Monday, April 30, 2012
Abismo de pasión #36 4/30/11: Dam Remains Dressed...Oh, and Elisa cries
Dearest Caraymates
Insomnia and week-end migraines have conspired against me; hence tonight's recap will be crap (just more fodder for the fan, yes?) Please pardon the scant info and odd organization. Needless to say, fill-ins will be in order.
El Refrito
Flo reminds Unkahunk he boinked a minor.
Fina confronts Unkahunk and wants to know who really called.
Dam gets smarmy, tells Elisa he loves her and smoochies ensue.
Lo Nuevo
From "Televisa Presenta to first commercial break
Elisa lerves Damián but their lerve is impossible. If he leaves Flo for her, it will be Steffie all over again and the Harper Valley PTA will have a field day with that. He doesn't love Flo and can't stop thinking about Elisa or get her out of his heart. He won't lose her a second time and the Andrea Bocelli-esque theme plays on. Later, the Sleazel pops in, but she has no real lines other than to be nosy about Dam's visit.
Ingrid gets snoopy at the PRO CE SA DO RA and Grabby Gabino catches her. Did Maru sneak a peek? You decide. Gab slimes into his squeaky chair and calls the Castañon residence. Lola answers and he hangs up. Lola and Carmina circle each other and discuss callers who call and hang up. (Lola's veiled attempt to let Duck L'Orange know she hasn't forgotten that hang up a few episodes back when Lucio was in the hospital?)
Elisa is still bustin' out all over (*ahem*) with the news that Dam lerves her. She tells Lola and then cries about suffering and she wishes Dam hadn't professed his love.
Dam is heading into the church and Kenia (spelled Quenia on my CCs) is looking for Gael.
Dam wants Padre Loopy's blessing on to break up with Flo and lerve Elisa forever. Padre is Mr Negativo and brings up all the issues they will have. Not to mention how it will hurt Gael, who has always seen Dam as a rival. And while Dam may be Mr. Man, what about Elisa? Is she tough enough to withstand the spitstorm on the horizon?
Theme song to 2nd commercial break cliff-hanger
Gael and Assusto discuss the harvesting of habaneros. Assusto, usually so obtuse, notices Gael's mood. Gael spills the habanero sauce about the Team Habanero and the Greenhouse plan.
Paolo calls Carmina and they plan to meet at the only inn in La Ermita at 3.
Meanwhile downstairs, Dam is breaking up with Flo...who flips out and pulls a master Clingwrap ™ maneuver. She begs and pleads and while I don't like this chick all that much I cringe for her utter lack of dignity.
Paloma and Elisa discuss the latest Dam drama and Elisa insists she needs to make Dam forget her. Paloma the voice of reason, tells girlfriend she needs to go after Dam toute de suite.
Apparently Flo ran right out of the Hacienda and over to the plaza so Kenia could conveniently run into her and tell her she needs to see yesterday. Kenia spills the dead rabbit beans and Flo wishes she could trap Dam so conveniently (aw hell.)
Duck L'Orange awaits Paolo at the Inn. Pop! Goes the Bitter Sleazel...Fina shows up instead of Paolo!
Mid-episode cliffhanger to final credits
Fina knows Duck L'Orange served Elisa up on a silver platter at the cenote. Fina digs in her claws. She tells her she hates Elisa because she reminds her so much of her sister and the miserable life she has. Elisa is the product of love between Assusto and Steffie. She's the daughter Carmeany will never have. Carmina says she does't have to explain anything to Fina. If she sent Paolo to the cenote, it was to keep Elisa and Dam apart. Fina says Dam has no interest in Elisa. Carmina fires back with an "Oh yeah? Well then why did he come to the house to see her. So nyah!"
Paolo and Dam blah blah and Paolo finds out that come hell or high water, Dam is cancelling the wedding.
Gab forces his way into Casa Castañon and tells L'Orange he wants the little house of blue. She balks. He reminds her about the plane tickets and postal robbery so she could fake the paternity test. He suggests they trade. Or maybe arrange a kind of time share with the house. She'll take the morning humping shift and he'll take the afternoon shtupping shift.
Flo brings Kenia to Harangue-o ™ Hollow and introduces her to Fina as a friend. Fina insists the lovely young lady stay and keep Flo company. Oh, and why not go say hello to Paolo? His room is the third one on that hallway.
Enrique and Dam. Blergh. Enrique Dam has been so kind to him and that he (Quique) has not been such a nice guy. Quique worries and wants Dam to forgive him for anything he may have done to upset Dam. Dam is a little confused, but I'm sure at some point he will flash back to the conversation and all will be made clear.
Flo tells Fina about the break up. Flo knows it's for Elisa. Fina promises things will return to normal.
Kenia confronts Paolo and I really don't need to recap this. Just think of everything slimy men say when they don't want to take responsibility for getting a woman pregnant.
Team Habanero talks about going to Mérida to get a bank loan. Elisa is a little distracted. Gael walks her home and says she is drifting away from him. She denies it. Gael tells her the told Assusto about the project. Elisa gets mad because it was her place to tell her father. Not Gael's. She leaves in a huff.
Flo drags Elisa's reputation in the mud to Kenia, saying that Elisa has flirted with Dam, Paolo and even Gael! (So that's 2 out of 3 guys that Kenia would not want with Elisa.)
Dam visits Elisa and tells her he tried to break up with Flo. Elisa doesn't think he should do that. Dam thinks they should fight for their happiness. Elisa insists he forget her. Dam thinks they can face anything together and should fight for their happiness. They can't stop how they feel. There are aborted smoochies and Dam leaves in a mini-huff.
Assusto scares Elisa (because he is skulk pouting in a corner) and confronts her about her business dreams. He isn't supportive. Finally he says at least it will keep her busy and she won't be running around with men.
Enrique talks to Sabrina and I wonder why I care. (BTW, according to Quique Dr. Whipped gives good advice...too bad he doesn't listen to himself.)
Lola talks to Elisa who decides she can't fight this feeling anymore. Pop goes the Original Sleazel to announce Elisa has a visitor. The grin on Elisa's face says she thinks she knows who it is.
And she's WRONG! It's Flo!
Flo is going to pull the ol' "drug/drunk him and tell him he's the baby daddy trick. Joy.
Labels: abismo
El Talismán #64 Mon 4/30/12 The Aftermath, A Truth Revealed and El Cheque
Previously on El Talisman:
Boda Interrumptus
Today on El Talisman:
Tonio and Lucrazy are so very happy that the wedding was stopped. For some odd reason Lucrazy thinks that Pedro will now be Mio! Tonio tells her she should be more concerned about getting her part of Alcatrash, cause he is going to ensure they both do that, tout suite,today.
Maria and El Viral, the gasbag, are talking and Maria tries to convince El Viral to go and talk to her devasted daughter, El Viral won't go, so Tia Maria goes instead.
Pigorio is laying in the hospital bed looking remarkably healthy. Panchito is playing with one of the medical machines in the room. Pigorio says so Pedro and Cameela are getting married. Too bad for Lucrazy. Panchito says what about Tonio who is so in love with Cameela? Pigorio says that's his problem. He makes Panchito stop playing with the machine. Panchito tells him to stay calm. Pigorio tells Panchito once he is up and on his feet Al Catrash is MIO!!!
