Saturday, September 08, 2012

Abismo de pasión #126 9/7/13: Squawking & Stalking

Hacienda Beltrán:

After Elisa overhears the conversation between Ingrid and Damián, Dam comes clean about who really shot whom. No more lies! Well, at least not about that. Ing turns on the waterworks and the lie fountain, but Damián says let’s just see what Gabino has to say when he wakes up. He stalks off.

Ingrid whinges away to Elisa about shooting Gabino to protect herself and, oh, right, Gael – he threatened Gael. Yeah. Elisa says she totally understands: she, too, would have defended herself against anything other than a lifetime of verbal abuse, character assassination, attempted rape and slapping. You know, something really serious. But anyway, that wasn’t what she came for – she wants information on the Blue House. There’s a loud KA-CHING KA-CHING KA-CHING as Ingrid’s eyes turn into a slot-machine jackpot. The Blue House! The tickets! Let us fly, my pretty!

Hacienda Castañon:

Gael finally has enough of Tía Crazy’s poison pills and stalks off himself, only to encounter the Begoñaphone on the sidewalk. She dresses him down about his trashy mother and his trashy friends and he takes this for an amazingly long time before re-stalking.

Begoña goes inside and tries to rope her pretend friend into her little pity party: that tendriled tramp stole my husband, and now he’s going to marry her – and, what’s even worse, take her to live in the house that I decorated! Carmina has to pull out her little bingo card of sympathetic clichés to remember how normal people behave in this situation: ¡Qué barbaridad! ¡No puede ser! ¡Pobre de ti! Then she puts the card away and goes back to being herself: I have some citrus secrets that will give you the upper hand…

Centro de Salud Revolving Door, Part 1:

The consulting neurologist from Mérida comes in and finds Ramona in Gabino’s room. He asks her if she’s a relative and she says hell no, at which point of course he feels perfectly comfortable discussing the case in great detail, and then leaving her alone with him so she can give him another ominous witchy talking-to. Guau, that gal can say “maldito” like she really means it.

Consultorio Tovar:

Gael bursts in to yap at Dr. T about his nutty wife smearing Ingrid’s reputation all over town. The doc says nobody listens to her and anyway, she’ll shut up after your Mom and I are married. Gael doesn’t even have a chance to react before Begoña marches in and announces that Ingrid isn’t going to be marrying anyone – because she’s already married, to Gabino Mendoza! Oh, and by the way, she shot him. Caras impactadas de Edmundo y Gael. More dashing off.

Centro de Salud Revolving Door, Part 2:

Maru urges Lucio to go give Gabino Mendoza a piece of his mind while he’s strapped down – maybe that will clear his emotional decks. Amazingly, he takes her advice, delivering a beautiful bedside soliloquy with perfect diction and lots of complex grammar. He tells Gabino he doesn’t want him to die – oh, no – hell is much too light a punishment. He hopes he survives and pays for every bad thing thing he’s ever done, one at a time. It’s nice to watch a pro at work. He says “maldito” like he really means it, too.

Casa Azul:

Ingrid can’t get her keys to work in the lock. Elisa suggests they go swipe Tía’s keys, but Ingrid’s too impatient for that and busts the door open with a big rock. QTH, nobody uses doors in La Ermita anyway. They have a rapid-fire conversation while Ringlets tosses the place – Gabino was Rosendo’s “perro de confianza” and helped him with all his chicks. There were lots? Oh Elisa, you don’t know anything. Pues no, I don’t, actually. Help me find what I’m looking for and all your questions will be answered. Well, what are we looking for?

And pop! Goes the sleazel! “What are you doing in my house???”

Carmina and Ingrid square off: run off now, Elisa; the garden needs watering. They take turns threatening, smacking and strangling each other. Unfortunately nobody dies.

Hacienda Arango:

Alfonsina and Flor snipe at each other about the back-stairs locksmith and why Alfie didn’t go spring Damián from the clink, since she’s so in lurrrrve with him. Before this can go too far, Dam comes in from one stage door and Gael from the other, and the usual barking-and-fire-hydrant-watering contest ensues. Gael rages that Damián only took the rap for Ingrid so he could look like a big dog in front of Elisa, further proving that he can’t get his head far enough out of his Dr. Denton’s to realize everything isn’t about him. Alfie calls security. Damián countermands her. Everybody’s pithed, and it’s not the least bit plot-advancing, so whatever.

