Juana come upon Mariano just as he’s about to enter Teresa’s room. Duh, he was just going to tell her about Esperanza’s baby. Hector assures him they can take of that. He reminds Mariano he had already asked him not to visit her. Now, as Hector the Director, he prohibits him from entering that room again!

CASA BARRERA: Fer asks Luisa if she’d like to live here after the wedding. She admits she loves this house. It’s been in her family for generations but she accepted this gift from him as a means to keep Arturo and Teresa from being desamparado (abandoned/forsaken). He agrees that’s the main reason he bought it. It doesn’t matter to him where they live as long as he’s with her. Would she prefer that they keep his apartment, or buy a new house? Truthfully, she would, at least until Arturo recovers financially. She’s worried about his state of mind, too. He’s strong on the outside but she knows that on the inside, he’s falling apart (desmoronando). He knows his friend too well and agrees with her. He also agreed he and Teresa should continue living there. She thanks him and they smooch.

HOSPITAL: Mariano is still stumbling over excuses as to why he’s knock, knock, knocking on Teresa’s door. Hector advises him Teresa is well cared for by her family and her husband. In order to avoid any disagreeable scenes in the hospital, he will release her from the hospital tomorrow. (huh?) He’s arranged for her to get her therapy at home so she won’t have to come to the hospital. Mariano shakes his head in disbelief.

It’s a good thing he didn’t make it into her room, because Arturo is there feeding Teresa. They talk about the sale of the firm. He’s convinced this is the only way out. They’ll have to economize and scale back their lavish lifestyle for awhile. He assures her they can rebuild but for now they’ll only employ her father, an assistant and another attorney.

DOCTOR’S CONFERENCE ROOM: Mariano tells Aurora her father felt he was trying to see Teresa under false pretenses. Aurora agrees he and Teresa are up to their same old tricks or she wouldn’t have come looking for him yesterday. This is why Hector is releasing her tomorrow. She asks if it really hurts him that much not to be able to see her? Mariano reluctantly agrees it’s probably all for the best. Aurora’s concerned about Aida. Mariano wasn’t aware she had been there last night. He’d like to talk to her but doesn’t want her to misunderstand. Aurora agrees that if he’d not going to return to her, it’s best he not give her hope. He cares for her and is worried about her especially now that she’s alone. He suggests they go see her together. Aurora just gives him a blank Princess Aurora look.

BABY TIME! Esperanza and Hernan visit with Rodrigo the Ginormous newborn and coo over how little he is (?). She thanks him for caring so much about them. He thanks her for letting him be there and for this baby that he already loves as much as he loves her. There’s only one thing left to do – for her to be his wife!!!! Oh no, he didn’t right there in the nursery! Yes, right here in the nursery in front of their son, he asks her to marry him.

CASA CACERES: Aurora and Mariano pay a call to Aeeeeeeeda. She’s glad to see them since she can’t go to the hospital because of she-who-shall-not-be-named. Mariano steps away to take a call and Aida thanks Aurora for finding a way to bring him to see her. Aurora explains they were both concerned for her and now that they’ve split……..No, no, no – we’ll get back together again, Aida assures her. Now all she needs is for Aurora to find some pretext to leave so she can be alone with Mariano to win him back. Arurora’s perplexed…..what to do, what to do?

NURSERY: Esperanza says yes! HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE! He promises to dedicate himself to making her and their son happy. She’s happy too and knows the three of them will be happy together. He’d like to register and baptize him as soon as he’s out of the incubator. She’d like to request permission to baptize him now, asap, while he’s still in the incubator. He’d prefer to baptize him after they’re married, officially as his parents. Then they’d have to get married in the hospital, she says. She loves the idea. Their friends on the hospital staff can join them. He’ll get started on it then and afterward they can have a church wedding and a pachanga (party!!) – whatever she wants. They look at each other luuurrvingly and move in for a kiss – but wait! They have to remove their masks! Ha-ha! Aw, so cute.

