Friday, June 15, 2012

Abismo de Pasión #67 6/14/12: People have personality transplants and make numerous annoying house calls. It’s just another day.

Last night we left off with Ramona revealing her huge secrets to...wait for it...a man who already knew and who cannot say a thing about it to anyone else! Ta daaaaa!! Nice going there Ramona. You gonna tell Gabino next?

She also tells Padre that Carmina was pregnant before she married Augusto and she’s going to ask Don A if he was doing the horizontal bop with his sis-in-law prior to marrying Stef. Padre advises against that, who knows what kind of scum will float to the surface if she stirs that pot? Ramona thinks Elisa and Stef’s reputations have suffered too long, it’s time to unlock the chest and let the truth fly out. Padre totally agrees and he, too, has had to keep quiet; he would like to see this business cleared up, but it wouldn’t be worth all the wounds it would open. OK then, she says somewhat sarcastically, so she has to keep her mouth shut. He ominously says that decision is hers, just so she is prepared to deal with the consequences.

Bedraggled Begoña visits Carmina to inspect her decor and give advice about being dumped. She says a separation doesn’t necessarily mean divorce. All relationships go through rough patches and a separation gives a couple time to reflect. Carmina’s jumping out of her skin about now and tries to get Be to leave, but Be pulls Carmina back down on the couch, lol. Be says since Edmundo and Augusto are such good friends shouldn’t they be BFFs too? Carmina gives her biggest fake smile. (Is Fina losing another ally?)

Elisa gripes to Lucio about their contract with La Anita and in so doing reveals to him that it was Alfonsina who loaned her the money. QUE??? Why didn’t she tell him that before? He’s furious to hear the terms. Elisa says so what if Fina ends up with her tierras, they served their purpose if they help her papá. Bah humbug, says Lucio. Furthermore, there’s something else he wants to talk to her about, he heard she and Dam broke up. Is this also part of her contract with Fina? No comment, and Elisa runs off.

Padre ribs Gael about his novia, not Elisa but Paloma. Ha! He saw them last night. They start to dance, no wait, it’s just Padre and Gael doing their body language thingie. Padre’s not criticizing Gael, in fact he was happy to see Gael and Paloma canoodling in the dark. He’s just not sure it’s fair to Paloma if Gael is merely playing around. 

Sabrina finds out Begoña went to visit Carmina and thinks it’s a bit odd. Begoña claims it was just because she thinks they should become good friends like their husbands. Sabrina suspects maybe mom wants to wheedle her way back into dad’s good graces, and won’t this pith off Fina who can’t stand the Castañons? Begoña admits that Dad might be her reason, and Fina can lump it if she doesn’t like it. Heh, just wait until Edmundo finds out his wife is trying to get friendly with his ex-lover.

Lolita reveals to Elisa that Begoña came to visit Carmina, which was weird since Carmina has zero friends. Poor Tia, muses Elisa, no friends and now a separation from papá. Whoa, that’s news to Lolita. Dad is moving out and Elisa’s going with him...and Lolita too. Elisa feels like leaving the house will be burying the last memory of her mamá. Nope, says Lolita, her memory is still in your heart. Awww, the I Love Lolita table is buying a round for the house!

Night has fallen and Elisa moons over her pic of mom and Blanca, she even kisses it. Oh gosh, please don’t start crying. Whew! Saved by Paloma who has come to apologize. (I’m having a deja-vu here.) Paloma spoke with Gael and he confirmed what Elisa told her earlier. “What a shock that you believe him at least,” snips our heroine in a rare moment of sarcasm. Apologies, excuses, and Elisa suggests they not let a misunderstanding ruin their friendship. Pretty gracious if you ask me. 

There is another thing Paloma came to tell Elisa. When she and Gael were talking one thing led to another and...and...Yes, He is my boyfriend! Squeeee! Jumping up and down. Happy happy joy joy. They hug under the swaying anvils.

Paloma is worried. What if Damian finds out? Elisa tells her not to worry, she can blab to the whole world that Gael is her novio. Maybe Paloma should be asking Gael about this little detail instead of Elisa.

Dam feels the static cling when Clingwrap drifts over to the Proce to annoy him. He rebuffs her and she whines she’s only trying to be friendly. He reminds her that she betrayed and lied to him and he doesn’t want to make the same mistake. (Damian, let me insert one of my best bits of advice. Never go back to a job or an ex. There is a reason it ended in the first place. There. I’ve said it. What you do with this excellent advice is up to you.)

