Tuesday, April 10, 2012

El Talismán #50 Tue 4/10/12 Bribes, A Fight and Wills

Previously on El Talisman:
Pedro, Cameel, and Lucrazy are arguing in front of El Tal
Pedro grins at Cameela, grabs Lucrazy and kisses her as
Cameela turns her back.

Today on El Talisman:
El Viral is in Pedro's office thinking about money and has a fantasy
that money if falling all over her, as she grins like the mad woman she is
Then reality sets in and she realizes it was a pipe dream. She asks why
why can't I be happy?

Pedro asks Lucrazy to leave and he tells Cameela to come with him.
They go into El Tal and Pedro explains to Cameela about the cheque and
how he isn't able to issue a new one, due to Mariana's frozen account.
She tells Pedro Dr. Raul told her why and how Pedro married Mariana.
Pedro says he never wanted Cameela to be unhappy. During this conversation
Dr. Raul calls to make sure Cameela got there to get El Viral. Pedro tells him she
is right there, but Dr. Raul says he didn't call to speak to her, but to Pedro.
He tells Pedro he has heard from Margarito who wants to reconcile with
Claudio. After Pedro hangs up, he and Cameela continue to talk. She tells
Pedro she doesn't want anything from him. Pedro explains to Cameela that
Mariana wanted Cameela to have this money, because of what Pigorio did
Cameela reiterates she doesn't want anything from Pedro, but he wants the
money, whenever he gets it, to go to El Viral. Cameela asks Pedro to forgive her
for thinking all this time he was a bad guy. They kiss alot, really slow not sucking
off each other's faces. After Pedro and Cameela come up for air, he tells her he
has missed her so very much and he feels like this is a dream. He wants to know
if she loves him, and they keep with the kissing. Pedro tells Cameela so what was
up with you kissing Tonio at the carcel? They talk some more but I didn't get some
of the last of the conversation. It was something about don't you trust me, and
something about being right? Somebody fill this in for me. Cameela tells Pedro
she wants to find her Mother and go, and that she will leave his property. Pedro
takes her to the office and as soon as they get there, she begs Cameela to have
Pedro cut her another cheque! Cameela stalls for time and tells her wait till your
better, and Pedro says as soon as things clear with the bank, he'll make sure
El Viral gets the money.

Meanwhile, Lucrazy is talking to Claudio and he tells her why Cameela has come
to El Tal. Lucrazy wants to know where El Viral is and he tells her. Lucrazy goes to
Pedro's office and starts right in on El Viral, about how pathetic she is, she's an
old lover of Pigorio and good luck with getting any money or getting Cameela back
with Pedro. El Viral ignores her and cries. She finally tells Lucrazy she doesn't care
about the problems of Cameela and Pedro, she just wants the moola.

Pigorio is still talking to Rennie. He wants him to still press the charges to make
sure Tonio never gets out of jail. Rennie tells him you would do this to your own
son? Pigorio says never mind that , are you going to do it? Rennie wants to think
about it but Pigorio says, no thinking, just yes or no? Rennie wants some conditions
but Pigorio says no conditions, and he doesn't have all day. Rennie agrees to the
terms and the money. A lawyer comes by to tell Rennie they will either sue or send
Tonio to the carcel and there is a lot of money involved. Rita couldn't be happier.
Too late, Tonio is out of the carcel, his lawyer sprung him. He is determined to
see this new will. Tonio gets back to Al Catrash and the first person he sees
is Doris. He tells Doris he is out and he wants that divorce tout suite and he
wants to see that will. Doris tells him whatever you want Mi Amor. Pigorio
comes home and asks Tonio what are you doing here? Tonio says he wants
to see that fake will like yesterday. Pigorio tells him it is real, and Tonio's sainted
mother had it done and it is notarized and everything. He takes Tonio to his office
to show him.Pigorio shows Tonio the faked will. Tonio keeps saying this is so fake
and not for realz. Pigorio keeps insisiting it is for realz. Tonio wants to take it and
have it authenticated, but Pigorio tells him it doesn't leave Al Catrash. Tonio takes
the will tears it up right in front of Pigorio and laughs as he does it. Well, Pigorio is
pithed off and fist fights with Tonio. He gives Tonio a bloody lip and Panchito gets
in between them to stop. Pigorio tells Tonio to leave until he can respect him.

