Monday, June 11, 2012

El Talismán #94 Mon 6/11/12 The Truth Goes Round and Round


People like to talk, and in doing so they tell the truth. It puts less strain on the memory. M. Hercule Poirot

Pedro and El Viral are still going round and round about the Cami married the Beltbuckle problemo. Of course Cameela married Tonio for love says the El Viral and Pedro continues to give the gaseous one the stink eye. Pedro tells El Viral that is so not true. Cameela is in love with me, he says and not with The Beltbuckle, Prince of Darkness.

Manuel and Cameela are still talking at the wedding. He tells her it is very important to tell him, anything she knows about Mariana being at Altrash. She doesn't know anything she swears. She keeps looking over her shoulder to see what the Prince of Darkness is doing. Manuel is begging her to please help him. The Prince of Darkness must have some mind antenna or ESP cause he senses something is up, so he comes over to see what Manuel and Cameela are talking about! Cameela says she is just offering her congrats to Manuel and The Prince of Darkness says he came over cause he wants to get to know his bride's family better, (Yeah right sure, sure).

El Viral is giving her best lying, wheedling and ingratiating voice and tells Pedro, Cami, certainly does NOT love you. Oh, the horror of the lie, really, jus' sayin'. She says there is no chantaje. He wants to know if it is because of something the Virus did. Who, me, oh noes it wasn't because of me, it isn't my fault, notice something funny??? Her nose is growing by the second and the headband is getting tighter by the second too. Somebody call the hazmat team, there will be a gas leak soon, jus' sayin'.

Camella and The Prince of Darkness are standing alone now and she wants to talk to her brother. The Prince of Darkness is keeping her on a tight leash.

Not even 3 feet from them, is Army, Angel and Flor. They are talking about, are you ready??? Cameela is preggers!!!! They want to know where she got this info. She says she knows, cause it is well know all over Altrash, but she was told not to say anything, whoopsie!!!!!

Doris and Brigette having a little meeting at the Only Ho House in Fresno. Doris tells Brigette that the Piggy One is very sick, but she could care less about it. She just wants Altrash.

Rita, Rennie and Jaime are having a little down time together. Jaime says we should go to Florida, guffaw!!! (Aren't we really in Miami, jus' sayin'). They have lots of women there, with money, that are so willing and able to be scammed. They even have pics and everything, (Wonder if Rita did the research???). Jaime's cell phone goes off and it is Panchito on the other end. It is urgent for Jaime to come to Altrash the Pig is ailing.

El Viral is really getting desperate now, (Note to the Virus: The hazmat team is on the way, just in case you blow, jus' sayin'). She tells him to vete mi casa (since when is this YOUR casa), anyhoo, Pedro is so NOT leaving until he gets the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the TRUTH from the Virus. Pedro says Tell Me! El Viral tells him she can't tell him. Pedro says this is your daughter we are talking about, rememba her, do you? (Note to Pedro: she could care less, show her that money again.). He tells her again, Tell Me! She says, finally, without blowing, thank Dios for that, it is her fault.

Doris wants to know where this new Doctorocito came from, all of a sudden. Is he a client of Brigettes? She says no, but Lucas knows him.

El Viral is spilling all the frijoles to Pedro now. She tells him Tonio convinced her to buy the poison and she will be accused of trying to kill the Pig, but it is really the Prince of Darkness that is doing the deed. So Pedro says oh, so that was the chantaje, sending your lappy ass to jail???

We are back at the wedding and Cameela is thinking about the wedding interruptus with Pedro and she is crying. The Prince of Darkness wants to know why she is crying. She says she is thinking of her lovely aunt.

Manuel and Maria are seated and there is a judge and they are acceptoing each other and now they are married. Big Hug. Cameela is so happy for them.

