Friday, June 08, 2012

Abismo de pasión #63 6/7/12: Bewitched, bothered and bewildered (or The Patio of Lowered Expectations is becoming crowded)

Props to Marta for her lyrics inspiration and Novela Maven for opening up the Patio behind the Cantina.

Old beans:
The Hate Serenade, squeeee!!! I love it. 

I got tired of pleading.
I got tired of telling her that without her I would die of sorrow.
She wouldn’t listen, if her lips opened it was only to tell me “I no longer longer love you.”

I felt my life was lost in a deep, dark abyss, just like my luck.
I wanted to forget, Jalisco style, but the mariachis and tequila just made me cry.

Elmer Fudd gwabs his wifle and appwoaches Dam. He is accompanied by his own feminine serenade of “Dios Mios”. 

“Elisa Castañon, you are the worst thing that ever happened in my life!” Say what you will about Dam Stupid, he can deliver a message in Dam Fine style.

New Beans:
Lolita begs Dam not to say anything he will regret. Too late mamacita. Dam keeps bellowing until Assgusto fires a shot at the moon. Assg points his gun at Dam and calls him borracho, as if everyone deals with their problems Assgusto-style. Dam denies having a drop and tells Assgusto he doesn’t need to shoot him, Elisa has already killed him. “You hear that Elisa? You killed me!”  

Kenia runs out and convinces Dam to leave. Assgusto’s not happy with her departure and Carmina is not happy to see him being not happy, hee hee. And kudos to those mariachis for keeping their cool while under gunfire. Those guys are heroes.

Useless leering Vicente finds Sabrina in the Pro Ce offices. The little slimeball introduces himself, Sabrina notes he’s the kid of a servant, and he brags he is GABINO MENDOZA’S Asistente Personal. Sabrina pretends to be waiting for her bro, but is really hoping to run into Paolo. Chente says Paolo is frequently absent, a subject that he and Gabino have been discussing muy seriamente. He asks Sabrina out, he earns more than his dad and can treat. She flatly refuses, he’s just a kid (escuincle). Ouch, smack down. Gabino, who has been spying, is highly amused and advises Useless not to take that vieja seriously. Chente can get whatever he wants if he puts his mind to it. In fact, Chente reminds him of himself. Ah, young rapey snake in the making.

Over at Hacienda Harangue-O Tonia is still kvetching about Chente working for GABINO MENDOZA.  Fina advises Tonia to forget about the promise she made. This job is good for Chente’s future and doesn’t Tonia have more important things to worry about? 

The mood at Casa Castigo is no happier. In fact Carmeany is in a high dudgeon, castigating Assgusto for playing with his guns again. Didn’t he learn from almost killing Damian? “That was an accident,” he anemically explains. (LOL, what a doofus.) Carmeany says he could spend the rest of his days in jail.  

Oh man, now things get a little weird. Assgusto starts rubbing all over Agent Orange, suggesting his going to jail would be convenient for her. She denies it and he, glasses cattywampus, says not according to GABINO MENDOZA. El Ass admits he has never been happy with her.

Speaking of Paolo, ooh la la he is sulking, shirtless. Tonia interrupts his grumps to tell him that same chica is on the phone for him. Run hunkalicious, run! But it’s not sweet nothings Carmeany has in mind. “You’re an imbecile for telling GABINO MENDOZA about us!” She reams him a new one and vows he will regret blabbing.

Paolo yells Carmina’s name just in time for Big Brother to hear; he wants to know who Carmina is. Paolo goes back to sulking so Guido asks Tonia. The only Carmina in town is married to Augusto Castañon, the father of Elisa.

Speaking of whom, Elisa’s got the water works turned on full blast. Tonight we have tears and high-volume wailing. “Perdoname mi amor!!!! WAAAAAAHH!” FF>>

Horacio is parked outside 527-B Baker Street (Kenia’s casita) and watches Assgusto ride by and note that the Arango truck is present.

Inside, Kenia tries to calm Damian. She knows exactly how he feels and she was surprised that Elisa ended things with him. Dam’s got his own water works going, how could Elisa exchange him for his best bud? Kenia says she really thought Elisa was in love with Dam. Isn’t he going to fight for his love? He says she’s not worth it and he’ll jump start his heart somewhere else. Kenia reassures him that he can count on her. Ruh Roh.

Fina happily informs Flor that she thinks Elisa and Dam are terminado for good and she hopes Flor makes the most of this. Fina also reveals that she offered Guido a job at the Pro Ce and is trying to get him to stay in La Ermita. Wouldn’t that make Flor happy? At this point Flor, rolling her eyes, pretty much concedes to the master and reluctantly agrees to help with Fina’s plans. Fina is miffed to discover Guido has gone out and Flor doesn’t know where he went. 

Carmina is also miffed but strangely lovey-dovey with Assgusto when he finally gets home from his evening ramble. He repels her because she is, well, repellent, and ambles off to the shower.

Lolita announces that someone wants to see Carmina. Not surprisingly, it is Guido, Paolo’s big brother. He’s come to find out the nature of her relationship with Paolo. She feigns ignorance but suggests they take it outside. “Why can’t we just talk in here?” he asks, way too sensibly I might add. She bugs her eyes at him and tells him it's outside or nuthin’. 

I give Carmeany credit for at least being truthful to Guido and admitting she doesn’t want her husband to hear them. Guido asks if she is afraid of her husband. She’s not afraid of hubby, she just wants to avoid conflict. (Snort!! Avoid conflict, that’s a good one. I felt I really had to include that sentence because we needed a laugh.) She instantly goes back into mentira mode and says Paolo has become a nuisance to her niece. Guido is way too much like a normal person to be in this telenovela. He calmly asks if Paolo is after Elisa then why is Carmina making phone calls to him? Carmina says Paolo wasn’t content with harassing Elisa, now he is bothering Carmina too. Unfortunately, given Paolo’s past history Guido is inclined to believe her. 

Moving Target Maru, dressed up and made up, visits Lucio to deliver those papers he asked about. He goes into Aw Shucks mode and tries to laugh off what Gabino said earlier, about her having the hots for him. Maru tells him it wasn’t nonsense, she has been in love with Lucio for many years. She tells him he doesn’t need to say anything and she’s not trying to embarrass him. She knows how much Blanca meant to him. (That’s it, I just opened up the I Love Maru table on the Patio of Lowered Expectations. I’ve loved this actress ever since she was a Madam in Alborada.) 

Assgusto is lurking indoors and ambushes Carmeany as she re-enters the house. “Where were you?” She answers, he doesn’t believe her. While she was outside spinning more web lies he was getting cleaned up. He has his own sneaky business to take care of and he leaves Carmina desperately looking around for someone or something to trash.

Aha! She spies Lolita carrying a tray to Elisa’s room. Be careful opening the door Lolita, you might get washed away in the flood. 

Luckily she safely enters and the expected conversation ensues. “I love Damian more than my own life, boo hoo.”  Lolita wonders what did Elisa expect after making Dam believe she loves Gael? And what is she going to do now about Gael? Elisa admits she was very unjust and egotistical for involving Gael in all this. “Yes, mi niña, unfortunately I completely agree with you.” (That’s it, I just opened up the I Love Lolita table out on the patio. Novela Maven, is it getting too crowded out here?) Lolita scolds Elisa some more and suggests that Elisa find Paloma and explain all the details to her.

Damian is hanging out at the stables, head in hands, when Braulio strolls by and wonders what’s up. Problems with Elisa? Dam says all his problems with her are over. They discuss the contract and Dam says he wants to show mom that he is a man who keeps his word. He promised Elisa he would help her with her tierras and he wants to keep that promise. 

