Thursday, June 07, 2012

El Talismán #92 Thu 6/7/12 Avocados & Abogados

Recap by Blue Lass

The Only Restaurant in Fresno:

We open on Pedro and Camila making Kissy-Kissy with a capital K in the middle of the restaurant. Between smooches, Pedro tries to get some info out of Camila, but she’s still making poor life decisions and won’t tell him anything. Meanwhile, Tony and Lu are over by the restrooms arguing about what happens next. If Pedro denounces me, Tony points out, I’ll go to jail and Camila will run right back to him – is that what you want? Lucrazy wants to know how she’s supposed to stop him, and Tony says – wait for it  – “I dunno, pretend you’re crazy or something.” Well, at least he didn’t ask her to pretend she was sane – that would have been hard.

Lu promises to think of something to distract him, but when they return to the table the Kissy-Kissy is still going on. Tony demands to know what’s going on, and Pedro just looks at Camila and utters a weighted, “I have made a mistake.” He grabs Lu and scarpers, leaving Tony in the rather awkward position of having to tell his wife that this is the last time, I mean it, the last time I want to see you kissing other men in public. Pathetic.

Apartamento María:

Elvira is still musing over Renato’s “offer.” I WANT and I NEED my own apartment, she says to herself. And that settles it, at least in her mind. When María walks in, her sister greets her marmot-style: “How much money you got?” María wisely declines this little investment opportunity. Elvira starts to build up steam.

María says that if Elvira doesn’t like living there with her, she needn’t worry; she’s going to be moving in with Manuel. Oh, and they’re getting married. OUT COME THE INCISORS. “You’re too old to get married! Do you want a man who slept with your sister? I will never allow you to be happy!” (Jeez, what happened to that nice promise to God? Do we need to give Armando a tumor now?) María stays admirably calm through the whole thing. That woman deserves a medal.

El Tal:

Pedro hauls Lucrazy into the house and tells everyone she’s alive and she’s his novia and whatever. Margarito is beyond confused and it sounds someone’s squeezing a peacock in the sala. Pedro gives Margo some over-the-top rolling-eye action and thought-bubbles to himself that Lu’s his ticket into El ‘Traz. Margo tells him he hopes he knows what he’s doing.

Lu certainly knows what she’s doing: getting naked in Pedro’s bed. Pedro tries to avoid the inevitable, but he can’t stop thinking that the only way to get to Camila is through Lucrezia. He pastes on a somewhat crazed wolf-leer and starts taking off his clothes…

Mercifully, we cut to commercial, and when we come back he’s lacing back up and looking grim. Lu tells him not to worry, it happens to all men sometimes. She still lurrrrrrves him and the important thing is that they’re together. He waits til she falls asleep and then sneaks out of the torture chamber. When she wakes up and finds him gone, she just starts babbling to herself about how she’s the Reina del Talismán and she has to get knocked up as soon as possible. (She does know there’s a crucial middle step, right? I’m never quite sure with her.)

The Only Under-18 Hot Spot in Fresno:

Angel is plying Flor with fro-yo, and it’s going well. He even gets her to make kissy-kissy with a small k. Doris walks in and demands to be introduced to her daughter’s “friend.” There’s some shuffling and blushing and Angel finally admits he’s Camila’s cousin. Surprisingly, Doris acknowledges that we are none of us responsible for the deeds of our relatives. Angel eagerly agrees but adds that Camila is a good egg – it’s Elvira they have to watch out for. Truer words were never spoken.

El ‘Traz:

The Pig wakes up from a terrible dream of Antonio spinning him around in a wheelchair and howling, “Are we having fun yet?” (Really? All that violence and depravity and that was the scariest thing he could think of?) Doris is there to calm him down. I have to get Antonio to largarse de mi rancho, he tells her – first thing tomorrow. She sweetly suggests he remind Antonio to take Camila with him when he leaves. Oh, and call me a lawyer, he says – I need to write a will. Doris looks pretty happy, for Doris.