Mariana is still in the trees with Santiago. Mariana wants to know what he is doing there? He says he was just watching and Santiago tells Mariana that Pedro betrayed him. Mariana wants to get out of there, as does Santiago so they go.
Maria goes to Cameela and talks to her. Maria tells Cameela that Pedro could not have known Mariana was still alive. He is not the type of person to do this to Cameela. Maria says pack your things, you are coming with me to the apartment. Cameela doesn't want to go because the gasbag, oh excuse me, her Mama will be there and will give her all kinds of grief. Maria says not gonna happen sweetie, she will make sure and Tia Maria insists she come home with her.
Padre Sebastian tells the assembled guests that due to what just happened there will be no wedding today. He asks the guests to go on home now and please don't gossip about what happened here today. The would be bride and groom would appreciate it.
El Viral wants to leave this instant and wants a taxi, she is not riding with her heartbroken daughter and her sister Maria. Army says what evs he isn't going with her. She tells Army she wants to go to the police so they can help her recover that Cheque that is owed to her. Army can't believe her.
Pedro has gone to talk to Cameela. She says she wants to be alone, and that they have nothing to talk about. He wants her to wait cause he still wants to marry her, he just needs Mariana to recover her memory. Cameela wants to know how long will that take, months, years? Pedro keeps telling Cameela he loves her, its not an illusion and he will do whatever it takes to fix this problem. She keeps crying. He tells her he loves her and leaves.. shutting the door behind him. She tells the door she loves Pedro.
Tracy goes up and helps Cameela take off her wedding dress. She tells Cameela that Pedro truly loves her, and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Cameela says her heart is broken. Tracy keeps telling her Pedro loves her. Cameela doesn't want to hear it, so Tracy promises she will say no more about it. She promises she won't say where Cameela went.
Geno has put Cameela's things in Tia Maria's car. She promises she won't tell Pedro where Cameela has gone.
Pedro and Margarito are talking and he tells Margarito he never knew where Mariana was, dead or alive, until she showed up today. Padre comes in and tells Pedro he needs to find Mariana and talk to her, and Pedro says he needs to find Santiago too.
Mariana and Santiago are now at Mariana's apartment. Santiago looks like he is starving. He scarfs down some food, while Mariana makes a call to Dr. Manuel. She tells Dr. Manuel she stopped Pedro and Cameela's wedding. He needs him. He says he is on is way. Mariana asks Santiago why he left Pedro's. Was it because of Cameela? Santiago tells Mariana no, Cameela is nice but Pedro betrayed him by calling the police on him. Santiago is done eating and wants to leave. Mariana tries to get him to stay, but he says he'll see her tomorrow. Dr. Manuel has come home. She tells Dr. Manuel in detail what happened and she feels sorry for Pedro. She knows he is in love with Cameela. Manuel tells her she needs to talk to Pedro. Mariana doesn't want to because Tonio keeps insisting Pedro is bad. Manuel tells Mariana that Tonio doesn't like Pedro and she should stop listening to Tonio.
Tonio is at the hospital with his lawyer, and sees the Dr. Tonio asks if Pigorio can now sign papers? The Dr. says oh yeah, and hey by the way we found some poison in your Dad's blood, know anything about that? Tonio looks shocked, I tell you shocked! He doesn't know Anything about that. Tonio goes into Pigorio's room with his lawyer. Tonio wants Panchito to Largate, but Pigorio says he stays. Tonio wants Pigorio to sign the papers. One quarter part of Alacatrash to Tonio, one quarter part to Lucrazy and if he loses his facilites (when has he ever had them?) the half goes to Tonio. Pigorio signs the papers and Pigorio tells Panchito, to guess what? Right, Largate. Pigorio tells Tonio when his is out of the bed and back home El Alcatrash is, wait for it, MIO!!!!!
Gabe, Sarita and Pedro are talking and Sarita asks if he needs some pills for his nerves? He says no, he just wants to make everything right. Pedro goes to look for Cameela, but she is gone and has left him a letter. She says she loves him, but can't wait around until Mariana gets her memory back. She says they just weren't meant to be, and it would be better if she left. Pedro runs into Tracy and asks her if she knows where Cameela went. Tracy is not a good liar and caves and tells Pedro where she went. Pedro is going to look for her.
Angel and Army have gone to El Alcatrash to find Fabi. This time it is a daytime jaunt. They run into Alberta and Lucrazy. Lucrazy has just been going on and on about Pedro's non wedding. Alberta tries to run the boys off, but Lucrazy makes her stop. She knows that Army is Fabi's boyfriend and Flor's fake boyfriend and what does he want? Army says he wants to talk to Fabi. Lucrazy says if you help me with Cameela, I'll let you talk to Fabi. Army says no way Jose, she tells him too bad, so sorry, Largate. Angel tells Lucrazy that's ok, we can talk to Fabi outside of the ranch. Army and Angel leave, but Flor has heard Army and she goes chasing after them and demands an explanation of what happened. Army tells her all about the dreaded venganza of his gasbag mother, oops did it again, and that he only loves Fabi punto. Flor is so not down with this. Army insists it is the truth and he and Angel leave. In the house Nana is telling Fabi that Army is outside and Flor is talking to him. Nana tells her she should be the one talking to Army.
As Tonio is leaving the hospital he stops by Dr. Raul's office, because Dr. Raul wanted to see him. He tells Tonio about the poison in Pigorio's blood that they found. Do you know anything about that! Oh, nos I don't, but ya know he had a lover named El Viral who is now his enemy. She probably did it. Dr. Raul ain't buying what Tonio is selling. Tonio goes on and on about Pigorio dumping El Viral and so on, but Dr. Raul says he has many enemies, you perhaps? Tonio wants to know if Dr. Raul has called the cops, but Dr. Raul hasn't. Tonio says keep the gasbag in mind, I mean El Viral, he also tells Dr. Raul that Cameela is friend of mine, and the Dr. wants to know if Cameela might know anything about this? The Doctor is not buying that Cameela is a friend of Tonio's. The Dr. says he isn't telling Pigorio, but his keeping his eye on Tonio. He tells the Dr. that it is good that Mariana is back that Tonio is also a friend to Mariana. The doctor says no Negrete is a friend of Mariana's. Tonio tells him Pigorio won't do anything to Mariana. The Dr. asks Tonio if he is the poisoner? Tonio says no but think about El Viral.
The Gasbag just happens to be at the police station spewing her gas at the police about El Cheque, if you please. The cop gets the investigator, not El Capitan, that first investigated Mariana's disapperance. The Investigator wants to know all about what she is spewing. The Gasbag tells the Investigator how Mariana just happened to show up at the wedding, and how that Cheque is Mio. The Investigator tells her, very interesting. El Viral is trying to call Army, who of course is not picking up his cell, I wonder why? Doesn't want poison gas is my opinion.
