Monday, August 13, 2012

Abismo de pasión #107 8/13/12: Pregnancies, Pineapples, Percentages and a Horse's Patootie

El Refrito
In the words of Cap'n Sylvia:
E: “Ok, if you demand that I not marry Gael then I won’t, I swear on my mama’s memory. Well, tell me if you want me to dump Gael!”

Lo Nuevo

Paloma responds: I don't have to ask you that. Do what you think is right and I wish you both the best. *sob*

La Iglesia

Padre has changed his mind and will marry Gael and Elisa and give them his blessing. A friend convinced him to change his mind. Gael is overjoyed. Padre changes the subject to the fainting ING.

Harangue-o Parte I (I did some combining. We were all over La Ermita tonight.)

Dam had a lobotomy since the last time I watched (last Tuesday) and he's slurpy smoochy with Flor. Ick. Creepy Mom is creepy and stares at all this and smiles her creepy mom smile. Thank heaven Gweedo and Doc show up to put an end to it. Paolo knocked up Sabrina, she's gone and they're pithed! Fina is shocked!

Fina asks Flor if she knew Sabrina was pregnant. Flor is indignant and I hope Fina is suspicious. Meanwhile, the three protectors gang up on Paolo. Paolo swears he's in love with Sabrina. They don't believe him. He's been too sketchy and now Sabrina is missing.

Witch Mountain Interlude

Paloma snivels. Ramona tells her she'll survive and that Gael and Elisa were not meant for each other either and that destiny changes. Ramona asks her not to do anything stupid like drink sleepy death death herbs. 

The Former Hacienda of the now defunct Viuda Beltrán 
Chente breaks the lock and ushers the suspicious Sabrina in. He explains it belongs to his dad and she can hide there. Chente proudly explains who his real daddy is and how he was able to buy the hacienda with his awesome Pro Ce earnings. Suspicious Sabrina wonders when Paolo will arrive. Chente blathers on about Toña being Gab's girlfriend back in the day but he had to dump her 'cause she was a mere servant. Chente has a rich fantasy life and thinks he will inherit the Hacienda one day. When Sabrina starts to worry, Chente offers to go check on Paolo and find out if her family has figured out she left yet. When he gets to Harangue-o Toña tells him about all the goings on and Sabrina's pregnancy. Chente grabs a bag and a pineapple 'cause that's an easy food to prepare when you're on the lam. (QTH?)

La Quinta de la Naranja

Gab has arrived with another check and the contract. Guppy Lip's eyes begin to sparkle at the idea of a check. Then she sees the check and she finds the amount to be ridiculous. She wants to talk to the lawyer and tells him to come back later. Gab makes his move. He tells Guppy she could have all of the land if she stayed with him. She scoffs. He tells her he has his own properties and can give her all the luxuries she wants.  She throws him and his damn contract out. Gab likes it when she gets mad.

Blue House Interlude
Gael comes to call and asks why the hell ING hasn't left Gab yet. This is the third time he's tried to help. He offers to get her a house and help her pay. He tells her to get her stuff and let's go. Otherwise, he's not helping her. 

Iglesia Interlude

The archbishop approved Padre's request to let him stay for 6 more months. Elisa visits. She cries and repeats her list of woes. (We've heard it all before.) She's thrilled the Padre will marry them.

Lucio's House Parte I

He hands over el pagaré (promissory note) to Gael and tells him to give it to Elisa. He asks Gael not to tell Carmina. Lucio tells him to treat Elisa right.

Harngue-o Parte II
Flor gives Paolo hell and Gweedo backs her up. Doc is desperate to know where Sabrina is. Paolo swears he doesn't know. All he knows is she called early that morning, but Toña didn't want to wake him. Fina suggests that Doc call home.

Over at Doc's house Be-gone-ya is busy accusing Paloma and Ramona of stealing half of Sabrina's stuff. She is interrupted by Doc's call. When she explains about the "theft" Doc asks how she can be so stupid and tells her she's blind. Sabrina is pregnant and planned to run off with Paolo. Awesome scene!

Elisa and Curly Face off
It starts off nice enough. They both offer each other condolences for their recent loss. Then things get ugly. ING offers to give Elisa info about Carmina. Info Gab has been hiding for years. This reminds Elisa that Curly has been boinking Gab for a while and the girl gets rude. Curly tell Elisa she's missing a golden opportunity. Elisa tells her that to sleep with Gab, Curly must be cold-hearted and part snake herself. Curly leaves with the threat she might not be so forthcoming with info next time.