Fina (and her fabulous figure) interrupts and wants to know what they were talking about. He’s only too willing and angrily admits they were talking about the contract that HE signed with Elisa. Fina is so not on board with doing favors for “those people”. Dam says then do it for him. He doesn’t want Gael and Elisa to think he broke the contract out of vengeance. He and Elisa are over, she is with Gael now. 

Any guesses where Assgusto went? Sho’ ‘nuff he went right back to 527-B Baker Street. He asks Kenia what was Dam doing at her place? She is tickled that he lies about “just passing by” and noticing Dam’s truck. He finally admits he’s jealous. He tells her he adores her, she fascinates and bewitches him, and urk, he lays a big old real kiss on her. Ack, I had to shut my eyes, tell me when it’s over! Oh wait, you guys don’t have to because Pop! goes the Sleazel! Bwahahaha! I love this. “Am I interrupting anything?” demands the Tangel-Ho. 

Assgusto goes on the offense, “¿Qué haces aquí?” Carmina thinks he has his nerve, what is HE doing there making out with a girl young enough to be his daughter? They have their usual conflict non-avoidance and Kenia even pops in to remind Carmina about Paolo. Their relationship is more than a stolen kiss, Paolo is in love with Carmina. Carmina hisses that Kenia just wants to create (create, hah!) conflict between Car and Assgusto. Assgusto yells at them to stop. He apologizes to Kenia, says it was a mistake and it won’t happen again. 

Guido gets home where Flor is waiting up for him. She urges him not to accept Fina’s offer to liquidate his business and work at the Pro Ce. He would be a mere employee of Fina’s and she manipulates everyone. She wants to get back together with Dam and then all of them move back to the DF. Guido tells her he’s sick of her pretending to be concerned about others when she really only thinks about herself. OK, tantrum over, he’ll think about what she’s said. Whew! I’m glad to see Flor is still her devious old self. I was afraid she had finally buckled to Fina.

Speaking of conflict avoidance (we were, weren’t we?), they dispensed with that over at Casa Castigo and are in full-contact Conflict Perseverance mode. Shouting, shoving, “All those years I was totally unsatisfied at your side and I never once was unfaithful.” That lie came out of Carmeany’s mouth by the way. Assgusto says Gabino and Elisa think otherwise. She rips on him for going after a mere child; if she hadn’t interrupted they would have ended up in bed. She claims he cheated on Stef (with her) and now he’s cheating on her. Just another pleasant evening at Casa Castigo.

Guido storms into Pathetic Paolo’s room wanting to know why he’s been pouting in his room all day. Guido says he just spoke to Carmina, not only was Paolo bothering Elisa but now he is bothering Carmina, which doesn’t surprise him one bit. Paolo jumps up and flexes his manly pecs in indignation. Lies! True about Elisa but not Carmina. Paolo thought they were having a real relationship! Guido warns Paolo to shape up or else. (Dang, Paolo looks like he’s already in excellent shape. Just sayin’, but I digress.) Paolo pushes it, and what if he doesn’t, er, shape up? Guido says he will personally press charges against Paolo for knocking up a minor (Kenia) and for attempting to rape Elisa. To wit, Paolo will go to jail. Oh, and I just pulled another table out onto the Patio, this time for the I Love Guido group. 

Carmina stares at herself in the mirror as if she’s seeing Ugly Orange for the first time. She snots and snorts into her hands and smears it all over her face as she recalls Assgusto macking on Kenia. She babbles something, I couldn’t tell you what it is, but she knows she’s toast of the most over-toasted variety. 

Assgusto visits his pal Edmundo Tovar, he couldn’t stay in his house and didn’t know where else to go. He says he is having big problems with Carmina. He’s not certain but he thinks she’s cheating on him. Urp, doc asks who the other guy might be. Assgusto says who is not important, what counts is that he thinks it’s true. He says he hasn’t been the best husband and in fact he’s got the hots for another woman, her eyes, her voice, blah blah blah. But he’s got to stop this relationship because the girl could be his daughter. Edmund says they all make mistakes (thinking’ about boning’ Orangina). He suggests Assgusto try a separation from Carmina while he sorts things out, and maybe at the same time he can start reassessing his relationship with his daughter.

Down at the herbal hut Paloma tells Ramona she’s sad because Elisa and Dam broke up. Ramona says that no matter how many obstacles present themselves, Elisa and Dam were destined to be together and it's no use fighting destiny. (DESTINY! DESTINY! NO ESCAPING THAT FOR ME! ) Paloma hopes Gran can say the same thing about Paloma and Gael. Nope, Ramona says that’s different because Gael’s heart isn’t feeling it and Paloma should just accept it.

Assgusto gets home, goes into Elisa’s room and finds the pic of Stef and Blanca. He tells Elisa to hide it before he burns it. She says he has no right, the pic belongs to her. He retorts that Stef had no right to cheat on him, yet she did. (Huh?) Dad starts to leave but then turns around and says he wants to thank her for what she did for him. Elisa gives dad a big hug and he recoils. Ugh. Dude, I just figured out who the victim of my Hate Serenade is going to be. Now I just have to choose a song. I wonder if I could get mariachis to translate Radiohead’s “Creep” into Spanish? 

Dedicated to Assgusto, as sung from his perspective:
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.

Next morning Gabino treats us with his lovely nekkidness from the waist up, sigh. IrritatIng announces she wants to find her son. Gab warns her about showing her face in el pueblo. She shrieks irritatingly (of course) that she’s tired of being cooped up and she’s decided it’s time to tell Gael who his father is. No, no no no, Gabino doesn’t agree, if Gael finds out he’ll take it out on them. Ingrid says Gael isn’t like that, he’s not ambitious like Some People. Ingrid thinks if Gael knows his dad’s identity then he can work to get what is due him. She’s made up her mind.

Dam visits the clinic and Paloma happily greets him. She’s impressed at how quickly he is improving. He thanks her for her friendship and she assures him she cares for him a lot. She says someone told her that he and Elisa are over but she didn’t believe it. He confirms it and she wonders why. “You don’t know?”  asks Dam. Nope, she hasn’t seen Elisa yet. Dam tells her that she has been betrayed too. “Your friend has a new boyfriend, Gael.” Paloma can’t believe it. Dam couldn’t believe it either...until he saw them kissing very passionately. 

Darn, I didn’t get the slap tonight. And no Abismo on Friday. We are denied!

Previews for Monday: Paloma slaps Elisa. Assgusto asks Carmina for a separation.


Cap'n Sylvia - Thank you for this great recap; I just got done watching my recording thanks to the wonders of insomnia. "Guido is way too much like a normal person to be in this telenovela." and your 'Young Frank-en-STEEEN' quote (DESTINY! DESTINY! NO ESCAPING THAT FOR ME!) were the LOL best! (YF is one of my favorite movies)

Ugh. Elisa's tears were even running down her neck. … blech ….. FFWD-->

Does Augusto know that Kenia is a minor? Does he even care? (Creepy storyline.) Eeeeeee-ewwwww!!!

Did Augusto just barge into Elisa's bedroom without knocking? Jerk.

Will Carmina kill Paolo? Will Augusto finally get his gun and use it on Carmina? Do we really care? Is Paloma wearing a hairpiece for that wet curls look?

Stuff we learned in this episode:

Sabrina learned Useless Chente is a Junior Sleazebag.

Paolo learned he better shape up or Guido's pressing charges.

Augusto learned he needs to take several cold showers a day or he'll be in trouble.

Carmina learned she's been replaced.

The mirror learned Carmina can make funhouse faces without it.

Guido learned Florencia is being manipulative while warning him that Alfonsina is manipulative.

Paloma learned Elisa's been mackin' on Gael.

I learned Maru is too old to be wearing that tired scrunchie. Just sayin'.

Well, Cap'n
You just blew my socks right off. Great recap of another really crappy epi. I am sorry any of us had to witness another Augusto lip lock on Kenia. He just won't give up his gun or his other obsessions.

