Friday, May 25, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #1-2 Thu 5/24/12 An Accident and a Death


We start with Galindo talking to Don Aquiles, the head honcho of this town it seems. He tells Don Aquiles that due to no water on his land, his crop has failed and he needs time to pay him back. He gives Don Aquiles the deed to his house and lands as collateral, until he can pay him back. I think he tried to sell his tractor to Don Aquiles, but the Don wanted the deed to his house and lands instead.

Meanwhile, Luciana and Ariche, daughter of Galindo and grandson of Galindo are playing with a ball the boy is batting around. It lands in some cactii and they go to get it, but there is a rattlesnake near the ball, so Luciana takes a sling shot and a rock and hits the snake and they run.

Galindo is in his field trying to get his tractor started, and it won't. Luciana and Ariche come to help him. Luciana tries to help, but it won't start. Luciana and Ariche go on the road to flag someone down to get a mechanic out there. Here comes Rogrigo and Patricio, who are brothers from Mexico City, and love to climb the mountains. Rodrigo doesn't want to stop, but Patricio talks him into it and stops the jeep. She tells them she needs a mechanic and Patricio tells her he'll make sure one comes out. Rogrigo and Patricio leave. Pat seems to like Luciana. They wait and wait for the mechanic that never comes. So Galindo, Luciana and Ariche, start walking back home and encounter, Sabina the town medicine woman/bruja, I'm thinking. She warns Galindo there are bad omens around them, and Luciana will be crying alot. Galindo tells her she's crazy and she leaves in a cloud of dust. Creepy, I must say.

Meanwhile Rodrigo and Patricio have made it to town and Patricio keeps telling Rodrigo, hey I told that girl I would send a mechanic. Well Rodrigo is like fogetta bout it. Roddy is too interested in climbing mountains. They come out of their hotel and run into, wait for it, Luciana and Ariche, and she is very pithed at them. She says they waited in that field forever for that mechanic. Patricio apologizes and blames it on his brother Roddy, who finally gets a good look at Luciana. He talks to her too, and is struck by Cupid at the same time she is. He also apologizes and she has a bag of manzanilla she crushes. Then the boys leave and Lucy and Archie are continuing home, when they run into Don Aquiles. He offers them a ride but she won't take it. She walks away, and he says "One day you will be my wife". Ugh.

Lucy and Archie go home and Paz, Lucy's Mama complains that the manzanillas are crushed. Lucy smiles and before Archie can say anything she says she dropped them on the street.Mama just shakes her head.

Rodrigo and Patricio are looking at the mountains and Rodrigo just loves to climb them. Patricio does too.

Meanwhile Don Aquiles, the jackwagon, has ordered someone to go to Galindo's field and burn it. It is burning like crazy and Galindo, Luciana and Lorenzo, Luciana's brother and Archie all run out to the field. Since there is no water they can't do anything to put it out, and the tractor is destroyed too. There is nothing left. Galindo starts to walk away, clutches his chest and falls over, having suffered a heart attack. Lorenzo runs for the doctor , while Ariche and Luciana stay with Galindo, but he is dying. He begs Luciana to forgive him, before he dies. She keeps telling him there is nothing to forgive. As he is dying he tells her to look for Rosa Torres. She doesn't know who she is. He then dies. Meanwhile Lorenzo can't get the doctor cause he is not in the office. Lorenzo goes home and tells his Mama Paz that Papa is in the field dying. Paz can't beleive it. The medicine woman/bruja is there as Galindo dies and tells Luciana now you will have many tears. She leaves in another cloud of dust.

The boys, Rodrigo and Patricio are climbing the mountain hooked together. Rodrigo is in the lead and he keeps telling Patricio to catch up. Patricio finally makes it up to his level, goes a little ahead and puts the carbiner into some loose rock, but beside it the rock is solid. He takes a couple more steps up and then falls. He is dangling by his harness and Rodrigo is screaming at him. Rodrigo is still ok, on the mountain holding on, but Patricio is motionless, hanging in mid air by his harness. The ground crew calls for assistance and a helicopter comes to take Patricio to a hospital in the capital of Chihuahua.

Mathilda, the nana of Hannah, and Hannah, the sister of Rodgrigo and Patricio are talking in the kitchen, about the boys climbing mountains. Roselena the mother of the boys and Hannah is very worried about the boys. She doesn't like all mountain climbing. Maximio,husband of Roselena and father of the boys and Hannah tells them boys will be boys and Rodrigo will make sure nothing happens to Patricio.