Lucio's House Parte II

Carmina visits Lucio, too. She had no one to turn to (acudir) She needs advice about the crappy price Augusto put on  Cielo Abierto. Though she understands that as his widow, she has to continue with the contract, she's not willing to sell it at that price. Lucio agrees it's a ridiculous price. Carmina hopes Augusto maybe mentioned to Lucio the price he wanted to sell for. Lucio tells her no. You know this beech is fishing for info because she starts yammering about how Elisa is all calm and hasn't even looked for the check. Carmina asks for his help, but he refuses. She's got to figure this out on her own. Carmina tells Lucio that she heard he went to see Gab about the situation. Lucio says he went on behalf of his god-daughter (ahijada.) He doesn't think it's fair what Carmina is doing to Elisa. Carmina says she's entitled to her percentage and Lucio thinks Elisa should at least fight for a fairer percentage. Lucio says Elisa can say that Carmina and Augusto were getting a divorce. Carmina tells him that didn't happen and she leaves in a snit. She wants her porcentaje, dammit!

La Quinta Interlude

Gael arrives with his little blue folder of joy for Elisa. Lolita tells him to take care of Elisa, too. Carmina arrives to dump water on everyone. She tells Gael to beware. A dream can quickly become a nightmare. One day you wake up and realize your mate is thinking of another. Gael says she must know this from experience.

Harangue-o Parte III

Paolo continues to insist he has no idea where Sabrina is. Fina butts in and tells him to at least (and I quote the CCs) "have the nuts" to tell the truth. He assured her he was going to run off with Sabrina. Doc flips: "You knew?!" Dam asks why she didn't say anything. Fina turns the blame on Doc and Be-gone-ya. Gweedo calms everyone down. Doc tells Paolo that as soon as Sabrina shows up, he's dragging her to the registro civil and there's gonna be a shot-gun wedding!!

Oh, this does not sit well with Paolo. He and Flor have a pow wow in la cocina and he tells her she better fake losin' that baby, 'cause honey...he ain't marryin' that estúpida.

Whining at La Quinta

Elisa whines about Paloma. She asks Gael if he did or said anything that would make Pal think they would be together forever. Gael says no and besides, he saw her kissing Enrique. Gael is stoopid. The most important part of this conversation is that Gael and Elisa now plan for Padre's last mass to be their wedding. Methinks there is a conflict.

The Cliffhanger

Be-gone-ya arrives at Casa Harangue-o and she is pithed. She goes straight to the house, but Enrique stays behind so she can yell at Dam about Paolo knocking up his sister. He also tells Dam he's no better since he knocked up Flor and had to marry her quick. Oh, and Elisa is marrying Gael.


I'm tired of Elisa playing Billy Bad Ass towards Kenia or Ingrid, but collapses into a weak puddle around anyone else.

Oh yes, what we learned:

Tovar Family learned Sabrina is knocked up.

Doc learns Fina knew all along about Sabrina/Paolo.

Carmina learned the only person in town who can turn her nastiness back on her is Gael.

Florencia learned she better come up with Plan B ASAP

Doc learned how stupid Begona really is

Damian learned Elisa & Gael are getting married

I learned Chente is a delusional twit who totally disrespects his parents. Having only one kidney is not punishment enough

Thanks so much Sara for the fast moving recap, breezing right by the fluff.

Gael totally LIED to Elisa. Hmmm..."is there anything that happened between you two to make Pal think you were a serious item?"...I don't know. Would taking her virginity count? Nah!!!

This was kind of an irritating episode but the recap is sublime.

"Chente grabs a bag and a pineapple 'cause that's an easy food to prepare when you're on the lam. (QTH?)"

I'm so glad you chose to highlight that particular detail -- I giggled when it happpened and again when I read about it here.

And then there's the post-lobotomy Dam, "creepy mom and her creepy mom smile" and "Ramona asks her not to do anything stupid like drink sleepy death herbs."

Vivi, so true, Gael totally lied about him and Paloma. They were trying to hide under their sombreros at the Gael table on the patio tonight.

I'm beginning to think that, contrary to what Ramona told Paloma, Elisa and Gael really ARE made for each other. And for that matter, so are Damián and Flor.