Maria has taken Cameela home with her. They have a chat and Maria tells her she will make sure her Mama will not bother her. Maria tells Cameela Pedro really loves Cameela and that she should fight for him. Maria tries to convince her that Pedro never would have married her if he knew Mariana was alive. Cameela is just not buying it, because by this point she is pithed (thank you Carlos) and is having a pity party. Maria tells her to think about it. Maria is going out and concerned about Cameela. Cameela says not to worry no one knows she is there. Maria leaves. Cameela thought bubbles about the wedding interrumptus and there is a knock on the door, it is Mariana. Mariana tells Cameela she wants to talk to her. She doesn't want to talk to her, but Mariana insists. Mariana wants to know why Cameela was marrying a married man? Cameela tells Mariana that when noone could find her, Pedro thought she was dead. Cameela thought he was single and free and that is why she married him. Cameela wants to know why Mariana stopped the wedding? Was it to hurt her? Mariana tells her no, but for legal reasons she had to stop the wedding. She says I'm alive. Cameela tells her you are the only wife of Pedro Ibarra. Mariana says she has no memory of what happened before and it is necessary for her to talk to Cameela. Cameela doesn't want to hear anymore and she tells Mariana to go.
Next time on El Talisman:
Pedro goes to see Cameela
Lucrazy has a gun at it is pointed at Pedro!Labels: Talisman
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Una Familia Con Suerte #227-228 Fri 4/27/12 Feliz Navidad, Bah Humbug and the Girl Who Couldn't Decide
The Refried:
Tomas is ok after the police operativo.
Candy massages Vins feet, while smelling his shoes, and says she won't leave him. She married him for richer for poorer etc.
The New:
Everyone is throwing Rebe a baby shower. Most of the gifts are Huggies diapers. Dona Rebe tells Rebe that Julio are her are bankrupt. Rebe promises her that she and Pancho will help them. All the guys are at the baby shower too. Rebe tells Pancho her parents are bankrupt.
Except Vins and Enzzo. Vins is having a pity party for one and is hanging out with Enzzo cause he ain't going to no baby shower that has Pancho there, Bah Humbug. Enzzo tells Vins sorry pal this is all your own fault and you should have paid up. Vins uses the excuse of mi's planis went wrong and I got divorced and had to give the Pina all my dinero and property. Bah Humbug. Enzzo goes to the shower, and Vins leaves.
Freddy comes to see his Paps. Candy opens the door for him and asks if she can get him anything, he says no just Paps. Paps comes out and Freddy says he stopped by to say bye cause he is spending Navidad with his Moms and Meli Amors. Paps asks about his bruised face and Freddy tells him he fought with Adrian over Ana. Freddy gives the gifts he brought with him to his Paps and wishes him Feliz Navidad. Paps says he loves his Nene.
Freddy goes to see Ana and tells her he stopped by with a gift for her and tells her he is going to Torreon to spend Navidad with Moms and Meli Amors. Freddy gives her a hug and she thought bubbles about the time he read poetry for her on the cherry picker. She tells Freddy Feliz Navidad and they commence the kissing. Rebe walks in, they totally ignore her and keep on kissing. Ana breaks the kiss and looks totally confused. Freddy tells her he is in love with her. He goes to leave but before he does, he kneels down and kisses Rebe's baby bump and wishes the twins, Rebe, and Pancho Feliz Navidad.
Elena and Orion have come home for Feliz Navidad. They go to Tomas's place.
Julio comes for Christmas and Pancho goes to hug him, but Julio is steaming mad, bah humbug. Pepe steps in and hugs him anyway. I think Pancho tells a mother-in-law joke, and then Dona Rebe does an imitation of Pancho.
Ana is now very confused. She tells Lupe she kissed Freddy.
Doc Oc is talking to Pancho, Rebe, Dona Rebe and some others standing around he is on a new drug therapy and it is doing wonders.
Pepe is trying to find Moni. She isn't answering her cell.
Candy gives Vins a check for all the past due taxes and to get him out of his jam. It was money left to her from Napo. Vins is shocked and somewhat repentant and she says all she wants from him is to say Feliz Navidad. She tells him she is going to Pancho's, he won't go there, bah humbug. Enzzo stops by and gives Vins a present. They have a hug.
Ado has come over to help cook the dinner. Concepcion has come too and brings the baby.
Vins, Enzzo and Arnoldo spend Christmas together.
Ana and Adrian talk. She tells him she kissed Freddy. He is pithed off.
In the cutest scene tonight, Popeye gives Abjea a dog tag with her name on it. They tell each other they love each other and spend Christmas with their beautiful puppies.
Everyone is gathered at Pancho's including Elena and Orion who have come from Australia, I think. Pepe is still looking for Moni. She comes in with Frida. Pepe is really surprised and so is Pancho. They think there will be trouble, but they both go over and greet them. Frida tells Pepe and Pancho that Moni lent her the heels and the dress to come to their party. Pepe is proud of Moni. Later Moni tells Frida she really wants to help her, because she is all alone and she wants to be her friend. They hug.
Adrian tells Ana he is going back to Gaudalajara with his girls cause Ana betrayed him. She says she is confused, but he isn't buying it. He says he spent all this time with her and her mind should have been made up already.
Arnoldo and Enzzo try to convince Vins to come to Pancho's, cause that is where they are going. Vins can't believe it. He hates Pancho. Arnold reminds him that Pancho is not only his brother-in-law but your cousin. Vins says he ain't going, bah humbug. Arnold and Enzzo leave Vins to stew in his bah humbugness.
Everyone but Vins is now at Pancho's party. Pancho gives a speech about all the things he is grateful for. He is grateful for his Ana and Lupe making it thru the kidney transplant (Montage of all that happened), he is happy for Rebe and the twins, happy with Pepe, Moni and Frida being friends, happy he found his Jeffa Dona Fer (Montage of how he found her and how he found out she was his Mama) and happy she found Doc Oc who is now his Papa, happy that Chela and Enzzo are together with little Paquito, happy Adrian has come with his daughters (Pancho doesn't know about the fight), happy Arnoldo is now out of the closet and with Barb, happy that Sebastian is with Pina (even though she isn't there), happy that Chacho and Sanrita are together, happy that Tomas is with them and saved Candy from Napo, happy Candy got the man she wanted (Even though Vins stayed home, bah humbug), happy that Orion and Elena have come home for Christmas, happy that he has Chucha, Ado and Concepcion there (they do a cute little dance). Then he tells Everyone Feliz Navidad.
Vins talks to Nene on the phone, wishes him Merry Christmas and tells him to tell Pina and Meli Amors the same.
Candy leaves that wonderful banquet of food (I have to say here I love the food on this TN) and tells Pancho, Vins is all alone (Mr Pity Party for One Bah Humbug)
Julio is pithed off because Dona Rebe told Rebe and Pancho all of their financial woes, bah humbug.
Pina calls Sebastian and wishes him Merry Christmas with many hugs and kisses.
Sebastian took this call outside and he sees Temo and Adrian's girls playing soccer. He thought bubbles about how he used to play soccer with his son. Temo asks him why he is so sad and if he is ok. Sebastian says he is ok and tells Temo about his son. Temo hugs him and they play soccer.
Candy goes home to Vins. She has a little surprise for Vins, she has a trenchcoat on. She takes it off and she is "Candy Claus" she even says ho, ho, ho. He chases her all over and they end up rocking the house.
In another cute scene, Temo is dressed in a little chef hat and brings Rebe and Pancho breakfast in bed. He tells them about Sebastian's son. He also tells Pancho there is something he wants Pancho to help him with.
