Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #54-55 Tue 7/3/12 Luci Takes Rosa’s Place and Makes the Torreslanda House a Home

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Max finds Rosa in the chapel. He has her swear there in front of God that everything she told him is true. She swears it. He then swears in front of God that he had nothing going with Aurora. Luci is not his child; she’s the child of Aurora and Claudio Linares.” Rosa looks impactada, but does she believe him?

Dona Aquiles gets Luchita good and drunk on all that champagne he had Copio bring. Once the fat lady sings it looks like it’s over, because Luchita passes out on the couch. Don A.’s plan worked to perfection. He tells Copio to get rid of her first thing in the morning.

Paz speaks with Magda and Don Serapio about what to do with her house. She wants to talk to Luci about it. Serapio thanks Paz many times for the dinner and heads out. Paz can’t stop thinking about why Rosa has kept quiet and hasn’t revealed Luci’s true origins. Magda thinks Rosa has kept her mouth shut because she’s in debt with Luci. When Paz and Rosa meet face to face, then she’ll be able to confront her about everything. Paz agrees, because Luci has a right to know who her parents are. Magda corrects her. Luci’s parents were, and will always be, Paz and Galdino.

Rod brings Luci back to Vio’s. She's obviously still upset about the Gala visit. Rod doesn’t like seeing her sad and upset. Nothing and no one with ruin their happiness. Luci says that Gala is right about one thing—Luci stole her man. Rod says he never belonged to Gala. “But you were going to marry her.” Rod says he was lazy and was going through with it because they had been dating for so long. But he didn’t know what real love was. Luci taught him. He’s going to present her to his parents as the woman he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with. She hugs him, but doesn’t seem convinced. She’s worried about what’s going to happen. He reminds her that he’ll always be at her side, and as long as he’s there, nothing will happen to her. Kisses. But Luci still looks uncertain.

Max can’t sleep, but now that her conscience has supposedly been eased, Rosa is sleeping like a baby. “Luci is the daughter of Aurora Linares.” He rubs his head like he has one of Rosa’s headaches.

Luci tells Estella about Gala’s visit. She doesn’t feel comfortable living in that apartment. She imagined living in a little house with vegetation and lots of sunlight, like in her pueblo. She wishes she and Rod could go live in her little town in the north. Here in the city she feels so unprotected. There’s a knock on the door and it’s Claudio. She gives him a big hug. They discuss the Het Het properties and she thanks him for all he has done and how well he’s treated her. He says it doesn’t compare to the affection she has shown him. He doesn’t have a family and she and her friends have given him a sense of family. Luci apologizes for not telling him about her marriage. He tells her there is no need. He just wishes her happiness. She invites him to her church wedding. He doesn’t know if he can make it, because he’s leaving on a trip tomorrow.

The next afternoon, Vio is blown away by seeing Luci in her new city girl outfit. We don’t see it until Rod walks in. He’s also blown away. Luci is wearing a charcoal, knee length pencil skirt with a bit of flair at the back hem, a muted purple blazer with charcoal piping, and sky high black heels. She looks really unsure about the outfit, but Rod encourages her.

Mati is dressing Pato and they are talking about the family meal with Luci that afternoon. Mati is not sounding very hopeful, but Pato thinks it’s about time that Rosa knows that Rod and Luci are in fact already married. Hannah runs in yelling that they’re here! She and Pato leave and Mati looks anguished.

Rosa tells Connie that she’s going to ask Luci not to marry Rod. She’s already asked Rod and Max, who didn’t listen to her. Connie begs her find out if what she thinks is true. She tells Connie that she told Max and he denied it. But she doesn’t believe him. (Good grief!)

The whole family is in the living room and excited. They all welcome Luci (who stumbles a bit in her heels) with open arms. Rosa, however, has her back turned to them all. When she turns and sees Luci dressed in such a classy manner, she starts envisioning Aurora is standing there. She says Aurora’s name and falls into a dead faint. Connie, Hannah and Rod rush to her aid. Luci leans over her, gently calling her, and cradles her head while everyone rushes for something to revive her.

Gala is having her usual bitch session in her office with her two girlfriends. She’s offended by how Rod kicked her out of the apartment and made her leave the keys.  Fernanda is agreeing with Gala that Luci stole Rod. But Valentina, ever the voice of reason, says that Rod isn’t some little kid that can be lured away with candy. Fernanda tells her to shut up, but Gala actually agrees with her. But she is still convinced that she’ll get him back.

