Friday, November 11, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #145 Friday 11/11/11 Doubt Creeps In as Doc Freaks Out and Augie Loses Ground.

Happy Friday, amgios! I'm strapped for time, so I typed this up as I watched tonight. Feel free to correct it, since I'm sure I missed a few things.

From yesterday: Lazaro canvases the countryside in a car while Karina wanders around on foot screaming his name. Nesme is also hot on the trail. Who is going to find Kari first?Jero makes an appointment with Mari's doctor to be sure the twins are doing well. Nata and Jero confront each other about Agustin's murderous tendencies. Augie ordered Zeke to kill Arely because she destroyed his wine crop.

On to the new stuff! Matilde keeps a bed-ridden Marina company. They discuss the terrifying situation with Karina and Lazaro and eventually get around to talking about Jero. Marina is still hopelessly in love with him. There's no other guy like him in the world.

Nata is still unshaken in her faith in Augie. Augie has proof that he is innocent and Nata believes him. Nata had proof of her innocence when Jero was sure she was La Bonita and Jero disbelieved her. She considers this the same situation. They agree to disagree.

Roberta arrives home and tells Gonzo and Regina that she hopes to get the job at the Empresa. Regi plans to organize the paperwork so that Berta will receive her inheritance since her birthday is coming up soon. "I will be your daughter instead of Fina's." Berta thinks. "All she cares about is herself."

Fina confides in Blanca that she is anxious for her daughter to contact her. Blanca is confused since Berta is not actually her daughter. Fina covers by saying she still considers Berta a daughter and needs Berta's help for escape. She thought-bubbles that Berta has to come around soon.

After much shouting and running, Karina and Lazaro find each other! He scoops her up in a loving embrace just as Doctor PleaseDropDead lines up his shot. Too late! The police catch him just in time. Nesme manages to get off a shot that just grazes our lovely couple. The cops cuff Nesme and he spouts off about getting revenge. Lazaro vows he will protect and love Karina forever. Kari tells Doc that she is not the same woman as before. She hates Doc and will be happy with Lazaro. Doc screeches that he will never allow Kari to be happy as long as he is alive.

The police haul Doc off as Karina and Lazaro observe the damage. Laz has a grazed cheek and Karina has bloodied hands but neither of them feel any pain while in each others' arms. Aww!

After much discussion, Matias and Honorio humor Gonzo and invite Berta to work at the Empresa. In a bit of suspiciously specific denial, Berta swears she is not going to fraud the company.

Augie goes to the cops to clear his name and pin all his crimes on Doc Nesme.

Nata asks Manuela to tell her straight about what she knows about Augie. Manuela thinks he is a dangerous, cold-hearted man. Zeke only stays with Augie because he needs the work so badly. Mati and Manuela confirm Jero's story that Augie wanted Arely dead. They both saw hand-shaped bruises on her neck. Nata is floored by this development and asks that the ladies keep mum on the subject.

Jero interrupts the conversation to deliver the good news that Kari and Laz are safe and sound. Marina's doctor arrives and asks to see Jero's wife. After an awkward silence, Jero introduces Nata as his wife and then shows the Doc to Mari's bedroom.

In the centro kitchen, Ines and Constanza chat with the young mother Corina while Connie holds the baby. Corina's boyfriend was a horrible man who raped and beat her. The ladies' hearts melt for her, Connie especially. She offers to teach Corina how to cook and wants to help her and the baby in any way she can.

Gonzo and Regina plan to get married again in a small civil ceremony. Everyone thinks it's a lovely idea.

The nuthouse doctor tells Blanca and Fina he wants more payment for his services.

Julieta warns Adriana that Chema bought an engagement ring for her and plans to propose at the opening of the restaurant. Adri is conflicted over what to do.

The doctor does an ultra-sound on Marina and orders that she be bedridden for the rest of her pregnancy. It is highly probable that the babies are going to be born premature and Mari needs to take every precaution. Jero says he will hire a round the clock nurse and an ambulance to help them.

Karina and Lazaro finally breathe a collective sigh of relief after they arrive back at the hacienda. They tell everyone about their ordeal and are warmly received.

Doc pleads his pathetic case to the police and they throw the book at him.

Adriana tells Matias about what Chema is planning and she wants to go along with it to make his last days happy. Mat asks Adri what she's going to do if Chema doesn't die. Adri doesn't know and decides to talk to Benjamin about it.

Honorio welcomes German to the Empresa.

Karina has no doubt that she wants to divorce Doc as soon as possible. Everyone agrees with her on that front and they leave to have dinner.

Random aside: I get a kick out of the Cartes a Juan Cheerios commercial. The man has a killer smile.

Back to the show, Augie waltzes into the living room to get in Jero's face. He swears that he is not a murderer or a thief.

Berta asks Regina's opinion on what she should wear for her first day at the Empresa. It's a thinly veiled excuse for Berta to go shopping and spend Regi's money. Regi tells Berta that she want to have the legalities of the inheritance worked out ASAP, which makes Berta nervous.

Jero refuses to back down; he is sure that Augie put the hit out on Nesme and Arely. Augie swears that he is as innocent as Nata was when Jero unfairly accused her. He'll prove it! Jero will not budge on his opinion of Augie.