There’s a knock on the door, and Doris goes to answer it – and comes back screaming. Lucrezia is back from the dead, with Pedro right behind her! The Pig is really, really, really, really, really pithed. I cried for you, he tells her – I cried for you! Clearly being caught crying is much worse than having a dead daughter. So, Pedro says, you’re dropping the charges, right? Well, DUH.

Around Town:

-        Manual mopes around the apartment looking at photo albums and getting all weepy-britches over Mariana.
-        Pancho refuses to rat out papa, while Tracy points out in an interesting bit of possible foreshadowing that she wouldn’t be surprised if the Pig found a way to pin Mariana’s murder on him.
-        Antonio tells Tracy and Alberta (who seems to have gotten into Doris’s makeup kit) that he and Camila are expecting. He refers to the baby as “Antonio Joon-Yair” and everybody looks nauseous.


Ay Blue, I was so excited to click on thinking I'd add to yesterday's discussion and here was this great recap brimming with Bluesy Humor.

- at least he didn't have to ask Lu to pretend to be sane, that would have been hard
- out come the incisors
- what happened to that nice promise to God? Do we need to give Armando a tumor now?
And, if this was really favorite line of the show was "this is the last time I want to see you kissing men in public". lol

That spinning wheelchair dream was a hoot! Suspecting what we do of Aaron's lighter side, you know he had fun filming that. I liked when he popped a wheelie with Pig sitting in the wheelchair sweating.

Looks like Doris dyed between having a nice talk with Flor and sitting on Pig's bed. Her hair was very dark. Then her hair went back to having blonde highlights when Lu walked through the door.

Also, Doris is borrowing Rita's fake bottom.

Nicely done, Blue. I am so relieved you got a much deserved light episode.

R la O

Great recap Blue Lass. I like how you described La Marmota's scenes. She was really on a roll today.

Wow, Lu sure got her shirt off fast. I blinked and suddenly her hooters were about to make a break for it.

Hahahaha! I loved that Pedro couldn't get it up, although I totally understand. He still looked slightly hangdog about it. Maybe he doesn't fully comprehend how lucky he is.

I'm pretty sure Tonio has lost it too, what with all his talk about Antonio Joon-Yair and how he was going to raise Mi Hijo.

Thanks Blue Lass. I just finished watching this funny episode. This captures the spirit perfectly. Crispy and crunchy and very funny.

"“I dunno, pretend you’re crazy or something.”

And he said it with a straight face.

Tony playing with DonG in the wheelchair had me convulsing with laughter. I know it was wrong... for both them and me.

Lu consoling Pedro also had me cracking up.

What a perfect ending:

"“Antonio Joon-Yair”


The wheelchair scenes also made me laugh hard. If I were El Pig I would I would just have gotten out of bed and read a book or something.

Doris might be premature in smiling about DonG's new will. Maybe this plays into her fake marriage cert plot.

Ms Blue Lass this was such a great great recap. I loved the whole thing from start to finish. I have to admit, I laughed again when I saw that wheelchair scene. It was sooo funny. My daughter will never recover, just kidding. She laughed with me. She thinks Aaron is soooo HOT, her words now. She doesn't understand Spanish but she thought this was a comedy. Ya think???

My faves of your recap are the same as RlaO's. They are fabulous. And the Marmot scream, she really blew didn't she, oh the horror!! lol. Love how Maria told her like it is. I think the Virus has come totally unglued.

Now poor Army has to deal with the fallout. Maybe it's off to Canada for him sooner rather than later.

Loved the look on the Pig's face when Lucrazy came in the room with Pedro, I thought the Pig would have an infarto right there. He sure looked like it.

Oh, and I liked the scene with Pedro and Lucrazy trying to get en flagrante. Too funny. I really thought they would really ya know, do it, but I'm glad that happened to Pedro. All we need now, after all this, if for Lucrazy to have a little Lucrazy in the oven.

R la O, I think what Antonio actually said to Camila was something like, "That's the last time you let him kiss you, ya hear?" It was still pretty lame.

Sylvia, "her hooters were about to make a break for it" -- ha ha!

