Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #27-28 Wed 6/13/12

Well, Friends, it looks like there's no end in sight for the 2-hour episodes! I have an awfully hard time staying awake enough through two hours of this "stuff" to write a recap afterwards!

In fair Mexico, where we lay our scene, Pat gets a little field-trip when Rod hoists him awkwardly down the spiral staircase to see Luciana (thereby getting around Rosalena's decree that he stay away from Luci). He drops his brother off and makes himself scarce, but not before receiving the ugly clay heart she made the other night while thinking of him. It must be special Indian clay, because it's looking pretty solid for not having been fired in a kiln or even given time to dry. Also, Jana and her friend are in this scene, but they don't contribute anything of interest. Anyway, Pat wants a few words with Luci in private. He explains that his mom doesn't necessarily hate her, but rather is jealous of the girl's importance to her son. Then he explains that he really wants Luci to be with him, but only if she does it freely. He tries to ask her an "important question," but chickens out and mutters something about how much she means to him.

Maximino, meanwhile is sipping wine with his young bud and fretting about the risk of his affair (which one?) coming to light.

Linares is at the Church, finding out that maybe his daughter isn't quite as dead-and-buried as was previously assumed. He plugs the guy working the graveyard desk-job for info, which cannot be found.

Frigida, for her part leaps at the chance to tattle on everyone for the little field trip downstairs., the instant Rosalena comes home. She makes that smug face she always makes.

Now it's Rosalena's moment to "act" (as in, a melodramatic display of over-performance that could only come from an actress determined to show strong emotion). Everything is going to hell! Not even her children respect her wishes! Matilde tries to defuse her ("at least they're in your house, right?"). But Rosalena just freezes like a deer in headlights and shows the camera just how wide and teary she can become. She blames herself for that business of Linares' daughter, whatever that means.

If you make a clay heart, it means you're in love. So what are we to take from the fact that Luci is now making some cruddy little vases? Is she dreaming of keeping flowers fresh?  She's an ok sculptor, but her true strength is in how she manages to make all this pottery without getting her bed or room messy. Frigida pops in and threatens her some more. Ho-hum.


Gala overhears Rod talking about how little he wants to get married. They is some scary muisic, even though she already knows how he feels about the wedding. He tells his buddy there's no other lady, he just doesn't love Gala (though he's too much of a wimp to confront her again without sleeping with her.). He's 100% sure. Once she has heard enough, Gala strides in and humiliates herself some more by exercising her powers of denial and rubbing herself all over Rod.

Lastro calls up to threaten Luci. Matilde thinks she should ask Pat or Rod for protection, but she really doesn't want anyone to know that she once worked at el infierno.. She asserts that she cannot ask the boys for help, especially not Rod!

Maximino is beginning to develop an idea about the lost child of Linares - the kid's age would be just right. right. He also grumbles some more about the fraud. He sees himself as the victim and Linares the villain.

In a brief but enjoyable interlude, we are treated to the delightful sight of Violeta dancing terribly in her new sexy devil outfit and singing something.

Rod is releasing his anger at the punching bag, and Gala comes in to refresh him and to act even more needy! God, Rod is weak!

Rosalena yells at Luci some more. Blah. Frigida makes that smug face again! She has Luci come out to receive and wait on Gala, just to torture the poor girl. There is an interminable scene here where they badmouth Luci, and Gala gushes about how much Rod "loves" her and "can't bear to be without her." Frigida intercepts an airmail for Luci from a courier on motorcycle.

Later, in private, Gala begs Rosalena for help! She needs to keep Rod, and wants some mommy-manipulation to seal the deal.

The world-business mag has a story about Torreslanda fraud, and an odd cover. Max says "this means war!" Linares released the story to the press.

Back at the house, Frigida gets a-snooping into Luci's letter! But we don't find out what's inside. The big cliff-hanger is that Max shows up at Linares' for a confrontation. Also, according to the advances, the wedding is tomorrow!


Hey Ezra! Thanks for the funny recap. I especially like your comments on Luci's clay heart and pots. With the ads saying Por Ella Soy Eva is coming soon, I have hope that these two hour marathons will end soon. Hang in there.

Linares doesn't yet suspect his child isn't dead. He's just having the remains (restos) of his wife and child moved to his family crypt. I am sure that once that process gets started he will realize the remains of his child don't exist.

I am mad at Mati for not telling Rosa or Linares the truth. I don't give a darn that her "nina" Rosa might face the anger and accusations of Linares. It's what she deserves for what she did.

I am also now sure that Rosa will end up in a manicomio by the end of this thing. She's barely holding it together right now.

Haven't seen this one yet (DVR) but I'm so clueless, was wondering why big chunks of plot were missing for me....2 hour episodes?? Gaah!! I've been turning them off after an hour.

Rosa just totally rocks, clothes wise! I just want everything she wears so bad. Also dig Luci's haute-couture peasant gear! She is so gorgeous.

Welcom Katie Lennon. Yeah this is a two hour marathon every night unless they add another TN. I agree with you about Rosa's clothes they are some classic beautiful ones.

Vivi I agree with you about Linares. Poor guy, I really hope he finds out the child isn't buried with the mother and he can start the search.

I also agree about Rosa going to the manicomio. She is barely holding on. At first she kind of defended Luci, but then Gala and her yapping and now oh Luci is guilty, let's not even talk to her. Now she is going to light into Rod.

Ezra-as always you rock. Always love your recaps. They are wonderful in that you always get the important stuff. I wonder what Frigid wants with Luci's letter, isn't it from Het Het? She is so nosy. Can't wait for the anvil for her, but it will be for a long time I think.

