Friday, March 16, 2012

Abismo de pasión #4 3/15/12: Pop Goes The Sleazel

Yeeks! We open with a refresher of Medusa in confession. She acts so possessed I keep waiting for her head to turn 360s. Even the background music sounds Exorcisty. “Es me cuñado” never sounded so satanic.

We then get the expected griping about sis stealing what Carmina deserved and Car being driven crazy by jealousy. Lupe bravely refutes the demon (well, it’s his job isn’t it?), Augusto always loved Estefania, he says. He really lets her have it while she strangles her rosary. Then she starts hissing some drivel about getting money, power and position through Rosendo. Her  green eyes bug out as she bares her white fangs and pronounces that Padre Lupe is now her accomplice because he can’t tell her secret to anyone. He jumps out of the confessional, grabs her and manages to wrestle the rosary out of the infidel's grasp, but otherwise he’s pretty impotent.

Rosendo and Fina argue loudly about Damian and Gael getting caught red-handed pilfering from mom’s purse. Damian overhears and explains the money was for him, not Gael. He lost the money pops gave him and he had to pay for the amulets. He got them so that mom and dad would remember they love each other and stop fighting. Oopsie, out of the mouth of babes.

The pugilistic parents are humbled and dad asks Damian to promise never to take money without asking. He believes his son won’t steal again and to prove it dad reveals to Damian where he keeps the petty cash “in case of emergencies”.  As heir to the ranch it’s time for Damian to know this and act responsibly. Damian gets his 100 pesos from the cofre and they hug, awwwww what a sweet scene.

Over at Casa Castañon they are getting ready for mass. Augusto gets on Estef’s case for confronting Fina but Estefania holds her ground. She says that sort of nasty chisme could affect the children! “ (Would someone please turn that darn music box down!?) Augusto backs down and admits he had a conversation with Rosendo. Fact - Ros is fooling around but wouldn’t say with whom. Elisa joins them and the temporarily happy family heads off to church. Bad hair dad asks will Carmina join them? Estef says no way would Carmina go into a church, not by accident and certainly not for Our Father’s mass. She forgot about option #3.

The local watering hole - Creepy Carmina sees Creepier Gabino ride up and go inside for a snort. Gab spies Lucio at a table and decides to ruin his night. Gab says Lucio might have won the battle but the war’s not over. Thanks for the warning, says Lucio, slamming his drink but looking like he'd rather slam Gab's head into the table.

After Lucio leaves Carmina slithers in and shakes her bootie, I kid you not. Gab bites, he wonders why she’s not at mass with the others. He’s pretty sure Rosendo wouldn’t like to hear she’s at the cantina. “Hey, I’m single, right?  Ya wanna dance?” she coos. Nopis, says the perplexed Gabino, so Carmina grabs another dude and hits the dance floor.

Fina and Rosendo are arguing AGAIN about Gael being Damian’s pal. She just wants to know why Rosendo insists on usurping her authority at every opportunity. (Uh, because you’re an insane, hideous witch who is trying to turn your son into a snotty butthead?) They agree on one thing, living with each other in this house is hell for both of them. Fina rues the day she married him, she should have married a Don Nadie, maybe another man would value her! He calls her hysterical and then hysterically slams the door behind him.

The church bells ring and the whole town gathers for mass accompanied by the choir of angels. Padre Loopy prays about the heavy load he is carrying. Then padre and Gael prepare themselves for the mass, so cute.

Rosendo goes to the stables for a ride just as Gabino trots up with the 411 that Carmina is over at the cantina behaving like a medusa in heat. This causes Rosendo to saddle up and gallop off. He's a busy dude, pithed off wife, demanding slut on the side, life's tough for the hot sauce king.

Now we pay a little visit to the yerberia in the woods where Ramona is giving Paloma a hard time for losing the canasta (basket) of bread and not earning a peso. Paloma says she didn’t exactly lose it and she’ll retrieve it tomorrow. Also, it looks like the birdies died so Paloma thinks Ramona should return the money. (She hasn’t actually been paid yet, has she?) Ramona tells the kid to mind her own business but the poor tyke says her grandma is her business. She doesn’t like it that everyone calls granny una bruja and a bad person. That’s why she doesn’t have any friends, boo hoo. Gran gets nice and tells Paloma not to worry about the birds, she’ll see what she can do to make Elisa happy.

Rosendo finds Carmina strolling into Rancho Castañon. He blusters that she’s his, all his. Prove you love me then, she demands. She wins, he’ll do whatever she wants. “Good, get me out of this damn town,” she hisses. They smear each other with “kisses” or their disgusting version of such.

Fina visits Damian’s room to apologize for the fight but mostly to try, yet again, to stick it to Gael. Why can’t Damian have other friends? He says she doesn’t like any of his village friends. She crazily insists he’s better than all the other kids and she wants to send him away to a good school where he can meet others of his class. Damian’s not happy about mom’s Dickensian dream.