Back at Hacienda Beltrán:

Ingrid sashays into the dark house and turns on a light, only to be scared out of her wits by Edmundo. He demands an explanation. Did she marry Gabino? And then shoot him? It isn’t at all apparent which he thinks is worse. She punches in the usual cry-and-lie sequence, but for once it’s not working. You have one night to get out of La Ermita, Edmundo tells her: in the morning I’m going to the police.

After he stalks off, Ing takes it out on the furniture. She punches pillows, overturns tables, breaks a lamp, and then raises an extremely tasteful clay leopard over her head and smashes it satisfyingly on the tiles. There among the shards we see…the fateful tickets! ¡Por fin!

Centro de Salud Revolving Door, Big Finish:

Carmina comes in to slap Gab around a little more and tell him what a numb-nuts he was to get involved with Ingrid. I told you that woman was bad news! Suddenly his eyes spring open, his arm juts out, and he tries to remove her tonsils from the outside.

Around Town:

-        Lolita shows up outside the Centro with coffee & sandwiches for Braulio and Vicente. Chente is snotty as usual.

-        Paloma finds out about Gabino & Tonia and tells Ramona that if Gab were her father, she’d just die.

Vitamin-Fortified Avances:

* Elisa wears a completely inappropriate toddlers-in-tiaras dress to her own wedding!

* Flor marches down the aisle in a red sheath with no apparent padding!

* Damián points a gun!

* Alfonsina beats the linguine out of Paolo!

* Gabino tosses Ingrid in a shallow grave – while she’s still alive!


To get us started (and to set my maldita follow-up notification), here is a repost from late yesterday: Isabella Camil *not* looking like a demented yeshiva boy.

I love that you supplied the links to the festival and Eduardo Yanez. Is that a picture of him with the unfortunate haircut? It looks alright to me.

Cathyx, I think he looks fine, too, but he was afraid people would be expecting his Corazón Salvaje coiffure for the festival, and he couldn't bear the scrutiny.

I heard a rumor that Meh-jía had been called in as a script doctor for the final fourth of the novela ,,, oh wait -- I think I made that up. Sometimes I get confused.

Anyhoo ... Gabino has that undead BLUE DEVIL BLINK thing down pat. I can't wait for Monday's antics -- bodas and harpías and bandage-head zombies, oh joy!

Demented yeshiva boy! Love it!

Finally watched the episode. They gave everything away, including the kitchen sink, in the avances.

Demented yeshiva boy...Blue you are dangerous to my laptop.

Maven: Mejia could easliy blamed for this mess. I say let's go for the rumor.

Hey, Sara. Happy Saturday—no school!

Cathyx - I dunno about Yanez, hair or no hair.I have never been a fan of his "acting".

G'day all.


EJ-I haven't seen any of his work, but his looks don't do it for me. And besides, I already have a TN boyfriend. Cristian de la Fuente.

Not sure if Gabino actually murderes his two love interests. Those damn plane tickets could land up in his hands again if Ingrid bites the dust. How long was he faking being in a coma? Long enough to hear Ingrid and Carmina dish him at his death bed. His heart did indeed beat strong.

Most of the episode was unfortunate but that last minute w/Gabino strangling Orange-ho was excellent. And while the previews did give everything away, Monday looks to be amusing. The sad part is why aren't we almost done with this TN. I'm sure w/the help of the commenters and recappers we close this one down in one week, two tops and with better endings than the ones we'll probably see.

Yup, EJ no school and I'm taking it easy. Things are settling down a little.

"Acting" (in quotes) made me giggle. He may not be Olivier, but he does "big galoot" pretty well.


PS: Blue-I still can't believe that is ING. She looks great in that picture.

She should sue the Abismo maquillaje/peluqueria dept.

Anonymous at 2:27- I like your thinking. Faking the coma. That would be interesting. If he did, he heard everyone's feelings towards him.

I jumped into this novela midstream and I still haven't figured out what is the big deal about the plane tickets. Could someone elaborate, please?

Gato: One ticket is in Rosendo Arango's name and the other is in Carmina's name. The cat therefore comes out of the bag.

