Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #56-57 Wed 7/4/12

Happy 4th of July! Only, in Mexico it isn't. I was busy grilling meat for a dinner gathering, so melinama set the show to record. Unfortunately, something didn't take, so I missed the first segment of the show. Apologies!

Maximino's cat (the cat of infidelity) is out of the bag of secrecy, as he finds out from a lady (Vicky's mom?). She isn't making threats... yet!

Gala and Luci have a remarkably civil chat! Which is to say, Gala is only a little bit scary and mean. At least, to her face. When Rod and Pat show up and Luci helps Pat into the car, she gazes grumpily through a window at them and says "enjoy it while you can," to ominous music!

At this point, I missed a lot, because the recording (via WinTV) got really bad and was mostly black with no audio. I'm so sorry, but only about 15% of this episode got recorded properly. I caught a bit of Frigida griping about some girl (probably Luci) coming into the house and putting her feet up. Then a big reveal where Gala and her mom let something slip to Rosalena. Ah! It's the fact that Rod and Luci got married!

Violeta is sobbing, but I'm not clear why. Oh, Marcial left her.

Rod and Pat have taken Luci to a fancy restaurant, but she claims to not know how to choose from such a fine menu. They will help her! Rod recommends the empanada de humita.

Back in the country, Luci's mom is worrying about a bad dream she had about Rosalena and misplaced babies. How telling... They're fretting, but then some brawny dude (I don't think I know him) comes over with some goodies sent by Serapio, and then everyone is happy! Mr. Brawny is also here to help them move. How convenient! Brawny-gram!

Maximino's hair-dresser/mistress has a headache. The recording flicks in and out here, but she's acting secretive in the bathroom, so *is she pregnant?* No manches!

Back at the fancy restaurant, poor Pat has to sit and be the third wheel while Luci and Pat mushily gush about their marriage. I wonder if it's a complication of the paralysis that Pat squints all the time...

Maybe Vicky's not pregnant... she was faking the sickness so she could take a romantic bubble bath with Maximino. Ew.

Connie's Galancito gets on his knee and asks her if she'll... be his girlfriend. Cute!

I TOTALLY missed the big reveal re: baby Luci during Matilde's conversation with the priest when the recorded file blacked out. Sorry again, folks!

Now have a great week everyone, and I hope my poor recap didn't ruin your 4th of July! Next week I'll be sure not to rely on a recording!



I will put in what I remember from the epi, but mostly the second half. Fabian spills something on Lula who showed up anyway for Boris's birthday party. She is so not pleased. Fabian I have to say is acting like a gentleman, but she ain't havin it.

Mati goes to see Padre Honesto about the Luci debacle and she admits I think that she knew what Rosa did all those years ago by giving Luci up. Mati goes back to Rosa and tells her to tell Claudio the truth. Rosa is going and Conny goes with to Claudio's office.

Rod and Pato see thier Daddy Max and Vicky leaving the same building. They don't look like they are together, Max is in his car and Vicky is about to get in a cab, but the boys think they are together and maybe Daddy isn't so true to Mommy.

Lastra comes to threaten Luci. I think he tells her to enjoy what she has, cause the anvils are comin' not really, but he does threaten her something about a contract, and her brother Lorenzo maybe stealing something from him. She tells him to Largate numerous times and he finally goes. She get dizzy later, possible pregnanacy already???

Luci and Rod go to see the Padre. He isn't in his office, Rod goes to find him, and while he's gone Luci gets dizzy again.

Don A tells Dona Lucita that there will be no wedding. He doesn't love her, she is crushed.

Paz and Magda go over to clean Paz's house and find out that Don A used Paz's house like a bodega. There is tons of boxes and stuff stored in there. Paz is pithed.

Oh and Ezra don't worry about the recap, I so enjoyed what you put up. I always love your funny, snarky recaps long or short. They are a joy to read.

Ezra, congratulations. It's the 4th of July and we don't need a long complicated recap. This was just right.

Too bad you didn't get to see the action at the house party up at the lake. With a pool like that, who needs a lake. Those two country boys sure felt out of place, even though they got into a friendly game of kick ball. I may have missed something, but Hannah didn't pay much attention to Lorenzo, other than acknowledge his presence. Poor Lorenzo.

Madelaine--I'm worried about Luci's dizzyness, too. They only did it, what a week ago by the waterfall in the river? I don't remember any tiempo despues signs. Is this normal for tns (haha)?

