Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #143 Tuesday 11/8/11 Red Dresses and White Gowns Don’t Always Get You What You Want, But Sometimes They Get You What You Need

I am guest recapping tonight. We have lost contact with Jules so are looking for someone who would be willing to take on the Tuesday night recapping of Cuando Me Enamoro for the next six weeks or so when it will end near the end of December. Here is a chance to recap one or several episodes. Try your hand, you could do it solo or get help from a friend. It is fun, challenging, and skill building, I promise. Any takers? Please let us know here in the comments or send me a message at cherylnewmex [at] gmail.com I will share with the other team members so we can get this night covered. The action has heated up and we don’t wan’t to miss bringing you even one night. THANKS!

Marina figures out her ploy to move in on Jero isn’t getting Renata out of her way. (I know I’m the mean cynic and poor little obstetrical doctor Marina just doesn’t know how do deal with this pregnancy that is her only tie to the disinterested Jero.) What Augie figures out that Nesme still being alive is because Jero is getting in his way. Poor little Lioncio is driving the red wreck and yes there is the bottle in the back seat again as Nesme shoots Lazaro off his horse, reloads his gun and guzzles a bit of the medicine while abusing everyone in the car. Jero leaves Renata in charge of Marina and goes to help the rescue crew. The car stops, yes I see now, he did know that the horse was there, he tells Leoncio to pull over by that horse. He takes the flask says salud to Leoncio and then makes sure that isn’t what he is going to get. Leoncio pleads not to be killed he swears he won’t talk or open his mouth. But the cameras shift up the road to Lazaro standing up as we hear the shot in the distance. The cars and horses are off to the chase as Nastiness takes the still unconscious Kari and thankgod her veil is still securely in place on her sleepy head. and heads toward the horse that doesn’t look big enough for two. Jero reaches Carlos for an update of what has happened. Lazaro is scratched, mad as hell and very alive in the back seat as the pursuit continues.

Manuela is cryng and Renata soothes her telling her kindly not to cry but hands her blanket and pillow to take to Marina. Manuela thinks things are worse for Renata than anyone else. Renata and she worry about Kari and Marina but Renata’s good humor holds firm.

The other white gowns stroll and talk about getting the money the doctor is now expecting. Blanca says the choice is in favors (her preferred payment method) or money. Fina says it ‘ll have to be money because I can’t be with someone like him. Fina is in a snit about sharing her money but says she needs permission to make a call in order to get the money delivered so she can really negotiate with power.

Marina’s doctor calls back and Jero puts him on speaker phone so all can hear. On the other end, the doctor insists that Marina is not to be moved an inch until he comes to examine her (revisar.) He rats her out too, he says Marina you know this is the second time you have had blood spotting. For a doctor, she is being the worst kind of patient denying the gravity of her situation of being stuck in the red dress when Renata can change clothes at any time. Well, you know I mean the babies welfare is the only other important impediment. Renata again takes command of HER house and assures the doctor through the speaker that they will take good care of her and be sure she is kept as quiet and calm as he advises. So much for adolescent behavior, Marina, now you have lost your adult rights, lie down and shut up!

Renata decides that Manuela and the girls will be sent to prepare the famous guest room and Jero thanks her for her understanding and support.

Honorio and Gonzolo discuss Hernan Varolo? What do you think of his attractive offer to invest with us? It will make radical changes in the empresa. Gonz says he is a good man and trustworthy. Once again, Hon is doubtful and Gonz is trusting. Gonzo thanks him for his support and friendship. Hon is glad he is getting better fast and mostly glad that Fina isn’t there vexing their lives. Gonzo writes: you are my brother. Hon agrees, Gonzo is his brother too.

The women at La Bon pray and hope for Kari’s rescue. Manuela tells them they have to prepare a room for the pregnant one, rolling of eyes is universal.

Hon comes into the house of horrors, aka Gonz’s pad where Roberta asks a doubting Hon has he heard from Gonz that she is to work at the EM. He reminds her she was about to come to work before and never showed up. She quickly passes that off since she was only too ready to come but then she lost the baby. (She is getting a lot of mileage out of the Fina caused miscarriage) He is openly shocked and says why do you want to work in the company? You know nothing of investments or exportation let alone business. But I can learn fast and I want to be productive and helpful. At least think about it, talk to Matias and Gonzo and maybe give me another chance.

Blanca is having that little talk with the director of the loca farm. He says you know what will happen if anything goes wrong. She says a little too breathlessly I know you will punish me. He kisses her hand and lets Fina in for only one call. He doesn’t want to risk his job.

The work-bound Roberta answers her cell phone. Mom asks, how are you? I miss you. I want you to leave me alone, leave me in peace. I am your mother and those ties last a lifetime. I didn’t just call to greet you, I need to see you. She demands Roberta come to see her and bring her money, you know the money she gave her.

