Thursday, June 14, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #29-30 Thu 6/14/12 It's A Nice Day For A White Wedding

These Epi's were heavy so I snarked them up a bit. 

The Day Before the Wedding: Mexico City

Max has gone to see Claudio Linares in his office. Claudio wants to know what the heck he's doing there. Max tells him to quit protesting, accept the settlement and move on. Claudio tells Max he is the fraud, besmirched his name, ruined his reputation and his prestige is gone. He wants all of them back. He spent twenty years in the carcel and now is face to face with Max. Max is claiming he wants to help Claudio, but Claudio isn't buying it. He tells Max my wife and child died while I was in la carcel, and he calls Max a coward. Claudio wants his honor back. Max leaves and Lic Barrerra has come by. He is going to help Claudio to try to get all these things back he lost, by doing some investigating. Meanwhile Max has gone back to his office and tells Oscar he needs to do some snooping to see exactly what Claudio is up to.

Rod and Rosa are still in the library discussing if he is getting married or not. He assures her he is. She actually wanted him to marry in the Church not a civil ceremony, but seeing as Gala is divorced that can't happen. Rosa doesn't want any surprises. He tells Mama Rosa to calm down there will be a wedding. Rod goes and Rosa has another talk with Conny about Luci. Conny can't understand why Rosa is always going on and on about this girl Luci, she's obsessed (you can say that again). Conny says she remembers Claudio as a gentleman and is Rosa afraid of the consequences of telling Claudio everything that happened with Aurora and the baby. She just tells Conny she doesn't want Luci anywhere near the family anymore.

Rod encounters Luci and she says they have no more to talk about. Afterwards, Mati brings something of Rod's for Luci to iron. You can tell Luci doesn't want to do it but she does. She prays to the Virgincita again to please help her get through this.

Hanna and Pato are doing a puzzle. They are discussing the wedding. Pato doesn't think Rod will be happy with Gala and Hanna agrees. They will miss him though, when he moves.

Vicky and Aldo are going on a date to Inferno. Vicky tells her Dad she won't be home late. Aldo is a real gentleman. He opens the car door for her. When they get to Inferno, he seats her and they are having a blast, although Lastra is lingering.

Rod encounters Luci again and tells her tomorrow he will be getting married and that he just wants her to know he will always love Luci forevva. She isn't buying it, he is marrying another woman for goodness sake! He tells her he never talked about love with another woman, and that she is the one and only he has ever done that with. He looks at her, as if he is going to kiss her, but he tells her he will love her forevva and he leaves. She is standing there crying, and says you are my one and only forevva.

Frigid the Rigid has opened Luci's letter, looked at it and we still don't know what it said.

Het Het:

Magda is in the office with Copio, when the Don A arrives. He wants to know what she is doing there, missing him perhaps. She gives him a song and dance and leaves. She didn't get what she came for. Magda goes home to Paz and tells her that Don A is back and she didn't get the deeds she was hoping to get. She asks Paz if maybe she has a copy of the deeds in the stuff she brought from her house. She wants her to think really hard about it. These deeds are in Galindo's name, not Don A's and it is only right for her to live on her own land and house. She says she will help her look and help her claim what is rightfully hers. They go take a walk outside and sit. Ariche comes and tells them he wants to see Luci really bad. They tell him maybe soon. Magda tells Paz, hey, let's go to the D.F. and see the girls. Oh, Paz doesn't want to do that. Paz says there are many problems and they go home. Back at home now, Paz opens up to Magda and tells her that she has been keeping a very BIG secret from Magda all these years. You see Luci isn't really her daughter!!! Magda is shocked. Paz tells her as soon as Luci was placed in her arms, she felt as if she were her own. Paz is crying and saying that Luci's real Papa is now out of la carcel and she worries that Luci will run into him in the D. F. Magda will not be detered and tells Paz that they should go to the D. F. anyway, it will give Paz,some well, paz, and that they can see Violetta and Lorenzo too. Uh Oh! Magda has been searching thru Paz's boxes and found a little case. Paz opens it and it is Luci's baby clothes, pics, marriage certificate and on the bottom??? The deeds to the land and house. They are both overjoyed to have found them.

