Thursday, June 07, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #19-20 Thu 6/7/12 Note To Gala: Ever Heard of Karma, Jus' Sayin'


We start off today, where we left off yesterday with the cotton candy pink dress and the five inch heels left in Luci's room so she can go with Pato to the Torreslanda Company Anniversary party. She is very happy with these things and thanks the Virgincita for them. She thinks maybe Conny got these for her. She is extremely grateful.

Back in Het Het, Lorenzo is going to Mexico City to see Luci. Paz and Magda are sorry to see him go there, but happy he will be carrying letters from them for both their girls. He assures them he will be fine, in the big bad City and not to worry so much. (Look dude, Mom's worry that's just what they do, jus' sayin'). Meanwhile down the road, Copio (ole Don Aquile's little henchman) is packing the Don's truck up. Seems the Don has the brilliant idea of following Lorenzo to Mexico City to find his little dove. Don Aquiles is trying to hurry up the process and Copio tells him to be calm, everything is in order. Don Aquiles leaves, and I'm pretty sure Copio is laughing in relief. (Note to Don Aquiles: Hope you get a big ole flat dude).

Lorenzo can't get out of that door fast enought. The women are clinging to him, telling him to be careful, he has to keep assuring them, he will be fine. He gives both of them a hug and Paz tells him she will miss him very much and he tells her he will be back soon.

Mati has come to Luci's room and Luci is still wondering who could have given her this beautiful dress and shoes. Mati knows but won't say. Hanna comes to Luci's room and tells her, it was her that got the dress and shoes for Luci. Luci thanks her so much. Hanna tells her Pato wants her to be beautiful for this party. Hanna is running late and she's gotta go.

The guys, Rod and Pato, are talking and says Dad Max is nervous about this party. Pato wants to know if Rod will dance with Luci. Rod doesn't know. Pato says he has a big surprise for him.

Of course, Julie and Gala have got to get primped at the salon. Julie wants some brunch, and she assures Gala she will be the queen at this ball, uh, I mean this party. Julie wants to know if Luci is coming to this event. Evidentially Gala didn't get the chisme, cause she says if she were a nurse she could see it but Luci is just a, wait for it, SERVANT. (Note to Gala: Ever heard of karma??? Jus' Sayin').

Luci is about to bring a tray to Pato, when Rod says Good Morning to her and starts sayin' Luci you got some 'splain' to do, not really, but he does ask her who that guy was that was with her. He saw them. She says it was her lawyer and what about it? He is acting very jealous. She goes. Luci goes to Pato's room and Hanna is there. Pato asks her how she liked the surprise. She loved them, and of course unbeknownst to them, who is listening at the door? Of course its the chisme queen Frigid. She hears it all and the small hamster wheel in her brain is turning.

Violetta is coaxing, Ophelia?, to eat and Estella is glad she is doing it. Ophelia is missing her mama. Violetta, the cute bartender ( I think his name is Paolo), Estella and Ophelia are at the park. Violetta and Paolo take Ophelia off to the swings I think and Estella thinks about how much she misses her daughter.

Rosa, Hanna, Melissa and Conny look like they are having a sale for charity. There are all kinds of things here, Hanna is looking at a beautiful blue dress, evening gown type, that is hanging on a hanger, someone donated. Rosa tells her to put it back.

Meanwhile, Rod, Oscar, and Max are at a golf tournment on that beautiful golf course.

Gala and her mama Julie have moved on to massages now (What is it with these people, anyway, you need a massage to attend a party, REALLY). Anyways, the phone rings and it's Gala's of course, and guess who is on the other end, Rod???, Prince William, no of course it is , wait for it, the chisme queen who can't wait to tattle on Luci, about how she is coming to this party. Gala tells Frigid to find a way to stop her from going. Frigid is pleased.

Lorenzo is on the bus, and Don A's truck is still following. The bus is about to pull in the station, and Don A is still following, when the cops stop Don A. They tell him he cannot, absolutely cannot use this bus lane, buses only. Well Don A, who thinks he is all that, argues with the cop. The cop tells him if he continues on they will impound his truck. In the process he loses sight of Lorenzo. The bus is stopped now and the passengers are getting off and Lorenzo is looking around, when Aldo calls him and asks him if he wants to help him out, he'll even pay him. So Lorenzo ends up getting a dolly and carts his bag and Aldo's boxes and they go.

Conny, Rosa, Hanna, and Melissa go get their hair done at the salon Vicky works at. They are done, go home and start getting ready. Hanna and Melissa are together, when Tia Conny comes and gives Hannah that dress she way eyeing at the bazaar. Hanna is over the moon.