Max, Mati and Connie have taken Rosa to her bed. Max leaves to call the cardiologist, and Mati remembers how high strung Rosa was as a child. “I don’t need a doctor. I need to cure my soul.”  She says that she told Max the truth. But look what’s happened anyway. “Luciana is Aurora—come back to chastise me. Nothing has happened to Max. Nothing! Rod and Luci can’t get married because they’re half siblings.” Connie and Mati look at each other like, what are we going to do with this nut? “They don’t know the terrible sin they are going to commit.”

Downstairs… well, let us all savor this moment. Frigida is serving Luci and calling her señorita. Rod comes down and updates everyone. Max is speaking to the cardiologist and they will need to do other tests on Rosa. However, Max and Pato will still go on their trip to Boston. Pato tells Luci that he will come back from the trip with good news. Max rejoins the family. The doctor is on his way. They must all make sure not to upset Rosa. She needs tranquility. (Considering she’s the one causing all the drama, that will be difficult.)

Gala continues to whine that at this very moment Luci is occupying the place that is rightfully hers.  Rod’s life and his heart—and his fortune too, Valentina helpfully points out. Fernanda feeds her a cookie. LOL! Julie arrives and invites the girls out to eat, and to drink champagne, of course. Gala’s assistant brings in all the arrangements she’s made for Don Aquiles.

In Het Het, Copio tells Don A. how Luchita woke up with a massive hangover and is probably right now still trying to sleep it off. Surprise, surprise! Luchita bursts in, more perky than ever. She’s ready to give the Don what he missed last night when she fell asleep. She blows him a kiss; he dodges it and looks worried.

Aldo is hungry and goes to the kitchen to pick at the food. Max catches him while he’s trying to call Lorenzo. (Thank goodness it wasn’t Vicky!) Aldo says it’s business related, but Max just scowls at him and tells him to get to work. Max has the rest of the family sit at the dining table and asks Luci to sit in Rosa’s chair at the head. Frigida is not pleased. Max informs her that Rosa is eating in her room with Connie. Once the meal is over, Luci entertains them with tales of Het Het. Everyone is happy and all smiles, even Max. She tells them how she met Rod and Pato the first time. Max asks Luci her parents’ names. With that piece of info, it’s all coming together for Max now. He thanks Luci for making them feel like a family again.  Luci asks permission to make them all her special coffee and rushes to the kitchen. Max says her it’s her home and she can do what she wants. Melissa tells Rod that Luci is going to make him a great wife, and Hannah invites them to Boris’ party. Rod says they have too much wedding stuff to do.

In the kitchen, Frigida stares coldly at Luci as she prepares the coffee and asks for the location of something. Frigida snippily says that Luci has already forgotten that she was a servant in this house. Luci hasn’t forgotten. She remembers very well where she and her family come from—her mother who makes ceramics and her father who worked the land. “Oh, what class!” Luci says it’s not class; it’s pride. Her parents taught her to respect herself and to respect others. She calls Frigida a buttinsky (metiche) and goes about her business.

In the dining room, Max is having a great time with the kids. They make fun of Hannah always being late and rushing around, and Max talks about Rod and Pato when they were that age. Max acknowledges that it’s been a long time since they’ve been like this. Luci comes out and tells them that soon they’ll start to smell the delicious aromas of the coffee. Max says that it will make the house smell like a home (hogar). Awww!

Vio prepares dinner at her place and wonders how Luci is doing at her meal with the in-laws. She envies her. Marcial makes a surprise visit. She invites him to eat with her, but what he’s craving is her. He starts devouring her with kisses.

Fabian and Lorenzo are also eating, but on the roadside. Aldo calls and asks if they still want to go to the party. Aldo again tells him he can bring Fabian. He then asks if Lorenzo was able to get hold of the Inferno keys. Nope. Well not to worry. Aldo says he’s almost cracked the passwords to get into the accounts.

