Monday, May 07, 2012

Abismo de pasión #41 5/7/12: Did you know that Florencia was NEVER embarazada?

Sara is unable to do tonight’s recap so I am filling in with a quick and dirty version. It’s kind of a rush job from watching online so please feel free to fill in the blanks or let me know if I’ve gotten something wrong. Thanks.

Old Beans courtesy of Cynderella: Agosto asks Gael if he really loves Elisa.  Yes.  Then why not fight for her?  She doesn’t want me.  If you love her, fight for her!  That will make life easier for the rest of us.  

New Beans:
Guido rips Paolo a new one for causing trouble with Elisa. He doesn’t believe that Paolo, at his age and with his experience, was provoked by a pueblerina. Paolo makes his grand exit, he has to TRABAJARRR, and that’s why he’s in La Ermita.

Elisa and Lucio go that procesadora that wouldn’t hire him to try to work out a contract. The dude in charge rejects them then ribs Lucio about his age. Elisa gets royally pithed and lays into the guy, slamming the door on her way out. Lucio suggests un arreglo with Los Arangos but this pithes Elisa off even more.

Dam sits on Flor’s bed and tells her he’s going to the Pro Ce to tell the finally-happy workers that are dependent on him that he’s taking off and leaving them victims once again to the cruel whims of their prior jefes. She rubs her legs and gripes about the pain. “If you can’t feel anything then how can you be in pain?” he asks. Good one Dam. Padre Lupe interrupts them and Dam gets to explain, again, that Flor was NEVER embarazada.

Downstairs, Dam tells padre he’s returning to the DF with Flor because it’s his deber (duty). Padre asks if deber defines their relationship and suggests Dam is leaving to distance himself from Elisa. He doesn’t understand why Dam, knowing Flor was never pregnant, is not fighting for his true love. He tells Dam to be smart and think about his words.

Gael visits Elisa but all she has is bad news, no bank loans from Merida and no deals with the Santa Maria Procesadora. Gael suggests pursuing an arrangement with Los Arangos but she wants nothing to do with Dam or his family. Change of subject, Flor took a tumble and was NEVER embarazada.

Disgusto and Orangina have yet another dreary argument. He says Elisa was right about them kissing (actually he says “about you kissing me”) while Estef was still alive and then them getting married right away. He’s got troubles, he’s tired, and he could use a little support right now. She gives him the bug-eyed glare, “Es el colmo!”

Padre Lupe summons Ingrid to the rectory so he can tell her, again, to get out of town and leave Gael alone. Her little fling with Gabino is proof that she’s still the same skanky ho she always was. They obviously didn’t read the telenovela rule book about conversing near open doors. Gael and Elisa sneak up and listen while Ingrid yells at the top of her lungs that Gael is is her hijo, HER HIJO, and she will do whatever it takes to get him back!! 

Cara impactada de Gael as Padre confirms what he heard. “No puede ser,” Gael stammers, “I am an orphan and my parents died like you said Padre.” Gael is angry at Padre and runs off with Elisa at his heels. Oops, that didn’t go well.

Gael wonders to Elisa why did they lie to him all those years? He sees Ingrid and gets sadder. Later he tells Elisa he finally understands why that weird lady was stalking him. He never imagined she was his mother. Padre always told him his parents were dead. Elisa advises him to listen to them before judging. 

Dam goes to the stables and tells Horacio to saddle up his steed (with the new saddle) because he’s going out for one last ride before he heads back to the DF. And don’t wait up. (He also says he doesn’t blame Horacio for what happened. If he only knew.)

Awww, my man Guido is Mr. Glum. He tells Flor that everything is OK but then he asks Fina if he can use her phone to make a long-distance call. When F and F are alone Fina warns Flor that she is an expert at discovering lies and trickery. Flor says Fina’s just pithed because Dam’s returning to Mexico City, verdad? And she refuses to get a second opinion from another country bumpkin doc in Merida. “Fine, have it your way,” huffs Fina.