Matilde and Carlos fiddle around in the laboratory. Because she lives under a rock, Carlos's mother only just heard about Doc's rampage. She decides that the only explanation for such craziness is that the hacienda is cursed. She insists that Carlos and Matilde move out. Carlos tells her to knock it off.

Ines gets back to the centro to find Corina gone and Connie preparing a bottle for the baby. Connie agreed to watch baby Amparo for the night. Ines worries that Corina might not come back. They have no real information about this girl and it's against regulations at the centro to become so involved with their clients. Connie has faith that Corina will return and promises it's only for one night.

Augie juts his jaw and seethes over Jero's nerve in accusing him of trying to have Arely killed. "If Jero knows about that, it must mean that Zeke is a traitor." Run, Zeke, run!!

Avances: Nata and Jero get hot and heavy while Augie and Berta plot their next evil move. Alfonsina screams. Matilde and Manuela cry "I can't believe it! What a tragedy!". Oh, no.


¡Guau! That was fast, Amy. If you typed that while watching you are really good.

The anvils are lining up and the previews look like the action is going to be hot and heavy. I fear for Exequiel -- and for Jero when he has no one to back up his story. Either way if Zeke is dead or blackmailed he's not going to be a good witness. I guess Arely will have to make a return visit.


Great job Amy! You work well under pressure. You must be rocking those school papers you have to write.

Things are not looking good for Zeke. I don't think Jero will have much "proof" to show the authorities or Nata. (At least Nata is doing her own investigations now.)

I don't think Jero actually mentioned Arely to Augie. He almost did, but told Nata he didn't do it in order to protect Zeke. It doesn't matter anyway since Augie figured out a while ago that Zeke hasn't been as loyal to him as he thought.

That doctor really stuck his foot in it didn't he? "Where's your wife?" Oops! At least it seems that they'll get Marina moved back to her own house soon, although via ambulance and with plenty of help, paid and provided for by Jero (it helps to have a rich baby-daddy). Nata was genuinely concerned that the babies may be premies, but she was not on board with all the oohing and aahing over the sonogram. I think Jero caught on pretty quickly and took it down a notch.

Rats! Alvaro is still alive. I guess he still serves some puropose as a thorn in Augie's side. I did notice from last episode that Kari was wearing ballet flats, not heels, as some thought. But dammit if that veil didn't stay firmly in place as she wandered through the woods! At least by the time she got back to La Bonita it was off her head.

A few things to add:
-Berta didn't say she wouldn't do fraud, she said she wouldn't disappoint (defraudar) them. I'm pretty sure she'll actually do both though.
-She also told Gonzo and Gina that she had just come back from looking into public relations courses (in order to work at Empresas MR), when she really just came back from her Fina dirty deeds.
-Dr. Director of the Demented told Fina and Blanca that he'd already initiated whatever plan they hatched, but that and the phone calls were all that the suitcase of cash paid for. If they want more from him, they'll have to give him more money. Fina was not pleased. Berta's going to have to get hold of that inheritance money quick to help mommy out!
-Adri agreed that it was time to call off the Chema lies till he dies plan, since getting engaged to the guy was going too far, but she did want to talk to Benjamin first. Why? We know what he'll say.

You know, it's a good thing Chema is such a gentleman and hasn't been all over Adri. I'm suprised that Matias hasn't assumed that Chema's as handsy as he is when he's alone with Adri.

Oh my gosh, you got this up so fast. Huge kudos to you Amy. You are a wonder to behold.

I loved this: "Marina is still hopelessly in love with [Jero]. There's no other guy like him in the world." You know, if only she could have seen what an epic jerk he was to Renata I doubt she would be so enamored. If she was on the receiving end of that bulls**t she'd be singing a different tune.

Hahaha! Once again Doc AlwaysShootsBlanks screwed things up. Thank goodness.

Vivi, when Kari was tied up in the shack she was definitely in heels. Maybe she had a pair of flats stuck in her garter. I know I would. Wedding dances and all that if you know what I mean.

Cartas a Juan - isn't that commercial a hoot? And surprisingly he is not in a suit and tie but rather Mr. Casual by the fire.

Oh yes, that was too funny when Doc Housecall asked Jero "Where is your wife?" Oops. But to his credit he figured it out pretty quickly and moved on to the task at hand.

OK so Alvaro is alive. Bummer. But maybe now his purpose is to stick it to Augustin.

Zeke, I am so very worried for you.

If Dr. Director of the Demented crosses Fina he will likely be the next one to kick the bucket. You would think this Doc would know not to mess with his loony patients. Blanca and Fina will dispense with this guy pronto if he gets in their way. Oh goody, I can't wait to see their mayhem!

Thanks again Amy. What a terrific recap! And thanks to Vivi for the addendums.

Sylvia- Did you see the look Matilde gave Marina when she said she didn't regret getting involved with, and knocked-up by, Jero and that she wouldn't want any other man to be the father of her kids? Mati's eyes said, "Girrrrl please!"

This was one of the times I loved Mati's loose tongue when she and Marina were lamenting sick loves like Doc Nasty's for Kari, and Mati brought up unrequited loves like Marina's. "Look what happened to you, falling in love with the patron like an idiot!" Oops!

Yes Mati's loose lips served a purpose there. But I got very nervous when she went into Carlos' lab wanting to help -- and started grabbing test tubes with bare hands and without knowing what was in them.