Luci accompanies Pato to his room. He keeps correcting her when she falls into using Usted with him instead of Tu. She is so happy and proud of him for fighting to regain mobility. He says it’s all due to her. She was the one who motivated him when she first came to the house. She says that the will to live was already in him. Pato compliments her on her outfit. She thanks him, but admits she misses her long skirts and belts/bands, and her feet hurt like crazy in those darn heels. Pato tells her he has a surprise for her. He has her take a folder out of a drawer. It’s all the paperwork she needs to prepare for and take her secondary school exams. Hannah will go with her tomorrow. Luci runs to him and kisses him. Rod comes in and she shows him what Pato did for her. They forget he’s there for a second as they get all touchy feely, and poor Pato looks like he’s dying inside.

As they say farewell, Hannah tells Luci they still have more shopping to do—for the wedding dress and for H&M’s dresses as well. Luci shakes Max’s hand in thanks, but he takes her hand and kisses it while thanking her. After Rod and Luci leave, Max and Hannah agree that Luci is lovely. Hannah wants him to convince Rosa. (Good luck with that!)

It seems like the town seamstress is too busy to make Magda and Paz their wedding dresses. They will either have to make them themselves or figure something else out. (I notice that Paz is finally out of her black mourning clothes.) Ariche runs in. He has a surprise for them. His mom has bought white material to make him a new outfit for Luci’s wedding.

Aldo is in Inez’s office, still trying to break the code. They high five because they’ve finally gotten in. Aldo begins to read some info and names in a file. He reads the name of the lead business partner/shareholder of Inferno and jumps back in surprise.

The bitch session of Julie, Gala and her friends continues in a restaurant. Valentina thinks it will be hard to break them up because they are already married. Gala scoffs that it’s just a civil marriage. She (Gala) was already living with him. Valentina points out that Rod obviously prefers Luci. “Shut up and eat Vale!” Julie thinks Luci is obviously after the Toresslanda fortune. (Of course SHE would think that.)

Max has a conversation with Mati and Connie in the home office. He’s worried about Rosa. She’s obviously losing it. From the look of Mati, it seems that she is too. She’s sitting in the chair and crying and sniveling. Max leans in and asks Mati if she always knew the truth about what Rosa did with the baby. Why didn’t she tell him? “It wasn’t my secret to tell, Señor.” Max is pissed. “Giving a child away is a crime! 20 years without telling me a single word!!!”  Max can’t believe that Mati kept this secret from him. Connie jumps to her defense and says she kept the secret too. Max is beyond impactado.

Rod brings Luci to Vio’s. He’ll be back to pick her up later to eat and to do more wedding planning. She needs to get moving on picking the wedding dress too. Luci admits to him that she didn’t choose the one she tried on because that’s a lot of money to spend on just a dress. Rod doesn’t think it’s *just* a dress. It’s her wedding dress!  Luci refuses to argue with him. She’s not spending that much money on a dress. He leaves and she gives him the blessing. Then she immediately slips out of her high heels and unbuttons the blazer, looking very relieved. A messenger comes to deliver a gift box with a rose attached, for Mrs. Luciana Jancinto de Torreslanda. The small card says, “For the lady of my heart.”  The larger card asks her to forgive him for forgetting to take care of this before. All of this leaves Luci smiling from ear to ear. But she’s perplexed by what she finds inside the box. The first item in an expensive, touch screen cell phone. The wallpaper is a picture of her and Rod on their Het Het wedding day, which we can tell she loves. The next item is a fancy wallet with a picture of Rod inside. Once again Luci loves this, but she doesn’t look the least bit pleased to also find a credit card, for Luciana Jacinto de Torreslanda, and a wad of cash inside the wallet. The third item is a checkbook. She shoves everything back in the box and keeps the cards and rose only.

Marcial and Vio are having a meal at an outdoor café. She is surprised by how hard she has fallen for him, but he says from the first moment he saw her he knew she was right for him. He says he’s never known anyone like her. She wants to know what’s next for them, especially after what just happened between them. (Roh roh?!!! Que the hell? Did they do it and just not show us? Is this a post-cositas meal?) Marcial looks just as taken off guard as we are, but he knows Vio means marriage and says so. She seems to think this is an actually proposal of sorts, but the face we see as he hugs her is one of deception and uncertainty.

Back to Max, Connie and Mati in the study. Now he’s venting his rage at Connie for being part of this trio that lied to him and made a fool of him for 20 years about Aurora and Claudio’s child. Connie has Mati leave so that she and Max can continue arguing privately.  She tells him that both he and Rosa have rotten attitudes. Both have helped to drag out (arrastrar) this lie. His egoism and Rosa’s sick obsession have caused this. Neither one of them listens or tries to understand, and they drag all the rest of them into the middle of their madness! And it’s not fair. (No se vale.)