Fina overhears Guido asking someone if there isn’t some way they can deal with this situation? He can’t leave right now. “Something wrong Geedo? If I can help in any way please let me know.” She comments he’s been very tense ever since he arrived. He says the thing with Flor worries him and since his wife dies he has nobody with whom to share his worries. Fina gets it, even though she is a strong woman she misses Rosendo. A woman always needs a man’s support. Guido never understood why a hot babe like Fina never remarried. She wonders the same about him. They go back and forth with this love fest until Guido call for a potty break. Fina sighs and rolls her eyes (but not sarcastically like usual), then calls Gabino to pick her up first thing in the morning. And for God’s sake be punctual!

Dam rides to Casa Castanon where he runs into Elisa. He tells her that Flor was NEVER embarazada. Unfortunately now she can’t walk and they are off to Mexico City to see a specialist. Good luck with that, Elisa says, and I hope you have lots of kiddies. From his look-right-down-her-blouse saddle perch, he tells her none of this changes the way he feels about her. 

Next morning Gabino, (still one-sleeve even with a short sleeved shirt!) is predictably late, but he assuages Fina’s annoyance by reporting that the brat Elisa couldn’t get a Merida loan or a contract with Pro Ce Santa Maria for her precious habanero project. 

Ingrid arrives at work and seems slightly annoyed to hear that when Fina snaps her fingers Gabino jumps, no matter what the hour. Maru is delighted to see Lucio who has arrived to talk to Damian. Lucio eyes Ingrid and asks have they ever met? Errrrrr, nope she says as she scuttles away.

Lucio explains to Damian about Elisa’s habanero project, that she wants to replants Estef’s tierras that Disgusto has left fallow. They need money to get the project rolling and would Pro Ce La Anita be willing to negotiate a deal? Dam asks did Elisa ask Lucio to do this? Por supuesto que no! She would kill Lucio if she knew he was there. Dam says he will do a contract now but he’s leaving for the DF in a couple of days. Lucio says Fuggedaboutit, without Dam there Fina and Gabino would never honor the contract. He came to help Elisa, not add more complications to her tragic life. 

Elisa tells Lolita that she saw Dam and he’s leaving La Ermita. In an amazingly tearless way she tells Lolita its for the best and her life can go back to the way it was before. Lolita advises that it’s not easy to turn off the heart so easily, especially when a woman truly loves a man. Pop! goes the sleazel! Orangina creeps out behind the bedroom door and says she supposes Lolita speaks from experience. Lolita scolds Orangina for merely obeying the telenovela rule book  #8, the one that demands all Evilinas creep around listening behind doors. Come on Lolita, all you have to do is shut the door! 

Orangina gloats that Elisa has the hots for Dam. “Yes, I love him, but he’s leaving and the good news is that Flor and the odious Paolo will go with him. I can’t wait to be rid of that problem.“ The Tangel-ho looks like someone just juiced her.

Over at Hacienda Arango Guido tells Paolo he’s leaving early tomorrow with Flor and he expects Paolo to go with them. Nopis, Paolo has his trabajo, he’s gonna stay. Guido tells Paolo their business is having problems and he really needs Paolo back home. His Unbuttoned Hotness advises Guido to get a loan from Alfonsina. She’s been dying for Guido for ages. Surely Guido could convince her that a loan would be good business. Paolo pats Guido’s arm and Guido acts like he’s shaking something nasty off his arm, lol.

Padre finds Gael at breakfast at The Only Inn in La Ermita. He worried about Gael all night. They need to talk but Gael’s not interested. Why did Padre always lie and tell him his parents were dead? Padre said that Ingrid promised to return for him, but she never did and he thought she was dead. As for his father, he is absolutely certain he died. “Who was he?” demands Gael. “Ask your mother,” says Padre. He gets weepy and tells Gael that even though he’s a priest he’s only human. He’s very sorry and begs Gael’s forgiveness. Aw c’mon Gael, you can’t stay mad at that sweet man, can you?

Horacio reports to Gabino that Dam plans to return to the DF. Evil, triumphant smile.

