Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Abismo de pasión, #90 7/17/12: Of orange killers and blue houses and black widows, of damaged kidneys and broken hearts.

The old:
Bumble accompanies the Killer Orange back to the quinta.
At Casa bien Castigada, Elisa, still stained with Augusto’s blood, wails. Really loudly. [Mr. Maven hollers from the next room to turn down the volume but I can’t because then I can’t make out the mumblers and the low talkers. A door shuts noisily in the Maven house.]
Horacio recites Carmina’s alibi, as ordered. Lucio restrains Carmina. The draped body is removed on a stretcher. When Lucio says that an autopsy will be done, Carmina howls in protest: “Criminy! He killed himself with a shotgun! Why can’t they leave him in peace!”
Say what? Who said anything about a shotgun?
The new:
Elisa’s pathetic Nancy Drew (You just got here! How did you know about the escopeta?) is no match for Carmina’s mad improv skills. The shotgun? It was sitting out in the open, fully loaded, when she and Horacio left, right H? Even Dolores has to admit she saw the weapon. Oh woe! If the Orange Widow had known what Augusto was going to do, she’d never have left the damn quinta!
Alone in her room, the Rotten Citrus blubbers: ¡Tuve que hacerlo! (I had to do it!)
Hacienda Harango: Alfonsina tells Gabino about Chente’s accident. No skin off his nose. Wow. Cold, dude. Even Alfabitch shakes her head. Later, however, Gabino rides over to the Health Center. He lurks briefly but doesn’t enter.
Centro de Salud: Toña weeps over the ashen-faced Chente. She and Braulio are being tested for compatibility as kidney donors. (I’m betting neither is a match for the crucial filthybandanahandwrap factor.) Doc Tovar has scheduled the transplant first thing tomorrow. Medicine moves lightning-fast in La Ermita.
Wait ... Chente speaks. He’s calling for his dad. Awww. Braulio is touched. Until Chente says “Tell Gabino to come, mamá, I need him here.” Oh, THAT dad. Braulio storms out, undeterred by Toña’s pathetic protests.
Hacienda Harango: Paolo won’t take the blame for Chente’s accident. And if Alfie is sick of him, the feeling is mutual. After Flor’s wedding, he’s history.
Maru stops by the hacienda looking for Dam. Since he’s still out squabbling with Flor, she has to settle for leaving word of Augusto’s death with Alfie. Oh yes, Alfie will be sure to tell him.
When Maru leaves, Alfie, stunned as she may be, has the presence of mind to tuck this metaphorical amulet in her metaphorical bra. No way Dam is getting that message tonight. When he and Flor get back home, Alfie’s hands are sweating but her botox mask is more inscrutable than ever. As soon as Dam walks toward his bedroom, Alfie shuts off the house phone. Yes, she’s a bitch. But as our Cap'n has noted, she’s magnificent.
At Casa bien castigada, the decibel level is still unbearable. Dolores and Lucio soldier on. Elisa finally asks to be alone. She wanders into the study and picks up the phone, dials, and gets a busy signal. “Ay Damián, te necesito.”
You think you’ve got problems?
Braulio arrives to find Horacio comforting Dolores. Dolores asks innocently: “How’s your son?” “My son” Braulio echoes bitterly. He’s not in good shape. But Braulio’s there for another reason. “You mean about what happened with don Augusto?” That’s the third shock of the night for Braulio but that’s not why he’s there either. Horacio knows Gabino, right? Where does he live?
Now it’s Dolores who tries to phone Damían for Elisa. No luck. What about calling Padre Lupe and Gael? “Go ahead, they have to be told.”
Meanwhile poor Lucio has to shlep Carmina’s heavy suitcases back to her bedroom and then broach the delicate subject of funeral arrangements. There won’t be a wake, she declares. Let’s just get that sucker in the ground. And not next to my sister, either. He’ll be next to MY SON. “I think you should ask Elisa what she thinks” suggests Lucio mildly. “She...” begins Carmina, “is in no condition to make any decisions.” “But Carmina”, protests Lucio. And the Killer Orange thunders loudly: “Absolutely not! I don’t want him next to my sister!”
Back at Hacienda Harango, Flor follows Dam into his bedroom, and half-heartedly follows her seduction script. He boots her out saying he doesn’t want Mommy Dearest walking in on them again. It’ll have to wait until they’re married.
Will there be Passion in the Pit tonight?
It begins innocently enough. Gael comes looking for Paloma because he feels bad about the way they left things between them. They’d better walk to the other side of the cenote so Ramona doesn’t see Gael. She’s pretty mad at him right now.
Casa Tovar
Bumble comes home to find Enrique and Sabrina in a shouting match mostly about Paolo. They are silenced by the sober look on their mother’s face. “Where’s your father?” she asks. “Something really tragic happened.”
It will be a while before the news reaches Doc. He was on his way home, he really was, but on an impulse, he turned around and drove to Mérida. Too late, though. Curls had gotten tired of waiting for him and had left the restaurant more than an hour before. (Trust me, Edmundo. You don’t know how lucky you are.)
The Blue House of Shame
Gabino lounges. He’s grouchy and suspicious and maybe feeling prickles in that teeny-weeny vestigial conscience-like thing of his. When Curls gets home, he tells her that a boy who works in the Pro Ce had an accident.
Ramona’s choza
Enrique is looking for Paloma. When Ramona tells him she’s not home, he reassures her – she probably went to Elisa’s when she heard the news about Augusto. The news? Oh, Ramona didn’t know? “Parece que se dio un escopetazo.” (It seems he blasted himself with a shotgun). Ramona is absolutely stricken. Enrique is frightened by her reaction to the news and wants to help her but she sends him away.
This is a singularly unpleasant scene.
Flor’s room in the hacienda
An Alfie invasion. How can Flor expect to get knocked up if she sleeps alone? Flor explains tartly that “Damián se puso pudoroso” (he became modest, or ‘chaste’) after Mommy Dearest walked in on them. And why is Alfie pushing so hard anyway? Isn’t Elisa safely out of the picture? “Hazme caso” (listen to me, sweet cheeks), “when you’re married and carrying his baby in your belly, then you can loosen your bandage dress.” (Well, that’s a rather loose translation.)
This scene is just evil. We can deal.
Elisa’s bedroom in the casa demasiado castigada
Elisa stares at her reflection in the mirror. The Killer Orange approaches. She is wearing black and affecting the grieving widow. She knows Augusto had many problems and didn’t deal well with emotional stress but it was Kenia that drove him to this. He couldn’t live with the guilty knowledge that a 17 year old girl had drowned herself because of him.
Yeah, yeah, Elisa knows all that, but she knows how much grief the aunt brought him.
With desultory cruelty, the homicidal Orange announces: “No va a haber velorio. No pienso seguir prolongando ese sufrimiento.” Having deposited her poison, she leaves. Elisa collapses, desolate and teary, on her bed.
Here is the most unpleasant scene of the night.
Damián’s bedroom in the hacienda
Alfie brings her boy a bedtime snack, apples and milk, and tells him to go boink Florencia. She dismisses Damián’s gut feeling that there is something very wrong going on (besides his mother invading his bedroom and attempting to orchestrate his sex life, that is).
In the Centro de Salud
Toña weeps over Chente’s bed and prays that he won’t be punished for her sins.
Here is the best scene of the night. No kidding.
On the outskirts of town, Horacio leads Braulio to the Blue House of Shame. (Just don’t say I told you, okay?) Braulio enters and, after expressing mild surprise at seeing Curls there, walks up to Gabino and begins to beat the crap out of him. (We have to get as much pleasure as we can out of this tonight because tomorrow, Irritating Curls is probably going to conk Braulio on the head or Gabino will pull a knife or something. Carpe diem, folks.)
The second best scene of the night.
Paloma keeps blathering about Elisa. She’s not woman enough for Gael and he’ll never feel for her what he feels for Elisa, she says. Gael shushes her. “Any man would feel proud to have a woman like you at his side.” He moves in very close. “You think I don’t feel anything when I kiss you, when I caress you ...” They move in for the smooch. The music swells in the background...
Scriiiiitch. The scene changes abruptly. Ramona interrupts Padre’s prayers with a startling declaration: “It was my fault! I provoked it! I killed him!”
Avances: In the dead of night, Elisa seeks out Damián at Hacienda Harango; Damián mounts his white steed and goes forth looking for Elisa. Let’s hope they manage to connect.