BACK AT CASA CACERES: Aida is still trying to get Aurora to leave so she can make a move on Mariano. Aurora agrees if she insists but she needs to realize Mariano is still very affected by what happened to Teresa. Aida insists, of course. Aurora agrees cuz that’s what she always does but Aida will have to remember she warned her. She asks if Aida talked to Ruben after what happened last night. Aida tells her he supposedly only wanted to check on the baby’s well-being and that he found out by accident that the birth came early. Aurora sets her straight -- Ruben provoked Esperanza’s parto (childbirth).
¡¿¡¿¡COMO -- QUE!?!?! Oh yeah, Aurora tells her, if he hadn’t gone to argue with her at Juana’s apartment, the pregnancy would have taken its natural course, without risk to the baby or Esperanza. He went there to confront her about Hernan and who knows what all. He had no right to do this since Ruben and Esperanza broke up a long time ago. Now that she’s got Aida all riled up, she decides to leave and tell Aida to say ‘bye to Mariano for her. Mariano finally gets off the phone and wonders where she’s off to. Aida fibs (like father, like daughter) and says Martin called her about some wedding plans but they can do something together. He explains that’s not why he came by. He cares about what happens to her and he was worried about her. She knows he just wants to be friends. But know what? She’s got plenty of friends, so thanks for stopping by, pal!

SHARK THERAPY: Physical therapist is working with Teresa, trying to get her to squeeze some balls (Sharkbyte where are you when I need you!). It’s very difficult but she tells her it will require discipline and patience.

CHEZ ROOTS ‘N BOOTS: Fito has paid a visit to Ruben and Geno, asking for more money. The baby’s in an incubator after all. Less babies+extra nurses+more risk = more money. He understands he needs to wait until the baby’s out of danger, but that requires time and ultimately, well, you know, more money. Ruben tells him not to get carried away (abusar) and reminds him he’s had some trouble and doesn’t have money. Oh yeah, Fito recalls his ex “te despelucó" (literally=de-wigged him). Ruben just looks at him as if to say, “hey, pal, can’t help if the writers wanted me to wear this wig!” Anyway, Fito knows the huera (blondie) has plenty of lana (money). He tells her to give him more money and he’ll make sure she has that baby in her arms.

TERE’S ROOM: Tere is visibly depressed but still asks Luisa about the wedding plans. Luisa says everything is fine and that thanks to Orcana’s connections in the media, they were able to avoid any potential scandal because of Arturo’s bankruptcy. Teresa feels the less people know about the bankruptcy, the better. Luisa also tells her of the plans to have the civil ceremony in Mexico and the church wedding in Spain. Teresa thinks she’s doing this to appease her future mother-in-law. Luisa isn’t bothered by it. After all, she doesn’t have many friends and after what’s happened to Arturo, his list of invited guests is sure to drop considerably. This is doing nothing to cheer up Teresa. Teresa thanks her for allowing them to stay a while longer in her house. Pshaw, tis nothing! Consider it a loan until Arturo is back on his feet which will be very soon. Teresa sees the writing on the wall and is aware of everything Arturo lost. She thanks Luisa for being like a true sister to her. Luisa tells her she loves her very much and Teresa responds the same but thought bubbles: …..but out of Fernando’s life! Cue the Jaws theme. Can’t keep a good Sharkita down for long!

Finagling with Maldito Fito: Ruben agrees they’ll pay him more but first he wants to know one thing: what part did Teresa have to do with Paulo’s death? Fito ponders and fidgets then says he doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Geno fills him in, Paulo blamed Teresa on his deathbed. Fito suggests they ask Teresa, all he knows is that Paulo died --- and Geno interjects, “because of what you sold him! Or what Teresa gave him! Tell me what happened that day. Why did he take such a large quantity of drugs, enough for him to die.” Fito continues to say he doesn’t know anything. He never sold anything to Teresa. All he knows is that Paulo kept asking for more and more and well, he just overdid it that day.

VECINDAD: Haven’t been here in a while. Cutberto is visiting with the Chavez’, giving them a medallion he’s had since childhood. Juana walks in and tells them to get ready cuz they’re off to visit Esperanza (not Teresa?) and her baby. Cutberto is very uncomfortable with Juana and when she says Hector has given her the use of his car and chauffeur, he can’t take it anymore and leaves.