Fina sees Tonia taking a tray to Flor and very sweetly offers to take it herself. (Tonia, are you really that stupid to think that Fina’s doing you a favor?) Fina “accidentally” spills hot coffee on Flor’s legs, making Flor cringe. “Oh my, I thought your legs had no feeling,” Fina innocently remarks. “It’s one thing to feel and another thing to move,” snaps Flor. She squeezes her eyes shut in pain while Fina calmly walks about the room. Fina remarks that for a moment she thought that Flor might be getting better. Oh well, she’ll get Tonia to clean up the mess. She leaves the room, Flor jumps up out of bed, and Fina walks right back in. “Aha! I knew it was all a farce, like your pregnancy that NEVER was. Did you really think I was stupid enough to fool?” Glare. Glare back. Glare harder. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Yay Fina!

Avances: Assgusto finds Orangina on the phone flirting with Paolo. Alfonsina tells Ingrid that they have nothing to discuss and nothing in common. Wrong, says Ingrid, they have Rosendo in common. Gabino decides to collect on Orangina’s past due account.


Glare. Glare. Glare. Harder!

You are lying! Are you certain that there were no tears in this episode? Did you get close to the screen? And it only took 41 episodes!

This was funny!

Sylvia, great recap, thanks.

Loved Fina outing Flor! Fina should get together with Guido and move to MC although I don't if I should wish that Guido. It would be fun watching Fina as Flor's stepmother.

Rosemary Primera

Cynderella, well I cannot say that there were NO tears from Elisa tonight, just not in that one scene where I was sure she would but out crying. Maybe someone else will watch closely and report back.

Rosemary Primera, Guido and Alfonsina would probably make a pretty good couple business-wise. She has run Rosendo's business successfully all these years and Guido clearly needs some help. However like you say, I wouldn't wish her upon him. It would serve Flor and Paolo right though. Oh man, things would change in that family.

Meant to type BUST out crying. I need to do a better job proofreading.

Quick and dirty and hysterical. Good one Sylvia and how great of you to pitch in. I agree, I think we went tear-free tonight. There was that one scene with Lolita that I was cringing because I thought for sure she was going to start blubbering, but our girl is getting better. She sucked it up, told Guppy off and went on her way.

I want to hug Gael and make him feel better. Ok, you know what I mean. I did like the look he gave Irritating: sort of like "crud, and YOU'RE my mother. Damn". Wait until he finds out he has a bro...and it's his BMF. But then there's the problem of much for brotherly love?

Poor Fina, I could swear I saw her botoxed forehead quiver ever so slightly as Queeeeeedo left the room. She's got it bad.

And did I actually see Assgusto acting on behalf of his daughter and giving Mr. SuaveandDeboniar a look at a big 'ole gun in that preview? Has he taken a step out of the slime pool? Methinks maybe...

Many thanks Sylvia for filling in and doing such a brilliant job. There were a total of 2 tears shed by Elisa tonight, and they were quick and non-dramatic-- when she watched Damian trot off on his horse. Plus she told off the procesadora guy. Bravo girl!

I think Gael will forgive Padre soon. He already looked like he was melting when the Padre had that last talk with him. I wonder how long it will take him to speak to Ingrid and start asking some questions. I wonder if she will tell him the truth about his daddy...Nah!

I LOVED that last scene with Alfie and Flor and you captured it perfectly. Flor needs to learn that she's in the presence of a master manipulator. She knows all Flor's tricks because she's done them all and done them better. (Remember all her famous blood pressure incidents.)

Guido and Alfie would make a striking pair. But I like the guy, and I too wouldn't wish Alfie on him.

Thanks, Cap'n Sylvia! Marvelous job. :)

Holy crap. Ingrid the Ingrate really stepped right in a deep pile of doodah, didn't she? And it couldn't have happened to a nicer person--that skank is cold as ice (able to look at her own kid bleeding in the street and choose self-preservation). It horrifies me that at some point pobrecito Gael is going to give her a chance and pay for it DEARLY. Gahhhh. Oh well. Let us hope he at least forgives Padre Loopy first, eh? Poor padre.

Don't get it twisted, Guido. Just because HefFina LOOKS hot means nothing. She's another one that's cold enough to freeze your ba*** right off, buddy.