Anyway, I have been enjoying this TN in spite of the fact that Gael has developed a split personality. Ingrid and Carmina are the blockbuster meanies. Compared to them, Alfonsina looks like a fragile an unimaginative bruja.

Let's face it, folks, EY's age is creeping up on him.

I am also enjoying the older folk/vilains in this tn, far more than the young-uns. But all of these characters are so slow and dense, no wonder the villains run circles around them. If any of these people were perceptive and picked up on clues Gael and Damian would have figured out already that they are brothers without anyone coming out and telling them; Elisa and Alfie would know Carmina was Rosie's lover and the woman he was running away with without seeing those plane tickets; and Paloma would have guessed that Gabino is her papa without Ramona needing to tell her. It was such a shock to see a character in Amor Bravio (the clever Vivi) figure out the true identity of the hero after just a few clues last night. The only character who was like that in this tn was Kenia, and we know what happened to her. La Emita kills off it's most beautiful and brightest.

Random thing I noticed while they all switched places on the bench in front of the hospital. Francisco G. (Braulio) and Livia Brito (Paloma) have the same brown coloring. Could be because they are both Cuban. Vincente and Lolita looked pale and washed out next to them. FG and LB should play father and daughter sometime.

Dr. Tovar is too skilled a physician (do I need to enumerate his accomplishments?) to not have detected fake coma on the part of Gabino. His awakening almost certainly occurred the instant before he grabbed Carmina. Don't forget that shortly before, he was also observed by two other medical experts... the neurosurgeon and Ramona.

Has anyone here mentioned Ramona's new hat yet? I noticed it a few episodes back but keep forgetting to comment on it. I preferred the old hat.

I so hope that Carmina survives. She is so much fun these days.

I'm still expecting and anticipating good and great things from Alfonsina.



Oh surely Carmina will survive? We have so many episodes left. It would be too early for her to kick the balde wouldn't it?


Nice job, on the Squaking and Stalking epi. I have been trying to find a phrase that describes recent all-talk no-walk capitulos. I should have trusted that you would have the phrase ready at your fingertips. We miss our Cynderella's recap but it sure is great to have you back, Blue Lass.

By jove I think you've got it. big galoot! LOL!

Vivi: Hello, dear Vivi! Like you I enjoy the older and more minor characters in this novela. The young things don't have 100 IQ points to share between them. Chuckle.

Cathyx - Nice work on snagging your Telenovio—de la Fuente's smile is a killer. I am enjoying A Bravio.

The avances were nasty. Eeeewww to burying someone alive, even Ingrid.


Blue Lass, great job, and aarrggg! How was the Pirate Festival?

EJ- It wasn't easy getting CdlF from Sylvia Navaro, but in my fantasies, anything can happen.

The pirate festival was a lot of fun! I've never understood why we shouldn't walk around in costume all the time. It makes the day go much faster.

Blue Lass, I always love it when I see little kids in a costume, even if it isn't Halloween. Kids can get away with so much more than grownups.

Ah Blue Lass, I've missed your clever turn of phrase...

"Yeah. Elisa says she totally understands: she, too, would have defended herself against anything other than a lifetime of verbal abuse, character assassination, attempted rape and slapping. You know, something really serious. But anyway," (just delightful!)

"tendriled tramp" (equally so)

but the winner is....
"Can't get his head far enough out of his Dr. Dentons"

Funny and clever and worth savoring and re-reading.

Well, as I understand it, folks hear everything even in a coma. So even if Gabino did just wake up, he DID hear every unkind thing said about him in the interim and he's ready to rumble.

My only regret is that he did not take off his shirt before dispatching rough justice to these broads. For that reason alone, I'm hoping Gabino lives until almost the very end of this hot mess, just for one more opportunity to gaze upon that admirable muscular development.

In the meantime, thanks Blue for making this hot mess so palatable.

Thanks, Pasofino; I didn't realize that cat was still in a bag. Doesn't everyone know that Rosendo slept with everyone?

