Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #96 Tue 8/21/12 Certain Women Should Be Struck Regularly Like Gongs* (*Noel Coward)

No doubt Noel Coward was kidding-- but let's admit it, we're all beginning to feel like boffing Gala. She's the one we love to loathe, along with Roselena Julie and Brigida (who's the down market version of the materialistic mother-daughter duo). So sit back and imagine whom you'd like to hammer tonight because we have several wicked candidates.

No 1. ROSELENA. Not content with making Luciana's life a living hell, she now moves to get Lorenzo arrested, and out of Jana's romantic range, by complaining at the police station about the illegal food vendors operating in her high-class neighborhood. Those nacos are selling contaminated food and if the maids get sick, they might pass it on to us elite! She goes, she snitches, she triumphs, she stomps out. (I would dearly love to give a major swat to that self-righteous backside exiting the station.) And Lorenzo and Fabian are arrested, hauled off to the pokey and both the basket and the bike are confiscated until our poor broke taco boys can pay the fine (multa).

And when Roselena isn't dumping on Lorenzo, refusing to take her medicine, patrolling the house checking for dust on the furniture, or ragging on poor Padre Honesto, well she's conspiring with Julie and Gala for more mayhem. Her “work” for the afternoon will be to go out with Julie who wants to spend a wad of Roselena's money (or Rodrigo's) buying baby furniture, strollers and décor décor décor for the infant-to-be. A brief gong-worthy swat for Julie in passing. And another big one for demented Roselena.

No. 2 Meanwhile GALA'S burning up her credit card buying racks of exclusive, imported and expensive baby clothes, all in blue. IT. WILL. BE. A .BOY.-- according to her Rule-the-Universe-expectations. Gala's certainly not going to go through a pregnancy and labor for just a sniveling girl child. Even worse, she gleefully informs Rodrigo that from now on, he'll be footing all the bills for her purchases, right mi amor? His response-- a raging Sergio Sendel phone slam. Evidently our handsome sinner's Calvary is just getting started. While meditating on how she's going to squeeze (exprimir) every last dime out of him, she also decides to barge into his office, throw the multiple shopping bags down, complain when he doesn't gush over the mass of over-priced clothing and is hustled out with the plea that he has to work. Fine, I'll amuse myself until the ob/gyn appointment, but you'd better be there for that, mi vida, sez she. Gong, Gong and Gong!

Clearly our long-suffering hero is with the wrong lady (did I say lady?) but we viewers sagely nod our heads and say yessss, he still has a lot of groveling and growing up to do. Not ready to be rescued from his dreary consequences yet. Let's strike Rodrigo like a gong while we're at it. Whoops. No need. Gala's already beaten us to it. His head is going to be ringing for the next nine months.

Our writers love contrasts so the next scene is Luciana and Linares shopping is a simple and rather jumbled San Francisco el Alto store for baby clothes as well. But she doesn't want very many. After all, Paz and Magda will be knitting up a storm, and hand-made clothing, especially clothing made with love, is all her baby really needs. Point taken.

Later, as Luciana and Claudio continue their walk around the pueblo, he considers buying a big house whose absentee owners never visit any more. It's quite large and he would love for all of them....Paz, Madga, Luciana, the baby, and he to live together. 

 Not only that, but he gently encourages Luciana to call him Papa, or at least Claudio. But please, no more “licenciado”. Luciana blushes and reminds him that she doesn't even use the familiar form of address with her mother, but sticks with “usted”. How could she possibly call him Claudio.? A sweet scene that reminds us that part of Luciana's charm, apart from her natural loveliness, is her old-fashioned shyness and respect.(this scene was not in the Univision broadcast).


No. 3 BRIGIDA Our Lady of Frankenstein is worried about her income now that Rodrigo seems to be safely in Gala's clutches. Who in the heck is she going to sell information to, now that he's been sold, sealed and delivered? Nothing dramatic going on in the Torreslanda household now. Feeling sorry for her? Or ready to administer a well-placed thump on the noggin. You choose.

Anybody else you'd like to strike like a gong tonight? I know, you'd still dearly like to bash Rod. But, as I noted, Life With Gala is going to do that for you. She's snipping and sniping at him all throughout the ob/gyn visit, in a huff because he forgot to bring along all the shopping bags of baby clothing she splurged on earlier. And her only interest at the doc's office is to know how quickly she can get her figure back and when it can be confirmed THAT SHE IS HAVING A BOY . Rod listens to all this drivel with a just-kill-me-now face....the same one he's been wearing ever since she told him she was pregnant. All that awaits him later is heading home to a miserable evening with her in a dark, dismal, over-decorated apartment.

