Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #174 Tuesday 12/27/11 “Blood’s Thicker than Mud. . .”

By Lila

“It's a family affair, it's a family affair
It's a family affair, it's a family affair
One child grows up to be
Somebody that just loves to learn
And another child grows up to be
Somebody you'd just love to burn”

Sly and The Family Stone

My friends! I hope everyone had a warm, fuzzy, and awesome Christmas or whatever sacred holiday you cherish. I know you all have been waiting for tonight and I am honored to be your little fly on the wall! I’ve got a lot of places to buzz around to so let’s get to it!

Left Overs

Isidro presses the bank official for final results on Renata’s fingerprints. Renata calling hotels in Vegas looking for Sow-ul and cradling her baby bump, assuring it everything will be all right. Autustin calls and she is brusque and brief with him! Augustin feigns ignorance about Jeronimo’s disappearance and hisses his intention to see her tomorrow, “Mi Amor.”

The painfully swollen Jeronimo deliriously mumbles Lazaro and Matilde’s names and unclogs the cogs in Sabina’s noggin. She’s knows Jero is the Patron missing from La Bonita!

Served up Hot Tonight

At Empresas Monterrubio: Germy and Berta bid farewell to Gonzo, off to “take care of business.” Berta pretends to be concerned about the goings on with Jeronimo and Renata, Gonzo gazes sternly from under his brow at Germy, and instructs him to take good care of his daughter. I’m sure he will, Gonzo.

Over in Hon’s office, he and Matias are joined by Adri who has confirmed that Germy and Berta have an appointment outside the empresas. They speculate about how they’ll be received when they crash the love nest. Adri mocks Roberta’s probable copping of a plea of abuse by Germy. Matias asks about the impact of this illicit rendezvous on the empresa. Hon’s bottom line is no matter how accomplished in business, Ibarrola has abused the confidence of the Monterrubios with his accosting of Beth and his bedding of Bert.

We’re with Gema now, lost in thought and sepia-toned flashbacks of Germy begging off from their spending time together during his weekend business trip. . . her shrug and shake of the head tells us she didn’t buy his story that it’s a boring good ole’ boys weekend.

Now we’re back in Saul’s former office where Marina and the Nurse are rifling through his things looking for evidence of the bastard’s whereabouts. They jimmy open a desk and Marina examines what looks like bills and a matchbook from a hotel.

Ah. . . now we’re in Isidro and Ines’ house where Ines, Connie and Regina chat about how well the women at the Center have recovered from the drama of the previous week. In files Gonzo, Isidro and Tony. Gonzo and Regina are expectant but nervous and want to get to the point. Isidro and Ines share a look of delighted anticipation.

Not yet. . . .Speaking of delight, we cut to Fina sniffing and caressing wads of Euros, Pesos and Dollars informing the cash with a grin that soon she will be far away from here, poised to complete the job she started 25 years ago. She, too, is swept away in a reverie of remembrance of the day she kidnapped baby Regina (Renata). We are forced to relive the day she hired a goon to create a distraction by stealing Regina’s purse as baby Regina/Renata was grabbed. (Yes, writers, stoke the fires of hatred for this miserable, self-centered, psychopathic wretch whose hatred for the woman SHE tortured has not abated in all those twenty five years. Thus we can more completely enjoy her demise!) Fina details her plan, never missing a beat in her counting or cackling: She plans to reveal Renata’s true identity as Regina’s Daughter after she and Roberta have left for Switzerland with the inheritance money but by that time Renata will be dead. Fina cynically pats herself on the back for having “let” Rentata live for many years but now her hour has come: She plans to kill Renata!

Back at Isidro’s. . . were Regina is reminded of the process they had to go through to verify that Roberta was indeed the baby she gave birth to and which was stolen from her: Roberta’s fingerprints had to be compared with those on the birth certificate of the child she gave birth to. Regina’s face is frozen in a kind of disbelieving suspense but Ines looks almost radiant as she declares that fingerprints never change from the time we are born. Gonzo gives words to the suspense which has congealed in Regina’s face: “Where are you going with all this?” Thus comes the words we’ve been waiting for:

“The analysis reveals that the fingerprints of Roberta do not correspond to those on the birth certificate of your daughter,” states Isidro.

“Como?” Regina begins to thaw.


Regina protests that this can’t be! The DNA tests confirmed that Roberta is her daughter. Isidro calmly and firmly maintains he doesn’t know how but the DNA test results were wrong: Roberta is NOT the daughter that was stolen from her.

Connie, as jubilant as Ines beams that she knew all along that Roberta couldn’t be her daughter cause she’s nothing like Regina or any of the Monterubbios. Gonzo has picked up the glow now. “If Roberta is not Regina’s daughter then does this mean that Renata is?” With this question Regina begins to allow the shock to melt away. . . until Gonzo suggests maybe it’s neither of them and this is a further lie of Josefina!

Back at Monterrubio Mansion Renata is, of course, oblivious to all the high drama swirling around her identity as she continues her search for Saul and thus clues to the whereabouts of Jeronimo. Panchita announces and then ushers in Marina who gives her the hotel papers from Saul’s desk. Renata immediately begins to call the number on the papers.