TERESA’S ROOM: Arturo visits with his wife. Luisa has combed her hair and applied makeup. Esperanza and Hernan come by to visit and give them the news that they’re getting married!

CHEZ ROOTS: Aida has come by and Geno is glad she did. Ruben happens to be there because he wanted to talk about Luna Turqueza and she thinks it would be a good idea for the three of them to discuss it together. Body language between Aida and Ruben is very tense. She moves out of the way as he goes by her to refresh his drink. He’s very much at home here and Aida is sure to catch on very quickly. She’s a harpy, but she’s a smart harpy. Anyway, Geno is suggesting they sell. Aida is only to happy to see it fail. If they lose money, she will too, but it gives her great joy to know that Teresa will continue her decline. What that saying? Cutting off your nose to spite your face? What’s the Spanish version of that? Geno wonders about her father’s interests. Aida’s sure he only wants the money to spend it on his hijito. Geno knows the baby was born right? Geno acts surprised at the news and Ruben follows through saying he’s trying to make Aida understand he only wants to do right by the baby and he has no interest in Esperanza. Aida doesn’t let this slide and tell Geno he was responsible for Esperanza going into early labor because of his jealous rant. Geno now turns on Ruben, asking him if this is true.

Hospital corridor: Hernan is seeking legal advice from Arturo, wondering what he can do to protect the baby. Arturo advises him the law protects the family unit and gives the husband custody of children born within the marriage. Hernan and Esperanza weren’t married when Rodrigo was born. Hernan only wants Ruben to stop causing them problems. Arturo warns him that if Ruben fights this in court, he could win. With DNA tests, he can prove parternity without any problems. Hernan knows Ruben will never leave Esperanza alone and won’t let them be happy. Arturo explains Ruben will always exert his rights as a father and they’ll always have problems. Hernan still wants to marry Esperanza asap and register Rodrigo as his son.

CHEZ ROOTS: Now Ruben is pleading with Geno, please, Aida doesn’t understand he has no feelings for Esperanza. He gets frustrated and leaves the two of them to talk amongst themselves. Aida is frustrated as well and tells Geno she’s already proved that he wants that baby and that he is still in love with that tipa de la vecindad! Geno is fuming! Careful, girlie, all that fuming is surely gonna ignite that hairspray.

TERESA’S ROOM: Esperanza and Teresa settle down for a chat as she works on her physical therapy with those balls (sorry, I’m reverting to my childhood here and have to chuckle). Esperanza’s become aware of Arturo’s financial difficulties. Teresa says she knows what she has to do to help him. First she needs to keep that house. It won’t be easy, but she has to do it.

CHEZ GENO: Geno lays the groundwork for the “adoption” story. She tells Aida she’s going to Central America to adopt a baby. She wants to dedicate her life to raising another son. Aida thinks it would be better to do this as a couple. Geno disagrees, that’s not necessary and she’s already been notified they have a newborn ready for her. She’s just waiting for the call to go pick him up. Aida tells her she’ll miss her while she’s gone. Besides, her mother, Geno’s the one she comes to when she needs someone to talk to. When she was dating Paulo, she considered her a second mother. Geno agrees and that’s why Mayra asked her to keep an eye on her. She won’t be gone long. Oooooh these two deserve each other. Make it the three of them, if we include Ruben.

Hospital: Arturo and Armando share a walk and discuss the future. Armando will continue working for Arturo at the same salary. Armando wants to help in whatever way he can. Back in Teresa’s room, Refugio helps Teresa with her therapy as Esperanza tells them of her plans with Hernan. Juana’s sad to hear she may be leaving the vecindad – who will take care of her baby? Teresa cautions her about not working – you never know when your husband’s situation may change. Refugio hands over the medallion that Cutberto sent for the baby. Juana fawns over it as Teresa rolls her eyes.

CASA BARRERA: Luisa tells him Teresa is wondering why he hasn’t visited her. He asks her to come with him (what, he doesn’t trust himself alone with Teresa?). She can’t cuz she’s promised Arturo to help him move stuff out of his office. She talks of how Teresa asked her do her makeup, assuming she wanted to look beautiful for her husband. Fernando gets a faraway look and can only imagine and then says she’s always beautiful. Teresa told Luisa she wants to look as she did before – for a very special man. Fernando just looks at her --- is he thinking the makeup was for him? Egads.

