Thursday, April 05, 2012

Abismo de pasión #19 4/5/12: Eduardo aches, Carmina fakes, Elisa breaks, and Florencia bakes

Announcement: Our beloved Novela Maven will be taking a break from recapping. Hopefully she will check in and bestow her incredible wit upon us in the comments. Team Passion Pit has juggled their schedules so as to keep the team intact and keep bringing you daily recaps. Way to go Passion Pitters!

When it rains it pours: Also, Comcast is "being worked on" in my area and I was worried I might not have an internet connection later, or that my DVR would not record. This recap is from is from watching online so please let me know if I've gotten anything wrong or or missed something important. I'll be home late tonight and hopefully will get a chance to re-watch and check.

From Marta’s Recap: At Dr Inmundo’s office Medusa is putting up a whole Shakespeare tragedy act about being so unhappy, her marriage is falling apart… lies saying last night when ToadHead learned she talked to the doc, he got mad and violent with her…  Dr Inmundo tries to calm her down… she turns to step 2 of her plan… they end up smooching… even if he resisted at first.

Tonight: Meany and was only a matter of time. Major sucking face and she gets him to think it’s all his fault. She of the crocodile skin runs out of the office with crocodile tears. Well-played Carmina.

The fearsome foursome-on-horseback arrived home intact, though not with the best moods. Damian comments it’s really too bad things aren’t how they were before. Elisa watches Dam and Flo leave with tears in her beautiful eyes.

Inside Hacienda Harango, Florencia blabs to Fina about Dam’s old pals giving them a ride home. Fina manages to maintain her composure, her ferociously flitting fan being the only clue to her inner fury. When Flo leaves, Fina expresses her disapproval of Dam hooking up with these particular friends. He sez not your business.

Flip! There goes that fan again. Momster mentions she heard Dam was over at the procesadora writing a letter of recommendation for Lucio. “You got a problem with that?” he demands. Al contrario, mom’s thrilled he showed interest in visiting the family business. Dam’s on a roll, “It was a coincidence, but while we’re on the subject I’d like to talk about why Lucio is no longer working there. And then there is the subject of Gabino Mendoza.” “Sure, whenever you want,” she responds imperiously. Can’t tell if she’s nervous or triumphant. Her forehead ain’t sayin’.

Carmeany gets home and Lolita comments on her good mood. What gives? “Oh I dunno”, grins the Orange One, “after years of frustration I think that things are finally getting better for me.” Lolita’s just glad to see the missus happy instead of harpy for once.

Cut to Doc, pensive and sighing. He instructs Paloma to cancel all his appointments, he’s going home tired. (Hey Doc, ever boink an erupting volcano before? I just hope your family jewels are made of asbestos.) Sweet Paloma is worried he’s sick or something, but the cogs and sprockets start turning behind her gorgeous black eyes.

Elisa visits her padrino who is down in the dumps. No joy at the procesadora Santa Maria because he’s too old. “Not fair!” proclaims Elisa, “You want to work and my father is the opposite. He’s got the means and the business but not the inclination.” Lucio says he doesn’t need to work for the money, he *wants* to work, plus he’s feeling useless. Elisa comforts him with hugs and kisses. So sweet.

Blanca gets home and Lucio has to recount his failure again. “Just like you KNEW it would be!” he gripes to her.

Over at Ughusto’s fields of pain the boss is ripping Gael a new one for leaving work. Gael explains he was with Elisa surveying the las tierras. This gets Ughusto’s testes in a twist, he is SICK (estoy harto!) of Gael beating this dead horse. Estas tierras are not Gael’s business and stop putting ideas in Elisa’s head. Oh yeah? Well Gael is SICK of the boss not wanting to improve his situation, blah blah blah. Ughusto says if Gael is so unhappy maybe he should look for other work. Fine then, Gael will look for more gratifying work somewhere else.

