Friday, October 21, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #131 Friday 10/21/11 Gonzalo might be taking the Stairway to Heaven but Fina is on the Highway to Hell

Amigos, we're in for tears aplenty tonight as two principal character fight for their lives. Anti-depressants might be necessary.

Renata, Roberta, and Matias lean on each other for strength as Gonzo and Regina are wheeled into the hospital.

Matilde practices walking in heels; she looks lovely in a red suit and no headband!! Carlos's Madre teaches her how to balance a book on her head for posture. Carlos and Lazaro peer around the corner and marvel at Mati's patience.

Constanza and Adriana run into Selena at the hospital. They explain what happened to Gonzo and Regi and Sele tells them about Chema's latest fainting spell.

In a scene straight out of Grey's Anatomy, the doctors are hard at work performing surgery on the newlyweds, who hopefully won't end up newlydeads. (I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist. I have a horribly morbid sense of humor this time of year.)

Chema awakes to find Selene waiting by his bedside. He's dizzy, confused, and agitated. Out in the waiting room, the Monterrubios are all on the edge of a nervous breakdown now that they have someone else to worry about.

Fina the Nun gets dragged, kicking and screaming, into the police station. She swears that she won't be locked up for long.

Carlos's Mama gives Matilde more lessons in having "class", which is an irony that Mama Mierda will never understand. Carlos interrupts the lessons to assure Mati that she was always good enough to be his wife. She doesn't have to change for him. Where can I get a gift-wrapped Carlos of my own, hmm?

The Monterrubios stew over how Fina could have pulled off such a nasty scheme. Nata cries to Jero that her mother is a murderer who hurts everyone she comes across. Jero guarantees Nata that she will be protected from Fina in the future. Matias writhes in anguish and vows to pull an Inigo Montoya if Gonzo dies because of Fina. (My name is Matias Monterrubio, you killed my father, prepare to die!)

The doctors deliver good news about Regina; they removed the bullet and it missed her vital organs. She will recover favorably. All the more proof that Regi has nine lives. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. However, the news about Gonzo is much more grim. They don't expect Gonzo to pull through and the Monterrubios are told to prepare themselves for a fatal outcome. There's not a dry eye in the house.

Nata gets in the doctor's face and refuses to accept the diagnosis. Jero tells the doctors to spare no expense in doing whatever they can to save Gonzo. The doctors promise to let everyone see Gonzo once it is safe for them to do so. The Monterrubios and friends are left to cry, pray, and hope for the best. Berta silently curses Fina for killing her Papa. A nurse interrupts because Regina is awake and wants to see Berta and Nata.

Chema's doctor pulls Selene aside and she gives him permission to do more tests to find out what's ailing Chema.

Lazaro has tea at Padre's place. He tells Padre that he and Karina are going to have a civil ceremony. Of course, Padre disapproves but Lazaro is not put off. He wishes that Padre would give them his blessing.

Fina seethes in her jail cell. She blames Jero for ruining her plans and vows to kill him just like she killed his brother Rafael. Her lawyer gives her a laundry list of all the charges against her: kidnapping, extortion, attempted murder of Connie, Regi, and Gonzo, and the murder of Rafael. Fina whines about being guilty until proven innocent and creepily stares into the camera.

A bunch of cops and detectives discuss Fina's case. They can't decide if Fina is nuttier than trail mix or a criminal mastermind. The press swarm Fina as she's led out of the station and into a police van.

Regina is glad to see Berta and Nata. She understands how lucky she was to survive but is desperate to know how Gonzo is doing. Nata gently tells Regi that Gonzo is fighting for his life. Regina cries that they might be lying to protect her; he could be dead already. Nata gives Regi her word that Gonzo is still alive and that Fina was detained. Berta strokes Regi's hair and thought-bubbles that she will never let Regi and Nata find out the truth. She refuses to be left alone and have to live with Fina as her mother.

Ines sobs about Regina's horrible luck and she and Isidro hope the courts throw the book at Fina. In the hospital chapel, Matias prays for his padre to be saved, Adri prays for both Gonzo and Chema, and Connie prays that Gonzo's life will be saved just as hers was.

Honorio and Jero try to figure out who could have told Fina the location of the wedding. Hon suspects that Berta gave Fina the information. She was Berta's accomplice her whole life. Jero can't believe that Berta would conspire to murder Regina, her own mother. Honorio hates to have to say such a thing but he has a hunch that it's true.