Flo clings and coos that she just wants to show Dam that she truly loves him. Poor Enrique walks in just as Dam begrudgingly allows Flo to kiss him. Enrique sadly puts his documents on Dam’s desk while Flo glares at him. Weird trips incorporated, as my girlfriends and I used to say. After Enrique leaves Dam accuses Flo of being rude. “What, I should give him a hug and a kiss?” she asks. Enough of that stupid conversation, Dam and his short cane leave with Flo hovering nearby.

Augusto visits Lucio to ask him a favor. Can Elisa and Lolita live at Casa Lucio? (Oh Em Gee! This has got to be the first good idea EVER to come out of that toothy mouth. Say yes say yes say yes.) Lucio says yes, hooray!! Augusto tells him he’s going to separate from Carmina, he’s moving out from the quinta, and he thinks Elisa and Lolita would be better off with Lucio. Lucio invites Augusto to live with him too. (No no no no no!) Augusto says no (whew!), he wants to be alone. He’s been a bad husband, blah blah blah, his life is a disaster and Elisa has been the victim. He says he’d like to give her the love she deserves but he just can’t. (Pffffft. I’m immune to that sympathetic yet highly annoying violin music. I’d like to swat you like a fly you dunderhead.)

Ingrid visits Kenia to push her idea about Kenia hooking up with Damian. Kenia is annoyed because mom put the kibosh on her deelio* with Assgusto.
*too gross to define

Clingwrap is still clinging and macking all over Damian, this time in front of Guido. Dad wants Flor to explain what is going on. She didn’t tell dad about it before because he was preoccupied with Tio Tightshirt, but she and Dam are back together. Happy hugs. 

Dam finds Fina and rips on her for firing Paolo without letting him know in advance. Furthermore, Gabino had no right to fire Paolo because Dam already fired Gabino. Fina claims she didn’t know Dam had returned to work and it’s not fair to fire Gabino because he had nothing to do with Fina and Dam’s disagreement about Elisa’s tierras. She doesn’t want to argue about a mere employee, she’s rather talk about his feelings for Florencia. Big eyeroll from Dam. Fina wants to talk to Padre Loopy about their wedding. Bigger eyeroll, why the rush?  He and Flo need time to work things out. 

Tonia interrupts, phone call for Dam, another mystery woman. Surprise, it’s Ingrid Navarro. She knows he and Gael are good friends and she’d like to talk to Dam ASAP, like in 20 minutes. Fina gives Dam the botox death glare and demands to know who called. “It wasn’t about Elisa and that’s all you need to know. Don’t hold dinner for me,” he snaps as he defiantly hobbles out.

Assgusto gets home looking for Carmina. Lolita says she’s out, but she’s prepared a yummy meal for them and they have a guest. “Hey there Don Augusto,”  chirps Kenia. Cara impactada de Assgusto, probably because she’s wearing a dress that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. I can even see her belly button through it. He doesn’t like the idea but Kenia begs to stay. She wants to fix the bad feelings between them all. Augusto says those bad feelings have been going on for many years. Elisa suggests maybe Kenia had better go and she runs to grab Kenia’s purse, allowing Assgusto and Kenia to low hiss (thanks Madelaine) at each other. He says they are over! She refuses to accept it. 

Fina summons Chente for his first assignment. Follow Damian and find out where he went and whom he met. Then report back pronto! 

Paloma gets home and asks Ramona if Gael has been by. No, why should he be? Paloma says it's normal for novios to visit novias at home, isn’t it? Que que que?? Come on Gran, complains Paloma, I told you this afternoon but your head was in the clouds. Ramona huffs but doesn’t remember. (Memory anvil?) Ramona asks if Gael told Paloma he loves her. “No, but all in good time. Aren’t you happy that he’s finally paying attention to me? “ Ramona admits that what she feels is terror because she thinks this will cause Paloma great suffering. Paloma calls Gran a wet blanket and stomps out.

Augusto drags Kenia outside and scolds her for coming on to him. She reminds him he’s going to be a free man and they can be together. She’s turning into a Clingwrap too, and he says his breakup wasn’t for her, and if he wanted someone else it wouldn’t be her. She says she’ll go if he promises to come to her later at her house. “Forget it.” She advises him to reconsider because if Carmina discovers her there then Elisa will know about the whole scandal. Aw shucks, he says, since you asked so nicely I guess I’ll see you later.