Gato Viejo-

People who know Ing was Rosie's lover: Ing, Gabino, Carmina, Padre, Alfie

People who know Camina was Rosie's lover: Carmina, Gabino, Ing, Padre, Ramona, Augusto (just before Carm killed him), Kenia (just before Carm killed her)

People who (wrongly) think Stefi was Rosie's lover: Everybody, except Lucio, Elisa (who has started to have doubts), and all the people above who know the truth about Carmina.

Blue Lass, thanks for jumping in to help Cynderella. Eastport, Maine.....that is REALLY Down East!  Do they even speak English, or is it all French ? 

Just a few of your many funny lines: 

" Amazingly, he [Lucio] takes her advice, delivering a beautiful bedside soliloquy with perfect diction and lots of complex grammar.".......None of which was lost on our  Caray Passion Pit grammar crew! 

" Dam comes in from one stage door and Gael from the other, and the usual barking-and-fire-hydrant-wateringcontest ensues." The subtly of that descriptive phrase  could be used in a National Geographic piece!!!

[Ingrid] overturns tables, breaks a lamp, and then raises an extremely tasteful clay leopardover her head" ......Blue Lass, you should write copy for Pier I , they could use your positivity! 

Carlos, [on Gabino's "fake" coma,] "Don't forget that shortly before, he was observed by two other medical experts....the neurosurgeon and Ramona.". Yes!  Your professional generosity (and humor) shines through in that comment! 

Oh my, I'm running out of sane comments for this wacky novela!  I plan to rest up tomorrow and see  if I can think of something after Monday's episode, but given the advances, that looks pretty challenging! 

Many thanks Blue Lass for stepping in last minute and giving us such a wonderful recap. Yes, Monday's episode looks like it will be entertaining, if not coherent.

I had to laugh at that scene between Gael and Dam. I also loved: "The usual barking-and-fire-hydrant-watering contest ensues."

Dam just can't win. He secretly helps Elisa to not lose her lands, and literally gets punched in the face by Gael and spit upon by Elisa. This time he secretly helps keep Gael's mama out of jail and nearly gets another beatdown from Gael for his trouble. I don't know why he keeps trying to help these people! Screw ‘em! He and Flor should go off into the sunset with their fake baby and live happily ever after away from the ingrates of La Ermita.

Oh my, Blue Lass, this is prime stuff -- from the Begoñaphone at the beginning to the Toddlers in Tiaras Wedding Dress at the end.

There were so many witty lines that it's hard to pick favorites. But I confess that you really cracked me up with your spot-on observation that:

"Carmina has to pull out her little bingo card of sympathetic clichés to remember how normal people behave in this situation"

and your casual aside:

"Everybody’s pithed, and it’s not the least bit plot-advancing, so whatever. "

I also noticed that Gabino was bien maldito by the two powerful elders.

And I, too, was amused at how freely the details of Gabino's medical condition were shared not only by the neurologist but also by Edmundo. (Well, I guess he kind of is a public figure in La Ermita.)

I never really liked the circus that much but this is one I'm really enjoying. I'll be at the Patio early so I can get a good seat.

Gato Viejo- I should also add Blanca (just before she was killed by Horacio-Gabino) to the list of those who found out Carmina was Rosie's lover. It's quite dangerous to know that particular secret in La Ermita.

Thank you, Blue Lass! Snappy and to the point.

It's been mentioned before but I loved "Amazingly, he takes her advice, delivering a beautiful bedside soliloquy with perfect diction and lots of complex grammar."

I think I sighed several times during the scene. He really enunciates so clearly and I love the Lucio character.

Let's say that Gabino was not faking his coma but that he did indeed hear all the chatter around his bedside, then Ramona is in GRAVE danger too!

Thanks, Vivi. So I guess lots of people know or suspect, but have no proof? And, do those who know also know who else knows? I think my head may explode if anyone can answer this. (and maybe: does she know that she knows she knows...)

Blue Lass, my thanks for a great job. I would not want OrangeHo to die so soon. I want everbody to find out about her crimes. I want justice for Kenia. I want everybody to know that Carmina is a snake/devil. I want to see how the tn writers show the beauty of literary justice.The burying alive of the other evil one,INg well, "frankly my dear(s), I don't give a d...".Oh, and Alfonsina, her only redemption is if I see her turn around and be nice to Elisa after she finds out about the plane tickets. About Flo, I think her redemption is on hand. You go girl.