Gonzo lies in a hospital bed attached to a ventilator. After a flash of blinding white light, we see a sharply dressed Gonzo standing along a dirt road as a woman pulls up in a black car. It's his gorgeous first wife Melisa. She tells him it is time they take on a new path together. She opens the passenger side door for him but Gonzo hesitates. It isn't his time. His mission in life is not over, he still has things to do. He can't leave Matias, Regi, Nata, and the rest of his family. He tells Melisa to leave without him. She insists on taking him with her.

Before Gonzo makes a final decision, we fade back into the real world just as Gonzo's vital stats start dropping. The doctor snaps into action to try to save him.

The group in the chapel continues their prayers and do their best to shatter my heart in little pieces. Matias sobs that he can't lose his Papa like he lost his Madre. She died of a heart attack in his arms and there was nothing he could do and now he feels just as helpless as Gonzo fights for his life. Adriana sympathizes because of her own mother's death. Mat agonizes over Gonzo dying because of Fina.

Honorio gets news from the detective that Fina was moved from the police station to prison. Nata and Berta are unsettled but not surprised by the news. Nata tells Jero she understands the desire for revenge he once had because of Rafa's death. She runs outside for some alone time to process her emotions. Berta does the same in the women's restroom. "That murderer is my mother. I am the one who shares her blood, not you! And I hate her!"

The feds relieve Fina of her nun get-up, take her mugshot, and hose her down before granting her an indefinite stay at the Iron Bar Inn.

Antonio catches a glimpse of Fina on the nightly news and is sick to hear that she was arrested for shooting Regina and Gonzo.

Carlos assures Jero that everything will be taken care of at the hacienda. He gives Matilde and his Madre the bad news about what happened at the wedding.

Augie chugs a bottle of tequila alone in his bedroom. He also hears about Fina on the nightly news and listens with keen interest.

Nata and Berta have returned to the waiting room and they re-commune with Ines. Nata encourages Ines to visit Regi when Berta gets a call from Augie. She answers his questions without giving herself away. Berta thinks her whole family are a bunch of saps for having hope that Gonzo will live. Augie makes a sour face upon hearing that Nata is taking refuge in Jero's arms.

Everyone at the hacienda gathers in the living room and digests the news. Carlos's Madre bitches about why they should care about the Monterrubios and I'm just going to ignore her dialogue for the rest of the episode. I can only take so much dingbat whining in one night. Of course, everyone else wishes the best for the Monterrubios and Manuela suggests they set up a rosary.

Matias is finally allowed to see Gonzo but only through a window. He bursts into tears upon seeing his unconscious father. Mat flashes back their reunion after he returned to Mexico. Mat laments that the two of them were separated for so many years because of Fina. He begs Gonzo to pull through. "The whole family is affected. But me most of all, Papa. I can't live without you. Swear to me that you will fight for your life! I love you." Four stars, Matias. You've got me all choked up.

Fina wanders the jailhouse grounds as the other inmates eye her suspiciously.

Avances: GAAAH NOOO! Fina and Blanca commiserate in the jail yard and plan to destroy the Monterrubio family together. Augie shows up at the hospital where he isn't wanted.


sacar la bala - to remove the bullet
desenlace fatal - fatal outcome
mala espina - bad feeling
reclusorio - prison


Great title, love the shout out to Princess bride, and wicked observations. My two favorites:

"newlydeads" and
{Fina} "nuttier than trailmix"

Got a kick out of the dramatic NDA with the old jalopy and the 40's clothes. I think they went a little too far back in time for Gonzalo to be alive and kickin' today but whatever.Matter of fact, it would make Matias my age. Fun scene, neverthless. As was your recap Amy. Love your sense of humor.

Great work, Amy. I must have been out of the room for Gonzo's near-death experience, so I will rewatch this over the weekend.

The idea of Fina and Blanca as a team is frightening, but it could end with the two of them doing each other in. Which would be completely appropriate.

Wowsers! What an episode! -- Of course I have to wait until tomorrow night or Monday to watcah it on VCR but your recap has allowed me to see it already -- very detailed -- Thanks. Great title -- I hope that the first part is not accurate though.

So now that Berta knows the whole plot she's just more convinced than ever to keep playing her part as the long lost daughter. Should have seen that coming but I keep holding on th the hope that she will be redeemed in the end.

