Thursday, March 22, 2012

El Talismán #36-38 Wed 3/21/12 Double Your Pleasure!

Due to a scheduling mix-up, we have two excellent recaps of Wednesday's show...

this one is by Anita. Enjoy!

THERE WAS NO BODA TODAY (But maybe tomorrow)

Instead of locations, the action follows several of the principals. Again, it may be a little out of order, but it should make sense. Believe it or not, there aren’t many details here, just a lot of verbiage.

CAMILA – In the morning, Camila shows up at Renato’s borrowed mansion in that gorgeous form fitting, simple lines, off the shoulder, semi-sparkly, stretchy mauvish jersey dress and her hair pulled back to show off her fine cheekbones. She challenges him To Tell The Truth about his real intentions with her mother or there will be no Boda [ed. note – she’s right about that, at least not in this episode].

Renato stands his ground, wine glass in hand and says whoa there, not so fast, it is usually the parents who put demand on their hijos, not the other way around.
R—And what are you talking about, anyway. What proof do you have that I’m deceiving your mother? What authority do you have over your mother to say the boda has to be cancelled?
C—Never mind. I know her and I know you are just leading her on. That’s why I’m here; to get you to tell me the truth [ed. note – this goes on much too long and we actually admire Renato through these thrusts and parries; he cedes no ground, then at the end he turns the tables on Camila, just you watch].
Renato wants to know where she got this information that he has no money and is marrying her mother for hers. Camila keeps mum to protect the guilty. Ok, says Renato, call your mother and tell her YOU are calling off the wedding just because you say so. He dials. Camila chickens out, so Ren tells the very nervous bride that the bank folks are here so he can open that account she wants [ed. note – Dios mío, the bride has $$$ in her eyes instead of ***]. Renato, still on the phone with Elvira tells her that after the wedding reception, today, they will go to the bank and sign the papers [ed. note – just try to hold her back; if Renato had a mustache, he’d be twirling it right now].

Meanwhile, Camila thought bubbles that maybe she was mistaken—look at the casota he lives in. She doesn’t back down from her position, though. Ren says he is not misleading her mother; he fell in love with her and she with him—simple as that, so there! He says Camila is bitter because she is running around with a married man who won’t divorce his wife. She gulps and fights back the tears [ed. note – Camila, Notez Bien—Pedro JUST told you earlier today that he’s going to see the lawyer to start divorce proceedings].
Armando has been listening to their end of the conversation and infers that maybe mom IS marrying for money and not for LUVE. Elvira is incensed at the thought. She loves Renato, but it’s true, that having money will certainly ease their economic situation. Besides, Ren knows she has no money [ed. note—we must have missed this strategic conversation; we do know that he’s not sure how to get her to endorse the check; and of course Elvira doesn’t know of the existence of the “lost” check Mariana signed to pay for El Tal].

Camila takes one last pot shot at Renato in the war of words. She wants to know where he got the idea that her mother was rich, anyway, because she KNOWS that’s the reason he is marrying her. Renato wants to know who told her that, Tracy? Camila (lies and) says, no. Ni modo, she continues, better cancel the wedding arrangements, there will be no boda. Y Punto!
Renato is left to reflect on her words [ed. note – who won, viewerville wants to know; your editor thinks it was a draw].

Camila goes off to warn mommy [ed. note – fat lot of good that is going to do]. Camila is blamed for nearly ruining Elvira’s makeup, but the two make up before that happens. Elvira, sniffling says to Cam, if she really wants to make her happy, come to the wedding. Te necesito [ed. note – but not in the Eva Luna-Daniel Villanueva meaning of the phrase]. She agrees to come and if it doesn’t bother her too much she’s going to bring Pedro.

PEDRO – Bless his heart, he’s still trying to fend off Lulu’s advances, but our skinny Pillsbury Man is definitely softening his attitude, to Aunt Pat’s consternation. Intruding on this intimate little family scene is the One Fuzz from Fresno. Pedro tells him he’s dropping his charges against Lucrazy, so there’s no need for him to go downtown to give testimony. Well, OFF says he still needs to get one from Camila. She’s not available at present, but will surely also drop the charges when she returns, then the case can be closed. It’s not that easy, says OFF. The case will remain open and LuKrazier under suspicion until such time as there’s nothing more to investigate.

Actually, says OFF, he’s not there about the cut cables on the camioneta, but to gather information on the strange Mariana phone calls. He thinks it would be very inconvenient for one of the parties present for Mariana to actually show up. If she reappears, he looks directly at Pedro, would he be able to pay back what he “took” from her, since that is the primary reason he was accused of killing her. Pedro is offended, indeed. And, now that PI Man wants to marry Camila…[ed. note – we’ve had this conversation before >>FF]. Back to the phone calls, if they are fake, who is behind it? OFF wants to know who Pedro’s enemies are (if he has any). Don Gregorio’s name comes up first. Lucrecia does not contradict the drift of the conversation. Pedro thinks Don G is the one stirring up trouble. OFF mentions that it was Antonio that brought up Gregorio’s name first. Pedro says, see, they’re both at it. Lulu pipes up and says that actually Antonio is probably the one most capable of dreaming up the scam and carrying it out. Then Lucreezie suggests that OFF should also investigate Camila because she wants to make Lucrecia look bad [ed. note – as if anyone could make her look any worse].