Fina visits Pathetic Paolo in his messy room. She doesn’t understand what he sees in a woman like Carmina Bouvier. She’s married, poor, and unnaturally orange. He should look for a woman of his own class. Paolo asks does she really think that is something that someone decides? Whatevs, says Fina, she doesn’t like how it’s affecting his brother. Guido is desperate and all he wants to do is leave with Paolo. Paolo is getting the picture, the truth is Fina doesn’t want Guido to leave. He tells Fina not to pretend with him. He doesn’t understand what Guido can offer to her, he knows she just needs a man by her side. SLAP! Its a dainty one but its a direct hit. “I won’t allow you to disrespect me! The only reason I don’t kick you out now is that I don’t want to give your brother another headache!”

Horacio drives Dam to La Fonda to meet Ingrid. Wow, Chente’s little horse must be fast because he’s right there. Dam gets on II’s case about abandoning her job. She says she was very sick but she’s not there to talk about work. She needs his help on another subject, her daughter Kenia is doing badly because she’s madly in love with him. “No puede ser,” he says but then he recalls Kenia telling him he can count on her any time. Ingrid knows he didn’t do anything to lead her on but Kenia is young and impressionable. She just wants Dam to talk to her.

Assgusto tells Elisa that he talked to Lucio about Elisa and Lolita going to live at Casa Lucio. The sleazel, resembling Regan from The Exorcist, creeps over to the door to eavesdrop. Assgusto says he vants to be alone to get his life together. Elisa doesn’t believe he should do it alone, they should stay together. He wonders why, considering he has been such a crap dad and all. Aw, here come those violins again. She says maybe, but he is her papá and she doesn’t want to lose him like she lost her mamá

Pop! goes the sleazel! “You wanna know why dad wants you and Lolita to live with Lucio?  Because he already has another house and woman waiting for him.” Assgusto tells her to callate already. Orangina reveals his mujer is none other than Elisa’s friend Kenia. Assgusto says he made one mistake but he’s not going to repeat it. Then he runs from the room. Way to stick up for yourself dude.

Back at La Fonda Irritating Ingrid (II) is still pleading her case for Kenia. Dam agrees to see her to tell her he doesn’t have corresponding feelings. II says she hopes he’s able to fix his problems with Elisa and Gael. They have been like brothers since they were kids. “Not gonna happen,” he says, “wer’e not friends much less brothers. He betrayed me.” He defiantly hobbles off. The ancient first aid kid hanging askew on the wall cracked me up.

Irritat-Ing calls Kenia to say she just had coffee with Dam, and he is very interested in her. Kenia is livid, II had no right. II says she’s just looking out for Kenia’s interests. Some mutual insults and Kenia hangs up. Kenia says to herself that mom is right, she shouldn’t waste any opportunity. “I hope Assgusto shows up soon.” 

Fina gets all over Flo’s case for not keeping a tighter leash on Damian. A while ago some woman called him and he left. He said it wasn’t Elisa but how can they be sure?

Vicente shows up with the 411. Dam went to La Fonda and he met a woman. He doesn’t know her name but she used to be GABINO MENDOZA’S secretary.

Horacio drops Dam off at Kenia’s and says he’ll be back in half an hour. Ingrid lurks. Dam enters the darkened house. He hears “Yoo hoo, I’m in the bedroom.”

Outside, Ingrid intercepts Elisa who has come to talk to Kenia. II says Kenia is busy so beat it. “My dad wouldn’t dare show up....” assumes Elisa as she pushes her way into the house. She enters Kenia’s bedroom just in time to see Kenia kissing Damian. 

Elisa looks shocked. Damian looks guilty. Kenia sure as hell looks shocked. I look a little confused but am utterly delighted at this mess. 

Avances: Damian was set up! Elisa accuses Dam. Dam sees Paloma kissing Gael and she tells him there never was anything between Elisa and Gael. Will there be a reconciliation?


I didn't get to see the episode last night. I am a little confused. Didn't Lucio already know Fina was the financier? Didn't he talk to Dam about it on Wednesday's episode?

Back to reading....

They hug under the swaying anvils.
ji ji

Other great lines:
--to ugly to define deelio

Your advice to Dam is spot on. I doubt he's gonna listen.

And I am putting away my I heart Kenia shirt for now. QTH? was that last night? (I did see the last 5-sh minutes) So she was at Assgu's house begging to be with him, but 30 seconds after Dam's arrival she's smooching him? Like you I'm confused, but what a delightful mess.

Paloma, dear, truly thou art pathetic.

"I look a little confused but am utterly delighted at this mess."

This sums up my feelings perfectly Sylvia. And I loved the whole recap that came before it.