Oh goodie, I got to read a recap before I nod off. Novela Maven, thank you for the terrific recap of a rather "meh" episode. I LOVE the way you began because it really hit home with me. Mr. Sharkbait was also very annoyed by tonight's episode, and I even muted and Fast Forwarded. Some people are never satisfied!

You are so right about Alfie's bedtime snack for Dam. It was all wrong; Apples do not pair with milk.

Darn, Elisa is no Nancy Drew. She is hopeless. If I were her I would get out of the horrible house and the equally horrible shorts and move back in with Lucio.

Best scene of the night, definitely! Braulio always acts so meek; it's good to see him kick some Gabootie.

Gracias amiga. More tomorrow when I am a bit more awake.

Forgot to say, for me the most cringe-worthy scene was when Horacio was comforting Lolita. Ugh. I hope she can forgive herself when she Finds Out The Truth.

Also, thank goodness Doc Tovar was late. Whew! Dude totally dodged a bullet. Erp, sorry, poor choice of words.

I agree Sylvia after the Tarantino fest in the prior episodes, last night seemed "meh". But I can always rely on our wonderful recappers to liven up the retelling and Novela Maven you did it again!

"“when you’re married and carrying his baby in your belly, then you can loosen your bandage dress.” Loved it. Alfi is just sick--her obsession with this baby is giving me the creeps. I don't want that woman's hands on ANY baby. And then bringing the snack to her widdle boy---was waiting for her to start feeding him the apples. (horrible snack before bed.)

I guess my questions on Ass's burial were answered by the Wicked Witch ( with that black dress all she needed was the pointy hat). Yeah, buried next to HER son, not their son. Wonder who Padre will listen to--the cheating, non religious liar, or Elisa as to where the body will go?

I cannot even go there with the Gael/Pal scenes. Just stupid if the writers go there because Pal is being a shrew again and screaming about Elisa and THAT makes them get together for a little "by the cenote" fun? QuiQui is in the vicinity--oh please interrupt. But I don't have much faith that will happen.

