Thursday, July 26, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #79 Thu 7/26/12 The Long Goodbye

Our dear Madelaine is caring for her post eye surgery hubby, so I’m filling in for her tonight.  I did a summary recap instead of my usual details. (I can’t help the detailed recaps. It’s just the way my mind works. I apologize in advance for all my future long-winded recaps.) Not all things are in order, but are arranged by theme. Enjoy!

Lovelorn and Sleepless in D.F.
-Luci falls asleep peacefully over her books, cradling her engagement ring; while Rod has a restless night and slams their wedding bands against his night stand.
-The next day, after Luci’s exam, Rod arrives at the vecinidad and he and Luci manage a civil and pleasant conversation. He gives her the box with the wedding bands, tells her not to open it till she’s alone, and says she’ll know what to do with it. His “adios” sounds sort of final this time, but I wouldn’t bet on it. He beats a downspout in frustration. Luci looks at the rings, then closes the box, looking more determined than before.
-After an exhausting first day back at the office, Rod puts Pato to bed for a nap. Before he goes to sleep, Pato wants to speak to Luci to hear how the exam went. He is majorly annoyed that Rod went to see her that morning after her exam, and that he dumped the rings on her.
-Pato asks Rod a deeply personal question. Did he make love to (pure, innocent) Luci? NimRod admits that he did. Pato is livid that after taking her virginity, Rod is tossing Luci aside, in addition to not protecting her. If he were healthy and strong, heck, even in his current state, he would have protected her and wouldn’t let her go!
-Pato continues to make Rod his b!tch by making him call up Luci for him, stand silently as he speaks to her happily, and take down the phone number of the Het Het funeral parlor so that HE can call her when she’s back in the pueblo.

El Inferno
-Aldo comes to El Inferno to keep an eye on things, on Max’s orders. This bugs the hell out of Ivan and Lastra, who don’t seem to know what the heck Aldo’s doing there.  Aldo mentions to Lastra how angry the jefe was about the Lorenzo-jail affair. Lastra says HE’s the boss at Inferno!
-Marcial el Estalker, shows up in Vio’s dressing room, and she has to yell for security to get him to leave.

Women on the Verge…
-Connie remembers Rosa’s harsh words about her decrepit body, then the witch herself arrives to drive the dagger in deeper. What’s a younger man like Oscar want with an old hag like Connie? Connie ignores her and goes to bed to dream of her upcoming dirty weekend with Oscar. Atta girl Connie!! 
-Rosa la Loca invites Padre Honesto to the dinner where Rod will be served up on a platter to Gala, so that he can witness how she’s kissed and made nice with Rod. Her family is better than ever! Padre very reluctantly agrees to attend.
-Gala looks for the perfect rubber band dress to help her trap Rod at the dinner. Valentina tells her she would have better luck if she wore a long skirt, peasant blouse and band around her waist. Atta girl Vale!!
-Rosa boasts to Julie that the ambush dinner for Rod is all planned. Rod will be clueless (as usual), Julie and Gala will just happen to drop by to say farewell on their way to the farewell dinner Vale and Fernie have planned, then Rosa will invite them to stay for dinner and invite V&F and their novios over as well.
-Rosa’s veneer begins to crack and her crazy shows through when she finds out that 1) Pato, Melissa, and Hannah have disappeared shortly before the ambush dinner; and 2) Boris dared to set foot in Hannah’s bedroom earlier, and was alone with her there. Mati is the lucky winner who gets the tongue lashing for all of this.

Big Day Jitters
-Paz gives Lorenzo and Fabian the blessing for the first day of their taco biz, and gives Luci the blessing for luck on her exam.
-Luci takes the exam with a lot of other young folks, and seems pretty confident in her answers.
-Lorenzo and Fabian find a perfect spot to park their bike and taco canasta (basket), in front of a convenience store. The store owner lets them stay since their tacos will drive people inside to buy drinks. They immediately draw a crowd of young neighborhood maids. Either the tacos are really good, or the maids are drawn to the cute boys selling them. I think it’s both.
-Melissa brings Claudio her final thesis chapter. He’ll review it right away so that she can schedule her final exam. She’s very nervous about the final exam, but he assures her she will do marvelously. This makes Melissa’s heart pitter patter, and a huge grin comes to her face. Claudio is clueless about his effect on this lovely young woman.