Rod is thinking about Luci and that lawyer chap. He is sooo jealous. Pato is ready and goes in the car with Rosa, who, I'm sorry looks like she has a stick up her butt, jus' sayin'.

Melissa and Hanna have come to have a look at Luci and love the way she looks. She does look so beautiful in that dress. Mati comes in and tells her she looks so beautiful. They all have smiles on their faces. Meanwhile, ole chisme queen Frigid is in the hall, doing some indoor gardening, not really, but she is digging wet dirt out of the potted plants and putting it in a bucket..

The party has started at the Torrelsanda business.

Mati is helping Luci get ready. Frigid comes by to see how much longer it is going to take for her to get ready. Mati reminds her not to be late. Mati leaves and as soon as she does, Frigid takes that wet dirt bucket, sets it right in the pathway of Luci's door, goes to the end of the hall and turns off the lights. Luci, meanwhile, is still in her room and prays to the Virgincita, that she would like to have a good time, and for Gala to leave her alone. Well it seems in this instance the Virgincita couldn't intercede for Luci, cause she walks out the door, trips on the bucket, the hallway is really dark,and falls straight into that yukky dark mud, ruining her dress, she starts to cry. She goes back into her room, shoes in hand and looks at the ruined dress and she is filthy from that mud, from head to foot. She is really crying now. Frigid is watching in the hall and is so full of glee. (Note to Frigid: Hope they get wise to your little games soon). Frigid goes and is in the kitchen with Mati. Mati tells the driver that Luci will be down soon. Mati goes up to Luci's room to see what is taking so long. Frigid follows. Mati goes into to Luci's room and can't beleive what she sees, she asks Luci if she is ok. Frigid stands in the doorway with her frozen face of glee and says oh so sorry so sad you can't go to this party and says goodnight and she will send the driver away. Luci stays in the room and cries to the Virgincita, this must not have been meant to be. Luci cries over the ruin of that beautiful dress.

Jeronimo wants Vicky to go to the Torrelanda's party with him. She isn't too happy, but will go with him. He says he has worked for the Torreslanda's a long time and is expected to be there.

Aldo and Lorenzo finally make it to this party, but the staff tells him he has to park elsewhere, and Aldo gets out and looks for a dolly for those boxes. He tells Lorenzo to wait in the truck. Aldo comes back and moves the truck again. Aldo tells Lorenzo , that Aldo has to go to somewhere else, so Lorenzo goes with. It is the Torreslanda house. Lorenzo is impressed that Aldo lives there. Aldo admits its his Tio and Tia's house and he tells him about Pato's accident.

Conny, Melissa and Hanna all come to the party together and Hanna has dropped her little scarf for her dress. Lorenzo sees this and gets her attention so he can give it back to her. The girls meet up with Jule and Gala and Rosa. Hanna is looking for Luci, she can't beleive she isn't there yet.

Frigid and Mati are in the kitchen, and Mati wants to know what Frigid was doing in the servants quarters. Frigid tells her she was looking for Luci. You can tell Mati is not buying what she is selling. Frigid leaves and Hanna calls the house and wants to know where Luci is. Mati explains what happened to the dress. Gala is standing near Hanna when she hears and Gala can't contain her glee either.

Mati comes to Luci's room brings her another dress to wear. It looks like the dress that Hanna liked so much, or one similar. Mati is like the fairy godmother, she helps Luci get ready. Luci is finally ready and looks even better than she did the first time. She is all ready to go, but before she does, Mati has a look around to make sure Frigid isn't lurking around to wreck more havoc on Luci.

In the middle of this party, Oscar, Max, Rod, Pato, and Gabriel and Marco (thanks jlk) are meeting. There was a business deal that Rod, Pato, Gabriel and Marco wanted to do with the Canadians, but Max and Oscar nix the deal. They say now isn't the time. The boys are not down with that.

Back at the party, Pato makes a grand entrance in his new chair and the whole company applauds. There is lots of press there and they are taking tons of pictures. Pato asks after Luci and Hanna assures him he will be in for a surprise. There is a toast. Aldo back at the Torreslanda's has changed his clothes and they are back to the party.