How about a good swat at MAXIMINO ? He continues his take-no-prisoners management style at the corporation and plots with Oscar on how they're going to handle Linares' lawsuit against them in the next few days when they're face to face. He'd like to somehow stack the odds in his favor but upstanding Oscar doesn't think it's necessary. Surely the evidence is on their side.

On the other hand, Max is showing some concern for Roselena, asking Connie to go along to every doctor's appointment, since the doctors, while needing further tests to confirm, think it's clear that Roselena is suffering a “ grave trastorno de sus facultades mentales”(a disorder of her mental faculties). Connie agrees to accompany her sister to each and every appointment. She and Oscar kiss (who'd like to kiss Oscar as well?...Me!) and she heads off, leaving the men to continue discussing their legal strategy.

So what else went on last night? Back in the barrio, the girls are discussing Ofelia's predicament. True to form, Lastre was coming on to the new recruit, so clearly another sort of employment must be found for sweet Estellita's daughter.

So hey, let's strike the lecherous LASTRE like a gong while we're at it. Several times.

In the midst of this discussion, Violeta gets the phone call that the boys are in deep trouble down at the delegación (police station). Girl power is in evidence as the gals swarm the place, scream to high heaven about the injustice of it all, and Violeta, bodacious cleavage at the ready, leans into the counter and gives the officer a couple of good reasons to change his mind. He's dazed and confused by all the brouhaha but the boys are still without their means of support. No money for the fine, no bikee.


Paz and Magda leave church, excited about the new Padre. And he's young! So he'll be around for a while. Don Aquiles accosts them and they blow him off; but Paz does confirm that el licenciado Linares is indeed Luciana's father. So watch your step Buckaroo!

Roselena invades Padre Honesto's peaceful office to gush about how happy she is that Rod and Gala got married. In such a hurry there was no time to invite the good Padre, but how wonderful that they're expecting! He gently points out that given her concern with church values, a rushed ,hurry-up civil wedding with a baby on the way( and with the ink barely dry on divorce papers!) hardly seems appropriate. She sparkles though with the knowledge that Luciana can't get her mitts on Rod now. But wait! Pato is now in danger of falling under Luci's spell. Oh Woe! (please Lord, another gong-worthy swat for Roselena.)

In a park, Aldo is plotting with Vicky to get his own back with Tio Max. She's terrified of Max and doesn't like any of Aldo's ideas, but he's determined to work Max for all they can get from him. Hmmmm. Don't think Mama Connie would approve but Aldo still has a little larceny in his soul. How about working over Max for a new car, and maybe a set-up for her own beauty parlor.  After all, he's crazy about you.  Pressure him! (Maybe a  swat for larcenous Aldo, upside the head. And a wee swat for Vicky for being so goldurned wet and victimy all the time.)

Jana asks Melissa why she never comes to the house any more. Was Mom rude to her? Melissa continues to maintain she's just too busy studying but Jana doesn't buy it. (not really swat-worthy but not great either.)


Finally, we see Pato and Marcos preparing to leave Mexico City, taking needed supplies up to the mission in San Francisco de Alto. Rod is hanging around, mewling and wishing he were going with them. Pato fixes him with a stern eye and says “Cada uno decide su destino.” (Each one chooses his destiny) And clearly, Rod has chosen the short straw. Ay yi yi, Consequences. Again, no swat needed here. Life with Gala (and without Luciana) will take care of that.

Yes, Pato has arrived on a mission of mercy, bringing furniture and school supplies as part of his charitable project in the area. But his real mission, no doubt, is to see Luciana and when she hugs him, the look of painful bliss on his face is hard to miss. Magda and Paz both see it and exchange worried looks. They tell him about Luciana winning the concurso (competition) and he tells her that Gala and Rodrigo are married. She reels as if punched. “So he loved her all along, “she whispers. “ No,” replies Pato. “ He didn't marry her for love, he married her because she's pregnant.” Now Luciana looks really devastated. One woeful tear rolls down her lovely cheek. And on that sad note we end.