Pato comes in to speak with Rosa, who is in bed. He asks how she feels and what’s going on with her. He notices that she’s anguished and nervous, and knows it has nothing to do with heart or blood pressure troubles. He begs her to confide in him because it hurts him to see her this way. He can’t even imagine what it is, she says. “I haven’t been a good woman. I’m not the good woman that you all think I am.” “With me, you’ve been the most strict mother, but also the most tender. You’ve taught me by example, and that’s what I value, mama. I love you, and so do my siblings and my father. And when there’s love, you can overcome anything.” Rosa gets cryptic again and tells Pato if only he knew, but she doesn’t get to reveal anything because Connie announces that the doctor has arrived. Rosa doesn’t want to see any doctors, and looks more crazy eyed than ever.

Claudio brings fresh flowers to Aurora’s grave. The graveyard director says he will need to sign additional forms soon. When Claudio says that won’t be possible because he’ll be travelling, the director tries to pull a fast one by saying Rosa can sign for him while he’s away and take care of everything. Claudio must hear the audience yelling at him not to do it, because he tells the director NOT to bother Rosa with this and that he’ll take care of it personally when he returns from his trip.

Aldo is so happy about his discovery and that he’s basically floating through the Torreslanda offices and flirting with every girl he sees.

Gala goes to the Inferno to make plans with Lastra for the attack against Luci. They’ll do it in Casa Torreslanda. She mentions Don Aquiles and Lastra remembers him from Inferno.

Rod, Marcos and Gabriel horse around at the office and talk about the magazine exposé and the waitress Rod defended. Since they assume Gala got these photos recently, they assume the waitress must still work there. They think they should go back to have a bachelor’s night, so Rod can see her again. Rod reminds them that he’s a happily (already) married man.

Don Aquiles has decided, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Luchita is determined to get her night of love and nothing will deter her, so he’s going to pay up. His reputation is at stake. She’s going to have the night of her life! (She’s going to touch heaven.) Luchita happily hears this through the door.

Here's the rest of the recap…

Marianita tries on her hot pink wedding outfit, with wings, for Luci and Estella. She thinks that if Luci invites her mama to the wedding then she will come. Both Estella and Luci know that 1) they don’t know how to reach Ofelia, and 2) an illegal immigrant can’t cross the border back and forth at will. They tell Marianita that Ofelia most likely won’t be able to come, but cheer her up by telling her Ariche will.

Gabriel and Marcos suggest to Rod and Pato that they go to Plaza Garibaldi for Rod and Luci’s noche de despedida (bachelor/ette night). Pato can’t since he’s going to see the specialist in Boston, but he doesn’t want them to wait for him.

Frigida bitches to Mati about Luci sitting in Rosa’s place. Mati tells her to get over it, accept it, and keep her big fat mouth shut.

The doctor tells Rosa that they need to do more tests. He’s still trying to figure out what’s wrong with her. (Isn’t it obvious!) Rosa says she wants to sleep. She wants to sleep forever. After he leaves the room with Max, the doctor tells him that he thinks Rosa’s problem might be neurological, but he wants to do more tests. What he is observing is that whenever there’s an upsetting incident, Rosa disconnects as a defense mechanism. (Dude, that’s psychological, not neurological.)

Gala sends a copy of the magazine to be hand delivered to Luci. “OK Luciana. Let the games begin.”

Max is deep in thought about the Rosa situation when he’s interrupted by Aldo. Now is definitely NOT the time to be getting on Max’s bad side, but Aldo is either crazy or has a huge set of rocks, or both. He tells Max he needs to talk to him about the Inferno. Max says he told him to stay away from places like that, but it looks like he’s going to have to take other measures with him. Aldo says he wants to work there. “What’s it matter to me? What do I have to do with that place?” “Everything, uncle. You’re the owner.” (Ha! Max did NOT see that coming.) He gives Aldo the death glare, but Aldo just stares right back. Aldo continues to tell Max what he knows, but says he won’t say anything. Max denies it at first, but then gets up in Aldo’s face and says if he thinks he’s going to blackmail him, then he’s VERY mistaken. He grab’s Aldo’s lapel and says he better shut his mouth or he’ll find a way to shut it. Aldo tells him to calm down. What he wants is to become a successful impresario like Max. Max laughs at this. Aldo says he needs this job (to learn how to be an impresario), and Max needs someone clever and hardworking like him to have his back. “Yo soy tio.”