Jero tucks Marina into the bed in the GUEST ROOM (there must be some satisfaction for Renata in sticking her there) under Renata s observation and the little nurse that caused half of the problem comes in her dainty dress having hoped for a romantic scene, The matter of fact Renata wants to get her something to eat. She’s not hungry, she whines, but Renata says the babies need nutrition. Jero leaves them in the GUEST Room. He thanks her again profusely, she is the most generous and wonderful woman in the world. She demurs saying not to thank her so much, she is doing it more for obligation than desire (Mas por deber que por querer.) This woman is so clearly in command of the hacienda and EVERYONE in it knows it.

The Nurse wants to know why Marina is crying, another contraction? Now she says she is so humiliated. Imagine being in the house of the man you love, the man who is father to your children and have to share him with is wife. Oh cry me a river you deluded girl.

The police have arrived at the car and cover the body of Leoncio but Lazaro arrives and thinks the sheet is covering his Kari, he flips out. They are told it is Leoncio Perez from Tijuana. Carlos and Laz realize at the same moment that Leo was always an accomplice, they were betrayed. Lazaro insists that he won’t leave the hunt for Kari even though Carlos thinks the better plan would be to return to La Bonita and wait for the police to do their work. Lazaro is not going to leave, even though they point out that the territory is large and they don’t know where Nesme and Kari are. Zeke things he can go back to Cruz Sin Amor and get a fire under Augie who will go into blame game when he realizes that Nesme is alive. He doesn’t want Augie to know he was in on the search. Careful Zeke.

The phone call gets heated with Fina demanding that Roberta bring her this money or she will reveal who she really is and ruin Roberta’s life. Roberta says she hates her and Fina screams that it is she who enabled Roberta to live the life of a princess and if she doesn’t do as she says and bring the money her little reign will be over. She has to bring the money in a day or so or else. Roberta cries why did she have to be her real daughter.

Back with the locas, the doctor comes back in with Blanca who tells him that the next thing they want is freedom. He is laughing, what makes you think you are going to get freedom or that I would risk my post. Fina says you can make fun of us now. Blanca assures him they need to seek revenge from those unjustly put them in this place. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Fina says when you get all that money you will change your opinion. He says let me see the money in my hands then and we will talk. Such a fine man to run an important asylum. Gives you hope for the mental health facilities of the world. He finishes with, now return to the park I don’t have more time for you .

Bells toll and Chema greets Julieta at the miracle cafe, he is trying to write letters (menus? Or signs) but can’t think what to say. She offers to help. He says I really like you and that Matias is a good guy for you. She plays along with rolling eyes.

Hon tells Adri and Mat that Gonzo has given his blessing for the Varola hiring and the kids are happy then he tells them that Roberta is coming to work and they are both WTF?? She is useless, cries Adriana. They discuss that she is up to something and no good and stupid and lazy and Hon agrees with every word but Gonz has given his permission. We’ll have to watch her.

Roberta is cursing her fate of being Fina’s evil spawn and not Regina’s. What is she to do with that wicked mother who if she can convince the courts and the doctors that she is crazy is capable of anything. Regina comes into Roberta’s room to tell her she is going to the center and she is again so glad to have Roberta with her. Roberta feels even worse when she leaves.

Jero has a little melt down at the problems but Renata insists it is not his fault that Panal and the doctors at the prison left Nesme unguarded so he could escape. Besides Nesme loves Kari, he isn’t going to hurt her. Jero says he is an alcoholic and may love her when he is in his right mind but who knows how he could hurt her when he is blotto in a drunken rage. Renata tries to reassure him that all will be well.

Speak of the devil, Alvaro is in full rage while Kari sobs that she wants to be let go. Nesme keeps insisting that she is his property and he will take her off and they will have a new life, oblivious to the reality of how hated he is. I can’t write more detail on this scene, I need water. I need air.

The nurse accompanies Alfonsina to her house with the baby and says in all her years of working for the Dr. Nesme, she never thought he was such a bad person. Then she asks Alfonsina, did you really ever love him and Alfonsina says in truth, NO.

Back in the den of hell, Alvaro is torturing our long suffering Kari in mind and body with his nasty rough treatment and he hurts her further by threatening suicide by putting the gun in mouth. Stupidly Kari screams, no no. He then pretends he sees Laz out of the window and will shoot him and says he will shoot anyone like he did old Leoncio.