Rosendo and Camila have taken it out of the street and are now snoodling in the bushes. Under a bright light. Yeah sure they don't want to get caught. Ros says he needs a couple of weeks, think of the scandal, no way to avoid it, blah blah blah. That’s why they need to be gone when the mierda hits the fan, says Carmina. He definitely wants to split with her but he can’t help thinking about his son, how much he loves him and doesn’t want to leave him. She feigns sympathy, says she would love to take the boy with them but...but...Rosendo agrees it would be too cruel, not to mention Damian will probably never forgive him.  He says it’s an impossible situation but he can’t break the Tangel-ho habit. More clumsy kissing ensues and I can't bear to watch.

The mass is over and familia Castañon arrive home. Estefania peeps out the back door in time to see Rosendo and Carmina snogging under the trees. Busted!

Carmina sees the lights go on and fears they’ve been discovered. Rosendo says he’ll make up some half-a$$ed tale to explain his presence. She makes him promise on the name of his son that he’ll escape with her. For some reason he doesn’t seem to find this demand completely distasteful and inappropriate.

Elisa is setting the table when Carmina and Rosendo walk in alleging that Rosendo was waiting to talk to Augusto. Elisa stares at aunt Carmina who looks like she just ate a flock of canaries. The kid knows something is up with creepy Tia.

Que haces aqui? asks Augusto. Oh, er, Rosendo was just talking to the cuñada waiting for Augusto to get home. Augusto says that’s kind of weird considering Rosendo and Carmina can’t stand each other. Rosendo claims he stopped by to let Augusto know he’ll sign some contract at work tomorrow. “And you had to come to my house at this hour to tell me?” wonders Augusto.  He asks why Ros is so nervous and preoccupied, did he want to say anything else? Like about the woman he’s in love with?

Estefania confronts Carmina, Car is Rosendo’s secret lover, right? Carmina tries to deny deny deny but Stef stands firm. She saw them kissing in her own garden. How could Carmina steal another wife’s man? Uh, correction, insists Car, Ros and Fina were terminados long ago, she ain’t stealin’ nuthin’. Estef insists Car has no right break up a family. “What? I don’t have a right to be happy LIKE YOU?” whines Car. Estef asks why Rosendo when there are a thousand other guys around? El corazon se manda, retorts Carmina. Estef says Car sure is a great actress, pretending she hates Rosendo. And thanks to Carmina’s affair Fina thinks Ros is having it on with Estef. This misunderstanding is all Carmina’s fault. Carmina pretends to care and weeps her apology. She says what Estef saw was a good-bye. She broke it off with Rosendo, it’s over, she promises, and vows it on the memory of their father. The sisters hug and we get the classic telenovela over-the-shoulder hateful glare from bug-eye Carmina.

The halftime credits roll, mighty car crash, arm wrestling, boobs and biceps, fire and explosion!

Lucio tells Blanca about seeing Carmina blasting out of Rosendo’s office in a fury. They must have been discussing something very serious. Gee, wouldn’t it be weird if she and Rosendo have a thing going?  Blanca pooh poohs him, what would a cualquiera like Carmina see in a married man like Rosendo? Uh, how about Rosendo being a rich businessman and Carmina being an ambitious hussy, Lucio says.

Back to the Fur Elise (For Elise, get it?) music box, signifying we are in Estef’s room. She’s got Excedrin Headache #49 going strong. Elisa hits mom up for the money to pay for the bread. Dad joins them to find out why they’re not at the dinner table. Honestly, says mom, I’m not hungry and I, uh, miss my dad.

Rosendo is back at Hell House. Fina spies on him as he kisses young Damian goodnight. She douses herself with perfume and arranges herself seductively on the bed, but no joy. Rosendo approaches the door, then turns on his heel to sleep on the pull-out sofa. Fina promptly assassinates the perfume bottle, the scent of which causes her to convulse in coughing.

Next morning Elisa visits the church looking for Gael. She has a favor to ask, will he go to take the money and basket to Ramona? He wonders why she didn’t ask Damian? Because it’s very early and his mom’s always mad about something, she astutely observes.

Speaking of witch (not a typo), she’s cheering herself up by abusing the staff. (Reminds me of another Fina I used to  know.)  She sees Damian trying to sneak out, wonders why he’s leaving so early, but lets him off easy because she’s still sucking up to him and hoping he’ll side with her instead of dad. Maid Antonia cheerfully tells Fina that mister Rosendo left very early this morning and was in a big hurry.

Rosendo gallops over to the love shack having been summoned by Carmina. She’s in a dither and says they need to step up their escape plans. Sis discovered they are lovers and is ready to tell the world! Augusto could find out at any minute! Ros momentarily wonders why that matters. He says he’s been thinking, maybe it would be better if they acted like adults and were up front. He would just tell Fina and Carmina could tell Estef how things really are. “Are you crazy?” shrieks Car, “This is a telenovela and we have to run away and endanger the lives of everyone we know!” (OK, I made up that last part.)  She whines about small-town scandal, yada yada, crocodile tears, I want my way.