VALENTIN – He starts the day by having a consult with a snarling Antonio. He wants him to advise him immediately if Lucrecia comes by to talk to Daddy-O. He needs to know if he’s roped her in. Toni challenges his loyalty (for the umpteenth time) and Valentin proves it by showing him the stolen lab report. Toni doesn’t know what he’s looking at even when Valentin tells him the results show there is poison in Don G’s blood. And how does he know that? Val reminds him that he was going to be a veterinarian but had to drop out to go to work at the ranch [ed. note – well, well, who knew, he’s not the dumb-a## underling we thought he was. Regrettably, viewerville did not get to see the actual robo of the report. That would have been lots of fun and taken up at least another episode à la Ladrón que Roba á Ladrón]. Ooops, he didn’t replace the stolen report with a different one. Now they’ll be suspicious and just make another copy. Toni wonders WHO could be poisoning his dear old dad…most likely it is PI Man, but how to prove it. Toni tells Val to put the investigation into the poisoning on the back burner for now. If the poisoning continues, and if it is Pedro, he’ll end up in jail and Antonio will have killed two birds with one stone.

Antonio is back with a new job for him. Follow daughter Flo and find out who she is seeing. If it’s that mogroso trabajador Claudio over at El Tal, then kill him. “Put a bullet between one eyebrow and the other, so the only way my daughter can see him is in his grave,” [ed. note – man that’s frío; surely, viewerville would agree there are other ways to separate the two kids, like chaining Flo to her bed post between classes. Valentin seems to agree to alternate methods.]. Valentin is muy impactado because he swore off any more killings. Antonio gets all scrunchy-faced mad and yells, you aren’t HEARING me—Kill Him, but be discrete. No one can know and don’t do anything to turn my daughters against me.

DORIS – Doris starts her day by chatting with Brigitte by phone. Brigitte was worried about how it all went down doing the nasty with Don G. Everything went fine, she replies. Now she has to make sure he sticks with her. It could be dangerous, but she’ll be careful. For now she has Don Gagg’s apoyo so that even if she can’t prevent Antonio from divorcing her, Don G will help her destroy Camila so Antonio can’t have her.
Then, as she is breakfasting on the deck, papers arrive. It’s the divorce proceedings Antonio has initiated. Furious, she runs off to find Antonio in Valentin’s office. She barges in on them and tears up the document in front of the two men. Toni doesn’t care. He’ll get that divorce, no matter how long it takes and then he WILL marry Camila. Doris laughs at him. She’s not going to wait that long, she’ll be married to Pedro before you get your divorce. Not so fast, bruja, claims Toni, she doesn’t know what he’s capable of. He swears he’ll leave her with nothing and run her off the property. Val’s eyes pop out, muy impactado.
Doris feels compelled to DO something. Don Gaggme has to help. Otherwise, why did she ever become his lover. She’s going to be done with him and Camila [ed. note – we think she means Antonio and not Gregorio].

DON GREGORIO – Being the dueño of El Al and all, he still deserves to be addressed as Don. It’s morning and he’s schmoozing with Panchito on the porch. Even though he’s curious about Elvira’s marriage, he can’t get Doris out of his head. Dang she’s an enchantress [ed. note – we do not agree; we think she is a loathsome harridan; and the Don is looking quite spry and energetic for someone being slowly poisoned to death—especially after last night.] A very provocatively posed Brigitte calls the Don on the phone about Lucas. Up pops Panchito and hidden, hears all about the false testament. Don G tells Brig he’ll see her in a couple of hours.

When he does, he gets her in a choke hold. He’s furious because his Dear DIL is a working stiff at the Best Little W. in Fresno. How could she betray their long association by not telling him what Doris had been doing—and for how long, he wants to know. Once he lets her go, Brigitte tells him it was business, nothing personal—and didn’t he enjoy her. That’s not the point, an apoplexic Gaggorio snarls, she owes him a lot of favors, so she should have been forthcoming [ed. note—we apologize for missing a critical piece of dialog here, but it seems that, based on Brigitte’s retort, he must have threatened her]. Brigitte, her eyes like ice, retorts that she’ll tell Antonio why you made him marry Doris so young. (Last Scene)

This one is by Marta Ivett

Cameela keeps pushing Rennie

Armani tries to get his mom to reason about Fabiola just like she is about to marry Renny

Rennie calls Elviral… teases Cameela about telling Mommie she is there, but he tells Elviral about the bank account he will open for her. Making Emila snort beside herself and making Cameela doubt her notion that he is or not rich, not bad, two birds hit with one shot.

Tracy and Alberta argue at the deck… Alberta warns Tracy they will need to choose between Pigorio and BBuckle.