CASA CACERES: Aida comes home to find Oriana perched on the couch. They talk of the bastardo hijo of Ruben’s lover. They’re both glad Mayra wasn’t here to relive all this. Oriana refers to this as just another arribista (golddigger) story. She’s sure Esperanza only wanted money from Ruben, the money that Mayra gave him, and that she’s sure to use the baby for that purpose. Aida’s only too happy now that her father no longer has any money. To top it off, Esperanza is Teresa’s BFF. Oriana didn’t know this! Aida starts ranting – even in a wheelchair, that woman continues to ruin my life! I hate her, I hate her! Oriana tells her not to worry, she’s got everything ready to unmask (desenmascarar) Teresa!

TERESA’S ROOM: The nurse is removing Teresa’s collar and compliments her on her hair, saying she’s going to look beautiful for her husband. Teresa asks her to put some perfume on her neck. Nurse asks if she should wait with her til her husband arrives. Teresa tells her there’s no need. Talk about confidence! Girlie’s in a wheelchair and is still planning a seduction!

CHEZ CACERES: Aida’s dying to know Oriana’s secret weapon. Nothing doing, the old battleaxe says. She’s holding on to this until the right moment. She can’t unleash this weapon now that Teresa is an invalid. She’d just use that to play the victim and manipulate Arturo. No, she’s going to hold on to this little secret for the time being (can there be another SUV hit and run in her future?). She wants Teresa to be fully recovered so that when Arturo kicks her out of his house, she’ll be able to run back to the vecindad on her own two feet!

THE FLY ENTERS THE SPIDER’S PARLOR! Oh please! She tells him she’s so happy to see him she’d love to hug him but seeing as she’s immobile he’ll have to hug her. He reaches down and hugs her, gets a big whiff of that Love Potion #9. He straightens up, or tries to cuz his pants are on fire, and pushes back his hair. She tells him she’s getting better little by little. Why, she even has sensation in her little ol’ shoulders! Why doesn’t he scoot on over and put his hands on her shoulders. He does so and she ooh, and aahs about how good that feels and he is just aflame!!! Ok, my beanie is working overtime here. There’s just no way I’m buying this but it is Teresa after all. She knows she’s getting to him and then says she found out he donated blood for her. He comes around and kneels in front of her, very close. He’s glad he was useful for something. She’s so glad because there’s always been a special understanding between them and now she carries him in her blood.……aaaand we’ll have to wait til Monday!


Ok, I love this TN but tonight I think they "jumped the shark" with Teresa's seduction of Fernando. I can't believe any man would be this weak. Sorry, but I had to pull out the old beanie for this bit. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how this plays out. Curious to know what y'all think about this scene.

Oooooh, the Oriana storyline is getting interesting. I love that she wants to wait for just the right moment to spring her trap! Will the writers allow her to live to tell her tale? Remember what happened to Paloma when she was about to tell Arturo. Eeek!

Paquita, I totally agree. The rest of this episode was great but I can hardly believe Fernando being this weak -- or this sick.

Tiburoncita also either doesn't care -- or doesn't realize -- that she will lose Luisa as a friend if she seduces Fernando. Arrogance only has fleeting rewards.

It's too bad Esperanza and Hernan aren't already married; this would solve the Rubigote problem for them. However, a good lawyer could keep him away thanks to his harassment causing Espe's medical crises and him having done six months in the pen.

If Luna Turquesa goes bust he won't have any money to pay anyone anything.

Genovenom is in rare form, isn't she? I can so see her with a whip and dominatrix gear with Rubigote cowering in the corner.

Tiburonmama is not making any mistakes now. BTW, in case someone doesn't know, shark teeth always grow back.

Paquita, thanks for your quick and accurate recap. MY WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE!!!! So true, and she certainly circling her prey, much as we have seen Tere do.
Not looking forward to weeks of abduction. Sigh.
It was a little hard to take that Tere could seduce Fer and be paralyzed. Hmmmm. She isn't going to be happy until she has Fer's money, too. I think Odiana is setting a trap for her.