Back at Hacienda Harango, Begona and the sprout are visiting Fina. While Fina gives the 411 about the upcoming fiesta Sabrina’s got her antennae up and buzzing, searching for Uncle Hunky. “Oh I already knew about the fiesta,” she brags, “PAOLO told me.” “No me digas,”  smirks Fina. Sabrina says they met by chance and got along very well. (I’ll bet.)

Flo makes an appearance; today she’s dressed in a spiffy two-toned ace bandage with taupe band-aid accents. She elicits fried-egg stares when she asks if Gael and Elisa will be invited. Flip! go the fans, and Fina instructs Sabrina to take Flor for a walk around the garden. Begona asks Fina if she’s really going to invite Gael? “Hell no!” barks the fan of fury.

Out in the garden Flo complains about the heat. Sabrina says one gets used to it. “Yo no,” snips the city girl. Besides, she’s got other things on her mind. She asks about Dam’s friends Gael and Elisa. What are they like? Sabrina the bad witch doesn’t know since she never hangs with them. But Flo should know that Alfonsina doesn’t get along with them, especially Elisa. Flo asks why sobre todo Elisa? “What, you don’t know that Damian and Elisa were novios, they ran away together and that’s why Dam was sent to Italy?” (Don’t these girls know math? Wasn’t Elisa like 7 at the time?)  Sabrina goes on to say that Elisa is the daughter of Stef Bouvier, the woman who ran away with Fina’s husband. They say that the daughter is even worse than the mother. Gasp!!!

Since Paloma got the day off early she decides to visit Elisa at her madrina’s shop.  It was weird, she says, the doc was fine this morning, then all of a sudden he cancelled all his appointments and went home...right after Elisa’s stepmother came to see him. Now Elisa is worried, what if Carmeany has a grave illness? No, Paloma doesn’t think that was it, but they acted nervous and doc took off like a bat outta hell. Paloma leaves Elisa scared at this news.

Princess P confronts a gratuitously shirtless Damian. “Why didn’t you tell me you and Elisa were novios? How dare you introduce us as though there was nothing between you and that chica?” He tells her he has no idea what she’s talking about. Furthermore Elisa is no tipa and he demands that Flo show some respect.

Dam tells Princess P that he and Elisa were just kids along with Gael and Paloma. “Paloma, otra!” she sneers. Dam reassures her he and Elisa were mere children who both lost parents, had crappy home situations, and wanted to run away to a better life. Dam promises he only has eyes for his princess. Kiss and makeup.

For some reason Uncle Hunky and Horacio are lifting pints at the cantina. I think they just met and most likely Tio is treating Horacio to a cerveza. Horacio says he’s new in town and looking to put down roots. UnkaHunka leers a bit and says he could put roots down in this town because the babes abound. Horacio says he met one at the market, but she’s probably married and anyway, he is a penniless loser and she’d probably never go for him. Unkahunk tells him to man up! If you like it go for it! They toast to Horacio’s improved fortune.

Lucio is feeling all hang-dog and depressed. Blanca comforts him and reassures him he is rich with the love and respect of many people. She is proud to be his wife and his sadness causes her pain because she adores him. Awww.

Begona and Sabrina are walking home and Begona admits she’s not totally comfortable with Sabrina showing so much enthusiasm over some guy. “But Paolo is so awesome and handsome mom!” Uh, that doesn’t help. Beg looks at the bright side, surely he has as much or more money than the Arangos. (Ha!) She wants Sabrina to make sure no other pueblerinas win out over her daughter.

Unkahunk rides his penile extension up to Blanca’s shop just as Elisa is locking up. He says he’s been looking all over for her. Eh? She finally remembers bumping into him, “Oh yeah, see ya’,” she dismisses him. “Whatever happens, you will be mine,” he promises.

Elisa looks at Paolo like he is the hairball the cat just coughed up. “Suelteme!” she commands. He swears he didn’t mean disrespect, it’s just that she is the most beautiful blah blah blah. “I hate your whole family,” she says over her shoulder.
“Wait, I don’t know your name.”
“Ask Florencia!”
“Hey Elisa, I’ll give you a ride home,” hollers Ramona on her nightly cart ride.