Gonzo comes downstairs and sees the maid making excuses of why Antonio can’t see Gonzo. Gonzo looks at the clothes and says why are you dressed like this? I am a seminarian, Antonio says. He wants to say goodbye and apologize again. He was a coward and did not reveal what he knew. He admits that he was Fina’s accomplice and that he know that Pepa and Fina were the same person long before any of them did. He lied when Gonzo asked him if she was. The kind Gonzo writes, it isn’t your fault and later we couldn’t have guessed what she would do. Gonzo calls Antonio a good man. Antonio thanks him, he wants to find a path to peace in a life with god. He owes the family a great debt. He will be going to Valle de Guadelupe near his daughter, which pleases Gonzo. Antonio vows he will do all he can to help them.

Zeke walks into Augies’ office as Augie immediately starts with the recriminations how did anyone miss Nesme’s non-death? Zeke jumps but says oh, we were all so surprised, no one had any idea. Augie wantd revenge on Nesme because he was a traitor, he says as he looks meaningfully at Zeke. Zeke says are you going to mount a hunt then? No, that wouldn’t look good if either I or my people were involved. Augie reasons that the police will get to Nesme who would far prefer to die than be sent to jail. You of all people know how awful that is. Wow, what a nasty thing to bring up, thinks Zeke as the color drains from the scene.

Next episode: It looks like everything heats up and nothing cools down, nothing. Renata gets out of that infernal red dress, leaves a note and goes to town.Others aren't so lucky.


Wowee, Cheryl two nights in a row! What a treat. I like how tonight's title played off last night's but with it's own zing.

You had so many funny comments I won't even try to cite them all. I love how you kept referring to the GUEST ROOM and the way you let Marina have it. Pow! Cry me a river indeed. Oh the humiliation, boo hoo. I'll bet now she regrets pushing her way into the wedding, hah!

Speaking of cry me a river...Roberta, honey, your stupid self-pitying tears didn't move me at all.

Did Fina say they wanted to be completely free or just to get out during the night? I wonder if she's got some plot where she and BSCBlanca sneak out at night, wreak havoc and then return to the "safety" of their asylum. If that is her plan it is rather ingenious in terms of driving everyone crazy.

Hee, Matias and Adri's reaction to the news of Roberta's hiring was priceless and very realistic.

I feel bad for Kari but she really needs to stop whimpering and crying. And begging Nesme NOT to kill himself? What kind of stupid idiot is she? Her pathetic whining just eggs him on.

Ezequiel, get out of Cruz Sin Amor NOW!! You have a wife and children to think of.

Cheryl, thanks so much for getting this recap up so quickly. I was having a terrible time concentrating tonight and your recap was a godsend. Man oh man, things look like they are going to keep going full steam ahead.

Thanks SO MUCH Cheryl for giving us two fabulous recaps back to back. I totally agree that it doesn't look like things are going to let up. We have only a month and a half to go and have many plot lines to go: Nesme's melt down, Augie's approaching explosion, Fina and Blanca causing havoc in D.F., and whatever mischief Berta and Ibarrola may get into at Empresas MR. And that doesn't even count all the side stories like Marina and the babies, Chema, Carlos and Mati finally walking down the isle, and the final reveal of who the REAL Regina Jr. is. We are really in for a wild ride!

I loved your snark at Marina. I really do think she's a good person, and in the beginning I gave her plenty of sympathy for this crappy situation, but enough already. It's time for her to put on her big girl panties and start acting like a mature woman again. I wouldn't even mind if she did her crying about the situation in private, like Nata does. It's the whining she does to other people (inlcuding Nata!) that bugs me.

Alfie was lining up all kinds of anvils over Zeke's head when she bragged to the nurse about what a saint he is, who would NEVER do anything illegal. Then right after we have Augie menacing him with a reminder of his time in jail. Ruh, ruh!

Thanks again for stepping up to the plate for us Cheryl. I really hope Jules is ok out there. And I do hope we have some new folks deciding to try their hand at recapping so that we get Tuesdays covered till the end.

Kudos and more kudos to you Cheryl. And you put in my favorite phrase of the night "más por deber que por querer".

I love Renata's honesty. She could have laid back and accepted Jeronimo's gushing praise of her nobility but she set him straight. Her frankness is my favorite quality.

Was musing about the workouts these actors must have to do, always hoisting the actresses over their shoulder or carrying them honeymoon style over thresholds. Do you suppose they have a chiropractor on duty at all times? Being a galan..or a or a bad guy...is mighty strenuous in these shows.

@Sylvia...glad you brought up Kari's blubbering. She's had a lot of scenes like that and it always moves me to annoyance and irritation, rather than pity. Something about the way she cries is just intensely off-putting. I'm sometimes even put off by her hyper-joyful scene. Not a fan of hysteria.

Cheryl: Your preview also summed up last night's episode perfectly: "everything heats up and nothing cools down". Thank you for your dedication - as both Sylvia and Vivi have noted, two in a row is a special treat indeed.