Thanks Sara for a fabulous job -- we're so lucky to have you on Pit Patrol!

BTW, it was pretty funny the way Gab was so willing to ditch Curly for the Killer Orange. And he doesn't even know that Curly is running around La Ermita trying to sell him out.

Also, I was so proud of Lucio for standing strong when the Citrus tried to work on him.


Dearest Sara, the following line is absolutely perfect: "She cries and repeats her list of woes. (We've heard it all before.)" May I use that in the future please? I know it will be useful in every recap and will save me a lot of time. Thank you in advance.

Back to the recap...

Sara, thanks for such a succinct recap that was, at the same time, deeply satisfying. I need to study your technique.

"Gael says she must know this from experience." Love him!!! And I loved the way Lolita was nodding in the background. I want to order a Lolita Bobblehead and put her on my dashboard.

"She asks Gael if he did or said anything that would make Pal think they would be together forever." Um, except for helping her lose her virginity and the obligatory bun in the oven, nuthin' much. Props to Vivi and Novela Maven for already mentioning this. I'm incensed that Gael could forget this so quickly! In other words, Loathe him!! One must be fickle in these shows.

I still think Gab and Agent Orange are gonna end up with each other, i.e. they deserve each other. ING should pack her bags and head outta town. Otherwise her days might be numbered.

Thanks Sara!!!

This was a good episode! I'm sure that I will get a boring one on Friday! Sara, this was great! I'm too lazy to sign in and type in all of that crap. And it's almost midnight here.


I'm sure Florencia's little plan will somehow go to hell because of the pending shotgun wedding. It's about time Paolo paid for his sins.

Maybe the Rotten Orange and Gabino will off each other in the finale and do everyone else a favor.

Of course, we have to hope that Elisa finds out about Gael and Paloma. How long ago did that happen and could that girl be embarazada?

Fixed some spacing and added a title. Guess who the Horse's Patootie is...


Thanks Sara! You got it all and I loved your wonderful side quips thrown in.

And to Anon 207: "I learned Chente is a delusional twit ". Amen. Serioulsy, with this story line we have to deal with entirely too much of this dweeb. And how the hey did he find out about the house? Did I miss something?

Gael, Gael, Gael. I love you my dear, but not good to start off with a big lie to the fiance. TN anvil lining up, sorry for the bad headache about to ensue. As for whether he told Pal they would be together forever, to be honest, that girl has been thinking that since she was like 10. I also sdeem to see the writers are making him a bit stupider and goofy than he use to NOT turn my Gael into a jerk just to justify a D/E reunion. DO.NOT.Do.That.

Ok--so basically we take from Ramona that noone belongs together but Stoopid and Weepsa. Another TN where I really don't like the ultimate couple...too bad.

And Flor's ridiculous plan is imploding. Sweetie, it was so bad to begin with. Paolo right now is wishing he was having a wonderful reconciliation with his money somewhere.

Those previews from Friday still make me wonder who's in the coffin...that has to be really down the road since nothing right now is leading to a showdown with anyone. But the previews from last night...oh, I don't think that was a Gab dream. Looks like maybe our resident hunky baddie gets it on with his one true love. (Sorry Cynderella).


My cable guide is showing that the Pit will be preempted for soccer on Wednesday.

Daisynjay- Gael has always been stupid and jerky when it comes to trying to get Elisa. He'd probably throw Padre Loopy under the bus if he could get Elisa by doing it.

Ooo Sara..."el pagaré"! Best word ever! I plan to drop that one all over town.

Thanks, Sara! Loved:
-Dam had a lobotomy... and the creepy mom smile
-the pineapple on the lam line. QTH indeede!
- and I quote the CC's "have the nuts". Too funny!

How sweet that Orange wore orange tonight for our amusement.

Elisa bawls that she has lost everyone she's ever loved. Did she forget about Padrino, Lolita and Paloma. Sounds like she is trying to rationalize the wedding to Gael a little too hard.

Best scene for me: Begonia's mad walk up to Hanangue-o! She is such a funny actress and that walk spoke volumes.

Rosemary la Otra

"Elisa bawls that she has lost everyone she's ever loved. Did she forget about Padrino, Lolita and Paloma."