Gato- Carmina knows that Padre knows her secret, but she likes to torment him about being bound by the confessional. She does not know how Agusto found out before she killed him, and she was quite worried about that for a while. Padre has hinted to/taunted her that someone else out there knows her secret, but he has not revealed that the person is Ramona. Carmina of course killed Kenia for knowing too much, and wanted Gabino to kill Ingrid for the same reason. Since she and Ingrid both have secrets they want to hide, they are at a bit of a stalemate with each other. However, in this last episode Carmina caused plenty of problems for Ing by using half truths and half lies to push Dam, Begonia, Doc and Gael to confront Ing. She did not know that Blanca had found out the truth before she died, but she suspected. She also doesn't know that Horacio is still alive and pointing Alfie in the right direction for finding out the truth.

I really doubt that Gabino would kill Carmina. He has the hots for her and she confessed to him in the hospital(if he did really hear her) that she doesn't want him to die because he's the only one left on her side. And she warned him about Ingrid.

Blue Lass, Thank you for the hilarious recap.

You really cracked me up with the Bingo Card and Toddlers & Tiara comments . . . and the observation about Lucio.

This show is seriously messed up, but I am loving it.

Vivi: Thanks again for filling in many gaps in my understanding. Kenia was recently dead when I started watching, and I knew none of the things you told me until now.

One last thing; what does Carmina have to lose by having their affair revealed? It must be something other than shame, since she has none of that.

Interesting question Gato. Especially now that her husband Agusto is dead, there doesn't really seem to be any real reason why Carmina should clutch so tightly to the secret of her being Rosie's lover. She still inherited Agusto's land and house. The only issue would be Ramona telling folks that Agusto "killed" himself mysteriously after she told him the truth, but that really doesn't knock out the suicide theory. It might actually support it.

She doesn't know Horacio is alive, who knows about Agusto's murder and suspects Kenia's murder (since he passed on the message to Carmina when and where Kenia would be waiting for Agusto to tell him something very important).

So the only thing left is the scorn and hate that will heaped upon her head by the WHOLE town when they find out that she allowed/supported/instigated the character assisination of her sister for 15 years, when she was the one who was the man-stealing ho. She also seems to have resented/been jealous of her saintly sister, and seems to get a perverse pleasure out of Stefi's name being sullied left and right, and being passed on to Eliso, who she also resents.

Sorry for the typos!

Blue! Loved the recap! I had to look up whinges. Thanks for helping me with my English and my Spanish.

Others have mentioned these favorites:
--Carmina has to pull out her Bingo card of sympathetic cliches to remember how normal people behave in this situation
--barking-and-fire hydrant-watering contest
--toddlers in tiaras dress

Does that mean we can call Elisa "Honey Boob Boob"?

Did I FF too F and miss Ringlets marrying Gabino? Did that really happen? She sure has been worming her way around La Ermita. That Ringworm!

Thanks again, Blue. It's always a blast when you are on board.

Rosemary la Otra

Hi R la O!

"Did I FF too F and miss Ringlets marrying Gabino? Did that really happen?"

Curls went and got herself the best marriage certificate money could buy. So no, they never got married, but Ing considers herself married.

"Honey Boob Boob"! R la O, you are TOO MUCH.

Sara, I know what you mean about Lucio's speech -- by the time he was through, I was ready to cast him to replace Olivier in Richard III.

Sandy, the part of New Brunswick that we border on is not particularly francophone. Up in Northern Maine it's much different and the French does come in handy.

I'm finally back home, and no longer limited to trying to post from my iPhone and this balky "" that won't take my posts. Gah! This morning, I tried to post a comment from the iPhone and after a while, it refused to even let me type in any more words. I don't know what "" has done, but I cannot zoom in on Caray! anymore, and ... oh well,,,, off my soapbox and end of rant.

I was gone all last week and may never get to watch the episodes, so my Thank Yous to all recappers!!! Millones de gracias!!!

Blue Lass - Greeeeat recap and fun read! I hope you will be recapping for us in the future.

Hi NM! Thanks for the explanation of II's marriage (in her own mind).

Doris, I feel your pain. I love that I have access, usually, to Caray on my phone, but leaving a comment can be daunting at times.