OK, Kenia may be a bit out of control right now, but that girl always stirs things up and propels things forward. Can't wait to see the fall out from this. Before anything is cleared up, I want Flor and Alfie to hear about Damian smooching Kenia in the dark. Maybe that will distract them from Elisa for a while.

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The light was off. I assume Kenia thought she was smooching Assgusto. Then Elisa turned the light on. Thats why Kenia looked surprised. As for Dam........?

Thanks Sylvia for the fun recap!

Great work. Swaying anvils, indeed!

Considering recent events I suspect this novela has lost a lot of male viewers, boobage notwithstanding. Except for Ramona and Lolita, all the women are either clueless or evil.

I started chuckling as I read the title and smiled throughout. This was great Sylvia.

"what kind of scum will float to the surface if she stirs that pot?"; "Never go back to a job or an ex. There is a reason it ended in the first place" (amen) and "botox death glare" were great. However, my favorite was: " The sleazel, resembling Regan from The Exorcist" was perfect. You nailed it!

I can't really be mad at Kenia. I believe years of verbal abuse, neglect and indifference suffered at Ingrid's hands have definitely left scars. Although Augusto's initial interest was inappropriate (at the least), she may be desperate for affection. Any affection (hence her ill-fated dalliance with Paolo).

Not sure if I should even ask what else can go wrong for Dam and Elisa. I'm afraid of the answer.

Because Ramona has grave misgivings about Pal and Gael, I do too. Not looking forward to those anvils dropping.

Thanks again Sylvia.

Happy Friday all.


Good morning Sylvia. I always jot down my favorite lines before I go to comment, and no surprise, mi amiga Diana has already mentioned most of them. Still, they bear repeating:

"Who knows what kind of scum will float to the surface if she stirs that pot" (I say scoop up that scum right now and start cleaning up the water)

"they hug under swaying anvils" (what a word picture!)

"botox death glare" (again, great picture in just a few words"

and, my favorite...

"She's married, poor and unnaturally orange"

So many plot contrivances in this don't make sense. I really can't believe that Paolo would be in a major depression over Carmina.

Nor can I believe that Kenia would be so desperate to seduce that unattractive cretin Augusto.

And dang! I hate Ramona's intuition that the Gael-Paloma romance is doomed. They are so darn cute together. Make it work, writers! Puh-leeze.

Sylvia, this was great fun. Fridays are my favorite because I have time to watch the night before and read the recap early. Always a treat. And it's an absolutely glorious day in central Ohio. Who could ask for more? Okay, yes...WORLD PEACE! But other than that, today is perfect. And so was your recap.

Oh...and I thought Kenia was deliberately smooching Damian in the hopes that Augusto would arrive and be jealous. Did anyone else get that impression?

I really thought Kenia thought it was Assgusto in her house, which is why she told him "I'm back here". Damián didn't say anything did he? I assume Kenia pounced on him as soon as he stepped into the darkened bedroom.

Blogger being unfriendly this morning--TGIF!. Anyway, wonderful Sylvia. Your title says it all, just another day in this mess. Alliances shifting, relationships all over the place, and noone seems happy (except Paloma who is firmly ensconced right now in LaLa land.)

Judy, I also thought maybe Kenia was more surprised that Elisa was standing there than that it was Dam she was smooching. Boy, that girl has some 'splaining to do. How she gets out of this may decide how I feel about her. On the fence right now: she may have had a lousy childhood, but she has the choice to move away from that.

How fun is it to see Creamsicle now suffering the consequences of sidling up the Begonia? Yep, you now have a new BFF whether you like it or not sweetie.

Kudos to the actor, sorry my brain just died on his name, playing Paolo. He is playing a man on the verge and desperate superbly. ( Why is another issue-but we have to go with the plot). On the opposite end of the spectrum, I really am so sick of II. Isabella is so one note--this is the same way she played Pathetic Paloma in Teresa. At least there we got a truck to relieve our pain with her character.

Padre,Padre,Padre--please Ramona, go with you intuition. He's just prolonging the TN.

And my Gael...he looked positively sick last night, bless his heart. I don't see this Pal relationship lasting much longer. How they would ever make it work plot wise with these two would require more than one beanie for me. And when he finds out about Kenia -- do they sell Valium in La Ermita. He may need some.

Awesome recap, Sylvia... awesome. I enjoyed every word even though I'm detecting a pervasive media bias toward our client.

I think that we here at the Augusto Reclamation Project can hold our heads high after Augusto's brave resistance to the relentless insistence of that persistent little minx last night.