Exactly RlaO! I was thinking, so having Paloma in your life is less important to you than having Gael be at your beck and call 24/7 (and you don't need to marry him for that because he already is)?!

Of all the young people in this tn (Elisa, Dam, Gael, Pal, Sabrina, Flor, Quique), Quique is the only one I'd want as a friend. All the rest of them would stab you in the back (or the heart) at the drop of a hat and put their supposed "needs" first. None of them would would the award for best BFF of the Year.

I am really enjoying the friendship between all the young people in Refugio. So very different than in Abismo. I'm still enjoying Abismo, but I find there is much lacking in the friendships between these people.

Typo: None of them would WIN the BFF of the Year...

Oh yes, R la O, Begoña's mad walk to Hacienda Harango -- thanks for reminding us of that comic moment. I just love the way the actress sets her vanity aside for this role!

Sara, your title is Pitch Perfect!

About Chente -- truth is the "delusional little twit" has THREE kidneys, his two bad ones and Toña's good one. [Sort of like he has TWO daddies, his biological bad one (Gabs) and his socially recognized good one (Braulio).] It is TOÑA who is running around with one kidney -- and half a brain, apparently, though she can't blame that on being an organ donor.

Ooh yes, forget to say how much I LOVE the title.

Vivi, good point about the young friendships. They make me cringe. I loved how Enrique told Damian off.

Chente knows about daddy's new hacienda because daddy dragged him out there to brag.

All the young people are users:

GAEL...using Paloma for comfort while he gets over Elisa

ELISA...using Gael because she can't have Damian

DAMIAN...using Florencia because he can't have Elisa

PALOMA...(IMO) using Elisa to stay close to Gael (b/c without Elisa being her friend Gael would never hang around her)

FLORENCIA...using Enrique to make Damian jealous & for attention...and if she could get pregnant she'd sleep with Enrique to hold on to Damian

Sabrina is just stupid but look at who her role model is. Sabrina doesn't have any friends just like Begona doesn't have any friends. Friends don't let Friends hook up with Paolo.

ENRIQUE...using Paloma to get over Florencia...and would tip/creep with Flor behind Damian's back if he could get away with it.

Excellent list Anon207. And Chente is using his dad's new hacienda as his private hideaway and a chance to impress Sabrina.

Good morning Sara...haven't seen this yet but couldn't wait to read your sharp and snappy recap. You were funny from beginning to end, starting with that great title, the pineapple snack food quip and the shout out to "the nuts" quote. Way to go.

If I have to watch one more Elisa snivel I'm going to scream. But looking forward to Begoña's Vengeance Walk. That should be good.

I am one of those taking cover under the Gael table. He is really digging himself into a hole... not only lying to Elisa and undermining 'taking Pal's virginity' and walking away to get engaged to Elisa... but also he throws the offense right back at Carmina only to admit to Lolita that what Carmina said ' you will realize that all along the one you love never stopped loving another' was nothing he did not know.. THEN WHY OH WHY are you marrying Elisa?? To just get back at Dam? To just get Pam off your back?? no, Gael. Man up and admit what you did... you don't have to marry Pal but at least face what is to come right along with her.

I too believe CHente is really in a fantasy world if he thinks Gabino will just make him the heir of the hacienda and will treat him as a SON. He is wasting the chance to make ammends with a REAL FATHER in Braulio. right now he does NOT deserve that option.

It was funny how Dam, Guido and Doc T all charged Paolo and DocT got one good swing at him. Paolo is really digging himself into a hole that not even Flo will get him out of.

Loved your list of what everyone learned, Anon.


NM, LOVED this:
I'm beginning to think that, contrary to what Ramona told Paloma, Elisa and Gael really ARE made for each other. And for that matter, so are Damián and Flor.

definitely this moment in the story is not making either Gael or Dam look good or smart at all.
and yes, that Dam lobotomy moment with Flo with Alfie looking on was creepy indeed...


What's really starting to make my beanie shake is how many episodes we still have to go. Boggles the mind what the heck the writers are going to have to come up with to fill the plot lines. Not feeling warm and fuzzy on where we go from here.

Ooo bumper sticker alert:

Friends don't let Friends hook up with Paolo -- Anon 207

I thought the same thing, Blue Lass!

That avances make it look like Dam catches Flor kissing Quiqui. Is that footage from way back when?

Also the avances show Sabrina pushing Chente away. Oh oh.