Agent HOrange reminds me of A big, scuttling cockroach more and more every day, you know the kind that makes its way into a house from the outside and you never hear it enter but then you turn around and suddenly BOOM it's just standing there silently, listening to your private conversation, waving its antennae all casual-like, as if it belongs in your bedroom and pays rent. Bleccch.

LMAO! The poor Princess Who's so Sensitive she can't Sleep on a Pea got GOT. OMG how I laughed! Honey, get thee back to the International School of Villainy with a quickness because you are nowhere near HefFina's level yet. You cannot compete. We in Viewerville saw the old "oops I spilled coffee on you" trick coming from a mile off, while you stepped right off the cliff. That scene was so satisfying that I actually cracked open some bubbly and toasted the Arango witch with a full goblet. *happy dance* Probably should have taken a picture because I'll be back to hating her tomorrow LOL

Can't wait to get to the "Rosendo in common" bidnez, hehehe. hohoho

Sylvia, thanks again for the speedy recap. Thumbs up!

Gotta read comments now and make sure not to forget that FLOR WAS NEVER EMBARAZADA.

Our Elisa was in great form -- agreed!

Oh lord yeah, in the advances Augie got a gun!

daisynjay said: Poor Fina, I could swear I saw her botoxed forehead quiver ever so slightly as Queeeeeedo left the room. She's got it bad. LOL!

Sylvia: What a wonderful surprise to find your recap this morning. Thank you for diligently providing all of the sordid events of last night, replete with excellent humor including: "Lolita scolds Orangina for merely obeying the telenovela rule book #8, the one that demands all Evilinas creep around listening behind doors" and "...she refuses to get a second opinion from another country bumpkin doc in Merida".

And I have to echo Cynderella: "Glare. Glare back. Glare harder. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Yay Fina!" was simply inspired. Gracias amiga.

I agree with Vivi that I certainly wouldn't wish Alfie on Guido. But, surely there must be someone worthy of his hawtness?

Poor Gael. The good news is: your mother's not dead. The bad news is: she is a ho. Sigh... And yes, please forgive the good Padre. I cannot stand to see Rene Casados upset. Period.

Flo is NO match for Alfie. Girl, you gotta go. You are outmatched and outwitted. You are Aflie light and it's just not good enough.

So, in the previews, Assie gets his gun. As it appears Paolo is at the receiving end, it may be a good day after all!


Thanks, Sylvia! I'm so glad I didn't miss the scene where Alfie catches Flo. I thought Flo had managed to maintain the deception by keeping still even when the hot coffee spilled on her.

Yeah, I loved the advances! Elisa yells PAPÁ, and Assgusto runs out and points the big gun at Paolo. This is what should have happened in the first place! Boy will Carmina ever get her panties in a wad over this! (if she ever wears them).

"Agent HOrange reminds me of A big, scuttling cockroach more and more every day" and with Highlights! The woman needs a job or something. Hate the way she just always seems to be there and peeping in at every scene at the house.

I agree, Gael will melt and there will be smoochies and higs with the Padre. But my guess with Irritating is that she is going to ask for hush money from Alfi about Rosendo being the father of Gael. She knows Alfi is free with the cash after what happened to Kenia ( oh, yeah, Gael you also have a sister!) So I wonder what story will be concocted as to who the father really is....

I think they will have to bring in a new character for Guido, since all the middle-aged ladies available are either skanks or in love with Lucio. Just for the record, I'm free in the evenings.

Wonderful recap, Sylvia. Favorite lines:

“Oops, that didn’t go well.”

“Gael finally understands why that weird lady was stalking him.”

“They go back and forth with this love fest until Guido call for a potty break.”

“From his look-right-down-her-blouse saddle perch, Damián tells her none of this changes the way he feels about her.”

I also loved Paolo's crack about how Guido could solve all his problems with a double wedding. (Does telenovela law dictate that a double wedding gets disrupted TWICE?)

Thanks for stepping up with this witty, light-hearted recap, Sylvia.

I'm disappointed with Damien for not examining the saddle right after the fall and even more for not insisting that Horacio produce the faulty saddle.

I'm surprised that Alfy didn't insist on an investigation immediately after the accident.

I know, tighten my beanie and... next!

Augusto with the shotgun? Good for him.