Jaime has made it to Altrash and the Pig is in his sty. Jaime tells him once again that what he is feeling is the side effects of these new pills. Pig is done with that already, and tells him he doesn't beleive him anymore. Pig tells him he has been taking this med in one form or another for years, and it has never done this to him, evva. Now he tells Jaime to , wait for it, LARGATE Mi Rancho. The whole time Jaime talked to the Pig, whatever strength the Pig had, he used for a headlock on Jaime. He physically throws Jaime out of his sty. Panchito is right outside the sty and wants to know what the heck is going on? Jaime tells him to get another doc, he is so done with the Pig. Panchito goes into the Pig's sty and Panchito wants to know what is up, Papa Pig? The Pig can barely wallow. He tells Panchito he wants another Doctorocito and to tell NOONE, especially The Prince of Darkness.

Back at the wedding, The Prince of Darkness is talking to his lovely daughter Flor, the one with the avacadoes, jus' sayin'. He wants her to get along with Cameela. Flor tells her Papa Darkness she will try, oh so hard, to be a good little girl, she doesn't want to cause any problems and she will be nice to Cameela.

We are back to Pedro and El Viral. Now she is in her pleading mode, begging and pleading for Pedro not to runtelldat, to the cops. She so doesn't want to end up in the carcel. She says the Prince of Darkness may still put her there, if he finds out she confessed to Pedro. She says Cami will never forgive her for telling Pedro, and she'll be mad at her. (Say What??? Cameela would really love to wash you right out of her hair, jus' sayin'). By the Way, Pedro did NOT give her the dinero.

Manuel tells Maria she doesn't have to go back to her place. Maria says she needs to go, cause she doesn't really have anything at his place. He thinks that's alright, wink, wink.

Sarita and Lucrazy are coming down the stairs at El Tal. (Note to Sarita: You blew it girl, shoulda stuck your foot out and said , whoopsie, ah well). Sarita is telling her to get lost, she can't stand the thought of Lucrazy living at El Tal. Lucrazy is starting to answer when Pedro comes in and wants to know what is going on?? And of course she greets him with Hola, Mi Amor, Pedro es Mio, not the Pedro es mio part, but you get the idea. He wants to get her a spot of tea, she says she's good, but he goes to the kitchen anyways. He also said something about something being important, her Papa Pig and fiasco. Someone please fill in.

Maria and Cami have some alone time, and Maria wants to know how Camella is doing? Is the Prince of Darkness bothering her much? (Note to Maria: You can tell by her face, she hates him, jus' sayin'), Cameela says nah, I'm so with him. That's Cameela's story and she is stickin' with it. Maria tells Cameela she knows very well this is all the Virus' fault, and Cameela tells her never to tell a soul.

Lulu and Pedro have come to Altrash. Lucrazy has come to see her Papa Pig in his Pig Sty and Pedro is forbidden to come with. So he stays out in the living room and here comes, Tracy. He asks Tracy about why Cameela married the Prince of Darkness, Tracy tells him, her lips are sealed she can't tell. Swore to Cameela she would never tell. Pedro says it involves chantaje, doesn't it? She will not say. She says it is very peligroso and if she tells Cameela will pay a terrible price. Pedro wants to know what terrible price will Cameela have to pay. Tracy tells him very well. He follows her out of the room. Pedro is following Tracy when he is intercepted by Panchito of all people. He asks Pedro, Que Haces Aqui? He asks Panchito how he is? Panchito is very watchful of our Pedro. Panchito wants to know what he is doing in the hallway? Pedro is fast on his feet, and tells Panchito he was looking for Lucrazy. Panchito tells him you don't belong in this hallway, cause A). You could overhear something, B). There might be a killing you wouldn't want to be a witness to, or C). Doris might be doing the hootchie kootchie dance and you really wanna, oopsy, I meant you really DON'T wanna be seeing that. Panchito tells him he really shouldn't be wandering the hallways and leads him back to the living room. He asks Pedro to sit. Pedro starts asking little Panchito about Mariana. Panchito wants to know why Pedro wants to know? Pedro is really good at this I have to say here, Panchito is sweating. (Note to Pedro: Go to El Capitan and tell him you'll go to the Police Academy, but your speciality will be as a closer, jus' sayin. There's a woman named Brenda Lee Johnson that can teach you some technique, doncha know). Pedro asks Panchito if he is nervous. Panchito has the deer in the headlights " luke". Panchito wants to know why Pedro wants to know about Marina. Cause she was murdered, that's why, and if you know anything, anything at all you need to call the cops, right away, capiche. It would releive your conscience, in other words confession is good for the soul. Pedro also lets Panchito know that he knows that the Pig is Panchito's papa. Pedro says he has known for awhile,and reminds him to call the cops if he knows anything. He tells Panchito he won't tell anyone that the Pig is his Papa. He thanks Panchito and goes.