Gala and Rod are together and she wants to know how she looks. He tells her she is beautiful (Just wait there Gala, that karma is comin'). Now there is a film about the company Torreslanda with really heavy beat music. Max is up on stage and introduces Rosa as his wife. Announces it is the 20th anniversary of the company. About this time, as Max is about to say something else, here comes Luci, who is very very beautiful. Rod is agape, he can't close his mouth, and Hanna, Melissa and Pato love how she looks. They are very happy. Everyone is staring and Rosa is way pithed off, that the speech was interrupted, so Oscar, bless him, starts clapping to break the tension. Everyone joins in, including Max, and Hanna, Melissa and friends start chanting Luci, Luci, Gala is coming unhinged she is ROYALLY pithed by this time. Julie isn't happy either. Gala can't understand why that SERVANT should DARE be at this party. Rod tells Gala to be discrete and stop yelling. Oscar, the gentleman that he is, escorts Luci to Pato. Pato is very happy to see Luci. Conny tells Oscar, Luci is very beautiful and he agrees. Max thanks everyone from podium, where Rosa looks like she swallowed ten lemons. Everyone claps for Pato.

Lorenzo meanwhile is still out in Aldo's truck .He is feeling chilly and wraps himself up in a blanket and goes to sleep. Lorenzo wakes up from his little nappy poo and gets out of the truck and stretches. He starts walking around and comes into the kitchen of the party. Lorenzo makes it out to the ballroom, sees Luci dancing with Rod , about this time Aldo comes in too and he is carrying a tray, I guess it was doing waiter duty during this party.

Gala is still very pithed off that Luci actually came to this party. Everyone is trying to make her calm, but she is sooo mad, there looks like there is smoke coming out of her ears and she is growing horns on her head, jus' sayin'. She is sooo jealous.

Jeronimo comes and introduces his daughter Vicky to Max and Rosa. They are flabbergasted that Vicky is Jeronimo's daughter. Rosa remarks it's a small world cause she already knows Vicky. Max tells Jeronimo he has a lovely daughter, ya think?? After they go, Max warns Rosa he doesn't want Vicky at the house again.

Gala and Julie are off to the side and Gala has figured out that Hanna was the one to ensure that Luci made it to this party. Julie is trying to calm her down. Gala says that girl is only a SERVANT. Julie tells her to lighten up, put a smile on that face, cause she's in public, doncha know. She wants the press to gets lots of pics of Gala, but of course Gala is still being bitchy. Now Gala is starting to really lose it, cause Pato calls over to Rod and says look at Luci, so beautiful and Rod agrees. He tells Rod he is so happy she is there. Well, Gala has had enough and is really, really being a biotch, in public of all places. She is about to confront Luci, when she bumps into a waiter, and she bumps his tray of drinks and gets them all over her, (Gotta say here Yay!!!!!! I was so waiting for that). Anyway the poor waiter gets an earful from her, how he is an esptupido, and an idiota and she is screaming at him like a loon. Everyone looks at her and thinks of her bad manners in public. The waiter tries to apologize but she is soo not having that, oh no, she would rather humiliate the poor waiter in public. So Max steps up and has the band play to drown out her screeching and tells Rod to dance. In all this mess, Gala runs off to the bathroom with mama Julie and her friends having a hissy fit.

Well, since Don Aquiles has lost sight of Lorenzo, he decides to stay at a hotel. When the desk clerk tells him how much a room is, Don A is just flabbergasted, appalled, struck dumb by how much a room is. He pays it, but complains the whole time. Then on top of that, he wants his change back, LOL. No tips for you buddy. Then of all things he inquires after a valet, LOL again. The desk clerk tells him there are NO valets at this hotel. Don A mutters he should have brought Copio with him. He has to carry his own bag, who wouldna thunk!

So of course Rod goes right up to Luci and extends his hand, and she waits the longest time, but finally lets him lead her to the dance floor. Everyone is clapping and they have a very romantic dance. So Romantic in fact, that you would think they were the engaged couple and not Rod and Ms Snotnose Gala. This dance was so lovely, it reminded me of old movies from the 30's and 40's where the main romantic couple were dancing, but I digress. Rosa of course is looking at them and it looks like she has swallowed twenty lemons by now. She is watching them closely and can't seem to look away. Rod keep telling her how beautiful she is and she explains how Mati and Hanna helped her. Rod and Luci look like they are made for each other. Everyone is looking at them dance. Pato says he never saw a woman as beautiful as Lucy, and Rosa, Max want to know where Gala went, Hanna kind of giggles and says oh the bathroom lol.