Tonio has flashbacks (ed note they should have had these in the beginning of this
TN just sayin) about Tonio when he was a boy, a really nice boy with emotions
before Pigorio basically phyically and emotionally abused all the good feelings out
of Tonio. Tonio goes outside and kicks some trees, and thinks about how he'll show

Doris wants to talk to Brigette. She tells her friend (sorry don't know her name) she
urgently needs to get in touch with her about that fake will of Pigorio's.
Fabi and Army talk. She wants him to meet her family, he doesn't want to because
of what he did to Flor and he is afraid he can't keep his story straight.They have a tiff
and Fabi walks off.

Flor can't make up her mind between Jose and Claudio and she tells her friend that
Army is cute too. Tracy is cleaning again and talking to Flor. Flor tells her that
Claudio is just a friend and Jose is gone. Tracy thinks about what Doris said.
Tracy asks Flor is she is sure about that, and Flor tells her yes. Fabi comes home
and Flor tells her she met Armando and thinks he's fine. Fabi is say what!!!
Army talks to Angel and tells him about the mess he is in. Angel says he
heard from his Mom about some of it. Army doesn't know how he is going to
fix it.

We have another Margarito sighting. He is wondering whether to tell Pedro
that he saw Mariana. And that Mariana might not be dead.

Panchito is talking to Pigorio about Pedro looking for Mariana and about
LA. Pigorio says that Dr Raul said something about somebody seeing Mariana
in LA but that Dr Raul thinks Mariana is dead, and that it must have been a ghost.
While this conversation is going on, he and Panchito drink tequila.

Lucrazy goes to see Jenny, (I don't know if she is the Cameela look-a-like or the
Mariana look-a-like) with some clothes and tells her not to make a mistake and to
be sure Cameela sees her. So there we end today.

Next Time on El Talisman:
Margarito sees Mariana again in an SUV with a nice guy in a suit. Margarito calls her name
and chases after the SUV.

* recap by Madelaine, quick-posted by Blue Lass


Thank you Blue Lass for posting this for me. I missed some of the stuff Fabi and Army were talking about and also some of Angel and Army's conversation. Whatever I missed, please feel free to correct/add. Thank all of you for helping me learn.

Madelaine--I have yet to sit down to watch this epi. But thank you. I read it thoroughly and don't think I even need to watch it now. It unrolled perfectly in my mind.

Can't wait to see Antonio tear up the will, though. I guess I'll go iron some clothes.
Anita again

Thanks Madelaine!

Somehow yesterday's didn't record for me. I was surprised to see Pig in Rennie's room. Did he tell Renato that he can not divorce Elvira?

So Pedro loves Camila but doesn't trust her. He doesn't love Luc but thinks he can trust her? Tia, you've got some work to do. Talk to su sobrino!

Super recap. I'm still amazed that this TN has actually picked up speed.

Madelaine, the last things that Pedro and Camila said in their conversation: Pedro told Camila it was she that caused their distrust. She said maybe it wasn't just her. Then he said he hopes one day she assumes the responsibility for having "had it all" and then giving it up. Presumably he is talking about their relationship. She mentions something about not being able to afford to quit her job.

Armando tells Angel he thinks Fabiola might not realize that Florencia's Armando-twin is the same guy as her novio, Armando-non-twin. Angel thinks Army has gotten himself into a big mess and should prepare himself for Fab finding out. Meanwhile, Fab wonders if Armando-twin is her guy, and if so maybe Jose-twin is a better catch.

R la O, El Pig wants to pay Rennie to press charges against Antonio and send him to jail for good.

"So Pedro loves Camila but doesn't trust her. He doesn't love Luc but thinks he can trust her?" Good point!

Thanks again Madelaine. Once again Camila and Pedro do not fail to frustrate. Gah, those two!

Thanks Madelaine, this is super. Very nicely done.

I love how Lucrazy taunted poor Elvira. Ordinarily I don't like cruelty but let's face it... she couldn't have selected a better target... and she nailed it. Elvira is pathetic.

My favorite scene, however was the horsey nibbling on Lu's shoulder. She can't be all that bad if the horse loves her that much.

And Lu was very trusting... when I worked in the ER I saw a number of nasty horse bites and most were to shoulders and upper arms.


I think Jenny is both the Mariana sound-alike and the Camila look-alike (for Camila he gets her to wear a wig.) The Mariana look-alike from the airport lounge way back when was Lucrazy's friend Julia from Texas, but she's gone.