Fina and Flo are doing the invites when Dam strides in and says he’ll be in charge of inviting Padre Lupe and Gael. This sets Fina off. Dam says he’ll invite anyone he wants to his party. “Next thing you’ll want to invite Elisa and the daughter of the curandera,” she sniffs. “Great idea mom!” After he leaves Fina assures Flo that Elisa will NOT be at the fiesta.

Elisa recounts to Ramona her encounter with the crazy guy. Ramona tells Elisa she has turned into a beauty just like her mom. Elisa wonders if that’s why everyone says mean things to her, because she reminds them of Stef. “No matter what people say,” advises Ramona, “always be proud of your mother.” Ramona is sure Stef wasn’t to blame for what happened. Elisa wonders if Ramona knows more than she is saying.

Begona gets home and babies the wimp Enrique who is spent from working. He wants to get another job. (Loser!) De ninguna manera, instructs mom, she’s sure things will get better. She finds out dad came home early and runs off to torture him.

Sabrina brags about going to Hacienda Harango. She tells her brother all about Dam’s fiancee and adds Florencia is totally Enrique’s type.

Eduardo feigns a headache, blue balls is more like it judging from the way he’s sitting. He asks Begona what does she think of him? Oh...hard worker, great doctor, good father, that’s about it, she sighs. Hmmmph, she didn’t say nuthin’ bout husband, he complains. They have all the trappings of a good life but something has been lost between them. ‘Oh piffle,” she titters, “we have an exciting party to attend this weekend.” Gee, I kinda feel sorry for the guy.

Elisa goes to Carmeany’s room. Even though Orangina’s rude Elisa tells her “I was just concerned about your health because you’re spending so much time at Doc Tovar’s”. She wonders if something bad is going on. Tia Orangina admits she’s been feeling awful and lies that the doc is running tests. Please don’t tell your dad, he’s got too many problems already. They form a tentative truce.

Unkahunk goes to Flo’s room to tell her he found the girl of his dreams. All he knows about her is that her name is Eleeeeesa, sigh. Mama mia what a bod! Flo snipes that Elisa’s nothing special, just an old friend of Damian’s. Tio gets his digs in and tells Flo to be careful, as much as Dam adores her this Elisa could be a temptation.

Dam goes to the rectory to do the invites. Gael says Padre is out and muchas gracias “Lic”, but no way is he going to the fiesta. Fina can’t stand him and ever since Damian came back Gael gets a similar vibe from him. Dam gets all up in Gael’s face, “What’s your problem?” They bump chests until Gael admits he was hurt because Dam never answered one of his letters. “What letters?” demands Dam. He was hurt that he was so easily forgotten.

They glare at each other and Damian promises he hasn’t changed. He is the same Damian that left all those years ago. Gael can think what he likes! He starts to leave but Gael stops him. Gael swears he, too, is the same as the boy he used to be, and puts his hand out. The two BFFs shake hands and revel in a long-overdue manhug. Finally!

Elisa goes to dad’s office to say goodnight. He wants to have a word about her mother’s land. Dad is sick of Elisa and Gael harping about the subject; he’s going to sell the land. “You can’t!” she shrieks. He asks why not? She gave the land to him. “Not for selling!” she cries. The land is the only thing of her mother’s that she has left, especially after dad destroyed all her pictures.
“If you love that land so much why don’t you live there?”
“Are you kicking me out?”
“See it how you want to.”
“I see that you are useless!”
Elisa rushes out of the house and yells at Lolita in passing that she is “sick and tired of this!”

Fina and Flo wander the dark rooms of Hacienda Harango like a couple of bloodsuckers. They wonder what is keeping Damian. Fina suggests if Flo is so worried she should just stroll over the the rectory and find Dam for herself. She can meet Padre Lupe at the same time.