In the bathroom, Gala is witching everyone out. Its all THEIR fault, not mine I didn't do anything blah blah. There are other ladies in the bathroom that tell her just clean it and it will be ok, the dress that is. Julie chases them off. Her friend Valentina tries to talk to her, but Gala calls her stupid, all her friends are stupid and one of them tells her, guess who Rod is dancing with???? Gala comes unhinged. She sees Rod and Luci dancing and she wants to go yank Rod away from Luci. Max grabs her arm and tells her to sit down and callate, not really callate, but he should have. The dance ends and everyone claps. Lorenzo is wandering around at this point and sees Luci and calls to her. She is looking around. Well here comes security and they want to throw Lorenzo out. Hanna and Aldo try to stop them. Aldo tells security Lorenzo came with him but security still throws Lorenzo out. Luci follows Lorenzo out and so does Julie,. she wants to see what all the ruckus is about. Luci finds Lorenzo and attempts to give him a great big hug. He is really mad. He says oh, you look like the hoi poli you do, Here we are in Het Het, struggling and look at you! She tries to get him to understand what she has on isn't hers and that she is only a maid for the Torreslandas. He tells Luci he came to Mexico City cause their Mama was worried and little Ariche the nino was worried too. Julie overhears and sees everything. Lorenzo is still not beleiving she is a servant, no matter how hard she tries to explain. Then he asks after Violetta, the nurse. She tells him that Violetta is so NOT a nurse, but works at a club called Inferno. She writes directions for Violetta's place of work and her home. She also tells Lorenzo that Violetta is a good girl and only works there for the money. Lorenzo finally asks Luci to forgive him and she does and gives him a playful slap on cheek and hugs him. She asks Lorenzo how he got there. He says Aldo brought him. Here comes Aldo with a tray of leftovers from the party and tells Lorenzo that this is for him, for helping him out. Luci goes back to the party. Aldo wants to know how Lorenzo knows Luci? He tells him she's my sis, man. Aldo and Lorenzo leave.

Well Gala is back in that bathroom, getting changed into a new dress and she is really roaringly pithed about everything. She continues to call her friends stupid. She is also mad at Frigid for not preventing Luci from coming to this party. Everyone is stupid to Gala. (Listen Gala, tape is too good for you on that mouth, jus' sayin'). Gala is now all primped and ready and happy that Luci is gone from the party or so she thinks. Gala comes out of that bathroom finally and goes to where Rosa is. She wants to know where her Hot Bod Rod went to. Rosa says he went looking for Hanna.

Rosa wants to find Hanna she can't find her. Security came to Max and Rosa and told them about the party crasher, Lorenzo of course and that Hanna tried to intervene. Rosa also wants to know where Luci went. Hot Rod says he will go look for Hanna. Luci comes back to the party and Hot Rod gets her alone and wants to know where the necklace he gave her is. She gives him some type of lame excuse and she says you are marrying soon. He takes her hand, and tells her he loved dancing with her. Luci tells him it was like a dream. He tells Luci she is very beautiful and he leans in as if to kiss her. She is breaking away,when Hot Rod asks her why she is so mysterious, why all the secrets, she is an enigma, by gum. He gently touches her cheek and is leaning ever closer to her face and finally we have touchdown. They proceed to kiss, and it one deep soulful kiss.

Of course Gala is looking for HER Hot Bod Rod, when guess who saves her from finding Hot Rod and Luci kissing??? That's right, mama Julie from her spying mission. She tells Gala all about something incredible she has to tell her. Meantime, Hot Rod and Luci are still kissing. Anyway, Julie tells Gala that she saw Luci with her lover Lorenzo and that Luci has a child, say what???? (Note to Julie: Get a hearing test, so not right). Gala is sooo happy to hear this. She can't wait to tell Hot Bod Rod. Meanwhile, Hot Rod and Luci are STILL KISSING!!!! Finally Luci breaks away and goes. After Luci leaves, here comes Gala and of course ask, Que Haces Aqui??? Rod tells her he is alone and she wants to dance with him. So they go back to the party. Gala kisses Rod and hints about Luci's "family". Hot Rod doesn't get it.

Luci has gone to Pato and she asks him if he needs anything. Max and Rosa are there too and want to know if Pato is ok. He wants to go home and get some rest. Rosa agrees with him and thanks him for coming to the party. Hanna finally makes it back and Max and Rosa wants to know where she's been. Hanna does a loud whistle for Melissa and Rosa is so mad. Pato and Luci are ready to go, and as they are, Gala and Rod come up and Gala does the hinting about Luci's "family" again. Hot Rod is looking funny at Gala again.

Luci is finally home in her room and she thanks the Virgincita for such a wonderful night, and tells the Virgincita, she knows it was wrong to kiss Hot Bod Rod, but she can't help her feelings. She asks the Virgincita to ayudi mi.

Rod and Gala are in Rod's room and Gala wants to stay, but Rod says he is bringing her home. She tells him there is a problem about the guy that crashed the party. He is, wait for it, the lover of Luci. Hot Rod is very upset.