That help is to take Temo to the carcel to visit Salome. They walk in there and Temo has some drawings. They bring Salome in with shackels and cuffs. Pancho tells Temo they are never to tell Tomas they were there. Temo runs and gives her a hug. He was happy when she went on that helicopter ride with him and has brought her the drawings he has made of that. She has tears in her eyes. She gives Temo a kiss on the head. Pancho asks her how she ended up with such a bad man as Napo. She says its a long story. She tells Pancho that their coming to see her in the carcel is the best thing that has happened to her, she is crying. Temo, Pancho and Salome have a group hug and Pancho says he'll help her once she is out of the carcel.
Adrian tells his daughters they are going back to Guadalajara cause he and Ana are having problems. The girls aren't liking it. The girls don't want to leave Temo but Adrian tells them they are going and that is that.
Rebe and Pancho talk about Dona Rebe and Julio's problems. Pancho wants to help and will talk to Julio. Dona Rebe comes to talk to Rebe. Pancho goes to talk to Julio. Julio is very mad (bah humbug) cause Dona Rebe spilled the beans to him and Rebe. Pancho tells him he wants to give him a hand cause he is part of the family. Julio, bah humbug, doesn't want no stinking help. Dona Rebe comes in and wants to help Julio see the error of his ways, that he can't get out of this trouble by himself and he needs a hand. Julio is yelling at Pancho and keeps saying he doesn't need no stinking help (bah humbug) especially from Pancho. Rebe tells him to respect Pancho.
Freddy is on his way back and thought bubbles about Ana.
Pepe and Moni are talking about Frida. Pepe is glad she brought her and Moni says she only wants to help her, because the girl is all alone with noone. Moni tells Pepe nothing will ever seperate them again.
Lupe and Ana come to see what all the fighting is about. Julio is still saying he doesn't need anyone's help (bah humbug) and that he is leaving. Pancho clears the room so Rebe and Julio can talk. Rebe tells Julio that Pancho is a great guy who only wants to help him out of his trouble. She tells Julio he and Dona Rebe are now part of the family, and that family is everything to Pancho. Julio, for the first time, starts acting human and cries and tells Rebe not only do they have financial problems, their marriage is in trouble.
In the other room, Dona Rebe is talking to Pancho and the girls and says that Pancho shouldn't worry about Julio. Julio has never supported her in the things she wanted to do and that her marriage is in trouble. She wants a divorce.
Earlier Ana and Lupe talked about Freddy and how confused Ana is. She thought bubbled all about her relationship with Freddy and sleeping with him. He was her first. Freddy comes back from Torreon and brings Ana flowers. He wants to take her somewhere. He takes her to his apartment. She thinks his Moms lives there too, but he says it is his alone. Freddy kisses her and she thought bubbles about Adrian kissing her. She tells Freddy she told Adrian about kissing Freddy. She tells Freddy everytime he kisses her she thinks of Adrian and everytime Adrian kisses her she thinks of Freddy. She is sooo confused. She wants to go home and think about all this.
Tomas goes on another operativo. This time it is drug dealers. They surround the house and Tomas is the first one in. They surround all the drug dealers and round them all up. There is one they didn't see and he is pointing his gun at Tomas. Tomas' fellow officer yells gun, but Tomas is slow to draw and is shot in the arm. Labels: familia
Abismo de pasió #35 4/27/12: You Better be Downstairs in 10 Minutes and You Best Be Wearing Something Short and Skanky!
Dr. Whipped’s Office
Enrique Whipped and Florencia (same funeral dress/shirt, different pattern), are sipping coffee in the romantic setting of his father’s medical practice. Enrique Whipped wants to know if she loves Damien. She replies that she is going to marry Damien. He points out that she didn’t exactly answer the question. She says she is not that enthusiastic about her relationship with Damien. It’s changed since they’ve arrived in La Ermita. "We fight a lot". Enrique Whipped asks if she’s sure that they will marry in the end. She tells him that she’s met a lot of unique and interesting people like him. They stare longingly into each other’s eyes. Was it the glare from the bright, florescent, overhead, medical office lights or the savor of great coffee that contributed to their passion. Surrounded by volumes of text books, and breath taking views of framed, licenses to practice medicine, the sexaphones wail in the background. Their lips meet. Florencia is the first to come to her senses. “No”, she says as she pushes him away. She grabs her purse and says that she doesn’t want to discuss what just happened. He tells her that what he feels is serious and tells her not to play with him. As she rushes towards the door, he grabs her bare arm (that might leave a bruise) and pushes her against the wall. He asks her not to leave, lowers his dark head and they kiss again.
Priest’s Office
The frazzled priest is drinking a glass of communion wine when Gael enters. Gael wants to discuss what happened that morning. He wants an explanation of exactly why Lupe took him to the hotel to see Ingrid. The priest says that he took him so that he can see what a fornicator Ingrid is. How can she be with a man like Gabino? Gael doesn’t believe him and demands to know the truth. Lupe furiously slams back several gulps of the wine as the conversation intensifies. Gael says he’s an adult and demands to hear the truth. The priest prays to the picture of the Virgin Mary and then runs (literally) from the room to avoid telling Gael the truth.
Hotel-Hallway Outside of Ingrid’s Room
On the floor, Gabino sits waiting for Ingrid to return from work. She asks why he’s there. He couldn’t see her at the procesadora, so he came to the hotel to see her. He wants to know why she freaked out over the priest. She says the priest would have judged her. After he offers to do some tricks and strange things to her, she allows him to stay. For some reason, she enters the room first, shuts the door and leaves him out in the hallway for less than a second. (If you know why, please do share!). She puts a “No Molestar” sign on the door, and then pulls him inside.
Casa de Arango
Horacio and Braulio are waiting outside when a taxi arrives carrying Damien and Paolo. As you recall, the two contenders were just in the “Thrilla in Manilla”, the “Rumble in the Jungle”, the “Beata in La Ermita”! Considering that part of the La Beata took place in a lake, the victor, Damien dryly disembarks from the front seat. Hair unmussed (it’s plausible that he stopped to comb and mouse his hair along the way), he instructs Braulio to assist Paolo out of the backseat. Mr. Ed is at the cantina; pick him up! Proud, dry Paolo resists the help of the two men. “I can make it by myself; go pick up my motorcycle. The taxi driver knows where it is,” he says as he leans on the taxi for support. Limping, Damien enters the house first. His mother sees his bloodied and bruised face and wants to know what happened. He says that he was in a fight with an imbecile and tells her to ask Paolo what happened. The door opens again, and this time Paolo, barley able to walk, gripping his ribs, enters wincing. He uses the walls as his crutch. Alphonsina, afraid that his blood will stain her designer wall paper, yells for Antonia to call the doctor. Although he is clearly in need of one, Paolo tells her not to call the doctor and continues his “I TOOK my BEAT DOWN like a MAN BECAUSE I TRIED TO RAPE A DEFENSELESS CHICK in the WOODS” journey of shame. His agony is reflected as he struggles to take each step. The women try to touch him, but he refuses their help. Alphonsina tells Anotonia to get bandages.
Kenia is walking down the street when she spots Paolo’s motorcycle . She’s stunned.
Casa de Castanon
Ramona and Paloma have delivered Elisa safely home. Ramona wants to speak with Augusto in order to tell him what really happened by Elisa begs her not to. Paloma tells her that things will always get worse? Augusto walks in the door. Elisa’s body tenses when she hears his voice. He was out looking for her. Ramona greets him and tells him that Elisa was at her house. He told that she should have been walking alone in the “cenote” alone at that hour. It’s dangerous (he ain’t whistling Dixie). Paloma tells him that she has lived there all of her life and nothing crazy has ever happened to her. The neighborhood is very safe except for the occasional Italian, stalker rapist who lurks in the bushes. Elisa thanks her escorts and leaves the room. Ramona tells Augusto that if he loves his daughter, he should show it.