Rosa was pithed at herself because she forgot to have what she told Padre Honesto about Luci being alive in a confession-mode.

She was also pithed at Matilde for having blabbed as much as she did and that Padre was going to tell Claudio if Rosie didn't. She decides to do it herself (I bet she was going to find a way to exonerate herself) and Connie tries to get invited along.

Our little Vicky had a fixed-time date with El Oso and she knew she wouldn't have enough time to finish all the nails and toes she had to do. That's why she faked the migraine that wouldn't quit. Nicole believed her. In a way I'm glad she made it in time, because she doesn't need El Oso mad at her after making such an effort. OTOH, The Big Bear falling in the tub with all his clothes on was a little over the top. I sure hope they had a clothes dryer in the place so he didn't have to go home dripping wet or damp.

Rod didn't think he recognized Vicky, but Pato sure did. They are both going to think the worst of daddy dearest--and they are both going to be right. It will confuse them, though when they see her with Aldo and I'm sure she'll deny having anything to do with Maximum Strength Max.

Ezra thank you for your recap,your comments are so funny you definitely have a fresh take on this story. Thanks also to Madelaine and Anita for fleshing it out more. I am in a no Univision zone and haven't been able to watch the actual episodes.

Thanks so much Ezra! I hope you enjoyed your holiday, while also being kind enough to give us a recap.

Thank you Anita and Medelaine for filling in the wholes.

Yes, I was quite pleased that Padre Honesto tore into Mati. He was not buying this whole "it wasn't my secret to tell excuse", and said if she or Rosa didn't tell Claudio, he would! Yes! I then laughed when Mati relayed the news to Rosa and she got offended saying he can't reveal a confession. Sorry lady, it wasn't a confession. You just blabbed to him without the actual confession rituals. So happy to see a padre use this loophole. Padre Lupe in Abismo should be able to do this too, but HIS bishop, unlike the one Padre Honesto went to see, is still holding him to the confessional rule.

Anita- There were a few moments when Hannah and Lorenzo mooned at each other, but I thinks she was hyper aware of not being rude to Boris, since he's her boyfriend now. Lula was a major beyotch to Fabian. I bet they end up together.

Luci's got the baby dizzy spells!

Connie and Oscare were so cute. But Connie has said before that she's not looking for a serious relationship, so I think Oscar might get hurt.

A few more clarifications:
-Nellie, the gossip lady at the club, is not Vicky's mom (who's dead). She's this rich lady who's always all over Max and points out that he's always coming to the club without his wife. I think she would love some hot gossip about Max being unfaithful to Rosa, which she suspects since his wife doesn't give him much attention. I also get the feeling that she wouldn't mind being his lady on the side either.
-Since Vio has heard nothing from Marcial since the day they did the dirty, she is assuming that he dumped her. Then Serena came home and said she saw him in the clinic where she works. They all try to reassure Vio that perhaps he has a sick relative and hasn't been able to get away.
-Ivan and Lastra have given Lorenzo the job of collecting the money from the casino at the end of each night and putting it in the safe. They are obviously planning to frame him for theft, and therefor adding to Luci's woes.
-Aldo took Vicky out for a pizza date. That girl is really being kept busy with her sugar daddy and her toy boy Aldo.
-Don Aquiles gave Lucha her night of hot loving, and she wants more.

Sorry for all the typos. It's too early and I went to bed too late.

I'm laying odds Luci is preggers. Hey it only takes once..LOL. She'll find out, will want to keep it to herself and reveal to Hot Bod Rod he's a baby daddy on their next wedding night. Only it won't happen because Luci will get cornered by Gala and Jules, spring Don A on her and split for the safety of Het Het... and Hot Bod Rod will find out after the baby is born. Also if memory serves, Luci never told Rod about her troubles with Lastra either. Boy does she have some 'plainin to do to her man.

Jules is so going to bleed Rosa dry of money. She's taking full advantage of Rose being a taco short of a full platter.

I too think Lula & Fabian will wind up together. How cool...the two bff's hooking up with 2 bff's (come on Hanna will hook up with Lorenzo)

Wonder if Vio is thinking the worst after hearing Marcial was at a clinic.. Boy I sure would after doing the mattress mambo with a guy I barely knew. Then again he could be taking care of a sick his wife (duck those anvils Vio!!)