After Lorenzo leaves mama Paz and mama Magda worry for their children in the big bad city and decide to pray. They are sure all the kids will be fine. They are worried cause noone has called to say Lorenzo made it there safely.

Violetta at Inferno working and she asks the bartender where ole Lastra is. Paolo thinks they may get a new owner, but speak of the devil, here he is with his bad toupee (thanks Vivi) and Violetta is very polite to him and leaves. Paolo asks him what is happening now, and Lastra tells him if it is the last thing he does, Luciana will pay!

That gentleman Oscar loves to dance and he is getting Conny to dance with him all the time. He cuts quite a rug. Sigh!

Rosa runs a bingo type cage and the winning numbers get to dance with Hanna and Melissa.


Hot Rod is begging Luci not to leave, to stay for Pato. She is in her native clothing again.


Just had to use this title. Gala so got what she deserved here, but really she should have gotten more, after all the stuff she has pulled already. And that pretty pink dress all ruined.

Love Hot Rod and Luci together. They so look like they belong, unlike Hot Rod and Gala that don't remotely look like they should be together.

Rosa needs to lose the lemons. That woman is the most sour I have ever seen.

Loved Don A going to Mexico City and who knew he'd be sooo cheap lol. Love how the cop prevented him from using the bus lane. Don A really thinks he is entitled I tell you, lol.

Lastra will just not give up, will he. I wonder what kind of venganza he is planning now.

Oh, and I can't wait for either Hot Rod or Pato to find out exactly what Frigid has been up to. There will be hell to pay.

Thanks so much Madelaine! I missed the first 30-40 minutes and came home just before Luci got covered in grime. I think it's funny that you describe how everyone spent the day at the salon to get pretty, yet Luci seems to have magically created two elaborate and distinct hairstyle and makeup looks for herself with no professional help. LOL!

Wow! Gala has no self control. Max was able to cooly greet his lover in front of his wife after finding out she's the daughter of his long-time employee, yet Gala can't even muster up a smile for the cameras? I can't even imagine what kind of scene she would have made had she seen the kiss.

Speaking of the kiss, WTF?! Rod needs to back off. He should be ashamed of himself for pushing himself on Luci like this, when his fiance is very present in his life.

The reason why everyone clapped when Luci entered was because Max just announced the "new face" of their new business campaign. Then Luci walked in. Everyone assumed it was her, but it was that tall model girl twho came onstage after the clapping died down.

The prize in the raffle is a super nice house. I hope Vicky and her dad win.

Estella's granddaughter is Marianita. The daughter is Ofelia.

I was mad at Lorenzo for getting mad at Luci and jumping to all kinds of wrong conclusions. Then he insulted her work as a servant because she has finished high school and should be able to get a better job. Luci told him it's not so easy in the big city, she tried to get a better job, but you need references and/or more education than high school. Still not believing her, Lorenzo threw in her face that Violeta only has a high school education and she was able to find a job as a nurse. That's when Luci burst his bubble by revealing what Violeta really does for a living.

I really hope the previews are right and Luci leaves. She doesn't need these scenes of jealousy from Rod. Plus, I think Linares would give her a job in his office. She should ask him.

LOL moment of the evening, when Don Aquiles couldn't figure out what a key card was. Ha, ha! You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. I'm going to have to look for the scene where he gets stopped by the cops. Looks like Don A is going to provide the comic relief each episode.

At the club, Polo (I don't think it's Paulo) said that Lastra isn't the majority owner of the club. It's some other guy. So we may soon be meeting Lastra's boss. I'm guessing he'll be a bad guy too.

I loved Oscar dancing with Conny, and even dancing with Julie, like the gentleman he is.

Vivi- thank you so much for what I missed. I heard Don A say something about a credit card, but I didn't realize he was talkiing about a key card, lol. Too funny. I think he is the comic relief too. Stopped at every turn.

Do love Oscar, he is the epitome of a gentleman. Do like it that he defends Luci at every turn that is really sweet. Hanna and Melissa treat Luci as if she is their sister and not the servant. I really like that.

I do think Rod pushes himself at Luci, but I really think he is getting disilluisned with Gala mighty fast. He always looks like he wants to hurl. I really don't know what he sees in her.

Love Pato attitude. It is almost as if he is trying to thawrt Gala at every turn. He always seems to sense her antagonism. I just wish he was more mobile, he would be a great competition for Rod. Heck I think he is competition for Rod anytime. But Luci thinks of him more as a brother. I love they way they talk. Rod doesn't really do much talking with Luci. He is always trying to suck on her face, jus' sayin' lol.