Deep breath over the Doc walking into the empty restaurant. Phew.

Do I care about Vicente? No. Tonia all weepy? No. Braulio finding out the truth--yeah! Sorry, Cynderella, but it was sort of fun seeing someone getting back at Gab for once. See if Braulio can guilt him to the hospital?

Back into the tropical rainforest today, complete with rain later.

Novela Maven, there was much to love in your recap: "Mr. Maven hollers from the next room to turn down the volume but I can’t because then I can’t make out the mumblers and the low talkers" was great. "Rotten Citrus blubbers" and "metaphorical amulet in her metaphorical bra" also had me smiling away. This was excellent. And, your title was inspired.

ITA that Braulio was on fire. At the hospital bed, when he arched his brow, I knew it was over. Gabino was a dead man (hope springs eternal). It was so gratifying to see him kick the hell out of Gabino Mendosa or as you noted "Gabootie" Sylvia. Good one! No one deserves it more. Well, maybe Fina, Paolo and a few others...:)

I was disgusted that Carmina won't let Augusto be buried next to Estef. Well, I was momentarily horrified and then realized who it was and then shook myself out of my stupor.

daisy, I think Padre Lupe will have to do what Carmina requests in terms of burial plot as she is the spouse, although I know he will agree with Elisa.

The writers seem to be doing everything to make Horacio rather creepy. The stringy hair, angry stare and the duplicity in covering up Augusto's murder are certainly working for me. I still love Armando though!

I'm puzzled by what happened with Gael and Pal. It's not as though there was a great passion building up (or was there and I missed it).

Poor Ramona. She obviously blames herself for Augusto's death. I hope she realizes that she will certainly be next if she is not vey, very careful.


Fabulous job Novela Maven. My favorite scene was also Brau beating the stuffing out of Gab, so I really appreciated reading your glee.

So how long will it take before Daniam learns about Augie's death? Considering that he's the only person who still doesn't know he and Elisa aren't siblings, I'll give it a month.

I was so disappointed that Ramona jumped to the conclusion that she caused Augie's death by telling the truth. This means she will clam up and keep the truth to herself until the final episode now. Ay, yay, yay! Padre sure as heck won't say anything. He's managed to keep the secret about Gael's papa for 20+ years, for no reason that I can see. Where's blabbermouth Padre Severino (CME) when we need him?

Is there no one to control the Orange Menace??

Diana- The Paloma/Gael scene didn't make much sense to me either. I could have understand had he seen her out with Quique and gotten jealous. But this feels all wrong. Both of them (Gael and Pal) are still hung up on Elisa, which is so unhealthy. Although we know from what Gael said that he is very attracted to Pal, he told Padre he held back physically with Pal because he knew he couldn't follow through with the emotional commitment to her. As far as I can see, that hasn't changed. So, either Gael has undergone some magical change of heart, or he's going against his principals and being pretty slimy here.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the wonderfully snarky recap! What an episode.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought this was a 'meh' episode. I considered it one big filler night a/k/a extender episode.

I hate that Carmina gets to make the decisions about the funeral. Widow usually trumps offspring. I'm holding out for karmic justice there.

Cap'n Sylvia - "kick some Gabootie" totally rocks!

Yeah, I'm not getting the Gael-feeling-passion-for-Paloma thing, either. Qué the hell?

Since Gael is our 2nd tier hero, he'll probably win over Enrique the 3rd tier hero, in ending up with Paloma. But it makes no sense. I'm still seated at the QuiQui+Paloma table with frozen margaritas, guacamole & chips.

Well, it's uncanny...I dutifully wrote down all my favorite phrases and then found that my good friend Diana had noted them all before me. So I'm going to say a big DITTO for all her remarks. VERY BIG DITTO.

But another fave was "and maybe feeling prickles in that teeny weeny vestigal conscience-like thing of his". Such a perfect description of our guilt-deficient special needs Gabino. All the juice seems to have gone to his nether regions, leaving the top half running on empty.

Haven't seen this yet but now that I know there's a "kick some Gabootie" in it, I'll be sure and do so.

Thanks Novela Maven. Mr. B at home would also carp about the volume except I now have earphones so he can ruminate in blessed silence while I watch. And I remove the earphones every time Elisa starts to wail like a banshee.

Novela Maven: Great recap - you put it all in perspective.

Did everybody take note of how white Carmina's hands look when she puts them next to her face? Also, she appears to be using several shades of orange - like light, medium and extra strong, not that I think that has any significance.

I still find Damian hard to take as our number one galán. Strength of character is abysmally lacking in this abismo de pasión.

Maybe, just maybe, Gael has recognized the error of his ways, but, Paloma has a long way to go to control her urge to whinge.

Wonderful recap.

Being late to the party, all of my favorite lines have already been mentioned, but I will reiterate that “when you’re married and carrying his baby in your belly, then you can loosen your bandage dress” is fabulous (as is Alf.)

I also enjoyed seeing Gab getting a little whallop.

The avances: looks like Elisa will be wailing tonight, too.