Meanwhile, speak of the devil's associate, Val is in El Capitan's office, being grilled about Mariana. El Capitan wants to know, what did you know and when did you know it, not really but he is making Val sweat bullet, er blood, er you get the pic. Anyhoo, Val's excuse is, are you really ready for this, ya sure, he was watching TV of all things a telenovela on the night in question. Not a telenovela but TV for sure, dude. El Capitan is being rather kid glovy with ole Val. He wants to know if he knew Mariana was in town. Val knows nothink,nothink I tell you, but is sweating those armpits up.

Manuel and The Prince of Darkness are having a little convo, and Manuel starts right in on the Beltbuckle. Didn't you know Mariana when you were kids? Oh, sure I knew her. Our ranches were right next to each other. So then Papa Pig knew her too, right, right???? Manuel explains to the Prince of Darkness that he is just trying to find out what happened to his Mariana and why she was murdered. The Prince of Darkness, I think, tells Manuel El Capitan was already out to see them, and that his Papa Pig is very sick (yeah in more ways than one.).

Papa Pig is in his pig sty ,in his pen and Lucrazy comes in. Papa Pig tells her to LARGATE. Pig tells her the only thing important to you is that Pedro. She tells him she is here for him. He wants to know why she played dead for so long? He tells Lucrazy she doesn't care nada for him. The Pig tells Lucrazy you put your half of Altrash in The Beltbuckle's hands and he is trying to kill me. He tells Lucrazy she doesn't care if he dies. Lucrazy says she does so care, and he says why did you give your half of Altrash to the Beltbuckle? He isn't even my son, or your brother. She is like say what??? The Pig tells Lucrazy it's the truth or his name isn't Greggorio Negrete (he really said that lol). She tells her Papa Pig to get some rest, and he tells her he is glad she is alive, cause she is truly his daughter, Lucrazy leaves, very verklempt. She meets Pedro in the living room and he asks how she is. She gives him a big ole hug.

Brigette and Doris are still talking and Doris thanks Brigette very much for telling her that Lucas knows "Doc" Jaime. Now Doris is on a mission to find out if the Prince of Darkness hired "Doc" Jaime to fiddle with the Pig's pills.

Jaime, Rita, and Rennie are together again, and Rennie is reminding Jaime that unless he finished the job for the Prince of Darkness he won't be getting any dinero out of him. Jaime wants to leave, like yesterday, he's done, he's had it, he's gone. He says he gottsta go, the Pig is dying in his sty and he is loco to boot. Jaime really wants to go. There are a whole lot of reasons why, and the sooner he gets to Florida, the better. He says someone is gonna call the police. He says those pills he gave the Pig are truly bad. Rennie is like wait a minute, the Beltbuckle is really trying to kill his Papa Pig? Jaime is like oh, yeah, didn't I mention that, gotta go. I smell some chantaje here from Rennie.

El Viral is still desperate. She is now calling Cameela's cell phone and can't reach her. She is wayyyy out of sorts. What if Pedro ratfinks me out, I'll go to la carcel (Just where you belong, better yet, how about the mental ward of la carcel).