Audrey, thanks for giving me a new thought for the day by replacing:

"FLAMING DOUCHE" (LQNPA comments)... with:

"Boy will Carmina ever get her panties in a wad over this! (if she ever wears them)."


awesome recap sub, Sylvia!!
some favs, comments, additions...

“Oops, that didn’t go well.”
Great depiction of a very emotional scene…

“Something wrong Geedo? If I can help in any way please let me know.”
(how about pulling out your checkbook again?)
“They go back and forth with this love fest until Guido call for a potty break.”
(I agree with everyone else, this Guido deserves better…)

“From his look-right-down-her-blouse saddle perch, Damián tells her none of this changes the way he feels about her.” (yeah that was intense…)

His Unbuttoned Hotness (good one!!)

Why did Padre always lie and tell him his parents were dead? Padre said that Ingrid promised to return for him
(Padre gave the excuse that she told him in confession… so he could not reveal it to Gael and the best he could come up when Gael kept asking was that his parents were both dead)

Glare. Glare back. Glare harder. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Yay Fina! (awesome!! give these women armors, horses, jousts and a good send-off!!)

And the previews are also encouraging, with Elisa yelling Papa!! And like you said Carlos,
Augusto with the shotgun? Good for him.

Padre Loopy surely has a PECULIAR way to be a Padre, doesn't he? he yells, he calls Gael MI GAEL..., he can decide that he can't reveal secrets from confessional but can lie at leisure...
but i totally agree with everyone, Gael should forgive him... i am sure will be another EMOTIONAL sparky scene between these two... but Gael should not give Irritating a get out of jail/grief free card as easy or as fast...
it will be good for him to learn eventually that he has not one but two siblings... 'una hermanita' and his BMF is also his hermano for real.
but i have a feeling if Irritating does not control her temper and yells at Gabino the same way (she is ticked off at him for running to Fina's feet at her calling) she will be history soon...

Stuff we learned in this episode:

Fina confirmed that Flor was lying about her legs.

Gael learned Irritating Ingrid was his mother & Padre knew all along. We also learned Padre knows who Gael's daddy is but won't say.

We learned Guido is just about bankrupt, not just broke.

Elisa learned Damian is leaving town with Flor.

Fina learned nobody will give Elisa a loan.

Advance: Somebody's about to learn about half brothers.

You're Welcome Carlos, LOL!

I don't know, if Alfie and Guido ever got their groove on, it might just be the miracle cure for Alfie! She might completely lose interest in running other people's lives! I'm not convinced Guido is 100% innocent, even if he does get on Paolo's case. Alfie and Guido do seem to be quite drawn to each other.....

Cap'n Sylvia - checking in on free WiFi via my iPhone, while on vacation. Mille grazie for this excellent and snarky recap. Wowzers, the plot is trucking right along. I've never seen stuff resolved so fast. Ciao, y'all.

Touchy screen,,, sent before i could sign .

Great work!

The Tangel-ho looks like someone just juiced her. was my favorite line.

I love that Fina outed her nuera. but is that enough to change her mind about having Damian marry her?

Poor Gael. He would have been better off not knowing that Ingrid the Skank is his maternal unit.


Thanks so much for this recap. You are such a champ to fill in at the last minute.

Sara, hope you are well.

Well, well, things do move along in this telenovela, don't they.

Cynder, I will be on a tear lookout as I recap tonight. We'll hope for a zero total and know that our observant Vivi will keep perfect count.


"I love that Fina outed her nuera. but is that enough to change her mind about having Damian marry her?"

I think Fina wants to be the only woman who can "control" Damian.

She didn't like Flor's pregnancy lie but let it go because it was keeping Elisa away from Damian.

However, Flor's paralysis lie is taking Damian away from Fina and she's not having that.

However Fina might be in a tight spot because if she busts Flor's paralysis lie, Damian breaks up with Flor and gets with Elisa. On the other hand, if she excuses the lie, she has the knowledge that she's letting her son marry a liar & manipulator and Fina wants to be the only liar & manipulator in Damian's life.

So, does Fina want Damian stuck with a lying Florencia, in Mexico City (but at least he wouldn't be around Elisa)?