  1. todo sale a pedir de boca = everything is going just fine (not hardly, but we can hope)
  2. la cenefa = the border, frieze (what Luciana painted on the wall of her mother's house)
  3. vasijas (de barro) = earthenware pots (the pots with butterflies that won Luciana first place in the competition
  4. el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means (not really folks)
  5. la resortera = slingshot (Ariche is planning to teach Luciana's baby how to shoot one)
  6. tus baños de pureza = your purifying ablutions (Maiti ragging Brigida about her supposed innocence.)
  7. exprimir = squeeze (can be squeezing an orange...or in this case, Rod's billfold)
  8. cantar sus verdaderes = tell you off, give you what for (Paz to Don Aquiles)
  9. cada uno decide su destino = each one decides his destiny (Pato to Rodrigo)
  10. un auditorio = a legal hearing
  11. investigar los datos de los dueños = get some  contact information about the owners, like eemail address, telephone number or residential address (what Linares wants Luciana to do)
  12. un sonaja = a rattle (Ariche plans to make the baby one that sounds like rainfall)
  13. enrarecerse = to become strained (Paz notes that the atmosphere is becoming strained when Don Aquiles is badgering her about Luciana's parentage)
  14. mantitas = little blankets (another project of Madga and Paz, the “two grandmothers” as Papa Linares calls them)
  15. están resabrosos = very tasty (Lorenzo, touting the tastiness of his wares “re” added to a word means “very”-- slang only)
  16. un pedido = order
  17. el tramite = procedure (police official explaining that it's procedure to pay a fine before Lorenzo and Fabian can get their confiscated goods back.)
  18. volante = can mean flywheel or referral note or slip (the latter is what Lorenzo and Fabian don't have....and need to get the bike back as well)
  19. llevar a cabo = to take place

Dichos y proverbios

El amor con amor se paga = Love is repaid with love. (Pato explaining why he wants to do charitable missions...he has been so blessed in life lately, especially with his physical rehabilitation)

No hay más de temer que una mujer despechada” = Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. (Watch out Rodrigo, I'm sure Gala has more humiliation and discomfort planned for you.)


Luciana tells Pato she is also expecting Rodrigo's baby.


Judy- What a delicious read! I love how you are able to pull these whole episodes into a theme. I would gladly line up to strike all of the women you mentioned, and Max, like a gong. And you are right that Rod is already getting his licks just through his marriage to Gala. Poor SOB.

Great phrases and dichos too. Pato really is rattling them off every episode. I loved his love is repaid with love line to Rod. I think it struck Rod because he repaid Luci's love with distrust and accusations, and now he's paying the price. Same thing with Pato's line about everyone making their own life choices.

That last scene was painful to watch as Luci learned the horrible truth. It was also painful to watch the look of love on Pato's face as Luci hugged him. You're right about those worried looks Magda and Paz passed between them. They know this can't end well.

Ah Vivi...like Magda and Paz, we know it can't end well also. I hate thinking of Pato's heart being broken.

Pato's scenes with Rod were really strong...and you could see Rodrigo's face turning sad and sour as he registered the thrust of Pato's remarks. Our younger brother seems to be getting stronger and stronger, driven by his love for Luciana and his rehabilitation. Rod, on the other hand, is being ground down by his mother and his nightmare of a wife, Gala. Quite a shift in the dynamics of the two siblings.

Judy B such a wonderful recap. I too love the themes you use. I agree with everything you and Vivi said. I would love to swat all the bad ones, Rosa la loca, The Champagne Queen, Gagme, and Frigid. Especially Frigid and Rosa right now. I know most of us are mad at Mati as well, but I am loving how she is giving it to Frigid, lol.

Loved Pato being strong with Rod too. Serves Dead To Me right, he made his bed now let him lay in it. I like how Marcos was nice to Luci too. I hope they both rub into Gagme and Dead To Me's faces how well Luci is. It was sad for Luci to learn that Dead To Me married Gagme because she is preggers. It would serve Gagme right if she had a girl! I hope she does and that Luci has the boy!

Loved how Claudio decided to move up there to be close to Luci and her family. That was wonderful and I loved how he said they were all grandparents, Paz, Magda and himself and Ariche being a Tio lol.

Speaking of Tio's how sad for Vicky to have to be "on call" for evil Max. I love how Aldo wants to stick it to his Tio, but it will lead to more trouble for poor Vicky.

That Champagne Queen what a skank. I hope Dead To Me doesn't pay a dime of her credit cards.

Poor Lorenzo and Fabian, just as they are getting ahead and building a life, because of Rosa la Loca, they lost it all.
The police should have tested the food, saw it was good, and then let them go. I am hoping Claudio fixes this too, and sticks it to la loca.

We all knew she was loca and the doctor just confirmed it for us. I can't wait till they put her in the manicomio, but I am afraid of what she will do next. Hated the way she said she needed no meds, just Dios, and (Note to La Loca: Talk to the heavens cause Dios has tuned you out), the horned one has your number, jus' sayin'.

Oh, Judy good one about swatting Lastra too. He needs another one upside the head.

Great recap, Judy, thanks! Adding the gongs really helped. Great summaries of the brazen and silly behaviors of our most annoying characters.

Thanks for the vocabulary too. Los datos usually refers to contact information in particular - email address, telephone number, residence address, etc.