Manuel, Maria, Cameela and El Beltbuckle are now together and he asks Cameela if she is ok. El Beltbuckle wants to make an announcement. Cameela says whatever you want dear, while she rolls her eyes. El Beltbuckle is about to make an announcement, gets everyone's attention, when he is thawrted by the door bell. Manuel goes to answer, and it is, really wait for this one, are you ready, ya sure, ok, it is El Viral of all people. She wants Cameela cause it is a big tragedy about to happen and she needs to see her alone, por favor. Manuela and Maria are pretty pithed off and want to know what El Viral is doing here. How dare she interrupt. Cameela leads her out of the room and they go to another room, and Cameela wants to know why she was interrupting. She tells Cameela Pedro knows it all, about her marrying the Beltbuckle because of chantaje. Maria has stepped into the room too. She begs Cameela to tell Pedro not to tell, or she is afraid Pedro will spill the frijoles. They want to know why the Virus thinks Pedro will spill the fijoles, because he knows about the chantaje that's why. Maria advices El Viral to go to the cops herself and lay it all out for them. oh perish the thought. El Viral calls Maria crazy, as if. Maria reminds the Virus she is a married woman now and is in love with Manuel so take that, ya bloody bird. They don't think Pedro will spill the frijoles.

Angel, Army and Flor are still in their little gang of three, and Army says his Virus of a Mama has GOT TO GO. His Virus mama just wants ATTENTION doncha know. Flor rolls her eyes.

Lucrazy and Pedro are back at El Tal. She doesn't want to be alone and is squeezing poor Pedro. He says he is going to the kitchen and will be right back. Pedro goes in the kitchen and tells Margo and Domitilla that Lucrazy is stayin' but not to worry he is fooling her until he can get some answers. They don't get it and so are not down with that.

Meanwhile Manuel and the Beltbuckle are talking and the Beltbuckle is telling Manuel that the Virus is very theatrical (ya think) and Manuel tells him she's just jealous cause I married her sister.

The Beltbuckle comes to join the ladies and they tell him it is all about the Rennie apartment excuse and she just needed some advice. (Oh, that will really go over, and this is a tragedy???). The Beltbuckle congrats Maria for her marriage to Manuel and says he and Cameela gotta be goin'. They go, and Maria and Manuel tell ole Virus she gotta go, cause she ain't welcome anymore.

Cameela, The Beltbuckle and Flor have come back to Altrash. Flor tells Cameela nighty night and is very nice to her. Cameela is nice back. Cami is on her way to bed, but the Beltbuckle wants a little kissy poo for his dreams. Cami says oh sure whaevva ya wants, she comes close to his lush lips and goes sideways and pecks his cheek. She goes to bed, he doesn't look happy, not enough for his dreams, lol. Anyhoo, his cell phone rings and it is Lucrazy. Lucrazy wants to know if he is still trying to kill Papa Pig? The Beltbuckle tells her not to interfere. About this time, Pedro has come back into the living room of El Tal and overhears what Lucrazy just said to the Beltbuckle. Pedro says oh, so now The Beltbuckle, Prince of Darkness is trying to kill your Papa? Lucrazy is like what, what, oh noes he isn't. Pedro, the closer, wants to know if that is the truth? No, No honey, honestly you misheard. He argues with her and she is Mi Amoring him to death. Pedro wants the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of The Beltbuckle trying to kill their Papa. Pedro says he won't go to the cops, but wants the truth.

Get this, you will not beleive this in a million years, but Val is in his office, praying, yes that's right, praying to Dios that noone, especially the cops find out he was an accomplice to Mariana's murder. The Beltbuckle comes in and asks Val if he ever told the Pig about those pills. Val says of course not and not to worry. The Beltbuckle is scared that if the Pig has his blood analyzed or those pills that will tell the pills were poisoned. The Beltbuckle says the problem is you know all about them. That's another reason.

Cami is in bed sleeping when she is woken up by, no,no, not the Beltbuckle, but by Tracy. Basically the convo was about Pedro knowing some of the truth, but not all. Tracy tells her that Pedro wants her help. Cameela tells her not to tell or it will be a fiasco. Cameela tells Tracy she will find a way out of Altrash sooner rather than later, (ya only got four more days, jus' sayin').

Pedro and Margo are talking and he says he has to confirm thru Lucrazy that the Beltbuckle blackmailed the Virus into getting Cameela to marry him. Pedro also tells Margo that the Beltbuckle is try to kill is not Papa Pig.

Angel,Army and Virus are now together in the soon to be Angel's apartment, and Virus tells the boys that Pedro now knows the truth. The boys tell her that Pedro is so in love with Cameela and she has never, evva loved the Beltbuckle. Virus, it's all about her, doncha know, is just so sure Pedro is running to tell the cops as they speak. Angel tells the Virus basically, You did the crime now do the time (Really he did. Love the avacadoes on this young man). Army heartly agrees with him. The Virus is not amused.