Wedding Day:

Frigid is in charge of everything. Setting up, driving everyone crazy. Everyone is getting ready. Julie and Gala at the apt. Rod and the family at home. Pato and Hanna can't stand Gala but have to respect Rod's decision. Julie is in a zebra striped dress and Julie a nice gown, white, with a veil draped in the back, not on the face.

Luci has decided she will be in the kitchen, during the ceremony. She won't be able to handle seeing Rod get married. Mati agrees she can do that, as Frigid is busy all over the compound making sure all the stuff gets done. Also Padre Honesto has decided to attend the ceremony, by invitation of Rod, even though he will not be performing the ceremony itself. Mama Rosa is impressed. Pato tried to convince Luci to come outside and be by his side during the ceremony but Luci won't budge. Max is walking Gala down the aisle and Julie is following. Luci has gone outside, but she really can't see anything, and goes back inside. Meanwhile, Luci is in her room, looks at the Virgincita, cries and asks the Virgincita to por favor ayuda mi. She remembers Sabine warning her she would cry many tears. Luci says to herself she is sick of crying.

The judge is there, with Rod and Gala and gives Gala the pen, she signs. He gives Rod the pen and.........

We interrupt this Wedding Ceremony with this little ditty:

It is a parday of the song, "For What it's Worth, by Buffalo Springfield

There's something happen' here

What it is , is perfectly clear

Hot Bod Rod refuses to sign

He's gettin' so much resistance from behind

Stop, hey what's that sound Mala Gala has just gone down.

The battle line's being drawn

Rosa and Gala are right, and everbody else is wrong

Frigid is the back up for the two

And poor Luci's employment is on the line

Stop, hey what's that sound, Rosa is lookin' to take Luci down

What a field day for the paps

A crowd is gathering in the streets

It starts when your always afraid

Step out of line, Rosa comes and takes Luci's job away

Stop, hey what's that sound, Frigid is goose stepping Luci out the compound.

Back to the recap.


Rod is about to walk off and Gala of course is down. Rod picks her up and brings her to the library. Rosa has put alcohol under her nose to wake her up and as soon as she does, she is beggin and pleading with Rod not to do this to her. He asks for forgiveness from her, but she is going down the manicomio road and slaps the crap out of him. Everyone is shocked that Rod didn't marry.

The paps are going wild outside, getting in everyone's face and asking questions, they are removed from the compound. For their part, Hanna, Aldo and Pato, and Melissa are glad Rod didn't get married.

Meanwhile Luci is even praying to her dead Papa to help her thru this. There is a knock on the door and it is Frigid of course. Frigid asks Luci if she's happy now, cause Hot Rod didn't get married. Luci can't beleive it. Frigid tells her she wouldn't want to be in her shoes. Frigid leaves, and Mati comes and Luci says she will leave the Torreslanda's house, she can't stay anymore. Mati tells her to go to the kitchen and calm down, but Luci says, oh so I can run into Gala and Julie and they can insult me some more, oh no, can't do that. Mati tells her she will defend her from all abuse and come to the kitchen. Mati leaves and Luci gets a call on her cell. She thinks it is Lorenzo, but it is Lastra. He is threatening her again. He will tell the Torreslanda's what kind of a chippy she really is, unless she meets with him. She tells him she will meet him, manana at a park close to Violetta's apartment. Luci goes down to the kitchen, and Mati is preparing tea for Rosa. Luci leaves and goes to her room.

Everyone is yelling at Rod, Rosa, Julie and especially Gala. She is truly pithed and over the edge. She wants to know why Rod did this to her. Max clears the room. She accuses Rod of loving Luci and this is why he did it, for the SERVANT, right, right!!!! Rod tells her that isn't so (Liar, Liar pants on fire) and he says he wants Gala to forgive him and that's all.

Rosa, Conny and Julie are all in the same room and Julie goes off on Rosa. She calls Rod a patan, and a, wait for it, I had to look this up, too funny burro del mundo! Too funny. Julie is just pithed off, cause there goes all the money she was counting on. Julie says she wants justice, and Conny defends Rosa and says Rosa had no idea Rod would do this to Gala.