Back at Isidro’s. . Antonio speaks: ”Regina, I promised you I wouldn’t rest until I found your Daughter and God has allowed me to complete this mission. It gives me great pleasure to tell you that we found your Daughter and now there is not the least doubt. Regina, the daughter that you have searched for almost twenty four years is no other than Renata, Renata Monterrubio. Renata Monterrubio and Regina Gamba Soberon are the same person and here is the proof.” Antonio’s solemn words are tempered with a soft smile as he hands Regina the documents. Regina gasps and stares at the papers. . . .

Again we’re with Renata as she asks in English if Saul is staying at the hotel. She gets a yes and hands the phone to Marina as it rings. Ugh! I, for one, could have done without this shot of Saul’s hairy gams. . .or, whatever they’re called on guys (notice I’m not calling her Maritata!). When Saul answers Marina completes the ruse by asking in English for Edward Smith. Saul answers, also in English that no, she has the wrong room. “It’s him!” whispers Marina. Renata promptly proposes they take off for Vegas to trap this first third of the Rat Pack. Marina is persuaded by the Velvet Steamroller that is Renata. You go Girl! Her 57 varieties of tears are sooo last week.

“Renata is Regina’s Daughter!” “Say it loud and there’s music playing. Say it soft and it’s almost like praying!” Gonzo fairly sings. “Then, my real Daughter is Renata?” Regina asks, joy struggling to flutter from her heart to her tear-streaked face. “Of course,” Connie joins the chorus: it all makes sense why Fina always treated Renata better, it all makes sense. Ines reminds Regina how Regina herself has always felt a special, inexplicable connection to Renata. “Yes, I always felt the call of the blood,” cries Regina, the smile having made it to her face, to her eyes. “But I thought Roberta was my daughter,” Regina cries. “But the fingerprints don’t lie!” Ines beams. “Renata IS your Daughter!” Ines sings the happy chorus. Gonzo begins putting the pieces together, Renata’s heart defect added to the confusion. (Gonzo gives us insight into how he was able to live under the same roof with Fina and never notice her emotional abuse of Renata and Matias: after two baby abductions, feigned brain tumor and insanity, theft, realized and attempted murder, he attributes this to a failure or confusion, not a deliberate manipulation . . .) Antonio repeats his earlier confirmation of Renata as her Daughter, this time with a smile that brightens even his beady eyes and sweeps around the room.

Phew. After that emotional intensity we’re in the kitchen of La Bonita where Alfonsina, holding her impossibly fat and cute baby discusses the likely murder of Ezekiel with Laz and Kari. Alfie wonders if Mal-icio knows anything. Laz warns her to keep her distance from Melesio, that he is baaad news. The toss of Alfie’s head tells us she’s got other ideas.

The dynamic duo with Jero’s trio in tow make their way down the escalator at the airport.

Gonzo gently explains that this is the answer to the photograph confusion: the first picture Fina sent to Regina was actually her Daughter, Renata. She argues again that she herself took Roberta’s brush which was submitted for the DNA test. Isidro suggests that the hair brush may not have been Roberta’s and Fina may have switched the names on the toothbrushes. Regina rides the emotional pendulum between excitement over knowing Renata is her daughter and back to despair and confusion and then alarm: How will she ever tell Roberta? How will she take it? Regina knows that they all don’t trust Roberta but she has grown to believe her and treat her like a daughter. She is afraid it will break her heart! Ines comes close to Regina and meets her at eye level: “And Renata. What about Renata? Hasn’t she suffered enough thinking her mother was a crazy killer?” Overtaken by a new wave of deliriously joyous tears Regina cries that she is dying to see Renata and hold her in her arms. “I always loved her before I knew she was my Duaghter, now I love her even more!”

. .but she does not want to forget Roberta, she does not want to hurt her. Ines gently delivers a verbal wake up slap that Gonzo feels when she reminds Regina that she herself not only had doubts Roberta was her daughter but thought she may even have been in cahoots with Fina. Gonzo is like “Como?”. Damn straight says Ines (or the equivalent thereof) . . .Ines says she thinks not only has Roberta continued to see Fina but is involved in this whole “error” (Ines punctuates with big air quotes) of DNA results. Gonzo wants someone to explain how they could possibly have these suspicions.

Valle de Bravo, Estado de Mexico. Ahhhh, it’s the “business” meeting and Berty and Germy are just arriving.

I think we’ve been spared the surely arduous task of clueing Gonzo in on Berta’s machinations with mommy. He gets it but Regina denies its possibility. Gonzo agrees with Isidro that before the girls are told about this “new” revelation about their identities, it must be determined if Roberta has been Fina’s accomplice all this time. Regina continues to protest. Connie maintains firmly that Regina must remember that Fina is not only Roberta’s mother but raised her as well imparting all her eeeevil. Regina can’t understand why? Why did Fina do this to her? Ambition and Money offers Brother Antonio. Pepa has been after the money Roberto left his Daughter when she turned twenty five. Gonzo and Isidro want to entrap Roberta by letting her think she is getting her inheritance and then following her as she seeks out Fina as she surely will. Connie is concerned about Renata being left in the dark. She has a right to know Fina is NOT her mother and Regina is. Regina agrees and wants to tell Renata herself and embrace her as her Mother. Gonzo says it’s a plan: They can count on Renata’s discretion but not a word to Roberta! By George! I think he’s got it!.