Maximio and Roselena have gone somewhere, and a woman corners Roselena to talk to her, and Maximio gets the call that Patricio has been injured, climbing and is in bad shape. Roselena and Maximio are going to go to the hospital as soon as they can. Rodrigo has also called Gala his girlfriend and let her know what happened.

Meanwhile in Puebla, they are readying Galindo for burial, Luciana and Paz are preparing him for it, when Luciana asks Paz who Rosa Torres is? Well Paz pretends she doesn't know who she is. Luciana leaves and Paz yells at dead Galindo, how could you tell Luciana about that woman?

Rodrigo is in the waiting room at the hospital and the doctor comes out and wants to know where Patricio's parents are. Roddy tells the doc they are on the way. The doc tells Roddy, I have to operate now, cause your brother has a broken spine, the sooner we operate the better. He give permission to start the operation. His parents finally get there and Maximio starts chewing out Roddy for letting this happen. Roselena tells Maximio to stop, but Roddy says I take full responsiblity for what happened. He tells the parents Patricio is in surgery and it will take a while.

Meanwhile back in Puebla, Lorenzo is helping his Mama to get Galindo ready for burial too, he leaves the room and Paz and Luciana wrap Galindo in a shroud of white, crying the whole time. The whole town has come to grieve over Galindo. There are some women in the corner, having a little chisme, and one of the woman tells her to keep it down. Magda, best friend of Paz has come to to help her. Don Aquiles comes in and gives his condolences to Paz and Luciana. Paz gives him coffee and he tells her he now owns the lands and the house they live in and oh, by the way, your Papa promised me I could marry you. QTH says Luciana, not really, but you can tell she wanted to say it. She tells him to Largate and never, ever come back again. He leaves, but before he goes he reminds everyone within earshot he owns the land and house. Luciana is very pithed off.

The doctor finally comes out and says Patricio survived the surgery, but the next few days will tell if he has any feeling in his legs and back. The parents are inconsolable. Max continues to blame Rodrigo, but Rodrigo tells him he will always take care of his brother. Max wants to see his son but the doctor nixes that idea. Max tries to bully his way in, but Rodrigo tells him, let Patricio rest and recover. Max is really pithed off, but finally listens.

Advances: Lots of mountain climbing, Luciana on a bus, Ariche running after a train, a mixed jumble of things.


I am so honored to start recapping a new novela and the first episode. I don't know the relationship between Archie and Lorenzo and Luciana. I don't know if he is Lorenzo's or Luciana's. I don't think they really said.

There were more people in this novela but it was getting late and I didn't want to go on too long. But Matilda is the Nanny for Hannah, Rodrigo and Patricio. She has been with the family for years. There is a creepy woman named Brigida who has a creepy Mrs. Danvers vibe (ya know from the movie Rebecca) that works for Roselena and Maximo. There is also Gala the girlfriend of Rodrigo and Julietta her mama, that doesn't want to be called Mama, but Julietta.

Gracias, Madelaine. I may rewatch this later. Getting into an opening episode is often challenging because of all the character introductions.

Where does this take place and what's with the headbands? Is that a local fashion? Luciana's blouse and skirt was gorgeous, but then I have a thing for long skirts.

Gala's mother is probably like a more mature version of LQNPA's Vainessa wanting not to be called "Mama." Easy to see how her daughter became the way she is.

The rock climbing gives me vertigo. I hope they found a CGI way to do this and didn't risk the actors' lives.


I didn't want to get sucked in, but I did. The setting of this tn is so stark and beautiful. A location I haven't seen before in one of our tns. You did a fabulous job at condensing, but also giving these first two episodes lots of detail. I am so happy you will be a regular recapper!

Thanks also for the info on the extra characters in your comment.

I don't think Archie is a grandchild, but more like Luciana's pet. They asked he once or twice if he was going home to eat with his mom and dad or staying.

Did you notice the accent? The folks in the pueblo all pronounce "ch" like "sh". It reminded me of Pina (Familia) a bit. :) Muchacho becomes mushasho, chamba=shamba, etc. I was impressed that all the actors (whom I have seen in other things and know they don't speak this way) were able to easy drop this regionalism into their speech.

As for the double episodes, that cant keep it up for more than a month and a half, because then we'll be even with Mexico and getting the episodes when they do. So take heart recappers, this will not continue through the whole tn!