Said buckle is asking Valentin to check on Pigorio… don’t forget you work for me, it will go very bad for you if I find out you are doubledecking me. Vale gives Buckle the blood work results, which DO tell that he was taking in poison. Valentin studied some veterinary school so he can read analysis… so he can have one card on Antonio… Antonio will try to push THIS ONE on Pedro .. again YAWN…(haven’t you tried this one 99 times before Antonio?) Valentin reminds him have to prove Pedro poisoned Pigorio. The police won’t just ignore that the analysis results dissappeared… Antonio gathers up before getting too deep… lets forget the issue for now… maybe whoever poisoned my dad is doing me a favor, and maybe I can put Pedro in jail for it, killing 2 birds with one shot…(is this a contest between Rennie and Antonio?)

Said Pigorio and Panchito are talking elsewhere in deck… still talking about Elviral’s wedding (Pigorio is curious how bad it went for Elviral, knows that bomb will burst soon enough) and about Pigorio’s obsession with Doris, need another nail to get this one out.

Pedro Lucrecia.. will she stay or will she go.. .YAWN…

Doris and Tracy at deck… Doris recommends Tracy swallow her tongue to keep her job this time… and don’t flirt/kiss-kiss with Panchito in public… Tracy wants to explain but Doris keeps telling her to shut up… Alberta brings Doris a court paper about divorce from Antonio’s lawyer.

Doris on phone with Bridgete.. Bridgete still very concerned, Doris, you got in a very dangerous game… Doris determined to make Pigorio obsessed with her, with Pigorio’s power she can destroy Camelia so Antonio cannot have her either..

Rennie still on phone with Elviral… well well Rennie is no dumb… Elviral’s account will also have his signature so they can deposit her check and then he can take the $ out.. not bad… Cameela insists he is deceiving Elviral… Rennie tries to turn it on Cameela by commenting she is not trusting, and that is what she gets for getting involved with a married man.

Inspector comes to ElTal insisting Pedro testify against Lucrecia… or aiding in the investigation of the car breakdown attempt incident. Lukrazia steps up and tells the inspector to file the case because Pedro won’t testify… Inspector says no can’t do.. you would need Cameela to testify for her too, so the case Is still open and she is still suspect. He must confirm Cameela does not want to press charges against Lookrazy either. Lookrazy keeps repeating Cameela hates her, Pedro insists it was just an accident… YAWN… Inspector asks do you have enemies, Pedro? .. of course! Pigorio!

Elated Elviral talks to Armani about the bank account. Armani asks her if she does not love Rennie… She responds yeah that too, but you realize it? We won’t have to worry about money ever again!! LETS CELEBRATE!! She will also prove Cammela she was wrong about Rennie… Elviral keeps calling Pedro a vulgar ordinary man who does not deserve her daughter.

Rennie and Cameela keep arguing, he has turned the discussion around and now its about Cameela and the married man who is deceiving her. Don’t mess with my private life!... Exactly! SO you are least qualified to butt in my private life…

Pigorio gets call from Bridgete about Lucas and him meeting about the new ‘job’. Bridgete assures Pigorio that Lucas is a great falsifier… Pigorio can’t take risks with that.
Panchito was hidden around, listened in ‘so that was it.. my dad is getting a false will’

Cameela and Rennie keep arguing… from today on your mom is my responsibility, worry about Pedro… Don’t mess with Pedro… Don’t mess with your mother!... what are you hiding?... don’t mess with me! If you are coming to the wedding with that attitude don’t come.. even better.. DON’T COME to my wedding!

Nervous Doris shoos Alberta and Tracy away… she then asks Panchito where her husband is… runs out… Tracy tells Panchito what her ‘rollo’ is… things are going to get ‘del color de hormiga brava’ around here!

Antonio and Valentin discuss some more. Valentin stole the results. Antonio fears they will just repeat the tests..Valentin doubts Pigorio will get them redone if his stomach does not hurt anymore. In runs Doris shredding the divorce papers in front of Antonio… she repeats her threat, will make the divorce long and expensive… Antonio insists he will get it done and then have Cameela… Doris laughs and says don’t count on it, by then Cameela will be married to Pedro. Antonio tells her … ‘watch it, witch… you know me’. … Doris keeps repeating her line… Antonio is immune to her tantrums… as you told the girls, for their own good, we will handle the divorce calmly. Doris swears she will make him pay… he could care less if she prolongues the divorce, eventually he will kick her out… she warns she might end up being the new ‘Traz owner. Antonio puts a frown like he does believe that could be possible.

Back to ElTal, Pedro likes the idea to investigate Pigorio… maybe he ordered the job on the truck.. Lookrazy confirms Pigorio’s motive… Inspector buys the bait… noone would have motive? … well, there is another one.. the son, Antonio Negrete.
Lookrazy insists this is a setup by Cameela, Pedro keeps denying that.. YAWN. Lookrazy changes strategy, she accepts she took measures to separate Pedro and Cameela, but she would never go as far as trying to kill him… besides, she accepts that he should be with Cameela.. Pedro says he is even helping her find a place to live.

At Rennie’s .. Cameela throws the million dollar question.. where do you get the idea that my mom has money, because I know you are marrying her because you believe she is rich… Who told you that? Tracy? No. don’t know where you heard that but leave now.
Cameela threats him one last time to cancel it all because the wedding will not happen!
She whiffs away, he bites his lip holding his rage.