Gala, after raising all the hell she can, finally goes with Julie. They go in the chauffer driven car and Gala doesn't even bother to hide her face from the paps at the gate.

Max, Rosa and Rod are now in the library and he tries to explain why he didn't marry Gala. He tells them, he doesn't love Gala and if he had married her he would have been miserable. Rosa can't beleive he didn't marry Gala, after all this, (well, I kinda gotta side with her here, he should have broken up with her before going to the altar, jus' sayin"). Rosa wants to know what Max thinks. He says Rod made his decision and will face the consequences, punto. Rosa gives Rod the death ray and leaves. Rod leaves too.

Luci is going to her room and Hot Bod Rod is there. Rod just wanted Luci to know he didn't get married and it was all because of her, punto. He actually leaves without touching her. After Rod goes, Luci again turns to the Virgincita, and asks why didn't Rod get married (Note to Luci-Look the Virgincita has aydudaed you today, Rod didn't get married, told you why, and yet still ya gotta ask??? Come on now!!!!). Luci has all her pots on the bed and she leaves and goes to Mati's room. Mati tells her Gala won't bother her anymore, but Luci has come to talk about Rod. Luci says she wants to leave the Torreslanda's and move in with Violetta again. Mati gives Luci a hug and tells her she will miss her Musho.

After Rod leaves Luci's room, Max is in the kitchen, and knows precisely where Rod has just been. Max wants to know if Rod wants some coffee? (Memba a couple epi's ago, when Rod had sucked face with Luci, Max was having coffee and saw where Rod had come from lol) anyhoo, Max says you didn't marry because of Luci right? Rod admits it and says Luci has stolen his heart, little by little and he is now profoundly in love with her. Rod says he feels bad for what he did to Gala, but glad he didn't marry her. They interrupt this talk of Luci by talking about some problem with a factory in Miami that Oscar is checking into. Then it is back to Luci. Hot Bod Rod says he wants a relationship with Luci, but Max tells him that Luci is the kind of girl you have an affair with, not marry (Note to Max: You are a big time snobby jerk). He tells Rod to take a little vacay and he'll be fine when he gets back.

Conny and Oscar are having some alone time and Oscar thinks the house is pretty tense. Connie say, oh, and how. Conny tells Oscar, of course Gala blamed all this on Luci. She also tells Oscar that Gala is very jealous. Oscar wants to know if Conny is jealous. She was when he went to the theater with Julie. He likes that. Oscar tells Conny he prefers to be with Conny.

Hanna and Melissa are in Pato's room watching a movie and Rosa comes in loaded for bear. She wants the girls out so they can give Pato some peace. Pato is fast asleep. She takes the remote and turns the TV off. But Hanna and Melissa start telling her about the movie, turn it back on. Rosa sits down and Hanna puts her head in Rosa's lap and Melissa offers Rosa popcorn. Rosa is so not down with this and leaves the girls to the movie (Some Mama, won't spend quality time with her daugher and neice).

The phone rings and of course Frigid the Rigid answers and it is Julie on the other end wanting to talk to Rosa. Rosa gets on the line and asks how Gala is doing. Well this sets Julie off. She tells Rosa, Gala was so traumitized by what happened she had to take a sleeping pill. She says the reason she called is evidently when Gala was getting ready she left some of her stuff and she wants it back. Rosa says she'll check. Julie also lets her have it about Luci causing all of this, Luci this and Luci that, which is triggering the hate button in Rosa. Of course Gala is nowhere near down and out, but sitting right next to her Mama grinning as Julie is going on and on. Rosa insists she doesn't know how Luci caused this. Frigid hears this and eggs Rosa on of course. Rosa gets off the phone and Frigid tails right behind her. After Julie hangs up the phone on her end, she sees that Gala has taken her ring off, and her Mama Julie asks what she is going to do now? Gala swears that she will now be concentrating on venganza against Rod. She swears to it.