"The light was off. I assume Kenia thought she was smooching Assgusto."

So do I, but wouldn't one think that Kenia would be able to distinguish between the flavor of beefcake and the taste of catfood?



"Padre,Padre,Padre--please Ramona, go with you intuition. He's just prolonging the TN."

My thought exactly... I calculate by at least another sixteen episodes.


another star recap...
Happy happy joy joy. They hug under the swaying anvils.

Cara impactada de Assgusto, probably because she’s wearing a dress that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Ramona huffs but doesn’t remember. (Memory anvil?)

"She's married, poor and unnaturally orange"

Aw shucks, he says, since you asked so nicely I guess I’ll see you later.

The ancient first aid kid hanging askew on the wall cracked me up.

Elisa looks shocked. Damian looks guilty. Kenia sure as hell looks shocked. I look a little confused but am utterly delighted at this mess.
DITTO!! I liked that last few seconds! Didn’t get much of it but I liked it!!
Like Vivi, I Can't wait to see the fall out from this. ;)
My guess is the bedroom was dark and Kenya thought it was Augie.

I didn't get to see the episode last night. I am a little confused. Didn't Lucio already know Fina was the financier? Didn't he talk to Dam about it on Wednesday's episode?
Yes, what Elisa told him last night that he didn’t know was that pretty much no matter how productive the greenhouse is this first year, Fina is charging her high interests so Elisa has pretty much given up on being able to hold on to the greenhouse at all.

LOVED your advice for Dam! Spot on indeed! both for exes and jobs. I have to remember the part about jobs.

And dang! I hate Ramona's intuition that the Gael-Paloma romance is doomed. They are so darn cute together. Make it work, writers! Puh-leeze.
I would not say she is against the Gael-Paloma romance, it is just not as a definite happy ending as Elisa/Dam (well…) so she does not want her granddaughter to suffer if it just doesn’t work out…
Btw, central OH, cinn or Cleveland? I have a great friend in Cleveland and whenever I run into some money I plan to take a trip north… after my move to FL is done deal.

I too thought Gael looked like he was getting sick last night, but then again he is listening to the voice of his conscience (Loopy is just the messenger)… and he knows what he is doing might hurt Pal very much in the end, and even himself and others.

Carlos… beefcake and catfood….. hmmm… I will take beefcake thank you very much, but plump lips is even better.

Thanks for the clarification, Marta!

I will have to rewatch the Kenia/Dam/Elisa scene. Now that it's been pointed out, it makes perfect sense that Kenia thought she was kissing Cat Food.

Sylvia - Thanks for the great recap. Too many lines in it to quote as my favorites, so I will "ditto" the ones listed by other people here already. But my absolute fave is --- " I look a little confused but am utterly delighted at this mess. " ROFLOL

I rest my case, re: Kenia after Augusto as a lover and *not* in a father/daughter way. That girl is one sick puppy. I wonder how she will meet her end . . . ?

Never occurred to me that Kenia thought she was kissing Augusto instead of Dam. But when Ingrid called Kenia (after I's meeting with D), did she say Damian was coming over? I've erased my recording already . . .


believe it or not i will sneak out of work to watch the finale of ElTal... how is it wrapping up so far?
have to go to the hotel to pay next week anyway by noon so have the perfect excuse.

is it really going to be 2 hrs? dang!

Does anyone know what its like to wake up with a headache, three babies crowding Mama out of the bed, and a to do list the size of the Empire State building, only to sit down to a perfect cup of coffee and an absolutely divine recap?? Turns the whole day around, I tell ya!!!

I do feel that this thing is starting to heat up. The right people are bound to start finding out/putting things together.

I look forward to Alfie discovering the friendship between Carmina and Begonia.

Paloma kvetched her way into Gael's arms. If it weren't for Ramona's forboding and woe I would be rooting 100% for them to be happy together.

Other things I wish would just come out already because I can't stand it anymore:
*The DNA faking thing "proving" Elisa isn't Assbusto's daughter (Did The Orange Witch dispose of the original test results before/after forging the others? I'm totally drawing a blank here on that situation and can't remember what went down)

*The allegations that she is probably Roscendo's daughter (If I thought there was a chance my daughter was kissing/contemplating marriage/planning an elopement with a possible halfbrother, I'd put a stop to it ASAP. Siblings kissing is just as gross as Kenia smooching up on The Big Ass.

*The proven fact that those two hunks of a hot mess are indeed brothers.