I can't believe that you found humor even in the midst of all this misery. I enjoyed
"Iron bar inn"
"lessons in having "class", which is an irony that Mama Mierda will never understand" and of course
"nuttier than trail mix "

I can't wait to see the made over Matilde with stilettos and no headband.

I'm glad someone finally got Chema to the hospital.

Thanks for a great recap Amy.

Ph and Go SU -- great way to show off on national TV with a masterful upset win.

Guera from Syra-cuse

I love your morbid sense of humor Amy. Newlydeads. LOL! Wonderful recap. Yes, I needed lots of tissues during this one. So glad we had the brief relief of the La Bonita scenes. But yes, anything MamaMierda said needed to be ignored.

I didn't assume Gonzo and the gorgeous Melisa met in the 40s, just that that time period, with the clothes, hair and cars, is Gonzo's idea of heaven. He was even smoking, like an old Hollywood star, as she pulled up. I liked the sequence. It was fun. So, when Gonzo does finally go off to heaven, many, many years down the road, will he be joined by both Melisa and Gina? Lucky bastard.

Augie is drinking a LOT these days. It won't be pretty when he just shows up at the hospital on Monday.

A lot of our characters who have been dormant for a while look like they're coming back on the scene next week- Selene, Blanca, and Antonio.

Can I tell you how much I can't wait for the 7:00 hour each night --and then our fantastic recappers the next day? This TN just continues to keep me wanting more, which is surprising how long it is. Kudos to the writers. And kudos Amy to a fab recap!

Like Judy, I too loved the bow to the Princess Bride, a favorite in our household. (My son even has that original quote on a tee.) The dream sequence was cool, had a film noire edge to it. Reminded me of one of my fav French films with Alain Delon. Gonzo was a pretty decent sub. I vote he's going to hang around - but in what state??

Carlos' mother-ugh! Berta-double ugh! Tepid Toni - so, are you going to do something? Auggie-like we knew he'd show his slimy face the minute he heard. I may be tempted to offer a right hook to that chin myself. And finally, the Blanca/Fina hook up. I'm betting the scenes with these two are going to be a hoot - scary, but a hoot.

Thought Selene met Chema's dad at his mother's funeral? Why isn't someone trying to contact him? Or did I get that wrong? Hugging my tee.

There is this strange,warm yellow ball in the sky haven't seen in awhile. Heading out to enjoy it. Have a great weekend all!

After getting way behind watching/reading re-caps this week, I sat down last night thinking I could space them out over the weekend. Needless to say, I ended up having a CME marathon. I couldn't turn the tv off. What a week!

Thank you to all the recappers all week. Your talent has shown through again. AmyAzul, one of the reasons we love you is for that morbid sense of humor. Keep it coming!

If I could re-name this telenovela, it would be The Resilience of Renata. How does she keep bouncing back?

Why would Gonzo see Melesa in heaven. I know she died, but weren't they divorced? I like how they matched her eyes with Matias'.

May I please have the job of passing a water glass to the actresses between takes of sobbing scenes? A quick Swish-n-Swallow should get rid of all that stringy spit. Enough already.

Did I hear Carlos' mom make a "class" statement when she heard the news of the shootings?

Sylvia - my house has been like the hospital waiting room the last few days with my daughter in the midst of a breakup with her long time bf. (It doesn't help that he is a college kid here from Houston and he considers us his Utah family, or that this week he is dog-sitting for my next door neighbor). Anyway, after yet another talk between the two, she came home last night in a funk (sad funk, not stinky windbreaker Augie funk) while I was watching the show, so I re-wound to the Ave Maria part and read your re-cap up til "I think Matias wins (the dramatic acting prize)". So, let me personally thank you for being the one to get my daughter to laugh!

Rosemary la Otra

Thanks for the recaps. Argh! My DVR had a glich last night and I missed the show.

Just when I think we should be wrapping up this show, it takes new turns. I think Fina is one of the worst villians in novela history. I think the media should give her a official name. How about the "trailmix murderer." She did take some people out in the woods a while back.


Sweet story Rosemary la Otra. I hope that your daughter is feeling better.

I thought that Gonzo's first wife died. Wasn't there even a comment that Mathias had stood by helplessly as she died? So the near death meeting in heaven would be appropriate. That's one of the things I can't wait to see on the VCR tape tomorrow night. I sounds like a hoot.

I also expect some fun but frightening scenes between Fina and Blanca now that they have teamed up. Who knows where this show is heading. Don't you just love it?