Luci is in her room packing, she is leaving in the morning. Rosa and Frigid show up in Luci's room and Rosa lights into to her about all the problems she caused with Rod and Pato, she tells her to pack her things and Largate! She hates Luci and wants her gone. She wants her gone so much she is throwing Luci's things all over the room, Frigid is helping her, and Frigid takes up the box of pots and slams it on the floor. Mati has come in by this time and begs Rosa and Frigid to stop this madness. Mati tells them you can't throw this poor girl out on the street at night, wait for the morning. Luci is checking her box of pots and says yes, I am leaving in the morning. Rosa doesn't want that. Frigid is still throwing Luci's stuff around and Luci and Mati tell her to stop and Luci says, alright I'll leave now. While Rosa is yammering at her for breaking her trust, blah blah. All this time they are screaming at Luci LARGATE. Luci tells them, as she is stuffing her clothes in the box of pots and suitcase she will leave so they stop insulting her. Frigid is now kicking her stuff around. Rosa tells Frigid to goosestep , I mean escort Luci off the property never to return. Luci goes with stuff hanging all over the place. Mati and Rosa are alone and Mati lights into Rosa and tells her what craziness have you just done? Rosa tells her she did it to protect Rod and Pato. Rosa leaves and Mati prays to Dios to forgive Rosa and to forgive Mati herself for never saying that Luci is Claudio's daughter.

Rosa is now in the chapel, praying her rosary, riddled with guilt, as she SHOULD be. Max has come looking for her. He wants to know what the heck she is doing, she says she is praying to releive the suffering (Note to Rosa, go check into the nearest manicomio or better yet, Max you do it) He asks her why she got rid of Lucy, it was to protect her boys she tells him. She tells Max that both Rod and Pato are in love with her and she had to go. Max thinks she is crazy, cause Luci is the only one that was able to connect with Pato and send him on the road to recovery. Max tells her she is completely LOCA. How right that is. He leaves and she goes back to her rosary.

Frigid is goose stepping Luci to the gate of the compound just yelling at her and Largating every few seconds (and by the way, she never gave that letter to Luci). Frigid yells at the guard at the gate that orders of the Patrona Rosa, this girl is never, ever to darken the doorway of the Torreslanda's again, evva. And there is of course another LARGATE and poor pitiful Luci is going out the gate, with her stuff still barely in that box and a half open suitcase.


Stalker guy tells Violetta he is in love with her (Watch out Violetta)

Gala calls Rod and says it was because of Luci we didn't get married right?

Aldo is doing something fishy at Max's office

Max calls Vicky and demands to know where she is? She is at Inferno. Max isn't pleased.

Hanna asks Rod if he is in love with Luci and was she the reason Rod didn't get married? He nods.


Sorry y'all had to snark this up. Gala, and Rosa have truly lost their minds. I can't stand Gala with the SERVANT, it's always the servant. She never thought it could be her, oh, no, not her, never her. What a beotch, jus' sayin.

Poor Luci what is going to become of her now? Loved the way she got in Rosa's face and told her she was glad to leave so she wouldn't be insulted by her anymore. Mati should have opened her mouth to help her out.

Rod the Bod is on my last nerve. He should have had the pebbles to drop Gala way before the wedding. Don't like how Gala said she would never be happy especially with Luci.

Max so has Rosa pegged. Poor Pato, what is he going to do , when he finds out Rosa just threw her out in the street like that?

Oh, I meant Rod would never be happy with Luci, not her lol.

Oh Madelaine, this was wonderful! I loved the song. LOL!

These episodes were intense. I'm glad everyone called Rod on not having the guts to end things with Gala way before this, but for the most part, everyone (except Rosa, Gala, and Julie) were happy that he didn't marry Gala.

Yeah, both Gala and Rosa are riding the express train to Crazytown.

I am so ticked off that Mati is keeping her mouth shut about Luci/Claudio. For what?! To protect that crazy beyotch Rosa? So not worth it.

Saddest scene was Pato speaking with Hannah about his love life (past and future) and how he feels about Luci. He mentioned how he hasn't said how he feels to Luci because it would ruin their friendship. Once the words are said, you can't take them back, and they change things forever.

And of course we have his brother Rod, who has said the words to Luci many times, turning her world upside down, without providing any follow-through. Pato said that if he were in his brother's shoes, nothing would keep him from Luci's love. I believe him. Pato has way bigger boulders than Rod and would have shouted his love for Luci to the hills and ignored his parents' protest.