Damian comes to Padre looking for Gael. Padre Lupe says he left very early with Elisa. Damian tells Padre about the amulets he bought and why, so sad.

Over at the yerberia Gael shows up with the money and basket. Paloma excitedly discovers a doll in the basket and Gael asks about the birdies. Uh oh, Abuela says tell your little friend they’ll come back when they’re all grown up. Ramona gives Gael the stinkeye and wonders if he’s the kid that threw mud on Paloma the other day. Paloma, now friends with Gael, denies it but I don’t think Gran believes her.

Estefania, making yet another plain dress look impossibly beautiful, asks Lolita about Elisa. Lolita says she left very early, just like every other person in town. Estef goes to look for Carmina and finds her own perfume in Car’s room. Que? Augusto discovers her there and wonders what’s up, why is she acting so nervous? Estef admits that she’s worried about her sis, it's that Carmina, well the truth is Carmina...Ack!! Carmina just popped into the room and scared the heck out of me! Anyway, Car tells Estef to shut it but Estef says she doesn’t like to keep secrets from her husband. Carmina pipes up that the truth is, she is leaving the pueblo forever.

Over at the pepper plant Gabino’s back in his work duds. (Why does he wear Deliverance to work but a decent long-sleeved shirt to the cantina?) Rosendo orders him to go to Merida and purchase two plane tickets for New York. Gabino assured Ros that he will demonstrate the utmost discretion. Ever notice how the only people who say that are blackmailing snakes?

Car tells Augusto that she feels like a load always mooching off of them. Nonsense, he replies, she’s a part of the family and is entitled. Where does she plan on going? Oh, maybe France to look for her papa’s family. Augusto asks the obvious question, why so much mystery surrounding such a stupid and inconsequential decision? Meanwhile Estef looks on in disgust. After Augusto leaves Car says she thinks it would be best to put some distance between Rosendo and herself.

Damian and Gael are fighting about Gael going to the curandera’s without him. Gael says he couldn’t go to Damian’s because his bruja of a mother doesn’t like him. They push each other a bit and argue who is Elisa’s best friend. Elisa thinks they are stupid boys so she runs off. They make up and Damian tells Gael about his father trusting him. They confirm they are best friends and do their BFF handshake.

Ack! There SHE is again, popping up and scaring me! Carmina surprises Rosendo at his stable, “Hola mi amor,”  scream-whispers the succubus. He nervously assures her he is moving forward with their escape plans except for one minor detail. He’s owes it to Alfonsina to tell her he’s leaving, but he won’t mention Carmina’s name. Car keeps sliming him with kisses, getting off on the danger of discovery. Suddenly they hear Fina and Carmina scuttles off, leaving the thick aura of betrayal behind. Fina tells Rosendo they need to talk, but then she smells The Perfume of His Lover. It’s on his shirt! It’s in the air! “She’s around, isn’t she??” demands Fina, “That damn woman is around here, hiding somewhere!"

Avances: Elisa overhears Carmina telling Augusto she loves him. The town gossips claim Estefania is Rosendo’s lover.

Dicho of the day:
Antes de que te cases, mira lo que haces: Before you marry, better be wary. (or maybe Look before you leap)


Great recap Sylvia. Wonderful demonic references for Carmina, and totally appropriate, especially succubus.

It's late but I just wanted to get a quick 'Thank you' and 'Great snarky Classic' shout out to you before bedtime. Thes darn kids are just great. Too bad they have to grow up.

I do appreciate this TN taking it's time with the backstory, though. And the production values ant direction are very good so far.

Thanks, Cap'n.

I'm not quite sure where to begin Sylvia. I almost choked on my coffee when I read the title. My smile appeared instantaneously and has not left my face.

The recap was stellar. A greatly pared down list of great lines are: "Medusa in confession", "pugilistic parents" and "bad hair day" were great. My favorite line was "Exorcisty. “Es me cuñado” never sounded so satanic". Perfect!

Elna June, ITA that I don't want the kids to grow up. Especially Gael. I'm hoping hi sweet, kind, vulnerable and loving translate well into his grown up character.

Carmina's sputtering and spewing is disgusting. I hate the trend of everyone invoking the seal of the confessional while gleefully admitting their dasterdly deeds. I love the fact the good Padre tried to take the rosary! I wish he could have done more and I'm sure he does too.

Estefania is not only beautiful but her countenance is as well. She reminds me of Madonna (NOT the singer). What a kind, expressive, pure face. I'm getting a shivering sensation that she is getting in harm's way. Hope I'm wrong.

Thanks Sylvia. You've made my day.

Happy Friday all!


Didn't get a chance to read this yet. Just want to send a shout out to Carlos, JudyB & Anon #2. Congrats on your first steps in the big dance to Baylor, VCU, Ohio State ( and to us as SU)

Güera from Syra=cuse

Haven't had a chance to read this yet (or watch the episode) but the title just made my day!