Your narrative was insightful, clever and intriguing. Your comments on Marina's actions, Renata's reactions to them and her quiet command of the situation were on point.

Kari. I do have sympathy for her, but last night, she surely rated a 10 on Ferro's "ugly crying scale". And, to tell Nesme NOT to kill himself? I was right there with Sylvia on a major eye-roll.

I fear for many things here but mostly Zeke's safety.


"...denying the gravity of her situation of being stuck in the red dress when Renata can change clothes at any time." Too funny!

It seems as if we have quite a few weddings to pack into the next month and a half. I think we should dress up for ALL of them. What will the next theme be? Headbands and hand-bandages?

And a merry good morning to you all. I'm really in need of my yoga class this morning so off to walk Willa first.

To paraphrase Paula who says in her care and feeding notes, we all work for praise and appreciation and the sheer love of these loco plots. This one is a classic in my book so it was a pleasure to give you all another recap. It makes me stand in wonder at Mama Melinama who in legend at least, recapped Alborada all by her self

I too hope Jules is okay. We miss you but the train is moving too fast these days. I still hope one of you out there will join our friendly supportive team of Sylvia, Martaivett, FlordeAzul and really our beloved Vivi who is not on the left side schedule for CME but has bailed us out and supported us countless times. I personally feel so lucky to be with such a committed (no, I don't mean committable) group of recappers.

And to set teh record straiaght: I wanted to reach out and slap Kari when she begged Nesme not to pull the trigger on his own stupid self. Basta, mujer! I was so hard on Marina I didn't want to go into a total rant but now that were just talking among ourselves, I can't take much more of Roberta's pity party either. I want her to get back to sneering mischief where she belongs.

I was actually thinking that Kari and her awakening of the monster fits my title too. She better get her mojo back and figure a way out of this monstrous situation.

Cheryl, "awakening of the monster" is a very apt description of Kari's effect on NastyN. It is very difficult to stop pushing the destructive buttons in a bad relationship. Kari was very annoying last night but true to form. Kudos to the writers yet again.

Diana, thank you for bringing up Ferro's ugly crying scale. I had forgotten about that but Kari does indeed rate a 10. Maybe even an 11 (shout out to Spinal Tap).

It's funny how this has turned out to be one of the better telenovelas. I didn't like it at first and it took me a few weeks at least to get hooked. It just goes to show that sometimes you need to ride for a while before the scenery gets good.

Cheryl, thank you for the double duty, you are terrific.

Kari, enough with the crying, do something productive. You have lived with this nut job for a long time, surely you know him well enough to get the best of him.

If Dr. Tata had kept her big girl panties on, she would not be having this pity party. She is humiliated because she has to "share" Jero with Renata - give it a rest lady.

I was busy over the weekend and didn't get to comment but I have finally discovered why Renata wears gloves. In the scene in Jero's bedroom before they go to sleep, you can see a huge bandage on her left hand. (It is not there the next morning when he brings her breakfast). She must have injured her hand at some point during the filming of this TN. There is still no explanation for the strange garb she wears.

Rosemary #1

Cheryl, wow! Two marvelous recaps back to back. My favorite line also was:

"...denying the gravity of her situation of being stuck in the red dress when Renata can change clothes at any time."

That really cracked me up.

Poor Leoncio. We really didn't get a chance to know him. As so many observed yesterday... why? I can't think of a single thing he knew that was not already common knowledge. Maybe the cost of a dwarf is so high they had no choice but to get rid of him.

Forgive me, but the scenes with Kari bound in a chair and busting out of her strapless wedding gown took me back to my childhood sitting in the barber shop sneaking peeks at the provocative illustrations in the pulp fiction magazines.

Also, I'm ready to give Alvaro an award for over the top crazy. He had me convinced and cheering for him to pull the trigger when he stuck the pistol in his mouth.

How is it possible that Zeke was in the slammer and his childhood friends aren't aware?

You don't suppose that with Renata leaving the note and taking off that she might seek refuge with Augie? ... Nah...


Cheryl, you are so great to get this recap up. Missed the end last night, so this was most helpful. Hoping all is well with Jules.

Loved your ranting on Marina. As a single mother of twins myself, and not so lucky to have the father stick around like Jero is doing, that woman needs to start thinking of those babies. When she whined she wasn't hungry, I wanted to slap her silly. Tough beeswax, you have two little ones to focus on now. All that whining isn't making for a healthy atmosphere either. Be happy you have them and support, pull yourself up and move on.Stupid woman.

HATE the Kari/ Dr. Dontlistentoherpullthetrigger scenes. Someone find that poor woman and put that slime out of his drunken misery. Why is this dragging out??

Carlos, bite your tongue. Nata needs to stay away from DisgustMe or should I say DaugustMe. Is she returning the necklace? Crap. One woman needing rescue right now is enough.