I really hope this doesn't drag on like this and then have the writers shove everything in to the last four episodes. That's just going to be a big, bloody anvil massacre.

Oh em gee:
"So do I, but wouldn't one think that Kenia would be able to distinguish between the flavor of beefcake and the taste of catfood?"

Haaahaa. Pardon me while I wipe of my computer screen...

Sylvia: Great as always.

I actually felt a little sorry for Flo last night. Talk about clueless - she just doesn't get it.

Ingrid could have stopped Elisa, but, she was hoping that Kenia and Dam would get caught - to further her own interests.

Another clueless one - Damian. He doesn't seem strong enough to push a female away - must be the cane he is leaning on.

ok guys, was checking on ElTal finale and found this... enjoy!

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Sylvia thanks for a great recap and title. Others have mentioned my favorite lines but your "I look a little confused but am utterly delighted at this mess" was a wonderful ending & statement.

Audrey I like your theory but first thought JudyB's theory - Kenia thought she could make the Toad jealous by kissing Dam. That's why I thought she was shocked it was Elisa and not her father.

I know this happens all the time in TNs but how does someone jumped you with a kiss?

daisynjay & Carlos - does Ramona really need to ask that man if he started early with the Orange Menace? She knows both and given her powers of intuition she should know who is lying. Bad plot device and it will probably take 16 more episodes :(

Hola Marta. I'm in Columbus, but if you're passing through on your way to Cleveland, I'd love to take you out to lunch. I've already met Nickster, Schoolmarm and Emilia and Mike. Helps to be in the middle of the country.

Sara...Lentil Sloppy Joes on track except that I burned the lentils ('cause I took too much time away from the stove to read the recap!)but I'm still hopeful.

Would like to have a serious discussion with the casting folks. Now if Jorge Salinas had played Elisa's curmudgeonly papa, I might be able to believe Kenia's obsession. But with the actual actor, no way.

my fav is none of the 33, although the arm wrestling one is nice adn the one with DZ in bed too... but my fav is the one on right side of the whole page, the promo pix of Gael with the serious look
too bad they probably won't give us the arm wrestling scene at all, just like we never saw the falls kissing scene from La Mentira, it was just promo takes.

Aw, Kathleen, hope your day gets better and that To Do list weedles down quickly. I remember the headache and two babies, but three! Bless your heart.

And I agree on your assessment of clearing up the paternity issue. Maybe we're suppose to get all warm and fuzzy that Asshat is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (though it could be the anvil train). But both Lucio and Asshat need to get that straightened out--hoping they aren't dragging out to save for another day as an excuse to break the lovebirds up.

Sara, I don't think Lucio knew that Elisa had used her tierras for collateral. Which is stupid because as long as Assgusto shows up at court she should get her money back (less some percentage). Uh oh, just read Marta's comment about the high interest. Really Elisa? You agreed to a loan where the interest overran the debt before the debt could possibly be paid back? Estupida!! (Thank you Jessica Coch.)

Also, I think Kenia didn't know it was Dam she was kissing, she thought it was Assgusto, hence her shocked face. But Carlos, the taste of beefcake and the taste of cat food, LOL!! Good one.

daisynjay, yes, I definitely think Ingrid was doing her Pathetic Paloma thing last night. It's the voice. It just does that one-note whine.

Kathleen, "Assbusto", snort! I'm definitely going to have to use that one.

Thanks for the great comments everyone. And Marta, thanks a million for clearing up a couple of things that I didn't quite get. There is actually quite a bit going on in this plot. I love the idea of Begona forcing her friendship on Carmina. Carmina hates it and just wait until Edmundo finds out. He's going to get that sick, barfy look that he does so well.

Marta, thanks for the beefcake link. Ooh la la! I just love that arm wrestling pic. I never noticed the bags of habaneros sitting around.

Also, if you miss today's El Tal's El Gran Guacamole I'm sure it will show up online in a day or so.

Oh, and Marta, when you are in Cleveland, let me know. Would love to treat you to lunch or dinner!!!

Stuff we learned in this episode:

Ingrid learned it's hard out there for a pimp.

Lolita learned it's time to pack her bags and haul out of Casa Castration.

Elisa learned Augusto's after Kenia but Kenia locked lips with Damian.

Enrique learned Flor is a salty biotch.

Flor learned she best be clinging to Damian every second of every day. Cuz that worked so well for Alfonsina & Rosendo.

Ramona learned she needs to keep her mouth shut so the show can be extended.