Tomorrow, when I am more alert, I would like to consider some of the very clever discussion topics raised by you, Maven, Blue, Marta, Vivi, Sandy, and others. The Patio of Lowered Expectations Is looking like my new local. Good company, good drinks, what more could a woman ask for.

I am not talking to that cute girl on this show with the great figure who cries alot. She just threw dirt in her two best friends faces and she's got some 'spraining to do before I let her play in my sand box. Huh. So there, 'Lisa.

Great job Sylvia. You knocked this one out of the park.

Elba June

Squeee! I get the slap!! *Happy Dance*

This recap is a masterpiece. I wuved the Ewmer Fudd schtick.

Also liked the toast line and keeping the patio theme going. We are getting a lot of tables, but I like that because it means there are good characters that balance the annoying/bad ones.

Oh and "rapey snake in the making" is perfect.

PS: I have been in bed by 8CST most nights this week, so a special thanks to all you recappers. Without you I wouldn't know what was going on!

Sylvia- This whole recap was a masterpiece. What a great morning read.

Don't you just love it when tn characters tell it straight and talk sense like normal people-- Guido, Lola, and Maru clearly took off their tn beanies last night.

Will Kenia take the opportunity to go after Dam? I would love to see the looks on Elisa's and Flor's faces if Dam and Kenia strolled by hand in hand. :)

Oh my stars, this was beyond awesome Sylvia. I've been dealing with my cat and my son's over frisky 8-week kitty this morning (givers new meaning to babysitting) and finally got a cup of coffee and decided to let the girls have it so I could relax with Caray. I laughed so hard, I scared them and they are now being very quiet under the couch. Bless you for that!

"Ack, I had to shut my eyes, tell me when it’s over! " I know, right? That was all kinds of ewwwww. (Add a sloppy kisser to Asshat's attributes). But Creamsicle walking in I didn't expect. Her righteous indignation just cracks me up. Guess what was good for the goose isn't good for the gander...

And that mirror scene. THat was all kinds of creepy. Implying maybe that she is really going to lose it (as if she hadn't already). I say there's quite a few denizens of La Ermita need bodyguards right now. I do believe Guppy-face is crossing the line...

Boyer must not be able to put her head flat on a pillow. Who lays in bed, weeping, but keeps their head just hovering over the pillow...ok,I'm being picky, but that bugged the blazes out of me. I cheered Lolita for reminding her, though nicely, what a douchebag she had been in messing with Gael and forgetting also about her BFF. Her weak little, I know....yeah,yeah. Pal's slap aught to wake her out of that.

My special thanks to the writers and directors who are prolonging Paolo's misery - but I found it interesting the close up of his face shows dark rimmed eyes, etcv. Nice touch. (Betting Guido will stay.)

And I my first thought at the Gab scene--oh, Cynderella is one happy girl right now. Can Irritating get anymore shrill? How does he stay with that?

Please dear lord, no more Vicente/Sabrina scenes. Just park that plot. Little of that dweeb we have to suffer the better. Thank you

Still baffled by Ramona's constant claim that Pal and Gael will never be. Yet she believes in Dam and Elisa. Right now, I'm more fascinated how those two go forward and with whom then our two main weepers.

I'll be at the patio as soon as I finish some spreadsheets for work this morning wearing my I heart Maru shirt. This is going to be a long weekend waiting for Monday's show.

Yes Sylvia, you did knock it out of the park! My favorite line : " Guido is way too much like a normal person to be in this telenovela." Another:  "she knows she’s toast of the most over-toasted variety." In fact, every paragraph had good lines, WONDERFUL! Thanks! 

If Augusto wants to copy a scene from "Gone With the Wind," first he needs to choose another one, don't do Rhett's head smashing scene..... And secondly, if for some crazy reason you choose that one, do it right and without your glasses! Oh dear, that was TRULY strange! 

Dam is really a stand up guy. He's willing to keep a contract with someone who has treated him so poorly! He seemed to have some business pride despite of everything.   Of course, he'll see Elisa walking around  in her low cut tops and short shorts  and ...........

Dr Tovar is WONDERFUL! He and Guido need to get together, they have cornered the few brain active cells that  function in La Ermita.  They should have a barbecue and invite Lolita and Lucio and then all ESCAPE TO MERIDA.  

Never thought I'd think that Carmina could give good advice, but Augusto needs to think about Kenia's age! Has she turned 18 yet?  

JudyB, thinking of changing the topic of discussion at the Augusto table to college basketball, care to join us????

Sylvia, I have had the distinct pleasure of reading your recaps for many years now. I never fail to be entranced and delighted and today was no exception. Amazing. "In fact Carmeany is in a high dudgeon, castigating Assgusto for playing with his guns again", "glasses cattywampus" ,and "toast of the most over-toasted" were only a few of my favorites.

I love that there are so many strong women (Maru, Ramona, Lolita) and I've pulled up my chair to all of their respective tables on the Patio.

Although unhappy with Elisa (for obvious reasons), I felt her pain when Augusto rebuffed her hug. Heartbroken and begging for some/any show of affection from the person whose affection she craves the most, he rejected her once again. Oh and the scene with him groping Orangina (glasses askew) was repulsive as well. Reptilian and hideous.

daisy, interesting point about Ramona's declaration Gael and Ramona are not to be. Could our wise Ramona possibly be wrong?

I'm with you and Doris on Guido. Too normal for crazyville. I hope he gets a more interesting story line than babysitting his spoiled daughter and cleaning up after Paolo.

Happy Friday all!


Sylvia: Hilarious!

In a town where every house has a gate and multiple locks on doors, Carmina just walks into Kenia's house. Come on, Augusto didn't leave the doors open after he walked in. This is magic.

Also, I think that Kenia is now of age, but, she was definitely a minor when she was in the relationship with Paolo.

She also seems to like Augusto's touch OMG.

Great work, Sylvia.

Kenia is still younger than Elisa so this is still icky.

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Cap'n. We have definitely crossed the line to where the recaps are much more entertaining than the actual episodes. And how did I manage without the phrase "rapey snake" before I found this blog?

Other faves:

"He repels her because she is, well, repellent."

"Be careful opening the door Lolita, you might get washed away in the flood."

"Guido warns Paolo to shape up or else. (Dang, Paolo looks like he’s already in excellent shape.)"

Also loved your tongue-in-cheek "conflict avoidance" theme. I bet we can spin that one out for a while!

Oh my Sylvia, I can't stop laughing. This is so fine... even though the subject of our little project was the butt of much of your wicked humor.

And butt he was:

"Oh man, now things get a little weird. Assgusto starts rubbing all over Agent Orange..."

I swear, he was even slobbering, but I don't dare rewind to confirm that.

and if not bad enough... then...

"Any guesses where Assgusto went?"

I was relieved when Carmina showed up... but now I'm afraid that Kenia has moved to the top of the prospective casualty list.

Several times last night Carmina had me enthusiastically nodding my he in agreement only to wade back into her swamp of lies.

Will Guido have any dignity left once he closes out his business and becomes Alfonsina's pet?

I know, how dare someone from the Augusto support group even mention dignity?

Is it too early for Tequila and my favorite rendition of Ella?


Love the profile pic, Carlos. You had no choice. I understand.

But the fact that you have 3 hands is a little creepy.

oh cao'm my cap'm!! i won't even try to list all my favs... Elmer Fudd reference, the mariachis, but the over-toasted Tangel-Ho one had me spitting my coffee... along with the reminder of the Pop goes the Sleezle at the creepy kiss scene and Paolo being told to 'shape up'. and yes that mirror scene reminded me of Roberto Vander's mean fruit salad (Christopher came up with that one) scene in Salome.
Anyway, we have so many tables now at the Patio that maybe we should be forming a train and dancing the 'musical tables' instead of the 'musical chairs' while the folks at La Ermita finish off the creepy frustrating period in their lives.
Ramona... well, i know she sees a clear straight line of Elisa and Dam ending together. I am not seeing her completely writing off the Gael/Paloma ending, it is just not so clear to her... maybe she is suggesting to Paloma to do things right instead of trying again what she tried in Gael's room and let destiny take its course... it is just not that straight or clear cut as E/D fate.

