Monday, April 09, 2012

Abismo de pasión #21 4/9/12: Interactive Post! Add Your Own Title Here!

Many thanks to Julia and Blue Lass for the inspiration for tonight's recap. I hope these ladies are not offended by my poor imitation of their fine work.
Lo Refrito
Heeeey, what are you two doing coming out of the bedroom?

Lo Nuevo
*Casa Castañon, skanky and sneaky*
Dr. Tovar: Gulp
Carmina: Uh...he's giving me a check-up.
Disgusto: What's wrong?
Dr. Tovar: Gulp
Carmina: I'll explain later. He's got more patients waiting.
Dr. Tovar: Yeah. Bye!

*Hacienda Harangue-o ™, mood music: soft porn*
Damian: I thought you left.
Flo: Aw, I was just joking. I'm so sorry! I even went to apologize to Elisa and invite her to the party!
Damian: How did you know where to go?
Flo: Unkahunkapunk told me!
Damian: Huh?
Flo: Yeah, he and Elisa are BFFs now!
Damian: (internally) Huh?

*Blanca's Casa de Modas. Eddie Haskell-esque*
Paolo: Is Elisa here, pretty lady? I'm Paolo!
Blanca: Nope
Paolo: Where does she live?
Blanca: I'm not an idiot. I'm not giving you that info.
Paolo: Oh all right. Here's a rose. Please tell her I'd like to take her to the party. Bye (turns to leave an runs into Gael) Dude!
Gael: Dude! (to Blanca) Where's Elisa?
Blance: She's here. Come see her tonight.
Gael: Yay!

*Casa Castañon. Hoodwinked*
Disgusto: Why didn't you tell me you were sick?
Carmina: Doc is still running tests.
Disgusto: I'm going with you to the Doctor from now on.
Carmina: No, really. You have enough problems right now.
Disgusto: Oh. Ok.
Carmina: Whew!

*Dr. Tovar's waiting room. Girly*
Paloma: But I wanna go to the parrrrtyyyy...
Elisa: No!
Paloma: Are you saying that because of Alf or the engagement announcement?
Elisa: Engagement? Piffle. I just don't wanna see that cow's face and listen to her mierda about my mama.
Dr. Tovar: Hi, girls!
Elisa: Can we talk?
Dr. Tovar: Ok.

*Dr. Tovar's office. Nervous *
Elisa: How's my aunt?
Dr. Tovar: Gulp.
Elisa: She tells me you are running some tests.
Dr. Tovar: Uh. Yeah. Waiting for the results.
Elisa: You'll tell me if she's really bad off?
Dr. Tovar: Sure. Now scram, kid. I've got things to do and patients to see.
Elisa: Ok. Thanks.
Dr. Tovar: Gulp with a side order of drat.

*Disgusto's office. Night. Bull-headed and stupid* Note: I took some license since this scene was spread out.
Lucio: Elisa is staying with us. Sorry about lying.
Disgusto: Dude! Why did you act so indignant?
Lucio: 'Cause you treat Elisa like crap. Ever since her mother died you act as if the girl is a burden.
Disgusto: I don't even know if the girl is mine.
Lucio: You're an idiot. Of course she's yours!
Disgusto: I have my doubts.
Lucio: two words: Paternity test.
Disgusto: I'm afraid.
Lucio: Dude. Don't be a twit. And even if she wasn't yours, you've been her dad all this time.
Disgusto: Every time I see her, I think of Steffie and her deception.
Lucio: Quit being an ass. If you keep treating Elisa like this you're going to lose her forever. Watch it or you will end up a sad, old man. Alone and with nothing.

*Refreshment stand. Refreshing*
Two ladies: Elisa gossip gossip caught hugging him in the plaza gossip gossip just like mom gossip gossip
Gael: Ladies, with all due respect. SPLASH! Old biddies!

*Street. Argumenative*
Gael: I hear there've been problems with dad.
Elisa: Yeah.
Gael: Why didn't you come look for me?
Elisa: It was late.
Gael: You looked for Damian.
Elisa: Whoa cowboy! He ran into me by coincidence. I didn't seek him out.
Gael: You were hugging!
Elisa: Dude! Not your business!
Gael: Is too! I love you and adore you.
Elisa: Er. No you don't.
Gael: Yes I do! Really!
Elisa: You're my bro!
Gael: You love Damian. *pout*
(Day-um. how much saxophone are they gonna use in tonight's soundtrack? I feel like I'm stuck in a bad 70's movie.)