The BFFs are yucking it up and going over old times. Gael reminds Dam about the amulets. Dam asks what is between Gael and Elisa. “Great friendship and affection, como hermanos,” he replies.

Padre Lupe arrives wearing a snappy white straw Panama hat and is thrilled to see the guys together. Dam says it’s late and they’ll talk tomorrow. We get another terrific Padre/Gael scene and Gael tells Padre about the fiesta. He says no way is he going to go, but wouldn’t it be a hoot if Damian invites Elisa and Paloma? Oh man that would pith off Padre’s sister. “Oh, and Padre, lose the hat,” he teases.

Dam finds Elisa weeping in the square. He assures her she can confide in him just like old times. She falls into his arms. “I’m tired of fighting against the current,” she weeps. She’s sick of her life since she lost her mama and she can’t take anymore! comes Princess Poop’s-gonna-hit-the-fan in super slo-mo with fire in her eyes and smoke coming out of her ears.


Great work! Stellar title and just the right soupcon of snark.

Hey Doc, ever boink an erupting volcano before? I just hope your family jewels are made of asbestos. Begona must be a real dud in bed for him to take such a chance.

Flo makes an appearance; today she’s dressed in a spiffy two-toned ace bandage with taupe band-aid accents. Her chlothes remind me of those 2-minute 800-number ads for powerslips.

Unkahunk rides his penile extension up to Blanca’s shop just as Elisa is locking up. He says he’s been looking all over for her. Eh? She finally remembers bumping into him, “Oh yeah, see ya’,” she dismisses him. “Whatever happens, you will be mine,” he promises. I want to rip this guy a new one. Or two. Elisa should kick him in the bazanzas. That will hurt a lot less than what Damian or Gael will do to him down the road.

And if those lands belong to Elisa, Ugusto has no business selling them and pocketing the money.

"and adds Florencia is totally Enrique’s type."

And there was some totally ominous ♫ ♪ going on in that scene, too.

"Begona must be a real dud in bed for him to take such a chance."

Begona looks like a real dud in life. She basically told Doctorcito she doesn't see him as a MAN. He's ripe for the picking for someone who DOES "see him as a man."

Disgusto telling Elisa if she loves the land so much to go live there seems like Elisa's opportunity to go work those lands with Gael and Lucio, too.

Sylvia thanks for your recap; great title too.

I'm glad we got our Padre fix and it's hilarious that Gael told him to get rid of the hat. I do hope Gael does go to the party along with Elisa and Paloma but I don't want them to go through any more emotional distress.

The Toad continues to offend me. While his alcoholism is slowly killing him, he needs more of a beat down until he realizes the extent to which he has betrayed his wife and daughter. Yes, Anon207, Elisa needs to use his offer as her ticket to get out of hell house and employ her padrino.

Cap'n Syliva - Thanks for the great recap. You painted a great word picture with your description of Flo's apparel. LOL
I haven't seen my recording yet (had a hockey game..we won!) and look forward to watching this episode.

I wish Elisa could leave home and build her own on the and she inherited from Estefania. BUT ... something tells me she has neither cash nor cash flow to do it.

Someone raised the question after yesterday's capítulo---did Carmina own 50% of that land from their father, or did Estefanía own it all? Very good question.... I hope we get the answer. If Steffy got it all, maybe their dad knew Carmina was a skankster.

Thanks y'all! Comcast being out for a few hours was the least of my problems today. Let's just say it was "one of those days" I'd like to forget and leave it at that. But now I'm relaxing with a glass of wine and all is good with the world.

Doris, congratulations on your hockey win! Ice hockey I presume? My team is about to go into a shoot out this very minute. Darn, they're not that great at shoot-outs. But wait! Sharks 6, LA Kings 5, Go Sharks!!!

Urban, LOL, I'm willing to bet just a glare from Gael or Damian would cool Paolo's ardor pretty quickly.

Anon207, thanks for the added info about what Begona said. What a bitch she is.