Carlos, thanks for the link! have to wait till get back to hotel to check it out but i am sure i'll love it

thanks again Sylvia, i am surprised my coffee cup did not end up all over my keyboard and paperwork on my desk... awesome snark-full recap as always.

"But the fact that you have 3 hands is a little creepy." One perfectly manicured with red polish!

now if i could only spell cap'n...

Sandy in TN - how can you see the red nailpolish? I can barely see the hands. LOL (and aren't we loving the weather this week!?!)

Doris, YF is absolutely one of my favorite movies of all time. I was so hoping someone would get it.

Anon207, another great list, thanks. Uh Oh, I am also guilty of wearing tired old scrunchies. No wonder I like Maru.

EJ, I enjoyed the heck out of this episode. Not sure why but everything struck me as funny. I pretty much laughed through the whole thing.

Sara, once again I must tip my hat to Julia, inventor of the "rapey snake".

Vivi, yes! All those characters, Guido, Lolita and Maru, are a breath of fresh air. Guido isn't even aware of what a manipulative beeyatch Fina is. But he will be if he stays in La Ermita. I think Kenia will make a half-hearted attempt for Damian. Our perky girl has to have something to occupy her time.

daisynjay, I'm with you, I wish Ramona were more supportive of Paloma and Gael. I think she is just super afraid of Paloma getting a broken heart.

About Vicente, I remember in an early episode he accosted Elisa in the street and Gael rescued her. So Vicente was already a scumbag in the making before GABINO MENDOZA came on the scene. Now it will only get worse.

Found the perfect place for our patio tables. Friend of mine shared this awhile back. It's easy enough to move tables around as to just get there :o)

Ramona isn't so much a "seer" as an observer. Having known Elisa & the gang since they were small children, Ramona knows Elisa & Damian have had a special bond since childhood and that bond was reactivated when Damian came back to town.

Ramona also observed from childhood that Gael had an attachment to Elisa that he never had with Paloma.

So I think it's reasonable for Ramona to deduce that Elisa & Damian have a special bond that will lead them back together whereas Gael and Paloma don't.

Ramona may also have common sense & feminine wiles that tell her men don't really take too well to women who glom all over them, like Flo/Damian and Paloma/Gael...or even Carmina/Augusto.

What a supremely wonderful group of recappers!!! I agree that we have reached the point that the recaps are better than the actual episodes. Save me a chair and each of the tables on the Patio, as I will most certainly be hopping around.
Does anyone know offhand how many episodes are remaining? I don't remember ever being hooked on a novela with story lines that I detest as much as this one!

The worse of all (peor que Elisa cleaning tonsils con Gael) is Kenia with Assgusto. I cannot watch this. Every time they come into contact with each other I'm afraid I'll have to cover my head with my paper bad or retch into it. I could stomach the scenes better if I wasn't so disGusted by DisGusto. I have never seen him an any other roles. His teeth don't fit in his mouth. And I wish he would just get clunked on the head already so Dr Tovar can have good reason to shave his head.
Thank God the Sleazel popped in and prevented us from having to endure a bed scene between Kenia and CreepyHead.

I caught a glimpse of Damian kissing a short haired brunette in the avances. Methinks Yentl (LOVE IT! I was thinking the same thing....ew!) has more control over daughter deary that we all would like! Sara, I think you will get two slaps on Monday!! The one we all knew was coming (Paloma---> Elisa) and I glimpsed another with Elisa---->Some Strawberry Blonde. Please let it be Flor. Also I am sure Saliva Swapping will continue. I daresay its gonna get sloppy.
Possible evolutions of the storyline this Monday:
*Dam and Elisa can't stay apart and Gusted is forced to tell her she may be Dam's sister
*AnnoyingRid tells Gael that he IS Dam's brother. There goes Elisa's backup.
*Gael and Flor get into it (I saw something pass very quickly through avances)
*Kenia confuses all of us more by kissing Dam

What I Wonder
*Will GABINO MENDOZA be revealed as the father of both Paloma and Chente, soon??
*Will the revelation of Tonia's indiscretion cause Braulio to leave her and seek Lolita? Horacio can't possibly be allowed to get far with Lolita since he is responsible for the death of Blanca. It seems that it might take more than that to set Braulio free, I wonder if Tonia will be anviled. She does know a LOT.
*Will BegoneYa (Who seems to have redeemed herself from her children's WeGoneMa tiempo) redeem her marriage and continue her way as the Yenta de La Ermita?
*Will Ingrid go back to the salon for another manicure and come out with a new hairdo (PLEASE)? Maybe Alfie can pull it out for us?
*Will Dr Tovar sacrifice himself by divulging all he knows? He can bury Carmeana right back to the day she passed out on the street while pregnant with Gael and Dam's half brother. (Really the family trees just keep getting weirder in these novelas!)

I'll wonder more later. Babies are needy. I love this group. The writers of the plot line could do with your insights. :-)

Daisy, you're not going to believe this, but I HAVE EATEN IN THAT RESTAURANT. Small (culinary) world!

Sandy in TN, OK, let's add Doc Tovar to the list of sane people. He had a brief bout with temporary insanity but I think he's back with us now.

And Dam, yes he is also Dam Fine again with his sense of honor toward Gael and Elisa. No wonder Flor doesn't want to let go.

Diana, I always look forward to your kind comments so back at you amiga! I adore Ramona and I think her fear of Paloma being hurt is motivating her buzz-kill comments. I wish we would get some back story on Paloma's mom which might explain Ramona's attitude.

I agree that Angelique Boyer was very convincing after Assgusto rebuffed her hug. She had to hug herself, poor thing.

Paso and UA, I truly did shut my eyes when Assgusto kissed Kenia. I just couldn't bear to watch but know Kenia enjoyed it.

Blue, I laughed so darn hard when Carmina blathered on about avoiding conflict. I just had to harp on the conflict avoidance theme, it was irresistible.

Carlos, what a great link. Pedro Infante definitely rocks it, Jalisco style I might add. And your picture is hilarious! You have a good manicurist. Yes, Guido will lose all dignity if he stays and works for Fina. For once Florencia is 100% correct.

Marta, I think we are all going to be very busy playing musical tables out on the patio. Your comment made me laugh. Thanks for the giggle.

daisynjay, that restaurant looks perfect! Hopefully they won't try to shush us. OMG the pic of the huge pan of paella looks delicious! Blue Lass, was the food as good as it looks?

Anon207: "Ramona may also have common sense & feminine wiles that tell her men don't really take too well to women who glom all over them, like Flo/Damian and Paloma/Gael...or even Carmina/Augusto." Bingo! Great observation.

Kathleen, I can recall a couple of telenovelas with storylines I detested more than this. Urban A mentioned Duelo de Pasiones, similar DNA plot but the dad kept the mom locked upstairs in the tower. She was always trying to escape with her little suitcase on wheels, LOL. Barrera de Amor was so stupid we stopped recapping it and switched to another TN. However your observations and questions are very good. "Really the family trees just keep getting weirder in these novelas!" Amen to that sister! If only the people with tidbits of information would get together. If only if only...

Kathleen, I think we determined that they plan to produce about 125 episodes, so we are halfway through. Unless they decide to extend which never turns out well, so I hope they don't do that.

Cap'n, I LOVE Spanish food, and I remember that place fondly, so it must have been good.