Love the recap Paquita! Got a chuckle out of "
CHEZ ROOTS". Seems the crazier and more conniving she gets, the bigger her hair gets and more obvious her roots are. Heaven forbid what she'll look like by the end of this thing.

I'm just having such a problem with this whole baby story-line. My only hope is that it goes bust, and that the baby in the incubator will delay Fito's ability to snatch and grab. I have to admit, I missed some of the sweet talkingat the incubator being too busy looking at that little cutie-pie. (LIttle big for a premie, but hey, it's TV). But Hernan is the best!

I was cracking up through the whole Terror/FergetIT scene. Let's face it, this poor slob has had it bad for her since they met on the beach - and she knows it. Knew she would use that blood-donor thing to her advantage, and he is such toast!

Thank you TN gods ( or writers) for making sure Mariano put Aaaeeedddaaa in her place. What a delusional how Aurora rolled her eyes as Aeeeeddaaaa claimed that she and Mar would get back together. No, that chick will never be redeemable - her brain has no functioning for that ability. But I can see her playing a part in maybe bringing Geno down when she finds out the whole truth on her and Daddykins and the baby.

Mar needs to stop looking like a lost puppy. I would love for him to witness Terror doing her award-winning eye-batting/fish face with Fer and realize what a true little sharkette she is. Enough already with the pining.

Frances, wonderful recap! Especially loved, “Hector the Director who’s been standing by all this time suddenly realizes he is the Director,” “MY WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE!!!! and my favorite, “DEVIL WITH THE RED FRINGE ON,” What a really fun recap! Thanks.

Mariano feels that Teresa married Arturo while still loving him because of the money thing, almost a unavoidable choice given her ambition. Yes Daisy, I really wish he would see our Sharkette going after Fernando, maybe that would be the wake up call he has needed for all these capitulos. Something needs to jolt him into the realization that she just isn’t what he thinks she is. It’s more that just the improved life Mariano can give her now, she wants the mega-bucks. She was interested in Fernando WHILE Arturo still had his money.

Is “Your blood is in me” a good line? Uggggg! Only our Ter could seduce a guy while paralyzed and look good doing it!

Loved the recap Frances. So Oriana is sitting on the bomb and waiting until Teresa fully recovers before dropping it. Meanwhile, Teresa is back to seducing Fernando to better her financial situation. This is getting very interesting. Unfortunately, Arturo and Luisa are going to become casualties in this one-upmanship game.

We'll see if Oriana actually gets to tell Arturo what she overhead unlike PatPal.

I think Arturo can gain back his finances but it will take time and we know that Teresa has no patience to wait. What she does not want is to go back to poverty come hell or high water.

Frances- What a funny recap. I love all the lines Frances mentioned. I've not yet watched my recording of the episode, but now that I'm back home and settled in for a rainy evening, I'll watch this and LFD. But without watching, I am still certain that yes, Teresa can seduce a man while paralyzed from the shoulders down. LOL! OK, on to watch the show.

This is great work (as always) Paquita, thanks for the detail!

Physical therapist is working with Teresa, trying to get her to squeeze some balls (Sharkbyte where are you when I need you!).

I laughed so much when I read that Paquita, you know me so well!

I heard there were some were out-takes of that scene:

DIRECTOR: Quiet on the set, quiet everyone! Ok, "Ball Scene" take one, and...ACTION!

THERAPIST: "Ok, I'm hear to cough while you squeeze my balls!"

DIRECTOR: CUT!!! Very funny, very funny. Set it up again... Take two, and...ACTION!

THERAPIST: Ok Teresa, I need you to squeeze these balls


DIRECTOR: CUT! CUT!! Come on guys, serously, how old are you? Take three, and...ACTION!

THERAPIST: Just pretend you're squeezing the juice out of two lemons.

TERESA: This is fun...reminds me of that night in Paris! Hoo-yahhh!!!!

DIRECTOR: sigh...and that's a wrap for today people!

A few points:

Why didn't Fito rat-out Teresa when he had the chance? They aren't exactly friends, so that surprised me.