This epi was funny with Rita and Rennie and Jaime, Florida really that made me laugh. Also this truth going round and round like chisme almost. Some of the truth not all is all out there. I am waiting for Pedro to find out Cami is having the Pedro bun in the oven. I thought that would happen today.

When Val was praying, may Dios forgive me, I was laughing. It was too ironic, jus' sayin'

The Pig is fading fast. I wonder if he will make it to the end of this TN. If they have a funeral for him, I'll be pithed.

I have to say, Pedro's avacadoes are growing with each passing epi. He may not be all macho man, but he is working behind the scenes to get to the truth.

Aha! I was watching M. Poirot while waiting for you to post. I thought it most appropriate.

OMG I almost fell of my chair when Jaime, Ren and Rite said they wanted to go to Florida. So like, step outside the door, right? Must have been an inside joke.

Favorite quote: "Cameela would really love to wash you right out of her hair, jus' sayin'", wheeee South Pacific! Way to go Madelaine.

In that kitchen scene, Pedro told Lulu it is important that she should visit dad since she really cares about him. (Just a ruse for Pedro to snoop at El Trash.)

I for one was thrilled that El Viral interrupted crazy Tony's announcement. Ha, I love seeing him thwarted.

"Val is in his office, praying, yes that's right, praying"...doesn't look good for Val, does it? I think he's toast.

Thanks Madelaine. I adore your recaps and your M. Poirot quotes are always the bomb.

Ah, just read your comment. Pedro is really grasping at those avocados, better late than never I say.

Will El Pig make it to the end? I'm guessing yes, only because it's in his contract. I would be very happy to see him kick off tomorrow.

Cap'n Thank you for the great comment. Which Poirot was it you saw? My favorite ones are the "Five Little Pigs" and "The Yellow Iris". My favorite Poirot is David Suchet the great English actor. I swear from the description in the books, he is it.

Thanks for what I missed. Florida made me laugh too. I couldn't help the South Pacific quote, I watched the Tony's Sunday night and the quote for Cameela was so apropos.

I did miss one other scene with the Pig in bed, he is sweating like crazy and Doris is sitting on the bed, and he said something about he wants to go to the hospital and not to tell anyone, I think. She thought bubbled something I didn't get.


BRENDA LEE JOHNSON, indeed. What an excellent reference, wonderful recap.

So finally but finally PEDRO is what we thought he should have been since day one. Wow, what a joy to see.

But I still have no idea how this is going to end.

Pig told Doris that she has to take him to the doctor tomorrow and that he will be the one to select the doctor and of course that noone is to know. I think she said to herself "so he is being poisioned"

Madelaine--Great work. I couldn't have done it. There were just too many conversations and scene changes.

The Rennie-Rita-Jaime discussion went on and on because Rennie wants to stay around and get paid the full freight from Antonio. Jaime doesn't think Antonio will pay him, since the doses he gave him were so powerful the pig might die. He was only supposed to paralyze him to death. Jaime doesn't want to wait around to see the end and would rather lose the money than end up in jail for attempted murder..or something like that. That's why he wants to pick up his marbles and head for FL tout de suite. I couldn't tell by the scene's end if Rennie is going to let him go or no.

Madelaine, I was watching "The Underdog" episode of Poirot. Not one of my favorites but still very enjoyable. One of our local public TV stations plays a Poirot episode nearly every Friday night so I am pretty lucky. I agree that David Suchet captures the essence of Poirot perfectly. I think my favorite Poirot movie is Murder On The Orient Express starring Albert Finney. He also did a great job portraying Poirot.

Anita, I couldn't tell what Rennie finally wanted to do either. I think if Elvira shows up with a case full of money then our three swindling stooges might make a run for Florida.

Thanks Madelaine for this complete, detailed, and very funny recap.

So I guess that Elvira got to keep the money. Even with her fingerprints on that flask she should be OK. Jaime has moved on to a different poison... her fingerprints are on a flask of rat poison... so?