Back at the airport Renata questions Marina about how well she knows Saul, if she knows if he was capable of hurting Jeronimo. Marina doesn’t have much confidence in him though she doesn’t know what motives he would have for hurting Jeronimo. . .unless it’s for money which he loves more than anything. Who could provide him with that kind of money? Marina muses it must be someone who wanted Renata and Jeronimo separated. Hmmm. Who could that be? Marina says perhaps Augustin. Renata has her Gonzo moment: “How could you possibly think that of Augustin.” Marina spills Augustin’s proposal that she ally herself with him to break Renata and Jero up. A proposal which she, of course, declined. Cara impactada de Renata.

Pissypants knipps at Carlos’ heels, ragging him about Matilde as they walk amongst huge shiny stanless vats of wine. He fires her ass. Nuff said.

Anibal and Alison are sitting in the parlor at La Bonita. Anibal has decided to tell all on Auggie. Alison snags Laz and Carlos to listen as Anibal tells them of Augie contracting Saul to stop Jero and Renata’s wedding.

Alfie follows her boobies through the shiny, plastic, amber beads of a curtain in a cheap little cantina where Melecio sits at a table. She asks to join him in a copita of tequila to drown the sadness that clings to her over that stupid Eziquel who took his own life. She throws the copita back in one quick swig and Melesio inhales the heat rising from her bosom and moves in to retrieve the tequila from her throat but she turns away. “That damned coward, leaving me, leaving his children.” Melesio swallows hard and eyes her breasts as if they each coo as sweetly as does Alfie’s pouting lips.

Back at La Bonita Anibal is on a roll. He tells of how he saw proof on Auggie’s computer that he was investigating Marina and Saul. Alison helps tell how Auggie threatened to kill Anibal for messing with his computer. He told Anibal that he could not abide traitors. Carlos and Laz want to get their hands on the proof!

Regina and Gonzo back at former Hell Hacienda look for Their Daughter but are given a note from Renata saying that she and Marina have gone to Vegas! Say What? Go Gonzo and Regina.

Super Laz, Carlos and Super Anibal in training sneak over to Cruz Sin Amor just as Augustin is leaving. They whisper to each other that Auggie is probably going to Mexico City to look for Renata, so they’re in luck. They tip toe through the blue haze of night into his study and have their hands on his computer when. Doh! Auggie forgot his cell and has come back! They scatter like cucarachas when the light comes on. His maid comes in and hands him his cell and he thankfully leaves right away, barking on his way out. Whew! The Tremendous Trio grab the lap top and high-tail it back to La Bonita.

Now we are with Hon, Matias and Renata as he relays to them from Connie that it is confirmed that Renata is Regina’s Daughter. They grin with glee and hug. Renata will find out that her mother is not a demon but a Saint and finally she is going to have some happiness after so many disgraces. (Ouch! I know there’re only two weeks left but Adri, tempteth not more anvils!) Ok, Hon reminds them to stay focused, that they’re on a mission. Adri whips out her camera and off they go.

Roberta and Germy clad in their post-business attire enjoy glasses of wine and afterglow. Their slurping and stroking shares the screen with the urgent yet quiet strides of the Bod Squad. Busting these two bods, that is. Click, goes the camera as we catch the canoodling duo in the center of the frame. The second click catches Germy wide/wild-eyed impactado. Germy has the nerve to demand what are THEY are doing there? Hon, Mat and Adri take turns ripping in to them: Germy has not only shown a glaring lack of respect for Gonzalo Monterrubio and the entire Empresa but an absolute lack of trustworthiness. Their age difference is cited, that Roberta could be his daughter. But she’s not, she shouts and tries to throw them all out. Adri smiles sweetly that yeah, they’ll leave and take with them the evidence of what kind of people they are. She chides Germy for being a man that likes to extract youth through trysts with young women but lets him know that Roberta would never be with him if she thought she couldn’t extract money from him! Hon parts with you two are birds of a feather and Gonzo is going to know of this right away!

“BUENAS NOCHES!” salutes Gema as she marches in! Time for Germy to swallow hard as Roberta looks off with a “well I’ll be dipped” look.

Back at La Bonita. . .Anibal, Laz and Carlos run in with the lap top and Anibal furiously pounds the keys as Kari, Mati and Alison look on. Oh crap! Auggie changed the password! They start a guessing game.

Gema demands an explanation and Germy stammers, “How did you know we were here?” This is a cue for big mouth Berta to have the nerve to accuse The Bod Squad of telling on them. Gema lets them no that she didn’t need any information from Roberta’s family nor did she know they were there. She had her suspicions and investigated with Beth. Germy had fallen in his usual pattern of being artificially attentive to her. A sure sign that he had another “chippy” on his shoulder. She asks why indeed are they there and Adri shares that they, too, had suspicions and came to unmask them. Adri smiles and waves her camera as Gema turns to Germy and whollops him so hard Adri gasps and grabs her own face! Oh Lord, man, just. shut. up. He tries to say he and Roberta only have a business relationship. Well, it’s the second firing of the night. Gema makes a present of Germy to Roberta, but she can have him as he was a few minutes ago – butt nekkid - and how he was when she met him - without a dime! He’s free to keep seducing young tarts of easy virtue like Roberta. Germy gulps like a guppy but no words come out.