Karen, Anon and Doris, I'm sure Elisa doesn't have much money, but she might be able to get some support from various family and friends. I don't think any of them are rich, but they might be able to help with some money and certainly sweat equity. What about Damian? Hmmm. I would jump on creepy dad's invitation to leave if I were Elisa.

I'm willing to bet that the land was left to Stef because Carmina was too much of a flake. Carmina does not seem to be a factor, nor does she appear to give a rat's a$$ about it.

Thanks for the recap! I think I'm going to borrow your style of using a snippet from the previous recapper for the refrito part I usually use.

I think your description of Flo's dress is hysterical. So far I am not impressed with her costuming.

I only watched half but I did get to see Unkahunk (also Unkapunk) with Horacio. I warming to Horacio. I'm not sure about him since he *is* a friend of Gabino but I get the impression his heart is good.

Thanks for the recap! So helpful. Does "Casualidad" mean "Coincidentally"? I keep hearing them say that and from your translation that's my guess!

I've seen Horacio as a despicable character (Carmello TDA) and as a street smart cop with a heart of gold (Brandon LDA). I'm hopeful that in this show he'll be more like his latter role. I also have to think that an actor with his talent isn't going to be wasted as Gabino's lackey. Hopefully he'll be a swing character who falls in love with Lolita and turns his life around in the process. Because SHE also deserves a break and I can't imagine the writers are going to stick it to her twice in this show.

NM I will miss your Saturday a.m. recaps!!! But thanks to all the other recappers/bloggers. These recaps are as good as the show!


Thanks so much Sylvia for making the effort to do this wonderful recap ahead of time, anticipating weather troubles. I loved your description of Flo's dress, Paolo's motorcycle, and the flitting fans.

Horacio does seem to be a criminal with a good heart, as far as Lolita is concerned. He even said she has a heart of gold. Whatever happens, I think he would go out of his way to protect Lolita, even if they don't end up together in the end. I see him working for Gabino and doing shady stuff for the money, but I think he would stop short of doing anything that would hurt Lolita or someone she loves (this may be a blessing for Elisa somewhere down the road).

Carmina sure can think quickly on her feet. Playing up a fake illness to get Elisa off her back and to get her sympathy was well played. As was her performance in the doc's office after the kiss. Poor Doc is so going to be played by Orangina, and his wife is helping things right along.

Finally, Gael thaws to Damian! Nice to see them hanging out, and the Padre/Gael scene was great. They're like twins when they talk to each other. The hat comment was hilarious.

I hope Paolo knocks Sabrina up and leaves her. We'll see who the town (and Begonia) gossips about then! I can't believe these people are dirty minded enough to think that Elisa and Damian at their tender ages actually had a romance at that age and got it on when they ran away from home! Good grief people!

Doris, are you watching the frozen four or is it pro hockey? I was disappointed to find out I was just missing the college playoffs in Tampa...

Katy, "por casualidad" means "by chance."

Haven't watched the epi yet, but LOVED the recap. Can't wait!

Lord, you have such a wonderful ay with words Sylvia. Fab as always!!

"spiffy two-toned ace bandage with taupe band-aid accents". Indeed! Bless her heart, she sure can pull those off.

Had me worried, but we got our Padre sighting towards the end, and with Gael to boot. I slept so much better.

Unkahank indeed. Easy on the eyes and love his accent, but I am a bit concerned about his determination on winning Elisa...never bodes well when a supposedly scummy character gets obsessed over the heroine.

Had to do the double-take on Horacio and Unk at the cantina. Guess tables are few, you have to share and then you're BMF's before you know it. I'm still holding out for Horacio to be the scumbucket that gets redeemed.

Enrique--dweeb. Begona--mother of Dweeb and Dweebette. No wonder poor Doc is wandering.

So where will Gael land? Will he go work for Damian now? Let's see, we would have Dam, Gael, AbsGab and who knows, maybe HotHor all working together? A gratuitious shirtless moment if ever there called for one.