Finally Renata is starting to ask a few questions. But wouldn't you think that both Manuela & Mati having witnessed the marks on Arely's neck and heard the story of the fake murder from Zeke & Lazaro would have a bigger impression on Renata??? She keeps swearing that Auggie has been so honest & good to her -- but she's seen that temper of his on several occasions. Oh, wake up girl.

I'm still amazed at how fast you got this excellent recap up, Amy


Whadda gal Amy...shows your professionalism that you managed to knock this out while under the gun with other projects. As Sylvia said, Kudos to you...humongous kudos. Loved the title, Doubt Creeps IN as Doc Freaks OUT....and all your side comments.

Yes, our dear Ezekiel is now in peril...seems like as soon as one character gets rescued, another one is thrown into the pit. Guess we've just gotta keep churning right up to the last second.

The Chema story really seems lame. A few chaste hugs are all the romance he expects from a woman he intends to marry!? Not very true to life. He was a lot more natural in his zeal to seduce Constanza.

Oh well, why am I kvetching? We aren't watching these potboilers for verisimilitude. Long live learning Spanish and enjoying hot romance.

Maybe the brain tumor has depressed Chema's sex drive. ;}

Sylvia, I actually wondered if our disappointed locas were going to whack the doc right there! I guess he's sensible enough not to keep anything heavy on his desk.

Awesome, Amy -- recapping on the fly. You've raised the bar.

Mornin' y'all. Amy! Gracious! Fast, complete and with a totally awesome title, too. How do you guys come up with the cool titles?

Anywho, my biggest impressions are the ease with which they're letting this new guy buy into the MR Empresas? WTF?! He could be an associate of psycho-slut Blanca!

And what is Roberta planning to do? She spent a good hunk of the ransom money, she gets money from Regina, she's (maybe) going to get the inheritance money, what's the angle with working for the empresa: they don't trust her, how is she going to pull off a heist?

Renata, I don't think I ever wanted to slap you but my right hand is twitchin' pretty hard, missy! What do you need, to be dragged off maybe at your 25th birthday party by Mr. Sniff-n-Slurp? Holy Guacamole girl!! I do think the birthday party is going to be the perfect setting for more Major Mayhem like only the Monterrubios can suffer.

Maritata, I got your number girl, you one of them heffas that don't want no man less'n he belongs to some other woman. . .take your ta tas home and stay outta our face for a while!

Zeke's a goner. Alas, this and being snatched by Mr. Sickosniffandlick will finally convince our Renata that he is NOT a wronged innocent as was she.

WOW! I feel like we ain't seen nothin' yet!


Cheryl, are you taking someone's photo workshop out there at Bosque del Apache? Yeah, the scenery with plus the birds is just incredible.


Thanks for the wonderful recap, Amy. And you did this on the fly? Amazing.

Actually I am particularly appreciative because last night my wife dragged me kicking and screaming out of the shadow world of TN's to a real life social event, so I didn't get to see any of it.

I agree with Sylvia that a guy who is in charge of the Loony Bin ought to have enough perception to recognize manipulative behavior when he sees it. Guess he thinks he is all powerful so nothing can go wrong. He's thinking with his billfold and the little head.

The twins (15 months old now) will be here Mon and Tues. That's not too young to start them watching TN's. . .is it?

David in IN

David in IN - 15 months sounds perfect for foreign language immersion! ;D


After a tough week, just not motivated to do errands, so thanks for the wonderful recap and fab excuse to park it for awhile with a cup of coffee. (And I agree on the Cheerios moment--perfect placement.)

Ah,gees, Zeke.Someone warn this poor slob please. He's had the anvil hanging over him for some time, but I'm hoping this is one the writer's "leading us astray" plot lines. I think Laz needs to don his Superman outfit and help out his buddy. Someone, this guy.

For once, the police actually show up on time. A true TN miracle. Dr. LockHimUpAndThrowAwayTheKey needs to start spilling. As for the Arely incident, there's more than Zeke/Jero that knows what happened, the usual group knows about the stolen vines, etc.too. I'm starting to get worried for Carlos, he knows a LOT of what's going on as well.

Seriously, do we have to deal with the whiny doc in bed scenes for the rest of this TN? I'm sorry, I was "confined to bed" the last six weeks (mine were six weeks early, but healthy)but there's ways to be productive and do more than sit there and whine. This plot line may get to me now and then, so bear with me folks...

David - never too early for those little angels. Just make sure you buy them their own little beanies-size extra extra small.

Great recap, Amy, and so quickly done. What a great way for me to kick off a Sat morning.

I loved:

"Because she lives under a rock, Carlos's mother only just heard about Doc's rampage."

How smug was that look on Matilde's face when Carlos told his mom to go back to Mérida and wait until they notify her of the wedding date?

I'm so afraid that time may have run out for Zeke. Simply more proof of what a selfish idiot that Jerry is.

"Nesme is not the only person you ordered killed..."

Gee, whom could he have meant by that? Sure wouldn't want to make Augie suspicious and put Zeke at risk.

"Alfonsina screams. Matilde and Manuela cry "I can't believe it! What a tragedy!". Oh, no."

Better get an emergency batch of I MISS ZEKE into production for distribution next week.