Vio comes home and tells Luci that she and Marcial did IT. Luci is in shock and asks Vio if she’s ok.Vio is floating on air, so Luci is happy for her. The best thing is that he’s in love with her and wants to marry her. (Anvils galore for Vio.) A messenger comes to deliver the envelope with the magazine. Just as Luci is opening it, Rod surprises her with an embrace and kisses. The envelope is soon discarded to the counter of a cabinet as the two continue to smooch.

Luci tells Rod that the only things in the box that she needs are the rose, the cards, and the photo of him. The rest are his. “And this? (pointing to the photo) Is this yours?” Luci flirts back and says that he indeed is hers. She has him sign the back of the photo, saying that he’s going to querer and amar her this whole life, and the next, and the next. “Tu mushashon.” They kiss on it. She then puts the photo in her old wallet (which lacks a wad of bills and credit cards).

Padre comes to see Rosa. He wants the update on Max. She told him the truth and he did nothing. He’s going to condemn his own son to committing a mortal sin.

Luci asks Rod’s opinion of her second city girl outfit. This one is a version of her country girl outfit. She’s wearing a floral maxi dress, a wide leather belt, and a delicate lace vest. She’s also wearing higher heels, which makes it a lot easier for Rod to kiss her without bending down so far, I notice. He loves her look, but really, he just loves kissing her a bunch. He tries to make her sign the credit card, and the bank also needs her signature. She refuses. “Luciana de Torreslanda! Everything I have, everything I am, is for you.” They don’t resolve the matter but leave quickly on an important matter, according to Rod. Vio comes out of the bedroom and sees all the loot. Luci says it’s Rod’s. Rod asks Vio to convince Luci to keep it all later. They leave and Vio gathers up the loot to put back into the box. Serena comes home and gushes about Rod. Vio offers coffee and a snack, because she has something big to tell Serena. Vio runs out to get the food, while Serena digs the table mats out of the bottom of a drawer to set the table. When she puts everything back in the drawer, the envelope with the magazine goes with it.

Meanwhile, Gala meets with her mama and amigas. She says that Luci will either be prompted to tell Rod the truth when she sees the magazine, or she’ll hide it. She is sure Luci will hide it, and probably in the depths of a couch. Gala’s logic is that if she had told Rod the truth, Rod would be calling Gala right now to bitch her out about the magazine. Valentina later suggests that they arrange a hen night for Luci—a costume bachelorette party where they dress up as devils…

Padre tells Rosa that if Max won’t confess the truth to Rod, then she has to do it. No. That’s Max’s job, says the nut job. He needs to confess his deception. Padre isn’t convinced. If Max knew Luci was his child he would never allow the relationship between Rod and Luci. Rosa says Padre doesn’t know Max. “Good God Rosalena! I know your husband. The only thing you’re doing is living in torment.” (Rosa’s face during this entire conversation looks like a petulant child who is determined to have things her way.) She tells Padre not to torment her more. He demands that she tells Claudio the truth about his child. She won’t find peace until she does so.

Rod has taken Luci to the family jewelers to choose and get fitted for their wedding bands.

Claudio and Melissa meet about her thesis. He tells her he’s leaving finally for his trip—it's business, not vacation. He asks after her mother. Melissa mentions Rosa’s continued health issues, and her fainting. She thinks it has to do with Luci and explains about the latest fainting spell when Rosa said Aurora’s name.

Max starts shoving Aldo and telling him that blackmail is a crime. Aldo says they’re family. Max says he better be grateful that they’re family, because the last thing he wants to do is cause his mother and sister pain by sending him to jail. Aldo says to think of it as an exchange. Max doesn’t send him to jail, and he’ll remain silent as a tomb. Max says he’s going to think about what to do with him. “What’s to think about uncle? Let’s be partners.” Max throws him out of the library. Aldo has the last word and asks Max to at least change his job at the company—some sort of promotion from driver/delivery boy, to something else. He bumps into Padre on his way out the door and asks for his blessing.

Padre gets right to the point with Max and says he wants to speak about Luciana, the daughter of Aurora Linares. (Signature Max eye roll.)