NM - thanks so much for all your recapping! Please keep bopping in with comments. I love your take on things!

OT alert - NHL HOCKEY - Blue Lass - We've got season tickets to half the home games for Nashville Predators. We'll start playoff games next week and have tix in hands. WooHoooooo!

Cap'n Sylvia - Our Preds have a terrible time beating your SJ Sharks on your home ice. It has been like a curse for years. I think we finally had a win in San Jose this year…. we were all in shock.

Ay, Begoña, wrong answer (to your hubby's question) and I hear the gameshow raspberries buzzer ringing. You lose, and just gave Doc Inmundo a Free pass to go directly to The Orange One and will collect $200 on the way.

Sylvia, Eduardo? who is that? do you mean Edmundo Tovar? (i thought it was Edmundo, that is why i nicknamed him Inmundo

Good morning all.

HOCKEY - Doris, I'll keep my eyes on our games with the Predators. At least now if we lose I can (silently) be happy knowing that at least one of my pals is pleased with the outcome. The Sharks have a huge following here; the arena is always full. And vocal.

Oops, thanks marta, I meant EdMUNdo. Thanks for pointing that out. But I'm not going to correct it in the recap because blogger always smashes my paragraphs together if I try to update. So annoying.

I like the background on *why* the doc will become a cheater. Usually the actor just gets cast as a scummy pervert. This time I get why he is straying, and I don't really blame him. Of course an honest person would leave wifey first, but this is a telenovela so I know that cheating and lying are required.

Unkapunk, Unkahunk, so many possibilities...

I hope everyone has a great Passover, Easter, Spring Break, or whatever else y'all might be celebrating this weekend. I will be in the mountains and away from wi-fi so I'm signing off until Sunday afternoon.

Working on that. I just initiated my dessert project for Sunday and I will be leaving shortly to meet a friend for lunch at Red Lobster.

her ferociously flitting fan being the only clue to her inner fury... LOVED that snark

Hey Doc, ever boink an erupting volcano before? I just hope your family jewels are made of asbestos

Flo makes an appearance; today she’s dressed in a spiffy two-toned ace bandage with taupe band-aid accents.
I called that the DUCT TAPE accents… LOL

Flip! go the fans, ROFLOL!! Love that take on the fans to reflect demeanor of Fina and GossipGirl.

"and adds Florencia is totally Enrique’s type."
Hmmm! This might be a foreword of Enrique offering himself to Flo as a consolation prize…

Disgusto telling Elisa if she loves the land so much to go live there seems like Elisa's opportunity to go work those lands with Gael and Lucio, too.
I agree, Anon, totally the best chance for Lucio to feel useful again.

(Don’t these girls know math? Wasn’t Elisa like 7 at the time?) that is exactly what I thought… I could not get Flo berating Dam for it, so I totally agreed with his reaction, and approved that the reaction was calm and collected.

Dam asks what is between Gael and Elisa. “Great friendship and affection, como hermanos,” he replies.
IMO, Dam did his part, he asked before he makes any move toward Elisa. Gael was not honest. He could have told him not only that Elisa and him are like siblings, but also that he has ‘feelings’ toward her and would like for her to return those ‘feelings’. I think this would make Dam avoid any attempt to step in the middle there… but Gael was not honest so the window is still open for Damian… boy how much trouble could have been avoided in the future…

BTW, Sylvia, in the second half of the conversation of Elisa and Ramona, Ramona told Elisa to keep believing in her mother and being proud of her no matter what people say, that she is sure Estefania never did any of what has been said about her, and that some day, if she is right, God will make it so that the truth is revealed. The truth always comes out eventually…

I am with you that I don’t want any more distress for Gael or Elisa… when Gael warned Padre that ‘iluso’(naïve) Dam was going to invite both girls. Imagine Fina’s reaction! JAJA!! (this reminded me of a scene in LHDM with same actor laughing after saying ‘yo por amor… JAJAJA’.. when they talk about what each would or has done for love’s sake.