The party ladies (in a scene right out of British sitcom Absolutely Fabulous) were hilarious passed out on the couches with slippered feet in the air. LOL!

Poor Luci - what news to hear!

Can you imagine how the town will gossip when CL buys a house there and Magda and Paz move in with him? The Gossip Girls will be lining up to join his harem too. :)

Great work, Judy.

The word I'm waiting to hear is manicomio. Complete with Nurse Ratched. Rosa la Loca going off her meds will be hell on earth for that entire family.

Rod should definitely cancel Julie and Gala's credit cards. Gala signed the pre-nup because she has other ways to ruin him financially, starting with maxing out the credit cards.

JudyB, great stuff, especially the gongs.

Gagme should not be allowed to reproduce. What a nightmare life that poor child will have. With Gagme's attitude about a female child, I am afraid that just seals the deal. She better send the stuff she just bought to Luci because she will be the one having little Rod. Did I hear right, Gagme wants to name the bebe Max and not Rod?

If Claudio buys a casa in Het Het, I am sure the whole town will be in like and respect him just as we do.

The girls were a hoot in the police station, especially Vio. The poor guy at desk couldn't think straight after she arrive with all of her assets.

Rosemary Primera


No, she didn't want to name him Max or Rod, LOL!

I hope that Claudio's status as Luci's father puts the brakes on Don A. When he referred to Paz as his "suegra" the other night I almost lost my dinner.

Good morning all:

AUDREY-thanks for expanding the definition of datos, I've added your clarification

UA-don't lose your dinner over Don Aquiles! He's not worth it! The big A does seem to treat the pueblo folks like his serfs, and he's delusional enough to probably still believe that one day Luciana will be his. His lair is so dark and disgusting...I love how the set people have built him a home base that is feral and cave-like.

ROSEMARY PRIMERA- I too was amused by Violet's assault of the counter at the police station. I'm surprised the desk man could even utter a coherent sentence after that.

Judy this was wonderful and I love the GONG theme. I personally would love to weild that hammer at a few folks. And the vocanulary as always--Wow! I'll be saving that quote about a woman scorned!

Pato so broke my heart last night. It's going to be rough to watch his intereaction with Luci. There is just something sweet and right about them, heck they even have better chemistry as actors on the screen. Casting is really blowing it lately with some of these main couples vs. the heroic side-kick.

So I'm betting Luci stays mum about the bebe to Dumbass now, Pato will know and protect her along with CL - not sure the writers would go so far as him marrying her and going to live in Het Het, but wouldn't Rosa burst a vessel over that!!!

La Loca and the Champagne Queen picking out the baby's room decor -that will be one scary room to wake up in. Let CQ use Rosa's cash - serves her right. As for Gagme busting in on Dumbass, how terribly professinal of her. Hmmmm, don't you run a business? Go to work yourself. He is going to so be living the Yo-Yo life with this nutjob. Guess he should be use to it after his mother. Still not feeling sorry for him.

Hoping Claudio saves the day for Lorenzo too. Someone needs to do it and stick it to Rosa. Oooooo-- Janna would be a good one to do it too.


MADELAINE - I was happy last night to see Mati talking back to Brigida as well. But then, they're both servants so Mati can feel somewhat safe standing up for herself. With Roselena and the rest, she doesn't have that same security.

VIVI- Yes, I'm sure the Gossip Girls would love to join Claudio's harem. He's educated, attractive, kind, and by pueblo standards a sharp and elegant dresser. A good start indeed. Makes Don Aquiles look like even more of a savage buffoon than he is.

DAISYNJAY- Pato broke my heart last night as well. His spirit is so strong and his heart is so true.

He just gets better and better, while my muscle man Rodrigo (still love those pectorals) looks weaker and more churlish each day.

I still feel our main couple is destined to be together at the end, but that means a really really terrific woman has to come along for Pato. We can't have all that nobility and capacity to love go to waste!

Most excellent recap.

Thought I saw Pato move his Right hand as if to comfort Luci when she was on her knees by his chair.

Rod is a complete doormat. How much abuse from gagme are we going to have to put up with? He should retaliate for the wedding dress on the barbe by burning Julie's Champagne collection. Man I hate her character. Such a second hand rose.

Judy: Simply stunning. Your gong theme had me smiling away - how clever and totally appropriate. Insightful and delightful - from every word, phrase and dicho. The vocabulary was exceptionally wonderful today - new, fresh and fun. Your care in tying everything together is obvious at every turn.

"self righteous backside", "raging Sergio Sendel phone slam", "groveling and growing up" and "bodacious cleavage at the ready" were but a few of my favorites.