Thanks to all for your comments. Sometimes when the actors talk to fast or low I don't get everything.
I actually felt bad for Antonio today. He must have been very close to his mother, cause Pigorio really rode roughshod on him when his Mom died. I guess he wanted Tonio to man up cause he cried, but that isn't the way to do it. Now we see the result of what Tonio has become. I hope they show what happened to Lucrazy the same way there must be a reason she is the way she is.

Pedro and Cameela aye yi yi. So dumb. From those kisses you can tell they really love each other, but they let things and people get in their way. I think by the end of this TN they will get together.

I guess this Jenny is going to do "Mariana" again, but this time I hope she gets caught.

So I wonder what Doris wants with Brigette and this fake will? I wonder if she will get another one from that notary?

I finally caught the Dr.'s name. Its Raul. They never seemed to mention it until today. I like him. He is also wise, I am glad he told Cameela what was going on, and he makes Pedro think, but Pedro is *extremely* slow and needs to dump Lucrazy like yesterday. From the grin he gave Cameela at the beginning of this epi you can tell he is only with Lucrazy to get Cameela's goat.

Oh, another thing. You would think Pigorio would have had that notary make a certified copy of that will. I am surprised that Pigorio showed Tonio the orginal of this faked will. Pigorio must have had an inkling that Tonio would destroy it. Just sayin'

Madelaine, I agree about the will. There must be another copy somewhere. Also, if it were a bona fide will, drawn up by a lawyer, then the lawyer would probably have copy too, so El Pig must have a copy somewhere. If not then too bad for him.

I think we are beginning to see Pedro's unlikeable side. The grin he gave to Camila at the beginning of the show was quite nasty. Also, in their scenes together he was way too quick to say their troubles were all her fault. How quickly he forgot it takes two to tango, not to mention all the stupid things he has done to sabotage their relationship.

Carlos, I think Lola Ponce looked momentarily surprised when the horse nudged her arm. She composed herself quickly though. A big horsey like that would have scared me silly.

wow, great comments.

I am sure Pedro is going to end up with Cam, but I have to ask why? If they are still shooting I hope they change this theme. As it was stated he loves Cam doesn't trust her, doesn't love Crazy but trusts her. Didn't these two repeatedly have conversations of not being caught in the 2-Crazy siblings plans?

For all the posturing about keeping beltbuckle in jail, I thought for sure Aaron dropped out of this TN, and they were going to change direction. I guess not.

Since I only see the last 5 minutes of this, is it or is it not the missing wife that is always spotted?

I forgot to comment about the weird time-space continuum in yesterday's ep. LooKrazy drove her little golf cart out to the stables, (was it also a Chevy???), so presumably the stables are a ways from the house. But when she went back to torture Elvira it took her about five seconds to get there.

Nellie, we do not yet know if it is the real Mariana who has been spotted. Margarito needs to find out. However the "Mariana" that called on the phone...she is fake, played by Tonio's whore Yenny, the same woman who also dresses up as Cameela for Tony's benefit, the same woman who is tortured daily at her hovel by LooKrazy.

I believe that the girl Margarito spotted is the real Mariana, The suited guy that was walking with her is a Venezuelan actor (Victor Camara)back in 1985 he did a very popular TN (Topacio).That will be in todays episode. Is time they bring Mariana back, this will change the whole TN. Also, Pedro is going to LA to meet with the Investigator in the Mariana case. Also, regarding Pedro questioning Cameela about the kiss with Tonio, what about his kisses, and weird wedding ritual, and the many times Camela caught Lucrazy in his bedroom, I would have thrown that in his face. These 2 characters are to old to be acting like teenagers, is very creepy. He needs to man up. Just saying. BTW, you guys are great at explaining what goes on. Thank you so much.

I too wonder if this is the real Mariana that Margarito keeps seeing. She is dressed very nicely and doesn't look or act crazy. Maybe she got amnesia and someone rescued her. I am hoping this is the real Mariana.

Now the fake one Yenny does look like Marianna but I think if Pedro gets up close to her, he will know it isn't her. Cameela I think has seen her from a distance, but I don't know if Pedro has.

I predict that both the real Mariana and the fake Mariana show up in the same place at the same time (where--is left up to those space-time continuum folks in the editing room) to the enjoyment of all viewerville (those of us with the stamina to stick with this).