We learned Padre wants Ramona to keep her mouth shut so people won't get hurt by the truth. Because the lies going on for the past 15 years work so well.

We also learned Begoña is a very poor judge of character.

I learned I need that hot pink nightie Kenya had on in my life.

Yikes..I meant lentil tacos! I must have Ramona memory issues.

Sylvia, absolutely wonderful! Favorite.....”Kenia is annoyed because mom put the kibosh on her deelio* with Assgusto. *too gross to define” As Carlos noted, there seems to be a little “media bias” on the part of the recap reporter, but even I have to admit that was a good one!

Another: “Elisa looks shocked. Damian looks guilty. Kenia sure as hell looks shocked. I look a little confused but am utterly delighted at this mess.” What a funky, curvy description, loved it! Incredible job as ALWAYS!

I had the opportunity to read the recap and comments before watching the episode with the Elisa/Dam/Augusto part in mind. II told Kenia that Damian was coming over and when Kenia hung up the phone for a second she seemed annoyed, then had a “light bulb” moment and said that she couldn’t let this opportunity get by......I thought that she was pulling the ole‘ novela make him (Augusto) jealous trick by kissing Dam BUT got caught by Elisa. Seeing Elisa over Damian’s shoulder was the reason for the horrible surprise.......could be wrong, and have been wrong many times! I don’t want our kitten Kenia to like cat food, but she surely does, must have learned a lesson with her beefcake novio, Paulo.

As Ramona was talking to Padre she strongly stated that her intuition is seldom wrong, then later in the episode she again discourages Paloma about Gael, predicting pain. There has to be something concrete with all her warnings! Surely the writers are preparing the viewers and Paloma for her dream romance to fizzle.

Speaking of the writers and Ramona, they should have stuck in a little scene early on emphasizing her feeling of powerlessness against the Arango machine, then her silence would be more understandable. The actress is a big, strong, even intimidating woman, there isn’t any fear in her portrayal of Ramona. You want her to just get on with it and tell everyone! Padre’s advise about opening old wounds is silly, there are throbbing, hemorrhaging wounds open all over town over this lie!!!!! 

Anon207, “Flor learned she best be clinging to Damian every second of every day. Cuz that worked so well for Alfonsina & Rosendo.” So true!

Katheen, have a quiet, relaxed day with those three babies! HA!

Oops, Sylvia, you did it again. And sorry, I can't keep myself from repeating some of my favs --

"They hug under the swaying anvils"

"Nopes, says Lolita... Awww, the I Love Lolita table's buying a round on the house."

"Dam feels the static cling ..."

"Weird trips incorporated"

"The botox death glare"

"She's married, poor and unnaturally orange."

"The ancient first aid kid" (fabulously fortuitous typo, I assume)"

Oh my Kathleen, I remember those days. ¡Ànimo!

I have a cat,Missy,she loves Beef pate and hates catfood(fish).You're so funny.Sylvia, great recap/ I like Kenia but I don't understand what the writers are planning for her.

"Ingrid learned it's getting hard out there for a pimp."

I am almost mad at my husband for planning an out of town excursion. I really want to see tonight's episode.

Oh well, it will have to wait until tonight.

JudyB, but sure to put a slice of avocado in the bottom of the taco shell. Yum!

Carlos said...
So do I, but wouldn't one think that Kenia would be able to distinguish between the flavor of beefcake and the taste of catfood?

Well, it might take a few seconds to register....

Hmmmm - Sandy's scenario backs up JudyB's impression. But how would Kenia know that someone else was right behind Dam or even who would arrive first? It's just too weird - hopefully they'll clarify in tonight's episode. But then again, there have been many, many things that make no sense. Least of all Kenia's clingy obsession with Assgusto - she's worse than Paloma chasing Gael!

Sandy, aha! So Kenia was planning to make Assbusto jealous, but instead Elisa saw when she shoved her way in. Still, it will be mission accomplished because Elisa will tell Assbusto. She is a sly little minx.

Wow, those lentil tacos sound delicious! Must have avocado for sure.

vida2, I'm not sure I understand what the writers are planning for Kenia either. I think her most important task is to cause major problems for Carmina and Augusto. Running a close second is her relationship with Gael, maybe to make him curious about his heritage. After last night I guess I need to add she is also making Elisa jealous and to make her question Dam's commitment to Flor, but she should already be questioning that since she (Elisa) was about to marry him. Basically, she is stirring all the pots big time!