I can't handle the baby storyline. It's creeping me out; I have to look away.

Regarding Teresa seducing Fernando from the wheelchair - I agree with Paquita - this scene forced me to break out the magic telenovela beanie-of-make-believe.

Even I didn't buy it, and ordinarily I'd take Angelique Boyer any way I could get her.

That scene convinced me to get my beanie outfitted with a liquor dispenser!

Thanks for a great recap.
Re: Teresa seducing Fernando while paralyzed/in wheelchair--desperate times call for desperate measures. Not entirely believable, but she may figure "what do I have to lose?"
That baby looked way bigger and more robust than a premie.
La Paloma

OK. Just watched it. I loved the Espe/Hernan scene with the baby and proposal. Yay! We just know this sweetness and light is going to get ruined really soon, and Espe will be sobbing over her missing baby.

I don't mind that the baby is a normal sized baby. I can't imagine that any person would allow a tv show to use their real premie. Think about all the germs all those crew people would be spreading around! At least it's not a fake looking doll, or the largest premie in the world as we had in En Nombre del Amor. That baby was so big that he was cramped in the incubator! He was still cute, like this little guy.

I hate that even as Luisa is helping her and being such a good friend and sister-in-law, Teresa is thought bubbling about stealing her man. Ugh! What a rotten friend. I am very disappointed, and a little creeped out, that Fernando is turned on by a paralyzed and hospitalized Teresa. Get a grip dude!

But the person who creeped me out the most this episode was Geno. Did you see that look she gave Ruben when he disagreed about the baby's name? And later when she found out he had gone looking for Espe at her house? That was a death stare, and I could totally picture her being the one to take Ruben out. I wouldn't mind. Ruben would be dead, she would be in jail, and Espe and baby Rod would be left in peace. Win-win-win.

Considering the low body count on this series, does anyone else think there will be no more deaths?

BTW, I posted it elsewhere, but Mujeres Asesinas comes back this week. Televisa episodes on Thursdays at 10, Argentine episodes at midnight on Latele.

Sharkbyte: Fito didn't rat Tere out because then he wouldn't have anything to sell her. I guess he figures he can continue to squeeze her when she is better.
Vivi-love your win-win solution. Too bad they never listen to us.

Haha, Sharkbyte, you never disappoint. I knew you'd come through!

Thanks UA, so glad to hear Mujeres Asesinas is back. I've missed it.

I've been lurking all week and want to thank all the fabulous recappers. I can pretty much tell who is recapping from the unique individual styles...all are entertaining, funny and so informative.

Teresa has such confidence in her seductive abilities, she figures a wheelchair and paralysis won't hamper her....a bit of blush, eyeliner and lipgloss and she's ready to go. Fer has to be a real doofus, if he is going to lose Luisa and incur Momma's wrath and most likely, be disinherited by her. And how could he betray his best friend as well. Is Fer strong enough to withstand temptation....probably not.

Aeeeeda, Geno, and Ruben better receive their just rewards. Not fair if they get off easy. They all need jail time without Mayra bailing them out. And throw in Buttberto as well for all that scratching and generally being obnoxious. And make his cellmate Fito. Unfortunately, I think Juana and he may be together in the end. Please, no.

Does Odiana delaying revealing the secret, as mentioned, perhaps give Tere a chance? She may never be able to gloat over revealing that bit of information. Paloma redux?


Nobody in this story will get out unscathed; I'm sure of that. Esperanza is experiencing her hell right now, but Rubigote will pay for that. So will Genovenom and Aida.

Paquita! Such a WONDERFUL recap! Everyone has already mentioned your best lines and I agree. I especially thank you as hotel telly does not have Uni and have had no time to see Daily Motion, but you made me feel like I was right there watching it with all of you. Thank you so much. :))

Buttberto and Hector the Director are such polar opposites. I can see why Juana would like a little bit of what each man has to 'offer', but Buttberto...REALLY? Really, Juana, what do you see in this goon who can never keep his mouth shut?!

Chez Roots! I love that, Paquita...just love it!!

So, poor Art continues his downward financial decline and Luisa has no idea what her friend has in store for her.