And evidently burning contracts is some people's foreplay.

Let me say that I'm disappointed in the doc, usually a kind and sensible man (except when it comes to his judgment about women).

Edmundo, sweetie, marriage to that momzer, Paolo, would be the WORST thing that could happen to your daughter. Protect her from him, don't throw her at him! (Yeah, yeah, I know, cultural assumptions from the 50's still live on in La Ermita)

R la O, I didn't even try to make sense of the avances -- they went by in a blur. But I do love your "evidently burning contracts is some people's foreplay".

I would exempt Paloma and Quique from the "user" list. It's true they used each other to try to make Gael and Flor jealous but they did it openly. It would be nice if the scales finally fell from their eyes and they could see what we all see -- they would be a great couple.

I agree that I'm not so bugged about the way Quique and Pal used each other to make Gael and Flor jealous because they were open about it with each other and joked around about it. Quique and Dam were never friends, and in the beginning when Flor started flirting with him, she was giving him sob stories about what a horrible bf Dam was to her. But after Dam caught them kissing, and the way Dam fairly let him keep working at the Proce, Quique was straight up and honest with Dam about how he felt about Flor. Now that she's gone back to Dam, he has let her go and hasn't kept trying to sniff around. That's why I would keep him on my friends list.

Pal remains off my friends list because she's the kind of friend who uses guilt to try to make you do the things she wants you to do. She's passive aggressive, and sometimes just plain old aggressive. She barely gave Elisa any support after her dad DIED, because she was living her little love drama after she willingly had sex with Gael and he dropped her like a hot potato to tend to grieving Elisa. Now, Elisa is annoying as heck with all her whining, but the death of her last living parent, and such a horrible death, warrants putting aside the other crap going on and just being there as a friend. Deal with the other petty drama afterwards.


Plus, you really can't put guys on hold, cuz you might want to give it another try if it doesn't work out with New Guy (Quiqui, in this case).

Vivi, good point about Paloma's self-involvement after Augusto's death. I think I just LIKE Paloma and I am willing to cut her some slack, even when no one else is doing so.

I still have the image of the wise child who knew about death and need when the other kids lived in protective cocoons. There was Paloma conspiring with Ramona to keep the others from knowing they had caused the baby birds to die. There she was trying to earn her keep by selling bread from a basket. Sniff.

Daisynjay: my beanie is having trouble with the number of episodes still left. I continue to like the show but I'm ready for some things to be resolved. It feels like TdA for me. Maybe I've grown weary of the story, but there is so much to make fun of that I still enjoy myself.

NovelaMaven....I am so glad you like Paloma since I do too. I admit I get a little grouchy when people call her pathetic because I sense so much yearning and so much need there, understandable in one whose life and affectionate relationships has been so limited in the past. Is there a Paloma small table somewhere? You and I can sit there and commiserate sometimes if there is.

Thanks for the great recap, Sara, and belated thanks to Sylvia for your hilarious recap last Thur.

I've been diligent with my watching of the episodes and reading the recaps and comments but have not been commenting as regularly as I am accustomed to. The main reason is that we've been busier than usual this summer.

It looks like disaster ahead for Flo's fake pregnancy scheme what with all of Ermita aware of Sabrina's pregnancy by now. I wonder what plan B is?

I think I'll join Judy and NovelaMaven at the Paloma table. Since the show seems to be a bit bogged down right now I think I'll just sip some nice herbal tea with you two while waiting fr things to pick up again.



How about a Casa Beltrán Cocktail -- twig tea and pineapple juice?

Oh, rats: no Chente & Sabrina table. Guess we'll just have to do shooters.

Sara: Thanks. Damian's kissing Flo was definitely a QTH moment. Are we in the right place.

Good old Lucio. He is as reliable as the sun. Polite as he can be and just puts Carmina in her place.

But, she keeps getting closer and closer to the money that Elisa used to pay off Fina. I can just see Elisa outraged and crying at the same time when she finds out Damián gave her the money.

I didn't think that Paolo would get caught so soon and that he would dump Flo. What schemers they are, and they just keep it up.

It looks like we've got ourselves a Paloma table. I do hope you and Carlos won't mind if I bring along a little Kahlua ... twig tea makes me nervous. And Kahlua.-- well, just the opposite.