Uh. Help me out here. Who’s bed is Auggie laying on as he calls Renata’s cell phone? Creep-o-lah! This is the second third of the Rat Pack! Panchita answers and tells him Renata isn’t in the Hacienda de los Huevos Grandes. For a minute I though she was going to tell him she went to Las Vegas! Phew! Augustin curses that she’s not at home crying in pain.

The La Bonita hackers have run out of steam. Kari suggests Anibal have at it again after some rest.

Aye. Pobrecito de Jeronimo. (Man! Televisa does hellified makeup no?) Jeronimo is actually doing better than he looks, his temperature is under control. Sabina has been thinking about the things Jeronimo mumbled. Sabina is resolved to look for Matilde’s phone number and call her: she is convinced there is a connection.

Roberta nags Germy as they leave the Luuurv Shack. He’s an imbecile, he should’ve been more discrete and no one would’ve found them. .Germy’s turn: How was he to know her family was on to them and she need not play the innocent with him, she’s certainly done this before. She tries to defend her honor by warming the side of his face Gema didn’t fire up but he catches her hand and wrenches it down. He refuses to let her put all the blame on him. To her question what happens to us he answers you need to try to straighten things out with your family as I try to do the same with my wife. Roberta fires back with her disappointment and anger that Germy did not protect her as he promised. Germy reminds her of how he covered the money she embezzled from the business. This brings Berta down a notch and she tries a different approach. She wants to know why Germy doesn’t go to Gonzo and tell him Roberta did indeed think it was a business meeting but he tricked her. No, Germy is not going to make a fool of himself in front of Gonzo with that cock and bull story. Roberta begins to whine. “Why did you tell me you loved me and would leave your wife for me?” (Need help with his reply): “Como, por que iba a mentirle?” Because I lied to you?

Regina, Connie and Gonzo at Connie’s: Regina is talking to Antonio on the phone who is in the Church. She tells Antonio that Renata and Marina have gone to Las Vegas. Antonio tells her he thinks it best that he return to Valle de Guadelupe, that he may be of some help there to find Jeronimo. She thanks him for keeping his promise to help her find her Daughter. She will never forget him, nor never be able to thank him enough. Antonio looks like a man at peace.

Gonzo and Regina face Connie. Regina asks where Hon, Mat and Adri are? “Well, I won’t hesitate to tell you now that you know Roberta is not your daughter. As a matter of fact this proves that she is the spawn of satan, I mean, Fina, aw, same thing.” Gonzo wants to know what Roberta has to do with the whereabouts of Hon, Mat and Adri. “Because, they went to expose German and Roberta. They were not on a business trip but they were spending the weekend together because THEY ARE LOVERS.” Regina is stunned, Gonzo is stern and turns with pursed lips to look at Connie as the color drains from his face.

Preview: Fina and Roberta kiss and make up and then are surrounded by police; the third member of the Rat Pack, Saul, is confronted in the middle of the casino by Renata and Marina: Jackpot! He spills the truth like a slot machine spilling coins!

Thank you for your attention, my friends! Let the revelations continue as this year and our time of scholarly voyeurism come to an end. I’ll see you in comments but let me take this opportunity to thank you for letting me ramble and rant at you like this, it’s been fun and I hope you enjoyed it too. It’s wee hours so I’ll see you all later in cyberspace! I wish you all a New Year full of Peace, Prosperity and Love!


Awesome recap Lila! I'm glad you got tonight's episode. Your enthusiasm is perfect for the wonderful revelations and actions of tonight.

You are really on a musical tear tonight. First your excellent and eerily appropriate Sly and the Family Stone lyrics, then the "Maria" lyrics from West Side Story, and we almost had "The Rain in Spain".

Heh, great description of the Alf and her boobies meeting up with Melecio. I had a good laugh at that one.

Super Anibal in training, LOL!! Also loved "they scatter like cucarachas". All in all this was a great scene. Augustin was so busy ripping on the housemaid for "moving" his phone that he didn't even notice the good guys in their terrible hiding places.

Another great scene, the unmasking of Germy and Berta. I LOVED the dressing down that Gema gave to Berta. You go girl!

Thanks Lila, you have a great way of phrasing things so that they are at their absolute funniest. You are a gem for staying up late and getting this done in record time.

"Spills the truth like a slot machine spilling coins" -- Excellent, Lila!

Fina is a special kind of evil to kidnap a baby, raise her to adulthood, then plan her murder. May her fate be as ugly as that.

YOU are thanking US, Lila?? Oh we have so much to thank YOU for. This was a real rip snorter of a recap and a rip snorter of an episode. You pulled out all the stops.

The main business, of course was the reveal to Regina. Your description of the way she slowly understood and processed the news and the joy was beautiful.

I had a couple of favorite more minor moments. Adriana with her impersonation of how Roberta would try to justify herself whe she was caught -- priceless.

My favorite YUCK moment was Auggie sprawled on the bed at his hotel wondering why Renata wasn't at home wallowing in hurt and pain -- how low can he go???