And one more Go SU. We're all still pumped after that West Virginia game last night.......

Güera from Syracuse

Amy Azul, What a fabulous recap to wind up our rocking week of a blizzard of maddness on CME. This TN is rising to the status of an all time favorite with each succeeding episode. You wrote so beautifully in the best of dark humor that these scenes require.

And thanks for the nod to my favorite cinema genius, Pedro Almodóvar, with the Monterubbios on the edge of a nervous breakdown. So many other great allusions have already been named here like newlydeads.

All the subplots are in play right now, what an incredible script these writers have crafted. I am constantly amazed that in so many episodes they have made me both laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time. I loved the Gonzoo-Melisa invitation to heaven in period piece with that wonderful old car and the beautiful woman coming to seduce him to come away. It made me wish they had let Matias into the room so he could use his voice to help pull back although it sounds like Gonzo was convinced himself that he had too much to stay for.

I look forward to Monday, I may be lucky enough to recap the Blanca welcomes Fina to the first rings of purgatory. They should be able to hatch a dastardly plan to amuse us. Likewise Augie's unwelcome appearance at the hospital should make for some good punching and barking scenes. I hope Renata gets to return the ring and the emerald necklace to Augie in front of Jero. I still want one of the Cruz or Bonita crew to go move Gitana to safer ground.

I am also glad that Selene is seeing Consta and Adriana in a new light as caring individuals. They may redeem her character too with unselfish concern for poor Chema. Maybe she can spill some dark truths about the rotten Roberta.

Whew! I got home from a wonderful day with Mike and Emilia in time to see and record the last showing of this episode. We crammed in events covering eons of history all the way to the future with a hot air balloon ride, a tour of the sky city pueblo of Acoma and ending with a Fractals Rock show of 3-D animation at the planetarium. I hope their headaches go away soon, and the incredible sights are all that remain! Have fun in Santa Fe, amigos. I had a magical day and so enjoyed getting to meet some devoted CarayCarayers.

Amy, I was worried for you getting stuck with such a downer of an episode but lo and behold your deliciously morbid sense of humor saved the day for all of us. I was going to thank you for taking one for the team but never mind. Well done amiga!

Your hilariously clever title started us off. I love song references and your title is a double shot of perfect.

My favorite lines have already been mentioned but I repeat: newlyweds to newlydeads, Matias "Montoya" (one of my fave movies of all time), Iron Bar Inn, and nuttier than trail mix. All of those and more had me laughing out loud.

I could have slapped Mama Mierda. Yes, she did make a snide comment about class which of course showed she has zilch. I agree, the irony of herself alludes her.

Wasn't Gonzo's out of body experience cool? Who knew he fancied himself as Alain Delon? (Great comparison daisynjay.)

He and Melisa had divorced and she was living in Spain when he met Fina. I don't think we ever knew the details of the separation and divorce.

Rosemary LO, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's heartbreak. That is very painful to experience and also for mom to watch. Poor kids, and it sucks that they are in close proximity. I'm glad our addiction, errr I mean our Spanish Lessons, were able to give her a laugh.

Urban, I love your idea/prediction that Blanca and Fina might eventually do each other in.

Go SU Güera, congratulations on your team's win.

Amy, thanks again for your smashing recap.

Amy thanks for your recap. Your title and the PB reference were great!

I also enjoy Gonzo fantasy/dream. As far as fashion from films in concerned I do think the 40s had some of the best. I hope Gonzo pulls through.

I know its too early for the Regina/Nata revelation but I wonder who is going to spill it?

Flores! Love your title. Busy Saturday, just checking in with thanks, will read later. Loved the "near death experience" scene with Gonzos. NDEs are a favorite topic and the depiction of his was just like the accounts I've read and much like one a dear loved one told me. Gonzo was sharp! See y'all later. Thanks again!


Really, really, REALLY, great recap Amy, and I loved your title too.

This has been quite a week of a stellar TN, and I think resulting in some of the best recaps ever. We really have quite a team!

Roberta really sees herself as a total victim in this situation. She really takes no responsibility at whatsoever for this tragedic outcome. She doesn't even feel guilty - just betrayed. Instead, she wails about being the daughter of such a monster and swears that no one will ever know that Renata (whom she now hates for not sharing Fina's blood) is Regina's true daughter. Looks pretty hopeless, no?


