Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #113 Tuesday 9/27/11 Fina is smiling, and Gina is crying!!

So I was very negligent last week and did not post my, re-cap so if I am forgiven I will make this week a doozy ( i’ll try anyway) with everything going on in this Novela they will make it a doozy for me. So lets get to it.

Lazaro, is asking Jero, why now why didn’t he tell him sooner, why did he let him believe that he was going to be happy with Kari,and plan his wedding. Jero tries to explain that it was to keep Dr. Creepy safe and eventually bust Auggie.

Cari gushes that she will finally be a family with Lazaro. (um yea about that sorry not quite yet lady)

Jero tells him that he didn’t think they would get married so soon. Jero tells him to make a decision about what is he going to do. Jero suggests that he tell Kari the truth and Laza refuses to tell her the truth, cause she suffered so badly at the hands of Dr. Creepy so he says he will break things off with her and not let her know about Dr.Creepy.

Auggie is furious about the dead vines, the worker is trying to explain that it is not his fault that the vines died and that they are infected with plaque, Ezequiel

The workers are yelling at Carlos to help Alphonsina, he sends someone to get Ezeke.

Jero tries to justify himself more, but Lazaro begs him not to tell Kari about Dr.Creepy. Laza asks to keep them apart forever. Then he says that he will walk away from her forever and that he will die before he causes her any problems.

Mati informs Jero about Alphonsina he looks stunned.

Renata arrives at work Gonzo asks how things went and she tells him that Jero charged no interest and Gonzo can’t believe it. She explains that Jero was very generous, She cries to Gonzo about how much she loves Jero and how they can’t be together, and she doesn’t know what to do with her feelings. Gonzo tries to tell her to give things a chance and she says she can’t she has to try to move on with her life and forget her feelings for him. She cries and Gonzo tries to make her feel better.

Roberta greets Matia’s lawyer who shows up at the house. who is there to tell her he wants a divorce. She tells him that it is not possible because he is stuck, he explains that there was a loophole, that he can file for divorce because she is not having a kid so all bets are off. She looks at the papers and proceeds to tear them up in his face. ( yea that will fix it, problem solved and now you have nothing to worry about, your a magician)

Regina is arriving at the meeting spot with the bag and releases her body guards and tells them to leave her, then she catches a cab.

Connie arrives home Honorio tries to make her feel better, she is trying to talk to them and she can’t seem to get it out. They keep talking about eating and resting, but she wants to tell them that they are in grave danger and that Fina is the problem.

Alphonsina is in with the Dr. she is telling her that she is having contractions way to soon and that they have to stop them and that she has to take care of herself and get plenty of bed rest. Alphonsina is worried because she has to work. The Dr. says they can figure something out.

Laza is crying about why this is happening to him ( umm because this novela is not over for a while now and you must suffer some more before your allowed to be happy) he has a right to be happy, Mati asks whats wrong and he yells at here to leave him alone he has nothing to say.

Manuela tells Kari to not worry about what the Padre said and they wonder why he would say that. She tells Kari that the decision is between she and Laza.

Auggie tells Ezeke that he has been thinking a lot and that he wants to take La Bonita, He tells Ezeke it will be hard, but not impossible. Someone knocks on the door, and tells Ezeke that something is wrong with Alphonsina. Auggie tells him to go and see what is wrong.

Jero and Dr. are gushing about being in love and she tells him that she has an answer to his question, but Padre walks in and sees them kissing and is not happy, then he asks what question and she tells him that Jero asked her to live with him, and she said that she said yes. ( I think there is a heart attack in his near future)

Adri is cooking in the kitchen when Renata walks in, and asks what she is cooking she tells her that it’s for Constanza. Adri tells her about Matias fit and she says he has a right to be angry, and that she needs to make a decision as soon as possible, Adri tells her that she knows she loves Matias, but there is something about Chema that makes her happy too, she wonders how she is supposed to make the right decision. She is afraid to make the right choice. Nata tells her that she is the wrong person to ask she is confused herself, about Jero not charging interest on the loan and then him loving the Dr.