"El amor con amor se paga" - no wonder we love Pato! He is grateful for every small stride, for every small movement. I believe he was able to stroke Luci's hair only due to sheer will and determination. We've seen him move his hand, but not to that extent.

It's evident Rod is in hell. And Rosemary, could her feelings about not wanting a daughter be any more loathsome?? Yes, she is despicable.

Madelaine, I want Aldo to help bring Max down but I'm afraid for him (and for Vicky). He lacks Max's cunning and is simply outmatched. Max will strike like a venomous cobra - quickly and lethally at the slightest provocation.

What about Ofelia for Pato? I think she is sweet and kind but of course I have to be honest, is anyone good enough for our Pato??

Thanks again Judy! This was inspired.


ANONYMOUS 7:34--Laughed at your quip about "the wedding dress on the barbe". Reminded me of the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels which was one of my favorites.

And yes, right now Rodrigo is being a complete doormat. I'm sure he's going through a period of self-loathing because of his despicable treatment of Luciana.

We knew from the get go that his character was due for getting beaten down before growing up. And Gala is certainly a big enough witch for the job, backed up by her sleazy trashy mom.

DIANA - I have racked my brain for a suitable gal for Pato but no one seems to be on the horizon right now.

Ofelia doesn't seem to be a very well-defined character yet, but we know that she is intelligent and courageous (her risky entrance into the States is proof of that)and Lastre, scum that he is,quickly recognized that she has more "class" and "categoria" than our bumptious Violeta or Serena, so there's that indication that the writers might have something more in mind for her. Pato would certainly be a wonderful father for her little girl. Hmmm..now you've got me thinking. Another barrio gal for the Torreslanda family. Roselena will shoot herself!

And I agree with you about Max. He has a punitive side that is really scary. He's much more dangerous than our coddled carefree Aldo seems to realize.

Oh, and DIANA and ANONYMOUS...thanks for mentioning Pato's hand stroking Luciana's hair. I'm usually so focused on taking notes that I miss these significant gestures. I'm sure his love for Luciana is what's motivating his fierce dedication to rehab. His attitude changed completely once she came to work at the Torreslanda mansion.

Thanks, Judy. Stellar as always.

Did Gala mention having a boy to be the heir? Gotta lock up the Torreslanda business - if there is any left after Claudio gets his part back.

Let's tie Rosa by her ankles inside a huge bell. I thought we could use her as the clapper but maybe we could circle the bell, beating on it with metal bats.

I'm not liking Claudio's idea of living in Het Het in a big house with all of our favorite people. He should buy a tiny place and live alone. Maybe put in a swing set and little tricycle path. Luci's baby would love 'going to Grandpa's house' rather than living there.

Yes EMILIA...that's Gala's game plan. Give birth to the "first-born" male heir to the Torreslanda fortune and milk it for all it's worth. This isn't a baby, it's an investment in her future. Our lovely Gala is all about the money.

Had to chuckle at your nix on Claudio's big house "all live together" plans. From the look on Paz' face she wasn't on board either. After all, she just got her own home back, and it's been freshly painted and with a lovely frieze done by Luciana. Who would want to pack up and move again. Not me!

Soooo...are you and Mike putting in a swing set and tricycle path soon?

Judy as others have noted this was an excellent theme - gonging baddies and enablers!

The more the writers attempting to make Rosa's behavior a medical condition. As daisynjay stated yesterday, Rosa's a spoiled brat who throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way and manipulates her family members as well. To say its a mental breakdown seems to absolve Rosa from the choices she's making. She is fully aware of the horrible things she does. Her justification of them just makes her a sociopath.

Diana - Yes Ofelia could be a match for Pato but as Judy noted she must become more defined as a character and be fantastic. He's set the bar so high, its hard to give him anyone but the one that he wants, sigh.


LOVED LOVED the recap and also your further comments. The Gong theme.. GREAT!! esp if the gong itself is RodTheBod... LOL!!
fav line from recap:
Rod listens to all this drivel with a just-kill-me-now face....the same one he's been wearing ever since she told him she was pregnant.
fav moment. Paz telling it to DonA.
another fav moment: Pato telling Rod 'amor con amor se paga' which makes me think that Rod will probably be the one that will get Lorenzo out of the mess... and will begin doing things FOR Luci even though she won't know it is him behind the 'good deeds'. The more he has to withstand Gala nad Julie the more he will appreciate what he had with Luci.

Another great moment was when Claudio said he would buy that house with 8 rooms in town so he could be close to Luci and the baby and Ariche inviting himself and his mother and the look on Paz and Magda's face was priceless.

Can't wait for the next confrontation between Claudio and Don Aquiles... but first we will have the first hearing between Max and CLaudio.. I hope they can put a bulletproof wall between the two parties at the trial... things can get violent there with Max' short fuse.