Second saddest scene was when Luci and Pato were looking out the window at the wedding prep. She cried silently because Rod was getting married and had to run out of the room, and Pato starting crying because she was crying, and not for him.

When Pato mentioned that Luci has to produce her birth certificate, and other documents, in order to take the high school final exam, I immediately thought there will be some issues with that. We'll see what happens. I'm glad that Magda and Paz found another copy of the deeds.

The letter was a threat from Lastra to come to her work if she wouldn't meet him. He just signed it "L."

Vivi Thank you for what I missed. I heard Frigid say what I thought was Ella, I didn't realize it was the letter L. Thanks for that. Yeah Pato is really in love with Luci too, it's a shame she didn't fall for him. She would have been way better off. He is way more sensative than Rod the Bod any day. I can't wait for tomorrow to find out the reaction of the rest of the family when they find out Luci is gone. Rosa and Frigid will probably lie and tell everyone she took off in the middle of the night, but maybe Mati or Max will let it slip out that Rosa threw her out.

Madelaine--Your snarkiness was just what we needed for comic relief in anotherwise intense two hours. The new lyrics to the old song were perfect.

Even Aldo couldn't relieve it with his trying to run around to open the door for Vicky. But he was very much the gentleman, so far.

Gala is already starting to plan her vengeance, starting with Rod.

Laura/Rosa was certainly on a roll at the end. I wonder how many times they had to do retakes with that rapid-fire dialog she had to produce. Rosa freaked out a little early, IMHO. She doesn't know yet, because Mati won't tell, that it's probable that this Luci is the same as the infant she gave away. Since she thinks the baby was fathered by Maximum Strength Maximus, she will do another freak out to protect her two boys from incest. Ya veremos. It ought to be good.

Jessica was at her open-mouthed grimace best tonight. She did look nice for the wedding, though. Mama Julie was so inappropriately dressed. I guess that's what happens when you have to take out a loan against your NYC apartment. Her black and white made me dizzy every time she moved her hips.

Agree with everyone that Rod should have had the rocks to go through with the break up with long before the ceremony. Of course we all sighed in relief. As a woman with certain sensibilities, I wouldn't want to be left at the Accepto part either. I think the sand ran out of Rod's pant legs at that point.

Once the deed was done and Gala was recovering, Rod had nothing of substance to say to Gala when asked to be left alone with her. He should have left her with Mama to care for her wounded cub.

The kitchen conversation between Hot Rod and Maximus had to do with Rod taking off for a time to get out of the heat. Of the places suggested were where the clients with the planes ready to be shipped or a conference in Miami. Oscar was supposed to go to that one, but MSM is ok with Rod substituting.

Again tonight, for me, Pato had the most emotionally charged action. He amazes me. I love to watch his face to see what he's going to "say" next.

Got a big day tomorrow, so goodnight all.

Hi Mads! You know I don't watch Refugio but I had to tell you that this song came on the radio as my husband and I were driving to our wedding!

See you at that other wedding.

Terrific recap and LOVED this episode, Boda del Inferno!! yeah! Can we discuss the wedding fashions??

First of all, 10 out of 10 stars for Gala's dress. The little lace jacket was so perfect for the ceremony, I suppose she was going to take that off after the ceremony and be all hawt strapless bridezilla during the reception, oh well! Best laid plans as they say.

Her back-of-head-veil also gets my approval. It's old fashioned and new fashioned at the same time, and allowed her do her big Gala hair. All in all a totally gorgeous outfit to get humiliated in. Great drape while fainting!

Mama de Gala merits honorable mention in the odd but eye-catching Referee Gown. Black and white diagonal stripes as a formal? A disaster for most but I gotta say, home run! That woman has a body for clothes. She really pulled that thing off!

As usual I have to give top honors to Rosa in the midnight blue halter number - with jeweled accent on one hip, muy festive. Understated and sexy at the same time. Hottest Mother Of Bridegroom....EVER! Also most cruel and insane, but nice dress all the same.