Boris Makes Strides, But Lorenzo is Still Pulling Ahead
-Boris organizes a romantic scavenger hunt for Hannah, which takes her around the city to pick up various gifts and notes, and ends right back in her bedroom with a sweet kiss and a rose.
-Unfortunately, for Boris, the scavenger hunt takes Hannah right by Lorenzo’s taco stand, and they make moon eyes at each other before she runs off to the next clue.

Het Het Happenings
-The old Padre has been feted and buried, and Procopio looks exhausted. But after this big funeral, he and Theo have enough to pay the phone bill. With all the sadness and crying, he’s not so sure the funeral biz is right for him. He’s thinking about going back to Don Aquiles, who was way more fun than a weepy funeral, even if he was always in a foul mood. Aquiles thinks Copio is a gossiping traitor when he overhears this. He also seems to think he’s betraying him with Luchita.
-Luchita and the Gossip Girls rub it in Aquiles’ face how successful and in demand Copio has been since he left Aquiles. Aquiles blusters that he doesn’t want Copio back, but we can tell he doesn’t mean it.

Empresas Torreslanda
-Pato comes back to work in the office, and gets applause. Max is pleased as punch to have his favorite child by his side.

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!
-The Pueblo folk start to say their goodbyes to the big city. Vio takes Luci, Magda, Paz, and Ariche on a tour, which ends at one of the city’s beautiful old churches. They each pray to the Virgin. Ariche asks the Virgin to look out for the people he loves; Luci asks for protection and for help forgetting Rod; Magda asks for protection for Vio; Paz asks for strength to tell Claudio the truth, and the strength to handle it if Luci decides to leave her. Ariche gets a Virgencita statue to take home to his mama.
-Claudio tells Norma he has decided to surprise Luci and her crew by flying with them to Het Het for the weekend. But he’ll be back in time to continue working on his case. Things are looking good now that the judge who originally oversaw the case has agreed to reopen it. Norma is impressed by his love for Luci. He says she, and her family, have turned into the family he never had. Oh yeah, and he still has to talk to Paz about that urgent matter.
-Luci tells Estelita that she doesn’t think she’ll ever come back to D.F. Never say never Luci!
-Not yet knowing that Claudio is traveling with them, Paz hyperventilates and tries to figure out how she will take him aside to talk alone in the airport.
-Lorenzo and Vio have tearful farewells with their mamas at the airport. Vio promises not to lie to her mama anymore.
-Hannah, Pato, Melissa and Boris come running up to the airport security gate, surprising Luci. They wanted to say farewell. Hannah grabs Luci into a hug, and Pato gives her a huge, lovely smile. *Sigh!*

Avances: Paz confesses to Claudio that she’s not Luci’s mother. Will she get a chance to tell him everything? Gala tries to seduce Rod in the rubber band dress, and they get busy!


that was quick, vivi! LOVED the rubber band dress allusion for Gala...
more later...

if Rod continues on hitting everything with his fist everytime he gets anxious/angry, he will end up with no joints in his hands by the time he is 50.

Wow - Pato asked the question, and then really gave Rod a piece of his mind, LOL! I was impressed, and I'm so glad SOMEONE brought up that tacky treatment. Guess it didn't cross Rod's dense mind. I suppose he hasn't even considered there might be consequences - idiot!

Thanks much for subbing tonight Vivi!!!

Audrey- I was surprised and glad Pato brought it up too. I thought Paz would have brought it up during her confrontation with Rod, especially since he had broken his word to her about that specifically, but I guess she's too proper.

Marta- Yes, Rod really needs to find a better way to deal with his hurt and frustration other than hitting things. Don't kids learn that in pre-school?

It seems that the little actor who plays Ariche is very comfortable with all the ladies he acts with in the cast. In the scene where the Het Het folks ask Estelita to come touring with them, he just reaches right up and buttons a button that had come undone on the boob area of Estelita's blouse. It was obviously unscripted, but everyone stayed in character and just kept on going, like it was the most natural thing in the world. And it is, when you have a certain comfort level with people.

totally agree that Pato really came through for all of us tonight. now i am beyond a I heart Pato shirt, i am about to tatoo his name on my arm! 'Pato Rocks!'

Vivi, thanks for doing this for Madelaine. I wondered what had happened to her lately. Of course, it was wonderful, as always.

Madelaine, good luck nursing your DH, hope it goes well for both of you.

In many ways, this episode was very sweet with the gang showing up at the airport. It was blessed relief after some of the really dark stuff that has been happening.

Nimrod is getting worse by the day. Too bad it was not him that was injured instead of Pato. Even better than Nimrod injured would be Gala! Yes, Martaivett, Pato is our hero, but I don't think my DH would approve of a tattoo.