Barrera de Amor was so stupid we stopped recapping it and switched to another TN.
Wow, that one must have been reeeeeally bad. :-0

Cap'n Sylvia - YF has so many great one-liners, each one is a classic.
'Yes! Yes! He .. was .. my ... boyfriend!' --- and subsequent "neeeighhhhh"/whinny from horse! Also, STTE of "well my dad worked for your dad..." LOL

Oh, good to know Blue Lass that our tummies may also be happy at the patio. Should definitely lessen the blow of some of these plot developments.

Good questions Kathleen! I wonder on Tonia and Braulio, I mean it has been 15 years. It may take more than finding Vicente is Gab's to break them apart.Even though we have the character of a Padre in this episode, there hasn't been a whole lot of "guilt" and praying in churches that we sometimes see in these TN's. But not to say if some of these folks decide to break up their marriages, how will Padre react and will they if they feel it against their beliefs? Creamsicle is the only one I recall who openly has laughed at the whole religion thing, but used it to get back at Padre by spilling her secrets.

I pray that he relationship between Gael and Elisa never goes full into marriage if they don't intend to surprise us and keep them together. That usually means one of them has to turn out to be a criminal or evil or dies to free the other one up. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!

I'm no fan of Sabrina, but I would be her biggest fan if she took a pair of scissors and snipped off that stupid pony tail and those tendrils. Let's see how appealing she is to Gab with a butch cut.

Doris, I still quote YF all the time. Probably "Yes! He .. was .. my ... boyfriend!" gets the most use. Also "Roll, roll, roll in ze hay." So many memorable lines from that movie.

B de A was horrible. The galan was played by none other than Sergio Reynoso who is currently playing Don Gregorio in El Talisman. Oh it was really, really bad. The only good thing about it was the evil matron played by none other than Raquel Olmedo, our own Ramona. She was delightfully evil; she gleefully watched a priest die at her feet with his heart meds clenched in her fist, she placed a baby on a windowsill at night hoping it would die of cold, and she eventually perished in a ball of fire. Yes, we tuned in for the last week just to see her get what she deserved.

"I'm no fan of Sabrina, but I would be her biggest fan if she took a pair of scissors and snipped off that stupid pony tail and those tendrils. Let's see how appealing she is to Gab with a butch cut." LOL!!
Reminds me of that episode in FRIENDS when Rachel convinced Ross's girlfriend to shave her head. Very effective!

I remember BdA very well. Raquel Olmedo was the best thing in that series. Her character got a very effective Karmageddon.

That series also had a gay man who wasn't a cliche of a gay man, if you get my drift. Manuel Landeta's character was a breath of fresh air.

" Dam denies having a drop and tells Assgusto he doesn’t need to shoot him, Elisa has already killed him. 'You hear that Elisa? You killed me!”'"

Jajaja! She kills me too -- the whole thing kills me! So glad we have 24-hour Free Mocking over here on the P of L Ex. [NM visibly relaxes, surreptitiously loosens belt a notch and emits a small, lady-like belch. Ay, discúlpe.]

I also loved your conflict-averse citrus motif. This was a guffAwful episode and I loved it and the recap, Sylvia. Thank you.

So while I was mopping the bathroom floor, my mind wandered (as it does) and I started thinking:

If these guys were ice cream, what flavors would they be?

Florencia is easy: Low-fat Fresa with artificial sweetener.

Alfie? Bitter bitter bitter chocolate. With nuts.

Gabino? Crotch-rot ripple

Hmmm. Think I'll leave it at that ...

This comment has been removed by the author.

HI, It's Agent EJ, here, on the Patio, pouring a mean sangria made out of hubbies merlot. What, you do not recognize me, with my foot covered in a paper bag? Look carefully, just to save myself from the complete ignominy of being recognized as someone who used to like Elisa, I have also donned a floppy brimmed hat and mustache.

No, I won't let her play in my sandbox. Her father should have been charged with attempted murder and then immediately re-arrested when he violated the terms of his probation by being in the same room as a gun, let alone picking one up and threatening the same man he done shot last week. Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid.

If Alfie was REALLY smart, she would know about his incident, call the POlice, have "Gusto Catfood re-arrested and let his stoopid assets rot in jail with no possibility of parole. Now, there is a win-win if I ever heard of one. She keeps Elisa's, money, land, and Damian, if Elisa stays stoopid and dramatic.

I think I'll do a wander aroung the tables and catch up on the chatter regarding other characters.

Plus, I must find my friend Sylvia and heap more praise upon her head. She is a genius, and no mistake.


Jajá. Gael = cheeeeeesecake, extra sweet.

you guys say the word and i can try to get my husband to send me back his paella gas burner so we can have a paella party at the Patio

NM, you made me choke on my bowl of fruit on your Gabino ice cream, can't even fathom what that tastes like..
I second the motion on SWEET cheeeeeesecake for MI GAEL!!

Paolo must be sour grapes...

Tangel-Ho: sour green apple... those two are not having the best moment of their lives.

Daisy NJ and Kathleen: Did you mean Ingrid?

Braulio: double-fudge, double-dense.

Kenia: black & white twist.

UA, that's right! Manuel Landeta was great. (Great bod too.) A young Aaron Diaz was in that as well. Actually, except for Sergio Reynoso the cast was pretty good, but the story sucked.

Crotch rot ripple, snort!

EJ, you are way too nice to me. While you're at it will you pour a sangria for me too? Sounds yummy. We can enjoy while we wait for Marta's awesome Paella burner to warm up.

I would be cool with Gusto Cat Food going back to jail. He seemed smarter there, maybe because he had more time to think.

Yes! Paolo's flavor is Sour Grapes, with sloppy seconds.

Maybe Maru is rainbow sherbet because she is so sweet and colorful

Orangina could also be an Orange Push-Up. Or maybe Elisa should be a fruity Push-Up, because, well, you know, those boobs of hers.

Elisa's definitely a double dip!

Pasofino: Sabrina would be doing the chopping of Ingrid's hair.

Lolita would be Dulce De Leche.

Ramona = Aloe Prickly Pear
(Yes, there is such a thing as Aloe Vera ice cream.)

Begoña = Tart melon ball and chain?

You guys are sooooo funny.

My fav so far: BL's Kenia = Black & White Twist.

You know, if we were stranded on a desert island together, I don't think we'd ever get bored.

Guido = Italian Ice

OMG I just looked closely at Sylvia's picture -- it's the ACTUAL CHEQUE, from Mariana to Elvira! Gurgle! Snort!

For just a tiny moment, when good Dr. Tovar was recommending a separation for Augusto to think(?) about his marriage, I got a spine tingling chill....are we going to be subjected to the spectacle of Augusto and Carmina trying to "WORK OUT THEIR PROBLEMS?' She confesses to a multitude of sins, and he, teary eyed, talks about all the mistakes he has made with FLASHBACKS to all their hideously composed kisses! Please, Please, Please, NO! No amount of tequila shots, Tequila Sunrises or good fellowship would be worth that turn of events!!! (Big Smile!)

Doris, yes, we are having the best spring I have even seen in this typically HOT and HUMID city.

And EJ, I love you putting your dainty foot in a paper bag. (Do I need to put the telenovela cat in one, too? I think he would like that.)

I'd like to serenade you, Sylvia (with praise, not hate, of course).
- Run Hunkalicious Run!
- 527B Baker Street
- Paolo jumps up and flexes his manly pecs in indignation
- Carmina stares at herself in the mirror as if she's seeing Ugly Orange for the first time
You are awesome!

A mi me gusta Gabino's laugh that he did when Vicente got turned down cold.

No me gusta the way Alf is so forgiving to Flor. She LIED about a pregnancy and she was kissing on Quiqui, and Alf still wants her as a d-i-l. I don't get it. Beanie time, I guess.

