Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #142 Monday 11/7/11 Two Red Dresses, Three White Gowns & One More Wedding With Firearms

Here is the beautiful Jarocha under the statue of Benito Juarez and his Angels.

Mil gracias to Julia for her terrific guest recap last Monday. Mexico was divine. I will post this then add a picture or two. Oh I am so back! First I get to see Alvaro in his hoodie which makes him look strangely normal now toting the unconscious neighbor with Leoncio’s help to strip his clothes, tie him up and take his car.

Manuela shows off the freshly pressed white wedding gown to celebrate with Kari the only marriage she made for love. Alvaro dons his bad beard and wiggy wig, he is so proud of how unrecognizable he is, but he is clearly such a loco that it shouldn’t matter what disguise he puts on. Fina pouts in the jardin de locas bemoaning Roberta’s rejections while Augie bemoans Renata’s rejection while imagining Renata coming innocently through the woods in the red dress and him knocking her out then climbing on her to spray perfume then sniff/lick it off. He even shoots some of the scent on his own face, I’m hoping the spray hit his eyes, but I can’t say more, I’m gagging here.

The real Renata is talking to herself about being positive and getting the best out of this uncomfortable situation with Jero’s twins and double life. She gets a call from Augustin, He assures he doesn’t want to cause her problems with Jeronimo but wants to know about her other family problems like how is dad and good old mom? She says he is getting better, but the Mad Bad Mom had her day in court and is now in the funny farm. He wants to come comfort her but she says it is best to leave things as they are. He begs to see her and she says yes they can meet but only to return his engagement ring and the necklace. Not to give up ever, ever, he says he won’t accept them back.

Alvaro urges Leoncio to write some story about what happened didn’t quite make sense but on we go; poor Leo thinks if he is caught as an accomplice he will be lynched. Alvaro waves more peso notes that he will give him when his job is finished and adds the glasses to his costume that is nearly perfect now.

Senor Hernan X who was so moved by Matias’ talk at the conference is talking to Honario. Hernan declares he is impressed with their recuperation and wants to invest in the company to offer needed liquidity and to help them develop horizontally: they should take him on as a partner (socio.) Hernan’s theme music is vaguely ominous, I’m just warning you to listen up.

Roberta has a great new plan she shares with Gonzolo and Regina, she wants to do something and she wants to work at Empresas Monterrubio and she faces the shocked faces of her parents with saying she knows she isn’t as capable and experienced as Renata but she is smart and learns fast. Regina wants her to work at the center with her so they can spend more time together getting close. Roberta can’t do that but makes Regina feel guilty by telling her that she can’t enter the center because all those pregnant women around will only make her sad that she can’t be one of them. She wants her way and that is to work at EM, so dad writes on his electronic tablet that she should talk to Honorio and tell him that she will be working at the Empresa. Roberta is so pretty when she has just gotten her own way. They all bask in her brief sunshiny smile while the menacing, warning music swirls around her lovely coifed curls.

Manuela straightens his tie while she tries to calm Lorenzo who is shaking in his boots. Why this more than handsome man let them dress him so badly, who knows. Jero explains his dilemma of juggling the twins, trying to take part in every moment of their life. He insists that his interest in Marina is only as the mother of his offspring and he is dedicated to keeping Renata the happiest woman on the planet. Carlos acknowledges the difficulty Jero is facing. He wouldn’t want to be in either his or Renata’s shoes today.

And surprise, surprise even to Jero, Marina shows up first in THE RED DRESS. Carlos beats a hasty retreat with things to do. Jero asks how the pregnancy is going and she says she showed up because it might not be to anyone’s liking but if she is going to share but still lead her own life, she can do things like crash this wedding. Hmmm.

The beautifully white dressed bride is being accompanied by her group of girl friends. Renata comes to congratulate Kari in her happy day and for the love she has fought for so long. Kari is grateful that she is there in spite of her family’s problems in Mexico City. Renata wouldn’t have missed being with her friend. They all laugh that they are so glad to be there for Kari.

The suspicious looking JUDGE shows up but Lorenzo is too nervous to notice who it really is under all that nylon hair. Kari asks for a moment alone in the bedroom to thank the Virgin for making this her perfect wedding day.

The RED DRESSES finally meet and we can see that they are mirror images. Marina blames Renata for her situation and being there and if Renata had not insisted she would have gone away but no, Renata had to be honest and tell on her so she can’t escape so there! You get red dresses copied for making me do this. Marina still resembles a junior high school bratty girl with this little speech. Even after a refreshing week in Mexico, I am still annoyed at her adolescent blaming behavior but it is almost funny. Maybe she had a talk with Roberta while I was gone? No, just standing her ground, which she would probably like to crawl under. At least Marina and Renata both get to tell each other how uncomfortable this is for both of them without an audience to see the shame of matching dresses and hairdos and only one galan between them.

Renata approaches Jero outside to ask why didn’t you inform me that Marina was coming to the wedding? Because he didn’t know until she showed up. Renata admits that this is much more difficult than she imagined it would be. She is frustrated but he assures her he will keep her and Marina as far away from each other as possible. She reminds him that a relationship with his children will necessitate a relationship with Marina too, the mother of his children. They swear love to each other and another crisis is averted. I bet Renata would like to slip into her closet to get a different dress.

Adriana and Matias talk about how much they think the addition of Hernan would add to the liveliness and vibrance of the empresa and make it more than just a family business even though having more children will assure the family heritage of the the company’s future. Hernan’s only son is an artist and won’t want to join the nepotism game ever. They decide they will work on each of the Papas to convince them to accept Hernan. They kiss and wink at the idea of MORE children.

Constanza acknowledges Regina’s discomforty at being in Fina’s house of so many years. Regina says she knows how much the house means to them and she is happy to be with Gonzo where ever. She plans to add her own touches. I’d start with that evil black wallpaper on the bedroom wall. Gonzo sits in a bit of a stupor.

Honorio teases Adriana babout ut calling Gonzo suegro and she thinks Don Gonzo is too formal. Hon says Gonzo will be ver y happy to hear her call him suegro . He will talk to Gonzo about this Hernan proposition.