Ariche is stealing the show, he is doing a great job of acting for someone so young. I think he has a great future.

OT: Audrey, I made your Cochinita Pibil today. Thank you once again for sharing that wonderful recipe.

Rosemary Primera

Ariche bugged the heck out of me in the beginning because he always screamed his lines. He has either learned or been directed to tone it down and now is is totally endearing.

Pardon the expression but La Loca is going to shit bricks when she finds out the young uns went to the airport to say goodbye to Luci. They are all going to be late to her big dinner and she probably won't be able to contain herself when they tell her where they went. Another round of Tums coming up and maybe Mati should order a large jug of Maalox for the table.

That Inferno scene seemed really choppy to me like they cut something out. Marcial should be careful about showing up around Vi. That bitch wife of his could also show up and blow his cover and cause danger for Vi. Witch probably hasn't thought about that yet.

I am amused by how subtly Pato sticks the knife in both his mother and DimRod when it comes to Luci.

Rosa never gives up. Going to Conny's room to do a bit more lecturing about old hags and young men. Glad Conny ignored her and wished her good night. Should have told her not to let the door hit her on her self righteous backside on the way out.

OK enough already with the teasers. Will Paz tell Claudio the truth tomorrow? Will the dunce fall for Gagme's well used charms and set up, God forbid, a fake pregnancy story? And why oh why during the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. Have not got an idea how I'm going to handle the Games and this novela. Oh right i can watch a tape of this at midnight and hope to post with a minimum of typos.

Decie Girl- Yes, it looks like tomorrow's episode is going to be good. Thankfully, my dvr will be recording it while I watch the Olympics ceremony, and I can enjoy watching the show on Saturday morning.

Rosemary P- Yes, there were some really sweet moments in this episode. I think setting us up for tomorrow's drama. I really liked Boris' scavenger hunt, and I think Hannah's feelings for him are growing. But she and Lorenzo have a magnetic pull, that she has never had with Boris.

I don't know whether to just be annoyed by Marcial, like Vio is, or to be really scared for her. The guy's a stalker, and I can't tell if that will turn dangerous, or if he's just pathetic and in love with a woman he can't have (anymore). Plus, he's a cop, and if he did cross a line with Vio I could see it being covered up or Vio not being believed.

Um...if Rod was Luci's first--and knows that--shouldn't he know she's not the tramp that Rosalooney has painted her to be???? He may be hot but he's thick as a post! I think Luci is going to end up with Pato...

Hey Cathy- I don't think Rod believed for long (if ever) that Luci was actually a tramp. His big beef with her is that she lied by omission to him about working at Inferno and about all this other stuff going on in her life. I think at this point the problem is that he doesn't want to admit that HE was the one most in the wrong for how things unravelled between them. He blames Luci first for lying to him, then for refusing to yield when HE wanted them to make up, and now his crazy jealousy has blinded him (so much like his mama) and he thinks she must have some sort of romance with Claudio, regardless of any evidence otherwise. In short, the guy is really messed up. But the main issue is his pride (can't admit he was wrong and grovel), and his jealousy, which I think will be an issue for ANY man he saw Luci being close with (Claudio and Pato).

This comment has been removed by the author.

Vivi, Vivi, Vivi...I think this was one of your best recaps ever. Absolutely loved those creative and funny headings...."Women On The Verge"," Boris Makes Strides But Lorenzo Still Pulling Ahead", and that shoutout to Sound of Music "So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good-bye". Most excellent m'dear.

And "Marcial el Estalker". Sweet!

So glad to have this as the storms knocked out Univision's broadcast for long periods in our area. Missed a lot. (and thank God that included Rosalena's continued attack on her sister.) But your snappy, fun recap made up for it. Gracias and then some, amiga!

And Madeleine...we've been missing you and your passionate involvement in this story, but happy to know you're an equally passionate and concerned caregiver. Your recovery hubby is lucky to have you.

Madelaine, I hope your husband recuperates and feels better soon!

Vivi, thank you for stepping in. Of course, the recap was wonderful (they always are) but your comments are equally as interesting. You notice every single detail:"he (Ariche) just reaches right up and buttons a button that had come undone on the boob area of Estelita's blouse. It was obviously unscripted"...I am beyond impressed.

Along with what Judy noted: "Pato continues to make Rod his b!tch by making him call up Luci for him, stand silently as he speaks to her happily" and "where Rod will be served up on a platter to Gala" were some of my favorites.