Max is so busted. The question is how long will it be before Vicky turns up preggers. And if she gets preggers, she'll get a bigtime dose of reality when she expects Max to help her out and he'll refuse. Couple that with her daddy finding out about ole Max & his daughter(better watch out for that shotgun Max!)

Anvils piling up by the score. i too agree that Lastra is setting up Lorenzo. Poor Luci why doesn't she just tell Rod about what happened but no she has to be a novela ninny to go with dim bulb galan.

The first of the anvils just hit the TL boys when they saw their father with Vicki. If they only knew that is the least of their worries.

Of course Luci is preggers. Yawn! Just once I'd like to see a novela that didn't fall back on this one. This novela is now moving back into the territory of the prior version which disappoints me.

Pato is so wise for someone so young. He gave Rod very good advice about forgiving Luci and listening to her. Of course that won't happen. Pato is so much a better fit for Luci.

I'm taking bets as to who is going to spill the beans to Claudio. Sure Rosi headed out but we know he is off on his trip and who knows what lie she would have come up with. Let's see Max and Rosa - not a chance in hell, Conny - not so much since she would have to confess her own part in keeping the secret, Mati - um tell the truth or go against her constant protecting of her nina, Estrelita - really just a third party to the secret, the good Padre - an excellent candidate but he wants the people directly involved to clear their souls with the truth. My bet Paz - she warned Rod not to hurt her Luci and she knows that Rosi is the key. I'm hoping she marches in and tells poor Claudio the truth.

Rosi is getting pushed closer to the edge especially now that Dumb and Dumber spilled the beans about the civil marriage. Every time she gets that snotty look on her face I just want to borrow Claudio's cane and give her a few licks upside the head.

I was thinking yesterday about Gala's remark that it was only a civil ceremony. Funny when that was all she was ever going to get.

I'm afraid that Vi"s guy is the rat bastard some of us thought. If he is in the clinic is it because he is sick or more like a wife. Wish the nurse had told us more.

Can't help being amused by the fact that most of the city folk with their snooty airs and superior attitudes are all blonds while the good kind country folk with their pride and dignity all have dark hair.

Decie Girl- I watched the show with my family at my parents' house, and they too noticed that all the bad people were fair haired. There are some exceptions- Valentina is actually nice, although she's on Team Gala right now, and Hannah is good although she has fair hair. But that Lula sure is turning into a major beyotch. Hopefully, Fabi can turn her around.

Well, now that it looks like Luci is pregnant, the chances of Vio being pregnant are slim. I would hope that she would have used protection since she and Marcial aren't married, while Luci is actually married and they did the deed (multiple times) after marriage. At least if Luci is pregnant, her child will have legal rights to Rod's money, even if he becomes a major a-hole. I can see Claudio raking Rod across the legal coals and making sure Luci is taken care of.

They are really setting things up for Rod to think the worst of Luci. The only hopeful aspect is that Luci has a LOT of people on her side, as well as a place to go if she has to leave the city-- Paz and Magda would comfort and protect a pregnant Luci like two mama bears. Rod would be the only idiot who wouldn't believe in her.

While eating lunch I couldn't help thinking how mother of the year candidate Julie is not about to let that TL fortuna slip out of her hands. When Gala was going on about getting Rod back and how she has her dignity (funny how these schemers are always going on about dignity when clearly they have none) and Julie mentioned he wasn't the only TL man. Obviously she is thinking about that bit of gossip about Max threatening to leave Rosa. She'd obviously sell her daughter to the highest bidder.

Considering that Max thinks it is a good thing for Rod and Luci to be together and that the girl is beautiful and kind like her mother I don't think he'll be pleased to find out what the schemers have in mind and Rosa should watch her back as well, I wonder if Lastra knows who his boss really is and if he would be so hot to make life hell for Luci if he knew that the girl is the DIL of the big boss.

Thank-you Ezra for your holiday recap. You are much appreciated. Also, thanks team for filling in some of the blanks---all you guys are great.
the gringo

Decie Girl-I know it's a bit of a bummer that it appears this tn is pulling out the old cliche heroine getting pregnant, but I'm not surprised. This tn is filled with all the major cliches. But, compared to other cliched tns I've seen, this one is doing it well. There's a good way and a bad way to do cliches, and I think these writers are succeeding so far.

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