Hey Madelaine, betcha anything they are not gonna tell Pato that they threw Luci out in the street with the empty champagne bottles from the joyous occasion -- my guess is, he's gonna demand to know where she is, and Rosa get the right eyebrow up & be like "I dunno hijo she se fue get over it," door slam, cut to Pato with angustia face & tear falling, cut to commercial.

LOL Katie...referee gown. :) She does have the body and posture to pull it off. The actress was Miss Spain decades ago. ITA on Gala's lovely gown.

You also have Rosa down pat. That is exactly how she would tell Pato about Luci's "mysterious" disappearance. I am not looking forward to Pato's tears.

But, Aldo will be the key. Yes, he has some use after all. He is bff with Luci's brother and will be helpful in Hannah, Melissa and Pato being able to contact Luci and keep tabs on what's up with her.

Max is going to lose it majorly when he finds out his nephew is dating his mistress. Can't wait for that.

Speaking of losing it, Anita you are so right. If we think Rosa is acting like a lunatic now, when she is just annoyed by how much Luci looks like Aurora, and that she's enchanted both her sons...just wait till she finds out Luci is Aurora's child and then falsely believes both her sons have fallen in love with their sister. For sure the men in white will have to come for her with a straight jacket already prepared.

Anita -Thanks for your great comment. Loved Maxium Strength Maximus too funny. Rosa has gone round the bend. She will never beleive that Claudio is Luci's papa.

RlaO - Thank you about the song. When Gala fainted that song just popped into my mind. Had to use it lol.

Katie - Thanks for the great comments. Out of all the TN's I've seen this one has a really great style with fashion. All of them dress in the most lovely outfits.
I like Rosa's the best so far. And Julie's too. Julie is like a clothes horse. She can wear anything and it looks great on her. Agree about her dress for the wedding. It looked fab on her. Ditto about Gala's wedding gown and the veil really impressed me. Like how it was off the head and not in her face, her hair was so appropos for the veil. With Gala being so over the top, I thought she would wear something really fru fru, but I liked that she didn't. Agree with you about Rosa just raising the eyebrow and telling Pato,she left, so what, gotta go. Poor Pato. He will be the one to suffer.

Vivi- so agree with you about Aldo being the key, Hanna, and Melissa, and maybe with Mati, letting Pato know what really happened to Luci. I think even Conny likes Luci and Oscar too. They all respect her. I just hope Pato doesn't take a downward slide when he finds out she's gone, like when she almost left before. And when Rod finds out he will have a coniption fit.

Oh, so glad Paz told Magda the truth about Luci not being her daughter. Now when they go to the D.F. they'll just run into Claudio, I can see it coming. Weren't Mati and Paz friends? I think they were. In some of the clips when they play the theme song, it shows Mati and Paz doing something with flowers.

I don't want to see Luci end up back at Inferno, with Lastra trying to hang all over her. I hope she goes to Claudio and gets help from him again.

Question is will Lucianna have to go back to the Torreslanda house as a maid again (nobody would be that desperate) but Maximo gave Rosa the stink eye about Lucy being the ONLY one that got Pat back and recouping. Rosa seemed impactada! And the law of the telenova is maid's must be subjected to continuous, non stop humiliation.

Gala is a grifter and Julie is a gold digger. The Torreslander's haven't seen the last of these two.

Awesome recap, too.

Anon 10:37 - Thank you so much for your great comment. You are so right about the telenovela law of the maid being humiliated constantly. I don't want Luci to go back there, but I kinda do, if the rules changed and Frigid isn't in charge of her anymore, and the only dealings she has will be with Mati and Max and Pato, noone else. But we know Rosa is constantly berating our poor Luci, so that wouldn't work.

Great recap of a great episode!

I love Julie's dress but I think it was a little too attention-grabbing to wear to one's daughter's wedding. It should lose that scarf hanging back from the left shoulder, though.

Rosa is losing it a little too soon. And once again, how can she reasonably expect obedience from her adult children?

Madelaine, this was excellent. Your recap was chock full of details (I had no idea Gala was divorced) and all so well stated! Loved your comments including: " (well, I kinda gotta side with her here, he should have broken up with her before going to the altar, jus' sayin"). ITA.