Gina meets with Fina and demands that she tell her where her daughter is , Fina hands her an envelope with a picture in it and Gina opens it and sees a picture of the family Monterubbio, and Fina takes pleasure in telling her that she Pepa is also Fina Monterubbio, which leaves Gina speechless. She can’t believe this is true. Fina tells her that she is so stupid, and then tells her that she was the one who tried to kill her, twice. But she is like a cat with many lives. She not only wants her money, but for her to suffer. She reveals that she killed her husband for leaving her daughter with nothing. Gina calls her a monster.

Padre refuses to allow her to live with Jero in sin, he tries to explain things to Padre and he is not buying it he wants him to marry her, she apologizes that he is not happy, but she is going to live with him without a promise of marriage. Padre asks if they are going to live together as friends with no hanky panky, he says he will not give his blessing. Jero asks if she is sure and she swears she is (is she kidding? really? what an idiot I was going to feel bad when she got dumped for Nata, but now she gets what she gets for falling for this crap)

Fina keeps explaining all the damage she has done, including killing her mother, Gina now realizes that her mom was trying to tell her, (DUHHHHH) Fina is taking pleasure in telling her Tony helped her, Gina does not believe that she helped, then she puts it all together but still is in denial. Fina tells her she hates her since the moment they met. Gina demands she tell her who her daughter is, Fina tells her to be patient, she wants to enjoy the moment.

Gonzo tries calling Gina and gets her voicemail, he is worried.

Nata and Adri are reading a book about dreams, she is explaining the meaning of her dream about Jero and she tells her it could mean someone will die, Nata gets freaked and Adri explains that it’s not for sure it is just an interpretation. Nata does not want to believe her. So she calls Jero to feel better and get his voicemail. She feels silly and tries to let it go.

Fina is just driving the dagger in deeper, she tells Gina that she will not be with Gonzo. Gina argues that they love each other, more than he loved her and more than Roberto loved her. Then she tells her to be careful, or someone could get hurt like Constanza. Gina is now horrified at all that Fina has done. Fina tells her that Coni was to nosey and she paid for it.

The spoiled brat Roberta arrives at the office, drunk and demands to talk to her dad. The secretary( who will wish she took the day off) tells her he is busy and she gets in her face and demands to see him. She starts to walk to his office and she tells Roberta to go get a cup of coffee and wait, she refuses and pushes the secretary out of the way and heads for the office.

Fina goes to leave with the money and Gina demands that she tell her which one of the girls is her daughter and Fina tells her to be patient. She will tell her eventually but not until she is sure she will be safe, Gina begs but Fina is un moved and walks away with the money, and leaves Gina crying on the bench.

Adri is bringing food to Coni who looks like she is not hungry, but desperate to tell Honi what is going on. She wants to scream that Fina is the problem, Honi keeps telling her to calm down and eat. (now I want to punch him, shut up crazy and let her talk)

Gina is thinking about the first time she saw a picture of the girls and that she felt drawn to them and that she needs to figure out which one is her daughter.

Avances: Renata wants to make sure Jero is okay and Fina and Roberta are up to something nasty


Jules, I'm very glad that you were in attack mode tonight. Thank you for posting so quickly because you are right, this episode is a doozy.

First, I cannot believe that Fina admitted EVERYTHING to Regina. I don't think she left anything out. My goodness is that a telenovela first? Oh wait, she didn't admit she killed Rafa but I think Jero might have already told Regina his suspicions.

Darn it, we knew Lazaro would be stupidly noble about this whole fiasco. After yelling at Jero for not telling him the truth now he is doing the same thing to Kari. But oh well..."umm because this novela is not over for a while now and you must suffer some more before your allowed to be happy", LOL!! Sad but funny. So yes, he will suffer for a while longer which bums me out. Laz was so sad and tormented I could hardly bear to watch.

Oh man, it looked like the Padre was about to have a heart attack when he heard Marina plans to move in with Jero. I love your editorial comment on that one.

Poor Coni, ITA with "now I want to punch him, shut up crazy and let her talk". She actually can't talk, and I know Honorio is trying to be helpful but I can't help thinking he could be trying just a bit harder to help Coni communicate.