Favorite lines:
-- Fina details her plan, never missing a beat in her counting or cackling:
--Marina is persuaded by the Velvet Steamroller that is Renata. You go Girl! Her 57 varieties of tears are sooo last week.
--he dynamic duo with Jero’s trio in tow
--Alfie follows her boobies through the shiny, plastic, amber beads of a curtain in a cheap little cantina

Oh heck! I could go on quoting you all morning. What a masterpiece, Lila. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thanks for posting and thanks for your kind words, Cap'n! It was late and I'm afraid I messed up my Rat Pack count. Melesio (whose name I spell differently each time for some reason) is Rat number two and Saul number three. Oh well, that's just something the Vegas locale suggested to me.

I tried to just tell the story without any comments to let the reader draw their own conclusion but it was impossible! The "intervention" of Hon, Matias, Adri AND Gema at the love shack was just priceless and earlier when Regina finally learned the truth my Daughter and I were cheering and high fiving. Poor Regina sure was on an emotional roller coaster, wasn't she?

Now. If they're going to trap Roberta tomorrow, I can't see them getting Fina so "easily." That slimy slut is going to slip away and I forsee a deadly and dramatic showdown. Please don't let her even lay eyes on Renata again. The revelations have not fully developed so everybody is going to get a good episode but, yah, I did enjoy this! Okay, y'all have at it, always love the comments and any corrections or insights!

Thank you and bless you Urban and Guera, I'm going to miss this ego-stroking! So Auggie was at a hotel? Seeing him lying on the bed calling Renata was scary! I thought we might witness some more auto-erotic phone pleasurin'. Yikes!


Lila thanks for your great recap. You captured so many nuances of this fast-paced episode quite well.

So glad Regina now knows that Renata is her real daughter and that Tony could redeem himself in the process.

I know Fina's evil but the plan to kill Renata seems to be a new low. As UA noted, she is going to get a special kind of punishment by the end of this TN.

ITA the description of Alfie and her girls was hilarious. And the Germy/Berta set up was great too.

When the LaB boys finally crack Augie's password, I wonder what other gems they will find? Hopefully they'll have enough evidence to put Augie in jail (though with his body count I'm not sure jail is appropriate).

It seems as though they are wrapping things up and outing the bad guys (and gals) this week. Will they actually allow some reconciliations before the end --

-- and then go off on the big thriller of chasing down Fina and saving Renata from her clutches.

( I agree Lila, Fina will escape the trap because her demise must be more dramatic)


Oh, Lila, this was so fun. You sure had a lot of great stuff to recap and you did it amazingly!! Thanks so much for all your recapping skills. What we would have done without you?

Where to start last night on the fun stuff? And why did I keep getting the old Mission: Impossible theme music playing in my head all night?

Loved having the Super Moms-to-Be working together to trap Saul. My opinion of Marina is getting better. Still not feeling warm and fuzzy on her eventual outcome on this TN. And just maybe, she has lit the light over Nata's head on Auggie's involvement.

As for the fearsome threesome, I was screaming--cell phones people!!! Laz/Carlos, call Nata and tell her what Anibal just told you!! Loved your imagery on these guys.

As for all our sleuthing results on Roberta/Renata: yippee!! Again, so not typical TN where we have to wait for this type of reveal on the Grand Finale day. Now get those two, and Gonzo, together so they can fill Renata in. She needs some good news. (I'll lay in the kleenex for that scene for sure.)

Anyone else get a little shiver with that Toni in the church scene. He looked almost saintly and too content and I started thinking, oh no, are we getting warned he's about to be a sacrificial lamb?

The episodes are getting fun and I like that we aren't getting just strung along waiting for the last two hours. Going to miss this one when it's over. Hope our next 7:00 pm entry is a good follow-up.

Thanks, Karen! You know, I feel sooo antsy seeing Anibal with that computer. They need to get that thing back to Auggie's posthaste! I'm still afraid for him. I don't think the writers would let Auggie kill him, but I don't want him to be involved in his own Dad's death either! Who is that that envisioned Auggie boiling in a vat of wine or something? Fitting!

Yah, Daisy, didn't Marina give off some good vibes last night? I just couldn't call her Maritata. How are they going to resolve this when these three buns are ready to come out of the oven?! Re Antonio, ITA that the writers make us temper our joy with fear of crashing anvils, don't they? Yah. Big fun!!



Wow, Lila! Once again you work your magic. Excellent.

What a great episode... it left me breathless but wanting more.

Love Renata's impulsive resourcefulness. "The game's afoot! He's in Vegas? Hey, no problem. Grab a bag and let's go... time's awastin'."

Something else I love... I could listen to her speak English all day long.

Lot's of great facial expressions in this: Inés' joyful anticipation, Germy's shocked surprise, Roberta's "Oh crap, just what I needed.", and especially Gonzo's patented bewilderment.

You had a spectacular episode and made the very most off it. Good job.


Checking in before going back to family time. Lila I loved the recap and I loved this episode. Fingers crossed that I can convince the fam to let me watch tonight too.

I lauged out loud when at one point Gonzo exclaomed I don't understand anything! That summed him up right there. But I still love our bewildered papa. Love the road trip. Two pregnant Mexican ladies in Vegas. Sounds like a set up for a fun comedy.