Pato stole my heart last night. It wasn't only his justifiable anger with Rod's disgusting "throwaway" treatment of Luci, but his megawatt smile at the airport. Yup, the deal is sealed for me!

I will not be able to see tonight's episode. Mercifully, I will miss Rod's ravishing of Gala. But, I will likely miss Paz's reveal to Linares. Sigh.

Happy Friday all!


You're so great to fill in for Madelaine, Vivi. A stellar recap, I personally love the bullet point style.
Madelaine, hope hubby is up and about soon.

How much do I love Pato...let me count the ways. Are we sure Hannah and Pato are REALLY the natural offspring of Max and Rosa? Dumbass, yep, totally makes sense. But Pato especially, he took no prisoners last night. I'm not loving the idea that the writers are just making Luci and Pato such a perfect pair, yet, as everyone pointed out yesterday, Luci will wind up with Dumbass in the end.

Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with the fact that Luci and Pato do hook up, and THEY raise the baby we are suspecting Luci is having. Let the sorry excuse for a galan do the horizontal with Gala and be stuck with her.Which apparently said jerk will be doing tonight. So much for "I will love Luci forever". I guess it's more "but hey I'm a guy so I get to still tango on the side and will moon into the camera occassionally." Blech.

Bets that Paz doesn't get all her info out on Luci - I so hope we are surprised and Claudio does find out he's her father. But we have too many episodes left right? That would bust open all of Rosa's wrongs...seems to early for that.

Mmmmmm Rosemary Primera! It's a lot of work but worth it. I have been doing lots of Mexican cooking lately, especially with our abundant local chiles poblanos. This weekend I plan to make spinach and mushroom enchiladas.

Road trip to Audrey's house!!!

Thanks, Vivi. you do such a great job.

Cathy in Wytheville (VA?) Luci will no doubt end up with Rod, telenovela rules and all... drat! They did break the rules in Querida Enemiga and let the protagonista have the one WE wanted her to end up with. The loser galan was none other than Gabe Soto, so I doubt it will happen again. Wouldn't it be fun if he ends up tagged "The little galan who couldn't?!"

Poor Padre Honesto. He will probably get ill at the Torreslanda house with what Rosalena will be dishing up.

Where are those nice young men in their clean white coats?

Looking forward also to Connie proving her sister completely wrong about Oscar.

Finally, how many episodes has it been since Luci fainted?

All we can hope for is that Rod has a huge turnaround-- realizes what a jerk he's been, grovels and apologizes, makes big romantic gestures, makes a great sacrifice for Luci, drops the jealousy and replaces it with trust, and learns how to stand up to his mama.

Sign me up for the road trip to Audrey's for some delicious food!

Urban- I almost feel like the pregnancy thing HAS to happen, because there is nothing that will tie Luci to D.F. anymore. She is SO done with that place and with Rod, that there must be something to drag her back there and keep her feeling connected to Rod. I do wonder when she'll realize she's expecting.

Diana and Daisynjay- Clearly the writers realize that they are making Pato out to be the better man here. You can't have such contrasting characters and not realize who the audience is going to love. I hope they will not make Pato a tragic figure and will give him a happy ending too.


On the face of it the pregnancy would tie Luci back to the DF but her other tie is Claudio. I'm pretty sure that he and probably Paz as well would want Luci to stay around and get to know him. Even if she did flee to Het Het and have the baby unless Dimwit went looking for her she would alas probably keep it a secret which would also mean hiding it from Pato and Jana.

The Pato/Luci relationship is sweet but as much as i agree they should be the lead pair it isn't likely to happen. In reality Pato has years of rehab ahead of him even with a miracle TN cure. In the previous version of this the relationship between the two was the same as it was here,sweet and protective. In that case however the Pato character paralysis was hysterical and he therefore did get back on his feet and made a run for the girl his dumbass bro loved and treated badly.

I was thinking about Rosa and her reaction a couple of days ago when Julie threw out the jab that Claudio's daughter was still alive and Rosa warned her what she was capable of. It puzzled me why she never questioned how the botoxed boob could have known. She warned th woman in black about talking and in her blind arrogance i guess she figured one threat from her and Frigida would remain mute for life like Mati.

I will be furious if the dumbass does the horizontal mambo with Gagme. I'm hoping that before he actually does the deed Gagme says something or he hears Luci 's voice and backs off and throws the skank out of the apartment. Either that or he can't get it up and she has to slink away in defeat.

Emilia, interesting point on Querida. There are a few parallels, though Gala is not nearly as evil, the Soto character did the tango with the witch character there too. I mean, he won the nice doctor and had kiddies at the end, so he wasn't thrown to the wolves or totally miserable, he just didn't get THE girl.