Thanks Jules. Yowza, what an episode and what a recap to cover it!

Jules, no worries about last week and back better than ever. There was more happening last night than some TN's in Final epidoes (cough cough Teresa).

Sometimes I wonder about Fina - amazing she forked over everything. But she's getting more and more comfortable with the killing and "accidents" which so far seem to work in her favor, so she figures she's got it in the bag.
For once I would love to see the person on the other end of the blackmail call bluff, and act like they could care. I had hope their for a minute with Gina - thought, cool she'll say, Oh, well if you don't give me the info, my money and me are walking. Have a nice day. But the tears started and back to Fina with the upper hand.

Do not like Adri's won't be Jero, but will someone close to Nata get offed???? ( Uh, Matias, come on down!Sorry - he bugs me lately).But I love when Adri and Nata get together. Besties at their best. And Nata and Gonzo always--keep the kleenex close.

As for my Laz, walking away from Kari isn't going to cause her more heartache?? C'mon man, think of a way to deal with this - but you don't have to be the sacrifice. Why is no one thinking of forcing Doc to go with the divorce route otherwise he's fed back to the goons? As you said "because this novela is not over for a while now and you must suffer some more ". More poor Laz tee will be well-worn from hugging before this is over.

Wonder what Tata went thru in the past to make her so desperate to be with someone. Smart woman acting like a teenager is never pretty.

Off to work--ggrrrrr.

Jules, a wonderful recap. I so enjoy your style - "She looks at the papers and proceeds to tear them up in his face. ( yea that will fix it, problem solved and now you have nothing to worry about, your a magician)" made me smile despite the grim happenings of last night.

Along with Sylvia and daisy, I'm in shock and awe that Fina revealed (most) of her dastardly doings. I keep thinking she can't get more loathsome and voila, I'm proven wrong again.

I hoped Laz would fight for Kari. Nopis - another sacrificial lamb scenario. Sigh...

Wonderful day to start the day - exciting recap and great comments. Gracias.


Jules- You were back in fine recapping form last night. Many thanks.

I was giggling right along with Fina as she recounted all her bad deeds and called Gina stupid and Connie a buttinsky. I know that's wrong. But she was the only person having a good time this episode. :)

Could Adri's prediction of DEATH be forshadowing for one of our charcters? Why can't it be DocIWishHeWasDead?

Good Morning Amigos! Thanks, Jules, for the great re-cap. What an episode to cover, and you were so thorough!

I want to thank everyone for their kind remarks with the passing of my father. You guys are really all so nice. Are other blogs like ours? This is the only one I've ever been on, and I can't believe how much I feel like we are all friends.

Judy B., you are so right that I DID lose my dad over the years. With Alzheimers it is a long process of loss. It was only 5 years with my dad. I don't know how you did it for so many years with your mom. 3 years ago we did not renew our season Ute b-ball tickets, and I do admit the shock/grief of losing that special Daddy-Daughter Date time hit me harder than the actual death.

Anywho............ I have finally caught up with my CME episodios. Thank you to ALL the recappers the past 2 weeks. There were some wild comments!

I am so happy to hear that Carlos' daughter is okay. I keep reading about photos being put up, but can't seem to find them. Anyone? Vivi, I am looking forward to seeing yours with Michelle. I loved the toucan Cheryl posted. So cute! And now I read from Cheryl to Susanita that Carlos has posted a picture of shirtless Fernando. I don't even know who that is, but I want to see!

NOK, your Dr. Nesme nickname list is so funny! When I first started with you guys he was being referred to as "Dr. Rapeysnake". I think someone said that was a carryover from another character on another telenovela, but how appropriate for own Dr. PastyBalls.

Why in the world did Fina spill her dastardly deeds to Regina? Is she planning on killing her too? EVERYBODY who hears that one of Fina's daughters is actually Reginita, would know it is Renata. Please don't let that chirade carry on too long!

Why did Dr. Tatas put the used needle on her desk after giving Alfonsina a shot? We can send her a Biomedical Waste can for a wedding gift, or maybe it will just be a housewarming gift. She really is so sweet. I felt so bad seeing her hopeful face when she was waiting at the airport.