Melissa’s news about Rosa now has Claudio thinking about Aurora and getting sad. He tells Melissa he spoke to Luci the day before, but won’t be able to make the wedding because of his trip. Melissa describes how happy Rod and Luci are and how much they love each other. It reminds Claudio of his relationship with Aurora. He’s smiling with tears in his eyes. He thinks because Luci looks so much like Aurora, seeing her dressed differently had a deep impression on Rosa. Luci is special for him. She was born the same day as his baby who died with his wife. He apologizes to Melissa for getting all nostalgic, but he always feels Aurora’s presence, as if she’s trying to tell him something that he doesn’t understand. Melissa is happy that he feels comfortable enough to confide in her. He promises to concentrate on helping her complete her thesis and present her final doctoral exam.

Luci and Rod chat about Rosa over dessert. He asks Luci to come with him to the house to see Rosa later.

Pato comes to speak to Hannah about their mama. Pato doesn’t think what’s wrong with her has anything to do with her heart. It’s more serious than that. It’s something that has to do with Luci and Aurora Linares. Hannah knows nothing about Aurora and Claudio since she wasn’t even born. Pato doesn’t remember much, but remembers that Aurora was really lovely and sweet. Hannah wonders if it’s Luci’s resemblance to Aurora that caused the fainting spell. She’d love to see a picture of Aurora and thinks Luci can get them a photo. Pato is surprised to learn that Luci is friends with Claudio, who helped her with some legal trouble. “Are you sure?”

Luci and Rod come to see Rosa. She sits turned from them in cold silence. Rod leaves Luci alone with Rosa to go see Pato. (Why would he do this?! He knows his crazy ass mama hates his wife with a passion.) Luci asks Rosa if she can ask her a question. “Who is Aurora? Why when you saw me did you say Aurora? Who is she?”

Avances: Rosa asks Luci to break up with Rod, if she loves him. There’s a powerful reason why she should.


Vivi a wonderful recap as always. You have a great eye for detail.

I do not know if anyone has commented on the pueblo. I believe it is Catorce Real a small silver mining town. It is built on a cliff as shown. I believe when Don Aquiles grabbed Procopio early in the show and was pushing him back and forth he was threatening to throw him over the cliff

It had as many as 15,000 residents at its height but only has about 800 now. It has a small ex pat population and is the destination of religious pilgrimages. The tunnel shown is the only way into and out of the town. It is a one way tunnel. The cobblestone road that was shown as the brothers came to the town is original.

Hey I can't believe...- Thanks for the details on the town. It's beautiful and stark, and was one of the things that drew me into this tn the first week.

Thanks Vivi for this great recap. Ugh, Rosa she is so horrid. She is already crazy. Poor Luci. And calling her Aurora. Scary. Luci looked so nice in her "city clothes" but I like her better in her Het Het clothes, it is more her. I like how the family treated her, except for Frigid the Rigid who really isn't family, and Rosa. I guess Rosa will never beleive that Luci isn't Max's. Why doesn't he get a DNA? That would sure solve all these problems, but being a TN it will take forever for that.

Gala is on my last nerve with her plotting and planning, with Julie and Lastra that scum bag. I hope Luci makes it through all the anvils hurtiling her way. The poor thing is going to need all the friends she can get.

I wonder if Dona Luchita is a virgin? I know she passed out from all the alcohol, but I wonder if she has ever had a night of amor? lol. The poor lady, I hope Don A um you know, keeps his word.

And Aldo skirting way close to danger. I liked how he flirted though with all the girls, too funny.

And Happy Fourth of July to you Vivi and everyone.

Another fine recap. I too love the details on the town. It seems so remote and has a sense of sadness.

One tunnel in and out of town. Wow.

Vivi, I am still a little confused. Folks know Rosa is BSC. Does anyone really take her delusions seriously? Can she still do Luci harm by poisoning her mind?


Vivi, gracias por todo, and on the eve of a holiday, too. You gave it to us straight and it was great!

Can't wait for the rest.

I thought I must have dozed off and missed the "something" with Marcial and Vio, too, when she started gushing to Luci about what "happened." It must have happened right there on the dining room floor before they went out to get tamales, or tacos, I forget. She was the one who suggested they pass on what she was cooking and go out. I thought they went out right away. Worse things have happened in telenovelaland, but those editors should still watch the daily rushes.