Thanks Madelaine! I'm putting the new show in the sidebar right now. This double episode thing is just too ghastly!

Anybody know if this episode is available online? I'd like to see (at least part of) it.

Thank you so much y'all for the great comments.

UA- I think the mountainous scenes are supposed to be in Chihuahua State. I don't think the town they live in is called Puebla, but more like a village, or puebla. I love the way they dress here too. I don't know about the headband thing. I looked up the location of filming for this TN and it was actually filmed in Guatemala. The city scenes are in Mexico City, D.F. I think you are right about Gala's Mama. I think she wants to be more a sister to her daughter than her Mama.

Vivi- Thanks for telling me who Archie is. He kept calling Galindo
grandpa so I thought he was related to them lol. I did notice the accent. It so reminded me of Pina too. I'm glad you got sucked in Vivi. Wasn't the scenery just gorgeous? I love how their house looks from the outside. I like the actors in this too. So many I have seen in other things.

Melinama-I know youtube has some episodes of this, but Televisa may block them now since it is airing here.

Here is where you can find this novela online.

Is Luciana supposed to be indigena or will she be a changeling?

UA thanks for the link. Luciana has an Indian vibe to me. I thought maybe that is what the headband was all about, especially Ariche's. The medicine woman reminded me of a shaman. She had all kinds of fur and her wild hair and that stick she was carrying. I think Luciana will change as this TN goes along.

We have a mystery already too, just who is Rosa Torres, and what has she got to do with Luciana, and why was Paz yelling at her dead husband, about Rosa Torres?

Could it be that Rosalena Torreslanda (or Torres-Landa) is the same person?

UA you could be right. The names are very similar aren't they? I wonder what Rosalena has to do with Luciana? I hope it isn't a long lost mama. Paz was pretty upset about Galindo mentioning Rosa to Luciana.

I doubt it. Rodrigo is clearly older than Luciana, so unless there was a baby switch somewhere how would he miss his mother being pregnant?

May check this one out while waiting for Silvia's and/or Lucero's new one. Does anyone have an idea when they might be shown here?


Thank you for the recap!

WOW! I really enjoyed these two episodes. I have been left hooked.

I loved the scenery and loved the accents that the characters that don't live in the city spoke with.

Brigida creeps me out! As does the shaman woman whatever her name is!

I too thought that there could be a connection between Roseangela and Rosa Torres.

Looking forward to watching the next two eps! :)

Welcome Robey and Anon 1:08. I really loved this scenery too on this TN. I don't know when Amor Bravio or the comedy one starts here. I was hoping they would put the Jaime Camill one here after Familia but they decided to wait I guess. This TN though, started quick it wasn't slow at all.

UA you are probably right. You do have a good preception of things. Some of the things you thought would happen on LQPNA did.

Madelaine - enjoyed the recap.

I missed most of the episode but caught the mountain-climbing scene with Rodrigo and Patricio. I was on the edge of my seat when they were climbing, so it must've been well done. Love the scenery. Don't know if I'll be able to keep up with this TN, but I'll no doubt check it out when I can. I like Gabriel Soto, Harry Geither, and Laura Flores.

Neice in MD- I like all three of those actors too. I hope Harry Geither is not a bad guy in this one. I liked him in LVO as Commandante Fiadella.

I wonder whether they're going to add a 4th series somewhere and drop the former 10PM lineup permanently. I wouldn't mind although it's hard to comment on more than two series.

Madelaine, I've been watching novelas since 1993. I know all the stock characters, stock plot points, and most of the cliche lines. Even some of the authors. This story is by Delia Fiallo, the same as LQNPA.

I've been away from the night shows for a while but am going to give this one a try. It is a remake of one of my all time favs which itself was a remake of a remake of a remake. The names and location are very different and I'll b curious to see if it ends up with some of the plot holes the one i saw had. I actually usually hate the first week of a novela because they have to introduce the cast and this one has a large one but i have hopes.

UA you may be right about the programming at Uni. They have had huge success with LQPNA and Abismo. I read write ups about it all the time. It is even beating some of the ABC, NBC AND CBS, plus FOX shows at 10pm. Uni is doing now, what other stations have done for years, and I am glad they are doing it. I read that Amor Bravio and Jaime Camil one are going to be in primetime too. Maybe when LQPNA ends.

Decie Girl, please join us here. This TN is going to be great.It seems to be moving well, not slow. The only thing that held me up were all the characters, but I think once they introduce them all, it will be easier to recap.

thanks for the recap!