Thanks, Doc Carlos! I hope I'm fortunate enough to watch the next one you do: your observations, recaps and comments are as fun as laughing gas and sharp as a scalpel! This HAS been fun, hasn't it?


Thanks, Vivi! I'll send positive vibes that your fam sees it really is an act of love to let you look in on our friends in CME and share with your Caray fam! Hey, still 'tis the season!


Lila, your recap is a masterpiece, thank you.

My favorite part of last night was Gema and her hand gestures. I really like that lady but do not understand what she sees in Germy. It is good that she is on top of Germy's tomcatting around.

Is it the air or the water in the wine country that makes everyone stupid. The characters get to DF and it is like a light bulb moment for them, even Marina is becoming smart and almost likeable.

Looking forward to tonight...

Rosemary #1

Lila - Excelente, m'dear! Thanks for your thoroughness and humor. Perfect title for this episode. Your rat pack theme was awesome. (Totally OT, the best Rat Pack book I ever read was Sammy Davis Jr.'s Why Me?, in case anyone gets nostalgic after reading Lila's re-cap.)

Lots of great lines, with my favorites being:
-"Damn straight" says Ines
-Alfie follows her boobies
-By George, I think he's got it!

Gonzo had to have inherited that huge company. He is too much of an airhead to have gotten it up and running.

I loved Gema's BUENAS NOCHES! She's such a fun lovable minor character. I hope she does leave Germy penniless, but doesn't punish EM in the process.

We call this our "Study Group", but Lila may have more aptly recognized it as "Scholarly Voyeurism".

Is there time for the babies to be born? Can Marina go from teeny to healthy 7 lb twins in two weeks? Alfie did it. I kept thinking they'd be born on the same day as Renata's in a Come Full Circle moment, but she certainly can't deliver in 2 weeks either.

Little Baby Luz is soooooooo cute!

Right on cue, my word verification is: ratinali. Lots of rats in this episode, and we're not talking about those cute trained ones we all enjoy.

Thanks again, Lila.

Rosemary la Otra

Rosemary la O,

"Can Marina go from teeny to healthy 7 lb twins in two weeks?"

Yes... 2 words:

meses despues


Dear Lila:

Thank you for a brilliant recapitulation. I don't know what work you do in the world of everyday life, but I sure hope it involves writing. You have real talent, IMHO.

And your writing has the ENERGY to match the manic unfolding of this episode. Good grief, could the writers squeeze any more action into an hour-long-episode?

There are so many gems to pull out of this recap, but I'll start with this one:
"Not yet. . . .Speaking of delight, we cut to Fina sniffing and caressing wads of Euros, Pesos and Dollars informing the cash with a grin that soon she will be far away from here, poised to complete the job she started 25 years ago."

Here you perfectly captured Josefina's little self-reflexive world consisting of Fina, Money (her real lover) and revenge for imagined wrongs. Knock out observing and writing again.

Thank you, Lila.


Daisynjay, yes indeed poor Tony looked positively saintly in that shot. He has fulfilled his purpose so is he once again...spare? Hopefully he will move on to become important somewhere else because we know what can happen to the spares in this show.

Alfonsina's not the sharpest tool in the shed. I hope she's careful in her dealings with Melesio.

Lila, you asked about Germy's response to Berta, "Como, por que iba a mentirle?" I got the feeling he was being sarcastic, like "Gee, why would I lie to you?" meaning, "Duh dumba$$, figure out for yourself why I would tell you I loved you, it was the easiest way to get what I wanted."

I just loved this action filled episode after a couple of days of dragging our heels. I liked how Honorio didn't waste any time at all calling Gonzo. Man he was punching in the numbers before he even got to the door.

Thanks again Lila, absolutely superb recap.

Carlos - I love when shows do meses o anos despues! Let's hope it all gets wrapped up like that.

The best ending EVER was Six Feet Under ff'ing thru time for 60 years. Maybe CME will do something fun too.


Wasn't Julieta Rosen great last night? I loved watching Regina's bumpy—but ultimately happy—emotional ride. Lovely reveal and I am so glad we have a few day to savor the moments of Regina—and her friends' joy.


Yes EJ, I thought her facial expressions were amazing. I'm glad she's going to be in El Talisman.

R la O, one of my favorite all-time endings was the way Newhart (the second Bob Newhart Show) ended. He woke up in bed with Suzanne Pleshette, his wife from his first Bob Newhart show, realizing that everything from the new Newhart had been a terrible nightmare. I don't get HBO so never got to see Six Feet Under. Bummer. Maybe I can check out the DVDs from the library.

Just wanted to post before reading everyone's comments.

Lila: Classic, Classic, Classic. If I tried to put down all my fav lines, I'd practically be reposting your recap. Please tell me you will be recapping one of the new TNs.


Gracias Rosemaries, EJ and Cap'n! Y'all are too kind. The Renata-Regina reunion will be sweet. Can you imagine how explosive our animated and expressive Renata will be? Wow! This thing is going out with a bang for sure!


Robey! Thank you so much! Robey, this little stint has left me more in awe of all my friends who do this week after week, month after month and maintain their sharp observation, humor, freshness and edge all at once! Wow! Don't know if I have that kind of stamina but it is something to aspire to. Thank you so much. I will always be grateful to this show and to all of you for helping me to get my feet wet in this fun, funky, philosophical forum!