I don't remember if there was a Chema sighting last night, but I must comment on him in his tight pink tee from the night before. Mmmm. Why would Adri choose Temper Tantrum Boy in a Sateen Suit over Eyelashes Adorned in Tight Rosado?

Elle mentioned that she'd just seen Sylvia Navarro on Hoy. I am wondering if she mentioned she'd be on a new telenovela soon? She really is such a wonderful actress.

Rosemary la Otra

Thanks, Jules, for a great recap.

I'm thinking maybe Fina is developing a real brain tumor. (One can hope!) She used to be too smart to reveal her dastardly deeds.

Vivi, yes, the predicted death should give us a real Doc-in-the-box.

Laz, darlin', think!!

Good Morning Rosemary La O, it's wonderful to hear from you again. It sure is easy to fall behind on the episodes, isn't it? Thank you for reminding us of some of the past details including Doc RapeySnake and Doc PastyBalls; two more names for the list.

The shirtless hunk is Fernando Colunga and I think the hubba hubba foto is on Monday's post of Alborada. Definitely worth a gawk.

daisynjay, I had to giggle at your slight jab at Teresa. I have also been watching that novela and must admit that, although a fun novela to watch, they love to repeat their arguments ad nauseum day after day. Also lots of filler in that one.

Oh how I wanted Regina to call Fina's bluff. She had the power/money in her hand and bag but just couldn't seem to hold out on the negotiation. That just drove me crazy.

Adri's dream foreshadow...who's gonna get it? One more thing to worry about unless it is doc-in-the-box (hee!).

Vivi, wasn't Rocio Banquells at her finest last night? Yes, I can see why she won an award for this performance. At first I was seething that our Fedra lost out to her, but her sickening and gleeful evilness with all her cackling glory was a wonder to behold. A nice bit of acting.

Missed last night's episode so really really really! appreciate your recap Jules. But now that I know, rather glad I missed the Regina/Fina confrontation. As my blog pals know, I'm a wuss.

@Rosemary la otra...glad you're back with us. I'm perhaps biased but I do think this particular thread is extra warm and supportive. I have talked to several of my blog mates on the phone, a number of people on this line have visited with each other, and the reason I missed the show last night was because I had dinner with one of the former recapper. She was visiting Columbus with her husband and there was no way we were going to miss out on meeting each other in person!

So it's a good community. Can't imagine a better one.

One thing, I think what Augie asked/demanded that Zeke do, if he is so loyal, is get him another cutting of the La Bonita mother vine. Zeke was saved by the bell when that guy came to tell him about Alfie. So the question is, since he's been so up front with the La Bonita folks up till now, will Zeke tell them, or do what Augie asks?

The idea struck me during those flashback scenes of Augie and Doc using keys to get into the cage of the Bonita mother vine, that Doc seduced Alfie just to get hold of those keys.

Welcome back Rosemary. This is a great group of folks, and I hope we were able to bring just a tiny bit of light, with our supportive/funny/snarky words, into a dark time for you.

Jules, this definitely makes up for missing a week, and then some. What a whirlwind! Your snark about Roberta's magician skills cracked me up the most.

Rosemary (l.o.), I'm so glad you're back! That's such a hard way to lose someone, not that there is an easy way. My condolences, in case I didn't offer them before.

I hate Fina, but I have to agree with her that Regina is just too stupid to live, and it's amazing she's survived this long. Can she really not figure out which is her daughter? Why would she take Fina's word or DNA sample for it anyway? She knows where to find Renata (the OBVIOUS first suspect), so she should just go get her own test done, and meanwhile send the police after Fina.

It's annoying that Honorio isn't trying to help Constanza communicate, when it's so apparent she's desperate to say something. Blinking, writing out a letterboard and pointing to help her spell things out with nods or blinks...there are a number of ways. Have they ever even asked her if she knows who attacked her?

Matias is less appealing all the time. I'd go for Chema, or neither.