Elviral and Armani keep going over the problem of Cameela dating a married man. Armani says what is important is your wedding today. She turns back to happy/elated, its a fairy tale… Armani is happy to see her so happy… wouldn’t you want to see me so happy? Elviral says of course, but with a girl that has nothing to do with the Negretes.. Armani leaves angry, there is no way to get through to her that he cares about Fabi.

Said Fabi and her dad… Antonio insists he wants to meet Armani. Sure you will meet him soon.. then Fabi slips that Flo has a new boyfriend… it isn’t that ElTal worker, is it? (oopsie!) he asks again, but she won’t say anymore… he asks her not to hide anything from him… what if it IS someone from ElTal? Well, we would have to talk about it (how to kill the guy?) don’t hide anything from me. No matter what I will support you 2 (sisters)

Sarita and Gabr at tree… they talk about the ‘relationship with benefits’ deal with Flo and Claudio… Gabr says Clau is happy… she is not sold… he isn’t either, fears Clau will end up hurt…

Claudio and Flo also talk about her dad’s opposition… Clau is ready to do whatever it takes to get her to love him…

Antonio asks Valentin to find out about Flo and Claudio if it is him, he wants her to be able to visit him… but only at his gravesite!. Are you serious? Completely. Yo kill him. Isn’t there any other way to keep them apart?.. you are not listening. I want you to kill him. But of course noone especially my daughters or Doris can find out about it.

Inspector did not come about the truck incident (and you say that now??) but about Mariana’s whereabouts… he confirmed the calls came from Fresno. [Inspector has remembered the clues Antonio gave him] asks Pedro who would benefit if Mariana showed up? IF Mariana showed up, would you have the money to return her loan? Pedro does not like where this questioning is going… Inspector says well, it would not benefit you that she actually came back, but it would benefit you that everyone believed she was still alive. Patricia and Lookrazy back up Pedro’s argument. Inspector says Mariana calls can keep Pedro from getting accused of murder. Pedro insists the one behind this must be Pigorio!

Elviral is getting ready for wedding, Armani is dressed up… he keeps insisting he would like her to accept Fabiola. She is asking him not to mess up her makeup (OMG!! She is wearing a headband of same white material as the dress, right down to her ponytail!!)… door knoci… its Cameela… Elviral thanks her for not bringing Pedro… Cameela tells her she just talked to Rennie… no, we did not make ammends, on the contrary, he is not who you think he is… he believes you have lots of money and that is why he is marrying you. Again Elviral takes it to offense and rages at Cameela.. what money??!! The one that makes me suffer is you!! Armani gets on Elviral’s side on this argument… you want to ruin my marriage!! No matter what you do I will marry Rennie in 2 hours!... reword same argument back and fourth 3 fold!! Pedro does not love you as Rennie loves me! If not, why is he not divorced by now? … I love Rennie with all his defects, but that does not include being married… they get in tears.. let me realize my dream… Mom, I am just trying to make sure Rennie is not deceiving you… I want you to be happy with Rennie… you have not noticed? I really love him! (en serio??) .. alright mom, I hope I am wrong about Rennie and that you can be happy with him.. then show me. Come to the wedding. Support me. Alright… I only hope you won’t oppose that I bring Pedro.

At ElTal Pedro wants Teniente to explain… Again Inspector adds, he is interested for Mariana to show up so he can get divorced and marry Cameela.. Pedro offended now argues that what is important to him is that Mariana shows up alive and well…
Rennie on phone with Rita… they deduct it was Tracy who told Cameela about it… They are both upset… Rita rages that Rennie HAS to marry Elviral.. they need the money!!

Pigorio at The House of ladies, he grabs Bridgete by neck.. he is really angry about her hiding that Doris was working there… how could you not tell me??
Bri: But you loved it, didn’t you?
Pigorio: that is not the issue! You betrayed me!! You have kept it quiet all these years. As if you were crazy!! You owe me many favors!! That is why you had to tell me!!
Bridg: I warn you!! I you attack me again I swear I will tell Antonio why you married him to Doris!! (end of ep thriller moment)

Teniente reveals to Pedro that it was Antonio who brought up those ideas… no wonder!
Lookrazy does not doubt Antonio could accuse Pedro like that. Teniente asks Lookrazy if Antonio would go as far as hiring a woman to make the calls to accuse Pedro? Lookrazy stays quiet…

Fabiola remembers Antonio promises to back her up, but also remembers scary moment with Flo when they could hear Antonio beating her mother …
Alberta comes in and Fab confides in Alberta about Flo and Claudio… she is afraid of what her dad could do…

Doris thinks Pigorio needs to help her get rid of Cameela and harm Antonio…

Previews: will we have a wedding? Documents to sign and documents to cross hands (will and check, wedding certificate and check…)


sorry, Anita, didn't come back to the posts ... i am good with thursdays if you will take wednesdays... thank you!

Two for one! What a great deal! I thoroughly enjoyed both takes on the action and inaction.

Okay, I'm hooked. I'm dying to know why Gagorio made Antonio marry Doris when they were 14. It must be something beyond the bun in the oven if it's a secret Brig is keeping.