Who would have guessed that Chema will outlive Zeke?

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Chema outlives Dr. Icky now that it looks as though he's going to cross Fina and Blanca.

So what will happen to Corina so that Coni is stuck with little Amparo? Will a bus run over her or will she simply vanish?

Can we finally go get Gitana and bring her safely (more or less) back to La Bonita?

When Renata welcomed Kari home, she seemed careful not to let Kari's bloody wrists touch her white quilted vest. She also seemed to be a little peeved to learn that the twins will likely arrive prematurely... just one more thing...

I'm a little worried that Roberta might run into a snag while verifying her identity for the inheritance. It'd be too bad because it's nice to see her smile these days.

Dave, enjoy those twins. I suspect that they will enjoy watching CME alongside Abuelito... or doing anything else with you for that matter.


Yes Vivi, I LOVED Mati's expression and loose tongue while talking to Marina. Calling Maritata a "burra" and then "oh sorry, did I say that out loud?" sort of response. I think the La Bonita household is already getting tired of the woman in the GUEST ROOM. Did Jero say he was going to arrange for an ambulance to take her home? Can't happen soon enough.

I'm not sure what Roberta has up her sleeve. She's not the best at planning or plotting anything, so maybe she doesn't have a specific plan. Maybe she is just collecting, collecting money, collecting family, and trying to assert her position in the family. I am still dying to know what her position will be at work.

Carlos, it does feel like Berta might have a problem or two verifying her identity, but I can't imagine what that would be since she has already had to verify for Regina, right? I mean they did the DNA test already which she faked and passed with flying colors.

Happy Saturday everyone! Just had an invigorating walk back from pilates class. What a beautiful fall day.

David- It is NOT too early to start the nietos on tns. From the previews it looks like Nata and Jero may be getting a bit hot and bothered, but the kiddies will just think they're hugging...really tightly.

Sylvia- I had to laugh when Berta said she was looking into public relations courses, seeing as she is such a people person...NOT! I can see her at an Empresas MR press conference calling the reporters "estupidos!" because they won't do her bidding. I'm sure she will blind their clients with her sparkling personality. LOL!

Nata and Jero were wearing matching outfits. Is there a pattern we can pick up from the last time they wore those matching checked outfits?

AmyAzul, our She-Ro! Thank you!

Looks like Sylvia's Crop of Anvils is getting ready to sprout again.

It makes me sad to see Regina look so lovingly at Roberta. How is she going to feel when she finds out that Roberta is not her real daughter? I think she is truly loving her. That makes ONE person loving Roberta.

Was Augie referring to Leoncio when he was saying Nesme murdered a "muchacho"? lol

I think Arely will end up making a reappearance to clarify what a dwimnit (my word verification) Augie really is. Also, Arely is shown in the new opening sequence, but no Roberta. Why no Roberta? I'm still stumped about that. She is a main character, no matter how vile she is.

Hopefully they'll put Nesme in a better lockup to avoid this happening again. Perhaps one of Vivi's Chimney Fairies?

At the end of yesterday's comments Blue Lass gave us a link to Sebastian Rulli's blogspot. First thing on there is a pic of him with Sylvia Navarro saying they son pareja. Really? Are we happy about this? I need to get educated in telenovela gossip.

Also, Robey gave us a link to Eva Longoria producing Soy Tu Duena for in English. I loved Ugly Betty, I think Eva Longoria is awesome (who needs Tony Parker?), and I look forward to watching this. Just wish it was going to be in Spanish.

Poor Zeke. I am placing my tee order know: I Miss Zeke / Long Live Chema.

Rosemary la Otra

Rosemary, I think that blog headline was just a teaser -- it went on to say that they were filming "En Pura Sangre" together, so they're just a couple in beanie-land.

R la O- It wasn't personal life gossip (which is a no no here). Silvia and Sebastian will be a pareja in their next novela, which has already started filming. So they have started making public appearances together. This seems to be very common for tn stars, just like when movie stars have to make all those appearances together when their movie is released. The two do look very good together. I'm looking forward to seeing the tn when it comes out!

Folks have been asking what will replace CME and Fuerza when they wrap up the end of next month. I found this about Uni's plans: "Aun no se definen los horarios en las cuales estas dos telenovelas entraran al aire, pero se puede deducir que despues de Cuando Me Enamoro entraria La Que No Podia Amar y despues de La Fuerza del Destino entraria El Talisman."


Thanks for the tip on the beanies for our twins! I never would have thought of that.

I found a website called They have two models: one with the standard propeller, and the other is a deluxe model with battery powered brain wave altering electrodes. The battery pack also powers the propeller. Which would be best? Also, they only come in extra small, extra extra small is out of stock. Do you think the extra small with a used wad of gum would work?


David in IN

Before getting started, I also wish to remember and honor our Caray Vets, as well as all who have sacrificed life or limb to keep this country safe.

Flor/Amy - Too much action and not much movement forward, but thanks for making it interesting and fun.

We all fear for the safety of Ezekiel, but if he's a goner, Jero still has Laz to back him up--although he has less credibility than Ezeke. After all, Laz works for the patron and patrones are known to use money to get the answers they need.