*Blanca and Lucio's House. Confrontational*
Disgusto: It was a stupid fight.
Elisa: I love you and respect you, but I can't make you feel the same. Did you know Lolita broke her engagement 'cause she didn't want to leave me alone?
Disgusto: Huh?
Elisa: Yeah, mom died and you married Tía about five minutes later.
Disgusto: Um. yeah. But I'm here now, trying to make it up to you. You decide and let me know.
Elisa: *sob*

*Casa Harangue-o. Schemey*
Flo: Dude! You weren't really supposed to take Elisa to the party! I just invited her to get girlfriend points!
Paolo: Dude! It really benefits you more if she actually comes to the party. Trust me. Now, help me find out Elisa's address...or I can ask Damian if you prefer.
Flo: No. I'll find out.
Sabrina: Hi!!!

*Blanca and Lucio's House. Conflicted*
Elisa: I just don't know what to do.
Blanca: Well, the old fart did come to see you. That has to mean something.
Elisa: He only came 'cause my godfather told him. I can't stop thinking about everything Lola gave up!
Blanca: 'Cause she love you! Oh, here's a flower that Paolo left for you. He wants to take you to the party!
Elisa:*eye roll*
Blanca: Gael stopped by too.
Elisa: Yeah. I've seen him.

*Church. Whiny*
Gael: I told Elisa I loved her.
Padre: Yay! Maybe now y'all can have a more normal relationship.
Gael: She'll never love a guy like me. No name. No family No nuthin'.
Padre: Basta! I'm your family! Pep talk! You're a hard worker and...
Gael: Er. About that. I quit today.

*Barn. Bitchy*
Flo: Kissy kissy?
Damián: Someone can see us!
Flo: This place (La Ermita) is changing you. As soon as the party is over we are so outta here and back to a normal life.
Damian: Maybe you're right. It's late. Let's go.

*Dining Room. Tentative*
Carmina: This is a wonderful opportunity to get rid of the brat. She just creates more and more problems.
Elisa: Good evening.
Carmina: *choke* How nice you're back!*choke*
Disgusto: Have you eaten?
Elisa: No
Disgusto: Well, have a seat!
Carmina: *seethe*

*Hacienda Harangue-o Kitchen. Brow-beaten*
Tonia: Lolita bought our son a beer!
Braulio: No way! He probably scammed her!
Tonia: Way! And stop defending her. FYI: She was quite chummy with Horacio. *nyah!*

*Cocina Castañon. Guilt-trippy*
Elisa: Aw Lolita. Aren't you glad I'm back.
Lolita: Yeah, but you didn't even tell me where you were! I love you. I thought you loved me *sniff*
Elisa: I love you bunches! I know you've put up with a lot of crap for me.
Lolita: and I would put up with more. I love you! You are my child. I don't have a husband or my own kids. I live for you!
Elisa: That's why you never married?
Lolita: Promise you won't leave again?
Elisa: Ok. Now that we're square...Who's the dude?
Lolita: Drat those gossips!
Elisa: I'm not a little girl anymore and I want you happy! Go get yer man!

*Curandera hut. I told you so*
Ramona: Gael came here....
Paloma: ???
Ramona: Looking for Elisa.
Paloma: *internal sob* I don't care. I just care about the party.
Ramona: As stubborn as your mother!

*Cantina. With Bravado*
Gabino: What are you doing here kiddo?
Useless Vicente: Nuthin'
Braulio: Hey! You better not be doing stupid stuff! Your mom told me all about the beer!
Gabino: I'm out!
Braulio: And stay away from Gabino! He's no good!
Useless Vicente: No good? I wish you were like him!  He's all in charge of the procesadora and stuff! You're just an employee!

*Recámara Castañon. Disgusting*
Carmina: Feel better now that Elisa is back?
Disgusto: Sure.
Carmina: I'm seeing the doc tomorrow.
Disgusto: Shall  go with you?
Carmina: Nah. You know...I wonder what it would have been like if our son had survived. Now I'm sick and I may die. I hate to think of the child losing a parent like Elisa.
Disgusto: The three of us should make an effort to be a normal family.
Carmina: Are you asking me to stay here tonight?
Disgusto: Hugs.
Carmina: Ha! I win?!

*Hacienda Harangue-o. Generous*
Alf: What?! No engagement ring! Bad boyfriend!
Damian: Er.
Alf: Here, take mine.
Damian: That's the one dad gave you!
Alf: Take it! Oh, and here's another gift!
Damian: Horsey! I'll ride him now!
Alf: Not dressed like that! There are more gifts in your bedroom!

Bare chest and Belt buckle close ups. Giddyap! Rawhiiiiide!!!!!

*Elisa's Bedroom. Jealous*
Paloma: See the pretty dress Blanca loaned me for the party? Maybe I can convince Gael to go with me? He was looking for you, huh?
Elisa: Yes. Um... We're friends, right?
Paloma: He loves you doesn't he? *pout*
Elisa: Whatever. I love Damian! I'm totally jealous he's marrying someone else!