Wow! Just looked at the picture of Fernando! Thanks, Sylvia, for telling me where to find it. Thank you, Carlos, for posting it. And thank you to mi esposo for never looking over my shoulder when I'm on the computer!

Vivi, I must admit that I also tend to giggle over Fina's antics. Like last night when she was talking about Antonio in the hospital and she said "Ole" and a week or two ago when she was sitting at her desk waiting for the ransom response and she flipped over Matias photo. She nails the little things: her inappropriate laugh, her stare into the camera. I tried to google her award, but couldn't find anything. What did she win?

I did find a nice 1986 You Tube of her singing looking just like Madonna. Then there was another great song where she throws her ironic laugh into the verse. Whatever award she won, she deserved it!


Rosemary LO- Yeah, that "Ole!" gave me a good fit of giggles.

She won for best female villain for this role at the TVyNovelas awards. As we were just coming from watching Fedra's amusing and villainous antics in Llena, we weren't convinced as to why RB (Fina/Pepa) won. But now I'm beginning to see why. :)

Thanks for your recap Jules.

Rosemary, condolences on your loss. I'll be praying for you.

I too was shocked that Fina confessed so much. It made me think many more bad things must be in the future if Fina could say so much now. I am grasping how RB beat out Llena's Fedra. Honestly I can't really watch either as they embody wickedness so well.

ITA w/your assessment of Regina, Julia. She's so weak; I just want to shake her.

Read your post late Cheryl but it was wonderful and thanks.

Thank you, Jules! You know how every novela has a review seqwuences or a whole review episode? Seems they wrote it into the script what with Fina spilling her putrid guts. Guess Fina wouldn't've had nerve to have a recording running while Fina was engaging in oral dihrrhea. Knowing Regina, she would've let it accidentally fall out of her purse or something while she was snotting and sniveling. Regina should have so much ANGER at this bitch, it would have been sooo gratifying and a surprising twist if she just went postal on Fina's ass and damn near killed her! I'm sure the writers could have fit that into their creative script!

Uuuuuf! Fina is so hateful, I could feel my own rage building as I watched her mocking and taunting performance. Pie carts, anvils, vipers, straightjackets, jail bars and hell fire come and get her!!!


Regina are you stupid oh yeah you are. ever heard of DNA testing get both girl's strand of hair and have them tested. Problem solved.

Jules, I am so glad you are back and boy howdy what a fabulous recap. I agree with what was already posted about the difficult episode you got. I'm still whining about my nasty mess on Monday and this was twice as evil.

What I did love was that Fina had to brag to someone about all her evil tricks. Just think about it, she has no friends, her husband and all her family loathe her except pathetic Roberta who is only hanging on because she doesn't have the wherewithall to figure out how to live iwthout MommyDearest tellling her what to do. She will be the most alone of any character so I think it was a big spill to try to get recognition for her cleverness.

Rosemary TO, my heart is with you. I wnt through that continual death with my Mother with dementia. I'm hoping I get a pie cart at my end so it is quick an sure. Take very good care of yourself, time will help but it will always be there.

Mil gracias for the recap, Jules!

I am so disappointed in Regina too. She is as weak-willed as a beaten puppy. Instead of being smart enough to distrust Fina at her word, Regi falls right into the trap. I would feel more sympathetic towards her if she weren't such a damsel in distress.

Julia, your ideas for communicating with Connie are brilliant. I've got my fingers crossed that Hon will come up with something before Connie goes crazy. You would think everyone would have tried to ask Connie who the attacker was but it hasn't seemed to occur to anyone yet.

Fina is the queen of affable evil. She could gut you with a spoon and giggle while she did it. I fully understand why the actress won for best villain.

Rosemary la Otra, we're glad to have you back. Caray Caray is an all-around wonderful community full of supportive people. Take care! :)


Vivi said: "The idea struck me during those flashback scenes of Augie and Doc using keys to get into the cage of the Bonita mother vine, that Doc seduced Alfie just to get hold of those keys." Oh hell yeah. That totally makes sense. However I think he was truly smitten with her for a short while...until he got what he needed, wink wink nudge nudge.

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