Another stellar recap, NovelaMaven. My own favorite line:

"Trust me, Edmundo. You don’t know how lucky you are."

Unfortunately, I don't think that either one has given up on the pursuit of the other.

I wasn't paying close attention but what I think I saw was that he arrived at the restaurant, thought better of it, drove away (exaltation over his good judgement), then returned (moan of disappointment over his lack of resolve) and went in to find that she had already gone after giving up on him (sigh of relief).

No, I don't think that we're done with this unhappy pair.

I wonder if there may be blood ties between Ramona and Augusto? Why did she have that painful reaction at the moment of his death?

I thought that Gabino seemed more affected by Chente's accident than the rest of you did... but then I also thought that Braulio had gone to recruit him as a donor... not beat the snot out of him.

No wake or funeral for our Augusto? No burial next to his adored Steffy? His bad luck follows him even in death.


No wake or funeral for our Augusto?
I will be the jerk and say that Augusto didn't give Steffie a proper burial and I'm still made about that. By the end of this thing, Elisa better arrange for a proper burial for both of her parents.

Now, I have a question. Before Augusto died, he was trying very hard to pay off Alf so Elisa would not lose her land. What's going to happen now??

Whoops, I forgot one more delightful line:

Carmina's mad improv skills.

Yes, I think we have to credit Carmina and Flo both with "mad improv skills".

As always, the baddies, for the most part, are way smarter than the hunky galans and the boobalicious damsels.

I think that was partly what Alfi was so pithed about. The sale of the lands between Gab and Asshat never happened, so now it's either Elisa or Rusty she has to contend with. Whether she continues to use Gab as the go between is a question.
Also, did Asshat have a will? Do the lands he owned go to Rusty? Or did he leave them to Elisa? Something tells me that he didn't and Rusty will get her hands on everything that wasn't Steff's. Lovely.

That would run true to form, since the first thing Orangina did was to steal Estefania's jewelry.

These recaps are so good I’m running out of adjectives! Novela, I loved, “Killer Orange,” I think you could construct a horror movie out of that one. In fact, the first line of the movie could be, “It was a dark and stormy night ‘And the Killer Orange thunders loudly!’” Your “Orange Widow,” and “Rotten Citrus” were pulpy, sugary and delicious!

“Is there no one to control the Orange Menace??” I guess not Vivi!

“Strength of character is abysmally lacking in this abismo de pasión.” Just Lucio, Pasofino!

I think that Dr. T is sinning in his heart, his body is sure to follow. Good grief Edmundo, you have a kidney transplant first thing in the morning, your daughter is in a relationship with a slug, and you have a “Killer Orange” living in your house.....your timing is horrible!

I know we have some “loving” disagreement around here, but we are all in unison about something......Someone tell Damian that Elisa isn’t his sister! Will Elisa tell him tomorrow? Judging how how things have been going, nooooooooo!

It's funny that the novela called "Abismo de Pasión" has no passion what-so-ever.

NM thanks for your great recap of a filler episode. My favorite line was "She dismisses Damián’s gut feeling that there is something very wrong going on (besides his mother invading his bedroom and attempting to orchestrate his sex life, that is)." Though her wardrobe is fabulous, Alf's "involvement" in her son's sex life makes my skin crawl.

Braulio's beat-down was the scene of the night. And I'm with Sylvia (in addition to the "kick some Gabootie" statement), Horacio trying to comfort Lolita was the most cringe-inducing scene. I know Diana loves the actor (and I like him too) but this character needs to die so Armando can find a better role. At the rate Horacio is going he may just be killed by the Orange Menace with her telling Lolita he left her.

Vivi - The only people who can control the Orange witch are those who won't be moved to do so until they have something at stake. We may have to wait until the last wk though maybe the writers will listen to daisynjay and let II reveal Agent Orange and die in one fell swoop.

Add me to the list of those who are mad at the writers for that coming together of Gael & Pal. I hope QuiQui doesn't have to see it but someone needs to interrupt this so Pal doesn't end of up pregnant.

Great comments, everybody! And I appreciate your kind words.

"Kick him some Gabootie"!!! Yes!!!
And yes, the H/Dolores scene was ghastly -- maybe that's why I didn't linger on it.

"the Wicked Witch ( with that black dress all she needed was the pointy hat)" Perfect! I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out! Maybe she'll start sprouting warts on her nose.

"I'm puzzled by what happened with Gael and Pal. It's not as though there was a great passion building up (or was there and I missed it)."
I suppose Lupe's "you'll be sorry" talk to Gael the day before had an effect -- just not the one Lupe was hoping for. We know both Gael and Paloma are in for lots more heartache before we are done. Sigh.

"Is there no one to control the Orange Menace??"
I guess it's too early. I never expected to see her ride her steamroller over Elmer Fudd, but she did, didn't she? Let's hope the Acme Anvil Company is laying in plenty of supplies ...

Yeah, it wasn't action-packed like the night before. Still, I liked watching the aftermath (though I would have liked it even more if I had had the luxury of using the mute button. Recapper no no. Bah.)

"All the juice seems to have gone to his nether regions, leaving the top half running on empty." Jejeje. I couldn't quite decide where his vestigial conscience might be lodged -- heart? brain? liver? kidney??? oho!