Also love Magda trying to butter up Copio to get those deeds for the land and house for Paz.

I really like the good women in this TN Conny, even though she knew what Rosa did, but not really why, Hanna, Melissa, Magda, Paz, Violetta and especially Luci. Mati too very sweet, but I think Mati needs to rat Rosa out to Linares. I still think Max did the fraud and blamed poor Linares.

Gracias, Ezra. Very to the point.

Frigida's theft of the letter really made me angry, almost more than Gala's petty behavior at the hen party.

Why is Rod such a gutless wonder about breaking up with Gala? This is ridiculous because she will make his life a living hell.

And the hubris of Rosaelena thinking that her adult children owe her obedience. Arrrrgh!

I really like the actors in this show, they are compelling and have a great screen presence but the characters as written leave something to be desired. Especially Rod as gorgeous as he is, the way he lets himself be manipulated by La Mala-Gala is not very attractive. Such a wimp! However I'm so into hunky Gabe Soto that I forgive him having to incarnate the weak & hapless Rod. I forgive him pretty much anything actually.

Ezra: I'm really enjoying your recaps, they are so informative and I love your sense of humor: "Linares is at the Church, finding out that maybe his daughter isn't quite as dead-and-buried as was previously assumed". Excellent!

"Gala strides in and humiliates herself some more by exercising her powers of denial and rubbing herself all over Rod" was the truth. And nothing but the truth. No pride, no dignity.

When is Rod going to use his underdeveloped spine?? Katie, (welcome), echoed my thoughts perfectly:"I'm so into hunky Gabe Soto that I forgive him having to incarnate the weak & hapless Rod". Amen.

Thanks again Ezra, this was great.


Ezra-- We really appreciate your high-flying talents of recapping while trying to stay awake. Were you perhaps expecting a tn with more testosterone, mountain-climbing good guys and shoot-'em up, drug dealing bad guys than a bunch of bickering, tormented by secrets, clay-working women dealing with a major beyotch and her dipsy (but not dumb) mother? Male white collar fraud aside.

Vivi--as always, you get up earlier than I do and commented first. Reading the recap, I was going to fill everyone in on the cemetary guy and moving the remains. I'm not sure what the actual problem is, but it involves getting outside authorization, signed documents, etc. etc. that the cemetary can't move forward without. Of, course we know it is a set up for us to find out that only Aurelia's remains are in the current grave.

I did not expect Maximo to show up at Linares' office, after he made such a point of letting the attorneys handle everything.

Still it makes me wonder why Maximo is so opposed to taking a fairly safe risk with Rodrigo's proposal, backed by Pato and some of his associates? Is there something behind Maxim's feelings about Rod? Hmmm. Business acumen and rivalry for the top spot aside.

Ezra--I agree with you about Violeta and her singing act. We all adore Aleida Nunez (especially Carlos did in CME), but she should stick to perky and try not to sing, at least not any more on this show.

What are they setting up poor Lorenzo to do. At least he has a compadre in Aldo. Aldo reminds me of a huge huggable teddy bear--he doesn't do anything except be amiable.

So, Hot Rod Bod has a full gym in his apartment. That's one thing money can do. If he's reacting to Gala like poison ivy now, what's he going to be like on his honeymoon? Gala's going to come back in a worse mood than she already is in.

We really don't need the Hanna-Boris-Lula can't work together on a school project theme. I guess this is where the writers go when they're tired and have been told to do fillers to make the tn last 120 episodes.

Agree that Laura as Roselena is doing a terrific job, but it'll be hard to stomach her carrying on about No Puedo for 70 or 80 more episodes. Come on Roselena, you can do it in 45.


Max & Rosa are a couple of control freaks -- she with the home/family & him with the biz. However the Rod character is too old to be submitting to it, if he was fresh out of college OK whatever but he's a 30-ish guy, helllllooo, get a non-nepotism job buddy, move to your own place and dump the horrid girlfriend! Good thing he is the physical personification of Adonis or he would be insufferable....

Anita, LOL re: Rosa's "No puedo" fits. I must add that Mati is also chewing up the scenery with the ¿Que Hago? schpiel and also playing to the balcony with the Don't Hurt Luci scene with Rod.

RE: Luci's fabulous ceramic heart as ref'd in the recap, pretty weird of Rod to come out with "oh can I have this?" I think "not no but hell no" would be the appropriate response especially after he found out about Gala's rather criminal mistreatment of Luci, and stll can't stand up to her - she should have said "yeah you can have it" & thrown it at his head! But honestly who would actually want that thing. It looks like something your 5 y/o kid makes in summer camp and you pretty much have to display until they are old enough to not care anymore.

Katie--I'm so glad you have joined the marching band with this here head-crunching beanie-wearing grupo of Spanish Language Improvement folks. Your comments are not only spot on but clever and funny. Please don't disappear. We need you.

Ditto what Anita said Katie!

I would have loved it had Luci thrown that big, heavy heart at Rod's head. Ha!

When Hot Bod Rod and his terrible Gala divorce, she will take him for everything he's got. Rod you hot bod dummy.
the gringo

Thanks so much for the recaps! The captions are horrible. I'm trying to watch Thursday's show and it has captions from last night!!! Oy!!!

Thanks for the warm welcome Anita Vivi and everybody -- and thanks for the recaps, I missed CHUNKS! You are providing a much-needed servicio.

OK though -- Why, why, why does Rod's hair color vary SO MUCH from scene to scene. ¿Por QUE? Ask him a question, he turns around and suddenly has rather alarming chunky highlights!

Editors, I want to see you in my office, stat!

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