Once again, one of Gael’s female relatives is alone, in the dark, standing on a corner (I will make no further comments). OK, I lied. Do they know what it they look like? Kenia is leaning against a car when the taxi carrying Horacio and Braulio whizzes by. Braulio, instructs Horacio to take Mr. Ed directly home and not to get distracted. Horacio unties Mr. Ed/Hi! Hoe! Silver!, and chooses not to mount him (very strange), but grabs his reigns and walks him home. Braulio mounts the bike and is just about to fire up the engine, when Kenia runs over and asks if the bike belongs to him. He tells her no, it belongs to someone who just arrived in town. He drives off before she can get anymore 411 on the owner of the bike.
Casa de Augusto, Elisa and Carmina
In front of her vanity, Elisa is sobbing….AGAIN! Yeah, I said it! Email your complaints to Sharkbait, (she’s the boss of the team) because frankly I can’t take it anymore. Lolita comes in for the 35th time (there have been 35 espisodes) and asks Elisa what’s wrong. She felt dirty! She was trying to cross the cenote when Paolo tried to rape her. Lolita wants to know how Paolo knew that Elisa was in the cenote. Elisa doesn’t know, she didn’t tell anyone. Lolita asks her if Paolo raped her. She tells Lolita that he didn’t get the chance because Damien appeared out of nowhere and that’s when the Beata in La Ermita began. She thought Damien was going to kill him. She doesn’t know what would’ve happened if Damien had not appeared. Lolita gives her a hug.
Casa de Arango-Paolo’s Room
Alfonsina is cleaning a wincing Paolo’s (not her son’s) wounds with a cotton ball. She tells him that he needs a doctor, but he still refuses. Afterwards, she hands her tools to Antonia and tells her to take the bandages…away. As soon as Anotonia leaves the room, she asks if the fight was over Elisa. Sitting uncomfortably in his red, paisley, Hugh Heffner, smoking jacket, he grunts to the affirmative. She knew it wasn’t her imagination. She tells him to tell her exactly what happened and not to lie.
Casa de Carmina, Agosto and Elisa-Dinner Table
Carmina asks if Elisa is coming to dinner. Agosto doesn’t know. Carmina asks where Elisa ended up walking? He tells her that she visited Paloma. Carmina says, great, for a minute she thought that Elisa was lying. Agosto, says, nope she told the truth, Ramona and Paloma walked her home. She keeps digging at him about Elisa until he gets pissed off and leaves the table.
Cara de Arango-Damien’s Bedroom
Damien is simply wearing two large white towels. One is draped around his neck as if he used it to dry his hair and the other one is wrapped around his waist. As he picked up his pants his pecs kind of twitched, but we get a wonderful shot of his flexing abdominal muscles. Did anyone else notice the chain he’s wearing? Well the charm sits right between his pectorals. I went on the internet to get a closer view of his chest and I notices that he has like a little strawberry birthmark on his sternum….Yum!!! and his arms are to die for! Oh, ummm sorry. I got distracted. We can take this offline and discuss this in the comment section, if anyone else is interested.
Alfonsina, interrupts the Oscar winning exiting the shower scene (is there a Golden Globe category or something we can nominate him for?). She’s screaming at him for whuppin’ up on his fiancé’s uncle. She tells him that he acted like a beast. He tries to explain that Paolo was trying to rape Elisa. She says that Elisa probably provoked it. Damien says she wasn’t there, so she doesn’t know. Basically, she says that Elisa’s a flirt. He won’t allow her to talk about Elisa like that. Alfonsina says he’s blind and begins to list Elisa’s “crimes”. Gabina in the park…Paolo in her bedroom and now today…Paolo in the cenote. She says that she has proof and calls Antonia for back up. When Antonia shows up, Alfonsina asks Antonia to tell Damien who called for Paolo that afternoon. Ashamed of about the lie she’s going straight to hell for, Antonia looks down and says that it was Elisa Castanon. Damien tells her to repeat what she just said. She looks uncomfortable and lies again. Commercial
We are back in Damien’s Room
Antonia is dismissed. Alfonsina says that it is obvious that Paolo and Elisa were on a date because she called him. Damien points out that even if they were on a date, he shouldn’t have tried to rape her. Alfonsina says that Elisa provoked it and pretended that he was trying to rape her. Damien calls Paolo a perve. She points out that this isn’t the first time that this has happened and brings up Don Lucio. Damien tells her that Don Lucio told him that Gabino was at fault in that situation as well. He’s upset that his mother believes Paolo over him. She tells him that he’s blind and that she will never accept Elisa is different from her mother.
Don Lucio’s House
Lucio is lovingly looking at a picture of Blanca. Gael is at the door. Elisa was supposed to meet them there to discuss agriculture. Gael wants to use the telephone (Soy Impactada!!!!) to call her. Lucio tells him there’s not need (he probably didn’t pay the bill or it’s an imaginary phone), if she says she’s on her way…she’s on her way. They have a light-hearted chat about how hard the work will be, getting a loan, blah blah blah. Don Lucio needs something to do to get his mind off of his troubles.
Casa de Arango-Kitchen
Antonia is serving Braulio dinner. He asked if she saw Damien and Paolo when they arrived. She nervously says no. Suddenly Damien enters the kitchen. She runs and hides behind Braulio. Now that his mother isn’t in the room, he wants her to tell the truth. Did Elisa call Paolo? She assures him that she told the truth. He asks if Elisa identified herself on the phone. She says that she recognized her voice. Once Damien leaves, Braulio springs from the table, grabs her and demand to know why Damien was asking her those questions. She says that it’s house business. He says it might be house business, but she better tell him what’s going on right now.
Hotel-Hallway Ingrid’s Room
Kenia rips the “No Molestar” sign from the nob and bangs on the Ingrid’s door. I am about to get hate comments…but you know what? I don’t care. The door opens and shirtless Gabino almost falls out of the door. Gabino’s chest is lightly dusted with just the perfect a hint of blond hair. As he adjusts his pants, we are treated to a delightful shot of his V shaped waist disappearing into his dirty jeans. Kind of makes me wonder what’s in there. What’s at the end of that happy trail? I agonizingly slow down the DVR so that I can get a freeze frame of every shot of his abs. Once again….this is for the comment section and I apologize profusely. He’s hot. I don’t care what he’s done! Judge not!
Anyways, Kenia bangs on the door…yada yada yada, Gabino, hot, tan, abs, triceps (Good Gracious!). Ingrid comes to the door and Gabino seems to get greedy. I think the thought the Kenia was going to be extra fun for the party, but Ingrid introduces Kenia as her “friend”. Ingrid tells Kenia that they will talk tomorrow at breakfast. Once it’s determined that Kenia is not there to join the party, Gabino grabs Ingrid pulls her back into the room for what I am sure is a night of pure debauchery and perversion (Ingrid is soooooo lucky) and slams the door in Kenia’s face.