Are corazonadas only experienced among blood relatives. Pues ni modo. I'm sure there's lot's of inbreeding in that sleepy little town. (Which might explain a lot, when you think about it.)

Alas I fear you are right about Curls and Eddie -- it's not over yet.

"I still find Damian hard to take as our number one galán. Strength of character is abysmally lacking in this abismo de pasión."
Excellent point. But strength of malice -- now that's a different story. Our Alfie and Omega bitches are steely with evil determination.

"Augusto didn't give Steffie a proper burial and I'm still mad about that. By the end of this thing, Elisa better arrange for a proper burial for both of her parents."
Let's just hope she doesn't have to expand the plot (the burial plot, that is) too much. (How many more victims -- I mean people we care about -- will the Pit exact before it's all over?)

I think the funeral snub gets back at the living -- and of course the Killer Orange hates every single one of them. If you're a believer, the souls of the dead are beyond her reach. And if you're not, well there's nothing more she can do to hurt them. But the living -- the possibilites are endless.

The Gael and Paloma scene completely baffled me. I more or less ignored it. Glad to know I'm not the only one who had a big question mark over my head.

Oh yes, our Killer Orange is definitely a Material Girl!

Sandy in TN:
"I think that Dr. T is sinning in his heart, his body is sure to follow. Good grief Edmundo, you have a kidney transplant first thing in the morning, your daughter is in a relationship with a slug, and you have a “Killer Orange” living in your house.....your timing is horrible!"

jajaja! Edmundo is definitely one of those rare novela birds -- a flawed but essentially good man. I'd say if he's planning to do a kidney transplant in a rural health center with the local talent assisting, his problems are bigger than Bumble and Curls.

"I hope QuiQui doesn't have to see it but someone needs to interrupt this so Pal doesn't end of up pregnant."
Gee. I didn't even get that far. Now I'm starting to feel ashamed for celebrating their moment of pleasure (however transient). Sorry. I was lulled by the sweet music. Without seamy jazz in the background, I go all Sandra Dee.

NM, I need the music too. Otherwise I'm not sure what to think. Paolo's music, for example, is perfect. It tells us just what sort of person he is.

Sandy in TN:
"It's funny that the novela called "Abismo de Pasión" has no passion what-so-ever."

If the writers are using "passion" in the Christian sense, meaning "suffering", (think Passion Plays), the show is really delivering on its promise. And that's not even talking "abyss". me a hopeless, dim-witted romantic, but I like Gael and Paloma together. And they had a Theme Song last night. Very sweet. But cut short. Did Televisa clip the scene because it was too steamy for American audiences? Oh dear, not sure if I'm ready for another unintended pregnancy. (and another prospect for baby theft by Florencia?)

Of course I also like Enrique and Paloma. Hmmmmm. Maybe that's it. He'll step in and marry Paloma once she's with child. That's always what the noble fellas do in these stories.

Arrrgh. Lots more drama before this hot mess is finished.

At any rate, thanks Novela Maven for reminding us of the orginal meaning of "pasión". Interesting that we have downgraded a word meaning Suffering, even Divine Suffering to merely a highfalutin' term for being hot-to-trot. Truly a Gabino point of view.

"Without seamy jazz in the background"
The "let's get it on" theme? or the "Paolo is oily" theme?

Yes, JudyB, a theme song! I'm so glad I'm not the only "hopeless, dim-witted romantic" for liking Gael and Paloma together.

I jotted down a fragment of the lyrics:

"Te has convertido en toda mi felicidad"

Then I found the song was called "Junto a ti". And THEN I discovered that (if the internet source is to believed) the song was first heard in our novela during the wedding of Dolores and Horacio. Oh nooooooo!

I was glad to actually see some chemistry between Gael and Pal last night. Granted, they were snogging pretty heavily and it's pretty easy to see chemistry in those kinds of situations.

If I may be so conceited: we also heard Junto a Ti when Elisa and Dam met up at the cemetery after they learned they were siblings. I linked to the video when I did the recap that night.

You, conceited, Sara? Nunca de las jamases!

Cemetery, church, cenote -- way to economize on the music budget!

Pasíon = suffering, now I get it. You smarty pants need to let us dummy pants in on these things. The whole time I’ve been looking for passion, the good kind, and only found suffering! I might not have even started watching the dern thing if I had know that!!!

I'm confused by the fans of Armando bemoaning him being stuck with the Horacio role. I've only ever seen him playing villains, and they're usually the orchestrators of their own villainous acts, unlike Horacio.

This is actually the most sympathetic role I've ever seen him in. In Contra Viento Y Marea he was a brutal wife-beater and in Mi Pecado a sociopathic rapist who pushed that girl (can't remember her name...the priest's niece who he seduced, impregnated, and dumped) in front of a moving vehicle. While pregnant with his child.


I also appreciate the reminder of the other use of passion.

PS: petty , conceited, I wear many hats lol

Karamy...he was a hot-headed but adorable policia on Llena de Amor. There's a witty remark by Carlos on the sidebar about the romance between him and the gal who plays Florencia in this one. there's a video of that song? Good, 'cause I'd like to hear it in its entirety.

If you’re not a word nerd, skip this comment!