Poor Sabine, in real life. Did you see her hobble after Assgu when he had the gun? And she could barely make it down those stairs.

I love the Patio espanol, and think it's amazing that Blue has actually been there! Please seat me at the rowdy table by the bathrooms. We may as well start there, knowing we'd get relegated mid-meal anyway.

How appropriate to have Crotch Rot Ripple for Gabino. He could also be: Nut Crunch
Paloma: Slap Happy
Vicente: Bubble Gum
Lucio: Old reliable Chocolate Chip
Assgusto: Hairy Garcia
Horacio: (after seeing his hair greasier than normal today) fried ice cream
Mrs. Kravitz: Mud mask

R la O

Love your picture, Sylvia! LOL!!

Loved the rainbow sherbet, aloe prickly pear, dulce de leche and double dip suggestions.

Elisa: tart cherry

Assgusto: rum raisin. Shriiiiiiveled raisins.

Is there room for me on the Patio of Lowered Expectations? As always, I'm late to the party, too many other places to be, but I'm still straggling along with this show and loving the recaps. I'll just squeeze in anywhere, although I'm partial to sweetcakes Gael.

Also, I have to tell you, ever since someone awhile back said something about Guido wearing a Kangol hat and gold chains and screaming into a microphone, that is the ONLY way I can see him.

Elisa: Fruity push-up double dip must be Grapefruit!

Oh yes, it is the authentic cheque! Did you just think it was a mere prop? (Only Hercule Poirot himself would be able to get me to admit it's a fake.)

R la O, thank you for noticing 527-B Baker Street. With apologies to Sherlock, my other favorite detective.

Now this is brilliant: Begoña = Tart melon ball and chain? Absolutely!!

Rum Shriveled Raisin for Assgusto? Yep, that nails him, but Hairy Garcia is also perfect.

Julia, there is plenty of room on the patio. We have added more tables and chairs.

Antonia = Inconvenient Ice?
Padre = Holy Chocolate Mole
Estefania = Heavenly Hash

Which of our guys gets to be Banana Crunch?

Sylvia (and all other recappers). What a great recap. ITA totally with those who have said that the recaps are more entertaining than the show!

A (probably stupid) question from someone whose Spanish comprehension is almost zero: were the mariachi “hate” lyrics at the beginning of your recap actual, or did they come from somewhere else. Either way, they were perfect for the occasion.

I am totally down on the lower expectation patio decks, having given up (for now) on our major players. Since we are all there, maybe an awards ceremony will pass the time. Here are my nominees
• Best All-Around: Don Lucio
• Best Recovering: Dr Edmundo
• Guy to Root For: Enrique
• Most Attractive: Delores
• Most Sympathetic: Antonia
• Most Odious: Vincente

Last night’s show also pointed out the irony of Alphonsia’s machinations. It is clear that, to achieve her goal of controlling Damien, L’il Miss Chiles is a perfect wife choice. She is the one who can be most easily manipulated and beaten down by playing on her battered woman, I-want-to-be-a-victim mindset. Flo is too spoiled and Kenia too clever and worldwise to bend to Alphy as easily. I think it would be fun to set Kenia on Damien and see the reaction from Flo and Alphy. Don’t know how to do it. I hate to say it, but Kenia thing with Gusto is so weird that it kills her for me as a character.

Mod Ant

Mod Ant, those lyrics were my translation of the actual "Ella" lyrics. There is more but I was too lazy to translate the whole song. I'll do the rest now and post it in a comment.

I like your nominations except for Antonia. I don't find her sympathetic. I find her to be an inconvenient pain in the (fill in the blank). I see Useless Vicente as impressed you, even at his young age.

Ingrid = Lemon sorbet with herring bits.

Pasofino: Yep - Meant Irritating Ingrid.

These ice cream flavors having me chuckle. I was in the gelato shop a block away last night and they have the nicest and the weirdest flavors they mix on site.

I agree on Gael, but I would definitely say cheesecake with a cherry and whip cream on top.

The shop had one last night my son and his friend laughed at: Dark chocolate with big chocolate chips, cinnamon & chayenne. I'd say that fits or Kenia.

The other three I didn't try though the boys did:

1.)"Super sour" lemon
2)Spinach and horseradish ( I kid u not!)
3)Sweet corn

I kinda think Elisa fits no.1 right no, either that or Bubblegum--she needs to grow up!!
Might stick no. 2 with Alfi and 3 with Padre. He's corny and sweet.

By the way, I played it safe with my favorite Pistachio. Boring I know.

Mod Ant, "Last night’s show also pointed out the irony of Alphonsia’s machinations." BINGO! Alfie wants Dam to live in La Ermita and it was so clear that her favorite nuera choice, Flo, wants to take him back to Mexico City! Flo, a wolf in sheep's clothing, will never be as malleable as Elisa.

I've had sweet corn and cheddar ice cream before. It's actually pretty good. I also like avocado flavor. Spinach sounds good to me but I don't know about the horseradish. Bacon and maple syrup flavor is apparently really popular these days.

I used to work in a candy store where we had a frozen yogurt machine to mix in whatever toppings. My favorite combo there was chocolate yogurt with raspberries and Oreos. When we didn't have any customers we would try making weird combos. FYI, putting gummy bears in the machine is a BAD idea. They gum up the works and then freeze and are a huge pain to wash out.

ELLA (with thanks to Google translate)

I got tired of pleading.
I got tired of telling her that without her I would die of sorrow.
She wouldn’t listen, if her lips opened it was only to tell me “I no longer love you.”

I felt my life was lost in a deep, dark abyss, just like my luck.
I wanted to forget, Jalisco style, but the mariachis and tequila just made me cry.

I got tired of pleading,
with tears in my eyes I raised my glass and toasted her.
She couldn't ignore me, for it was the final toast of a Bohemian to a queen.

The mariachis were silent.
From my limp hand fell my cup, and I didn't even notice.
She wanted to stay
when he saw my sadness,
but that night it had had already been written,
her love had been lost.

Julia, funny story about working in the candy store. Somehow I can easily imagine you there. I have had corn gelato before and it was very tasty.

I loved working in the candy store. Best summer job ever. That was at Sun Valley Resort in Idaho. There was a cute waiter who worked at the restaurant across the way and he would come in ever afternoon before his shift and buy a quarter pound of Jelly Bellies to keep in his apron pocket for munching all evening. But mostly I think he came in to flirt with us ;). We also made the mint chocolate suns that the resort hotels put on the pillows every night. I think I smelled like chocolate the whole summer.

LOVE LOVE the ice cream flavor suggestions... Lucio's old reliable chocolate chip and super sour lemon my favs... but Gael is definitely the cheesecake one with super sweet berry sauce all over. a touch of serrano hot sauce for a hidden kick? (if Gael is anything like Emiliano)

Courtesy of Paolo Landucci:

'Gusto Flavor of the Month suggestion:
Bitter Liver with Awkward Fish Bones Gelato

Elisa doesn't get any ice cream because she is stoopid.

For Carmeany:

Straight from the truck stop vending machine,
"Enhance Her Pleasure Apricot* Jellee" Sorbetto,
*Artficially flavored

Elisa doesn't get any ice cream because she is stoopid.

EJ - you made my day!!!

EJ, funny! Elisa would melt her ice cream anyway with all those tears.


ITA. smile. Who would want fickle Flo for an ally? Sorry to be so naive,, but what is the weather normally like for you and Doris this time of year?

In the Southern Sonoma Wine Country we have strong influences from both the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. We are starting our pattern of cooler, overcast mornings clearing to breezy clear afternoons between 60-70*. When the overcast hangs on all day we call it June Gloom.

The old country saying goes: I haven't had this much fun since the hogs ate my baby brother. OK, gross...
But, Sylvia, this was just so funny, and waaaaay better than the episode.