Chema breaks in through the receptionist while Adri and Matias manage another lovely kiss. Chema wants to announce the opeingi nof his new restaurinat. So fast? Chema tells how much his Papa has accomplished and now it is ready to open and he wants Adriana there with him and mentions to Matias that Julieta will be there too and he knows how much that means to Matias. Everyone swallows hard and agrees. Matias leaves. Chema talks of his dreams and hugs the patient Adriana.

The wedding starts the witnesses come forth to sign the register while Leoncito takes keys out of the cars (didn’t anyone’s father warn of the danger of leaving keys in the ignition?)

Augie drives along dreaming of licking Renata’s face and sees the tied up, underwear clad neighbor. He stops to untie him and learns that it was done by Dr. Alvaro Nesme, who is not so dead at all. He attacked me and took my car. Augie forgets the sniffing dream for a full minute while he calculates how this happened and who besides Jero is to blame for keeping him from his fun dominator/sniffer fantasy.

Leoncito grabs more keys from more ignitions while the wedding witnesses finish signing and then the judge asks Kari to come around to sign on his side of the table and she cheerfully does so while Lazaro looks on with an idiot’s smile. The nylon hirsute Alvaro/Judge pulls a gun, thrusts it in her ribs and grabs her around the neck as she shouts ALVARO. He totally has the upper hand and another frozen crowd watches him do what he wants.

THE TWO WHITE GOWNS enter the doctor’s office. To his question, now what do you want? Blanca tells him that if he wants to grant certain special favors, Fina is a very rich woman who would gladly share her fortune for some freedom. Fina smiles like the croc that swallowed the clock and says yes, it would be desirable (conviene) for her too.

Meanwhile back at the wedding turned nightmare in the vineyard. Everyone is screaming for Alvaro to let go of Kari and Jero points out that the police will get him he has fled from justice. He swears he will never go back to jail. He shoves Kari into the back of the red car as he fires off a shot and everyone hits the deck. Marina looks traumatized but I don’t think she or anyone else was hit.

Jero has the presence of mind to get to a phone and call Penal the officer who should have taken care of keeping Nesme out of circulation. He complains that they talked him into helping and now his people are in danger. Penal apologizes then assures him that he will bring out all the officers necessary to catch Nesme. He can’t believe this tragedy occurred at the happy wedding. Renata soothes him. It wasn’t his fault. She is always so positive that things will work out.

The ladies all come into the La Bonita livingroom buzzing around Marina who is having pains. She is having cramps and a bit of blood. They all curse Alvaro for ruining the perfect moment.

Alvaro is in the back seat of the little red car, man-handling Kari as if this would make her melt with desire, but she sobbingly tells him that she wants out and she loves Lorenzo. She pleads with Leoncio to not be an accomplice in this crime, to save him self and to save her. The wig and beard are ripped off, our suddenly agile doctor has time to shake and bruise Kari while taking off his disguise and thumping Leoncio in the head while he drives. It’s the hardest he has worked in the entire telenovela. The horses and SUV’s are in hot pursuit of this nasty little red car but all the horsepower in the world can’t seem to outrun this rent-a-wreck.

Jero is taking leave of Renata to go see what is happening in the pursuit and rescue mission when Matilde comes in to say Marina has taken ill. He rushes off to the living room where Marina is making small of the situation. Jero asks her to not put herself or the babies at risk (expongar) while Manuela begs her to tell Jero the truth. A small bit of placenta as broken loose and there is danger of a miscarriage if she doesn’t begin total bed rest immediately. (gee only that? Renata kind of rolls her eyes as we all do) Jero begs her to think of the babies’ well being and not the nasty political situation she has created by dressing like his wife and coming to this disaster of a wedding unannounced. Renata keeps her cool and is the voice of nobility as always suggesting they all keep cool until they find out what the doctor says.

The reign of the ignoble continues, Alvaro threatens his red car mates while leaning out of the car and shooting at Lazaro who is gaining ground with the magnificent black stallion. Lorenzo takes a hit and falls from the horse.

Jero is calling the Marina’s gynecologist who is in surgery so he will call Jero back soon. The Nurse says it is dangerous for Marina to move even though she keeps trying to say she wants to leave. Finally Renata tells her they should wait and please don’t feel uncomfortable. The babies welfare and her health are more important. They should wait for the doctor to call back with advice.

Alvaro has Leoncio pull over by the horse under a tree (look, I don’t know how he saw it either.) Alvaro orders him out of the car, takes a swig from the flask then gives Leoncio a drink from the bottomless flask. while Alvaro pulls his gun out of his belt with its unending supply of bullets. While telling Leoncio in a eerie voice how much he likes him (me caes bien) while he cocks the pistol. We stop the episode expecting the worst.

Next: Marina claims to be humiliated, Alvaro claims to be justified while Kari begs for mercy and Fina claims to really love Roberta and wants her out of the evil clutches of Regina (really she just wants all that money.) What can I say? She’s the one in a white gown with dreams of domination. Sorry for leaving you another mess to sweep up, Jules.


Welcome back amiga! We missed you, though we happily consoled ourselves in Julia's capable hands. Definitely a win-win situation for your fans.

OK, here I am in my red taffeta Christmas blouse, pink flannel jammy bottoms and red felt slippers, ready for the evening! I wonder if Lazaro would find my outfit fetching...sigh.

In the loca garden did it not look like a skill saw blade was poised at Fina's heart? What was that object? Was it just wishful thinking on my part that it would suddenly come alive and cut her in half?

Over at EM, it does seem like Hernan the wannabe socio has some sort of bad-guy baggage. And let me remind you, he ogled Adri in a most lascivious manner while at the conference. I'm not insulting his taste, just his lack of subtlety.

Ha ha! Poor Gonzo looked like he wanted to be back in the coma when Berta announced she intended to work at EM. I like the way he passed her off to Hons.

Possibly funniest line of the night: "You get red dresses copied for making me do this." Oh sister, you summed Marina up in one seemingly random sentence. Not random after all. Nicely done.

So is Chema's restaurant opening the fastest in the history of the world? I think so. We are like two days from suggestion to opening? Amazing.