My favorite word in this episode -- escopetazo because it has my favorite augmentative suffix, -azo. (Remember how Enrique tells Ramona that “[Augusto] se dio un escopetazo”?

Often, you can take an object or a part of the body, add –azo to it, and you’re ready to fight. Or as my old Spanish teacher put it, to administer “un golpe dado con objeto”. So –
botella --> botellazo
bolsa --> bolsazo
costal (large sack) --> costazo
manguera (hose) --> manguerazo

Or with body parts
rodilla --> rodillazo (to knee someone)
codo (elbow) -->codillazo (to jab someone with an elbow)
cabeza (head) -->cabezazo (to head-butt someone)

My dictionary defines “Escopetazo” as “gunshot wound” which puts it in the company of:
bayoneta-->bayonetazo (thrust with a bayonet)
cuchillo (knife) --> cuchillazo (stab wound)

Unlike other suffixes which you can pretty much add willy-nilly, I think this one only works with certain words. So I’m always pleased to hear a new one.

That’s all. Er, carry on. Whatever.

JudyB- Ahh, yes...I remember seeing him in the ads for Llena de Amor. I never watch the comedies. Is Carlos' sidebar quote by any chance the one about someone being handcuffed to a urinal? I've always wondered what TN that was from...


NovelaMaven you have read my mind. I wondered about the word escopetazo as well. I have heard cocotazo for a whack on the head. I will look forward to reading your comment when Amorcito Corazon is over. I am popping in during a commercial break.

Oh yes, it's the urinal comment. And a doozie I might add. Though they all are.

Armando Araiz also had a small part as a helpful barrio doctor in Una Familia con Suerte.

And actually, there's always a lot of drama and angst even in the comedies....certainly there was in Llena de Amor.

Kidnappings,murders, the main villainess being roasted a la Joan of Arc as her karmageddon. Not sure I'd really call Llena de Amor a comedy.

Ah, NovelaMaven...Junto a Ti is by Alex Sirvent. A bunch of us had a crush on him (he's a handsome devil) for the part he played in Gancho al Corazón. The song is very pretty (he writes great romantic music) and can be had on iTunes if anybody is interested.

Sartenazo: a whallop with a cast-iron skillet, which Emilia always threatens to give Mike.

Yes, Karamy, it's the urinal quote. It was truly a memorable scene. He not only handcuffed her to the urinal, he also gagged her with her own tights! And yet, despite how it sounds, it was kinda romantic!

I thought Gael and Paloma had a lot of chemistry back in the beginning, before Paloma turned so pathetic around him. I'd root for them to get that back. He really needs to get over helpless Elisa.

Gracias por el excelente recap, NM!

"Let’s just get that sucker in the ground." was one of many hilarious lines, NovelaMaven.
Love all the recaps for this TN, but am watching less. The eeeevil characters vs. the estupido characters are wearing me down.

Not to mention the harsh, high-contrast lighting is giving me uneasy sensations of alien puppet masters hovering over La Ermita, sending beams of orange light down over the village, as they wait for their experiment with the habaneros to reach its conclusion.

When Angelique Boyer was the orphan gypsy girl in the despised Corazon Salvaje remake, I really liked her. She had lots of sparkle and style and I sympathized with her plight. Here, she mostly bawls endlessly while sporting fake boobs and sleazewear. I can't care if she wins Damian's heart, since he doesn't strike me as a principe azul.

La Paloma

This whole time I haven't understood why anyone would be attracted to either Damian or Elisa. I mean, really interested in them, not to just look at them. She's a useless crybaby. He's uptight and almost always in a bad mood. They are both stupid. They really should not ever reproduce; their kids would have no chance. Gael is much more appealing to me.

I was thinking that Alfonsina drugged the milk so Florencia could slide in with Dam.

As evil as Carmina is, she does have a point: you usually don't bury YOUR husband next to his first wife. My hope is by the end of this thing Elisa can bury both of her parents together in a nice gravesite instead of the sad mound of dirt Estefania has currently.

La Paloma:
"...the harsh, high-contrast lighting is giving me uneasy sensations of alien puppet masters hovering over La Ermita, sending beams of orange light down over the village, as they wait for their experiment with the habaneros to reach its conclusion."
That is sensational. Have I told you lately how much I love your comments?

Julia and Sara, Thanks for the -azo's. I've added them to my list.

JudyB, now you've made me curious about the song. I'll have to find it on YouTube.

You have a lot of company in your feelings about our protagonistas. It's funny, we just saw an original musical this weekend based on Romeo and Juliet. It makes the assumption that the eponymous heroes are kind of a drag and looks at the story through the eyes of Rosaline and Paris.

Drugging the milk? Alfie WOULD do that if she thought it would buy her anything. [While we're at it, why not poison the apples? Snort.]

NovelaMaven - thank you for our word nerd lesson~! I watch telenovelas to improve my Spanish, and now I have had my lesson for the day. :-)

Last night, Elisa looked like her false eyelashes were gone. The glue probably dissolved from all the crying.

Not only do Horacio's hair and eyes creep me out but that mouth of his especially does it, when he makes that face where he looks like something from "Deliverance."