In the end, surely Art and Luisa have to come out of this smelling like roses. Question is...will they be alone and live as brother and sister in that huge house all by themselves?

Right now, I can only see devastation for both of them when they realise the extent of Teresa's betrayal and that saddens me.

As for Mariano, I'm so glad Hector the Director FINALLY put him in his place!

Hopefully, I will get to catch up on Daily motion this week.

Thank you SO much, Paquita!!


For some reason the blogger ate my comment yesterday.

Frances I wanted to say again what a wonderful recap you did. I also want to say all recapers this week were fantastic. I'm in Mexico City now just starting the semester and I didn't have internet in my room for most of the week so I kept up with my phone but I can't comment with it for some reason.

In short, what I had said before about the episode, loved the Hernán and Esperanza scenes, adorable. I hate Cutberto, we do know that Juana loves him but we also know she is not a goldigger and he should know that too by now.

I'm glad Mujeres Asesinas is back to Uni. Fernanda Castillo (Luisa) plays a seductress and a predator that puts Teresa to shame in one of the still unaired episodes. Although I bet Univision will censor it to death, if they even show it at all. This episode was a little censored on national tv in México but they showed the directors cut in basic cable.


I also am finding the entire Fernando falls for Teresa's wiles totally unbelievable. Unlike Arturo, Fernie-boy grew up swimming with the she-sharks - it was even his favored pastime before he paired with Luisa. He managed to remain completely unencumbered even though he must have been pursued by many a skilled gold digger. And up until now in this TN Fern has shown that he cares very deeply for Luisa and is very comfortable with her as a mate. OK - he may have lingering commitment issues, but that is another matter...

So I'm just not buying it! If Fern were truly weak or felled by urges, he would have been captured long ago, and onto expensive divorce #3 by now.


Frances thanks for your great recap. Like others I loved Espe and Hernan in this episode. They are so cute!

Susanita, thanks for writing your thoughts on the Juana/Hector/Dunce triangle as ITA w/you. Though Cutberto has adult moments he often acts more childish and dumber than Johnny. Thank goodness this TN has Mariano and his dad b/c most of the men in the vecindad lack basic thinking skills.

I too find the Fernando storyline (with him being so smitten) a stretch especially with all he has to loose (best friend and future wife; he may want to loose his mom). I know it makes great drama and to be fair, it's clear he's been attracted to here from the start. It's just going to make a mess.

Paquita stellar,outrageous and hilarious recap and thank you amiga.

Chez Roots and Boots love it. My What big teeth you have? LOL.

It just amazes me the thought process of Ruben,Geno and his harpy and now Oriana Odiosa.

Ruben never takes responsibility for how he has hurt Espe physically and possibly his unborn child.Yeah Espe take him to court and have Arturo handle the case you should not only have sole custody but get a restraining preventing him from any type of visitation rights.

Geno thinks she can replace her son with Espe's child even going so far as to think she can name it another Paulo. Glad Bigote set her straight on that one.

Aeeeeeeeeeeda well my good friend Daisynjay pretty said it all about her delusional and no functioning brain matter. Like father, like daughter.

Oriana you may be smiling now and even have the info to destroy Teresa marriage that's why you're waiting for her to get up out of that wheelchair i guess. But you should be careful what you wish for. I get the feeling our little sharkette is still going to come out on top.

I don't know what the writers are thinking that Juana should be so attracted to that big mouth gossipy idiot Buttberto. He's even dumber than Johnny and boy that says a lot about him.

Aurora when are you going to grow a pair and tell Mariano how you still feel about him.

I hope if the baby is snatched that little medallion will be used to recognize that it's Espe's son.

Blusa: I don't think Bigote actually set Geno straight on naming the baby Paolo. He tried, but she was scary in her insistence, I thought.

Frances: Wow! Another really fun romp through Beanie-land! Thanks for starting out my morning with more than a few chuckles!

I can't believe I picked THESE LAST TWO WEEKS to go out of town. Caray! I haven't even seen my boys Martin and Cutberto since they got back!

I know y'all love to dis Cutberto, but I'm guessing he's a devil in the sack. Juana looked pretty happy way back when.

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