WOnderful recap, Sylvia!! Love the references of Exorcist and Medusa regarding Carmina... SHe certainly is turning up the creepy factor...

He's a busy dude, pithed off wife, demanding slut on the side, life's tough for the hot sauce king. LOL! good one..

Totally agree that Estefania seems to make a simple dress look like a queen's million bucks outfit... She is SOOO beautiful in ANYTHING, esp with that angelic proper aura.

LOVE your comments aside about Rosendo should be asking 'so what?' to Carmina's fear that Augusto find out about them...
ITA. he should be noticing that.

Diana, ITA 1000% on.
I don't want the kids to grow up. Especially Gael. I'm hoping hi sweet, kind, vulnerable and loving translate well into his grown up character.
i am sure Mark T will be really good in that follow-up... from the clips they showed in promos he won't let us down.

I have a feeling Sabine will excell here in the 'creepiness' factor, and be one of the biggest 'irresistible' markers here.

Totally agree on Lolita, Estefania's maid/countenance looking like a Madonna... and it is still taking me a little time adjusting to Eugenia Cauduro playing a role like that but she is doing well so far.

Sylvia, seriously, I don't know where to start noting the wonders of this recap. Couldn't possibly highlight all the great snarky lines because I would be basically be copying over your whole recap. Just classic!

Sabine is really working the creepy witch factor in this one. I thought she could be annoying in MP, but she has taken it to a whole new level here. I agree, I had a hard time watching some of those scenes last night and I love Cesar. Hopefully she mellows slightly when we fast forward.

I need to watch someone quick who reallyyyy knows how to do a decent lip-lock in this thing. Watch, it'll be Gabino. The horror!

I am also so attached to these kiddies, as much as the shirtless wonders will spice up the screen when they get all grown up, I'm going to miss these cuties, especially Gael. (Yep, still crushing). And I don't want to lose those special Padre/kiddies' moments either. :(

The anvils look they are about to fall and I'm reaaallllly going to hate this, but TN fact of life on these early setup sequences.Good charecters have to bite the dust to set up the story.Still have flashbacks of hating watching Sebastian thru the window in Cuando, even though I got to see him an hour later in Teresa.

Had a thought watching last night--if this whole mess had happened modern day, the whole town would be whipping out their cell phones, taking pictures, sharing on Facebook or email...affair over. When Rosenda asked Sleazeball to go buy plane tickets, my first thought was, hey, just go online...sort of funny to think how different things were 20 something years ago.

Offering my congrats on the b-ball wins too. My guys play St. Mary's tonight. Fingers crossed...

it was time for Rosendo and Damian to have their SWEET father-son scene... so well done!
Estef says no way would Carmina go into a church, not by accident and certainly not for Our Father’s mass. She forgot about option #3. LOL! so true! .. not by a need to blackmail the father on confession.

ITA that Carmina/Rosendo's kisses are disgusting and make me turn my eyes away from the tv...

Fina visits Damian’s room to apologize for the fight but mostly to try, yet again, to stick it to Gael. (another classic of 'how not' of parenting: I love you and i am sorry.. BUT i am right! )

Elisa stares at aunt Carmina who looks like she just ate a flock of canaries. The kid knows something is up with creepy Tia. ROFLOL! good one!

The halftime credits roll, mighty car crash, arm wrestling, boobs and biceps, fire and explosion!
LOVE that description... i bet by biceps you mean the arm wrestling.. NICE!

Lucio is so on track about Carmina and Rosendo... he was also right on the mark about Gabino passing the truck as 'new' when it was used and made over. what an observer!

Back to the Fur Elise (For Elise, get it?) music box, GREAT CATCH!

Rosendo approaches the door, then turns on his heel to sleep on the pull-out sofa.... LOL! he can't even bare being close to this nagging b___

at the love shack scene... Rosendo said the magic taboo word 'Augusto' and that is when Carmina went beserk... she could care less about Estef knowing if it were not for the chance Este would tell bad hair Augie.

LOVED the Elisa, Gael and Damian scene walking in town in the end, such a good setup for the triangle they will go through as grown-ups.

Ack! There SHE is again, popping up and scaring me! ... ROFLOL!! that's what i thought too!

Now i have a question for writers... why did Rosendo have to send Gabino to get their tickets to NY? why couldn't they just flee town and once they are many miles away, he can get the tickets himself... that way noone would know... but here is another secret he is handing Gabino to continue doing what he does best, blackmail Rosendo into dancing to the tune he plays...

you have a good point on them being able to make the story current but had to leave out the technology advances, otherwise, no story.

Wonderful recap Sylvia. You gave me some good chuckles this morning.

Orangina really did pop up everywhere, didn't she? I think her and Rosendo's kissing is supposed to be yucky since it's lustful and sinful. The audience isn't supposed to like it. I was hoping that Gael would see them in the blue house on his way back from Romana's so that all the kids would have a piece of the puzzle.