And possibly second funniest line: "all the horsepower in the world can’t seem to outrun this rent-a-wreck". Not sure why that cracked me up except it is exactly what I thought when I watched this scene!

Oh my, what a night. Poor Kari, manhandled by her creepazoid husband yet again. And Lazaro shot? No puede ser! Even thought Leoncio is quite the mercenary I still felt sorry for him tonight. The secondary characters pay dearly for their stupidity.

Thanks Cheryl! It's fun to have you back. Smashing recap, you were on fire tonight!

Thanks Cheryl for a wonderful recap. I would have loved the chase scene between the caballeros and the clunker driven by little Leo if I hadn't been so worried about Kari and Laz. Laz know how to ride a horse alright but the show's costumer clearly has something against this ever-so-handsome cowboy. that outfit!!!! Utterly horrid, ESP the floppy scarf tie.

Did anybody else get ticked by the spirit gum hanging off the face of Nesme when he tore off his beard? I could not stop chortling as they bounced along the dirt road.

Finally, I am ashamed of myself for being such a stout defender of Marina. Tonight she behaved like a real cow. I hope Jero is worth all the aggro, Renata.


Thanks for the recap so soon! I loved your line about the rent-a-wreck, that was too funny!

What is Jarocha eating in the photo?? Looks good !

Yikes, what an episode you had Cheryl. But you reminded us how you just hit these recaps out of the ballpark. Excellent!

There has to be a plot reason that Nata and Tata showed up in the same outfits and hair styles. Thought it was a switch and run with Auggie - not so sure now. It was like watching the "Mean Girl" trying to show up the nice girl at the school prom - same dress and all. Marina - grow up!

So I'm thinking "bed rest"...they wouldn't have Tata staying at La Bonita for however many months (twins--show already!)?? C'mon writers - give Renata a break already.

Not loving the replay of Kari as Dr. LoserBoozer's captive. Laz shot! The man had to suffer in that outfit, please don't make him suffer anymore. Better be a minor bullet graze. Better be....hugging tee.

Speaking of hugging tees - was Chema on Restaurant Make-over? How do you get the financing that fast let alone up and ready? Want to see this place in action.

Augie knows now Dr. OhShitHe'sNotDead is out there. Watch he'll be the one to do in said Doc, save Kari and look like a hero. Barf! (no spoiler - guessing since the plots are not to my liking lately.)

So who is Hernan and why doesn't Honorio check out these people that just walk into his office and want a piece of the pie? They get taken again, put this clan down to the worst businessmen ever.

Cheryl, first thank you for the lovely picture of Jarocha.

Your recap was stellar as always. "Fina pouts...while Augie bemoans", "They all bask in her brief sunshiny smile while the menacing, warning music swirls around her lovely coifed curls", "just standing her ground, which she would probably like to crawl under" were marvelous. My favorite was "reign of the ignoble continues".

I have to admit, I thought Laz looked handsome! Perhaps I'm so enamoured of Luis Gatica, my fashion sense has abandoned me??

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this one of the bloodiest novelas in some time? It seems someone is getting shot or stabbed every episode! I'm hoping for Laz's quick recovery. And Carlos, please try and stay seated so nothing else happens to you. You are a lightening rod for accidents right now.

Thanks again Cheryl. Welcome back.


Cheryl, how wonderful to have you back! Superb recap of a crazy episode. I loved the recap and the episode. We had the domestic drama of Nata-Jero-Marina, and the major drama with Doc Nasty stealing Kari in a hail of bullets (he had extra bullets in his pockets and I think he planted the horse with a flask ahead of time).

Didn't some random guy standing in the back row get shot after Carlos pushed Laz out of the way? I thought I saw him go down. Well, I hope both he and Laz are well and just grazed at the most.

Marina was indeed being a bit of a cow with her whole "this is your fault because you told your husband the truth" speech. Well, now it looks like she will be stuck in Renata's house, at her mercy, and oh this is sooo humiliating for her. Suck it up sister! That's what Nata has been doing.

I'm glad Augie's Snatch N' Sniff plan was derailed. But he was so creepy on the phone with Nata. Ick!

A rollicking recap for a rollicking episode, Cheryl -- you really did it justice! (My best line vote: "Roberta is so pretty when she has just gotten her own way.") I've never found Laz all that attractive before, but boy, can he sit a horse! And fall off of one, too! Masterful!

Couldn't help wishing during the avances that it was Kari sinking into the big bed and Marina tied to a chair...sigh.

WOW! What an episode and what a cap! I normally don't read before watching but I got half way through my recording last night and didn't want to miss out on the recap and super duper comments! Oh. My. Gosh! Your description makes even the part I didn't see come alive (I got as far as Kari walking toward the quaking Lazaro).

I don't know who's more disgusting and dispicable, Auggie or Alvaro. When Auggie was talking on the phone to Renata I don't know if I imagined it or if the actor very skillfully added this sickening true-to-character touch but when he first calls Renata and is talking to her, he's kinda leaning against the wall and his hands are placed and his posture is such that, well, uh, he seems to be using Renata's voice to complete a fantasy he's acting out with his hands! Gulp! I swear! Go back and look. And his voice seemed kinida slurred which really added to the disgusto-creep factor.

And poor Kari and Lazaro, they are just designated sufferers in this piece. Little Leo is a goner for sure but I feel certain besotted, lecherous, delusional Alvaro is NOT going to make it out alive.

Maritatas. Umf. Umf. Umf. So it's Renata's fault they're in this awkward situation. Renata was appropriately speechless. What do you say to that kinda nonsense! I could hear Renata subtracting more points from this evolving dingbat. . .and she's getting meaner, too. I say let her miscarry and take her ta tas and unprofessional ways to a desk in De Effe. Heffa!

Can't wait to see the second half when I get home. Thank you Cheryl, explosively exciting and even fun recap!


An early good morning to you all. I am up waiting for the swamp cooler man to come turn off my system for the winter. There is a big cold draft coming through my house, brrrr.

I hope you all had your proper red costumes on last night. At the last minute I had to opt for the red flannel night shirt, winter is here in NM.

Sylvia, I thought that saw blade was that or a big loose gear as theme sculpture for the locas Yes, Gonzo does look like he wants to stay in his jammies for a very long time if Roberta is going to grace EM. There is no way it will be a good outcome, just no way.