Madelaine--our heroine. You certainly set the mood for the party. Terrific recap. Do you get a break tomorrow night? Is it only 50 min.?

After Lorenzo accepted Aldo's request for help--with pay and a ride to Violeta's place, he's nervous because Aldo keeps making detours. They stop at the house to let Aldo change into his tux, but did anyone notice that he was wearing black high-top sneakers with his outfit? He does try hard to be different. Well, to be a nice guy he offers to bring Lorenzo a tray of food. That's what he was doing in the kitchen with the tray. But later on, he was still carrying the tray around in the party room--whatever, he finally brought the tray to Lorenzo.

Vivi--Hanna and Melissa did Luci's hair.

I thought it was funny, too when Don AQ kept asking for the key.

It tore me to pieces to see Pato's face when Luci made her grand entrance. He is *so* in love with her already and she's never going to be his. [P.S. I absolutely adore Brandon Peniche--I keep seing his dad in his face.]

Madelaine--everything you said in the last paragraph, I totally agree with--about Pato's relationship with Luci vs. Rod's. Too bad the love bug already bit Luci because she and Pato make a much more compatible couple.

What on earth was that hair style that Gala wore to the party? It looked like the coiffed tail on a race horse ready to run at Pimlico. Was it intentionally weird so that Luci would look even more spectacular?

Max did explain to the crowd that Luci was not the new face on their campaign (so Eva Luna...). By that time it was too late, the photogs had already made a bee line for her and the video cam man kept her face up on the pantalla. It was too late for Gala, too, there was no way to bring the attention back to herself.

I'm so glad Jessica's Roberta from CME is back with her Estupido/a. How many were there in the party scene, 5,6?

At least she simmered down when Rod didn't want to dance with her at the end--after all the trouble she went to to change dresses. She said they'd have the rest of their lives to go dancing (or something like that), but she was a little pithed that he didn't want to sleep with her that night. I think he just wanted to fantasize about Luci by himself.

Shame on Rod, I agree Vivi, but if he and Luci were going to have a romantic encounter at the party - a la Eva Luna and Daniel - there should have been a sound check performed before filming the scene. The waterfall background was nice, but the sound drowned them out--not that he had much to say.

See you all tomorrow for a bit. I'll be doing El Tal for the penultimate Friday.

P.S. Rod told Gala he didn't want to dance because Pato was worn out and ready to go home and he needed to help him change and get back into bed. Seems to me they should have a trapeze over the bed to help him in and out--what do they do, lift him manually?

Oh, Hanna and Melissa did Luci's hair the first time. I think after Luci changed into the aqua dress, she just touched it up.

I sure wish Fridgida Bridgida would get some come uppance real soon. I don't think I could go through weeks of her pranks with no payback. Next thing you know she'll be accusing Luci of stealing Rosel's jewelry and planting it in her room--it's been done so many times.

Anita thanks for your wonderful comment. Yes, Refugio is only about 50 minutes on Friday due to the soccer game. I always post Friday's recap sometime on Saturday. I gives me time to really go thru it.

I agree with you about the waterfall. That was really loud and hard to hear. They really should check the sound.Thanks for explaining about Lorenzo and Aldo. They are a funny pair. I am still not too sure about Aldo. He is snobby in a way, but not in a way. I will have to wait and see about him.

I never saw CME, still kicking myself over that, but if she was half as biotchy as here, she must be terrific in these roles. Has she ever played a good girl role? Just asking. She seems made for these bad girls ones.

I meant Jessica Coch.

Thanks Anita for explaining that Luci got help with her hair the first time from her soul sisters Hannah and Melissa. Perhaps Matilde helped her put it in that beautiful updo the second time. Gala's hair was strange and not flattering, but I was fascinated by how well they did that inverted braid.

Yeah, I thought it was sweet the Rod wanted to go home to help Pato change and get him tucked into bed.

As for Aldo, he's just a spoiled rich kid, but not a bad person. So he says snobby stuff like Luci is just a maid, but also thinks she has a right to receive phone calls on the house phone like any human being. He doesn't go out of his way to harm people, but he's too lazy to think about class prejudice in a serious way, like Hannah and his sister Melissa do.

Madelaine- Yes, Jessica was not only mean in CME (and yes Anita, I giggled hearing her use her favorite Roberta phrase, estupido/a), she was devious, and she was manipulated by a mother who was a deranged murderer (nothing like good time girl Julie). If it's ever shown again, I recommend you watch CME.