And now Antonio has ordered a hit on poor sweet-but-dim Claudio? Yeesh. He is really losing it.

Still no wedding...although at least now the bride is dressed and in wedding headband so that's progress.

Maybe Gag married Antonio off to Doris to get control of some of her family's money. Supposedly there was some, but she doesn't seem to have any now.

I can't believe your faithfulness in recording El Tal. Thanks so much.

Do we think that Doris was pregnant with the Troll's child when he made Antonio marry her? Or maybe I made that up...


I had originally thought the Troll might be the father of at least one of Doris's kids, but the way he reacted to her seduction, it didn't seem like they'd been down that rabbit hole before.

We have heard that her family had money, and now she doesn't seem to have any of her own...but how would Gag get it just by marrying her to Antonio? It's a mystery. I wonder if Doris's parents are still alive or she has any family at all. The whole clan seems so isolated, with so few friends or relatives.

Marta--It seems we doubled up again. You certainly carried the day with your details--and left out absolutely nothing, to boot. You deserve a rest.

Regrettably, I can't do NEXT Wednesday, but I will do a recap for Friday the 30th. Then I can do one for Wed. April 4.

The Secret for why Antonio was married off to Doris--yes, a bun in the oven--my take.

Whether it's the Gagger's bun or not, we DO know that there was a bun in Doris' oven.

Think hard, now. We know that Antonio had a baby at 14 (his daughters also know this as a fact, and PROUD of it).

Therefore, the pregnancy would have been known when he was at least 13 1/2, no? Doris may be a year or two older than Antonio, but ni modo. The marriage was forced.

Maybe it was Don Greggo's way of killing two birds with one, solving two problems at once. He gets Doris (if he did the deed) AND a dowry--and probably access to a whole lot more money.

Doris' respected Fresno family had a pregnant daughter on their hands and here was a "socially acceptable" solution. Marriage to a well-to-do rancher's son. I'm sure it cost them a pretty penny in blood, I mean a dowry.

...but those eyebrows on Fab...tell-tale ones. The makeup dept. at El Tal has gone to great lengths to darken and lengthen them, so we know something is up along those hairy lines.

I bet we have to wait a good long time before the secret comes out. Brigitte is certainly good at keeping secrets a really long time. It was obvious that Don G doesn't want that particular secret to be revealed and will do something to restore the balance between them.

Far, far out there is the possiblility that it is Gregorio's daughter with Brigitte. But why would he have to marry off his son in order to bring her into the happy home. Maybe Mrs. Gregorio couldn't have children and everybody in Fresno knew it, so she couldn't pass it off as her own.

Nah, this is something Gregorio was able to force on Antonio. Maybe he was dallying with "an older woman" to learn the ropes of seduction, resulting in having to take the blame for the conception.

So, no, I'm sticking to my original story.

Doris has said that she was also 14 when they married.

If it were just making a pregnancy more socially acceptable/not having an illegitimate child, I don't think that would be a secret Brig could hold over Gag. Everyone knows that's why they married.

So, my guess is that Gag got a lot of money out of the deal from Doris's family (though why they would send their daughter to live with that troll is a mystery) but I don't think Antonio would be shocked at all to learn that. Also, Gag has been supporting all of them all these much money would he have gotten that it would be worth leaving himself stuck with his son, whom he can't stand, and all of their ample expenses?

Still a possibility that Fab is Gag's daughter, I think...but why would Doris not hold that over him directly?

Isn't Fab the younger daughter?

What's the saying? You can't be too rich, too thin or get too much Talisman. Thanks to you both for the treat!

Unfortunately you can get too many internet minutes on your iPhone so I will reserve my rambling comments for when I am at home.

I am not a fan of this Friends with Benefits fad. Perhaps I am old fashioned or a prude, but I think it is damaging to building a real relationship with someone special.

R la O

Dong in NY--
Fabiola is the dark-haired older sister; Florencia is the younger, lighter-haired sister.

Thanks to both of you for the great recaps. The recaps are the only way I am keeping track of this tn these days. I can't believe after all this time, nothing has really happened!

I'm still liking the theory that Pigorio is the real daddy of at least 1 of the girls (I thought they were twins?), and not man-boy Tony.

Speaking of teen dads, Julian Gil, who always plays villains we love to hate, had his daughter at 15 and took full parental responsibility (more than the mother). Pretty cool for a 15 year old boy. You can see him and his daughter on the magazine cover in this article:

Do we actually know how old the girls are? They have to be very close in age if not twins. I find it hard to believe that two 14-year-olds with a new baby would decide to immediately have another. But maybe they're just that bad at contraception.

For all her big talk, Flor doesn't seem that into the friends with benefits thing either. At least there don't seem to be any "benefits" going on.

Julia--We're puzzled by the age thing of the girls as well. When we first saw them, they were supposed to be about 14 or 15. Then Daddy-Tony gave them cars and they learned how to drive.

The next time we saw them they were college students. This all in the space of two or three episodes.

The girls have to be 18-19. Maybe Doris' parents sold her to pay off a debt? Poor prostitute.