May I pull up a seat on the Patio, please. Any table will do, thanks. I've missed y'all.

The ice cream flavors are a hoot! For Fina, I would choose persimmon. For Elisa, maybe just plain salt sorbet. For Padre Lupe, jumping bean.

I thought Paolo lounging shirtless in his room looked as if he was waiting to shoot a porno flick. Especially his pose on the bed, arm over his head, sheet daintily covering his naughty bits.

EJ,  our weather:

June:  Hot and Humid

July: Hotter and more Humid

August: lo mas hot and humid posible! 

Can you send some of that heat this way? We've had nothing but overcast and highs in the mid 50s. I think we might get a warmish day or two in July if we're lucky.

Are we supposed to like Elisa? She is not at all likeable to me these days. All the crying and giving up and making deals with the devil and cruelly using her most loyal friends, it's really offputting. I like a heroine with some spunk and smarts who doesn't let willingly let herself be abused and manipulated.

Like Renata from CME? She was the tops. Writers and directors, take note.

Probably too late to matter, but what a gem of a recap. Thank you, dear recapper! You are quite a talent!!

Assgusto is so sickening to me. How many times has he recoiled from his own flesh and blood now? What is there in this man that is even worth redeeming? I can't decide if his lust for Kenia is worse than his revulsion of his own daughter.

I would like to beat Sabrina to the punch and just cut off Ingrid's curly sideburns and ugly pony tail with one huge whack. It would give me such great pleasure.

Kenia is on the verge of losing me as a supporter and Elisa has just about lost me altogether. This victim role she has chosen simply does not suit her nor do her wacko outfits which continue to deliver the wrong message.

Sabine Moussier IRL suffered from Guillain Barre syndrome. It looks like she must still have difficulties.

Give me Doc Tovar ANY day!!!

Yes, like Renata, or Mili from Guapos as another example. Or like Veronica Mars.

Here in Maine it has been 52 and raining for the past...two months. I kid you not. (What's to kid about?)

About the art of the spiteful serenata --

I love it that Spanish has the word desamor as the opposite of romantic amor. It's tricky to translate -- not the same as 'hate' but close to it; more like 'indifference'.

EJ, couldn't agree more. Elisa is MUCH too stoopid to GET ice cream. She did, however, inspire several flavors that now languish in the freezer of the local heladería. No one -- not even Lolita -- is buying them these days.

On the other hand, Sweet Cheesecake is just flying out of the store.


You said it so well. Renata Rules!

Blue Lass, you and Julia have a lot to complain about, weather wise. Good grief! The rain in Maine falls mainly on the plain? In June? That is no laughing matter!

I lived for a short while ( two years) in the Northwest, in Portland, OR. It is a great town, with everything you could ask for, beauty, music, outdoors, wine, food, wonderful people and conversation, and a LOT of rain and gloom.

My DH nearly went nuts. I was working and on planes a lot, so I did not suffer like he did, but he was retired and suffered terribly with SAD. He claimed it was wetter than London, where we lived for years. It is all in what you are used to, I suppose.


EJ, I confess the Lad is not best pleased. We moved here from the desert, and he has not adapted well.

NM - re: desamor
They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, so this word makes sense. Thanks for pointing it out.

hey guys stopped by walmart last night and they have new condensed DVDs... Cuando me Enamoro(one of our favs), la fuerza del Destino (DZ), and Para Volver a Amar (the one that just started sunday mornings and won novela of the yr in TyN awards 2011 (with our Gael, AssGusto and Paz from 1RefugioPEA).

julia, any particular story behind the black daisies picture?

BlueLass - I went to Maine once, either 1980 or 1981, where everyone was apologizing for the heat wave. It was 80°F. We told the natives that was a cool spell for us and we were loving it! ;o) Our weather here is delightful right now. Right now, we've got Bonnaroo going on, as well as the CMA festival (formerly known as Fan Fair, where people are normally dropping like flies from the heat. The victims are usually people who aren't accustomed to our heat & humidity, nor do they know how to survive it. Mix the heat with drugs & alcohol, and it seems like there is always at least one death at Bonnaroo.

I could stand an entire summer of this weather we've had this week!

Oh yes, Doris, 80 is MUCH too hot! We whine like babies!

Cap'n Sylvia --- you just HAD to say the 'g' word (gelato)! My eyes are glazing over and I feel a gelato craving coming on . . . We have a gelateria artigianale in our area. The owner makes his gelato from scratch, all natural ingredients, no mixes, it is yummmmmy stuff!

SANDY IN TN - in case you want to check it out:
I love his vanilla flavor; like none other I've had, and one of my sisters swears by his cakes.

Blue Lass - WE would whine over your cold winters! It's all relative.

Yes, it's true. We don't even button our coats until it's < 20. :)

Blue Lass --- Aaaaaaack!

Blue Lass, are you in Portland? Brunswick? We go to Maine all the time! Doris is right, Mainers don't know real heat!

Doris thanks for the link, could be an outing for grandchildren!

Sandy in TN - Glazee is child friendly. Last time we were there, in April, there was a play area with small toys. :-)

Sandy, I am waaaaay off the beaten path -- Portland is like another planet to us. But it's beautiful here, and quiet, and clean.

But listen, TN Caraymates, I'll be in Knoxville briefly this summer -- if you're anywhere between there and my final destination of Roanoake, I'd love to have coffee. NO ONE HERE UNDERSTANDS ME.[*llanto*]

Doris, YUMMMM! I want gelato for breakfast! Do they have Gianduia? It's my favorite, but I will eat and enjoy any flavor.

Novela Maven, love the conversation on desamor. It is tricky to translate and I'm sure I for one have not done it justice in the past. It bears pointing out and reminding ourselves what a cool word it is. That's why we're here, to learn, about Spanish and gelato.

Bonnaroo sounds fun!!

Blue, do you mean Roanoke, VA? We are about 4 hours from there but are usually up for a road trip, depending on when our granddaughter decides to be born. (I'm going tubing with girlfriends up near there in August.) We'd love to meet you for coffee.

I'd love it, too, Emilia! Are you in the DC area? Usually I come that way, but this time Knoxville was more convenient. (I lived in DC for 15 years.)

We are in Yorktown, south of Williamsburg. Our youngest son went to VA Tech so we can drive I-81 to Roanoke blindfolded. Pretty sure many people DO drive it blindfolded!

OMG it's five hours (my conference is actually in Radford.) I so wish I were flying into Norfolk instead! Let's just drink coffee at the same time and comment on the blog. :)

Marta - How fun to find those DVD's in WalMart!

Sara is going to invite me over to watch Cuando with her this summer. So, Sara, is it June 12, the day after your big June 11, that you want me to come over? Just in case you or any other CarayMates watch it without me, please keep us posted as to the quality. I just don't see how they can sum up 171 hours into 3. Is that what they do?

Blue and Emilia - I can't talk you into meeting in Kansas City the end of June and helping us move my son into a top floor apartment? Oh, I know you guys will have so much fun meeting in Roanoke! Take pictures and send us all recordings of your hilarious conversation! Or you could just recap it.

Blue, I forgot to ask, when will you be here?

July 15-21, give or take a couple days. And there might be a way to make it work...I have to fly into Knoxville, but no one says I have to fly out of it.

Is your nieta planning to be born locally, or will you have to travel?

"Tinkerbelle" will be born in Arlington and is due July 1st, so we're 3-4 hours away. Not bad...
If you can fly out of Norfolk, Richmond, even Newport News that would be great. Mike says he doesn't mind a little trip to the mountains, though.

I hope you aren't allergic to cats, R la O! LOL

I guess I should order my copy of CME jiji.

I was pretty impressed with the editing of the Teresa DVD and I didn't watch the original run. I hope I am happy with the CME DVD.