Even Arely showing up to back up Ezeke won't wash. With her alive, Augie can still go on denying he ever ordered a hit on her. What's our Anti-Hero to do, as long as Nata continues to see Augie as the Hero.

Poor Doc Housecall, when he saw this lovely woman standing by Jero, he probably deduced it couldn't be the wife, since the mother-to-be is already in reposo. We probably won't see him again, anyway. Nata will probably deliver the babies.

On Blanca--They've certainly left her backstory out of range of our scrutiny. Does anyone remember back when she was seducing Hono in the restaurant, that she got a phone call from 'daddy' and she told him not to call her on her cell phone, but she would call him later.... Either the writers have forgotten that little detail or are saving it for a time when nobody cares. [Yes, this comes from going back to pick up Nesmeisms--up to Episode 49, where Dona Gringuita describes him as "Alvaro, who got his medical degree at Jim Beam University."]

So, for a suitcase full of money the devils in white just got one phone call and a weekend pass? Where's the justice in that?

Right, Carlos, there hasn't been any mention of Gitana lately. She would have been a good prop for the hunting down the doc scene.

Who would want to harm her now?

1. Roberta--for spite, but she's safely in DF shopping for clothes, arranging for her inheritance and getting ready for work she doesn't want to do.
2. Fina--for despecho, and though she's in DF, is not in a secure location. Her range is as far as her white dress will take her--and only at night. At dawn she has to be back in her dark cave.
3. Augie--for pure possession, and although he knows how Nata feels about her mare, maybe he thinks that with Gitana out of the way, Nata will give him all that love and attention.
4. Maritata--out of jealousy, but she's on total bed rest and is going to do anything to get to stay at La Bonita for the next six months, so no horsey homicide. After three months of playing hostess, Nata will be so disgusted with the whole arrangement, that she and Gitana will take a much needed vacation.

My word verification is skyls--something Roberta lacks in the work department.

David in IN--Could not stop laughing. You are a hoot. I'd try the gum, if the grandtwins don't have much hair. Are the beanies the winterized version or for summer use only?

You know, the more I think about the baby/Coni plot line - during the whole Blanca fiasco, Blanca played on the fact that SHE was carrying Hon's baby (which of course was false) knowing that Coni couldn't have kids and it would drive her crazy. Is this a way to finally make Coni a mom and give her a chance to raise her a child of her own - not be a surragate like she is with Nata and Adri?

Seems to be a theme in this TN - you can love, raise and be a parent-figure with children who are not your natural children. I like that theme as the aunt/godmother of three wonderful adopted kids.

David, what a great find! I would say definitely use the gum, tots and gum are such a great combination. And here we were making our own beanies out of aluminum foil, how tacky. (However I was lucky enough to receive a hand made sailor cap beanie with special telenovela processing powers, so no more aluminum foil for me.)

NOK, excellent point about Blanca. We still know zilch about her mysterious background. I've had a theory about her for a while but it's so out there I think I'll keep it to myself. It has to do with the fact that her alias last names seem to have a similar theme.

Hi all, I'm down here on a bright light break after a 5:00AM rise to get to the flight deck to see birds do their fly out as the sun is just brightening in the west. Not as many birds as usual but it is still a breath taking sight and wonderful sounds as a few thousand birds cross your field of vision for early breakfast.

Amy/Flor, Cnngratulations on typing while watching. I now don't do it any other way. It really makes you listen. I also go back and do clean up, try to finish sentences that are dangling open, etc. but it is super training.

Everyone woke up on the funny side of the bed this morning. You are all cracking me up, especially with all th gallows humor over Zeke, Chema and Nesme. I think we have seen so much violence and murder that we are cynically ready for what ever the writers dish out. I am so glad Carlos is ready with new t-shirt motifs to observe the passing or stayng of Zeke and Chema

Audrey, I am on a Flight School Photography workshop run by Jim Neiger (from Florida) who has pioneered a lot of techniques to master hand-held (with 500mm lenses no less) photography of birds in flight. So fun! Oddly enough I have met some good old duck hunters on the flight deck the last two days and they are incredible at hearing and spotting the birds as well as identifying many species for me. Or maybe it isn't so odd, people who like to eat wild birds still have great reverence for them, maybe even more than those who only take their pictures.

David, I am loving the beanies with gum idea here. I remember that gum in my hair caused me to give myself at 4 or so my first self induced hair cut so Mom wouldn't notice...

Another thing, David, I saw three and a half year old QUADRUPLETS in the hotel lobby yesterday morning. I swear they screamed in unison with choral voice range. 3 boys and 1 girl. It took both parents and two grandmothers just to get breakfast (mostly) in them.

Beanie, beanie, who wants a (free) telenovela beanie? David, I wish I had known sooner that the twins would be at your house. I'd have set them up with little beanies - sans propellers or gum. Do they like baseball? I've got a cute pattern for tyke-size baseball caps.

So far Sylvia, Carlos and Cheryl have a telenovela beanie. Vivi's is ready to mail and JudyB's is in the works. I have two more ready to send out, one definitely for a woman, the other will do for anybody.

Just send me your address - home or work - and I'll be happy to crochet you one. First come....
My e-mail is emartin105 at I'm not really taking custom orders or this could take forever, but feel free to tell me what color you hate and name a few favorites.