Ah, the big Cinderella moment came. Now wouldn't it be interesting if somebody in the next meeting proposed Luciana as the model instead of the hard-looking dominatrix they currently have? It's obvious that Luciana was a hit at the party.

Gala's coiffure reminded me of a beaver tail. Not only was it unflattering, I'll bet it was very uncomfortable. You'd think she would have objected. Another example of her epic stupidity.

I didn't like Gala's hair here either, or her makeup. Her makeup was too much for her coloring. Luci's looked totally natural and showed her natural beauty. I have to say that Gala's makeup sure matched her behavior.

How the hell did Luci get her hair to go from curled to straight to curled again so quickly? When she was crying to La Virgincita, it was back to her usual straight look. I want that curling iron.

Did anyone see a problem with Gala's dress after the drink was spilled on it? If it was just a little wet, it would've taken less time to stand under a hand dryer in the bathroom rather than wait for a new dress. Then she could've been keeping an eye on her stalker boyfriend. Estupida.

Rod just doesn't seem to understand how much trouble he is causing for Luci. Do we have to wait until the end for him to get a clue?

Yeah though for Jana the Instigator of All Fun! She's great, and hope she and Connie can continue to provide a little comic relief to all the Gala-Frigida nonsense.

Oscar! drooool.


Kelly you are so right about that hair, I do beleive she had some muckky mud in that hair too. I don't know how she got it looking so good either, after that. But you know in TN's presto/chango its perfect within 5 minutes. I too am with you about Hot Bod Rod causing all these problems for Luci.

So am with you about Oscar, sigh! He is my favorite character right now, besides Linares and Pato.

it was so thoughtful & sweet of pato to tell hanna and melisa to buy a dress for luciana & to help her get ready, agree with you anita that it's sad to see pato so in love with luciana when she has it bad for hot rod.

agree aldo doesn't seem like a bad person. loved how a couple episodes ago when frigid tried to take a phone call meant for luciana he said 'are you luciana? no, then the call is not for you' lol he cracks me up

rod, leave luciana alone or break up with your fiance. am glad that linares brought up the point to luciana on wed.episode that any girl would be mad if her fiance started paying extra attention to another girl. of course gala doesn't inspire much sympathy since she's a total witch, but she should get mad at hot rod instead of luciana.


Thank-you Madelaine. I loved your comment about Frigid. "She hears it all and the small hamster wheel in her brain starts turning." That was great, It made me laugh.

At first, I thought that Hot Rod would break up with his TERRIBLE Gala and start a romance with Luciana, but now I think that the wedding is to close to be called off. I also think that Rod is not strong enough to go against his families wishes and dump Gala for Luciana. My question is---Will the mirrage go forward and through some unforeseen events, end in divorce that will then allow Rod to pursue his true love Luciana.

I am also remembering that the bruja told Luciana that she will shed many tears in the future.

Any comments?
the gringo

How long is this story? I'm betting that Hot Rod will have to marry Gala and possibly have difficulty consummating said marriage when the ball and chain is on him.

Gringo- you are so right about the Bruja (Sabina) before she left Het Het Sabina did tell her that she would shed many tears. I hope it isn't too too many cause the poor girl hasn't had a break yet.

UA- good point. Luci is virginal though, so maybe it would be awhile before they ever do it. I know Rod has been wanting to, but what he doesn't seem to realize is, even though she worked at Inferno, this girl is virginal, unlike his bruja of a finace Gala. I hear this TN is very very popular in Mexico, but they are only showing one hour at a time down there. I don't know how long this TN will run. They are still showing epi's in Mexico.

Rod and Gala might very well get married, since it's a civil wedding, not via the Church. He doesn't seem like he has the cajoned to break up with Gala. The thing is, I don't think his family is crazy about her either. I don't think either Rosalena (who wants a church wedding), or Max (who seems to hate hysterics) would shed a tear if Gala didn't become part of the family. We've seen how Hannah and Pato feel about her too.

That's cajones...

yeah agree with yall vivi & gringo. rod doesn't seem like he can go through with actually breaking off the wedding. Or at least right now he seems OK with pursing luciana while still being engaged. maybe he'll grow some later on?

madelaine: don't think that rod knows luciana is the girl from the club

was happy when max forced gala to sit down & stop causing a scandel when she saw rod & luciana dancing (agree madelaine thought they looked nice dancing together)


Thank you Madelaine!

For some reason, my closed captioning works for one hour but not the other. Usually it's all messed up during the first hour, but last night it was the complete opposite.