Sylvia, I agree with…
I'm willing to bet that the land was left to Stef because Carmina was too much of a flake. Carmina does not seem to be a factor, nor does she appear to give a rat's a$$ about it.
And I think that would justify their father leaving 100% to Estefania.

I also have to think that an actor with his talent isn't going to be wasted as Gabino's lackey.
ITA that Armando A.’s character will have a heart of gold and will get a solid storyline besides being Gabino’s enforcer.

Doris and Blue, if my college (back then) had any sport worth following, it was ice hockey. And they happened to win the NCAA div A all the way in my Sr yr, 1985.

i loved it that they pretty much repeated the whole boy-horsey girl-horsey scene so i could take it on its own..
I was right, they did it Gael's way. there is no way Dam was in a position to impose his way there.
The lands they were on was Cielo wich belongs to Toadhead anyway.

Loved it that Gael stood up to ToadHead and told him off that he was tired of 'empujando la carreta sin ayuda' (pushing the wagon without any help from Toadhead or anyone else) just to not see him FAIL/FINISHED
sorry Gael but its a classic case of 'you can only help someone who wants to be helped'

Absolutely fabulous recap.

Begoñia is in for it. She doesn't recognize the anguish her husband is experiencing nor the danger her daughter is in with Uncahunk. As Vivi said - her just dessert would be to have her daughter impregnated by that parasite and let the rumors run. She could be the first person hit by a big anvil. Her friend Alfonsina wouldn't have anything to do with her, I bet.

Also, don't quite get why Damian is so affectionate towards Flo - unless, of course, it will take 50 chapters for him to admit he's in love with Elisa.

Elisa should kick him in the bazanzas. That will hurt a lot less than what Damian or Gael will do to him down the road.
(I have been thinking of ways for Damian and Gael to ‘get’ Paolo since I saw that scene… lol! So great to imagine…)

Vivi, the Gael and Damian thawing out was my fav scene!! I had been waiting for that SO BAD!! And they did not let me down..
Their next scene with Padre Lupe was the icing on the cake, esp the way Gael finished it ‘By the way, Padre… lose the hat!’

Doris, I agree that GossipStepfordWife with that statement gave Inmundo a free ticket and ride right to making HER the talk of the town, and not in a positive way.. collect $200 on the way? Lol!!

Unkapunk, Unkahunk, Unkabunk, Unkaboinky… LOL!!! Good one!

(I have been thinking of ways for Damian and Gael to ‘get’ Paolo since I saw that scene… lol! So great to imagine…)
Since UnkaHunk is such a 'sophisticated' city guy, i am sure the payback will be implemented having to do with animals and big animal excrement... that would suit him and make him 'get a taste of 'life at El Campo'

Gracias a la tal Sylvia Sharkbait. NM, you have been such a delight. I hope to see your wit and idiomatic expressions in the comments section.

The very first comment, UA's, was almost identical to what I was going to say, with a few differences.
Boinking a Volcano - yes, her inner orange lava, along with lies, are spilling out through her pores
The Two-Toned Ace Bandage - this dress makes Rita's garbs look like nuns' habits.
Penile Extension - Ol' Uncle Hunky deserved that awesome stink-eye from Ramona.

While discussing the village women, Horatio said he like women with a good soul and were noble, and UnkaHunk said "no importa", he likes physical beauty.

The reconciliation between Gael y Damian was sweet. I wished they'd done that cute finger-gun handshake.

Pobre Lucio - I hope he and Elisa team up to set the business straight.

Best line of the show - "quitese ese sombrero" LOL

Muchas gracias, Lic! (Would it be Lica when referring to una mujer?)

R la O

Oooo, that reminds me: can anyone verify whether "jefa" is used to refer to a female boss? My students asked me, and I didn't know. I have noticed since then that Pancho says it all the time on Familia, but I'm not sure he's exactly a role model for proper Spanish. :)

Blue! I know this one! Yes, jefa is a female boss.