Anita and Marta, You are both champions in my book! I loved each version though I have reached the point where I can no long watch the inspiration for your creative juices.

¡Ya basta! ¡Una y otra vez -- atole con lo mismo!

Pedro has traveled back in stupid time.

Valentín seems to have forgotten that he took down his HITMAN FOR HIRE shingle several episodes back.

The writers don't seem to know what "friends with benefits" means. I'm an old fart and I know. Are they from Mars or what?

And if Aaron isn't careful, his face is gonna FREEZE in his PERMASNEER which is even more repellent than his PERMASMIRK.

I'll keep reading FUG of course -- it's the journal of record, as far as I'm concerned.

And I'm going to keep an eye out for bargains at Tal*Mart.

Just watched today's DVR'ed episode -- a few small surprises, mostly having to do with people telling other people things they didn't already know. Anyone want to discuss?

Anita and Marta, thanks to both of you once again for keeping the dream alive. Both recaps capture the magic that was yesterday's edition.

I was impressed with Brigit keeping her cool as the Pig throttled her.

I was impressed with with Renato's nimbleness as Camila confronted him. She was clearly out of her league.

But I was most impressed with Lucrezia's doggedness... she clearly knows what she want and will not take no as an answer.

I've watched today's show and either the writers have momentarily run out of inspiration or are lulling us into a comfortable El Tal stupor only to hit us between the eyes with a bombshell when we least expect it.


I vote for the bombshell. C'MON, BOMBSHELL!

As stupid as Pedro and Cameela can behave most of the time, the writers are working REALLY HARD on making Elviral the most THICK and STUPID character here... aren't they? she won't insist on anything... she won't even look at a check she is endorsing... she won't question the fact that Rennie wants her signature on the bank account before they are even married... and he was in a hurry to do that errand BEFORE the wedding... beanie hat is taking a workout lately...

Fantastic recaps ladies. Your styles complement each other very well. Thank you both for your time spent on this. It sure was nice to get home and relax and laugh while enjoying your writing.

I liked the scenes with Camilla and Renato, but they could have been edited down by half at least.

Also, I don't understand why Antonio keeps insisting on confidentiality when he SCREAMS and rants about everything he is doing. Silly boy.

Anita and Marta, thanks so much for your recaps. I have to second RlaO with the unfortunate fascination I have with this show.

Blue Lass after I view the episode I'd be willing to chat about the most recent mess.

...but, but, Karen & Blue Lass--THERE WAS A BODA today! Yes, let's discuss. See you in the morning.

Hahahaha! Did y'all get a load of LooKrazy tonight, mimicking Aunt Patty? I was LMAO. I love watching LooKrazy and Patty constantly sticking it to each other.

I also like that Brigitte refuses to back down to Pigorio.

And the wedding of El Viral's dreams? Boring! But hey, at least it happened. I'm not sure what Renato's going to do about El Viral, she's already planning big redecorations at "her" new mansion.

Yeah, how long can Meester spin this out? If Rita were just a spurned lover, he could explain her away, but he's already told everyone she's his they'll have to split, and quickly.

If ElViral had let Pedro come to the wedding, he might have mentioned the check, and then...well, she really is a dumb bunny.

Good morning--

About the living arrangements: Renato already told Armando several episodes back that they wouldn't be living in that casota where they got married, but will probably live with Rita, at least until he buys them a new house for his bride.

As we saw, our very clever Renato had Elviral endorse the check without letting her turn it over to see how much "he" had made the check out for before depositing in a joint account.

I'm liking Renato these days. Elvira does so deserves him.

The writers tried so hard to give us a "hold your breath" suspense moment with Elvira, distracted just as she was supposed to say I Acepto. It just fell flat. She's got money in the bank, regardless of what Camila was trying to tell her. There was no way she was going to say NO at this point.

The reception was very nice, even if Renato had to pay a couple of the guests to attend.

I know that our Pedro is also a dumb bunny particularly with Lucrazy but he's really trying my patience. Both your gf and tia despise this woman and yet you continue to give her assistance while she tries to jump you. I have to FF their scenes and her as she's so skanky.

Oh the boda. It was a nice affair. I kept wanting Oscar to show up screaming get out of MY house but alas stupid El Viral can continue to live in deluded bliss another day. The check signing is going to bit her in the behind. Can't wait 'til Mrs. Greedy learns about that. I'm sure Piggy will enjoy exposing Renato but I do wonder how it will all fall out.

And though Claudio is also a dumb bunny, I hope the poor lad doesn't die.

Yes Anita the moment of pseudo suspense with El Viral's response was amusing. Though the writers change their minds about character arcs regularly, they have been very consistent with her. She's all about the money and thinks she's marrying a millionaire; in other words, like she was really going to say no or as you noted, it fell very flat.

I wish I had seen the wedding! I should have worked from home yesterday. Maybe I can find it on Uni's site, if they aren't shamefully hiding every sign that they are airing El Tal.

Anita and I took yesterday evening to enjoy a nice Mexican dinner, and to see La Casa de Mi Padre. That's the two of us in my profile pic.