Great to come back from a meeting and find you... KAREN and MARTA here.

KAREN, I agree--the "trastorno de sus facultades mentales" doesn't explain Roselena's malice, her hatred,or her clever and continued lying. Unless we're going to go all the way back to conception and just say shes "a bad seed". Sociopath works for me.

MARTA - I like your idea of "amor con amor se paga" leading Rodrigo to help Lorenzo with his "multa" problems and other ways of helping Luciana. He has a lot of growing up to do and behind the scenes generosity is one way to do it.

Not sure, but I though Ariche said he'd love to come live with them in the big house also, but he couldn't leave his mom. Whatever. Though, he clearly considers himself part of the family and likes thinking of himself as a second "tio" to the baby, along with the hapless Lorenzo.

Hope the day your way is as lovely as it is here. Blue skies, fluffy white clouds, low humidity. A miracle for central Ohio!

I have never had close (family or friends) dealings with someone with a major mental illness. I would think that just as there are good and bad people who have no mental illness, there are also good people and bad people who have a mental illness. Rosa is a selfish, jealous, lying, scheming, bitchy bad person, who also happens to have a mental illness, which magnifies all her bad qualities. I still don’t understand how our real justice system deals with people with mental illnesses who do very bad things. Sometimes there seems to be more blame put on the illness; other times there seems to be more emphasis put on the personality and morals of the person (e.g. calling them evil). So it’s hard for me to say where the folks in this tn should come down on Rosa. Clearly, her husband, sister and nana seem to think the illness, more than the personality, is to blame for Rosa’s actions. Her kids will probably feel the same. Melissa isn’t buying that excuse, nor is Claudio, and they’re lawyers, so maybe their opinion should count the most?

I don't like Ofelia for Pato. I think she was quite frivolous, abruptly leaving her daughter for lofty hopes of a grand future in the US with no thought of consequences to anyone including herself. She may be a sweet person, but she just doesn't have the smarts to keep our Pato intellectually happy.

I'm not going to knock Ofelia for trying her luck crossing over to the States in order to make a better life for her kid back home. Happens all the time, and I know plently of people (even in my family) who have done it. It is a hard decision to make and you face humiliations and fear each day in your new "home." I'm glad she came back though, because it's very hard emotionally on the children of parents who have gone abroad to make a living, even if they benfit from the extra dollars coming back, which usually allows them to keep going to school.

Vivi, thanks so much for your insight. Perhaps I misspoke.

Interesting discussion on mental illness vs. moral culpability.

And a disagreement about Ofelia as well.

I recall someone else (maybe jlk) saying he (or she) didn't care for Ofelia. I just haven't quite got a handle on her yet. I do know, from reading stories of women who've had to leave their children behind in order to earn enough to educate them that in many ways it's a lose/lose proposition. The woman toils in a low-paying job, without the protection that a legal citizen would enjoy, and the child, feeling abandoned, does not appreciate the sacrifice (and it is one) that the mother makes, only resents her absence.

It's so sad that life is this way for so many. And those of us who were able to raise our children safely here, with free schooling through high school etc. need to always remember and be grateful for our enormous blessings.

VIVI--I'm somewhat conservative on the mental illness/crime debate. I believe in guilty while mentally ill. So I would want medical treatment while in prison but I would not want the latitude that many dangerous mentally disturbed patients have with open weekends etc. Twice in the last few years, parents and siblings in our area have been killed by these patients while they were on a home weekend. The fact that they often refuse to take their medication when "out" doesn't help.

However, in the case of Roselena, she seems to be operating rationally in spite of her mood swings. Her evil doings show planning, cunning and precision. I would definitely deem her rational enough to be judged culpable under any philosophy.

ANONYMOUS 2:03...I just saw your reply after I wrote my comment. What a gracious response. I love the respect with which we discuss on this line. Thank you.

But please, never be afraid to express your opinion. We love to listen, sometimes disagree, and always chime in! That's what makes a blog line come alive.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anon- I also didn't mean to shut your comment down. It was valid. I just had to speak up given my first hand experience with it. Judy is absolutely right that it's often a lose-lose situation. One of my cousins to this day is very resentful towards her mom (my cousin) who left her back in Jamaica with my grandmother and came to the States illegally. They are both legally living in the U.S. now, but my cousin will always think of my grandma as her mother. She keeps her own mother at arm's length. But she got a top notch education in Jamaica, which she would not have without that money her mother sent back each month!