Or does Fina bust Florencia's lies and risk him running to Elisa?

Choices, Fina. Choices.

Blue Lass said: I think they will have to bring in a new character for Guido, since all the middle-aged ladies available are either skanks or in love with Lucio. Just for the record, I'm free in the evenings. LOL!

"His Unbuttoned Hotness" was definitely my favorite recap phrase.

Of course the Princess was just throwing excuses out there, but as a real patient I'd be looking at Doc Tovar the Weak quite oddly myself, seeing as he makes Paloma type on a Selectric or something in 2012. I mean gah, even the pro ce sa do ra has a couple of computers. WTH.

LOL @daisynjay! A roach with highlights. LOL :P

Still laughing out loud at bandana-hand Gab and his fashion statements. The man is consistent, at least. (took me a while to get over that hot man-V he's got, though, MADRE DE DIOS WOW)

You said it, Anon207. What will she do????

Sylvia...You do "quick and dirty" so well, and I mean that as a compliment.

"scuttles away"

Elise as "amazingly tearless" and

{Carmina]"looks like someone just juiced her"

And the comments are extra-funny today. Thanks all.

le Like everyone, I thoroughly enjoyed the scene between Alfonsina and Florencia. Hopefully this will keep Damian in la Ermita a while longer.

Sylvia...You do "quick and dirty" so well, and I mean that as a compliment.

"scuttles away"

Elise as "amazingly tearless" and

{Carmina]"looks like someone just juiced her"

And the comments are extra-funny today. Thanks all.

le Like everyone, I thoroughly enjoyed the scene between Alfonsina and Florencia. Hopefully this will keep Damian in la Ermita a while longer.

This comment has been removed by the author.

thanks for pointing out daisynjay's comment on the roaches LOL!
and ita, this novela sure has plenty of eye candy for women.. let the unbuttoned hotness keep on pouring! MADRE DE DIOS is right! (who cares about puffed lips and big ears? just 'usa los ojos para lo que sirven' )... but it is also chuck full of good acting in a good mix of age ranges... and something for every taste.
from the Tangy-Ho types to Altair for Carlos... to barbie princess porcelain faces...
to good witches of the north, peculiar kick-up-your-feet fun loving priests and botox queens and gossip girls...

This comment has been removed by the author.

there's a whole lot of videos in you-tube of the cool cast of AdeP (combinations of some of the young foursome plus Rene C and Blanca G) while they were promoting the soon-to-begin-on-Televisa novela... particularly in that talk show hosted by Omar Chaparro... singing, dancing, embarrassing with old videos... something for everyone...

Sylvia thanks for stepping in and Sara I hope you feel better.

Everyone has mentioned many of your great lines and I'm with you on cheering Fina on (this may be a first). As Anon207 noted, I wonder what Fina will do as she does want to be the ONLY manipulator in Dam's life. And the Toad with a gun pointed at crazy lecherous Paolo. Looking forward to tonight.

I am so very intrigued now about Toadhead with the gun. That preview was not on my online avances. I wonder if there is any hope that Paolo would somehow get the gun away and turn it on Disgusto? Nah! I'm not ready to see Paolo go yet, and Disgusto must feel the shame and error of his ways before he goes to the big habanero field in the sky.

Marta, I'm going to look around for some of those videos. They sound fun.

Sylvia, wonderful recap filled with fun... "The Tangel-ho looks like someone just juiced her." Ha, ha.....a good one! Others liked it and so did I!

Marta, you have such a creative way of saying things..."but it is also chuck full of good acting in a good mix of age ranges... and something for every taste. 
from the Tangy-Ho types to Altair for Carlos... to barbie princess porcelain faces... 
to good witches of the north, peculiar kick-up-your-feet fun loving priests and botox queens and gossip girls" YES! What a fun and accurate description of our charming Abismo de Pasion!"

Diana: "Poor Gael. The good news is: your mother's not dead. The bad news is: she is a ho." So well said and so accurate!

Stefe and Daisy: "A cockroach," "with highlights,", what a wonderful description! Yes, Carmina does scurry around and does have BIG HIGHLIGHTS, great visual.