  • Fight for Dam!
  • Don't mess with Elisa!
  • War!
  • Jealousy!

Sorry for the rush job!


I promise to do better next week! :-)

Sara, great recap.

My favorite was Gael dousing the harpies - priceless.

Rosemary Primera

Sara, I this recap is hilarious. I was laughing all the way through. It was so darn funny I couldn't wait and had to watch the episode online. Honestly, I'm not sure you could do better.

The brief, snarky, conversational style is a hoot and works incredibly well for these crazy telenovelas.

My favorite line: "Bare chest and Belt buckle close ups. Giddyap! Rawhiiiiide!!!!!" In fact, I think this sentence would make a great title. I'm so glad Damian finally got his horsey.

I also loved the horchata facial scene. I was totally shocked when Gael let them have it in the face, "with all due respect". Hee.

So now we have Useless Vicente (hee) admiring Gabino? This makes things a bit more interesting. Call of the blood, or just an up-and-coming low-life showing admiration for an accomplished a$$hole?

I liked the cute scene where Paloma imitated Ramona. It reminded me of the Gael/Padre scenes.

Thanks Sara! You are a champ for recapping this two nights in a row.

Sara- No need to appologize. It was great.

Just a quick comment before bed-- I LOVED it when Gael threw that drink! I totally didn't expect it and those nasty gossips totally deserved it. Ha!

More tomorrow.

That was long overdue.

So was somebody hitting Disgusto with a clue by four. Lucio is still three times the man Disgusto will ever be.

And Antonia's attitude is despicable.

Don't credit me; I blatantly and gleefully stole the format wholesale from Blue Lass. Sara, this was masterful, and if you can possibly do better next week (HOW?!) it will be one for the record books.

Haven't seen this one yet (had to tune into DWTS) but now I can hardly wait. It sounds like a doozy. Drink throwing AND shirt doffing? I don't deserve it, but I'll take it.

What's to promise!! THis was wonderful Sara! Refreshing slant on a recap and hysterical to boot.

Rosemary, I'm right there with you. "Ladies, with all due respect. SPLASH! Old biddies!" I let out a squee that scared the cat on that one. Lord, I love that man....But knew the admittance to Elisa wouldn't go well. But it did lead again to a master class betweem Gael and Padre. The look Padre gave Gael as he walked away...a true "father" in every way worrying about his son. So sweet.

But then we had an overabundance of Assgusto last night, and far too many close-ups of his puss for my taste. I think he was supposed to look pensive and sad, but
he just looked like a mannequin with no expression. Blech! Glad Lucio brought up a paternity test...but the idiots reasoning, I'm afraid (so I'll just keep treating her like crap).Again, BLECH!

It is hard to dislike Paolo though we're supposed to know he's slime. He's such a charming scumbag.

Does Gab know the spoiled brat is really his kid? I'm unclear on that...I'm thinking no, but I'm betting they are going to be an "item" soon.

I missed Horacio. Hope there's a sighting tomorrow.

Sara: This was so fresh and fun - thank you! What a great way to start the day.

Augusto had far too much screen time and far too many close ups - ITA. And really, the man denigrates his devoted, loving wife who was totally faithful, yet refuses to see cheating when it's right in front of his face? Blech. His turning his back on (and closing his heart to) Elisa is just as unforgiveable.

I thought Angelique Boyer was totally moving and believable in her anguish last night. She, Gael and the good Padre make this shine with every scene they are in.

Sara, thank you!


Sara this was great and quite fun. Thanks for all the recaps you do.

ITA there was way too much time with the Toad. I so wish he'd go away para siempre.

And Paolo is a lovable weasel. I wonder if he'll manage to impregnate some silly girl like the Doc's dumb daughter?

Useless Vicente longing to be like his horrible birth father; yes, I'd say call of the blood. When the news of that mess gets out, I am a bit concerned.

I was extremely distracted by Elisa's cold sore.

Why is Useless Vicente so bratty? Either Gabino's evil blood is extra strong or Ramona put a spell over Paloma, because UV seemingly has 2 (well at least 1) decent parent but is still a junior sexual harasser and slimeball in the making.

Disgusto is afraid to get that DNA test because he knows it will prove Elisa is his child & he'll have to wonder about what else he's been wrong about for the past fifteen years.

And Paolo is a lovable weasel. I wonder if he'll manage to impregnate some silly girl like the Doc's dumb daughter?


He might have already impregnated Kenia, from the way she was tracking him and Guido down, and from the way Guido was pissed off at Paolo.

Oh yes Anon207, I think Paolo definitely knocked poor Kenia up.