Dr. Whipped Residence
Enrique climbs onto his sister’s bed and makes out with her (not really). She wants to know why he’s so happy. He tells her about his date in the medical clinic with Florencia. He doesn’t tell about the kiss, but he now knows how important Florencia is to him. His sister tells him not to get his hopes up high. Does he think that she will break her engagement with Damien? He can’t be sure, he says. Mrs. Kravitz enters the room and asks her son where he’s been. With some friends, he answers. Are you sure? Why would I lie, ma? He gives her a kiss and leaves. Mom doesn’t believe him and grills little sister. Sabrina says Enrique doesn’t tell her anything and then she changes the subject and talks about the magazine she’s reading.
Casa de Arango-Living Room
Florencia tries sneaking into the house, but Alfonsina stops her and asks where she’s been. Florencia lies and said that she’s been with Sabrina. Alfonsina says it’s late. Florencia says they were chatting and forgot the time. She has the right to meet people in the village, right? Alfonsina informs Florencia about the La Beata In Ermita. It was over Elisa. Florencia looks perturbed. Alfonsina tells her to go get the details from Paolo. Florencia hurries off.
Casa de Arango-Kitchen
Braulio is still brow-beating his wife. Why did you lie to Damien? He doesn’t believe that Antonia can recognize Elisa’s voice. She basically told him that she lied for the same reason that he puts up with Gabino, to preserve her job. He says that’s different.
Casa de Arango-Damien’s Bedroom
Sad, Damien is sitting on his bed with his clothes on and let me tell you that I am extremely disappointed. Florencia KNOCKS on his bedroom door instead of barging in first. Doesn’t she sleep with him? I think they have sex! I’m baffled, but I have to forge on. Anyways, Florencia opens the door without an invitation and calls him an animal. Once again, he tries unsuccessfully to explain that Paolo was trying to rape Elisa. She said that Elisa wanted it. Commerical.
Casa de Arango-Damien’s Bedroom
Damien tells her to shut up because she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She doesn’t have to shut up! She doesn’t understand why he defends that chick. He tells her to shut up again. She tells him to open his good eye (his other one is bruised from the fight…just a little joke, nevermind). Anyways, how is it that he is the only one who doesn’t see that Elisa is a tramp and tease? Why is everyone else wrong? How would she know? It’s obvious, she says. The whole village talks about her and her family doesn’t respect her either! Her father showed up at our engagement party and popped her in the mouth! He changes the subject and wants to know if she was really with Sabrina. She says yeppers, and then flips the conversation back to him. He’s only asking where she was so that they don’t have to discuss Elisa. She acts indignant. I LIKE HER!!!! She is quick and good. She’s Great!
Dr. Whipped’s Residence-Dr. and Mrs. Kravitz’s bedroom
Dr. Whipped can’t find the keys to his office. Mrs. Kravitz (Begona) tells him to sleep on it and he will find them in the morning. They get in the bed. Mrs. Kravitz tells her husband that she thinks Enrique’s got a girl. He tired. They will talk about it in the morning. He turns out the lights.
Casa Castanon
Guess which character in the house is in tears once again? Anyone? Anyone? Wrong! It’s Elisa! Anyways, Elisa is in bed listening to her music box when Carmina comes in to check on her. Carmina noticed that she returned from Paloma’s house kind of late. Elisa says that they were chatting. Carmina says that she thought that she would be with Paolo. She tells her something unpleasant was waiting in the cenote for her. If it wasn’t for Damien, something bad could have happened. Elisa tells her to run and tell Agosto. She’s almost convinced that it was Carmina who told Paolo where she would be. Why is she asking so many questions about him? She’s also sure that it was Carmina who let him in her room. Basically Carmina tells her that she’s paranoid and challenges her to prove it.
Somewhere in La Erminta-I don’t know where the hell Damien is
A distraught Damien is walking down the street. Poor cutie, he’s almost in tears. Ya know what would make us all feel better? Take your shirt off. It would certainly put a smile on my face.
Anyways, Damien sinks down to the curb and along comes Ramona. Don’t ask. I don’t know why or when she got there. I don’t know how. Just accept it like I did. He’s holding his little amulet. She tells him that he knows what to do. Use the amulet to talk to his heart or something or other. Then…just like that…she walks off. Commericial.
Dr. Whipped’s Office
Paloma tells the doctor that someone was enjoying snacks in the office last night. She found two cups of coffee. Things were moved around. The doctor tells her not to worry about it as long as there’s nothing missing. PHONE SIGHTING!!!!!! The doctor immediately calls Mrs. Kravitz and asks where she found his keys. She confirms his suspicions that she found them in Enrique’s bedroom. He says that he remembers putting them there.
Braulio shows Enrique into his new office. Enrique wants to know why he was given such a great honor. Damien gave you the big office. That’s strange. We don’t get along. Maru comes in and tells Enrique that his father is there to see him.
Ingrid looks…satisfied (I knew she would be). I’m sorry! He is so hot! Send your emails to Sharkbait! Ingrid orders two coffees. Ingrid tells her daughter the she (Ingrid) is very relaxed, but Kenia looks tired. Kenia wants to know about the guy that Ingrid had in her room last night. His name is Hotness and we work together. Kenia calls her mother Ingrid, so we know they have to be close. Anyway, Kenia knows that her mother is using Gabino. She says of course, what other use do men have? Kenia tells Ingrid that she saw Paolo’s motor cycle. Ingrid tells her that she is imaging things. She tells Kenia to go back to the hotel room and pack her things. Go back to Mexico and get rid of the baby. She’s already two months along. Kenia says she wants money and she wants to know her half brother. Kenia assures her mother that she won't tell anyone that they are related.
Procesadora-Enrique’s Office
Dr. Whipped has come to speak with his son Enrique Whipped. He doesn’t want to talk at the house in front of Mrs. Kravitz. Where were you last night? Enrique says with some friends. His father tells him that he knows that he was in the love cave office with a woman. He tells his father that he is wrong. I think that Dr. Whipped thought that Jr. was messing around with Carmina. That’s why he gives him the speech about bad girls. Jr. tells his father that he’s messing with Florencia Laducci. Your boss’ girlfriend? What? Are ya nuts? Whipped tells Jr. that this is not honorable on his part (because Whipped is an extremely honorable man who sleeps with his friend's wife).
Casa de Arango-Broomhilda’s Room
Anotonia’s boobs. Does she ever put them away? Antonia tells Alfonsina that Damien asked about the phone call. She feels bad about what she told Damien. She tells her heffer (I mean jefa) that she didn’t recognize the voice on the phone. The woman on the phone was much older, the voice deeper. It wasn’t the voice of a girl. La Heffer threatens the jobs of both Antonia and Braulio. Antonia will not open her mouth.
Casa de Castanon
Damien bursts through the door and demands to know where Elisa is. He barely gives Lolita time to answer. He kicks open the door (exaggerating) and tells Elisa that he needs to talk to her. Freshly showered, Elisa yells at don’t just come into my bedroom! Lolita should announce you first. He doesn’t care, he’s has WHIPPED himself into a frenzy. Lolita marches in and tells him to go wait in the livingroom. I think she tells him that he is acting just like Paolo. Don’t compare me to that imbecile! Elisa tells him not to yell at Lolita. Go wait in the livingroom!
Damien tells her that he is going to wait 10 minutes for her in the garden.