The one thing I want out of this... the Negrete family tree.


Thank you all for your great comments.

Nellie, I was hoping someone would recognize Brenda Lee Johnson's name, lol. She is the Closer, hands down. Love that show too. Thank you for adding what I missed about the Pig and Doris. She has it all figured out, I swear she has a great brain.

Cap'n agree with you about the suitcase of money and the three amigos, they will all skeedaddle to Florida, as Anit said, toute de suite.

Anita-that convo did go on and on with the three of them. Out of all of them, Rennie is the ultimate grifter I think. Anyway to scam some money he will go. Rita and Jaime have a lot more sense. Cut their losses and go.

Carlos, thank you and I agree with you about the Virus. This is a whole new poison in the Pig's system now, not the one the Virus provided for the Beltbuckle. I too want to know who's your real daddy or mommy whatever the case might be. lol.

Thanks Madelaine! Our fin semana. You have us going out on a high note, though, with your "notice something funny? Her nose is growing"and "acceptoing". Way cute.

Did or did not Elvira get the money? I missed that part.

Val praying - the nerve!
Moving to Florida - excellent! Sylvia, I agree it must be an inside joke, like Roberta hollering "estupida" from the top of the stairs. Wouldn't those rich Florida widows think Rennie is adorable? Smart business plan for him.

Thanks again.

Rosemary la Otra

I never saw the money go from Pedro's to the Virus' hands. I don't think Pedro gave it to her. If she starts spending money on headbands today, we'll know lol. Also the way she went to Cameela, right away after this meeting with Pedro, I think he didn't give it to her. If he had, I think she would have blown town. I think she really wants out of there.

Rosemary la Otra and thank you for the great comment. I am trying to snark this up as much as I can. This is our last week with the "hot mess" and we ALL can't wait to see how this ends.

Right, good points, I don't think Pedro gave her the money. He probably wants to confirm with Camila first. That would be sensible, however Piedro has not yet demonstrated much common sense, only a teensy bit and just recently.

Oh, RlaO That estupida remark reminded me to tell you about the Gala character, over there at Refugio, which I also recap. Jessica Coch is playing her and guess what her favorite word is??? Any guesses??? Right, estupida and idiota, every other word, I swear. She is evil in that one too.

Oh, and OT- I took a look at upcoming TN'S and there is one I am really looking forward too. It is called Amores Verdaderos. It stars Eduardo Yanez (my fav galan) and are you ready for this one??? Michelle Rodriguez of "Lost" fame. I guess she decided to do a Tn. This one should be good.

Madelaine, where do you go to look at upcoming TNs?

Blue Lass, I emailed you about where I go.

RLO--And so many more rich widows in FL than in Fresno. Why didn't he and Rita think of that first?

Yep, we're on a downhill slide all the way to the end.

About the attache case full of dinero; Pedro did say, no strings attached and he seems to have returned to El Tal without it. OTOH, once Elvira got her hands on that much cash, she wouldn't just have left it casually in the apartment. She didn't have it chained to her wrist when she, arrived at the reception. I think she went to Manuel's apartment to see what she was missing (nah, I know it was Camila not answering her phone that propelled her).


Thanks for this thorough recap, and funny, to boot.

I love M. Poirot like he is my own...Uncle. I love your Poirot quotes. I don't get the Florida jokes. I probably haven't been watching enough 'Tal.

I'm with you and Carlos, Madelaine, I want to see the Negrete heraldry laid out fair and square, complete with the unbiased, unswitched, untampered-with DNA results to prove just who-belongs to whom. Here is to some creative genetic engineering by Friday:
I still vote for Bridgitte being Antonio's mom with who knows who as the Dad,
Lucrazy belonging to the Pig and Sra. Pig,

Perhaps Pedro the Orphan is Lucrazy's long lost brother left to rot in a Tijuana orphanage for some dread reason;

Wait! Maybe Antonio was switched for Pedro. That is the IRONY of why the writers keep having Antonio call Pedro the 'Indio" when it makes no sense with his physical appearance.