Great recap as usual Judy. I love the gong theme too. Remember the old comic shows where every punch was a sound? Woom!, boom!, wam!,ugh! and my all time favorite "crunch" The three witches are each going to get their very own gong sound when the anvils start falling. Pato's values are more in line with Luci's. They are so natural together. He should end up with her and Rod suffer with Gagme for his stupidity. It seems Gagme has some serious mental issues. She is not even entertaining the fact the baby might be a girl. what's she going to do to this poor baby if it turns out to be just that? A girl. She either hates herself or hates girls or her mother. Won't it be just funny if all the male clothes end up with Luci.
Thanks again Judy and Happy Wednesday!!


I've not yet watched the episode and only glanced through the recap, but why exactly is Gala determined to have a boy? She just doesn't like girls? What a nit-wit.

I am slowly catching up on episodes as my husband is back home now, but I have to comment on last weeks wedding episode. When Hana & Pato were pacing his bedroom before the wedding... Pato rolling all around his room because he couldn't actually pace was the funniest thing I have ever seen on TV. HYSTERICAL...

Also, if Julie were assassinated, I wouldn't even flinch. For real...

@OLIVE...wasn't the gong rung on people during Laugh-In? I have a vague remembrance of that and Goldie Hawn...but I may be mixing my memories.

Anyway, glad it "spoke" to you. I was afraid people might be offended by Noel Coward's quote as promoting violence against women...but that's just how we feel towards these three wicked ladies!

Pato's values are indeed more in line with Luci's. But sometimes when a couple is too much alike, they grow complacent and stagnant.

Rod and Luci's differences are enormous...but those differences, while causing problems also cause a spark. And if they end up together, they will both have to stre-e-e-e-tch to accept and understand (and perhaps embrace) the other's point of view.

A few years back, I worked with a very nice recapper who was an intellectual, calm, talented, laid-back guy. And he always loved the spit-fire (occasionally nasty in my opinion!) gal characters in the stories. And shared once that he loved his wife because she had that same fiery take-no-prisoners temperament. Whereas a previous girlfriend, calm and mild-mannered, was nice...but just didn't light his fire at all.

Soooo...maybe Pato, while flat-out wonderful, is simply too easy-going for Luci.

Just a thought. Feel free to argue the opposite point one and all.

Ah NOLEGIRL...missed your comment when I was answering OLIVE.

Gala wants a boy because that would make him the prime inheritor of the business and all the wealth in her thinking. A girl baby wouldn't carry the same clout.

Great call on the humor of Pato zipping around in his chair while everyone else paced. I love your sense of humor.

As for Julie, she seems to be a total waste of oxygen. Too bad the lady reproduced. And Gala is the more dangerous version since both her ambition and IQ outstrip her mother's.

JudyB - I agree totally about the personalities of Pato & Luci not being a good long term match. I've said it before, but Luci & Rod remind me a lot of my husband & I. Our differences are enormous, but we love each other deeply (and respect each other) and constantly pull the other out of our comfort zones. We are better people because of this. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my lie with a person just like me!

* the rest of my LIFE... not lie. My life is not a lie.

JudyB---GREAT GREAT--Loved your gong senario. There's a lot that need to get gonged--can't wait.

Loved your line about Pato getting stronger while Rod is being ground down. Well, he asked for it--Dumb DimRod. He threw away the diamond and ended up with a lump of coal. Now live with it you jerk. The question is how long will he take Gagme's abuse before he explodes?

Katie Lennon---Rosa's complaint about the tacos had me boiling too. She's still trying to make Luciana's life miserable--now through luci's family. What a bruja. Both Rosa and Max have to fall,---can't wait. Maybe in the end DimRod might just see what kind of parents he really has.

daisynjay---I was thinking the same thing last night. Maybe Claudio will set up Lorenzo and Fabian with a real store front business. That would be great.
the gringo

NoleGirl- Gala seems to have a very old fashioned idea that a male child will be the heir to the Torreslanda throne...uhm, business empire. The assumption being that a girl would not be the natural choice to run the company some day. I don't know why any of them would make that assumption, unless this has been dictated by emperor Max.

Thanks for sharing that insight NOLEGIRL. The key is "respect" isn't it? There are many instances and many people who jolt us out of our comfort zones but if we approach the differences with respect and openness, then we can grow and mature through these experiences. If not, the relationship shatters and fails. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Luci and Rod, even though I LOVE Pato. The writers will have to whip up someone gorgeous and wonderful for him, in order to make any of us happy.

If Jana wasn't his sister, she'd be a great match. I love her spontaneous affection and lippy attitude. Someone like that, from outside the family, might really be the spark for him.

This is what happens when work interrupts my blogging habits-- five more comments pop up before I hit the publish button. :)

Hey GRINGO...thanks for chiming in and responding not just to the recap but to several of the commenters as well. Makes this such a fun conversation.