Yeah, Berta, boo-hoo. Now how is she going to get the money after spending most of it (or so it seemed). Kind of worked her way into a corner.

Carlos, bite your tongue! Nata seek refuge with Augustin? Blech, perish the thought.

Hee, daisy I missed your comment. I see we are starting to say the same things. If we were in grade school they would probably separate us. You certainly have the expert perspective on Marina having raised twins yourself sans support. Kudos to you amiga, your sons sound like a delight (now).

I doubt Roberta has spent ALL the money but I'm sure if MamaFina sees the balance she will not be happy.

Sylvia - Too funny. What do they say about great minds???

Cheryl! Mil gracias! What a double treat for us! I knew Little Leo was going to literally bite the dust. Is this DocShouldbethestarofanautopsy's first murder? He's been a scumbag, now he's a murderous scumbag!! Just wanted to say thanks, Cheryl! Can't wait to read comments later. Poor Zeke, I felt right sorry for the humiliation he's suffering just at Auggie's mentioning his past mashup with the law. It was if Zeke's own color drained the color out of the scene with that look of abject terror!


Gracias y muchas gracias, Cheryl! And a great title, too.

Kari: my lord, I thought she was going to mess herself with all that straining and crying. Manuela would be right to be incensed at all the sweat, drool and tears staining that dress she worked so hard to clean and press.

Agree that Marina needs to wise up to here maternal responsibilities, as in NOW. Can't imagine the tight red dress is helping matters. Maybe Renata has a well-used pair of flannel jammies she can loan Marina.

I remember Carlos saying a long time ago that Alejandro Ruiz aka Exzequiel has never had a part where he was alive at the end of the show. Damn and he's been a good guy through this, but Agustin's maltreatment - and bringing up previous jail time - is scary. Think we've seen that situation before, way back in Tontas where the butler was so grateful to have been hired post-incarceration.

Roberta at EM? Give me a break. Maybe as the break room attendant or latrine cleaner.

I like Leoncio - he looked like a good guy, his dabbling in criminal conspiracy notwithstanding.

Thank you Cheryl for another grand slam recap!

Personally, I thought that Lazaro's fall off the horse was a work of art. Either he or the stunt man did a fantastic job. However, was he really shot? I saw no wounds nor did he appear to be in pain.

Given the years of torture Kari has suffered under Dr. Creepamonte, and given that it's happening all over again, I think she's going to be ready to join Fina and Blanca in the looney bin. Wanna talk about PTSD in spades?

Thanks for doubling the fun, Cheryl! Only you would notice that thankgod Kari's veil stayed on securely or that Nata could have changed out of the red dress.

I think she should have put on her cute lounge clothes and gotten some of Manuela's to lend to Marina.

In total agreement with Sylvia, Diana, Cheryl, Daisy and probably all of Carayland with our shock that Kari hollered NO to Dr. Gunsucker. She's hollering NO and we're hollering PULL IT!

And how did they end up at Matilde and Laz's abandoned childhood home? Did you guys see your famous rats in the background. Yes, those rats do have the best agents in town.

Sylvia - I do think the 2 Women in White are hoping to get out at night and then act innocent during the day. This could be fun!

I noticed Eulalia is back after running away from Fina's temper. I wish she'd also file a police report, just for the record.

Worlds could collide at Julieta's party if Chema and Adri and Matias are all there. Isn't someone bound to congratulate Adri and Matias on their engagement and Chema will overhear and get Xtreme Ringing in his head?

I am worried about Zeke, especially given Mike's comment. Will Alphi be as surprised as us to hear Zeke is not squeaky clean? I like how Vivi pointed out the "set up" with Alphi bragging about how above-board her esposo is.

I love Blue Lass' suggestion of the Headband & Hand-bandage dress up for the next wedding. Maybe even leather corsets?

Rosemary la Otra

Whew, it's only noon and there are so many wonderful long comment.

Cheryl, This One's For You--Kudos on back to back, connected episodes. Too many funny comments, but I liked the GUEST ROOM quips with Maritat stuck in the red dress while Nata can change were the best.

Yes, the two devils in white want permission to go out at night. Wonder what their attire will be. Zipper-Down-then-Up Doc must have a wardrobe full of women's clothing in all sizes. Hmmmm.

Zeke--I racked my brain trying to remember when, if he had been in jail anytime during this tn or not. Was it when he ordered Carlos' smackdown? Or is this a new threat. As to his leaving Cruz Sin Amor, Zeke has a standing offer to work at La Bonita, but he may be in more danger if he takes Jero up on the offer. Augie will know that he's a "traitor," and he'd be dead meat.