I could live with that here too. Change from predictability is a good thing. But if we HAVE to get the predictable, boy, this is one galan who needs a major attitude adjustment & a real dose somehow of humility. And as Vivi points out so perfectly, they better do right by Pato. No someone's sloppy seconds or having him just be the couples BF and smile for them at the end.

I keep praying for TN's that aren't just constant remakes of old predictable stories.

In total agreement, DaisynJay. An unpredictable TN, there's a happy thought!

The Pato character has been written so well so far, and I appreciate that the writers have also given him a pretty realistic rehabilitation, that I would be shocked if they do wrong by him in the end. I am almost 100% that Soto would not have signed on for yet another tn where he doesn't get the girl in the end, so the writers have their work cut out to both raise Rod in our eyes, and to give Pato a satisfying happy ending.

Thank you Vivi for filling in. Also, thanks for the info on NimRod. I knew about the Assyrian king but did not know about the modern day Buggs Bunny origin.

Madelaine---Will be waiting for your return.

Cathy---"Rosalooney" that's great.

Audrey---Are you going to invite us over for enchiladas?

Yeah---Good going Pato.

I am really going to hate watching tonights episode. No, not because of the Olympics but because NimRod will be back in Gagme's bed AAAGGGHHH!!! A pregnant Gagme??? Stupid NimRod!!!
the gringo

Rosa thinks she is so smart and covered all the bases in case someone tells Claudio THE SECRET. However don't they death certificates in Mexico? I hardly think Rosa would have thought that far ahead 20 years ago. Also over and above the no one knows about DNA testing during the exhumation Claudio didn't look into the coffin, only Rosa did. Claudio is smart and has to figure that Paz would have no reason to lie and then there is always Mati the Mute who always looks like she is ready to cave. Here's hoping Paz can get through the whole story without someone interrupting or having one of her swooning fits.

Last night I was puzzled by that choppy scene at Infierno and Aldo's walking around. I wonder if Max thinks Lastra and Ivan are skimming money and he wants Aldo to see how many folks are in there gambling adn what kind of money is changing hands. Both those guys know Aldo is Max's nephew so the whole thing didn't make much sense to me.

Hey Anon 1:55- I think we established that Claudio actually did look into the coffin. DNA testing will be easy though, with Luci alive and well. Rosa for sure committed a crime faking the death of a baby, and I think Madelaine looked it up and found tomb robbing is also a crime. That's two strikes against her legally, and a whole lot morally. I would also add child trafficking, but that would actually get Paz in trouble too, since she accepted the child and took her away.

I think Rosa is arrogant. Like you said she, thinks she is smarter than everyone else. But she also thinks she understands human nature and that everyone else is like her-- they will do whatever it takes to hide their sins. She really does not think that Paz would ever reveal something that could hurt her and distance her from Luci. She doesn't get that other people actually put the interests of others (particularly their kids) above their own.

Gringo- Glad you liked the little factoid about nimrod and Bugs Bunny. :)

As for the Inferno, here's my take on things. I don't think Ivan knows who the big boss is, so he has no clue that Aldo is related to his boss. Lastra knows Aldo's relationship to his boss, but thinks it's of no consequence. He sees Aldo as just a spoiled rich kid, who he can scam money off of by having him gamble. He does't take him seriously and doesn't seem to think that how he treats Aldo is rude enough to affect his relationship with the boss. He certainly doesn't expect the boss to send Aldo to poke around and watch over business at the Inferno. It doesn't seem like Max told him that he was sending Aldo to do this, so Lastra was totally confused.

Hello ... I have been reading these wonderful,hilarious summaries and I can't thank you all enough for them, and for the comments. I abandoned Rufugio in June (2 hous, 2 much!) though I liked it. So now I've gone back, read summaries until my sides split and viewed a few DVD'd episodes from early July.It's just fantastic your DAILY summaries as a resource.

So I have a confusion about the marriage of our pair. I assume they had a civil, legal wedding (divorce necessary)but I missed it. In a Catholic culture, does that carry as much weight as a church wedding? How married were they? That was the quick-iest divorce I think I've ever encountered, more like an annulment, no?