Gala sure is having fun tightening the noose on Rod. I too wonder how long it will be before he explodes. However, since the wicked witch is carrying his baby, he may manage to tamp down his fiery temper.

VIVI--even though we know (or hope!) that the macho attitudes shown in Eva are exaggerated, I don't think there are many women head of corporations in Mexico. Heck! there still aren't that many here.

*sigh* So true Judy. I remember researching when we watched Familia and were commenting on how strange it was that NONE of the top execs at AVON Mexico were women, only to find out that this was true in real life and that AVON created a special program to solve the problem. The result was ONE female exec who was soon sent to Ecuador to be the president there, sicne they also lacked female execs.

Interesting discussion on mental illness vs. moral culpability... and also about Rod/Luci being (or rather NOT) good matches of soul/personality and how respect and trust comes into play for long term relationships...
reminds me so much of great forum discussions we had during the 09 transmission of Betty la Fea and the earlier this year rebroadcast of LHDM in early mornings.
Keep 'em comin!!
btw, on the first subject i agree that it is usually a lose-lose situation and in the latter, that is the key to the relationship. even with major differences in personality and values, if the respect or trust is lost, that's it. Better head different ways.

Agree MARTA. When respect and trust are lost, it is VERY HARD, and often IMPOSSIBLE to rebuild it. And doing so takes years and years and lots and lots of accountability. Like trying to mend a precious vase once it's been shattered. You can glue it back together with skill and patience.....but it's never quite the same.

What I find interesting VIVI, is...apart from business heads...both England and India have had women as heads of state but I don't know if we will ever have a woman president. Good Lord! just think of some of the quotes that have made headlines recently from some of our politicians. Our macho attitudes may be more subtle, and more restricted by equal opportunity laws but still....they are there and they are operative.

Let's not go there. Politics in America is hopelessly behind the times but so many of today's politicians wish it was 1812 instead of 2012.

Ditto on Gala being smarter and more dangerous than Julie.

Amen Judy and Urban.

We have a long way to go, just like our friends in Latin America. The AVON case was so galling since it is "the company for women." You think all the male execs at AVON HQs around the world just yuck it up in the board room each time they say that tag line? AVON in the US is run by a woman though.

I think part of Gala/Julie's prejudice about their "first-born" being a son is simply the carrying down of the family name. They assume a son would be favored by the Torreslandas for that reason.

The pregnancy is all about competition for Gala anyway - eyes on the prize (whatever that is). They want the best situation for her children inheriting the most of the "Torreslanda Fortune".

Obviously Gala doesn't realize that by DEMANDING her child be a boy, she is guaranteeing that it's a girl and that Luciana will have the boy. Not that it should matter, as others have pointed out. A woman can run a company just as well, which Gala, as head of a magazine, should very well know.

Love Ofelia for Pato. Norma, Claudio's assistant, would be good too, but Ofelia being lower class would really stick it to Rosalena. Esp. if Jana dates Lorenzo too. HA.

Why didn't the boys call Aldo? I know he was busy scheming with Vicki on how to at least get something from her horrible situation with Max, but he is an investor in the business and has the means to pay the fine.


Yes to all those observations. A long way to go for women in this country and in the Latin countries, and a son would carry the Torreslanda name (but also that of his mother, come to think of it)and be favored in the business. Max seems to want his women in the home or in his bed, but not the board room. I haven't seen any women executives at the Torreslanda Company.

KELLY...he said he was going to invest, but other than bringing a bike, I'm not sure he's contributed any money. I thought I remembered Lorenzo saying that Aldo was "all talk" when it came to helping out (though I might be wrong there...best to check with Vivi).

And I'm not sure he actually has much money either. And don't know the size of the fine.

Hey! maybe it will all get sorted out tonight. For me, just a little over an hour to go.

Judy- You're right about everything above-- what Lor said rightly about Aldo and Aldo not rolling in the dough (although he surely has more than Lor and Fab). However, the brand new bike is a good investment and beats the old borrowed one they had before. Aren't bikes expensive?

They are here VIVI. I still have my old 3-speed Raleigh from 1971, but the bikes they're building today are lightweight and a little scary to ride as well.

However, the bike Aldo bought looked more like the old ones I used to ride, not those hunched over racing bikes. No idea what that would cost in Mexico.

Vivi, thanks for your wonderful insight on the mental case of Rosalena. I have been saying all these times that I would like for her to be jailed for her criminal actions and not end up in the manicomio.She is just really plain evil and malevolent. Now maybe as you said, she is mental as well but the way they show her, she is fully aware of what she is doing and saying.clearly she is showing a character defect and is not all there but like I said she is conniving and planning all her actions.

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