Really enjoy Gael and Padre Loopy's relationship. Gael is always scolding Padre for being forgetful, late or clumsy. Cute.

Rosendo is so good with Damian. It's hard to believe that he's actually planning to abandon him, and for Orangina! Is the sex really that good?

I guess we will see if people have cell phones (likely the ones with money) when we jump foward in time.

Oh yes, Sylvia, now Team Snark is officially off and running! I felt, as I read, that we were sitting together, elbowing each other at the best parts. So many LOL lines but let me cite a few:

About Rosendo "He's a busy dude, pithed off wife, demanding slut on the side, life's tough for the hot sauce king."

And then there's "The sisters hug and we get the classic telenovela over-the-shoulder hateful glare from bug-eye Carmina."

(That one makes me think I should keep a small hand mirror in my pocket and pull it out to check for OTSHG's whenever someone hugs me.)

My personal fave "“Are you crazy?” shrieks Car, “This is a telenovela and we have to run away and endanger the lives of everyone we know!”

But I do love your observation that it is only blackmailing snakes who promise to act with the utmost discretion.

As Marta said, great catch re the Für Elise music-box!

Daisy, I had the same thought about shlepping to Mérida for tickets-- Why not go online? And then I had to remind myself that we weren't doing that 20 years ago.

I agree with everyone's observations about the loathsome Car and the angelic Este. Not only is it hard to believe they are sisters, it's a stretch to place them in the same species.

Oh this is getting good!

boy Carmina is desperate, she is about to spill the beans on herself!
...todo el mundo se va a enterar, sobre todo Augusto!...(porque te preocupa Augusto?)... EL es muy celoso, a mi me cela igual que a mi hermana... (y porque te cela a ti?)... no se, me imagino que me ve como a una hermana (good comeback)

so funny to watch these boys reacting with facial smirks when they lear that Elisa is with the other boy...

Vivi, totally agree on
Really enjoy Gael and Padre Loopy's relationship. Gael is always scolding Padre for being forgetful, late or clumsy. Cute.
they are soooo good for each other...

Whoops -- posted my comment on the wrong day...

Vanessa in Teresa -- of course! I knew I had seen that Lolita somewhere...

Vivi, Padre Loopy, so appropriate.

R la O, I think you would have to have a very exciting life for most of this TN vocab to come in handy. Or maybe deploying it would GIVE you an exciting life.

I'm having trouble getting into this TN for some reason, although the interiors are very beautiful (I want to move right in.) But after El Tal, it's just not...stupid enough, I guess. I'll give it a couple weeks and see how it goes. In the meantime, I'm still sneaking around in the afternoon with my unwholesome obsession...

G'day y'all. Thank you for your warm and clever comments. I'm still finding my way with this one, starting a new telenovela is always a challenge. I was lucky to have three excellent and clarifying recaps to precede mine, otherwise I would truly be wandering around, lost.

First, EJ, you were up way too late last night! I saw your comment just before I turned off my laptop. It's always so nice to get a peek at a comment before turning in. ITA with all of you that the backstory with the kiddies is pure enjoyment, not to mention just darn good writing.

When Gabino was sent to Merida to buy tickets I had to remind myself This is 20 years ago, Sylvia, stop yelling at them to go online, hee.

Vivi, "Really enjoy Gael and Padre Loopy's relationship. Gael is always scolding Padre for being forgetful, late or clumsy. Cute." Yes, I love that about them, like when Padre Loopy was late for mass (still shell-shocked from the she-devil) and Gael kept him on schedule.

Loopy/Gael were my favorite relationship until the sweet Ros/Damian scene last night. Now they are tied. I also enjoyed the Abuela/Paloma scenes and love how they are setting up Ramona's stern but loving character.

Super Marta, I hand it to you for selecting that one very key conversation that sums up the love triangle between Carmina, Rosendo and Augusto. It perfectly shows how the two men are oblivious.

Finally, shout out of congrats to JudyB, Carlos, Anon#2 and Güera for their victories. Good luck to daisynjay!

Also I think Augusto looks like Stephen King. Definitely NOT a heartthrob.

Another thought about Augusto, to me he seemed way too reluctant to let Carmina leave the household. Maybe at some level Mr. Clueless senses Carmina's secret love and adoration of him and he's happy with his little harem. There. It needed to be said!

Blue Lass, I know how you feel. It's a little awkward going from the blissful stupidity of El Talisman to the (somewhat) more realistic world of the Passion Pit. Last night while watching Abismo I kept wishing I could throw Antonio Negrete into a locked room with Carmina Bouvier. I'm not at all sure how things would turn out. Lust? War? Both?