Although Viewervile knows that Nata going to Augie is the worst thing she can do tonight, I wouldn't put it past the writers. It's more likely that she is going home to see how papa is doing and get out of a very uncomfortable situation. But why depart by just leaving a note for Jero. She knows he's standing with her. Maybe she just wanted to catch the early flight.

How is Berta going to arrive at the Reclusorio for Locas with a suitcase not-quite-full of pesos. Is everyone going to get paid off? Where is she going to keep the suitcase--in her cubicle under the bed? These are not hotel accommodations with wall-safes.

On Nesme--what can I say. The best new -ism, Rosemary, is Dr. Gunsucker, LOL. And Kari--after being whacked on the back of the head and knocked out has no after effects, like a headache or blood, but plenty of ganas para llorar.

Glad Laz survived. Sitting in the back of the SUV did not suit him at all. He wanted back on the horse.

I think we better wear books on heads for the next boda if we want the new suegra to like us.

Rosemary #1

The actor playing Ezquiel was in Juan Querendon as a lecherous professor who hit on one of the daughters. It didn't work out well, but he was alive at the end of the story. So take heart EZ lovers!

So Zeke is an ex-con and Alfonsina doesn't know?! This is juicy! I wonder what he did.

When Nasty had the gun in his mouth and Kari was yelling "No! No!" I was certainly yelling "Yes! Yes!" I hope my neighbors couldn't hear me. So close to finally being rid of him...

I also thought that looked like Laz & Mati's parents' old home, with the addition of a new resident tarantula.

Good idea for the next dress-up party. I was just thinking last night that if Carlos and Matilde ever manage to have their wedding, I should wear my blue off-the-shoulder embroidered ruffle dress. Now I just need to look through the closet and find a wide belt and something to wear as a headband.

Thanks so much, Cheryl, and amen to all the other praise of your fine recapping skills.

Would Renata leave town not knowing about the well being of Kari? I bet she is going to see Augie to return the ring and necklace. I hope she will be safe.

What happened to Manuela's granddaugher? Did she ever show up? Did I miss it?

Rosemary #1

Another great recap, Cheryl. That's two term papers for you this week.

Thanks to Rosemary #1,Mike,Carlos,Sylvia,NOK, Elna June, Lila, and Daisynjay for your kind welcomes.

Daisy, I can't curse in Spanish yet, but I learned to do it pretty well in English while attending Catholic schools. Then I was fortunate enough to qualify for a kind of post grad course in cursing that the Department of the Army had in the late '60s, and which also allowed participants to do some travelling to places like Germany, Korea, and Vietnam.

Mike, let me get this straight: Playboy has articles? I live in Vincennes, IN.

I think Dr. MyLiver'llBeLeatherSoon's motivation for killing the little guy is kind of a reverse "Plata o Plomo" program like the narcoterrorists use to subvert local officials. In Nesme's case he has a finite amount of money; should he give even more of it to the little guy, or just send a piece of lead hurtling through his right atrium, and then take back the money he's already given him. If you're a besotted sociopath like he is, the answer is obvious.

What did everyone think about the Doc's drunken gun saftey seminar where he shows Kari everything you're never supposed to do with a pistol. Have you noticed how much longer his relationships with women last when he has them lashed or shackled to a piece of furniture?

Yuk! Someone should pith him like a lab rat.

David in IN

David, you are on a roll today. I think my husband had the same post grad course in Germany courtesy of his rich uncle (as in Sam).

Your comment about Dr. WhatAWasteofAir is so true. I am glad you pointed that out.

Julia, your ensemble sounds lovely. The bridal party needs to think about investing in bullet proof vests especially for those bodas in DF.

Rosemary #1


This was such a wonderful recap. Thank you so much.

At the manicomio, are all directors of 'institutions for the criminally insane' insane? Good lord. Fina would have to give him a LOT of money to have El Director risk letting those inmates run the asylum.

Marina, Marina, Marina. Like Vivi, I really was your girlfriend until you became a pathetic WHINGER! Woman UP! You are no victim here. It is your fault that you are stuck in the GUEST ROOM (LOL Cheryl).Whatever!

Julia: Zeke an ex-con? Can you believe it. Anvils over our Zeke's head for sure.

NOK I agree about the epithet 'Dr. Gunsucker'.Love it.The actor has just played this part over the top. Carlos, this may have reminded you of pulp fiction but it reminded me of King Kong and Faye Rae(sp???). Karina is such a perfect victim to his villain.

On continuity...

Do we understand why Laz fell off his horse?

Did anyone even mention Mr. Yellow Plaid-shot-in-the gut?

And finally, can someone get me a tube of Gonzolo's mascara? I'd pay a lot to have those lashes that look like black caterpillars.


So, who still needs to get married and what could go wrong?