Oh yes, thank you, Amy for a wonderful recap. I can't imagine typing in English and watching in Spanish - zounds! And Cheryl does it also. Recappers rock!!

Okay you teaser, Sylvia, you! If you don't want to give us your Blanca theory, would you consider giving us her alias last names?

I also think there is more to her story, but dang we've got a lot to squeeze in here at the end: Chema dying, true identities of Rob and Ren, Blanca/Fina mayhem, birth of the gemelos, Gonzo's recovery, Roberta single handedly destroying Empresas Monterrubio, etc.

I do hope Coni gets to keep that baby. I so want to see her with her hair in a ponytail, wearing sweats, no makeup, you know... basically dressed like me.

Thanks Vivi and Blue Lass for the clarification on what was meant by "son pareja". I look forward to watching En Pura Sangre. I am definitely a Sylvia Navarro fan now.

R la O

So I wonder - at the Grammys was Sebastian Rulli wearing that horrible shaggy chin-rug (beard) because of the part he is currently filming? Not attractive!

I think I was so shocked by his appearance, (and distracted by Sylvia Navarro) that I didn't pay attention to the little that he said. I was curious about his real accent. According to a Mexican friend, his Mexican accent in the telenovelas is so flawless, that she can't tell he is not Mexican. I certainly never noticed any slip, and I have noticed them with several other Argentinian actors including Soler who barely disguises his accent.

Cheryl! It's early in Nov yet, but I remember being out on the flight deck before dawn at the end of Nov and it being 9 degrees!!! The batteries in my camera wouldn't work because it was too cold! Hand holding a 500mm lens? Yikes! Birds-in-flight photography is a lot of fun. The gimbal type tripod heads do a pretty good job of supporting a heavy camera body and lens for flight shooting. Anyway, if it weren't for the dunk hunters (like Ducks Unlimited) we might not have nearly the number of wildlife refuges we have now which has been great for ducks and birds in general. But then again, they might also be contributing to the problems of Snow Geese overpopulation ravaging the Arctic. It gets complicated......

Amy - you're really a champ! You can just whip out brilliant stuff on the turn of a dime.


David, I think I was typing while you posted your BeaniesRus question...can i just say there is a major splat stain from my splayed ice tea on my desk I now have to clean up. I can not stop smiling ( that and Purdue just beat Ohio State. Sorry Judy).

But all kidding aside....I would go with the standard propellor model in small. It will help on those moments when you're not available, but the rest of the time, wouldn't you rather have them climbing all over you with big hugs asking "why did they do, huh, why?" And the propellor works as a whirlybird outside in non-TV moments. Two toys for the price of one.!

Audrey, I have come to the conclusion that Rulli should NOT be allowed to dress (or shave) himself. Every time I see him in the real world he looks ridiculous. If every someone needed a personal stylist...

He does have a beautiful voice, though, and such nice diction. The only time I ever noticed an accent was in some of those drunk & enraged scenes in "Teresa," where he had a tendency to slur his words in a particularly Argentine way. ;}

Flores de Azul/Amy:
You are a wonder to be able to recap in real time.Thank you very much. I am late the party today, but I surely agree with all of the previous comments.

Vivi, I do think Silvia and Sebastian look great together. I thought they were quite a nice couple arriving at the Latin Grammys the other night. And I may be a party of one here, but as far as the Grammys were concerned I liked Sylvia's white dress. The green satin coat was a bit over the top but I thought the dress was elegant in sort of a grecian way.

Zeke is not long for this TN, I agree. I suppose we will find out the details of his previous crime, which he managed to hide from all but the omniscient Augustin, before he leaves us. So sad, I like the conflicted character and the actor.

Vivi, I like the title "Dr. Director of the Demented". That's a real keeper. His serives seem to be pretty expensive; a roll in the sack with Blanca AND a maleta full of money. Hmmm...

Lila, ITA about the new guy being given an ownership role at Empresa M. Isn't there any such thing as due diligence in DF? Oh, I know, they hired the same expediter to get Hernan on board as Chema's dad hired to get the restaurant up and running. I wonder if he workd in California? I could use his services for a couple of pet projects.

David I LOL at your description of the TN BeaniesRUS store. Your modifications to the twins' hats sound like they will work just fine, although suspending disbelief isn't as hard for them at 15 months at is probably is for their Grandpa and all of us here at Caray, Caray at our ages.

As to Marina and Jero, give me a break. Amen to both Vivi and Sylvia's comments. How involved do you have to get with someone to have a one-night-stand? Marina needs to pay for an excellent shrink to toddle on over to her place of confinement and treat her magical thinking and denial. She should have plenty of time to work on herself while she is on complete bedrest. Or wait! Perhaps we could direct her to David's TN Beanie website? Maybe it could work for an actor stuck in a telenovela plotline that is irritating and makes no sense!


Blue Lass:

You are too, too right about Rulli. The other night he was dressed perfectly—if he was going to a parent teacher conference at his kids' school. For the Grammys? NO.


@Daisynjay...I'm in mourning but must say that Purdue deserved to win. We were outplayed and outcoached as Bobby Knight used to say.

I'm glad you enjoyed my little joke. That's about all I have to offer at this point - a little humor and a lot of admiration for your abilities.