Good stuff; leaving the page open for more.

I probably said this yesterday, but the DNA results won't change Rosa's mind. She will still reject Luciana because she doesn't want her son to marry anyone that would make him happy. She enjoys her own misery and can't wait for the rest of her family to join her in it.

Max should be yelling "Serenity Now!" and sending her to the manicomio.

The last part of the recap is up! I hope everyone is keeping cool, relaxing and enjoying themselves this 4th.

EJ- Max has only suggested locking Rosa up in a manicomio once. I would be mentioning it more often and taking some steps to actually doing it, if I were him. Just look how happy the family was without her, and with Luci as the head Mrs. Torreslanda. Unfortunately, no one else in the family looks willing to lock her up, so the misery will continue.

Urban- ITA.

Anita- I wonder if because this was an afternoon show in Mexico, they went really light on the sex/lovemaking scenes? I was shocked and dismayed that Vio gave in. Both she and Luci are in for a storm of anvils. They can't both end up pregnant, can they?

Madelaine- Yeah, Aldo is really skirting a fine line with Max. He better watch his back.

Max is the only so far to mention that what Rosa did is a serious crime, not just the moral issue. I think he may keep this all quiet to keep Rosa out of jail and to keep the Torreslanda name scandal free. But he sure did love having Aurora Jr. in his house. They guy was practically bursting with joy. It's like he saw Rod as having what he could never get, and he was happy for him.

ITA with you Vivi about Rosa's condition it isn't neurlogical it is psycological. A brain tumor would not make her act this way. Max ought to take her to the psycologist already. The doctor should have gotten a big hint when Rosa said she wanted to sleep forever.

Max looked like he was going to hurt Aldo. That was scary. Max can really make it tough for Aldo.

I wish Vio had not done IT with Marcial. Did you see the look he had on his face when he was hugging her at that cafe? It was the deer in the headlights look, like uh, oh. I think he is married.

I really like the Padre in this TN. I am glad he isn't buying wholesale what Rosa is selling. The Padre knows there is something seriously wrong with Rosa. He looked at her wringing hands this time. I am surprised Rosa isn't having a stroke, the way she is.

I too wonder why Rod left Luci with his crazy Mama. Maybe he was hoping that if they talk Rosa will like her. That will never happen.

Pato is so cool. I love the way he thinks. Pato knows there is something seriously wrong with his Mama too. I wonder if Pato saw a picture of Aurora he would put two and two together, it seems the young people in this TN like Hanna, Melissa, Aldo and Pato are all figuring things out.

Most excellent recap.

Thought Max was a bit over the top with his welcome of Luci. I think he may have replaced the object of his fascination, Aurora, with Luci. This is going to get interesting. Can almost see his wheels turning. Not sure that Max is murder dangerous but he does seem to have the capacity to move fluidly from one attempt of manipulation to another as was his encounter with Aldo the "player."

Connie has these two nailed. Good.

Could it be that this will be a breaking of the Novela tradition and throughout the whole Novela Luci's detractors gun for her but everything fizzles because she is like teflon?

I know (gag) but if Luci is able to win over Rosaelena and Gala, wouldn't this Novela be called "I love Luci."

Anon- I really wish that your scenario, where none of the villains' plans works, comes true. But, I'm afraid that a big part of tns is about suffering, and these writers have been sowing quite a field of anvil bombs that are about to explode all at once in our heroine's face.

I also just read that because this tn was is so successful, they've extended it. That means even more suffering. This tn has been more generous than most though, by giving us such a long period of happy time between our main couple. I will try to remember that when the crap storm comes.

Madelaine- Yes, no matter how much some of these adults try to hide things, the youngsters are picking away trying to get to the truth.

yay they extended it! I'm sooo loving this TN, and happy that we get to see more episodes.

don't have anything really to add, but rosa is def losing it, I kinda feel that she did 0to60 craziness really fast. where else is she gonna go from here? are we going to see this same level of craziness till the end?? I guess I'm also comparing to the other crazy tn villian from LQNPA, cythnia. I feel like her's was a more gradual crazy, with hints along the way.