“Te voy a esperar en el jardin solo diez minutos para que vayas!” and ya better have on something pretty, cuz I am not in the mood for games!
He marches out the room and Elisa rushes to get ready.
Casa de Arango
I really don’t care, because I’m really interested in what Damien is doing at the Castanon house. I’m gonna make this really quick.
Florencia: go back to Mexico.
Paolo: You’re dad’s broke, I knocked jailbait up.
Enter Alfonsina
Alfonsina: Florencia, Get out. Paolo, tell me who was on the phone? I know it wasn’t Elisa and I don’t care. Tell me the truth.
Casa De Castanon
You can dry all that hair, put on make-up and get dressed all in ten minutes? Wow!
Here is how it all went down!
Damien was sitting in the foyer tapping his foot. He’s very impatient. Elisa comes to get him. He said that he was waiting in the garden, but Lolita booted him out of it. Elisa wants to know what is so frickin urgent that he threw out every rule of decency and decorum? He wants to know what happened between her and Paolo. She said, you were there…you know. She begins to tear up again as she begins to tell her story. He wants to know what happened before he got there. Paolo wanted to walk her home, she denied him and he became violent. When she turns her back to Damien, he grabs her and accuses her of calling Paolo on the phone. She’s never called Paolo. He says that he doesn’t believe her. Basically he tells her that she gets around. He mentions, Gael and Gabino. She gives him a Louisville Slugger slap to the face and tells him to get the hell out. But he ain’t going no where! She opens the door and tells him to hit the bricks. He yanks her body into his and demands that she promises him that she is not been with Paolo and any other man. Por que?
Her face is in his hands. He is breathing hard….He’s pulling her closer and closer…
I am dying of jealousy! I am crazy for you!
You don’t know what you’re saying, she whispers.
I’ve been trying to resist you, but I can’t. I love you! I love you as I have never loved another woman!
It takes them a little while to figure out whose mouth goes where, but they finally kiss!
They kissed with the door open. This is not going to be good. I can tell.
Labels: abismo
Friday, April 27, 2012
El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of April 30, 2012 -- Discuss Amongst Yourselves
A new week, a fresh page. Enjoy!
Labels: relaciones, telemundo, valiente
El Talismán #63 Fri 4/27/12 Bodus Half Interrumptus - OR - Are They or Aren't They Married
is the Freesnow Underground Gazette Society Page Special Limited
Edition, printed at the expense of Carayers for Talismaniacs. Reported first hand by the former FUG Editor in Chief, Anita.
Where oh where did Santi-go? He went to the wedding-oh-ho! Yep, there he is, hiding in his favorite spot. We last saw him waiting outside Mariana’s apartment door for her to come home. We
have to assume he got tired of waiting and went back to El Tal to spend
the night by the pool and where he knew there was food.
(Some scenes have been combined, omitted or abbreviated to concentrate on the wedding. Any Spanish or French you may encounter should be instantly recognizable.)
--Lucrecia is still fretting to Antonio about stopping the wedding. Tonio wants her to relajate, he’s got everything under control. Pedro and Camila are not going to get married—he has Mariana.
--Dr. Manuel and Mariana eat lunch in his/hers office (the one he shares with Maria, temporarily). Mariana tells Manuel that she met Maria, the love of his life. She could tell by Maria’s reactions when she talked about him, that she still querers him (not amars him, we note). Mariana thinks Manuel ought to fight for her, while he wonders if she will perdonar him. He won’t know if he doesn’t try and he has nothing to lose by trying. The doc doesn’t think it would be a problem, were it not for Elvira. She’s a very ambitious woman and quite a manipuladora. He doesn’t know anything about her these days, other than she is living with Maria. And, if she learns he has money, she may try to re-conquistar him.
Manuel mentions that by casualidad he met Pedro today. Immediately Mariana feels threatened and worries that she could run into him anywhere since—FRESNO IS SUCH A SMALL PLACE. He
tells her not to worry because tomorrow for sure he’s going to talk to
Pedro and tell him that she is alive (good luck with that tactic). Lunch is over and Mariana gets ready to leave.
Out in the hallway, Antonio and Valentin are chit chatting. Val recognizes her right away. Ant makes Val hide while he talks to Mariana. He makes a date to see her at her place very early in the morning. Then he asks Val to find out what time the wedding is.
The F1 & F2 girls show up at the hospital to find out how grandpa ogre is. Their sometime dad tells them he is out of danger. Lucrazy fiddles with her hair and snorts in disbelief when the girls say that their less-time mama was worried about Gregorio. Doris, meanwhile, worries about her status in the rancho house. She needs to marry Don G asap (we’ve been hearing this for some time now—hop to it, woman, if you really want him). She
muses to Brigitte that if she’s not married to him and he dies before
the ink is dry on the license, Antonio will throw her out on her culo. She needs him alive long enough to will her El Alcatrash so *she’ll* be the dueña of the rancho.
--We hear Elvira’s shrill voice almost before we see her in Rennie and Rita’s apartment. She’s haranguing Rita about not getting in her business with her husband. Rita harangues right back that she needs to find someone else to maintain her. Holy Cow! Rita gets smacked hard across the face. This is followed by a mini catfight before Renato interrupts the action and throws Elviral’s red suitcase out the front door. Elviral grabs her purse and follows the suitcase out the door screaming that the two of them will be sorry.
--Padre is being shown the guest room at El Tal. Padre wants to take a bath and rest after his long trip from Tijuana to Fresno by air. Everything
is going super bien for the two lovebirds and back outside, they are
congratulating themselves on their upcoming nuptials and their
everlasting love when, Oh No, it’s Elvira, rolling up with her red
suitcase in tow. She certainly is an enterprising woman when her next meal and clean sheets are at stake.
She announces brazenly that she’s moving in with them. Camila says no, you can’t. Pedro says, no, you can’t. Elvira doesn’t take no for an answer. She wheedles and whines and finally pulls out the pity card. Armando has turned his back on her and Maria is not treating her very nicely. If she can’t stay with them, she’ll have to live in the streets. Neither Pedro nor Camila believe her. She has a perfectly good place to stay with her sister, who is there to help her, so there’s no reason to move in with them. Pedro stands firm, nope, no dice, no mi casa, tu casa in this casota grande. He does promise that he and Camila will think about it after they get back from their honeymoon. She’s shocked that she can’t get him to let her stay. He sends her packing, back to Maria’s with Gabriel driving her. Before they leave, he offers her plenty of dinero to behave at their wedding. Though she is *insulted* by the offer, she takes the money and off they go.
--Armo and Angel decide to go to El Alca to let Armo pour out his heart to Fab. Well,
guess what, Fab is still not interested in any explanations and throws
him out, even though Flo *does* want the whole story. Fab sniffs that it’s hard to forget him and get him out of her heart.
--Panchito has made it into Don G’s hospital room. He wipes his nose with his hand and spreads his germs around the bed. He promises to take care of his papa. Don G. says that when he is back at the ranch Panchito is to stay close to him. If he does his job well, he’ll be well compensated. The attending physician walks in and wonders what this little piggy is doing there. Antonio and Lucrazzie are right behind and complain to the doc about the presence of one of the mere laborers. Don Piggorio announces, to everyone’s surprise, that he gives permission for Panchito to come and go whenever he pleases. Panchito and the doc leave. Ant and Lu stay behind and pressure Don Pig about signing over the ranch—again (we’re tired of this game). He refuses—again. But too bad for the Don, they convince him that Mariana is indeed alive. Boxed into a corner, he agrees to sign the papers to give Ant his due.