So Doris is an accountant and does the taxes for El Alcatrash? Wow, who would have guessed? She really is a grad of the Madame Brigit School of Business! Funny how Antonio had no idea his wife is involved in the business. And how he demanded a beer in the office.

Yay, the boda finally happened. Now we're making progress toward ElViral's unraveling.

Camila and Armando, bless their hearts, have no investigative skills whatsoever. Property ownership is public record. Can't they trot over to the appropriate office and look up the ownership of that pretty mansion? Do a little Googling and find out whether Renato actually owns businesses?

I hope Geno is saving all the avocados from plague whilst Camila is gadding about taking on confrontations above her skill level.

Claudio had better not die. He's a sap but that's his worst crime.

Anita and Vivi! How fun that the two of you got to hook up. Great pic you two.

Yep, Renato's convoluted plot is moving along quite nicely. ITA with those of you noting it was lucky for him Pedro didn't show up at the wedding. BTW, why did Pedro NOT come to the wedding after all his planning, etc? Was it because the OFF was at El Tal? If it was because he was helping LooKrazy I don't blame Camila for going ballistic every time LooKrazy bats her eyes.

It would be a shame if handsome Claudio bites the bullet now, just when he's about to find out what "friends with benefits" means. Which reminds me, does Fab have a screw loose? First she lets it out that Flo might be dating someone from El Tal, then she tells mom not to worry about the relationship because it is only "friends with benefits". What kid is going to tell her mom that?

Julia, I missed your comment while posting. I thought the office scene was one of last night's finest moments. Antonio's shock at finding out Doris did the books, and then barely being able to swallow his breakfast beer. It made me think the beer prop was soapy water or something.

I think poor Fab is so desperate to connect with her mother and to have someone to talk to that she was oversharing even though she knew it was a bad idea. There was a look on her face like she knew she should keep her mouth shut, because nothing good comes from talking in that family. Also, maybe she thinks Doris is now willing to helpfully suck up to her daughters just to annoy Antonio and try to get the girls on her side?

It would be interesting for the girls to get mom as their ally. Doris seems to have no fear of Antonio, though that could be a fool's errand for her. He is getting crazier and crazier, so if she can manage to hold out and stay alive maybe she can trump him. Doubtful from our perspective, still the lethal chess game going on between them is fun to watch.

I think the fact that Doris really IS an accountant is proof that the writers are finally starting to get their ideas from Caray, Caray. Which they should have been doing all along.

Blue Lass, YES!! They must have read EJ's recap, A Lesson in Hubris, LOL!!!

Vivi is just as vivacious as her name implies. I enjoyed our evening. La Casa de mi Padre had every tn cliche they could fit in. Instead of a pregnant female tumbling down the stairs, though, we had Gael Garcia Bernal doing the oopsie doo. I'm glad I was IN on all the tn jokes (we got a Bingo square with kissing in the water).

Vivi--It actually wasn't much of a wedding. They sat at a table while the judge read them the riot marriage vows. The fun and fireworks to come will be better viewing.

Back to El Tal--I fear for Claudio, too. He's getting just a little too much air time--kiss included--to fade into the background again. There was Val, spying on them and musing regretfully that the boy was going to have an accident.

So, Lucrezzy has another as up her sleeve. She tells Antonio to make sure he and Camila are at The Only Cafe in Fresno at 6 o'clock. She guarantees that Camila will separate from Pedro for-evva. Guess what? I think she's right. Camila is the wishy-washiest, doubting nellie they've ever put in a gallanita role. (IMHO).

I like both RN and BS and I feel bad about the characters they are playing.

Their gallan and gallanita roles are so frustrating. PiMan should've washed his hands of LuKrazy a long time ago. And yes, Camila is a doubting nelly, although sometimes I can't really blame her. Her boyfriend is letting a crazy woman who has the hots for him live in his house. I probably would've walked away ages ago.

Anita, Rosendo did tell Armando that they would not be living in the big house because he's going to get something even grander for Elvira, but I don't think that she's gotten the memo. She was plotting changes in the landscape last night.

I can't help but adore Lucrazy. She is just so cute and ditzy. I'm betting that she's still a virgin, too. Have we heard anything that would contradict that?


Carlos--You are correct about Elvira thinking she's going to live right there. I remember when she shocked Jaime-Secretario-Major Domo-guy that she wanted to start redecorating--and even mentioned it at the reception.

I hope Renato gets her out of there early in the morning before Ozzie comes back. Maybe he'll offer her another yacht ride to get her up.

...mentioned it again at the reception.

Elvira asked Camila what color she thought they should paint the outside of the house. lol.

so funny watching Elvira cry like a baby when she learned they were not going to live in 'THIS HOUSE'...

btw, I DONT LIKE where this novela is heading plotwise... it will be easy for me to jump ship without blinking an eye especially if RN leaves.

Renato sure put his foot down when Elvira started whining about wanting to live in THIS HOUSE, indicating that he wears the pants in this marriage--then he goes all soft and promises her that new house.

Who in viewerville DIDN'T know that Oscar was going to be called home asap, huh? Their wedding night at Rita's? I'll bet Elvira is ticked.