I think Gala's hair was in a fishtail braid. I had never heard of it before until my little cousin asked to do it to my hair once. Not my style... it's more appropriate as a casual hairstyle, not for a formal party.

Rod's behavior is creepy though. I can kind of understand why Gala gets upsets, but she got what was coming to her at the party.

I love Patricio. He's really cute!

Yeah, the novela is still being aired in Mexico. There's a least another month or so left

Thanks for the great and detailed recap Madelaine! I'm always grateful for the recaps but especially tonight because in my area Univision was "temporarily off the air" for the entire 2 hours!

This is only my second novela and I love it. I'm also in the Pato camp. I hope he at least has some romance before the show is over. Did they allude in earlier episodes to him having a relationship right before his accident? Or was I misunderstanding? My Spanish is rough. Regardless, I wish he played a bigger part in the story.

I also love the corny scenes where Luci is tossing her hair back and forth and looking all doe-eyed. It is so over the top that it cracks me up.

Hot Rod is not my favorite character so far. Why is he even with Gala? Does he feel any guilt over his feelings for Luci? We need some more character development here. He does look damn good in those high waist pants and tucked in shirts though! Not many men could pull that off!

RachelRaquel- thank you for your comment. Thank you so much for letting us know about the novela in Mexico. Rod is acting rather creepy I agree with you there, but he is a romantic I think and can't seem to help himself.

Amanda C- Welcome to our little Refugio group. What was your first telenovela? I like this one cause it is focusing on romance, has some comedy and a couple or three bad people. It is even story telling so far. I really like that.

And I have to say, I heart Hanna and Melissa, they really seem to have Gala's number, along with Pato. I don't think Pato likes her much.

AmandaC- when Rod and Pato first went to Het Het(Chihuahua), they saw some girls in a jeep and they were both flirting with them. Pato took a shine to Luci right away. In the beginning Luci and Ariche were waiting by the side of the road to get help, cause Luci's Dad Galindo's tractor wasn't working, and Pato was the one that got Hot Rod to turn the jeep around so he could ask what she needed. I think Pato really liked her from the beginning. It took Hot Rod a while cause he actually never looked at her at first. Not till the second time did he look at her, and he was smitten with her too.

Can I just say I LUUUUUUVVV Pato in this one? and yes, Anita, he also reminds me so much of his dad..
Harry Geithner's character here (Rod's buddy at work, is his name Oscar?) is also great... i remember his first role that i saw as a psychologist appearing in about a couple eps in Cafe con Aroma de Mujer.. curly dark hair, but that voice is unmistakeable.
I too like Jessica Coch in these roles, even though it is becoming a cookie cutter, i hope she gets some kind of depth and development, like Roberta in CME.

LOVE LOVE every time Luciana says 'MOO-SHA-SHON'... i can't help it, i giggle...

thank you madelaine, it must not be easy recapping two hours at a time...

I also agree that Pato and Luci, and even HotRod and Luci have way way more chemistry on screen than HotRod and Gala...
Give me Pato any day!... my 2nd choice behind MI GAEL from Abismo.

and yes, the bright blue dress and the hair braided around her head togehter made a MUCH BETTER look than the loose hair and fushia pink dress of the first outfit.
That is the blue dress Hanna had liked at the bazaar (charity resale that was the first event the company had organized for the celebration). Lovely dress indeed. And made Luci with the fair skin and black hair look even better... sort of a snow white look.

and yes that whole 'key card' scene of Aristides at the hotel was hysterical indeed... and he was waiting on a purser/bellboy to carry his bags... lol!!

so far i am finding this novela a very typical cynderella story mixed with 'El Privilegio de Amar' subplots, but somehow with Brandon Peniche and Zuria Vega in it, i like them on screen enough to watch as often as i can.

Martaivett-thank you for your great comments. The character Oscar is indeed Harry Geithner. The first novela I ever saw him in was La Verdad Oculta where he played Commandante Faidella. He was really great in that, and liking him alot in this one. Didn't like him Dinero where he played such a smarmy guy. Thank you about the blue dress. I thought it looked almost the same as the one Hanna was looking at.

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Madelaine, your recap is funny and witty and apt.
Love your descriptions of the characters.
I just started watching this one, and I have to say I really like it, all the typical story lines. Yes, Urban, I was thinking that Luci will probably have to marry that old coot and Rod will probably have to marry Gala...but this story is more lighthearted than LQNPA.
This one is a lot like Eva Luna. I have a rule that I only watch one at a time because I just don't have time, but I think I will have to squeeze this one in.

No way would Luci ever marry Don Aquiles. She's already stood up to him and lost everyting because of it. She has more cajones than Rod does.

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