And Carlos, I know, I felt sooo sorry for Aarón, having to deliver that line.

Madelaine, so true. If Pedro ever makes it with Lu, he'll REALLY have something to worry about. But surely we don't have time for any more (real or fake) pregnancy storylines?

I also thought your Kisses with a Big K and kisses with a little k was cute. My favorite kisses are with a big H - Hershey's.

With Lu walking in and the boda this weekend and the beans spilled about the pregnancy, things are rapidly wrapping up.

I was thinking that Pig's illness and paralysis was initially going to drag out. The actor probably spent hours walking at certain levels of numbness, only to be taken out in a matter of a couple of days.

And what woman chooses to wear a strapless bra under a regular shirt? They are so uncomfortable.

R la O, I thought the same thing. About the strapless bra that is.

Blue, I'm hoping that Pedro's incomplete attempt was is only shot at bedding that crazy succubus.

Anita - from previous comments - thanks for looking up Isidro. Yes, that was it.

Love the FYC picture. As long as we are digging, we should all look at the original description of the characters (Monday, Jan. 23). It really sounded promising, but they got sidetracked. Example: Elvira is described as "a beautiful woman of much character". lol lol

R la O, great idea. I just read the character descriptions too. Armando is described as vengeful. That guy doesn't have enough energy to be vengeful. Tony is a daddy's boy. Ha! But they got it right with Pedro when they described him as simple and foolish.

Oh, I know. And Armando's picture looks villainous. Boy was he ever miscast if they originally were thinking bad guy. "Driven by his mother, and using 2 names, he loves Don G's 2 granddaughters and enjoys watching them fight each other."

Blue Lass--You delivered another stellar performance. Very true, we don't need any *new* problems. Let's solve the old ones, ya.

Cap'n--these words of yours should be coming back to haunt you like a bad wheelchair ride dream:

You said and I quote "I love the idea of Pedro being involved with three warring women. Sounds like great fun in tropical Fresno."

It would have been great fun to actually see three warring women, no? As it was, one disappeared early on, the second one spend her time trying to convince herself that Pedro was going to be MIO and the third one spent the entire telenovela doubting Pedro's love and playing poor me I need to save my horrible mother.

More later on, Rogelio is about to fill my screen, poor thing. Hate Bruno.

Hahaha! I hate it when people quote me. Case in point, Madam Editor.

My goodness but all three women were a huge disappoint to me. Then again, Pedro wasn't worth a spitting contest, IMO.

So much hope, so little delivery. Still, it's been fun mostly because we made it that way. El Tal was a hoot to mock.

LOL - It's okay, Sylvia. We were coming off a CME high and just assumed it's replacement would be a decent substitute. No one told us the editors and continuity guys came over from Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring. lol Does anyone remember that hallucinogenic movie?

Anita - I am not a fan of Bruno either, unless you count that UA shirtless picture. Bruno shirtless, not UA.

Good grief, I haven't thought about that movie in years! I saw it when I was in high school and thought it was so cool.

RLO--Nobody told us it was a comedy, either. We just weren't prepared.

I was *desolate* when CME ended. I never thought I'd be celebrating a gran final a month in advance...

Blue, loved the recap and the title.

My favorite was the peacock. If someone would just listen to them, they are great watch dogs.

Someone needs to give Viral a "Mi Cheque" and let her roam the world trying to cash the darn thing. Ren and Rita could be hot on her trail - what a great comedy/mystery that would make.

Rosemary Primera

Blue: "I never thought I'd be celebrating a gran final a month in advance..." or asking "when does this end?" a month into it.

Rosemary, it seems the peacocks have the most sense. They've been trying to tell us. It sure is fun to catch glimpses of them here and there.

Peacock story! My dad was a brickmason who also had a small aviary of doves and quail in our suburban backyard. He did some brickwork for a farmer friend, who in addition to paying him gave him a pea hen. It BLARED all night long, the neighbors were furious and the next day we donated it to the city aviary.