Sara, what fun! You went right to the heart of every scene. (I loved it when Julia did it on Familia, too -- I don't even know who most of the characters are, and it was still a scream.) I love the mood-adjectives for each location, too. I'll have to experiment with that.

The whole thing was great, but I think I like the interjections the best: Gulp! Yay! Huh? Dude! Whew! *pout* SPLASH! {sob} *choke* [seethe] Hi!!! *nyah!* [????] Ha!

Sara! brilliant style!
ITA with Rosemary: *Refreshment stand. Refreshing* was best moment of the night! I had to replay it about 5 times!

Sylvia, I agree that this short and funny to the point style is very good for this novela since it has SOOO many novela cliches that we don't have to transcribe word for word (i better follow my own preaching there tomorrow night je)
btw, horchata facial scene... and especially after the 'ladies! with all due respect...'
what a great description... In PR horchata is a drink made from sesame seeds but i know in other countries it is totally different.

Anon, ITA on why disgusto is afraid... he is afraid that Lucio is right... and he will have to kneel and beg...

UA, find me the clue by four and i will smack Disgusto right up the head like Angelica vale does in Paridiando...
btw, OT: re: Paridiando: cool! this time the right guy/imitator won it all!

what an intense and entertaining episode!
first we have Lucio confronting ToadHead,
Gael giving free facial to the 'towngossipgirls'
Elisa giving her dad a piece of her mind.. and giving some homage to Lolita..
and Padre and Gael.. priceless!
Gael better start maturing and stop saying he is a nobody! hopefully he will have reason to stop saying he is a nobody with no name or family soon or he will grow out of that pittiful me state.

Really fun recap! Your charming style really captured the action in shorthand. I liked it very much.

I am liking Boyer more and more in this role. She has the spunk to stand up to her emotionally abusive father. Good on ye', Elisa.

I loved Damian's new horsie. Sigh. From Zepeda's seat in the saddle it looked like it had been awhile since he was on a horse by himself. It sure is easy to get out of practice.

Wasn't Alfonsina beautiful last night when she was smiling at Damian? Wow—what a difference from her usual sour face.

Thanks again, Sara, for this delightful rendering of last night's epi.


Thanks, folks!

I'm glad you mentioned the horse, EJ. I don't know anything about horses but I thought that one was a beauty. Thanks for confirming its quality as an equine specimen. When they showed Zepeda riding I hoped someone would comment in whether he was a good rider or not.

Angelique really showed her acting chops last night.

Sara: Thanks for a great snarky recap.

Gael had me fooled. I thought he would just wave his hands and yell at the old biddies (haven't heard that one in a while).

Agreed. Angelique Boyer was wonderful last night. So, can Paloma relax now that she knows Elisa is in love with Damian?

As far a Paolo goes, he is definitely a handsome cad, but I do not think he will get to first base with Elisa. She will get physical with him in a most painful way.

I knew Carmina and Doc would get away with it - see yesterday's comment. I somehow think that Paloma will have something to do with their downfall - unless Augusto releases a few brain cells and sees reality.

Sara: Thanks for a great snarky recap.

Gael had me fooled. I thought he would just wave his hands and yell at the old biddies (haven't heard that one in a while).

Agreed. Angelique Boyer was wonderful last night. So, can Paloma relax now that she knows Elisa is in love with Damian?

As far a Paolo goes, he is definitely a handsome cad, but I do not think he will get to first base with Elisa. She will get physical with him in a most painful way.

I knew Carmina and Doc would get away with it - see yesterday's comment. I somehow think that Paloma will have something to do with their downfall - unless Augusto releases a few brain cells and sees reality.

EJ, so agree on the beauty of the horse. Just had to be as pale or "white-knightish" as they could get, Huh? But to me, David seemed a bit stiff as he rode off; the hand to the side really bugged me a bit. (And really, did he have to do the western roundup look--I think he would have looked sexier in the white, open collar shirt, letting the wind push his hair get my drift).

I remember when they showed Damian as a young boy riding with Rosendo, that child actor was so fluid and natural. I guess we will chalk it up now to the poor man not having the chance to ride for awhile. Guess they don't pony-up much in Italy.

That horse had an awfully skinny neck.

Sara I loved this. My favorite line was "Gulp with a side order of drat." I could see that gem as a title also. You dooo have a way with words. I wouldn't change a thing.

I fear by the time cowardly Assgusto gets around to doing a paternity test, Carmina will inveigle the doc into faking the results. (and I'm sure faked DNA results are on somebody's Bingo card, no?)

Also, while I know nothing about horses, I recognize poor riding style when I see it and Zepeda looked horrible last night. But I would too, so I won't be too critical.

Anyway, muchas gracias, Blue Lass, Julia and now Sara...queens of the conversational recap. Excellent.

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