ITA w/you Audrey regarding Berta. The whole episode was about her and as you said, she had no remorse about the havoc she and her mother caused (she called the family saps for thinking Gonzo would live which sealed her fate for me). She's continuing her descend to hell with her mom.

I agree with you folks about Berta. Last night was her worst ever. I was thinking that if she admits her role in what Fina did then that might start her rode to redemption. But Audrey is right, from Berta's perspective it is all about her and she is the victim no matter what. Those two sisters couldn't be more different. When Augi called she even got on his case because he asked about Renata and not Roberta. I have been one of her biggest advocates, hoping against hope that she will somehow be redeemed, but it's looking pretty hopeless now. When she went running after Renata I thought "Finally, she's going to comfort Renata instead of the other way around. For one." But NO, she was just going off for her own blubber-fest.

Cheryl, your time with Mike and Emilia sounds like SO MUCH FUN! I think you are going to have a great episode to recap on Monday.

And what about Poor Chema? Finally someone got him to the hospital, and it was Selena. I used to not like her at all, and then (in my blurred line between reality and telenovelaland) I saw her dance on that show and she was so cute and fun. Didn't someone say she won the whole thing? Now I am hoping she does side in with Adri and Cons against Berta. I am still looking for that push that will motivate someone to re-check the DNA.

Rosemary LO, wasn't Jacqui adorable in that dance show? Yes, she and her partner were the big winners. She must be a good actress to keep Selene's sourpuss face on at all times. Her natural face is a beautiful smile.

So Heaven is a 1940's gangster movie? Weird.

If Selene gets Chema, what happens to the hit-and-run sister (can't remember her name now)? I guess since we still have a couple months of this, they need a new conflict to keep things going. At least until all hell (Blanca and Fina) breaks loose from prison.

Hit and Split's sister can have Chema, like someone noted earlier, Selene's got all the dirt on Roberta, I hope her reason for reappearing is to expose her. Roberta is just like Fina, psychopathically narcissistic: others must surrender property, liberty, health and life itself for these two psychos to be happy. They feel totally justified exacting so high a price from everyone around them, feeling only contempt for those not similarly ruthless. So Fina and crazy-assed Blanca are going to team up. Will Auggie throw in with them? Will Brother Antonio appear at some critical point, crucifix in hand and revelations in his mouth and help put an end to a possible Trinity of Terror? Thanks, Amy, you truly did lighten up a tear-jerking episode. I think we're set for a wild ride all the way up to the end.


I wish I had seen Jacqui as a star dancer. She is so pretty and has played other parts as such a sweet heart. I guess it is stretching her acting abilities to play the needy schemer but she must be so through with Roberta too and we all await with bated breath her well timed spilling of Roberta's dirty little secrets. I am also so through with Roberta from this episode. Roberta keeps reminding me of the pop psychology book from decades ago, I'm Okay, You're Ok. Roberta definitely falls in to the camp of I'm Ok but You Are Not, self-absorbed, egoistic brat. She might as well have studied our satiric Chevy Chase of early SNL: I'm Chevy Chase and You're NOT.

Cheryl - I just saw the clips of Jacqui dancing on You Tube. I wish I'd been watching that dance show as it was happening, given Selene, Coni and our eyelashe blessed Chema were all contestants.

Thanks Amy, this is another wonderful recap. My favorite line:

"Carlos's Mama gives Matilde more lessons in having "class", which is an irony that Mama Mierda will never understand."


Matilde's patience and indulgence with Carlo's mom illustrates the sweetness and depth of character of this young woman who initially seemed so frivolous and shallow. The world could use more Matildes.

I loved the film noir setting for Heaven. Great outfits, great car, and you're even allowed to smoke... cool.

I'm glad that Fina has finally met Blanca. Now of course we need an escape plan.


Ditto to all the great remarks!
Interesting that Roberta is only capable of loving the dead, or the dying. She 'louv' her fiance after he was dead; loved idea of a child after it aborted and now Papa at death's door. The road to redemption for her I think is one lane: give up her life for somebody she hates.

Carlos- I'm both looking forward to, and scared of, the mayhem Fina and Blanca will cause together. We've got two baddies in D.F. (Fina and Blanca). Two baddies in Ensenada (Augie and Alvaro). And Berta making as much trouble as she can in both places.

Bonnie. . .muy interesante! Me gusta tu manera de pensar! Astute analysis of Berta.


Bonney, I agree that you made a very interesting observation about Roberta. It sounds like Berta only appreciates that which she no longer has.

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