Hey Blue Lass,
I thought you'd be at the Waiting for Horacio table :-)

NovelaMaven...I love Kahlua. Back in the days when I could drink without my head falling in my plate, Kahlua was one of my favorites...often combined with other interesting libations. And what the heck, so my head goes in my plate!..I'm sure you all will be kind.

No worries, JudyB. We look after our own at the Paloma table.

A 'waiting for Horacio' table or a Paloma table featuring some Kahlua... so many choices!...

I get tired of waiting, NM. Might as well make the rounds.

Sara, another great recap, I loved every word, but in keeping with your brief form, I’ll pick just one favorite, “Mom is creepy and stares at all this and smiles her creepy mom smile.” Isn’t Alfie just the CREEPIEST mom ever.....If she’s a smiling abuela holding a beautiful nieto in the end, I’m going to be seriously MAD. Please, please writers don’t do this to me, Alfie must have some super-big comeuppance! Great work Sara!

Well, didn’t we just a couple weeks ago make the point that, strangely, most galans show little physical interest when they are in the required novela false pre-relationship even though they might be “married” (civil only of course) to the most beautiful woman in Mexico? Well, right on target, within a month or so we see Damian, with the best chemistry of the novela, kissing, with much passion I might add, the wrong girl.....Florencia! I didn’t know whether to be glad that the writers had the guts to portray a real guy, or be hopping mad because he was smacking on Flo, the possible child kidnapper villainess. That scene really took me by surprise!

If I were pregnant, hiding in a hacienda in Mexico and hungry, it would be my luck that my accomplice would bring me a pineapple, with no knife, etc., and I’d have to try and eat the thing......thorny, thick skin and all!

Isn’t the waiting for Horacio table also called the Venganza/ Feminista table? Just trying to keep my options straight!


Oh, that's right, Sandy -- we were having a rollicking good time at the V/F table before I got distracted by the pineapple...!

I've been sitting at the Paloma table, all alone, for weeks now. Welcome, y'all. There is a pitcher of something warm with green gobblies floating on top so I'll be delighted to try something safe to drink. Got my own paper cup.

Even if Horacio hasn't shown up yet, you'd think the federales would have contacted Lolita about the accident.

Yes, Blue Lass, I’m sure it was the “pineapple” that has you "distracted" and not our drinks. Speaking of drinks, so glad we’ve brought our own, what a tab we’d have if we were ordering from the cantina bar! Whoops, did anyone think to ask if there is a corkage fee? Getting a little worried here........

Sara - Thank you for the excellent and fun recap! I won't have a chance to watch my recording of this episode (wah!) and looks like missed a doozy.

I love it that Paolo & Sabarina have been outed.

R la O - good question re: someone contacting Lolita about Horacio.

". . . the scales finally fell from their eyes" Oooooh, Novela Maven, THAT is one of my fav-o-rite P.G. Wodehouse-isms!

Dam and his lobotomy are hysterical. Poor Chente doesn't even have a brain to lobotomize.

I forgot how much fun I miss when I'm at work. Sign me up for the Pal table (I'm on the fence about her, but I like Kahlua and the company seems fun.)

I'll make my way to the Waiting for Horacio cum V/F table in a bit.

Waiting for Horacio is like waiting for Godot. Where in the heck is he? I'll make the rounds of all the tables but my home base will be the Horacio/FV table.

Heh, word verification is leballs. Something that is sadly lacking in our little telenovela right now.

Waiting for Horacio is like waiting for Godot.
I so wanted to make a pun with this earlier, but was brain dead. I kept coming up with crap like "Waiting for Godoracio...

"leballs" Oh, that makes me laugh. I have a "Professional Development" meeting tomorrow and I suspect I will be whispering this under my breath through the whole meeting.


Waiting for Horacio is like waiting for Godot. Where in the heck is he? I'll make the rounds of all the tables but my home base will be the Horacio/FV table.

Heh, word verification is leballs. Something that is sadly lacking in our little telenovela right now.

Just saw an announcement: Abismo will be on at 6:30 EST tomorrow.

Ahoy...I have to run out of town unexpectedly. Could someone do Thursday's recap for me?? I'm pretty certain I will not be able to handle it. I don't think I can even do a header.


I can do it, Sylvia.

Gracias amiga! You are a peach.


My pleasure, Sylvia. I'm just glad you didn't say I was a pineapple. Or an orange, for that matter.

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