I liked last night's episodes, so far I m interested but don"t know if will be able to watch everyday.

vivi: did notice the accent but really only on the little boy. had a cousin who use to talk like that, but lost it now that he is older, it was so weird

who else can't wait for brandon peniche to star in his own TN??


jlk- How funny that you didn't notice all the adults with the accent. Maybe that shows how well they all seamlessly inserted it into their speech, while the child actor may have sounded less natural trying to do it.

Decie Girl- What were the names of the previous incarnations of this? Was there rock climbing in those too?

Madelaine, what a surprise to see you over here. What a terrific job. I see the sidebar is up.

They said it was going to be a traditional novela, but this has a novel twist--mountain climbers. Not for very long is my take.

I'm semi-hooked--so far I like Gabriel Soto's interpretation. Hope he doesn't let it go over the top or sink into estupidness, while I don't mind if Gala resorts to tossing out a few Estupidas in her own inimitable fashion. Can't get over her in long hair, though.

As to the time-slot: in the DC area Univision is already advertising La Familia P.Luche (a slapstick comedy derailed a year or so ago with the coming of CME), starting Jun 3 at 7 pm., so they must be set on moving this back to 8.

If I'm still watching when El Tal is over, I'll volunteer as a substitute recapper, but not until then.

Wonderful start Madelaine!

Glad you liked the begining.

About Luciana's clothes: While I don't know much about the story, I think she is supposed to be from a Ramámuri community (also called Tarahumaras), who are one of the main ethnic community in Chihuahua.

This setting was done on purpose as part of a campaign to raise awarenes to the problems of this community who lives in the Sierra Tarahumara and that, due to the difficulties and disconnect with the world, has been dealing with famine and suicides. They have also raised money and gathered food supplies for the communities there.

Due to the difficulties that would represent filming in the Sierra Tarahumara though, they shoot the town scenes in Real de Catorce, in the state of San Luis Potosí. This is an area of Huicholes not Ramámuri, so I wonder how they would fit in this story too (if they are added).


Oh and I also need to mention that Real de Catorce is almost at the border between San Luis Potosí and Chihuahua, so the location makes sense.

I also just read that they also shot some scenes at Barranca del Cobre in the Sierra Tarahumara too for scenery.


And last, I meant the border with Coahuila, where Rarámuris are too.


Vivi, I did also notice the odd pronunciation of all the ch sounds as sh. Is that typical of Chihuahua? Do they say Shihuahua? This will be interesting to follow.

Jarocha- thank you so much for the information. I really like to learn all I can, while watching these TN's. The ones I've seen so far have all had different themes/plots. It is so interesting.

Anita- June 3 is a Sunday. They had that series on a Sunday before.I like this TN cause it is something new. Mountain climbing is something I haven't seen in a TN before.

Jarocha- thank you also for the locations where this was shot. It almost looks like the desert southwest in a way. Very beautiful but stark.

Tonight's recap (Friday) will be up sometime on Saturday. I am working on it now.

So sorry, I was hoping that Refugio would be moved to 1 hr. at 8. Ah well. That's what I get for not looking at a calendar before shooting my mouth off. Good luck folks, with the 2-hr. recaps.

I just got back from the opera. It took Werther a looong time to die--almost as long as Galindo, but Galindo didn't have to sing.

Madelaine, You are a gem for picking this up with multiple hour episodes and you working on various nights. I hope you can sustain it until more people come to help out. I will chime in but have an exhibition to prepare for so will resist the temptation to recap.

I like Soto and Vega and expect their chemistry to bubble right up. Jessica Coch is starting out sweeter than her usual portrayals but that can't last. Lovely hair though. She is already as pushy and needy as Jaraibo's character in Abismo and we know that galans will ultimately be urked by this at first they can't seem to get enough of it.

Isn't the nasty piece of work that is threatening to rape/marry Lucie also the same type as threatened Cupcake in the early stage of No Podia? What a dreadful way to be type cast. He does look like he is enjoying the rococco suits, big cigars and bigger SUV's.

Jarocha, muchas gracias por su información de los exteriores en Mexico de filmar.

Just noticed Univision will replay Refugio today (Saturday) from 2 to 6 p.m., east coast time.


Best of luck with the exhibit!

The Don Acquiles actor was indeed in LQNPA, but he played the nice father of the protagonist and the villainess, not the creepy landlord who tried to rape the heroine. So, no type casting for him.

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