Yes. Jefa is correct.

Thanks, girls!!!

jefa could be female boss, but it is also sometimes used to refer to your own mother or your own wife/girl. Mark T's character uses it that way in LHDM. 'esa es mi jefa!'(referring to his fiancee) at the final eps. and i have also seen it used to refer to one's mom.

I seem to recall the other Araiza brother (in Gancho) using it with his mother and also with his girl.

Yes, and jefe can refer to your dad as well. But women never use it to refer to their husbands like men use jefa to refer to their wives.

Wonderful recap Sylvia!

Augusto has no common sense, his economical situation is all his fault and he is just driving away the people that could help him.

I have no idea what Horacio's role might be in this, his hair still irks me.


Awesome Sylvia - loved it!

Wow - the unkahunka penile extension had me floored for a moment, but then I remembered the motorcycle! OMG! ROTFLOL! That was unforgettable (but I could do without the imagery!!!)

So many amazing lines in your recao! Great episode too. I'm also hoping Elisa, Gael, and Lucio band together to work her lands.


I really enjoyed the hats last night, especially Elisa's. So I looked up the traditional Yucatan hat, and they pretty much call them Panamanian hats. So perhaps this hat is worn throughout Central America? I want one now!

And the fans! I loved the descriptions of all the fan language in the recap! The other evening we were out visiting at a neighborhood get-together and a lady was using a paper plate as a fan, and I realized that I need me a few real fold-out fans to use around here! We are at the same latitude here in South Tx as Naples Fla. It gets warm! I may have to run over to Progresso, Mex and get me a few!


But what about Lic for a female. Would it be Lica?

I think not. It's a shortened form, so it would probably be the same for both.

i agree with Blue Lass

Oh Sylvia, I had one of those horrible work days and your recap saved the day! From despair to delight in minutes flat.

"her ferociously flitting fan being the only clue to her inner fury", "Can't tell if she’s nervous or triumphant, Her forehead ain’t sayin’" and "in a spiffy two-toned ace bandage with taupe band-aid accents" had me laughing out loud.

Gracias, amiga. The day is always a bit cheerier with your fabulous words to savor.

The heinous ones certainly have an upper hand. Elisa's life is descending into hell (even further) and at an accelerated pace.

Best couple? Gael and Padre. Hands down.


i have been thinking... what kind of event/experience could we write into a future script in this novela for Sabrina to get off the high horse and off the influence of her mother so she could grow to be a better person? would we give her a 'seduce her and then dump her' from Paolo? what good would that do?

I think Sabrina should fall hopelessly in love with Braulio & Tonia's good-for-nothing son Vicente. They both look like they're about 12, anyway.

Best couple? Gael and Padre. Hands down.
and the quote of the episode:
'yo estoy mas puesto que un calcetin!'
(i am more ready/put-on/good-to-go than a sock)

Lovely recap, Cap'n Sharkbait!

Hats: seems that the heat and humidity do a number on the hats in the Yucatan, particularly the brims. With the exception of Gael's apparently resin treated cowboy hat. Anyone else wonder if Gael's comment to Padre was an ad lib?

Now, as regards "Unkahunk rides his penile extension", madam, I submit that, in some cases at least, a motorcycle is more for psychotherapy than phallic phoolishness! At least for old guys...

Elna Jung, is there anything in the literature about motorcycles as adjunct devices to therapy?

Good day amigos, I'm back from the mountains.

Dearest Mike, Oh dear, that was such a chick moment on my part. I should have said penile extension *for those that need them* and qualified it somehow. Present company excepted of course!! My own dear honey loves his Harley and I must admit I do not think of it as his PE, more like his mistress. Or maybe the Harley is #1 I am the mistress, hmmm...

Thanks for those of you who filled in the blanks on some things. I never did get a chance to re-watch with closed caps, not that the caps ever work very well anyway.

I'm off to run a few errands then sit back and enjoy catching up on my TNs and everyone else's recaps.

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