Another thought about Augusto, to me he seemed way too reluctant to let Carmina leave the household. Maybe at some level Mr. Clueless senses Carmina's secret love and adoration of him and he's happy with his little harem. There. It needed to be said!
you are not the only one... with Carmina spilling the beans on herself and his stares and attitude at her leaving, I got the same impression... that these two either were a couple at some time earlier on (y donde hubo fuego cenizas quedan) or he has always been attracted to both sisters even though he does love only Este.

Thank you, Sylvia. You sure stay busy with these blogs. Don't know how you do it.

I'm mostly watching for entertainment (and not for study of the Spanish language and Latin American customs). A sincere comment: Cesar Evora and Ludvika Paleta are the best, smoothest actors worth watching in this novela, IMHO. And we have to lose them and end up watching Augusto and Carmina the rest of the time? Give me a break, please.

P.S. My comment wasn't meant as a spoiler if you read the blurbs on each of the characters before this tn started. Sorry if I spoiled it for those who didn't. You're still in for a surprise.

Anita, if I were gainfully employed I would definitely NOT have time for all this telenovela activity. That said, I am on the BOD and volunteering tons of time to support a certain sailing activity so I finally understand friends who have told me volunteering takes up more time than a 40-hour week job.

Regarding spoilers, I think when we read the Elenco Y Personajes post we are all kind of agog that the very plot lines you mentioned were out there for all to see. So no, they are definitely not a secret.

ITA about Cesar and Ludwika. They are a joy to watch. Not to mention Ludwika has excellent enunciation. Why do we have to lose someone I can understand so well? Wahhhh!

Sylvia - Love your Pop Goes the Sleazel title and recap! My favorite lines:
-Her green eyes bug out as she bares her white fangs
-She forgot about Option #3
-Life's tough for the hot sauce king.

I am disappointed with myself for not picking up on Fur Elise. It is my home phone ringtone, after all. Thanks for pointing it out.

Padre Loopy - I am wondering if Rene C. was practicing for this part at the end of filming CME. Padre Loopy and the Gonzalo who licked the icecream cone are one and the same. Character confusion? Telenovela transference?

Carlos and Sylvia - Didn't you mean to include me in your basketball congratulations? I sat through every home game, watched every away game on tv and if it wasn't on tv, had to sit with my daughter by the radio to listen to the Utah Utes. They literally had their worst season ever, which included the worst loss in the school's history. Maybe that doesn't deserve congratulations, but you could throw a little sympathy my way. lol So glad it's over! And so glad BYU lost yesterday. I can't stand them.

R la O, so sorry for not including you in the baloncesto congrats! Truthfully, I don't follow basketball at all, just echoing the well wishes of others. However, after all the time you spent supporting your team with the worst season and worst loss ever...well my dear, YOU definitely deserve kudos. It's one thing to support a team that is winning, but it is another level of support entirely when a fan is as faithful as you.

I only got to watch a little over half of this last night (basketball doncha know... Go Bears) but with your recap I feel fully informed. As alwys, some very funny stuff. My favorite line:

“This is a telenovela and we have to run away and endanger the lives of everyone we know!”

Something I noticed last night:

I agree that Gambino is creepy and Rosendo is cuddly, but Gambino was so very gentle and affectionate with his horse last night while Rosy spooked his as he dismounted jerking the reins. Hmmm.

Congratulations Güera, Judy, and Anon#2 and congratulations to my Baylor team for having the consensus ugliest uniforms in the tournament.

Good luck daisynjay.


Thanks for the great recap, Sylvia! I missed this one last night.

The cast of this 'novela has so many of Meh-ía's favorite actors that I keep thinking I'm watching a Mejia production. eek

Too bad Padre Lupe didn't strangle Carmina with her own rosary. He blew that opportunity.

"The halftime credits roll, mighty car crash, arm wrestling, boobs and biceps, fire and explosion!"

“This is a telenovela and we have to run away and endanger the lives of everyone we know!”

We're in the team Vanderbilt camp for March Madness and my hubby is in heaven. ;o)

Rosemary la O, being from Baylor I completely understand the season you just endured. I invite you to join me this weekend as we pull for the Bears to beat Colorado tomorrow. Dr. Pepper is the preferred BU drink (not too bad with light rum).


Thank you so much for the recap! It was great! I had so much fun when you were talking about how Carmina scared you haha. Although, I don't know if that should be the goal here.

The relationship between Gael and Padre Lupe is SO important for the novela. I'm glad they got it right with the child version and I really hope they also got it right witht the adult one. I haven't seen much of the episodes with the adult characteres and I have seen nothing of Mark Tacher.

Cute that the music from the box was Für Elise. Great catch!

Interesting how everybody is commenting on the time spent on the backstory. I remember when this was very normal. The backstories were longer and the overall time of run for a novela was shorter. Now the backstories go very quickly and the novelas are longer. Hmmm.

But this novela actually takes quite some time with the backstory, I think it's a little shorter in this version but still quite long in respect to other novelas. I was afraid people would be put off by that so I'm glad you are all liking it.