Cheryl, it sounds like the quadruplets were being cared for by a committed family. When my daughter was recovering from her C-section and the babies were in the Neonatal ICU there was another patient there who had delivered triplets - the result of a one night stand! She had not seen the father before the night in question nor since.

David in IN

David- Wow! That was a very fruitful one night stand. Was she singing the same tune as Marina? Was the sperm donor "the best man" she had ever known? I hope she had a helpful family like the one Cheryl saw.

Cherly- Let us know once you've put these new bird pics online. They sounds like they'll be spectacular.

Amy, you are one talented lady to be able to translate and type at the same time, thank you.

The recap and comments have been great in spite of this not being one of the best episodes.

When our first grandchild was born in October I told the parents that the only caveat for babysitting, was that said grandchild had to watch the TN with me.


And my dental hygienist said she'd been watching TNs since age five with her grandmother. Now I understand how that happened!

Amy thank you for the great job, I can't believe you are able to post it so quickly! Bravo!

Please don't kill off Zeke! They need to give him a break,poor guy..let him win the lottery and move.

I honestly think that Jero is being too comforting to Marina. In real life I wonder how many men would really be a tiny bit happy if she lost the baby. Then he could go on with his life with Renata and no complications of a baby mamma.
I also found it funny when Marina refered to herself as the mother of his children, PLEASE you dont even have a baby bump yet ! She is really starting to annoy me now!

The entire Chema storyline is too silly. Dad shows up and has everyone lying to him. Please someone tell him the truth.

Blanca's hair looks great in the loonie bin, guess it agrees with her. I saw the Doc holding a letter opener one episode, wonder if they will use it on him.

OH..hubbie is back from Grammy's, I quickly made a blog post so all my fellow caray friends can see the picture he took for me. I am so jealous!

For those of you that asked, he is a wireless mic specialist. Does live shows like Superbowl,Rosebowl, Grammys,Premio etc. He has been doing the Latin award shows before I started watching Novelas. They meant nothing to me back then, now I can kick myself for not ever wanting to attend one! He did get me into a rehearsal at last years Premios. I saw Lucero rehearsing.

The photo with him and his new "girlfriends" as he calls them now..he said they were soooo nice.
In fact they thanked HIM afterwards. But he says that the Hispanic actors are always very gracious and friendly compared to the rude demanding american stars.

"Matilde and Manuela cry "I can't believe it! What a tragedy!". Oh, no"
LOL, great recap Flores de Azul.

I found some clips of "La Duda" online while I was browsing for old videos on youtube. I was doubting wether to put a link or not because the story is so dark and difficult to watch, and the sound is pretty bad so I imagine it could be hard for some to make out what the characters say, but I love Silvia's acting in it.

The two main characteres are childhood sweathearts, Victoria and Gabriel. Gabriel's father, Adolfo, is the best friend of Victoria's but he seduces Victoria's mom so he can use her to steal the silver mines of their family and then he makes her kill her husband to protect her reputation. Afterwards, he dumps her and Victoria's mom spends the next twenty years repudiating Adolfo and trying to get the mines back. Tired of her, Adolfo creates an explosion in one of the mines to kill her and make it appear an accident. Then he decides to get rid of Victoria (who's now involved with his son so he sees her as a threat) by paying one of his henchmen to brutally rape her while he listens, when its over he enters the room to shame her and throw her out of town. Her nana finds her destroyed room and bloody sheets and goes looking for her with their friends, Victoria is found in the mine where her mother died where she vows to never forget what was done to her and her family and to come back one day to get revenge. Here's a part of the scene..


Just to be clear, La Duda is one of Silvia Navarro's leading roles in TvAzteca.


Elle Wow! Hubby standing between Angelique Boyer and Blanca Soto (in that very daring dress she showed off)? What a keeper picture.

My brother is in the music sound business, but he only meets people like David Bowie, Beyoncé, and Pres. And Mrs. Obama LOL!

Thanks so much for sharing


This comment has been removed by the author.

Fabulous picture of the hubby Elle! Wow! How did that Blanca Soto dress look in person? Did hubby say?

Jarocha- Thanks for the link to La Duda. Man, it sounds depressing. It's always cool to see how some of our favorite actors have progressed. SN had great acting chops 10 years ago, and she's gotten even better since then.

Elle, awesome picture! Thanks for posting, what fun.

R la O, Blanca's aliases were Dominique de la Rivera, Maritza del Rio, Blanca Campos. Her surnames all have something to do with nature so I was thinking she might have ties to the country, and the only country in this novela is the WINE country. Anyway, I get the feeling everything's going to come to a head in the Valle de Guadalupe at some point. Funny, her name is Blanca and that's what she's wearing right now.

Jarocha, yikes, La Duda is very dark. Even then SN was a convincing actress. She just keeps getting better and better.

Jarocha..thanks for the clip. It sounds so awful I'm not even going to look (the Penn State debacle is enough evil for me right now) but I do appreciate your wonderful historical info on telenovelas.

Elle...quite a photo, thanks.

Sylvia...way to go lady, of course Blanca must somehow be linked to wine country...looks like we're going to have a gawdawful full circle coming up here. Glad to know those brain cells of yours are whirring.

Sweet photo, Elle! Lucky you to have a husband who will stand between those two beauties just to make you happy!