Blue Lass: On Guido, "Just for the record, I'm free in the evenings." If Guido goes back to Mexico City, Lucio is a CHARMING widower, what about him? Both are having financial difficulties, but we're just talking about dinner and drinks aren't we? With either one you might have to pay!

Doris, surprisingly no hail, floods or tornados in Nashville while you've been gone! Have fun!

Haha Sandy, you're right -- I'd be picking up the check for sure, wouldn't I?

Well, I've got my own silver fox at home, anyway. All he knows how to say in Spanish is "una cerveza" and "más besos," but it gets us through the evening.

Marta, I totally agree with you about the eye candy AND the really good acting from villain and hero alike. Yes ma'am! :)

and in one of those 'promotion' interview clips on you-tube i heard Mark said that Abismo had a very wide variety of characters and at the same time it had a smaller list of main characters than most novelas:
he said 17. lets see.
the castanon(Elisa, Assusto, Tangy-Ho plus or not plus Estefania (3-4)
the Arangos (Alfie, Damian, Tonita plus or not plus Rosendo) (2-4)
Braulio and Lolita (2)
Lucio and Blanca (1-2)
Padre Loopy and Gael (2)
Ramona and Paloma (2)
Gabino and Horacio (2)
DrWhipped and fa (4)
Maru (1)
i guess that makes 19-22 (without or with the 3 that have died, not including baby Castanon) characters not including the Landuccis or Ingrid or Kenya

oh yeah! forgot useless Vicente.
so 20-23

"A cockroach," "with highlights,"
now we just need an abbreviated nickname that mixes these two with 'ho' somewhere in there...
hmmm. i will come up with something by tomorrow nite.

could someone please tag the tues nite recap to the blog? I can't comment from the main caray caray page. I see it but can't comment to it.

EJ!! aawesome title and awesome start!
the silver fox!.. I LIKE IT!!

here is my full comment on tues night's MAHVELOUS recap by EJ.. will copy to the tues night blog.
EJ!! aawesome title and awesome start!
the silver fox!.. I LIKE IT!! do you mind if I steal that for tonight’s recap? Boy seems I might have some fun tonight with that recap after coming home from my daughter’s Japan trip meeting.

LOVED what Gael told Ingrid right on her face (boy he came close to stare at her with that angry frown, he was maybe 5 inches from her nose!) Just like I told you yesterday, I am an orphan of both father and mother… (So no, I am not your cracker jack prize! you and I are not Best friends instantly as you wanted )

Ingrid tells Alfie: your son is such a nice guy, I am sure the moment he hears that Gael is his brother, he will be more than happy to give him what he deserves… HALF of everything!! (this almost gives Alfie an instant stroke)

Also in the brotherly meeting, Damian kept insisting to Gael to go for broke with Elisa, to try and get her to notice him/give him a chance, not to give up. (I have a feeling that this will make coming episodes even harder for Gael to ‘swallow’ Damian’s words here as sincere…) and it was also funny how Damian warned Gael that his next statement would sound ‘cheap’ (tells him that he is more than an amigo—he is a brother)…
Gael responds: Yeah that sounded REAL cheap but right back at you bro! take care… and I will be here waiting for your return (aqui te espero!)…

Paolo makes a speedy exit on his moto … lol I bet he was about to pee in his pants…

Lovely family. … indeed!

(Damian) begins to look slightly trapped. … again, indeed!

Damian remarks that it is very INTERESTING that Flo can walk … he also said stte of ‘it is strange that you are so eager for us to go to Mex City when you really wanted me to stay put here for good… ‘ Damian looks very thoughtfully … again, indeed!

Call me crazy, but I can’t remember a tear from Elisa. … me either, so this might have been the first ep without her significant waterworks.

Damian looks like he is on a quest to find the truth about Kenia, the fake pregnancy and Flo’s role in the manipulations. I think Damian has her number.
I agree! And if you notice they were out on the road (like the road to and from La Ermita), so he might have crossed paths with her when he was heading out and she was coming back in (maybe she decided to return since now she can relate to Gael as a brother, if she can get him to find out she is Ingrid’s daughter…) … and he was heading away?...

Marta, I just tagged Tuesday's recap.

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