Elle, thanks for the appreciation and Jarocha is eating a cooked platano/banana with a yummy caramel like sauce. If she signs in, perhaps she will know the recipe. I had my own fork behind the camera.

Elna June, that chase scene was really scary. I think most of us were really pulling for a happy outcome for the handsome Laz and the beleagured Kari. Some heroes just can't get a break! I'm wondering if Laz did his own fall or had a stunt double. He really rides well or at least looks great on a horse.

DaisyinJay, thanks for the kind words. I can only think the mirrored dresses are to give Jero a clear choice between two beauties but he clearly keeps choosing the right path of action in handling Marina's pregnancy with kindness and concern but keeping the primary link to Renata really clean. The choice is not lost on Marina as she lies there and sees Jero making plans and decisions with Renata over how to handle this crisis of her and the twins. I'm not sure what she had in mind but Jero really did behave corectly.

Diana, I thought Lazaro looked especially handsome too but the stripped shirt with the floppy tie and open jacket mariachi like outfit was so sloppy looking when he has been wearing really handsome shirts lately.

HI Vivi, thaks for the cill in on the bullets in the pocket and now I realize he went to the horse to get the flask, it wasn't in the car with him. I usually can't watch every detail when I am typing the recap while watching which I was doing last night. And yes, I saw the guy step into the aisle, get hit and fall down but the next cut was Carlos stepping in the camera's way. Poor continuity? and I love your scratch-n-sniff imagery.

Blue Lass, thanks, and I loved handsome Laz and that breathtaking horse and the two together were poetry in motion as they say. What do you think about him taking his own fall? I am often amazed at how well many TN actors can ride or at least how great they look on a horse!

If it wasn't Laz doing the fall, it was pretty seamless. It was definitely him in the saddle for the close-ups.

And I like a mariachi outfit, myself. Can't get the Blue Lad into one, though. ;}

Welcome back Cheryl. Great recap and the title summed it up nicely.

Lila I agree with you about the phone sex - er... I mean phone scene berween Auggie & Nata. It was cringe inducing but good acting on Auggie’s part as he writhes against the bookcase barely able to contain his lust while trying to keep his voice level. Way to-o-oo realistic.

Nata always seems to attribute high motives to Auggie. All he did was ask about her father and then ask if she is sad. She went off on how intuitive he is about her feelings and how caring he is with her. For a smart woman, Nata, you have a blind spot about this guy. You just told him that your father is slowly recovering from being shot in the head by you (so you think) mother who is in the psycho ward. It didn't take much intuition for him to ask "Are you sad?" Wake up girl. He is slime.


Amen, Güera, I kept waiting for her to react to his hoarse and breathless tone by hanging up on him! She definitely is relating to a different Auggie than the wad of slime we all see! Wake up indeed Renata!!


Are Lorenzo and Lazaro the same person?

Nice numerical title Cheryl and like Diana, I loved "reign of the ignoble". Has a stately poetic feel to it. Nicely put.

Also loved Jarocha's picture. Her shot with Vivi is so small I couldn't get much of a sense of her, but this is wonderful. And oh my, that treat did look yummy...and sounds even more so.

So many disturbing events last night but I thoroughly enjoyed Laz's horsemanship. Maybe he started out as a stunt double (Fernando Colunga did) and now has graduated to bigger roles. In that case, he really did take the fall.

Did the actor playing Augustin get any kind of award? He's certainly brought a level of realistic loathsomeness to this role, as Lila and Güera have noted. Ugh and then some.

Cheryl, glad you're back and gracing us with not only recaps but photos. We haven't heard from Jules in quite some time so it may just be a discussion tomorrow.

Good morning all. We are off and running with some scathingly brilliant comments I see.

Lila, EWWWWWWW!!! Girl, you almost made me snort my tea with your description of Augie on the phone. I couldn't resist re-watching. I have to say Lizardo is doing a bang-up job channeling the mega creep that is Augustin.

Just a nit-picky question, I wonder how Augi knew what Renata planned to wear for the wedding? His fantnasty (typo accidental but I'm keeping it in) has her in her exact dress which I don't believe we have seen yet. Or have we?

I didn't think Lazaro's outfit was so bad, but it did look very sloppy on him. It definitely didn't bring out his guapo-ness. Keep that guy on a horse!

I also saw that first guy get shot. Poor dude, talk about being in the wrong place.

I love the picture of Jarocha! What a beautiful smile she has; she is adorable and I enjoy seeing a good picture of her. She has shared some really wonderful recipes with us.

Thanks again Cheryl!

Anon, yes Lorenzo is Lazaro. I think it's just a name mistake. I have done that several times while recapping but usually catch it while proof reading.

Thank for another stellar recap, Cheryl, and thanks for the nifty photo of Jarocha. This was an exciting episode and you made it come to life once more with your descriptive writing.

I too don't trust Hernan. I didn't like the way he leered at Adri at the convention. However, maybe things could work out. Robi, a lusty lass herself, is going to work at the empressa just as this lech is signing on. A match?

Loved the red dress showdown. I see a new house guest at La Bonita for the next few days. I think it will be fun watching Jerry try to do this balancing act.

Oh no! Leoncio is my favorite dwarf. Loved him in Alborada and even saw him on Fox NFL Sunday this week. Maybe the pistol will jam. I was hoping he would join the good team.


I too noticed lots of out of sequence or problems with contnuity. Augie did imagine the dress before we saw it and before he could have seen it unless it was one of the things he bought her back in the day when she was out cold for his sniffing/kissing scenes with her neck in a brace collar. But I thought all that stuff was silky negligee outfits.???

Lila, I can't disagree with any of your calls on development and that Augie phone sex was truly creepy. Like Guera, I think Renata is being way to patient and civil with Augie. She is usually more astute in her judgements of people, but she does have one big blind spot that they can hinge lots of plot twists and turns on.

HI Judy, it is good to hear from you. Meeting Jarocha was a real highlight of my already colorful trip to Mexico. I feel a lot better about the future of the world knowing someone of Jarocha's caliber will be guiding foreign relations. She would make an excellent diplomat or whatever she dreams of doing.