Lila ("lowdeed". . .everything Auggie does!)

Wow what a recap Lila! That was awesome!

Too bad I missed this exciting episode. Well not entirely - I did watch it online several months ago. And the recap really brought a lot of the visuals back.

Funny how Roberta thinks she can talk her way out of anything. Germy really has her number. And now everybody else does too - yay!


Mil gracias, Lila! You are such a sharp and witty wordmeister. I enjoyed the whole thing, so much I wished my bus ride this morning were longer so I could read it twice. My favorite turn of phrase, however, was "scholarly voyeurism." Perfect.

EVERYONE has been telling Renata Ughustine is bad, bad news...what does it take for her to believe it?!

Nice to see Marina back to her functional, practical old self. Maybe her pathetic sobby jealous clinginess lately has been the product of hormones run amok, and she'll go back to sanity and she can live happily ever after, amicably sharing custody with Jero and finding some other nice man for herself. I don't want her to have to die, I just wanted her to stop crying and clinging to Jero.

Yay! Carlos finally fired Pissypants. Is he the most conflict-averse dude ever? He could barely even look at her, he just kept walking away while she trotted along trying to slobber on him like a puppy. Thought he'd never actually manage to tell her to go. Carlos needs to take a few lessons in assertiveness from Mati.

Rosemary- I think it's the wine in wine country making people stupid. Esp. Augustin if he picked another password that is guessable.

For Christmas I would like to get all the curanderas of Mexico a working cell phone (satelite phone if they're on an island as in LFDD). Salad on the head and maggots (again LFDD) may be ok, but sometimes a little hospital time might be in order. These curanderas need to be able to call for help next time they find a myterious, beaten-up galan in their path.

I thought it was funny that Renata says she's going to pack a small bag and then shows up at the airport with a great big suitcase. Planning on catching a show or two, ladies?

Whatever bad we've thought about Alfie, at least she knows how to work a bosom. Impressive.


R #1: I too loved Gema's hand gestures. Couldn't understand what she was saying, for the most part, but those gestures told the story.

Thoughts on Berta: How many times did she have things happen to her that gave her opportunities to turn her life around?: finding herself pregnant with Rafael's child, finding out he did not leave her on purpose but was murdered, losing her baby, being accepted and loved by Gina unconditionally, Gonzo nearly being killed and I'm sure other instances I'm not remembering And still she chose the dark side. Such a weak, pathetic person. Now it looks like she's about to get her comeuppance and it didn't have to be. Could have redeemed herself so many times. Estupida.


Thanks, Audrey. Roberta is a case, isn't she? Can't wait to see her face when she knows they know she's been lying and working with her demon-mom.

Thank you, Julia! It IS good to see Marina acting like a level-headed, assertive realist. I don't want her to die either. "How do you solve a problem like Marina?" I just may keep these last couple of months of recordings, it's been a special ride!


Robey, Estupida indeed! Summed up nicely in Berta's favorite word.

Lila, you just added another song to this recaps repertoire. Nice job.

Kelly, as a physician I'm not sure about embracing your cellphones for curanderos. There's always the possibility that if Jerry had somehow found his way into a hospital he might already be an organ donor. Maybe he was better off spending a few days with a salad strapped to his face.

As for maggots... well... they work and work well.


Lila - How do you solve a problem like Marina? So funny!

Sylvia - I also loved that Newhart ending. And they always had such great sheets. Wasn't that ending a spoof on Dallas?

Carlos- I'll concede that wearing salad is better than losing organs. But maggots? Not unless I'm dying and the curandera takes a VERY good count of how many go in, because the same number better come out. How do you say "blech" in Spanish?


Kelly, in the world of mainstream medicine maggots have long been recognized as viable and useful tools in wound management although they do come with an aesthetic downside.


Kelly, I believe the word is "¡guácala!" I'm with you. I guess I would endure maggots if it were a life-or-death situation, but I'd be having a major case of the heeby-jeebies on the side. Sedation might help.

Maybe Augie can get some big wounds and they can put maggots on him. That would be nice. Unfortunately for him, those maggots would then be exposed to radiation that gave them bionic chewing capabilities, and they'd bore right on into his innards and slowly chew him up from the inside and occasionally one would chew its way out through his skin or his nose and laugh in his face. They'd save his brain for last to maximize the suffering.

Julia, although I love the scenario that you spell out for Augie, you're not really helping me garner acceptance here for maggot wound debridement. However it could work out much in the way you describe since maggots only attack and consume rotting flesh. I think that we can all agree that Agustín is rotten to the core.


Oh my Lila...I've had a busy day and very frustrated that I couldn't get to your marvelous recap until now.

Loved your "Leftovers" and "Served Up Hot Tonight"
"bedding of Berta"
"57 varieties of tears"
Your shout outs to Sly, Sound of Music and My Fair Lady.
"Pissypants" and
"Alfie follows her boobies".

Favorite slam-bang paragraph:

"Pissypants knipps at Carlos’ heels, ragging him about Matilde as they walk amongst huge shiny stanless vats of wine. He fires her ass. Nuff said."