Max is fairly intuitive with his observations of other's lives and loves, albeit an elitist one (girls like Luci are affair but not marriage worthy? Please). I also can't wait for him to discover Vicky is with Aldo (and having a fairly good time of it by the looks!).

I love Pato. Vivi as you noted: "Pato said that if he were in his brother's shoes, nothing would keep him from Luci's love. I believe him." Me too!

Rod should move heaven and earth to find Luci and make things right. And yes, why hasn't Mati spoken? Sometimes silence is crueler than the spkoen word.


Madelaine---Loved your recap, especially your song with the line "mala Gala has just gone down"

Katie Lennon---Loved your comments yesterday.

At the end of yesterday's comments I wrote that after the mirriage, there would be a divorce and Gala would take Hot Bod Rod for everything he has. Well, there was no wedding---Rod did tell her that he didn't love her but she wouldn't listen. I agree that he/Rod dumped her in a cruel way, at the alter---there WILL be revenge--BIG TIME for that.
the gringo

UA so agree with you about the obedience of Rosa's adult children. I think Pato, if he was able, but buck her as much as Hanna does. Hanna is always getting around her. I remember in the beginning of this TN Rosa didn't want Pato to go climbing but he did anyway.

Diana - Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I agree with you too about Pato. I think Mati will eventually spill the frijoles, it will just take her forever to do it. Agree with you about Max too. He does read people very well but is an elitist snob.

Gringo - Thank you for your wonderful comment. Gala has become my snark magnet lol. Can't help it, she is self centered and ready for the manicomio. She will try to keep Rod and Luci apart for a long time. I can't wait to see what kind of revenge she trys to pull. I think she will lose big time in the end. At least I'm hoping she does. The anvil will be big for her.

Heavy and intense episode last nite. Even though Luci was kicked out in the middle of the nite, I'm so glad she's out of that hellhole. Sorry but no job or guy is worth all that. Pato will find out, go into his depressive funk and I think Max will offer triple what Rosa was paying her just to come back and help Pato get back on to the road to recovery.

Either Gala will find out she's preggers and say the babino's Hot Bod Rod's or she will find out about Lastra & Don A and will so offer to assist them in getting Luci in their clutches.

Eeewwww creepy stalker guy...think Violeta will be the usual TN attack victim. The wolf in sheep's clothing if you will.

When Pato visited Luci in her bedroom, he told her that he does not want her to feel guilty and stay just for him. He made the commitment to move forward on his own, and set her free. So, although he will be really hurt by her not being there, I don't think he will fall into the kind of depression that he did last time. At least, he won't let others see how depressed he is.

Vivi - I agree with you about Pato not going into a depressive funk, but he will be sad Luci is gone.

Anon 2:47- I hope Violetta doesn't become a victim, she is pretty fiesty. Like your point of view about Gala aiding either Don A or Lastra in their attempt to get Luci, but she is pretty fiesty too. Hopefully she goes to Claudio for help. He didn't like the fact she was working for the Torreslandas. I'm surprise Gala hasn't used the preggers thing yet, but she probably will. She will do ANYTHING to get Rod back. I wouldn't put it past her.

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Hey Katie- Yeah, the stars lives are pretty juicy, but there a pretty strict no gossip policy on this blog. We'll sometimes slip in a bit, but we try not to get into it too much. It's one of the main rules of the Caray Caray site. But always happy to gossip offline, so feel free to click on my, or anyone else's, profile and send a note!

Oh OK, no prob! You can delete the gossip link if you like mods!

Hey Katie, I removed it. It's ok you didn't know. We like to snark up the characters and plot lines here, as Vivi said.

Rod is weak and always looks like he's sucking on a lemon. I really hope Luci ends up with a real man - like Pato.

Hey did I miss anything on Fri, for some reason my DVR only got 24 minutes, grrrr,and no recap here??

What I got was Luci larga-taying all the way to neighbor of Violeta's house, falling asleep on the couch with camera-eating kid actor, everyone telling Rosa she was a....rhymes-with-witch and Gala WHO HAS NO MAXIMUM HUMILIATION SETTING calling Rod saying they should be having sex or something after he jilted her from here to kingdom come! Jeez girl get a grip. Even I would have more pride that than re: Rod! Unless I had a couple of drinks or something...

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