Lucress stays behind when Ant leaves and complains that bro always gets what he wants, but what about her? Can’t Daddy do anything to stop the wedding? El Daddy says if it is tomorrow, isn’t it a little late and isn’t she tired of this same old thing? (We in viewerville sure are. We need to rename her Lulu-One-Note.) Pedro is just playing with her. Forget him.
--Padre is in the El Tal living room going through some papers. He’s
telling Margaro that everything is in order for Pedro to marry Camila,
including the one for the judge who will perform the civil ceremony,
that says Mariana is dead. Dead? Says Margaro. Well, dead enough so Pedro is free and clear to marry Camila, he responds.
hospital physician is on his way to Boston for a conference and turns
over his caseload to Dr. Raul, including Don Gregorio’s. Oddly,
his test results show there is some kind of poison in his system
(Whaaa? The Fresno docs are to be congratulated for not having to
falsify this.) Dr. Raul says that nothing about that family surprises him. He’d like to talk to Antonio asap.
Camila and Pedro’s wedding day dawns bright and sunny. Puffy clouds scud across the sky. The avocados are in bloom and the raisin plants are as high as an elephant’s eye. Padre is robed and ready to preside. The
guests begin to gather and we get an aerial shot (some stray helicopter
invading their privacy, no doubt) of the spot where Camila and Pedro
will take their vows. A crimson carpet edged in fresh flowers await the slippered feet of the bride and groom. White chairs are lined up for the guests and Padre has a table converted to a makeshift altar for the religious ceremony. The guests begin to take their seats. The video camera (this one hired by the bridal party) pans the well-dressed guests. There
is Margarito, Domatilla, Tia Maria in a Camila-trademarked off one
shoulder dress, and oh, my, the boys are actually looking quite handsome
in their suits (n.b. Angel needs to be a protagonista in his own
tn—always shirtless or in a suit and tie, my, my.)
Elvira is the most elegantly dressed attendee there (thank you wardrobe
department, you traded in the headband for a very stylish chapeau). Her
attire probably reflects the amount of money Pedro gave her, since
she’s back living rent-free, work-free and meals provided. Missing is a
smile on her face. Missing from the crowd are Lucrecia, Antonio and
Mariana. Will his latest plan to prevent this wedding actually work—we’ll have to wait and see.
Pedro arrives by horse to the strains of the El Tal theme song. Actually we only see him standing next to the horse handing off the reigns. He has on a beautiful white, modest ranchero suit with gold buttons accessorizing the jacket. A brown satin print foulard has replaced a conventional tie and a white shirt and white boots complete the outfit. Gabriel
and Sarita start to walk him across the carpet but only Sarita takes
him up to the altar/table, from which Padre will officiate. She kisses
him, then blesses him.
--Geno and Tracy are still upstairs in El Tal assisting the bride with her final preparations. Camila’s hair has been swept up off her face and shoulders and anchored by a spray of flowers and a long veil. She is wearing a floor-length, form fitting, strapless tulle gown with wide ruffled layers cascading down below the hips. She is lovely. They grab her bouquet of sunshine and sunset colored flowers and head for the bridal carpet. Everyone turns to clap as she approaches her groom to the strains of Camila’s Piel theme on the arm of her brother Armando. When the reach the altar/table, he hands her over to Pedro (I like the Spanish entregar better).
Pedro couldn’t look happier or more pleased to receive his bride from Armando. To
the strains of Pachelbel’s Canon, Padre Sebastian makes quick work of
the ceremony, blessing the rings and pronouncing them man and wife ante
Dios, while all dedicated Talismaniacs sigh in relief. But wait, Here Comes The Judge, to perform the civil ceremony. We hold our collective breaths. He gets through both “Aceptos” and we all exhale at once. Por
desgracia, we now see the one, the only, Mariana walking around the
guests towards Pedro, Camila, Padre and the Judge and….we have BODUS
INTERRUMPTUS [Thank you, Vivi]. Mariana announces that they cannot be married because Pedro is married to her.
Chaos ensues. Pedro leaves Camila at the altar and runs to Mariana to greet her with joy in his voice. Hurt and horrified, Camila flees the scene. When Pedro turns back toward Camila, he realizes she’s gone.
--Meanwhile we get a meaningless little interlude over at El Al-Trash. There
is a slightly familiar person dressed up as cat woman minus mask, hair
severely pulled back with two funny alien-looking antennae curlicues on
the top of her head and a pair of very red lips—O.M.G., it’s Lucreshiia. Later, Antonio joins her and tells her it ought to be all over by now, he’s unleashed Mariana on the lot of them. Lucresha jumps into his arms for a very un-sibling-like major hug.
at the scene of the social disaster, Pedro pleads with Mariana to tell
him, por Dios, has she recovered her memory; she needs to aclarar las
cosas to everyone about the true nature of their marriage. He has always loved Camila and Mariana knew that. Curious guests begin to cluster around her. Woops, Elvira is on deck. She asks Mariana politely if she is Pedro’s wife. When she answers in the affirmative, Elvira says, oh, goody, by the way, you owe me a check. Could you please give it to me right now? I’m Camila’s mother and I want my check.
--We follow a devastated Camila back to her room, where she is crying her heart out. Pedro knocks on the door and pleads to talk to her, he’ll explain everything to Mariana, but she sends him away. He
tries again to have her listen to him, but she says she saw how he
looked at Mariana, while strains of Eva Luna entre’ act music plays
mournfully in the background. Pedro leaves and heads downstairs. Geno comes up and Cami lets her in. She tells Genoveva that she has to leave this place, go away, somewhere far away from Pedro and El Tal. This place has brought her nothing but heartache.
--Lulu makes it all the way inside El Tal (she must have commandeered one of Alberta’s brooms to get there so quick). Pedro sees her as he comes down the stairs. She greets him nonchalantly, “Buenos Días,” as if nothing has happened. Pedro cuts her off—you don’t belong here, so Largate—and by the way, you are CRAZY. Lulu says, but don’t you realize you are for me???? Pedro’s reply is succinct, Better Dead Than With You.
--Tracy wonders if they are really married. One ceremony took place and the other one was nearly finished when the eruption took place. Two very handsome guys discuss the situation. Elvira delightedly tells Maria that this is the very same Mariana of lo del cheque. Disgusted with her, Maria says that instead of carrying on about the check, you should be consoling your hija. We
all know Elviral, she decides the money is more important and again
approaches Mariana, but is derailed by Pedro, who gets there first. Mariana says she’s confused by all this. Padre comes to her rescue.
slithers up, drink in hand to toast to his own success and spew venom
all over Mariana, Pedro and the Padre and other guests while Lucrecia
smirks around behind him. There’s a little dust-up between the two men until Padre stops them. Antonio leaves with a warning to Mariana not to let Pedro hurt her. Little Sis echoes the warning. Mariana runs off confused into the trees where Santiago has been watching all the goings on. She wants to go home.
--Poor Santiago, no reception food for him.
Avances: Piggorio signs some papers; Camila and Pedro talk; Mariana shows up to talk to Camila.
*recap by Anita, posted by Blue Lass Labels: Talisman
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