Doris- I thought it was just MY phone. From your comments I gather is is a blogger issue. I should have known.

Question- how did Carmina know about the "marriage" in order to tell Be-gone-ya? Did I miss the episode? Did ING tell her?

"Question- how did Carmina know about the "marriage" in order to tell Be-gone-ya? Did I miss the episode? Did ING tell her?"

Sara, I'm pretty sure she DID tell her. Ing is a "kill and tell" kind of gal and she blurted out to Car during one of their knock-down-drag-outs that SHE, Curls, would end up owning everything because she and Gab were married por bienes mancomunados.

Oh and yeah, thanks Doris. I thought it was just MY phone. :)

Blue Lass, thank you for jumping in and doing this recap for Cynderella. I SO enjoyed reading it this morning, it was truly hilarious from your title all the way through to the "Vitamin-Fortified Avances". In fact, I think my favorite scene of this capitulo was the avance of Flor strutting down the aisle Jezebel-style in her skinny red dress. I sure hope we get to see that tonight.

But back to Friday, my Lord I practically jumped out of my skin when Gabino popped up and grabbed Carmina's throat. While not entirely a surprise, it did provide a fun moment. Also, the preview of him lumbering around like a zombie is oh-so fun. I'm with JudyB, he needs to get rid of the hospital shirt and lumber shirtless. The preview of Ingrid in the grave gave me the heebie jeebies because it occurs to me that being BURIED ALIVE is quite probably a suitable demise for Ingrid. If so, I wonder if anyone will discover both Ingrid and La Beltran in Gabino's own "Pet Sematary". Let the Karmageddon begin!

My favorite recap quotes have already been mentioned so I will just say "Ditto!"

Love the picture of Isabel Camil sans creepy hair. She is quite a stunner with her sculpted cheekbones and all.

Did someone say Pirate Festival? Sounds like my kind of fun!

Thanks again Blue. You rock.

They take turns threatening, smacking and strangling each other.

Too funny, all the more so because it exactly describes the scene.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Blue, AWESOME recap!!
i am so sad that the Gael character is being turned into a
split personality study subject as of late...
at first he was not so clever but had his head in the right place, even though he was obsessed with Elisa and Damian's return only put that obsession out to the surface.

But i had to laugh at the beginning of the episode on friday:
first Carmina says Well if i had to chose between Dam and you i would chose Dam too by a hair, because he has a 'no se que que se yo, que Elisa tambien sabe porque ...' (at this Mark T was about to crack up laughing, he had to cover his mouth before the camera panned on him again..)...
then he goes out and runs into BeGoneYa who starts telling him about what a h_ his mother is, so he returns the favor and says who are you to criticize if your daughter was with the loser Paolo? BeGoneYa then turns it on Paloma rushing a wedding with Quique and Gael refusing to believe that, and before he loses his cool for good with her, he just tells her to just get a life, because yours is gone by now.

"Can't get his head far enough out of his Dr. Dentons"
and the
"The usual barking-and-fire-hydrant-watering contest ensues."

also the
breaks a lamp, and then raises an extremely tasteful clay leopardover her head". I agree. Great writing and humor.

i think if it was well known in town that Carmina and Rosie were lovers, a lot of things people have put on the backburner would come up to the surface..
like Kenya's body showing up right after she told Elisa she had to talk to her.
Like Lucio telling them that the investigation results said the shotgun was fired several meters away from Augusto, making his 'suicide' story a bit harder to believe if Ramona does say she had told him about Carmina/Rosie just before he died and Inmundo says he had just confirmed for Augie that Carmina's baby was conceived before they were married so Augie knew it was not his baby.
Also the mystery of what Blanquita was about to reveal to Augie and Alfie would come up again... and even though it was not Carmina who 'ordered' that crime, her name would be at the top of the suspect list.

Mon Sep 10, 02:24:00 PM EDT


Marta- You're right. If the people of La Ermita were intelligent and actually asked questions, finding out that Carmina was Rosie's lover would cause them to ask all these other questions. Unfortunately, the good folk of this town have not to date shown that much intelligence. :)

Since Dam and Gael acknowledge they need to speak where it is calmer, could that mean the bare chested arm wrestling could be tonight?

R la O...gasp! Dare we hope???

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