Hi Carlos, I thought about you when I was in Houston twice in the last two weeks for both going and returning from Mexico. Both stops were with just enough time to traverse the big airport on the train, get a snack and people watch a bit.

I really liked that moment of SHOCK when Renata and Marina looked like they were each walking up to a mirror in the red dresses. Super filming sequence, in a oh, this isn't a mirror, that isn't me, oh, that's my beautiful rival! HA! Yes Roberta is going to find out what is really under the hood with Hernan. It is amazing that these so called astute businessmen do absolutely no background checking but seem to be flattered when a Blanca or whoever shows up wantilng into the inner sanctum right away.

Cheryl you had me laughing and cheering you on with all your snarky comments about Maritatas of the red dress.
" the shame of matching dresses and hairdos and only one galan between them."
I especially liked " her adolescent blaming behavior but it is almost funny. Maybe she had a talk with Roberta while I was gone?"

She has been very annoying lately. Of course every time she has a wise thought someone -- like her nurse -- eggs her on. It was the nurse who convinced to go to the wedding instead of hiding from confronting Jero & Nata.

It looks as though Marina will be on bed rest right there at La Bonita. How long do you suppose? That should be interesting to watch.


It's kind of hard to imagine how being transported to your actual home where you actually live would be more stressful than being cooped up in a strange house with your baby-daddy's wife...oh, wait, there's the problem: my beanie fell off. There! All better!

Wow - what a wild wacky episode! We're approaching circo here! Actually, I think this episode might have crossed the line with the nasty Dr. N impersonating the judge and no one the wiser, followed by the insane chase scene and the battered old car that still managed to get away long enough to switch to horseback - huh?

Loved all you comments Cheryl - especially about Dr. Maritatas with her high school mentality.


My husband also caught the absurdity of Augie daydreaming of Renata wearing a dress that he couldn't have seen yet, he was convinced that it must have really happened. But I 'splained that that's telenovelas for ya!

Way to come back to town with a boom, Cheryl! Your creative genes were enhanced even more in Mexico. Your title is a hoot. I tried to think who the other two white gowns were and then caught the meaning reading your re-cap. Funny! I also liked you hoping Augie would get the spray in his eyes, but you couldn't say more on account of gagging, and "Roberta is so pretty when she gets her way". That is so true. Beautiful smile hiding ugly thoughts.

What a sweet picture of Jarocha. She is quite the young lady!

Kari looked radiant pre-boda, especially when she was alone for that one last peaceful moment. I'm glad they finally got the crying baby out before Alphi started lactating all over her beautiful green dress.

I am so disappointed in Marina! Many of us have stuck up for her. I will give her this one outburst, given the matching dress humiliation, but I really hope that was the last one. Let's hope she gets a ride back to her place and her nurse/friend can take care of her from there.

Oh my goodness... was that the judge (el juez) on the way to the wedding that Dr. StealYourClothes bumped over the head?

Will we ever know the identity or condition of the guy shot in the aisle? I am not a fan of collateral damage. Just because we didn't know him, and he wore a yellow plaid shirt to a wedding, doesn't mean we aren't left wondering. I think Laz is fine, and running alongside Carlos, according to slo-mo avances.

That was cute when Matias called Hon "Tio Suegro".

Chema's restaurant did open in record speed. To think a whole season of Curb Your Enthusiasm was dedicated to opening a restaurant, and CME gets it done in one split screen montage.

I am worried about Leoncio. It looked like he was thinking about jumping in the car and driving off while Nesme found his flask. We all wish he'd done it.

Sylvia, that saw was the back of the white bench she was sitting on. Great sinister visual, though.

Rosemary la Otra

Hi Rosemary and Audrey, It is a brisk morning of comments flying in. What fun to come back to such a whacky episode. I am laughing and holding my beanie on at the same time about the restaurant for Chema being ready in a split seocnd. I just visited Oaxaca where my landlady who herself is the primary renter of the big house next to my casita had her life disrupted from January on with the construction of a second floor above her. I just saw the place first hand and 10 months later it has the basic walls and roof but still no windows, doors, finished plumbing or inner wall finishes. AND the wedding of the true landlady's son is in 6 weeks. Beanie time! I will sport my new red beanie made by the peerless Emilia.

Drat. I was ready for a red-dressed cat-fight between the ladies and all we got were some dart-shaped looks, trading a few barbs and one civil tongue. I was ready for Augie and the red-undressed sniff scene and all we got was Augie having phone sx and going ballistic over the Return of the DeadLiving

Cheryl, you outdid yourself and outdid most of us. At first I thought swamp cooler man was just another name for Nesme. We collected quite a few today.

Jero was a sort of my hero today. Instead of making it all about Marina and the babies on the couch, he stood with Renata, stroked her arm lovingly and called her Mi Amor while trying to work out the situation. Glad he listened to Nata.

Speaking of continuity. Didn't Doc-stopforaSwig-Thenshoot have a bottle in the car? Why would he need to stop the car to get a flask off a parked horse, unless he planned all along to shoot Leoncio and take Karina away on the horse. Has the doc ever been on a horse? Does he think he can keep Karina on a horse for very long, even in a wedding dress? Hmmm. He's dumber than we thought.

Great stuff. I'll come back later to read more.

I was wondering if maybe what was in the flask was drugged and Dr. Psycho was just pretending to drink from it before giving it to Leoncio...or maybe that's too complex. After all, he is not exactly a subtle character.

I also wondered how they managed to get that far ahead in that rattletrap car, but presumably everyone stopped to help Laz.

Cheryl, welcome back, and thanks for a fabulous recap! You got in a lot of funny lines.

It was cold here, too, so I had to wrap up in a red blanket to get into the spirit of things.

I'm telling myself that the guy who fell just flung himself to the ground to avoid the shot, or maybe a bullet ricocheted off his belt buckle or something. I can't imagine the hacienda household wouldn't be more involved and upset if one of the guests had actually been shot.

Marina's mindset has been stuck in junior high this whole time, so I don't think her current attitude is surprising.

How was the short dude driving the judge's car? Was he pushing the accelerator with a stick? That chase scene was pretty funny.