Blue Lass, how far do you live from Boothbay Harbor, Maine? Also, where do yo go in Florida? We visit Boca Grande some.( on the gulf!)

Emilia, it sounds like Tinker will be up & flying about by the time I get there, which is good. How about a rendez-nous in Charlottesville? I will probably head up there the second weekend.

Sandy, our "winter place" is about 3 hours from Boothbay and our "summer place" about the same distance from Boca G. Yeah, I know we got it backwards. :)

You do have it backwards!

Oh, my, amigos, you are inspiring me to want to travel! I want to meet up, too. I will have to join you in spirit, with a scratch and a giggle, as my grandmother would say.

To tell the truth, I have been going a bit stir crazy spending so much time here in my home. Travel to Maine sounds green and lovely (really, I have plenty of Gore-tex left from Portland), Ohio would be delightful, Tennessee fabulous, Wisconsin sounds beautiful, my sister's in Minnesota with three rowdy kids under the age of nine sounds fun, Texas, a right delight, Utah, a wonder, Mike and Emilia in Virginia or anywhere else sounds grand, Seattle is a great town, I have always loved New York, Florida is a fascinating state. It all sounds marvelous.

In real life I probably couldn't fly in an airplane without setting off dreadful headaches; I haven't tried flying since the head injury. Even a 45 minute car ride, or a bright light or a siren can trigger the crazy migraines. I have heretofore been such a tough-minded power-through-the-pain kind of gal, but there is no powering through diffuse axonal injury, I find. The way to get through is a lot closer to self-compassion and surrender. Oops, sorry. TMI. But I DO appreciate you dear ones at Caray who have been my companions through this long and not-yet-complete journey of recovery. Thanks for making me work my brain cells and making me laugh.

Sylvia is kind enough to meet me in San Francisco—only 35 miles away–and even for those delightful outings I have only a couple of hours of stamina before the headaches begin. She and I do get a LOT of laughing done in that short time, though.

Perhaps some of you will do a road trip, and come see me here at the cement cenote in teh wine country. We'll keep the light on for you.

Elna June

Keep the light on, EJ, you never know where Mike and I will turn up! Don't suppose Amtrak would be any better for your head? Nah...

Blue, Charlottesville would be a great place to meet. Just let us know date and time that is good for you, and where, if you know of one. Otherwise, we'll work it out. YAY!

Charlottesville it is! I just made my plane reservations. ¡¡Muy ilusionada!!!

EJ, clearly we will all have to come to you.

Well, EJ, I did leave you a reply comment to the Swan Vineyard comment you left on my El Tal recap, but I'm not sure you got it. BUT, what I did say is that I talked to Cousin Sandy and she said she'd love to give us a tour, but the wine-tasting area is just a metal shed that her dad put up in one weekend. We don't care about that, do we?

Cousin Sandy is planning a trip out here in the next month or two and we'll talk then about the best time and I'll get back to you and see if we can coordinate something with Sylvia too.

In that same message I also told you guys that Utah was finally getting a Trader Joes and I was trying to remember what is was you guys were saying was so good. Utah won't sell any Two Buck Chuck, so I hope that wasn't it.

R la O

We don't have to taste wine in a shed, do we? Can't we just go out and roll around on the grass?

TJ's has the most wonderful cookies, some kind of little flat jobs with almonds and raisins -- I think they're called Almondina or something like that. I can eat an entire package in one sitting.

Also the dried mango -- just mango, no sugar added -- is to die for. And I just discovered an overlooked bag in my pantry!

Oh, what is that saying about Almonds and Raisins? Anyone?

I don't know about a saying, R la O, but there is a sweet little Yiddish lullaby, "Rozhinkes mit Mandlen" (Raisins and almonds).

BTW, was just startled to see the marmot (El Viral) as the wife of Zorro the elder in the early scenes of the 1998 American film, Zorro. Since I was watching it in Spanish, I didn't get a chance to hear her English. Hmm ... maybe I can fiddle with the audio channel ...

That might be where it came from, NM. I read a whole series of books starting with Almonds and Raisins. It was a Jewish family saga. My mom read it to and then I got her an engraved candy jar with the saying. I will look at it when I head down there tomorrow. The author was Maisie something. Fun books.

Hello Lovelorn.... and I the only man that reads these??

I got hooked on Soy tu Dueña and was sad when it was over. I couldn't take Talisman so I drifted over to here.

I can follow most of the nicknames you have given to characters and such... my favorite one was Ivan Ho from Dueña.

Anywho, what has puzzled me here is what the heck does DF mean when refering to Mexico city?

I appreciate the hard work and humor that goes into these recaps... even since I figured out you only do it for the beefcake... :)


I know it might surprise you, but really, some of us originally came here to improve our Spanish.

And watching telenovelas WILL improve your Spanish if you watch regularly, have a dictionary beside you and try to keep up with verb conjugations. The blog can help because you have a study group to talk to and you will quickly gain a sense of community with like minded folks who have a love of and deep interest in the Spanish language and the various cultures of Mexico and Latin America as represented in our Telenovela stories.

I know it is hard to believe that any of us is serious about anything when you see our silly avatars and large beefcake posts and photos, but some of those that put up those posts are our most accurate translators and some are even self-taught in Spanish!

DF is the acronym for Distrito Federal, as in Ciudad de Mexico, DF. Compare that to, say, Washington,Distict of Columbia, (DC). Folks who live and work in the area often just say, "DC", In referring to their hometown.

We welcome you to our study group! Please comment again.

Elan June

R la O--I read those books, too! Masie Mosco. (With many thanks to the google.) I wonder if I still have them...

And yes, Esteban, there are other men! And boy do they put up with a lot!

Sara - we do have discriminating reading tastes, between Masie Mosco (who really is quite good) to Ramona la Chinche. I remember the quote I'm seeking was about the bitter and sweet of almonds and raisins. Kind of like the end of El Tal.

i did not check it at the store but reports the CME condensed dvd is 720 min (12 hrs) long.

Sara, Vivi, did you check out PVAA yesterday morning?
now i know why Mark's character and the wife show up in credits running with their briefcases on and dressed in business attire. their storyline is not about family with kids, its all about them competing with each other professionally... seems to be the light comedy aspect of the novela. they way they argue but not hastily about who will get the promotion, her daydream about her reaction to his getting the promotion and her facial expression when it actually happened (he got the job and she got the boot).

daughter is on plane toward Japan with her school groop. she is so excited... praying everything will go ok for her next 16 days...

Marta, how exciting for your daughter. Keep us posted.

R la O and Sara, Thanks for letting me know about Maisie Mosco. I just ordered "Almonds and Raisins" (I have no self-control when it comes to books. Well, I guess it could be worse ...)

Marta, What a great opportunity for your daughter though I can imagine the mixture of anxiety and pride you must be experiencing. As Sylvia says, keep us posted.

NM - You will love those books! Please keep us posted about how you like the first one. Like I said, my mom and I enjoyed them so much I had her a special candy jar made with the saying (that I'll find later today and let you know). I filled it with almonds and raisins and wild flowers for presentation.

marta - How exciting for your daughter, in going to Japan! I hope she has safe travels and I know she'll have a wonderful time. I would love to visit Japan some day, but the looong plane trip is the deterrent.

Blue Lass - FWIW, our humidity (70%) returned yesterday, so now I wish I lived in Main. ;-)

We did have a lovely day, Doris. I spent part of my lunch hour sunbathing on a picnic table like a squirrel.

Marta-So exciting! Japan! Hope she has safe travels. I did watch PVAA on Sunday and I am looking forward to see the Maite/Jorge story more in full. It was very edited in the DVD.

NovelaMaven-I hope you enjoy the book!

R la O: I've got another Ramona book ready to read :-)

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