Sorry, but I'm sick and tired of the Armando1/Jose/Armando2/Fab/Flo/Claudio/Tracy/Doris boyfriend thing. Angel is not going to be able to solve this and neither is Tracy. Only little Piglet is going to bring this all down.

Claudio and Lucrazy make a better couple than Claudio and Flo.

I was actually rooting for Antonio yesterday. Too bad he got decked, but in a way I'm glad he didn't go after Pa.

Legally speaking, now (from a legal outsider), When Mama Piggorio died, her last will and testament had to be filed in court and must go through probate before the disposition of possessions can take place. That's the last will and testament Tonio and Luc should be examining, not some document in Don G's possession.

Doris wants Luc's contact information so she can ask him to reveal all Don G's secrets he has. Up to now, the only one we know about is the faked will. It'll be funny if Don G. asks for another copy (it will cost him dearly) while Doris is having a little chat with him.

BTW--did ANYONE recognize the incidental kiss music as the Eva Luna-Daniel Villanueva kiss music? Although I welcomed the kiss, Cameela's fluttering eyelashes and quivering eyes were a little much. Eva and Daniel were much more into it, although Guy Ecker was a noisy kisser.

Oh, over on Corazon Ap. Guy's name is Armando and cute all-around handy man Diego, is his cousin. They are sharing a room in what seems to be one of The Only Hotel Inn Fresno's rooms, next door to Armando from El Tal.

The executive Producer for CorAp is Peter Tinoco, who was the Asst. Producer for El Tal. Can we hope for anything better?

Don G already asked the Brigitte to ask Lucas for a copy of the testament. Something has to happen between Cameela and Pedro, she's still going to stay there working for him. I don't think that after the kiss, Pedro is goign to continue the creepy scenes with Lucrazy. He now knows that Cameela loves him.

Anon at 11:07--Thanks for the refresher. I missed that little detail--that Don G. had already asked Lucas for another copy. I thought he had just contemplated it. Doris said she needed something to make sure she's not run off El Al. The fake testament would work better in her favor than the real one. She and Lucas may end up cooking something up against the Don, and maybe even end up together.

Thanks Anita, you know I thought Tonio already saw the real will left by his Mama, but that Pigorio did something with it, after he found out Tonio had seen it. Or did Tonio put it away some where. You are so right about the probate
with the will. She must have left Alcatrash to Pigorio and when he dies or becomes incapicitated it goes equally to Lucrazy and Tonio.
Is that right, or should it have gone to Lucrazy and Tonio in the first place. Did Alcatrash orginally belong to Mama Negrete?

Oh and I am sick too of F1 and F2 and Army and this stupid storyline.Army should just fess up and get it over with. I agree Angel cannot solve this for him.

Madelaine, my understanding was that Antonio found the original will and found out that he and Lu were named as heirs. He confronted donG with this information, so donG concocted a will that preempts the original.


Carlos- thank you. I thought Tonio had seen the orginal will. I wonder what happened to it though? I guess we will have to see how this fake will thing plays out.

Yes, Carlos remember Tonio started shooting the safebox in Pigorios office. He has the original, which names them heirs, but after the old man dies, that's why tonio had told Valentin that he did not want the old man dead, he wanted in a wheelchair crippled, so he can see him runnig the alcatrash..

Ohh and the orphans Pedro is going to help are from Mexico, in name of the nun that took him when he was a child.

How is Pedro getting visas for all these Mexican orphans when he has no money? Not to mention legal permission to run an orphanage.

Lucrazy and Antonio were my favorites last night. I really enjoyed Lu taunting stupid Evilra. If Elv had put half as much effort into working all her life as she's put into getting other people to provide for her, she'd probably be decently well off.

I feel sorry for Antonio and I hope he gets a redemption storyline. His horrid father has really done a number on him. I wonder why Gag hates him so much. Does he really think he isn't his bio-son? Even so, wouldn't that be mama's fault?

I also enjoyed Angel laughing at Armando and telling him this is all going to blow up in his face. Uh, doy, Armando. I feel bad for the Armando actor, though. How many long sweaty days of filming did he have to wear that same outfit? I hope wardrobe managed to wash it a few times.

Thanks for your recap Madelaine.

I hope the real Mariana shows up. It seems the producers should want her back as Karyme Lozano is an accomplished tn actress.

While things have improved regarding the writing, I hope the writers start making Pedro a worthy galan as the crap he's pulling with Lucrazy is not cool

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