I am not sure why Nesme needs to shoot Leoncio. He was saying he probably couldn't keep his mouth shut, but what is left to tell that everyone doesn't already know but would threaten Nasty Nesme?

NOK- I would have been ashamed of our two ladies in red had they devolved into cat fighting. Both of them have too much class for that and I'm glad. It was bad enough that Marina was being less than noble and blaming Nata for the situation because she was too HONEST.

Good point about how Jero handled the situation. As Carlos pointed out, I really would not have wanted to be in his shoes! Nata was shooting daggers with her eyes, even while being the voice of reason. I love that you pointed out her (almost) eye roll Cheryl. Like, really God?

The mirror image dresses and the way they shot that was great. They both even had their cuff bracelets on opposite arms to continue the mirror image effect. I liked Nata's dress and styling better. The bangs were a bit too much on Marina, and I liked the gold accent on Nata's dress vs the sparkly accent on Marina's dress. I think the only reason for the near identical dresses was just to create an unspoken awkward moment and add to the tension that was already there between these two women. It worked!

Cheryl: Welcome back. My fav line “The wig and beard are ripped off, our suddenly agile doctor has time to shake and bruise Kari while taking off his disguise and thumping Leoncio in the head while he drives. It’s the hardest he has worked in the entire telenovela.”

Vivi: “Marina was indeed being a bit of a cow with her whole ‘this is your fault because you told your husband the truth’ speech. Well, now it looks like she will be stuck in Renata's house, at her mercy, and oh this is sooo humiliating for her. Suck it up sister! That's what Nata has been doing.” Totally agree.

Carlos: “However, maybe things could work out. Robi, a lusty lass herself, is going to work at the empressa just as this lech is signing on. A match?” I hope you’re right. Re: Leonico—I, too, was hoping he’d be seduced to the light side.

Guera: “She has been very annoying lately. Of course every time she has a wise thought someone -- like her nurse -- eggs her on. It was the nurse who convinced to go to the wedding instead of hiding from confronting Jero & Nata.” It probably didn’t take much convincing.

RLO: I was also wondering why they just let that baby cry. Surely, Alfie could have picked the baby up and then they continue with their dialogues.

Julia: “but what is left to tell that everyone doesn't already know but would threaten Nasty Nesme?” Where he’s taking Kari?

What I don’t get about Renata’s blind spot regarding Auggie is that he has shown a mean side to her more than once. Actually, considering the abuse she took from her mother and sister and still tried to have a relationship with them, it does kinda make sense.


I am still stuck on Marina. Love your comment, Vivi, for her to "Suck it up. sister". Several of you corrected me the other day because I had come to believe that Jero and Marina had unprotected relations. It was pointed that the protection failed. Bummer, Marina. Hope you like being a houseguest with your one-time lover's wife as your hostess. Ouchie!

JudyB.- Hola, amiga. Like Cheryl and you and others, I noticed Laz's riding ability. What an interesting thought that perhaps he started as a stunt double. That was a nice tidbit about Colunga. Thanks!

Speaking of riding, before we let Renata get back on the lovely Gitana she needs some riding lessons. Our perfect heroine (and I mean that)looks like a sack of loose potatoes on a horse. It strains credulity that Gitana has been her dear horse companion for years and Renata never learned to ride. Beanie, beanie, who's got the beanie?

Cap'n Sylvia, I think that Lazaro would see you as sizzling in your red taffeta and pink flannel combo. It would seem that many of us have 'feelings' for Laz the white knight caballero.


Wonderful recap, Cheryl, and thanks for describing me yesterday as irreverent instead of what my mom used to say - smart a$$.

Also thanks for the many friendly welcoming notes from all you others. Robey, are two people from the same state allowed on this board at the same time?

Did the chase scene remind anyone else of Roy Rogers on Trigger and Pat Brady in Nellybelle chasing down some criminal?

When Renata and Jero were having their discussion outside, I imagined Jero thought bubbling Dusty Springfield singing "I only wanna be with you," and Renata thought bubbling the Shirelles singing "Will you still love me tomorrow." See what happens when you don't speak the language?

Wasn't Marina the OBGYN go-to Doc back in DF? Isn't that why she was seeing Roberta after her spontaneous abortion? So she shows up in wine country, drinks the local water, and when she starts having contractions hard enough to cause facial grimacing as well as hemorrhaging, she thinks she can just walk home or something? Incidently, I have a little experience with this concept: Our daughter was pregnant with twins and went into labor and was put on bed rest for the remaining 14 weeks, but had to have an emergency C-section 5 weeks before her due date (they did, and are doing fine).

I thought Augie finding the Juez was funny. His expression was like "Huh? Someone has been beaten up or murdered and I din't order it?"

Had to grudgingly admire Nesme's pistol shot; his alcoholic tremors must have been cancelled out by the movement of the car over that rough ground. I personally can't hit much with a pistol. Surely Laz will be okay.

Since when do the good guys ride black horses and the bad guy rides a white horse? That's just morally confusing - and how many white horses are there in that area - hope it's not Gitana.

David in IN

Does anyone have any idea of the plot-arc reason for Carlos' accidents? It seemed odd to me that he wasn't on one of the horses, being a ranch guy and all, but then I remembered about his hands. Holding the reins might be very hard with those burned hands.

Matilde is so lovely. Did she really have to wear the headband and leather corset to the wedding? Really?

Carlos, what was Leoncio doing on NFL Fox Sunday. Dare I ask?


Cheryl, I am strictly Telemundo these days, but when I brought up the blog, I saw the picture of Jarocha.

Does this mean that you got to meet her on your visit to Mexico? You may have already written about your trip to Mexico earlier on. If so, let me know what day you posted and I'll read it.

Jarocha has been such a big help to us here at Caray!

David in IN

Your delightful sense-of-humor is most welcome here. And I agree with you, the white horse for the bad Doctor-not-dead-yet did provide a visual non sequitur.

So glad your daughter's twins are OK.


Robey- Can you remind me of the times Augie has been openly mean to Nata. I really can't remember. I know he's gotten into some jealous snits about Jero or with Jero in front of her, but she sees that as just stupid male jealous behavior, not as a sign that he's a terrible person. What she SHOULD be reacting to is the way other people view/react to him, like little Ponchito who was scared crapless at the thought of being caught by Augie in his winery.