I was lurking on the Univision boards and someone has mentioned now several times how it would have been interesting to have Leticia Calderón as Estefanía and Ludwika Paleta as Elisa, since David Zepeda and Mark Tacher are actually older than Paleta and would have fit better in age. Although, my one problem is Zepeda's age, not Angelique's.


Oh, and I meant I haven't seen any scene with Mark Tacher yet, not that I don't think much of him or anything like that.


Oh Sylvia! I wish I had your skill!

"Life's tough for the hot sauce king" Gave me a chuckle and

"'Hola mi amor,'scream-whispers the succubus." is pure recap gold.

Now I'm going to go watch the episode.

PS: I also loved the bit about wearing Deliverance to work and a nice shirt to the cantina. I'll be sure to look out for that when I watch.

Deliverance, I need to worry about this group?

RLO--About following your team during the worst season and never flagging, tells us mucho as to why you are one of the El Talisman stalwarts!

Congratulations on having a breather from baloncesta, but no, no, not yet from El Tal.

Jarocha..interesting idea of Ludwika as Elisa. But from the credits, I think they went for the bombshell type. And we know from Teresa that Boyer can pout those lips and do the sad,distraught, sexy female. Ludwika seems to me too classic of a beauty and too sweet for maybe the character they want? I've not seen her much in the past...can she do sexy bombshell?

Thanks Sylvia, Carlos and Anita! Carlos, Colorado is one of the teams we almost beat TWICE this year, so I don't think they are that good. Along with byu, I totally root against them as one of their best players, Carlon Brown, left the Utes over a clash with the coach and moved over to Colorado. He started a mass exodus that we are still reeling from. Traitor.

I like Southern Comfort in my Dr. Pepper. I like it even better in Fresca. I coined that one a "Southern Blizzard".

I will clink my glass to your team while wearing my shades to avert the "highlighter yellow" uniforms.

R la O

Oh Sylvia...what a title! One of the best ever. And ditto to every one of the kudos for the favorite being the Deliverance work shirts for Gabino. Well, it's hot dirty work at the hot sauce factory and maybe when he goes to the cantina he's hope to get...lucky. And other words starting with "l". Furthermore, the guy is smart enough not to get entangled with Carmina. Give him props for that.

Thanks for the good wishes for basketball also. DaisynJay, I'll be rooting for Purdue tonight. "La Otra" hope that next year is a better one for you. I love your passion.

Carlos..I actually like your uniforms. Reminds me of the Oregon football uniforms which I also like. Fluorescent works for me.


I do not know how you can create such consistently wonderful recaps. Thank you for making Thursday's something to look forward to. So many great lines, I'll try to highlight a few...

On La Senora de Albaricoque, (Orangina):

“Es me cuñado” never sounded so satanic". LOL!

On Loopy Lupe:

"Lupe bravely refutes the demon (well, it’s his job isn’t it?)".

Yes, it is definitely his job. I am not sure he is up to managing Carmina.

"The church bells ring and the whole town gathers for mass accompanied by the choir of angels."

On Rosendo and Damian:

"Damian gets his 100 pesos from the cofre and they hug, awwwww what a sweet scene."

Silvia, the way you wrote this whole scene was perfect (not just the closing line, which I quoted). I felt like I was in the room, watching a loving Dad teach a life-lesson to his son. Evora is such a good actor, paunch or no paunch.

Sylvia, you are such a good writer that you make recapping look effortless—which it is not! I know you are disappointed by the loss of our ElTal comedy, but this recap of Abismo, a novela with a totally different tone, is just fab-snarkalicious.

Thanks for being my recapping mentor and showing all of us how it is done.



"Elisa stares at aunt Carmina who looks like she just ate a flock of canaries. The kid knows something is up with creepy Tia.

What a great description of my favorite scene of the evening.

The relationship between Carmina and Elisa reminds me of that between Coni and Dani in Gancho. I think there must be a lot of trust between those two.


daisinjay: I think Ludwika has played the bombshell on stage but not on screen, hmm.

But I don't think Elisa is supposed to be a sexy bombshell, at least not knowingly, although she does need to have her own allure. It'll be interesting to see Angelique's approach to the role.


Talisman - have any of you continued to watch this. Did not realize my DVR was still recording and I have to share these two scenes.

Camilla and Pedro go to the monastery etc etc, while at the monastery they get a phone call allegedly from Pedro's missing wife. How did she know they would be there? I think I slapped myself.

Second scene, Tracy wants to quit working for Renato, Renato says yes you can quit but you have to give me all your money. I don't know what the outcome was, but I thought that was the craziest moment in TN world.

Sorry to interrupt Abismo moment, but I had to share those two scenes, to show this TN is just a bad one. And those two scenes were the only ones I could stomach.

Nellie, Oh yes indeed, a few of us are still watching the train wreck that is El Tal. And (for now) still enjoying it immensely. We'll see how we feel if they replace our galan in a vain attempt to save the rapidly sinking ship. Over on the El Tal board (thanks to Marta and Anita who actually did recaps this week) we are all befuddled by Tracy's behavior. But enough of interrupting Abismo.