Idk, maybe I'm just tired of her shrieking, lol, too bad her family loves her, she's def gonna bring them pain

thank to all you awesome recappers, really appricate yall's entertainng recaps!


jlk- It seems that Rosa has always been high strung, but her family loves her and deals with it. We came in just when Luci came into her life and that's what triggered the crazy. Perhaps that's also why her family isn't yet at the point where they are thinking of putting her in a manicomio, because this level of crazy is new for her.

Rosa lost it a long time ago. She seems to have been pathologically jealous from the get-go. Nobody like this is going to have a happy life.

She will certainly resist seeing a shrink.

Thanks Vivi.Awesome recap.I am just in love with the village.It's understandable why Luci prefers life there.These people in the capital are strange.She is drawn to Claudio and doesn't know why.Comparing him to Rosa,she gets love from him and hatred from her.Rosa is determined to be miserable and nothing and nobody is going to change that.Connie hit the nail right on the head. Husband and wife both have issues.It's a wonder the kids turned out okay.You've just gotta love Aldo.The boy's got gusts.What I don't get is why Max feels the need to diversify that way.Lasta or whatever his name is shady at best,and we don't know what else goes on at the Inferno.
It's getting good and I can't wait till tonight.


Loved the dinner scene and poor Max saying Luci made the place seem like a home again. Obviously for years Rosi and her rules have made the house an unhappy place and everyone just got used to it.

I wonder what Max is going to do with his new found info. He won't tell Claudio but he might become protective of Luci since she is now connected to the woman he admired. Damn all those trips everyone is taking.

Surprise, surprise the magazine that would have given Luci a chance to explain or at least forewarn her gets lost in the junk drawer. Sp predictable. I'm dreading the inevitable scene when Gala and her minions arrive at the TL place to blindside both Luci and Rod. I always hate those kind of scenes and the inevitable rejecting that follows. In a previous version of this story after the nasty scene I absolutely hated the Rod character up into the day before the end and considering that i normally loved the actor and show ran for 11 months is saying something.

Aldo really pushed it with Max. Wonder what he will do next. Try and muscle his way in to Laska's place.

Gala is really enjoying herself at the moment but I hope it won't last. Everyone around her hangs on her every word and agrees with her except Val who seems to have a few grains of common sense. She is the one who warned Gala that she could be sued (something I'm really hoping for).

Found it interesting when Rod's friends were trying to talk him into going to Infierno he told them no he was a happy married man. He might have asked about the girl he protected and would find out she had only worked there that one night which would pull the rug out from Gala's probably accusation that Luci had worked there for a long time and was a ho.

Rosi seeing a shrink - I doubt it and she'd just follow her usual pattern of bing a martyr and lying. I did find it surprising that she told Pato she was the good woman he thought she was. Truer words were never spoken.

Vivi, thanks for the recaps, you are terrific.

Will Lastra help Gala? After all, I don't think Max will be happy when he finds out Lastra's part in Gala's plans. Max likes Luci so Gala better start preparing for her downfall and I don't think it will be pretty.

Rosa is now officially BSC!

Pato is much better suited for Luci and I think he really loves her. Gala is going to be on Pato's anvil list as soon as he finds out what she has done.

The bitch fest girls make me laugh - can't they go anywhere except in a pack?

Rosemary Primera


And isn't Julie a bit old to be hanging ith the younger witches. Seems she horns in on everybody, Conny and Oscar and her dar daughter. Desperately trying to stay young isn't she?

Decie Girl,

I agree about Julie. I don't think she has any friends (I wonder way)? She hangs out with the mean girls and makes herself an unwelcome third wheel when Connie and Oscar make plans.

Rosemary Primera

Anyone ever see the British sitcom Absolutely Fabulous? Well, Julie is right out of that one - LOL!

Thanks for the recap Vivi. I have been reading them all. I'm too anvil shy to watch this one too closely - they sure are piling them on. And I absolutely hate it when a galán promises the moon and the stars and then turns against his supposed true love, and they've been foreshadowing this outcome like crazy which is why I assume it's going to happen that way.

I flipped past this show on the Mexican channel today and it was soooo hard not to watch. Didn't see anything surprising, but it was hard to turn away. I hope it's not a spoiler to say that Oscar is still around and he still looks good.

Valentina on the other hand is going to get fat if she doesn't stop verbalizing the truth with the way they keep giving her food to shut her up. I like her though. Maybe she'd be good for Pato? He needs someone nice and Val clearly isn't cut out for the dark side.


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