The problem is that no one, except Jero, really comes right out and says to her that Augie is a rotten person. (For example, Kari never told her about Augie pawing at her while she was unconscious.) They talk about him amongst themselves, but not to her. And she thinks Jero is just blinded by jealousy. But she did decide to distance herself from Augie, even though she doesn't 100% believe that he put the hit on Nesme.

Cheryl, that's a great picture of Jarocha!

I'm strictly watching Telemundo these days, so maybe you already posted something about your trip to Mexico. Did you meet Jarocha?

If you posted something about that, could you let me know what day so I can look it up.


I just emailed Sylvia, Vivi and Melinama to see if anyone wants me to do the Tuesday night slot in 5 hours since no one seems to have heard from Jules. I don't know how to reach Amy/Flor or MartaIvett so don't know if they are available or interested. Any opinions??

Thank you, EJ and Lila for making sure I didn't miss two important plotlines. After reading your comments I went back and got disgusted with the dripping spirit gum (There's Something About Mary comes to mind), and along those lines Augie's phone sex. What a perv. He looks at his wine logo like he's a jr. high kid looking at his Farrah Fawcett poster.

David in IN - Too funny! Augie thinking "Huh? Someone has been beaten up or murdered and I didn't order it?" and Nesme's alcoholic tremors being cancelled out by the bouncing car.

You've arrived just in time so you and Daisy can be our twin experts and critique everything Dr. Tatas does. Did your daughter take her bedrest at her rival's house? So glad all turned out well with the grandkids.

Well, Sylvia, I bet when you bought that red taffeta Christmas blouse you never thought you'd get to wear it to a wedding at La Bonita! I wore a turtleneck, off the shoulder, fashioning a gold barette on the empty armed sleeve to look more like Nata's dress. I agree with Vivi that Nata wore the dress best.

I wore the red jogbra under the ubiquitous blue t-shirt, tugged down on one side. But I couldn't hang onto my moustache because I needed both hands to keep the cat from drinking my wine.

Oh Lordy!! It's another rip-roarin' day on the Caray blog! That comment about Alfie lactating was a scream and so true! FUNNY COMMENTS!! R la O, David, Cheryl, Cap'n and all I gotta watch the second half, this episode sounds like a keeper! Hee Hee!


David in IN: I say, the more Hoosiers, the merrier (though I live in CA now, I'll always be a Hoosier).

Vivi: So much has happened since Nata was with Auggie, my memory might be a little fuzzy. He did raise his voice to her in a menancing way a couple of times (or maybe I thought it was menacing because I know what he is). I agree that it would be great if more people than Jero were giving her the skinny on him, but is anyone else really aware of how she "defends" him?


Hey Vivi--I didn't want to see a cat fight either. I was just being facetious and getting into the spirit of the thing--what with the teaser they gave us on the avances with the two ladies confronting each other.

Yes, they behaved like one junior high mean girl and one who just saw herself unflatteringly on YouTube (QTH?). I think Nata would have changed her dress if it hadn't been so close to the time the ceremony would have started.

David in IN--PLease keep visiting and commenting. Obviously you have been watching for most of the time. We need your regular input.

Before the list gets too long, here are our latest Nesmeisms:

Dr. Dipsomaniac
Dr. Awful
Dr. Snatch&Grab
Dr. No
Dr. Shouldbeconsumedbyworms
Doc Notdeadandgone
Doc runaway
Nasty Nesme
Dr. Drunk-o-the clown
Detestable Doc
Dr. DrunkySkunk
Dr. AllVile Nasty
Dr. Awful
Dr. GivingUstheStinkShoes
Disaster of Disguise
Doc Please-Stop-Breathing-Our-Air
Doc DaddyYankee
Doc TryingToBeJustinTimberlake
Creepazoid husband
Dr. LoserBoozer
Dr. OhShitHe'sNotDead
nasty Dr. N
Dr. StealYourClothes
Return of the DeadLiving
Dr. Psycho
bad Doctor-not-dead-yet

We're going to miss him when he's gone!!!
NOK (aka Newbie-One-Kanobe)

Robey, you are really filling in a missing link hee. I believe you are right that no one but Jero is aware of Nata's good guy fixation on Augie and the others are basically the hired help who may be reluctant to gossip in fornt of the boss's wife. Especially Manuela is strict about this code and often counsels the other younger women to stop the gossip. Either his evil fantasies will progress to hit her over the head with reality or someone out spoken like Matilde or Marina will have to spell it out for her.

Trying to add my red off the shoulder turtleneck ensemble picture.......

Wow, I am really enjoying the hilarious and informative comments today. You guys are a hoot!

Novelera! What a treat that you dropped in.

I think my new favorite Nasty Nesmeism is Dr. LoserBoozer.

David, I'm so glad to hear your grandtwins are OK. Whew!

EJ, you think Laz would find me fetching in my red taffeta, pink flannels and red slippers? It was actually pretty comfortable.

R la O, you are so right, I got the blouse to wear for a Christmas party and only wore it twice. It has a hideous rhinestone buckle on the back that matches Marina's shoulder thingie.

Elna June, Leoncio had a small part in comedian Frank Caliendo's weekly skit where Frank does his picks for the week. I'm not quite sure what Leoncio's role was supposed to be.

David, allow me to add my welcome to the others here. It's always fun having another guy join in.


R la O, I LOVE your picture!! Nice job amiga!! I like your props. Let's see...box of kleenex, right? Cute kittie on the floor thinking you are going to play but instead you are cheesecaking it. The girls in red in the background. Say, is that a harp in the background? Do you play the harp?

I also took a pic of myself but can't upload it until I get home. Too busy right now but I'll try to get to it unless to much time passes.

Cheryl, thanks so much. What a great episode and what a great group this has become. The comments the last few days have been off the charts.

I didn't need to wear red last night because I was seeing red because of that cow. I wish that the little red car had run over her. Does she think just because she didn't have enough sense to stay away from Jero after all of the warnings that she can just waltz into Jero/Nata's live at will. I guess with her mean comments to Renata we are to assume that truth and honesty in marriage are not for her liking.