Thanks to everyone for your fun comments. I'm glad that Sabine Moussier is feeling better from her real-life illness because she sure is throwing herself into the role of Carmina! She'll definitely be the girl we love to hate.

Nellie - Come over to the Talisman blog. We can laugh about those two scenes!

I am sorry to hear about Sabine's real life illness. Do we know what it was? I will not make a joke about it being Pigmentosis Increasis because it sounds like it was serious. She looks healthy now. Unlike poor wheezing coughing Jorge on LQNPA.

RlaO- Sabine was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome while she was filming Mi Pecado. She was having trouble, walking, standing and remembering her lines, along with all the other horrible painful symptoms of the disease. But she soldiered through! The audience could tell that something was wrong-- you could see it in her gait and she looked like she was in pain. By the end they had her sit down in a lot of scenes and then she wasn't as visible. We all gave her a lot of props for continuing through the whole tn and giving it her all. It's good to see her looking healthy, if too tan, again.

I just finished watching the rest of last night's episode and noticed that Gambino has a droll sense of humor. Rosendo asked him to make a hotel reservation in New York...

With a straight face Gambino asked,"One room or two?"

Rosendo answered with a withering look.

"One." Gambino correctly guessed.

Didn't Lolita looked gorgeous.


Such an excellent recap, Sylvia. I keep trying not to watch this TN, but I can't keep away. I agree that the prolonged back story adds so much to the story-to-come.

Lots of comic and snarky lines, especially my favorite: “Are you crazy?” shrieks Car, “This is a telenovela and we have to run away and endanger the lives of everyone we know!”
La Paloma


Not to take anything away from Gabino's sense of humor, but, OTH--There may be real reasons for the patron to want to seem discrete.

He doesn't know Rosendo is running away with Carmina permanently. He may be used to the patron's going to El Extranjero for a long weekend or a "conference" with a juicy morsel from time to time.

It's not like he doesn't have the money to blow on two rooms.

I just finished watching last night's episode. I am completely besotted with Steffie as played by Ludwika. I have texted my Offspring and told her that she is missing a great TN and that I will be terribly upset ify future grandchild is not as precious as Lil' Elisa.

Now, I probably shouldn't be so public with this but I find Gabino hawt/attractive. He looks very much like an old boyfriend of mine.

Just saw an ad for Pantene. They are having a contest. You can win an appearance on El Tal and $5000. I wonder if this is how they plan to find the replacement for Pablo.

I thought they eventually figured out it was Lyme Disease, not Guillain-Barré. Anyhoodle. Miserable either way.

Thanks for the great recap, Sylvia. I'm having some trouble keeping up with the ridiculous number of shows I'm watching PLUS busy stuff at work, but one of these days I'll be back in the heart of the club.

I should tell my brother about the Pantene contest! He has fluffy hair, speaks Spanish, and can be charming when he wants to. Young ladies fall all over him. He'd make a great addition to the show and I'm sure he would think it was a hoot. Unfortunately he is in Ghana working and recovering from malaria at the moment...well, I won't let that get in his way.

I like Steffie, too. Some of the other characters, I feel like I need some backstory on the backstory. Why is Alfie so nasty? Where did Gael come from? What is Steffie's secret sauce recipe?

What is Steffie's secret sauce recipe?
That would be the perfect product placement scene!

PS Julia- I hope your brother has a quick recovery! Poor guy!

Ahoy, Cap'n~~~I always love your recaps. I am trying to get into this novela. Maybe I'll like it better when the big boys show up. I'm anxious to see Angelique in what appears will be Teresa's complete opposite. However, we just got HBO , and I've become hooked on the magical, mystical, medievally Game of Thrones. [I watched about 7 episodes last weekend.] When I first started watching novelas [Alborada was my first], I wanted Hub [He-who-speaks-only-English] to call me ''mi amor '' or ''mi alma'' or ''mi corazon,'' but characters in Game of Thrones have my new favorite names . He calls her ''my moon'' , and she responses with ''my sun and stars.'' much more romantic than Sweetpea and Babe.

Susanlynn! Always great to hear from you! I don't get HBO so I guess Game of Thrones is out for me.

Sara, you make me smile with your comments about Gabino. I must admit I had a little twinge of "awww, he's so cute" when he was nuzzling his horse. And Carlos, I too enjoyed the wry interaction between Gab and Rosendo while making getaway plans. However the opening credits make me think he is a very bad man.

Sara, an old boyfriend who looks like Gabino? Oh my.

Julia, I know what you mean about these shows taking up time. Since Abismo started I haven't had a chance to watch any of the Familia episodes and I'm 2 days behind on the recaps. It's just too much sometimes.

Yup. Especially in the face shape and thinning/receding hairline.

Julia, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Is he in the Peace Corps? I hope he recovers soon.

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