I'm with you Martaivett. I'm tired of watching. These have got to be the two dumbest protagonistas ever put on the telly.

So Pedro is now going to believe as gospel how Lucrezia is describing the scene in the coffee shop? Monday's episode will have them not allowing explanations and not listening to any anyway.

Anita, I can only hope that the cafe scene was written before they fired the head writer. Most of the 8 yr olds I know could have written a more believable scene. It might include aliens, animals or stomp-rockets, but hey, that's still more believable than what we saw last night.

Does anyone know if we are getting a new post for weekend El Tal discussion? Or do I just start in here with wondering where the El Talisman casa got it's wonderful soundproof windows. That was quite a ruckus with Lucrecia et al and again Pedro didn't hear it.

The Cap'n and I have had a couple of conversations off-post. We are almost at the point of agreeing to post a discussion header on either Monday night or early Tuesday morning, so we can keep comments together. Then, if we have a recapper show up, we'll let Sylvia know ahead of time that a recap is coming and which night it's for.

I hope this works. Meanwhile, we can discuss Friday's episode here. If anyone wants to step forward with a mini-recap posted in the comments section, the way Blusamurai used to do, it would be great.

That works for me! I hope a few others are out there wanting to discuss, among other things:

- Antonio saying to Camila that he'd meet her at the diner in Fresno, does she know it? lol Unless it is actually called The Diner in Fresno, like the Only Hotel Inn Fresno, they are leading us to believe there is only one diner in that whole forsaken land.

- Antonio knows that Panchito may be Pig's son? He is trying to put doubt in Panchito's mind telling him Pig is just using him to bother Antonio. Poor needy, clingy Panchito.

- Best scene of the night if you used to be a Mad TV fan was when Panchito tried to take a swing at Antonio and didn't get anywhere. It looked JUST LIKE the tough guy wannabe Ron (pronounced Raawn) skits.

- Where is Camila's work partner? Has she gone off to greener pastures of fungi?

- Oscar! I love him! Rita should see that awful Renato for the rake he is and choose the good guy! He seems like a lot of fun.

- The boda. Beautiful rendition of Pachebel's Canon. Elvira played surprised well.

Any El Tal haikus?

R la O

RLO--Here are a few suggested answers and a poor Haiku

Oscar is a Grinch
Home too soon
Renato flees nest

1. - Antonio saying to Camila that he'd meet her at the diner in Fresno, does she know it?

Antonio asked her on the phone is she knew where it was, so maybe there are two of them.

2. - Antonio knows that Panchito may be Pig's son?

Knowing Antonio, he's aware of the chisme and has known it for a long time. He has ears everywhere. Besides, it's one of those givens in any culture, that you can, discuss things behind folks back, but never out in the open and certainly not infront of the person involved in said chisme. It's only recently that events are making it uncomfortable for Antonio (i.e. risking his inheritance).

3. - Best scene of the night if you used to be a Mad TV fan was when Panchito tried to take a swing at Antonio and didn't get anywhere.

I almost missed it, it happened so fast. I was more worried about spilled breakfast beer. It's one thing to have your living room, bedroom or a motel room smell of stale beer, it's another to have the office conference room smell of stale beer.

4. - Where is Camila's work partner? Has she gone off to greener pastures of fungi?

Gen is either working hard in the background, or she and cutie replacement man are spending more time in the cabaña.

5. - Oscar! I love him! Rita should see that awful Renato for the rake he is and choose the good guy! He seems like a lot of fun.

...and real money, too. First thing I'd do is get him an exercise bicycle and a treadmill and make him eat avocado salads for lunch.


R la O, Yes! Ron from Mad TV! I haven't thought about that character in a long time but your post had me laughing out loud. There are a few good "Ron" skits on youtube, but here is a good one: Ron

I felt so sorry for Panchito even though the scene was tragically funny. That kid is WAY out of his league but he is somehow managing to blunder along.

Anita - Thanks for the reply! Good answers! I would much rather have an avocado salad with Oscar than champagne with Renato.

I don't know if we should be more concerned that your beer spilled or that you had breakfast beer.

Sylvia - Somehow I just knew you would know who Ron is! What are you lookin' at, Turkey? Thanks for the link. It was fun to revisit him. Ron, you're like a knight in shining armor. Call me Sir Galabadass! lol I miss that show.

Off to Hunger Games! I heart Rue.

It WASN'T my beer; it was Antonlespritzer's.

Oh lol Anita! Sorry! I was going to say I didn't think you were THAT much of a lush!

I guess I missed the breakfast beer spill.

Hmmmm...avocado salad with Oscar or Champagne with Renato. I think I would rather have an avocado salad and Champagne by myself. Sounds like a decadent lunch or semi-healthy dinner (depending on how much Champagne I polish off).

I made my sister watch this with me Friday night. She's never seen this show before (I gave her a quicky catch-up of the plot*) and understands little Spanish and even she couldn't believe Pedro would fall for Lucrazy's scheme and think Antonio and Camila were having an affair. She thought it was hysterically funny when I translated Renato's "let's go stay at my niece Rita's apartment for our honeymoon!" for her, though.

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