The wedding with the little person, little car, plastic hair, horses,bride in long white gown, etc. reminded me of the circus. I know it wasn't meant to be funny, but it was!

Thanks again,

Rosemary #1

Rosemary #1, you're right! It was like a circus. Last night had its fair share of pratfalls too, and then there was poor, injured Carlos limp-hopping around. I know it's cruel but he made me giggle.

I'm with those of you who wonder why NastyNesme feels he has to kill Leoncio. What could Leo reveal that hasn't already been seen? Nothing as far as I can tell. It's like the Doc had it in his plan but is unable to readjust to the fact that everybody at the wedding saw him and knows what he did. Maybe Nasty senses that Leo is on the verge of changing sides.

Novelera, how nice of you to drop by. I'm glad you were snared by the photo of Jarocha, she is so lovely. She is in graduate school in foreign relations in Mexico City so we were able to spend Saturday afternoon around the Alameda near Palacio de Bellas Artes. The skies were as blue and wonderful at they get in D.F. We had coffee in a tiny bakery/cafe, walked among the musicians and vendors in the park eating yum stuff like the baked banana/platano with caramel, visited the Museum of Tolerance and had great talks. I was in D.F. for three days seeing museums mostly then flew to Oaxaca for 5 days. I made so many friends last year in th 3 months I stayed last winter that I spent most of my time catching up on meals, altar building for Day of the Dead, a bit of touring in the villages south of Oaxaca then flew home. Whew!

NOK, that list just keeps growing and growing. It is one of the funniest I have seen on CarayCaray.

Rosemary 1, I do think the writers are goofing on us a lot that this is more or less a drama but they have tucked in many jokes and absurd istuations like that wedding. What I like is that teh actors act as though they are having a terrific time which adds to our enjoyment. I missed most of the Archbishop episodes but understand the many layers of jokes of bringing him in from ENDA with the promotion he seemed headed for then and so much smiling at the inuendo and satire.

LOL! LOVE the photo Rosemary La O. You even have the two ladies in red on your tv screen. Perfect!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Hmmm, may be doing a duplicate comment. First one is having a hard time going through.

Thanks for the props on my wedding night picture Sylvia and Vivi. Geez, Sylvia, you didn't miss a prop! I bet you are a wiz with Where's Waldo books! Kleenex box, mi gato se llama Bubba, ladies in red on tv, I was proud of my gold barette on my shoulder but it didn't really show.

I do play the harp, although not real well. In fact, I haven't even tuned it for 4 years which is when both my parents fell ill. I am still caring for my mom (and working and Caraying), so it may be awhile til I am plucking away again.

NOK! Your list! I wonder how many names we are up to? Reading them, you can see what a deliciously vicious little gang we are!

R la O

Deliciously vicious little gang, indeed.

For the GRAN FINALE, I hope to have all the episodes complete and will publish them in one place. I'm up to #40 starting from the earliest ones.

Here are two non-Nesme novelaisms that should be enshrined forever (but I'm not going to go back to pick up any more):

Nuptialis Interruptus (from whom was this one?)
Galanbesoparalysis (Vivi)

My word verification is duckatax. Wish I could think of how to apply it to CME.

Thanks so much, Cheryl, for letting me know about your great afternoon with Jarocha!

Yep, a good episode last night - many thanks, Cheryl, for another outstanding recap. Special thanks for recapping about Hernan - I couldn't follow any of that discussion.

David in IN, let me add my welcome and let you in on an open secret: we watch TNs to learn Spanish just as we once bought Playboy for the articles.

Where in IN, by the way? I'm from Ky originally.

I still like Marina, though maybe I'm remembering the more professional Marina in white lab coat in the DF hospital. Wish she lose the long bangs, though. And I still don't see a good future for Jero and Renata after all the baggage they've packed for each other.

Lazaro's wedding attire was a bit over the top, but maybe that's the local charro get-up. I was only hoping that he'd button his shirt.

Alvaro is now in the line for a gruesome checkout right behind Fina.

David, welcome! As you can see this is a fun group. You must forgive us if we get a little testy.

R la O, great outfit. Let us know if Jero comes calling!

Cheryl, great photo of Jarocha. It sounds like you had a great visit.

Rosemary #1

Wow, Cheryl, you got quite an episode! And filled it with perfect 'Cherylisms'! Thanks and Welcome back!!

All the comments were so much fun to read. I wondered about the horse power of the little red car, the horse and the other chase vehicles. Seems the horse outran them all. Go Laz!

As to the guy at the wedding who appeared to get shot - he looked to me like some poor schmuck who was out hiking and wandered accidentally onto the set. Maybe he was the guy hired to hold the horse until Lazaro needed it?
Maybe he entered a contest to 'win a scene in a tn' .....

Maybe the fall guy at the wedding wasn't supposed to get shot, he was just an extra making the most of his 2 seconds on screen and they didn't bother to refilm.

I wonder what Roberta thinks she's going to do at the company. I bet she thinks she's going to start at the top and do something really glam, so I hope they stick her in some closet filing mountains of papers.

Hi Cheryl!

I'm glad you are back home safe and sound and that you have continued your recaps here in Caray. I bet everybody must have missed you and your unique point of view on the show.

Hee, I tried to hide the plátano at first (it's baked plátano macho, I think it's called plantain in English, with condensed milk) but of course it would end up in the shot. You know, we missed the opportunity to get a picture together. I really enjoyed our time together, the visit to the Tolerance Museum was great even though it was so sad too.

I hope to see you again the next time you visit. I also would like to meet more members of Caray too.

I hope everybody is enjoying the novela, I'm at my last few weeks of the semester so final essays are due soon and I've been kept very busy. I still will try to come here and say hello.


Emilia and Julia - That is such a funny thought about the "extra". I'd love to think he either wandered off the hiking trail or won a contest and then had all his friends over last night to watch his big debut. "Now watch how I pretended I got shot."

Thanks for all the late commenters, Mike, Emilia and Jarocha. What a fun episdoe to bring out the insanity from deep within. Or not so deep as in my case.

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