The funny part of this story is that when my dad came home the night of the peacock, my mom and I were sitting out on the front porch. Up drove my dad in his ratty stationwagon, with the peacock perched on the top of the seat next to him. LOL! We couldn't believe our eyes!

Oh, I don't think I've thought of that for years. That will give me something to laugh with my mom about today. Thank you, El Tal and Rosemary Primera!

R la O

That's a great story. Very funny.

I remember some neighbors of ours used to have peacocks or peahens. For a while I thought they were just a couple of houses down but it turns out they lived blocks away. I felt sorry for the next door neighbors, those birds were so darn loud.

A few summers ago we could hear pretty bagpipe music every night. One night we followed the sound and it was coming from a house 5 blocks, and down a gully, away! You think the neighbors kids' playing drums would be bad? Try a bagpipe!

This was such a funny episode, and such a funny recap also.

I cackled when arrimada El Viral, who has never thought about anyone but herself in her life, was demanding money from Maria to buy the apartment and when Maria wouldn't give it to her, she screeched "You are so selfish!" Why does no one ever tell her to get a job?

The wheelchair scene was funny, too. We used to do that with my grandmother's wheelchair. Um, while taking turns in it amongst us kids, not while she was in it, obvio.

Bagpipes are horrible. There used to be a guy who would play on the corner near my office. He drove me crazy 16 floors up. I wished our windows opened so I could throw a bucket of water on him and make him stop.

Mike and I were in Savannah for St. Patrick's a few years ago. There was a British pub on the opposite corner from our hotel. (Insert English/Irish irony here...) It seemed as if every bagpiper in town for the parade gathered - and played nonstop - at that particular pub. Kinda nice at 9:00pm or so. By 3:00am, after much imbibing, it began to sound as if they were squeezing cats!!

Thanks, Blue for the recap, and to all the commenters. This train wreck is going to end, right?

SIX MORE EPISODES -- seven if you count the double-header finale.

Julia, thanks for the reminder on "arrimada" -- I had it written in the corner of my notes but forgot to look it up afterward. My dictionary says "possessed by demons." That sounds like Elvira, all right.

I actually like bagpipes (if they are well played), but I'm not sure I would like them next door or outside my office. Once when I was traveling through Edinburgh Scotland my friend and I found a great little B&B that was super cheap. Little did we know it was cheap because it was right next to some Army School of Bagpipes practice warehouse. We had to leave during their DAILY practices. I think we stayed about three days before we moved on.

Arrimada is a great word for Elvira. Possessed by demons, alternate translation: headband too tight.

But she's not wearing the headband, and she's crazier than ever! Of course it might have done permanent damage.

I used to like bagpipes, but that was before I was forced to hear the same bagpipe tune (is there more than one tune for the bagpipe?) for hours daily.

Blue Lass, does your dictionary really say "possessed by demons"? That's hilarious and PERFECT for El Viral. Arrimada actually means freeloader. I heard it several times last night, describing both Elvira and Doris. I think this show has missed a great opportunity to teach us dozens of colorful ways to say "harpy shrew" and "delusions of entitlement."

Well, Julia, that makes more sense. I really do think I need a more up-to-date dictionary. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd like one with good coverage of conversational expressions and common slang terms, if possible. In other words, a telenovela dictionary.

I've heard good things about Larousse. You can also access their dictionaries online.

I have the Oxford Spanish Dictionary, which is huge and has tons of useful information in it. I don't think any hard copy dictionary is going to have all the latest or regional slang in it, though. When I was doing vocab for UFCS, I found maybe half the words and phrases in the dictionary, and the rest I had to Google-fu.


Google-fu: when merely Googling the word or phrase you thought you heard doesn't get you instantly to the answer, and you have to get creative about what to search for and read through a lot of stuff to figure it out.

Ah...I see I should have googled "google-fu." Wonderful! :D

I have the huge Larousse. I like it very much but of course I can't carry it around. It is pretty good with the slang but doesn't have the latest fresa-speak.

You forgot to mention the last scene where Pedro offered up money to Elviral to spill the beans on why Antonio is married to Camilla.

El Sargento, I believe that was on Friday.

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