On the subject of "azos"(hmmmm...that just sounds wrong when you say it) I recall someone somewhere being called a "mangazo" meaning not just a gorgeous hunk of a guy but a really really gorgeous hunk of a guy. Funny how certain vocabulary just sticks in your mind.

@Doris.."like something out of Deliverance"...oh my, you nailed it. He really is gifted at looking like the wrong end of the genetic line.

"Last night, Elisa looked like her false eyelashes were gone."
Maybe. I thought she had the tragic face version -- shorter, less obvious, but not the naked face actresses (and directors) sometimes are bold enough to show.

I love "mangazo". Here's what I found:

mangazo (mango+-azo): 1. a whack with a mango (golpe dado con un fruto de mango) (Cuba, Honduras y Ven.)
2. coloquially, persona muy guapa (Hond.)(a very handsome person)
3. = sablazo (acto de sacar dinero/ the act of getting money out of someone) Urug.

sablazo (sable+-azo):
1. golpe que se da con un sable (saber)(A whack given with a sword.)
2. Herida hecha con él.(A wound made by a saber)
3. coloqu. obtención de dinero de alguien con habilidad e insistencia y sin intención de devolverlo. (Getting money from someone with guile and insistence and without any intention of returning it.)

Doris--Elisa's lashes - thought it was me but as she stared in the mirror I thought, Gees her eyes don't look so heavy.So those fakes were really missing. All that blubbering isn't good for the glue I bet.

Isn't it odd that we are more than 1/2 done with this TN, and we are still waiting for Elisa to GROW UP and Dam to cut the Mama strings, stop being so pouty and be a man. He tries, but every time something goes wrong, he runs home. I suppose, reaching into my Psych 102 days, it's desire to find some comfort in 'Home" since his mother deprived him of a real one for a chunk of his childhood. But his running back to Flo immediately as well, just immature if you ask me. Like he can't stand on his own two feet.

But really, at some point these two have got to get their **** together, excuse me. Elisa: Her father is gone, park the shorts, put on some work clothes and boots and get to work in that hothouse/fields. Dam: take charge at the factory, bring QuiQui back in and if Mama intefers, pack your bags and tell her you're gone for good. heck, with his degree in agricultural science, QuiQui could probably do a better job running the joint anyway.

*desperately trying not to read this recap*

*desperately trying not to read these comments*

Hi, Caray mates. :) Just dropping in for a quick hug before I get back to my Abismo massive-marathoning (Abismo episodes combined with knitting or crocheting is surprisingly fun and satisfying).

I've missed you all. My dad got sick towards the end of May, sick enough to where just about all of my TV watching (and writing) went caput. Thank Heaven he's recovered now--what a tough ol' bird, I love him!--and my schedule can get somewhat back to normal. I've caught up on my Korean dramas and have now attacked Abismo. I am FREAKING OUT at all the Ermitaville stuff coming at me all at once.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to you fabulous recapper mates. Without you, I wouldn't be able to look up the scenes I'm not sure of or supplement my marathoning with the best witty-isms ev-vah. LOL Believe folks when they tell you how invaluable you all are. I bow to you.

Hugs, all! Back I go to a passion pit of episodes deep enough to choke Augie's horse! heh :D Take care.

Hey Stephe! So glad to see you here again and to here that your dad is ok.

Isn't it ironic that the only one of these young people who has struck out on their own and gotten their own place and car (although with blackmail money) was 17 year old Kenia?

Hi there, Vivi. :)

NM, another JEWEL recap on a very very meh episode.

Sylvia, Kick some Gabootie is right! YAY!!

daisynjay, again we think alike.. all Carmina needed on that black dress and long straight hair was a witch hat and broom

and for those wanting to see the steamy scene Gael/Pal in its entirety, look in youtube for abismo 90 part 4.. warning, the end of that clip has MUCH MORE preview for tonight's ep than what we saw last night.

welcome back and glad your dad is doing better now.

I just love when the comments get all WordNerdery! Thanks for the today's lesson, NovelaMaven.

Stephe: hello fellow knitter/crocheter!

PS Stephe: I'm glad your father is better :-)

and here is the song for the scene.

It always helps to write sentences after we learn a new word of phrase, right? So here goes:

Espero que Carmina recibe un mangazo a la cabeza muy pronto.

Stephe...always a great day when you pop in. And even better when there's good news about your dad. Welcome back dynastyqueen.

Marta, thanks so much for the link to the youtube version of the Junto a Ti song. It would make a perfect wedding song, wouldn't it?

Dear Novela Maven:

What a wonderful recap, cara Maven. I am currently in an INCONVENIENT location and I am unable to write the long detailed raving review that this recap so richly deserves.

You must trust me when I say that I thought the title was just dandy, and in reading the body of text the recap only got better.

NM, we are lucky to have you—such an excellent writer and thinker!— recapping on Caray Caray. Thanks again for this offering. I will hopefully be able to read comments later.

Casting Bourbon Roses at your feet,

Elna June

Marta, Sara, and Ms. JuuuuudyB... gracias! Muchas! :)

I really have missed y'all. Talk about Depressionville. I'm speeding through these epis like a knife through buttah... haha... and trying not to read ahead. Gah!

Stephe, I hope you'll be visiting the pits again soon. Glad your dad is well.