That was absolutely delicious. .

As everyone has said, you do have a marvelous way of writing, with lots of Lila's special Tabasco Sauce thrown in to liven up the tale.

Hope you'll continue. I love what you do and how you do it.


"Alfonsina's not the sharpest tool in the shed. I hope she's careful in her dealings with Melesio."

At first I was a bit distressed, but Alfonsina seemed to be on familiar terrain.


Julia- I like it. We'll save the cute and fuzzy maggots for the good guys and leave Augie with the mutated ones. It's what he deserves and thankfully Renata is finally seeing this.


Carlos, luckily Melesio seems like a complete box of rocks, although he could still pose a danger. Your comment about Alfonsina being on familiar ground is funny but also quite true I think. I imagine Mel will come to some sort of unhappy end; couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

R la O, was the Newhart ending a spoof on Dallas? That never occurred to me.

Aw, Lila, you're not really gonna give up the recapping, are you? Couldn't you sub once in a while, anyway? You really do have the gift.

Re Priscilla, did anyone else wonder if she was going to pull an Areli on La Bonita's wine vats?

Re maggots, Carlos, yeah, I remember being told at survival school (has it been 42 years already?) that "the maggot is your friend. it will clean your wounds and provide a source of dietary protein." OK to the first part, and I guess them li'l boogers are gonna find you, but the second part, no, I don't think so.

PS - Julia, survival school was over near Spokane, if you've ever had occasion to visit eastern WA.

It is so nice to see Marina getting her class back. Some people are not cut out for the bucolic lifestyle.

Word du comment is 'kinsu', close enough to something that could be used to slice and dice some of these critters.

Carlos - I remember a car accident victim survived days lost in a ravine because maggots kept her wounds from becoming infected. And don't ignore the health benefits of leeches.

Sylvia - yes, they were playing off the season we all thought Bobby was dead but then Pam woke up and Bobby was in the shower. Lol

Mike, I've been through Spokane many times. Lovely town. Never visited the survival school, though. Is it mostly theory, or did you actually have to try out things like having maggots clean your wounds?

I grew up in a little town in the mountains, and thus was subjected to a lot of wilderness survival training, but fortunately never had to put to use any of the lessons in distilling urine for drinking water or eating insects or self-surgery. Mostly what I learned was: Do NOT get lost in the wilderness!

Fantastic recap Lila. I agree that Marina is acting like a grownup now and it's good to use her proper name.

I wouldn't be surprised if the flirting Alfonsina is doing with Melecio ends up being a huge event. Hopefully he spills the beans on Augustine since he knows everything that's happened. I'm just not sure how complaining about Ezikiel will bring forth the info, but her cleavage is going to be hard to resist for sure.

The password Anibal is looking for has to be Renata related. I think he should have a little time to figure it out since Augustine is out of town.

Lila - I wish to echo Mike in wishing that you'd stay on as a re-capper. I can only imagine the effort put into it, but maybe you and EJ can co-recap again? We love you both!

I feel like those so-called "friends" who nominate you for PTA President, but recapping really is much more prestigious and much more appreciated than PTA President.

(For EJ - I hope you had a chance to read my late thank you to you on Christmas eve day. If you didn't let me thank you again now. It was a great first rate!)

R la O

Robey, you are so right about Berta's multiple chances for redemption which she rejected. Estupida, you said it!

Yeah, Cap'n, we could probably put together our own CME song book!

Julia! You crack me up, you always have such appropriately torturous and gruesome endings for our villans! Love it!

Thank you JudyB. Your comments are certainly nutrious fare in the care and feeding of a budding, dare I say blushing recapper? Thanks Judy!

Hi, Mike. Thanks! I'd love to sub sometimes! You guys and the maggot discussion, especially your "source of dietary protein" is yuckola just before din din!! LOL!

Thanks Cathyx. I worry about Alfie with Melesio. She may get something out of him but at what price? She seems now as determined to clear his name as she was to condemn him before but Melesio is a soulless (sp?) ceretin that he'd dispatch her to the other side in a blink! That situation and Anibal with the laptop stress me out big time!!

Awwww R la O, thank you! You know recapping is so much fun, an occasional subbing would be cool and you guys are so good about filling in blanks and helping with understanding the action! Gracias!


Julia, survival school - as I recall - was about three weeks, about a third in the classroom, a third in "practicums" and a week in the woods & hills about 15 miles south of the Canada border. I think we did dig out a solar still but did not have to partake. And, trust me, we were all really careful about not getting any cuts for the maggots to enjoy.

A good time in that it was three weeks away from San Angelo.


Let me add to the clamor of those encouraging you to continue recapping.

R la O: Thanks for reminding me to look back at your previous comments. Your words are too kind. When you start reading "The Long Goodbye" on your Kindle e-mail me offline (if you like) so we can talk. I LOVE the book and find it to be a brilliant dark classic. You can find me at


Lila, amigita, you caught the fire and ice and poetry with such perfection in this recap. ¡Gracias, gracias! And all your fun spit and snark. Oh what a wonderous ride. So thank you for this masterpiece as your last recap on this last night for you on CME. May the gods grant us more sisterhood in the recapping world. Long live CEM and even longer live Caray Caray. Paz y amor, Cheryl

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