Panchito is the Pig's true spawn.

What do you guys think?

Thanks again Madelaine. You have done a great job with this show.


EJ, that would be a GREAT plot twist if Pedro ended up being a piglet while Tony is not. I love your deviousness.

The Florida joke is that this telenovela is supposed to take place in Fresno but is really filmed in Florida.

Madelaine really? Jessica loved saying Estupida in CME, it was a huge joke. She does it so well.

And if Pedro & Lu end up being sibs, that might explain why they never made it into the sack...

"Sarita and Lucrazy are coming down the stairs at El Tal."?

And how tantalizing that staircase is. Is it possible that we will make through this with no one taking a tumble? If not, then who?


Elvira always leaps before she looks, so maybe Elvira is the one to take the tumble.

I'm looking forward to Por Ella Soy Eva. I might have to start watching YET ANOTHER telenovela. I just love Jaime Camil.

Oh, right, El Tal is still on...if we don't get some major parentage shakeups/confirmed info in the last few episodes, I will be mightily disappointed. I, too, have found it odd that Antonio's slur of choice for Pedro is "indio" considering Ant looks so much more indio than Pedro.

Elvira is an idiot. Her fingerprints on the bottle don't prove anything. All she has to say is that Antonio handed her the bottle once for some reason, then took it back.

Once again, Flor cracked me up, when the guys were asking if it wasn't too soon for Camila to be knocked up by Antonio, and how could that be possible, and Flor said, "I don't want to know ANYTHING about it!" Good philosophy, Flor.

That's funny about J. Coch and her "estupida". She is a fun one to hate, and a fun one to root for to turn good. She has this dazzling smile that you just want to be sincere on occasion.

I have decided I only have time in my life for one TN, so I won't be starting a new one until Abismo ends. Unless Amor Bravio starts before then.

Funny, I like most of the El Tal characters and will miss them.

Julia - remind me who Jaime Camila is. I recognize the name.

I think I will just have to keep jumping around from TN to TN, depending on length and time of day. The way they keep changing them, I don't know what else to do.

Not Camila. Autocorrect. Camil.

Jaime Camil = Fernando in La Fea Más Bella, Santiago in Tontas. Very funny dude.

I am loving Amorcito Corazón, but if they really make it two hours a day as rumor has it, I will be peeved. I'm hoping that's temporary, at most. What is wrong with Univision? (Yes, I realize that is an oildrum of worms like unto "what is wrong with El Viral?)

I agree with the point you made over on the Amorcito thread, Julia -- that if we had 10 hours a week to watch a new telenovela, we wouldn't have the money to buy any of the advertised products. SO WHAT'S THE POINT?

EJ thanks for your lovely comment. The way your deviousness works would make M. Poiror proud! There is a phrase of his I will use at the end, but there is another he used that specifically referred to the criminal mind I want to use. Maybe when I do Wednesday's recap. I too like the idea of Pedro and Ant being switched at birth, that actually makes sense.

Cap'n yes she is postively spewing the esptupidas as much as the Virus yells Mi Cheque constantly. I don't think this Gala character can be redeemed, she is one mean one and vengefull to boot.

Julia thanks for what I missed with Flor, that is too funny. I like how she has way more avacadoes than Fabi ever did.

Carlos it was too funny, the two of them on the stairs. Sarita should have tripped her, but they were arguing and Sarita wasn't really focussing. I wanted the crazy one to take a tumble, TN style lol.

Oh, I meant Poirot, not Poiror, lol.

I am watching today's episode right now and everyone is either mumbling unintelligibly (Santiago), or blabbing a million miles a minute (Antonio). What's going on, are the writers trying to cram two episodes worth of dialogue into each episode?

It wouldn't surprise me; they did the same thing near the end of Eva Luna as well, if memory serves, since they were trying to wrap everything up PDQ (and without knowing what the original episode count was supposed to have been, I suspect something probably got snipped so they could end it at 100).

I guess I'll be sticking with Peinados abominables, er, Corazón apasionado once this ends. I think I'm finally used to Marlene Favela's fugly wig (and they cut it), because it's actually starting to look good to me...

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