Marta, Thanks so much for the links to the unexpurgated version of the Gael/Paloma scene and the youtube version of Junto a ti!

Doris, I trust that in your sentence you mean definition one (whacked in the head with a mango) and not def. two (guapetón)

Elna June, I am amusing myself trying to imagine the inconvenient location in which you find yourself. Bourbon Roses? Andale pues ... You are such a sweetheart. Thank you.

NM - OMG! Yes, definitely #1 (whacked on the head) Gahhhh.... although Carmina would probably like to be guapetonado.

Martaivette- Thanks for the tip on where to see the full Pal/Gael hook-up. Uni gets more puritanical every day it seems. I don't get why they cut that whole scene. Although, there really is no doubt now that those two went all the way, and didn't stop with just some passionate kisses. Yowza! I wonder where this storyline is going?

Querida Novela Maven, thank you so much for the recap. You make me laugh.

Martaivet thank you for the head's up about Capitulo 90, part 4 on YOUTUBE. ¡Ayiiii! For me, all things Gael have fallen into place.

My Spanish isn't very good (so try to imagine how many times I hit the rewind button), but did Gael -- a dish-and-a-half in my book -- ask Paloma, "Do you think I'm made of wood? Do you think I feel nothing when we kiss or caress?" I think he was saying that he hasn't acted on his feelings because he respects Paloma and cares for her. But, enough already!

In the end, with his need to explain himself fighting the desire to just shut up and kiss the girl, the handsome chatterbox who really needs to be understood, went in for the kiss . . . while talking.

And, I asked myself, "Self, when's the last time someone kissed you like that?"

Marie in Natick

Querida Marie, Thank you!

You got Gael's words just right -- maybe your Spanish is better than you thought. (I confess I left out the "I'm not made of wood" part because I was afraid of what those bad girls who sit in the back cracking their gum would do with that set-up.) :)

Too right NovelaMaven. We Back Row Bad Girls would have had a field day with that one.

Oh, NovelaMaven . . .

re: the bad girls snapping their gum and cracking wise about Gael being made of wood . . .

Heh heh heh heh heh. We can only hope.

Thanks for making me laugh.

Marie in Natick

Heeey. I resemble that.

I totally confess that when he said it I laughed a Peter Griffin laugh and went "he said 'wood'". heh heh

I was right there in the back row with you. Not wood, Gael? Liar!

LOL! I can't stop laughing....

i am not so put out with Gael and Pal going all the way here...
remember a while back we were saying/commenting that it would be good that Gael try with someone else so he can realize what he feels for Paloma and what he feels for Elisa and others? well, that is one way.. maybe not a fair way if we look at it from Paloma's point of view, but it is one way. now if there is any way he gets back with Elisa and Paloma hooks up with Quique or someone else, (ok that would be unfair on Quique too, strike two to someone who does not deserve it), he would feel jealousy and snap out of his misunderstandings... so i might have high hopes for Gael with or away from Paloma... what i would not like is for Paloma to be preggers from this and then we would have to add Ramona to the suffering innocents (deja vu comes full circle).

you did get it all right, he also said that he did 'want/desire' her and he would not hurt her because he does not want to hurt her and also because he feels lots of 'carino' for her (friendly love)

Well, just watched part 4 (thanks Marta) and there was no reason for Televisa to yank that. We've had plenty of other lovemaking scenes (including a gruesome one with Orangina and Augusto) so why edit that lovely scene and hack at that lovely song as well? Good heavens, this is a 9 pm show.

One last thought...I forgot to tell you how delightful your headings are, NovelaMaven. The one that really cracked me up was Ramona's Choza. Yowza.

Marta, thank you for the links. I can't believe how much Uni cut out of the Gael/Paloma scene! Those idiots ruined the whole mood. Gael and Pal had much better chemistry than I thought and I blame the stupid editing. Man that pithes me off! Well I wish those two crazy kids luck, "touch wood" as they say in England.

NM, thanks for the -azo tutorial. JudyB, didn't we also once learn that cuerpazo meant "hunk" or "great bod" much like mangazo?

Oh yes, Sylvia...cuerpazo it is. I think Fernando Colunga's picture is right there by the definition.

How nice that all you Back Row Bad Girls have had a chance to check in.

JudyB, I'm glad you like the headings. Sometimes they work better than others. It's just a way to help me organize what often appears as a series of choppy scenes into some kind of coherent whole. I always hope they make it easier for the reader, too.

Sylvia, thanks for adding "cuerpazo" to our collection. We hear that one a lot, don't we?

Anon, bummer about your lost comment. That's happened to me at times. (The only sure-fire strategy is to copy a long comment before hitting "publish", just in case). Anyhow, welcome to the blog!

JudyB, Julia: Thanks for the confirmation on the urinal quote. That's my favorite sidebar quote.

I understand that the tn/comedies also offer much in the way of drama and intrigue, but the dose of goofy comedy is still too high for me:) I get more than enough of it in the comic-relief sections of most regular tn's. However, I'm going to see if I can find the urinal scene on youtube; that I've gotta see.

Oh, and I forgot to thank for another marvelous recap, NovelaMaven. Yours are always among my favorites.

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