I agree with you, Elle, about Blanca's hair. It's been gorgeous these last few weeks. Much better than those fake curls she was sporting before.

Ay, Sylvia, I get your drift. Now I am trying to think if there has been any reference to her and the wine country. Evil Augie's evil big sis? How astute of you to pick up on those names.

So, I had a Caray Caray moment yesterday that did not turn out so well. Right before leaving for tailgating I was reading our blog and LMAO at David in IN's beanie story and following comments. Then I was telling my family in the car ride up about that and Emilia's crocheting and let's just say I was "wound", just laughing away, like we all here do.
Then, coincidentally, my husband became the butt of a beanie joke at tailgating and then I inserted what would have been a funny Caray Caray line and everyone looked at me like I was nuts. OMG... it made me realize just how "off" we may be! But, truly you guys are so much more fun than any drunken tailgating group!

Thanks for the laughs,
R la O

I saw Luz in the previews and thought that Alfie, Manuela, and Mathilde were lamenting her kidnapping. Auggie keeping Zeke in line.


RLO, ever since the inspector spouted off Blanca's aliases I have tried to keep my ears open about her past. Nada. Nor has anyone in the wine country alluded to relatives except for Manuela's bulemic niece or granddaughter. That's why I said the theory was kind of out there. Usually we get some sort of clue. If we've gotten a Blanca clue it has eluded me.

My condolences about your friends not getting a Caray Caray reference joke or funny line. I know all too well the blank stares that "normal" people give as a result of those jokes.

Robey, I overlooked your comment. If your take on the preview is accurate it sounds like Luz isn't going to find the wine country so calming after all. I dread the torture that Augustin will inflict upon Ezequiel. This might explain why Ez has not tried to seek other employment at La Bonita; he is fully under Augi's thumb.

I seen that Blanca Soto gal on the show t' other night an' thought, why, that pore chile she cain't afford herself no underdrawers. Now, 'ats just sad.

Can't wait till the next season of "Justified" starts in January. Seriously.

Alas, I digress. Amy! How in heavens name do you / can you crank these lovely, coherent recaps out on the fly like this?

'Tis amazing that the pregnant women seem to only "show" for an episode or two. Otherwise, it's skin tight jeans pre- and post-partum.

David, of course CME should be fine fare for fifteen month old kiddies, but remember the naughty TNs come on at 9 pm or later. Just curious, is Vincennes on eastern or central time.

Silvia has always had the chops and she constantly tries to improve herself. La Duda was dark and depressing. I don't recommend it to those

JudyB It's okay, that's why I told the begining of the story, I didn't want to upset anybody with the scene.


Hi, Mike,

Vincennes is currently on Eastern Standard Time. In the Summer, we are on Eastern Daylight Time, or Central Standard Time.

Our daughter (the mother of the twins) lives in rural Lawrenceville, Ill, 9 miles away, but an hour behind us.

David in IN

Vive in DC,

Regarding your question as to whether the triplet mommy's sperm doner was the best man she'd ever met, I don't really know. Does the word "schmuck" have that as a secondary meaning, because that's how she referred to him.

David in IN

Hey Mike -

I was catching up on some Colbert's and he said something that made me think of you.

In his intro he said "Tonight, we talk about government waste" and the caption read "Waste Line", then he said "Obviously Mitch McConnell needs more fiber". lol And here I thought you and my son were so clever with your State of the Union quips, but it looks like the rest of the nation picked up on it as well.

R La O:

Like you and Sylvia I have so often found myself laughing hilariously at a Caray funny (especially those in my own mind) and had the comment from DH, "Ah, it's hard to get old".

I have tried to get my son who speaks good Spanish or his fiance who is from Costa Rica to join me for a special night of TN fabulousness. My son hugs me and says, "Love ya Mom", and my someday daughter-in-law admits that she has a very snobby prejudice against TNs in general and Mexican ones in particular. Anyway she has to get on a plane on Monday and is trying to catch up on her Wall Street Journal articles. Thank God for Caray Caray where we appreciators of this fine art form can laugh and converse.

EJ and Sylvia -

I am SO happy I am not alone in this "other world" phenomenon. My (what I thought was funny) line at the tailgating party wasn't actually about CarayCaray or CME, but it was just our warped humor that we spend hours on this blog laughing over. What would have gotten lol's from you guys, got me questioning looks from our friends. At least I can laugh at the memory of the looks on their faces!

I do have to admit, tho, that the next day when I was more subdued I thought maybe my line wasn't quite as hysterical as I'd imagined at the time.

Oh well.

Looking forward to tonight. We'll see if Alphi's mascara runs like Kari's or is waterproof like Renata's.

R la O

Well, I think we at Caray are the sane ones and the rest of the world is nuts! That's my story and I'm sticking with it

Can't wait for tonight. Cheryl, are you sharpening your tongue? Love, love your wit!

Rosemary la O, Buzzfeed had a good piece on McConnell yesterday that cut close to the bone:

And to think my home state once gave the US Senate Henry Clay.

EJ- I'm all for snootiness, but not many people can get away with it. "Lost" was a soap opera on an island with evil others (like say Fina and Blanca), and "Downton Abbey" over on PBS is just a novela with a posh accent. I bet we could even find good story lines in WSJ to write into our stories. May have throw in some amnesia or something, but we could make it work.

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