Thank you all


I can only say that watching something like Refugio is refreshing. Up to date no real insanity like so many others seem to throw on the screen. Am off to watch the end of Corazon Apasionata which in the last couple of weeks has become a total train wreck. With one hour to go we have not one, not two but SEVEN horrible villains running around, they include killers, a rapist, three who have attempted murder and one looney who confessed to a murder while in the manicomio's padded cell and is out cured in two days. I swear it is going to take the Mayan End of Days or a nuclear holocaust to get rid of these people plus which we have a rape victim pregnant with her rapist child, one blind character who hasn't had a miracle cure, a heroine who had been strong now hiding in her room because of a scar on her face (they don't know about plastic surgery apparently) and one maybe two wedding yet to come.


The marriage was a civil ceremony with the religious one to come before all hell broke loose. A marriage in Mexico must be civil to be legal and yes the religious ceremony is important for believers. The marriage lasted one month and was consummated hence the divorce which did take place with the speed of light.

@Vivi...when mentioning all my favorite lines, forgot to compliment you on your wonderful novelistic title as well. Very nicely done.

Welcome back to the fold Westvillage!So glad that with the show back to 1 hour you decided to watch again, and to read our recaps and comment. Please do so more often!

Anon 2:43 explained the marriage/divorce perfectly. Another reason for it being quick is that neither party opposed it, there are no children (yet), and there were no joint assets to deal with.

Judy- Glad you appreciated the title. :)

Valentina needs to go hang out with Melissa and Jana. She deserves better than Gala.

And Connie deserves better than her sister. I hope she still goes away for the weekend with Oscar and then comes back to tell Rosa all the erotic details. Maybe bring her back a gift of that Shades of Gray book so Rosa knows what she's missing.


Ladies, totally agree on Pato needing a worthy ending for himself and hopefully we will continue to watch a slow gradual recovery for him, not the crazy 'oh em gee! i am praying and suddenly can see!' circus we just watched in the CA ending.
Rod has MAJOR ground to make to win the race for Luci in my mind.

And I think Emilia put it best...
Wouldn't it be fun if he ends up tagged "The little galan who couldn't?!"
YEs, Gabriel Soto was the leading man left out in the end of Querida Enemiga, so i dcubt they would nail him twice in two leading roles. so chances are Rod gets Luci but we REALLY want Pato to get a good girl in the end too.

Kelly, i like your thinking about Valentina joining the Pro-Luci young'uns team. She DEFINITELY deserves better friends than Gala.

and Connie and Oscar, definitely looking forward to watch those two put a smile in our faces even when the Luci/Rod situation seems hopeless.

OT, Yes, Decie Girl, The one hour gran finale: The bad guys were still rampaging and trying to kill the good folks yet again in the first 30 minutes. It took the next 20 minutes for the bad guys to kill each other off or get caught. It was only in the last 10 minutes that the heroine gets the plastic surgery to fix her cheek scar and finally feel "worthy" of a man again, and about a 15 sec wedding squeezed into the last 5 mins. I think the bathtub electrocution scene of one of the bad guys lasted longer than the happily-ever-after wedding and honeymoon. Crazy! What was the point?

Wow! That sounds like a horrible finale. You guys are troopers for sticking with that telenovela till the bitter end. It makes El Talisman sound like a work of art. ;-)

I knew that the lousy wig on Marlene Favela was a harbinger of bad things.

The weekend photo gallery is in the posting queue for 11PM.

Oh, I didn't "stick" with it, I sometimes just had it on while I was fixing lunch or cleaning the kitchen. It was soooooo bad - yep, way worse than El Tal, another crappy product of Venevision.

No point in following the plot, LOL, it was a completely disjointed free-for-all.

It was awful but ET was worse. In any event they got almost everyone that had it coming and of course since one poor soul was pregnant by her rapist she fell down a flight of stairs in the great tradition of all novelas. The bathtub electrocution was ridiculous because all modern devices today have built in switches that keep them from electrocuting people, however bruno did deserve it. Too bad the girl with the fake pregnancy and Marcos' looney mother didn't pay for all their aiding and abetting.

Two gigantic howls over the last week were the scene where four characters were slogging though the Mexican jungle one warning about dangerous animals when lo and behold a bengal tiger appeared and attacked one of them (who miraculously survived until he took a bath) and the fact that this took place in the boonies and there was an accidental flash of the Miami skyline long before scar girl went there for her surgery. No more afternoon novelas for me for a long while. LOL

Venevision... what do you expect? I don't remember a single novela they ever did that made any sense.

Oh, right, my husband and I were howling over the appearance of a Bengal tiger, LOL. I guess there wasn't a mountain lion readily available. When they say tigre, they really mean tigre! LOL!

Decie Girl - you're not going to try Sortilegio?

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