Pardon me for interrupting the narrative snark and flow, but did anyone else swoon when Guido was telling Alfie why he had gone to Casa Castigo? He said something like:

"Tenía que poner un hasta aquí a [esta situación o algo así}"

Nominalizing an adverbial phrase. Como si nada.

[He actually said it on Wednesday but when we heard it again on Thursday (cuz a) we're too dumb to remember from one day to the next or b)it eats up a little time and takes some pressure off the poor Televisa hacks in the backroom), I just couldn't let it go.]

Not to worry Sara and Sylvia. Bought some lovely avocados this morning. Though have to admit I marinated them with sliced onions in a light vinegar with lots of pepper and salt the way my Kentucky mama used to do. (Lime juice is way too much trouble and way too expensive here in Ohio.)

Had me some tacos for lunch and it was lovely. May just have some more for dinner!

Judy, sounds delish and very refreshing.

Novela Maven, that comment is perfect. Thanks for pointing it out. It pretty much sums up Guido's visage of perpetual, or rather increasing, fatigue at Paolo's antics. If little bro's not boinking someone inappropriate he's pouting and wasting space.

Maybe we invite Guido to our table of Lowered Expectations. We can help him through his frustrations with Paolo.

Judy--you just solved my issue on what to make for dinner. The ideas of tacos with some fresh avocados - sounds wonderful. Have said avocados sitting in my basket at home. Thanks!

ElTal finale was somewhat surprising... Go Pancho!! (have I said enough I love Rodrigo Vidal?)

Padre’s advise about opening old wounds is silly, there are throbbing, hemorrhaging wounds open all over town over this lie!!!!! 

ITA, more hurting wounds over the lie than wounds that would reopen over the truth.

Judy--you just solved my issue on what to make for dinner. The ideas of tacos with some fresh avocados
well, in our case not for tonight but maybe tomorrow.. everyone will have tacos, mine with extra extra guac... sounds delish indeed!

"Ramona learned she needs to keep her mouth shut so the show can be extended." So true!!!

I don't think Kenia expected Elisa to show up. Dam yes, Elisa no. Kenia was only trying to get her claws into Dam; to get him into her clutches, since it seemed like a good idea (at Ingrid's suggestion). The writers put Elisa there to create yet another convenient confrontation and separation (a/k/a plot device) between our protagonists.

Guido is a really nice, intelligent guy. However ... looking at Flo and Paolo and how they've turned out, I'm not so sure he is a great 'parent.' Why do I think Guido has bailed out Paolo one too many times.....

Lucio absolutely did know that Elisa had put up her land as collateral for the loan. I clearly remember the scene where Elisa told him. What he didn't know was that Fina was going to be charging interest as well.


Sorry to be so late in signing in.

Great job on this recap. I don't understand teh Kenia set-up? Did I miss something? Do we think ANYONE could mistake Augusto for Damian, ever in any dark place?

Say it isn't so, Sylvia.

'Bedraggled Begoña visits Carmina to inspect her decor and give advice about being dumped.'

Great sentence!

(Damian, let me insert one of my best bits of advice. Never go back to a job or an ex. There is a reason it ended in the first place. There. I’ve said it. What you do with this excellent advice is up to you.)

Cap'n, I am having this excellent cousel printed to send in next year's Holiday card. Perfect.

Thanks again for doing such a great job.

They are shaking it up a bit, aren't they?


Blogger hates me. Yesterday it repeated my posts and would not let me delete repeated posts. Today it just eats my posts. Arghh!

Is Blogger really buggy this week or is it just me?


daisynjay, heck yes, let's have Guido right over.

Doris, I don't care if Guido was the greatest parent, I'm not inviting him over to the table to be my dad, hee. Maybe that's why Kenia looked so shocked, because it was Elisa's little heart-shaped face instead Disgusto's.

EJ, my little pearl of wisdom has served me quite well through my life. I don't like repeat fiascos and much prefer to learn the first time around. I'm not always 100% but at least it's a good guideline.

Confirmed. Blogger is being super buggy this week.

JudyB- I can't wait to get home and try marinated avocados!

Hasta el domingo!

elna june - blogger is jealous of your avatar. ;-)

Cynd, sorry you had to endure an episode with so much Gael/Dam/Elisa and no Gabino at all.. not even a sec...
have to say Gael is really going full force into this attempt with Paloma... as much as I know he still does not love Paloma (or does not realize he does) but... they look soooo cute together! but Paloma should lose her hair extensions... it is a bit too long now... what was that fairy tale girl in the tower with long braids name?

marta - Rapunzel?

that's it! thanks!

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