Carlos and Mati- His meddling mama sends his brothers bust up the wedding. I'm picturing the boys from Bonanza all on their horses with their guns, dragging little brother Joe (Carlos) away kicking and screaming. He won't be able to put up much of a fight since he will be in a full body cast by then.

Matias and Adri- Julieta could do some black magic and bring back the vengeful ghost of Chema (who will have died by then) who will pop out of the non-organic wedding cake.

Jero and Nata, Take 2- Maritatas goes into labor just as the two are about to sign the dotted line and everyone goes into panic mode. Maritatas whines about how humiliating it all is for her. Nata rolls her eyes, and then delivers the twins.

I think we still have Laz and Kari, too. I mean, they didn't quite finish, did they?

Ah yes Blue Lass. But hopefully their Take 2 will be uneventful.

Cheryl: Thanks so much for the great recap.

"...denying the gravity of her situation of being stuck in the red dress when Renata can change clothes at any time." I agree with everyone else re: this line. It’s a classic.

I know others were annoyed about Kari’s hysterics, but was I the only one that got to the point where I wanted him to shoot her just to shut her up?

Boo hoo, Marina. Maybe the next time you’ll think twice before crashing a wedding (I see Sylvia agrees). And how can you “share” something you don’t have?

The avances show Nata leaving. I think she should stay. It would kill Marina to be stuck in that house watching Jero totally besotted by his wife. I like Marina, but not when she’s messing with Nata. The way Nata feels about it all, I can’t see any way out of this unless the babies die (horrible, I know) or Nata finds herself pregnant.

Carlos: “You don't suppose that with Renata leaving the note and taking off that she might seek refuge with Augie? ... Nah...” Bite your typing finger!! Seriously, she knows how Jero feels about him, I think it would be out of character for her to do that. I think it’s back to the city to be with her family. Daisynjay---I didn’t think about her going to Auggie to return the necklace and engagement ring!!! She’ll be trapped for sure.

Mike: “I remember Carlos saying a long time ago that Alejandro Ruiz aka Exzequiel has never had a part where he was alive at the end of the show.” Not true. He was alive at the end of MEPS (which also included the actor who plays Carlos who played Sylvia Navarro’s brother, the woman who plays Alfie played Alejandro Ruiz’ sister-in-law Gardenia).

Rosemary #1: “Would Renata leave town not knowing about the well being of Kari?” Good point.

Vivi: Your comments on who still has to get married and what can go wrong are priceless!! (and probably true).

Side Note: Mati must be missing a headband, because Maid of Honor Mel was wearing one on DAYS during the wedding of Vic and Mags.


Robey, don't forget that Dr. Tatas could die. This is the second episode of spotting and disregarding the obvious signs of trouble.

Of course, in the middle of all of this angst, Renata is probably already pregnant.

Rosemary #1

Maybe the artist son of the new guy at Emp. Monterubbio will be the One for Roberta? Why else would she go work there when she could slack off at Regina's center? I still have hope for her. Besides, with only a month or so left, there can't be time to screw up the business again, can there?

Now Blanca actually is crazy, for real. Yet another case of multiple personalities and all that. How is it that she's able to help Fina? Are all the personalities on board with this? Surely one of them still oves Honorio enough to step up. Must tighten headband and stop thinking.

R#1: I hadn't thought of Marina dying. If she has to die, I would hope it would be after safely delivering the babies instead of having a triple tragedy.

Lesser of two evils?


Oh,NO! Don't off the twins!

Rosemary #1 I love the idea that Renata is pregnant! How perfect would that be! Jero's head would whip around so fast between the two baby-Mommies that we would get dizzy.LOL!

Great to have you weigh in today, David from IN.


Great recap. And am happy to see others were frustrated with Kari last night. I mean it looks like she can really clock the crazy doc, instead of whining.

So Renata may be pregnant. It would be funny if both women gave birth at the same time in the rain (isn't there always a storm out at the ranch when these things happen?)

I was surprised that Zeke was in jail? What did he tell his friends he was at summer camp?

I hope Renata is pregnant with twins, too. Wouldn't that be fun? Jero would be thrilled, but at the same time SO OVERWHELMED with four kids and two mamas it might make a good penance for his misdeeds.

I have seen that dual pregnancy thing coming for a while, since it would be a perfect parallel to what happened between Pepa-Roberto-Gina. I still have hope that the younger generation will do things right, or at least better than the previous generation did.

Thanks for the second recap of the week, Cheryl. You're a peach!!!

Kari, woman up indeed. Remember your resolution to take your life into your own hands. Sit up straight and tell that idiot non-husband, "Listen here you insignificant little worm - I'm having none of your nonsense, so just crawl back into your Mescal bottle and try to drown your insecurities before they drown YOU!
(OK, now I feel better...)

When will Renata learn to TELL people when she decides to cut and run. Notes are soooo high school. She's not Marina, for heaven sakes.

and Vivi, your pointing out that Carlos will be in a full body cast by his boda is hilarious, and spot-on!

word verification is 'burth'. Maybe Renata will have triplets - that'd show Marina!

EJ, the one with the head spinning around will be Augie!

Rosemary #1

Kelly- Blanca is not crazy. At least not in the way she fooled the authorities into believing, with the multiple personalities and all that. That was a con job and she gave Fina tips on how to ace her crazy test too. These two should be fun to watch, although I know I will be horrified by whatever plans they hatch and implement. I was very ammused by Fina's disgust at even the mere thought of using sex to get the director to give her favors. Blanca was like, "Whatever!" She actually seems to enjoy her little game of hokey pokey with DocDirector.

EJ--Lazaro took a heroic fall off his horse during the car chase when one of Doc PointShake'nShoot bullets whizzes close enough to either graze him or his trying to get out of the way. I thought I saw some blood on his face when they reached him.

DavidinIN--How we wish you had joined the fun of Nesme names earlier in the game--Dr.MyLiver'llBeLeatherSoon is 1st class. They're all great. Keep 'em coming. At this rate we will surely break a record (or maybe it's a first). We'll have to ask Melinama to preserve our list somewhere as a black-bordered sympathy card.

An aside:

Dear Cheryl:

I sent you a note on your cherylnewmex gmail address.I may be able to help out with recapping—if you can tolerate a couple of BIG caveats.


Hi Everyone: I mostly read and enjoy everyone's recap and comments but since you are talking about a list for the infamous Dr. Nesme, I thought would add my own name for him: Dr. Flask! It is always in his pocket, desk, wherever and last night waiting for him along with the horse on the road....don't leave home without it, ha, ha.

Novelera in AZ

You all have been off the charts today! I keep laughing more everytime I peek at the list. What fun that some new and some returned from the past friends have jumped in to enhance our fun. David your list additions are a scream. Vivi's wedding plot options also made me howl. With our luck all the fun suggestions made here today will come true. We all predicted that if Blanca and Fina ever teamed up it would be the attack of the Furies. Two smart, evil women swooping around in long white gowns, OMG.

I love the remembrance of Ferro's Ugly Cry Scale and we have both Kari and Roberta ready to enter the hall of shame from opposite ends. But it just makes Renata's incredible strength and nobility stand out more brightly.

Thanks for the great day, everyone as I came in and out with errands. Willa passed her healthy doggy exam with flying colors, got her shots for the year and then the vet looked at me and said, no, she is really very, very sick. In fact you are going to have to leave her here with me, there is no sweeter dog. She kissed him as a reward. I love how he gets on the floor with her to examine her too. At almost 68 pounds she would be too tall on the table.

I am so flattered at all the praise and appreciation. And for the kind people who have sent me emails, I will get back to you pronto. I hope we have one or two Tuesday recappers very soon.

Hi, Novelera in AZ, welcome!! -- an apt moniker that! Somebody ought to just throw a match at the looney lush and he'd probably combust immediately!


Oh no, Cheryl! Prayers for Willa's rapid recovery. What a trooper that pup is!


Thanks for the concern LIla, but Willa is the picture of health. The exam was her annual routine and the vet is just trying to steal her away. She is really that wonderful, I have to watch all of them! HA.

Cheryl: Yay! for Willa passing her health exam! It's always a tense time for me when I take my kitties for their exams praying the vet won't find anything wrong.

We do love our animal babies.


Ah! You got me! Ha Ha Ha Heee Heee! Well, good news, I thought the poor dear had some serious doggie disease!!! ;D


Oh, waaaa..., no CME tomorrow. Returns Viernes at 6:50. Whatever.

But, Mike...tomorrow we get LATIN GRAMMYS, which I LOVE. It's one of the few things worth delaying a telenovela for :).

Hey Julia, I'm with you, the Latin Grammy's are always a treat for the ears and the eyes. You might be amused Mike, eye-candy and great music.

Dear friends, thank you from the bottom of my heart for cheering me up so heartily after a very long day. I couldn't wait to read everyone's comments and you lot were seriously on fire today. What a fun, smart and deranged group we are!

David in IN, where have you been all our lives? Dude, you are seriously funny.

Robey, I like your comment on Maritata not being able to share that which she does not have. Very true.

Oh my Cheryl, I nearly had a heart attack when I read what the vet told you. Thank goodness you quickly added why he'd said it. I'm still fanning myself and drinking big gulps of Sauvignon Blanc to calm myself.

Best of all, it sounds like we have some takers for Tuesday night. I hope it works out. We could use the help in whatever form.

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